TIS not unknown to you that for Seven years last past it hath been our endeavour to correct some of the extravagant strains too apparently found in many well-meaning Dissenters from the Church of England; and what by good Arguments in private, and the Example of some who have had neer Thirty years Conversation amongst them; together with a sight of their folly, by being debarr'd of their Civil Rights as Englishmen, for their groundless Scrupulosities in Religion and the close concurrency of Penal Prosecution, they have at last been prevail'd upon to come to Church, and with Sobriety and Patience to hear the good and able Ministers of the Church of England, to their no small contentment and satisfaction: And so far we have gain'd the point, as to disappoint our Adversaries, whose Work it has been to divide, that they might take the spoil; and whose Design for a long time (as much as in them lay) hath been to put the Protestant Clergy upon Persecuting, thereby to justifie their old accustomed Cruelty, and then prepossess the minds of the unwary, That this Protestant Church and Ministry was really Antichristian, and not safely to be communicated with or confided in; by which means they have for many years kept a wide gapp open, in hopes the more easily to get into Power; when there should be an opportunity: for whilst the English Church and Clergy does think all the Dissenters Hereticks, misled and alike dangerous, if not more than the Papists are, they make no bones in prosecuting Penal Laws against them, even to the utter ruin of Persons and Families in many places. And on the other hand they influence and perswade the poor simple Dissenters that Persecution is an infallible Mark of an Antichristian Church; and by scaring Cautions warn them upon the peril of forfeiting their salvation, not to come near them, not to touch, taste, or handle with them: Nay so severe have these Sons of Leviathan been upon the Consciences of the Nonconformists, as to corrupt them with a Conceit, That it is a sin to go into the Places where the English Clergy Preach, because they are Idol Temples; a greater Sin to hear them preach and pray there, because 'tis as Meat offered to an Idol: but like the Sin against the Holy Ghost, eternally impardonable, to communicate with them in the Lords Supper. When in truth there is amongst them all things necessary to salvation; of which I could never yet learn more than these Four, viz.
1. The Learning of a good Catechism to aid and conduct their Faith.
2. A good and well composed Form of Prayer to discharge their Devotion.
3. To hear learned and good Men Preach to revive and quicken them to Duty.
4. To Square and Regulate their Lives by Moral Precepts (or the Law of Nature) the which whosoever shall humbly and carefully observe, constantly and conscientiously perform, we will assure them Salvation, and undertake to answer to God for them, an [...] [Page 3]be content to stand Chargeable with their Blood if they do miscarry; being undisputeably assured that it is more safe to rely upon these Principles for Salvation than upon all humane Pardons and Indulgences under Heaven: because these things do really constitute a good Man, which God for his Truth and Justice sake cannot destroy or damn: Therefore that we may answer the Command of God to his Prophet to take the stumbling blocks out of the way of the People, and thereby disappoint the wicked purposes of ungodly men, save our poor Neighbours and their Families from ruin by Penal Laws and Erronious Consciences, and a Glorious Nation from destruction by subtile. Adversaries; we shall endeavour to evince that they safely may communicate in the Lords Supper with their Brethren of the Church of England: In order to which it is proposed.
1. To Communicate in the Supper is either a Civil or a Spiritual Thing, for betwixt these there is no Medium: If Civil, as such it may be done, because no where forbidden by God.
2. 'Tis Commanded by the Laws of our Countrey.
3. 'Tis no natural injury to a mans Neighbour, therefore can be no real hurt or prejudice to his own Soul; for what God forbids not, the Laws of my Countrey commands to be done, and my Neighbour no way injured by, cannot be really hurtful to my self; there being no Law of common good and safety violated, no Right either Humane or Divine invaded; and for Obedience to the Laws of our Countrey, in all matters purely Civil we are all agreed about. If it be Spiritual, then it is Spiritual Goodness or Spiritual Wickedness, there being no Medium betwixt these two (neither:) If Spiritual Goodness, it cannot be dangerous and unsafe, because we have a Word of God that presses to whatsoever is good, honest, and excellent: Besides, the Law of Nature obliges to all degrees of Goodness within our power to perform. If it be Spiritual Wickedness, then it lies either in the Matter made use of, or in the Manner of the Administration: in the Excess and Defect of the Matter, or in the Design of the Thing; but Wickedness lies in none of these, therefore it is not Spiritual wickedness.
1. In the matter (viz.) The Bread and the Wine, it cannot lie, because both are innocent and harmless, and fitly agreeing to Divine Institution. In the manner of Administration it cannot lie, because it is solemnly perform'd with holy Prayers and Thanksgiving, and with no small degree of Seriousness and Gravity. It cannot lie either in Excess or Defect, because none is allow'd rudely to take it themselves, to eat unto Gluttony, or drink unto Drunkenness. In the Defect it cannot lie, because given in both Kinds, and not more spareingly than the nature of the thing requires, and is in common use amongst others. In the Design it cannot possible be, because all that is proposed in it, is a due Preparation for it, and a Thankful Remembrance of the Blessed Sacrifice of a Dear Redeemer. And if no Evil in any of these, we challenge the whole World to shew any Formal or Positive Wickedness.
