SIGHS for SION: OR, FAITH and LOVE Constraining some grievings in her Sorrow, and groanings for her Deliverance: By a few of her weak and unworthy Children.

Humbly, and in all faithfulness, presented to those Assemblies of hers, where Grace hath set them as Watchmen; and unto any others, that in every place call upon the Name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord, both theirs and ours.

In way of ESSAY, To blow the Trumpet in Sion, and sound an Alarm in Gods holy Mountain, To the awakening them that are at ease, and pressing and en­couraging all the upright in heart, to be in pain with her, in this day of her sore travel, and great Expectation.

PSAL. 137.1. —We wept, when we remembred Sion.

ISA. 62.6, 7. I have set Watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, till he make Jerusa­lem a praise in the earth.

LAM. 2.18, 19. Their heart cryed unto the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Sion: let tears run down like a river night and day, give thy self no rest, let not the apple of thine eyes cease; arise, cry out in the night, in the begin­ning of the watches pour out thy heart like water before the face of the Lord, &c.

MIC. 4.10. Be in pain and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Sion, like a woman in travel.

ISA. 66.8. — As soon as Sion travelled, she brought forth her Children.

LONDON, Printed for Livewel Chapman, at the Crown in Popes head alley. 1656.

To the several Congregrations respectively, to which we stand especially related; viz. In • Plymouth, , • Abingdon, , • Totness, , • Bovhey-Tracy, , and • and Dartmouth. 

Dearly Beloved,

WE know, and acknowledge our selves to be debtors (yea, we owe our own selves) to the Lord, and you, for the exceeding grace that we (though most unworthy) have found in his sight, counting us faith­ful, and putting us into the Ministry of his Gospel; and for that our service amongst you hath been, and is in any measure accepted. Under the sense of which engagement, it is the least we can do, to be ready to render an accompt of our selves from time to time unto you; the which we the more chearfully now undertake, as being under the perswa­sion of a Call of the Lord, leading us forth thereunto, and having good hopes, through grace, that our labour shall not be vain in him; in and through whom we are,

Yours, faithfully labouring (though in much weakness) for your Souls prosperity, as those whose joy and rejoycing, both here, and in the day of Christ, wait to be fulfilled therein.
  • Abraham Cheare,
  • Henry Forty,
  • John Pendarves,
  • Tho: Glasse,
  • Robert Steede.

Sighs for Sion, &c.

THE GREAT GOD OF HEA­VEN AND EARTH, who hath GRAVEN you, O YE PRECI­OUS SONS AND DAUGH­TERS OF SION, on the Palms of his Hands, hath also greatly en­deared you to our hearts; insomuch as we may say with the Apostle, Ye are in our hearts (in the Lord) to live and dye with you: yea, we trust our inward af­fection is more abundantly toward you, then our vi­sible expression in the ensuing lines: whereof at present we finde no better Testimony wherewith to present you, then that which is here tendred to your view: Your candid acceptance of so poor a mite, with a favourable construction, and a due improve­ment of this Word in season, to the Glory of God our Father, and the comfort of you his dear Chil­dren, will be that wherein our Desires and Ends will be answered, and our Souls encouraged in the Work of God, and your Work; with resolution in the power of God to hold on therein, passing by evil and good report, yea, and gladly to spend and be spent for Christs sake, and for your sakes, who are Christs.

But here we must begin with judging our selves, and covering our faces with deserved shame, that we who have stood forth so long to minister the [Page 5] Word among the Saints, and to make mention of the Work of God; and have yet had so little searchings of heart in the matter that is now before us; have known and felt so little, not onely of the power, but even of the form of this blessed Work, so as either to stir up and engage our own hearts, or to provoke the Churches of the Saints unto their concernments of this nature: But have rather eased and pleased our selves and others, in discoursing of, and prosecu­ting some other things, though good in themselves, and in their places, yet such as wherein our private interest of Peace and Comfort is more sensibly wrapt up; in the mean time falling short of (at least not so self-denyingly reaching after) the advancement of that Name, Interest, and Glory of God, that should be upon our hearts, to have made manifest in all the earth, from the rising of the Sun, and from the West. Isa. 59.19.

And as we cannot but be sensible of the narrow­ness of our own spirits, with grief, and shame; so also, as that which is weighty on us, we do observe, That a self-seeking and self-pleasing Spirit, hath ta­ken great hold of, and advantage on many Professors in these dayes; witness their little naturally-caring for Sions state, most seeking their own things, and so few seeking the things of Jesus Christ, and of their Brethren, for edification. And Oh! that there were not among you, even among you, 2 Chron. 28.10 who are the Churches of Christ, cause of complaint in this re­spect. These things we mention, not to cast reproach upon you, but with grieved hearts, God knoweth. And now, that we might discharge, and have the an­swer of a good conscience, in following the Lord ful­ly, we have taken the opportunity of this Work, that [Page 6] we trust himself hath been fixing on our Spirits, after seeking to God, and waiting upon his Majesty, To be­seech and provoke you, and every one of you, as you have any fellowship with Christ our Head, by faith, or in and with his body, the Church of the first-born, by love, you would for his, and his Sions sake, hear, and receive our exhortations, considering with weighty Spirits what we say: and the Lord give you under­standing in all things.

The Cause then that we desire with trembling to plead, Jer. 30.17. (Brethren) is Sions, even hers, whom men have called an out-cast, saying, This is Sion, whom no man seeketh after; and of whom that ancient Lamenta­tion may in a great measure be taken up, as verified in this our day, Isa. 51.18. There is none to guide her among all the Sons whom she hath brought forth, neither is there any that taketh her by the hand, of all the Sons that she hath brought up; Lam. 1.2. among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her, &c. And her Professed friends, (many of them) have dealt treacherously with her, and are become her ene­mies.

Dear Souls! our request on her behalf is, that you would look upon Sion, Isa. 33.20. Psal. 87.3. & 50.2. & 48.2. Isa. 60.15. that City of our Solemnities, of whom glorious things are spoken, and layed up in Pro­mise for her, even to the rendring her the Perfection of Beauty, An eternal Excellency, The joy of many genera­tions. And oh! that your hearts may be so sutably affected with an holy sympathy in her state, through that one Spirit that is in Promise for all her children, that you may truly say, as Souls whom faith and love have transported into her interest, Psal. 78.7. All my Springs are in thee.

But lest we be mistaken in your thoughts, while [Page 7] we speak of her in that figurative term; and to the end our apprehensions may be distinct and clear, in our wrestlings together on her behalf, we pray you to consider what we intend and minde in the expressi­on [Sion.]

First, SION considered in a more large sense, Heb. 12.22, 23 Joh. 10.16. 2 Tim. 2.19. Joh. 17.20, 21. Col. 1.29. Gal. 4.19. 2 Tim. 2.10. takes in the whole Election of God, Whose names are written in Heaven, that whole Body for which Christ gave himself, and whereof Christ is given to be Head; not onely those who have believed, but those also who shall believe, for whom, as Christ hath prayed, That they all may be one, as the Father is in him, and he in the Father, that they may be one in them, that the world may believe that the Father hath sent him: so ought we to strive mightily with God, and them, travelling in birth for them, till Christ be formed in them all; enduring also all things for their sakes, that they also may obtain the Salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

But secondly, by Sion, Eph. 2.19. & 3.15. Gal. 6.16. Isa. 34.8. Luke 18.7, 8. Rev. 18.20, 24 Psal. 73.1. Rom. 10.12. Jer. 50.34. we here intend more especi­ally and particularly, Gods called and faithful peo­ple, Jews and Gentiles, fellow-Citizens in Christ, even the whole Israel of God, as considered or concerned in a controversie with Babylon, stated in the Scriptures; taking in, as well those of that blessed family, who are now in heaven, for the avenging of whose blood, we ought without fainting to cry day and night, as the peculiar people of God upon the face of the whole earth; even all that in every place call upon the name of the Lord out of a pure heart: in whom the glory of God is more highly concerned, then in all things else in the world, not onely in his pleading thorowly their cause in all the controversies of Sion with her [Page 8] Adversaries, but also in beautifying her with his glo­rious Presence, and restoring her to her primitive Glory, in respect of a pure GOSPEL-FAITH, UNION, and ORDER; wherein being found as a blessed BRIDE, prepared for the coming of the glorious BRIDEGROOM, she may be coun­ted worthy of all that glory that shall be brought un­to her, at the second appearing of Jesus Christ, NOW DRAWING NIGH.