2. If it be Spiritual Wickedness, then the highest Acts or Instances of the Church of Englands Goodness (which is the preparing Persons for a Right Receiving of it, the Endeavours to strengthen Mens Faith thereby, and to increase and continue Brotherly Love, is Positive Wickedness; And if so, what will become of all that have died in this Communion? And what condition are all those in that are left behind (in this Communion?) Surely if the highest Acts of Goodness in the best Church Men is down right Spiritual Wickedness, then the best Church men must be all wicked men; for if the Light that is in them be Darkness, how great is their Darkness! If I mistake not, such a Dogmatical [Page 4]Conclusion is the highest Violation of Christian Charity under Heaven: And whatsoever men pretend, as to Talk and Faith, and the like, they do render themselves by the want of Charity to be but sounding Brass and tinkling Cimbals, offering manifest violence to that Sacred Text, Judge not, least you be judged. And how such can be assured of escaping that dismal Sentence, What measure you mete to others, the same shall be meted to you again: I yet understand not.
3. That part of this Kingdom that bears the Denomination of the Church of England, is either the Church of God, or it is the Synagogue of the Devil? If the Church of God, it cannot be hazardous and unsafe to Communicate with it in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper; because it is an holy Rite truly appropriated to the Church of God: And to joyn with the Church of God in one of the highest instances of Positive Religion, cannot possible be dangerous and unsafe. But if it be indeed the Synagogue of the Devil, and the Communicating with it Positive Wickedness, let it be demonstratively made appear, and we will resolve (by Gods grace assisting us) to be hanged upon Gibbets, to be burned at a Stake, to suffer the worst of Deaths and Dangers, rather than to Incorporate our selves into such a Diabolical Corporation. But if this be not, or cannot be done, he that suffers ruin and death for a refusal, may go out of the World with a lie in his right hand, and die under a far worse Sentance or Censure then did Abner, and miss his expected Advancement for it in the next World,
4. He that shall Communicate with the good Members of the Church of England, shall certainly Communicate with as good Men as any is under the Copes of Heaven: For if we refer to the Clergy, then for Excellency of Natural Parts, Profoundness of Learning, Evenness of Temper, Generosity of Principles, most admirable Sermons and Doctrines, holiness of Life and largeness of Charity, we challenge the whole Earth to overmatch them. Indeed such is the English Clergy at this day, that I despare to see any out-do them till Elias comes with Extraordinary Revelation to restore all things; and if it be damnable to Communicate with such men (Good God) then what shall we do? Whether shall we fly for help? Where shall we pitch our Tents, and where shall we fix our Glory? Oh! how shall we be able to rejoyce in being debarr'd of our National Priviledges, the having our Estates lost, our Families ruin'd, our Native Countrey expos'd to great hazard by Popery, our Wives and Children weeping, our Persons banish'd and exposed to the mercy of strange Countreys, or hang'd at home for an obstinate humour, in refusing to eat and drink in a godly sort with some of the best of Men. What Judgment will the Martyrs that died in Queen Mary's days make of us? Can they account us Martyrs without condemning themselves, who all died in the same Faith and Practice that we are invited to imbrace?
5. If it be dangerous and unsafe to Communicate with the English Church, it must be because she is no Church at all, or at best but an Antichristian Church. An Antichristian Church she cannot be, because she hath renounced the Power and Headship of Antichrist, and in her constant Doctrines and Practice keeps up and defends a Seperation and Detestation of him. If she be no Church at all, then these two dangerous Consequents will follow:
1. That the best People in the World, who profess the True God and the True Saviour, the True Rule, viz. The Holy Scripture, the Two Sacraments, at least in the Name and Order of them; and who hath made an Agreement to own, defend, and stand by all the [Page 5]Necessary Articles of the Christian Faith (which is the only Foundation of the True Church) I say then such a People, that hath all the Necessaries and Essentials of a True Church, and yet is no Church at all (how Phanatical this is) let all Wise men judge? But,
2. As such a Sentiment must needs be a Contradiction to such a Supposition; so it concludes that there is no Church at all: For if a People under such Qualifications be no Church, then there can be no such thing as a True Church in the World. For the Sectaries cannot be a True Church, because either they have made no Solemn Covenant with God and one with another, which is the onely right Basis and Foundation of a Church State, or if they have, it cannot be better than that already set forth: And then the same cause issuses in the same Effect. And that the Sectaries are the True Church of God and no other, I cannot yet be well satisfied; because the greatest number of them do hold Principles dangerously Heretical and most abominably Abusive of the most Holy and Blessed God: Such as indeed do no less in their direct Consequences than un-god Him, by making of him the greatest Author of Mischief in the World, and the Transactor of such profound Folly, that was never yet found in any weak and silly Mortal under Heaven: And all this by their idle Dreams about his Peremptory and Eternal Decrees. For if, as they hold, God hath so limited his Power and bound up his own Hands (by unalterable Decrees) as that he has left himself no Liberty to advance the most Excellent and Vertuous, nor to degrade the most Profligate and Vile, what greater Folly can be found amongst Mortal Men? If those they call the Elect shall deny his Being, blaspheme him to his Face, confront his Soveraignity, wrest the Scepter from him, trample upon his Holy Name and Glory, laugh at the indignities and contempt cast upon his most Sacred Image, yet they are as sure to be saved, as Heaven is to abide: And as firmly fastened to the highest Station in Glory (to which they were design'd) as are the chiefest order of Angles. And if any of the other part, viz. the not Elect, shall plead for God, vindicate his Name, defend his Soveraignity, and maintain his Honour to the last end of their Life and Power, yet to the Regions of Darkness they must go, to bear Beelzebub and his Black Tribe company, to take their ever to be lamented and dismal Lot; with Cain and Judas; because God has left himself no power or liberty to reward them for their good Service.
Oh excellent and stupendious Folly! did ever Traveller to the utmost Mountains meet with the like in the Ruler of any People. Neither is this all, but indeed the least part of what they impute to the best of Beings. For he is the greatest, nay the sole Author of all the Mischiefs in the World. Did Beelzebub transgress in Heaven? Did Adam fall in Paradice? Did Cain kill Abel? Simeon and Levi murther the Men of Sechim? Did David commit Adultery, and treacherously murther Ʋriah? 'Twas the inevitable Fate of the Divine Decrees God ordained Judas to betray Jesus, the Jews by wicked hands to slay him, Solomon to have a Thousand Whores, all the Roman Emperors and Popes to make Bloody Shambles of the Christian World by Barbarous Butcheries; that when Men are Drunk, Lie, Swear, Blaspheme, challenge God to damn them; when they Rob, Steal, Shed Blood, are sent to Newgate and Tyborn for Felonies, poor miserable Wretches they could no ways help it; an Irresistible Destiny was the cause of it: And yet that they should be hang'd here, and damn'd hereafter, for doing of it, altho by the same God forbidden, and commanded to the contrary with the greatest Threats and Seriousness: [Page 6]If there can be such a profound Dissembler, such a deceitful Worker, such an horrible Contriver, such an evil Ordainer, and mischievous Author, that is not a great and mighty Devil, I will confess my self mistaken. Now if a sound and true Notion of God, be the first and foundation Principle of Religion, and consequently of a True Church, then suce as have it not; but the manifest and direct contrary, can be no True Church, because upon a wicked and false Foundation. Such I am sure there are among the Sectaries, and if such a Villainous Body of People is the best and the true Church, that even in their first and main Principle thus bloodily murther their Maker in his most admirable Attributes of Wisdom, Holiness, and Goodness; I do wonder in my mind what kind of people the World is. If Jacob said of the little Murther his Sons committed upon Men, Cursed be their Anger for it was fierce; and their Wrath, for it was cruel: O my Soul, come not thou into their secret, unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united; to them: what shall we say of such Monsters that murther God their Maker? Shall we joyn with them as a Pious Church?
But to put the Matter further out of Doubt, if it can be, that the Sectaries cannot be a Church in the best sense, because they are so giddy and foolish, as that they want Wit and Policy for Church Government, and so penurious and covetous, that they will not allow what is requisite to the keeping up of a Church State: And can any man imagine that ever the most Wise and Good God would trust a Church State in the hands of such Men?
For their Wit and Policy, take a short Specimen of it.
1. Would they have our Arch-bishops down? Yes no doubt.
2. Would they have the rest of the Bishops down? Yes.
3. Would they have the best Clergy about the City and Suburbs of London down? Yes.
4. Would they have all the Clergy of England down? Yes.
5. Would they have all the Ecclesiastical Revenues (viz.) the unlawful Maintenance by Tythes down? Yes.
6. Would they have all the Schools of Learning in both Universities down? Yes. Because the Language of the Beast, that opposes the Spirits Teaching (set forth by Samuel How) comes from thence.
7. Would they have the Laws that do force the Covetous to pay Parish Levies for the Maintenance of the poor down? Yes. Because no Rule for it in Scripture.
Very well, then, rase Babylon by the very Foundations.