This blessed People, this SION, Gods glorious Building, and Workmanship in Christ, the true seed of A­braham, and Heires of the Promise, both Jews and Gen­tiles; Isa. 49.14, 15, 16. however in the Issue they shall be a Name, and Praise to him in all the Earth: And although this great Work in and for them, be still before him; yet is it the wisdom and good pleasure of the Father, in the depths of his Everlasting Counsel, to let the manifestation of it in the world, and his dispensations about it, be very various, and seemingly to carnal eyes, un­sutable to such intendments, through the many deaths, distresses, and unlikelyhoods, with which he cloatheth it in their sight: the which he turneth nevertheless to the exceeding advantage of his Name all along, Mic. 4.11, 12. not onely by exercising thorowly the Pati­ence, Rev. 13.10. & 14.12. Obedience, and Faithfulness of his Children, in owning the truth of his Testimony, and bearing their Testimony for him unto the death; but withal, by giving full occasion, and opportunity, for that MYSTERY OF GOD to be Finished, who hath Testified, and declared by the Spirit of Prophesie to the Churches, and permitteth by an hand of Provi­dence, the rising, and raging of That man of Sin, that Bloody Mystery of Iniquity, until it have answered and [Page 9] fulfilled whatsoever is held forth of it, in all the vari­ous Scripture-Prophesies, figures, and representations both of its Civil and Ecclesiastical concernment. The which, as it hath gotten to its heighth both of Re­nown and Crueltie, by the occasion of that exceed­ing great offence, wherewith the cause of Christ hath been presented in its appearance to the World, be­ing a Stumbling-Stone to the Children of this worlds Wisdom and Glory: So shall its ruine arise from that Jealousie of the Lord wherein he hath promised to plead the cause of his own, and his peoples glory; finding in, and recompensing on that generation, on whom the houre of his wrath shall fall, all that righte­ous blood that hath been shed, and all that unworthy and treacherous usage that SION hath met withall in the days of her poverty and distress.

The day of SIONS FULL DELIVER­ANCE, the destruction of her enemies, & the setting up of CHRISTS GLORIOUS KINGDOM, is very much upon his heart, Isa. 63.4. as a fruit of the sore Travel of his Soul, Isa. 53.11, 12. and recom­pence of that unworthy usage that himself, Isa. 49.7. & 61.3, 7. his cause and people have had upon the earth; and for which, sitting at the right-hand of God, he is in continual expectation, Heb. 10.13. as that which must be given him as a fruit of his intercession, Psal. 2.8, 9. and to which he is preparing his way, by terrible things in Righteousness, Psal. 65.5, 8. Shaking both Heaven and Earth, and making a Quick dispatch, Luk. 18.7, 8. ordering, and ruling all things therein, and making them subject to this his great and glorious work. And indeed, so much the more is this Design and Work declared to be upon his heart, as the whole [Page 10] management of it will lie upon his own shoulders; Isa. 9.7. Psal. 132.17. they being very few among men, that will be found to have regard to it, in the budding of it; not onely through the blindness and enmity of those that are aliens from him, but the very great sleep and slumber that will be found among them that pretend to him, either through their want of faith, Luk. 18.8. or their sensual engagements in this present evil world, Chap. 17.26, &c. So that notwithstanding that Salvation he works for them, and his pleading their cause, lays them under no small engagement to him; when his cause comes to be pleaded, the complaint is made by the Prophet, Isa. 59.16. And he saw that there was no man, and wondred that there was no intercessor. Therefore his arm brought Salvation unto him. The which great defection even of Saints themselves, from FOLLOWING THE LAMB, in this special service, together with the fixation of the work upon the heart of Christ notwithstanding this, serveth highly now more then ever, the day drawing neerer, to commend, and greatly to encourage and excite the faithfulness of any, though the weakest and most despised of the Lords holy ones, who are in a right spirit engag'd for, and together with Christ, in their constant waitings, and fervent expectations of this manifestation of his Glory: they hereby witnessing that they have the mind of Christ; and having one mind, give their power and strength to the Lamb, 1 Cor. 2.16. Rev. 17.13, 14. Psa. 72.15. & 137.6. Heb. 13.3. 1 Cor. 12.27 as CALLED, and CHOSEN, and FAITHFUL, (when others have one minde to give theirs to the Beast) making prayers also for him continually, and preferring him and his interest be­fore their chief joy, through the spirit of faith and [Page 11] love; always reckoning themselves as being in the body, and members in particular.

A taste of this worthy Spirit (Brethren, beloved in the Lord) we humbly trust our God is giving us, who address our selves to you, with some fervent desires that we may be made more to partake of it. And indeed, such is our love to your Souls, and delight (through grace) in this work before us, that we can­not but commend it to you, with more then an ordi­nary importunity; beseeching you, and every one of you, from the greatest to the least, notwithstanding divers differences amongst you, touching the time, way and manner of Gods effecting those great things, that by the will, and in the way of the Lord, you be found reaching after the same Spirit, and wrestling much together and apart for it. And Oh! that it may be the pleasure of the Lord herein, 2 Cor. 9:2. that your zeal may provoke many, and you may be found to have stood in this hour of Temptation, Rev. 14.1. and this BACK-SLIDING TIME, faithful with the Lamb on the Mount Sion, Psa. 84.5, 6, 7. having not onely His Fathers Name writ­ten on your Foreheads, but his work graven upon your hearts, and all those blessed Characters disposing you thereunto, shining in all your conversations; which will make you covet, that the Lord make his Work appear to you as his servants, though he reserve the revelation of his glory unto your Children. Psa. 90.16. For what greater joy, or Crown of rejoycing, can we have at the appearing of our Lord, then that we with you, and yee with us, be presented faultless before his Throne? whereunto we also labour, Jud. 24. Col. 1.28. and desire to strive mightily, according to his working. In which work, and to which end, we pray you bear with us, while we [Page 12] follow this Exhortation a little further in a few words.

Is not the exercise of such a PUBLIKE SPI­RIT for the whole Work of the Lord most desirable? if we consider farther, not onely its sweet likeness unto, and fellowship with the heart of Christ; but with­all, Isa. 66.10. Zeph. 3.18. that very great Blessing that hath been promised, and all ages they have found to their particular souls, who have been given up to mind most naturally, and follow most fully, that designe of God, that had its present tendency in that very age to promote Sion: the Lord is not unrighteous to forget such work, and la­bour of love, Heb. 6.10. that is shewed towards his name. How hath that word been made good to them that pray for her Peace, Psa. 122.6. They shall PROSPER that love thee? And see, we pray you (dear Brethren) how God hath bid his choice remnant to consider, and reckon from that very day, wherein they set their hearts and hands a­bout the Work of Sion, from this day will I bless you, Hag. 2.18, 19. what choice Testimonies of the great love of God to himself, did Daniel finde at several times! (He is said to be a man greatly beloved, or a man of desires, Dan. 9.23. & 10.11, 19.) when he was wrestling for the NAME and Work of God singly, not minding a word of his own interest (that we reade of) farther then it was wrapt up in the Lords? besides the great secrets that were opened to him, of the deep designes of God for a great while to come. What a desirable foresight had David given him by the Spirit, 1 Chro. 28.12 19. &c. in all the patern of the house of the Lord, and large furnishments thereunto? yea, what provi­sion, to his astonishment, did God make for building him an house, 2 Sam. 7. beg. and establishing his Kingdom, when [Page 13] in the time of his rest he was taking care of that house of Gods glory, 1 Chro. 6.33. because of which all the people of the earth might know his name?

What a constant observation was Nehemiah ena­bled to take of the hand of God for good upon him, Neh. 5.19. & 6.9. & 13.14, & 22, 31. Neh. 2.8, 18. and what boldness, and clearness of ac­cess, and appeal to the Lord, was he still furnished withall, whiles he was in the fear of God, (Chap. 5.9, 15.) about the work of Sion?

Was not Ezra's experience much of the eye and hand of the Lord accompanying him, Ezra 5.5. & 7.6. & 9.8. & 8.18, & 22, 31. in all that great work he did for the Lord his God?

Moreover, it deserves our serious observation, be­ing written for generations to come, Psa. 102.17, 18. how much the Lord is delighted in the faithful fervent prayers of those who have sought him, in behalf of the People called by his name; in that he hath carefully preserved the me­morial of them, causing them to be expresly record­ed in his book; as appears in the first of Nehemiah, and the ninth of Daniel: all which, with many others that might be named, are ensamples unto us, that we by their patern might be stirred up to serve our gene­ration, Act. 13.36. with faithful spirits, by the will of God.