But hearken Brethren, Here is a very large empty space, and seeing Nature abhors a Vacuity, what shall we leave nothing to fill up again? Must all the People and Parishes of England be totally left without Preachers? Oh! No by no means. How then, good now? Why they must all have recourse to us, and we must supply them. That is it, Sir, That the Sectaries do aime at, to have all the People come to them (and that is the meaning of so many new publick places being erected) and then for a filling up this large empty space.
1. You shall in the room of the two Archbishops, viz. Canterbury and York, have a Tinker and a Taylor, men of great confidence and long standing.
2. For the Four great Bishopricks of London, Winchester, Ely, and Durham, you shall have a Waterman, a Shoemaker, a Coffee-man, and a Hat-Dresser.
3. For the other Bishops, and the Clergy about the City and Suburbs of London, you shall have Men of an inferiour Rank to these in point of Learning and Ability, and Suppliments for all the rest suitable hereunto against the next Debate. In the mean while [Page 7]will it be amiss to send to France, Germany, and the Low Countreys, to acquaint them with what an honourable Reformation in England is desired and pursued by a great many. But having thus discours'd a little about their Wit, we come now to their Covetousness, which is inconsistent with a Church State, and the good Government thereof; which take in Three Instances.
1. For Forty years last past they have made no Bank, built no Free Schools, purchased no Church Lands, not so much as will be sufficient to support their own Party.
2. They have lived in the total neglect of that great Moral Duty of paying to God the Tenths of their Increase; which the Patriarchs before the Law made so much Conscience of: and the detaining of which God accounts the highest Act of Robbery, even no less than a Robbing of God himself: Mal. 3.8, 9.
3. For the Rich and Trading part of them, before they will consent to have all things common, as the Christians in the Primitive Times had (as well as Water Baptism and laying on of Hands) they will see the poor suffer, and their Preaches go a Begging; as I have known [...]ers of them has done.
Now Sir, This people neglecting to make provision for them of their own Houshold, and thereby denying the Faith, and become worse than Infidels, as they are not to be trusted with the Government of a National Church, so they cannot be a Right and True Church themselves in the best Sense. And if neither these nor the Church of England be the True Church, then the Church of Rome must, or else where shall we find it? Tho Sir I do love the People of the Romish-Communion well, yet am very loth it should be accounted the True and Right Church, and come into Esteem amongst us under that Notion; because it may be inconvenient upon divers Accounts.
1. We shall then be in danger of having a Popish Parliament, which will be always troubling and tempting our Kings to let in Popery; which will be a Violation of the Sacred Oath and high Impeachment of their Integrity and Honour (and then our English Church will be new modell'd, all our best Ministers turn'd out of the best Benefices, which must be resigned up to a Herd of Pharaoh's lean Kine, that will come flocking in like the Armies of Flies and Froggs upon the Land of Egypt. Our good Book of Common Prayer will be changed, then which I think few or none can make a better. The Writ Haeretico Comburendo will be restored again to its former force, and thereby the best Defenders of our Religion against Popery be forced to pledge Philpot and Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer, in a warm Cup of Smithfield Flames. All our Married Clergy must be reputed Fornicators, their Wives accounted Whores, and their Children Bastards, to the exceeding great grief and sorrow of their Aged Parents on both sides, who carefully plac'd their Sons out to Learning on the one hand, that thereby they might come to honour: and most tenderly brought up their Daughters like Ladies on the other hand; gave good portions with them, and thought them preferr'd when matched to the settled Clergy: not dreaming of a perpetual Reproach and Infamy upon their posterity, &c. All our Nobles and Gentry will lose a great part of their Estates, which was formerly Church Lands, and still laid claim to by the Roman Church, to the lessening of their Revenue, impairing their Honour, and provocation to their Off-spring. The People will be generally filled with discontent, who are strangely possest with a dislike and fear of Popery. London will much abate in his Trade and Grandeur. All Protestant Merchants will be put to flight into other Countreys to save their own and the lives of their dear beloved [Page 8]Ladies, whom they value above themselves. The whole Land from Dan to Beersheba will be inslaved so insufferably by an ignorant and unclean Brood, that there will be a necessity to keep up a standing Army to awe the People into a quiet Subjection: And this kind of Red-Coat Slavery the Nation of England never approv'd. Besides many do fear, if Popery comes in, there will yet be many more places set on fire, to the prejudice of the whole Kingdom. We should now have come to the little Objections made by the Sectaries against taking the Sacrament with the English Church, as that there are ill Members in it, and they injoyn'd to take it Kneeling, and the like: But a further progress in a way of Answer, shall be deferr'd to a New Command from you. And dear Sir, after giving you Toleration to expose the first Argument relating to this Design, if you think it may be serviceable to the publick, I admit your mind to a pleasant Recess, and rest