To which also we might adde, the remembrance of the Curse on them that hate Sion; yea, Psa. 129.5. the apparent withering and blasting that hath been, and is on them, that in following their private interests, neg­lect her, and defer her work, under this pretence, The time is not yet come, Hag. 1.2, to 11. the time that the Lords house should be built; whilest in the mean time they prefer their re­lations, possessions, and other worldly accommoda­tions, before this dear interest of Jesus Christ: for which, that Judgement in a spiritual sense is come [Page 14] upon some, and may justly be feared as coming on others, Hag. 1.10, 11. The heavens over them are stayed from dew, &c. Yea, and hath not God pu­nished this neglect in many, with such a decrease of their spiritual moisture, as that word is made good in them, Psal. 137.6. Their tongues even cleave to the roofs of their mouthes; whilest others, faithful in improving their received measure of a Spirit of Faith and Prayer, are abundantly encreased therein. Oh! what dreadful Woes are pronounced to them that finde their pleasures in such a season, but regard not the work of the Lord, Isa. 5.11, 12. & 22.12, 13, 14. Amos 6.1. to 6. Isa. 32.9, 11. & 57.1, 4. nor consider the operation of his hands; that are at ease in Sion, but are not grieved for the afflictions of Joseph; Careless daughters, that lay not to heart the perishing of the righteous, and con­sider not the taking away of the merciful men; with whom the Lord will plead, as with them that sport themselves against him: the desire of such slothful ones will kill them, Prov. 21.25. and their prosperity destroy them, Prov. 1.32.

And now, Brethren, is it not high time, that we cry aloud, Isa. 58.1. Joel 2.1, 15. and spare not; lift up our voice like a Trumpet, when it is too too evident, that in the day of a little ease wherein for a little space grace hath been given us from the Lord our God, even a little reviving in our bondage, to set up the house of our God, Ezra 9.8, 9. and to repair the desolations thereof, men are sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber in every cor­ner, saying, It is not nigh; let us build houses? &c. And is not Pride, Ezek. 16.49. and fulness of bread companions to this abundant idleness, Prov. 18.9. through which the building decayeth? Oh that at length, for the Lords sake, we might be provoked to be fervent in spirit, serving the [Page 15] Lord, and that knowing the time, Rom. 12.11. & 13.11. that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now ours, and Sions Salvation, is neerer then when we believed.

For the Quickning of our hearts to this work, and the heighthning of our expectations therein, hath not the Lord given us, among many other, this remark­able signe of the times, even a mighty spirit of faith and prayer, through some choice discoveries of grace raised up in his people? by the exercise of which, in the management of SIONS CONTROVER­SIE, great and glorious WONDERS have been wrought in these Nations, by unlikely meanes, in answer to the prayers of the Saints; as hath been openly confest by the instruments imployed, which have caused themselves, and others, beholders, to stand amazed thereat: and although many who once seemed to be pillars in this Cause, have soon forgat these great works, and have turned back fom following fully after God in this way; yet there is a REMNANT, a generation that remain upon their WATCH-TOWER, with whom the hand of the Lord rests wonderfully, upholding their faith and hope for Sion, notwithstanding all discouragements, in their unces­sant prayers for her. Hath God said to his at any time, Seek ye me in vain? Isa. 45.19. hath not God by evident answers of prayers in these dayes, sealed it in a good measure to his people, that the time to favour her, yea the set-time is come? for he hath regarded the pray­er of the poor destitute, and hath not despised their prayer: and is not this written for our sakes? see Psa. 102.17, 18. God who beautifieth his mercies to his people, by giving them in their due season, having in these latter dayes given forth this glorious blessing of [Page 16] a Spirit of grace and supplication so abundantly, and continuing the same, hath he not some great work to be further carried on thereby?

Oh! that we could present unto you, in a lively way, what our souls have begun to taste of those first ripe fruits, of that arising and growing Spirit, that grace hath in a measure visited some Saints withall, that have joyntly and severally desired to be found faithful for the Lord: they have to our abundant re­freshing witnessed that their labour is not in vain in the Lord; nay, in keeping such Commandments there is great reward: whilst they have felt (though as yet it be but a little of) Sions pangs upon their hearts, they have been strongly carried up into the Spirit of that day, and their souls were made as the Chariots of Aminadab: Cant. 6.12. which declareth clearly to us, that were we but put into perfect travel in our Spirits, Isa. 66.8. did we take Pleasure indeed in her stones, and favour the dust thereof, it would turn to us for a further Testimony, that the time of God's arising to shew mercy to Sion, Psa. 102.13, 14. the time to favour her, yea the set time were come.

But alas for us! we have not onely sought our ease when pain should have been upon us, but as foolish Children, Hos. 13.13. have stayed long in the place of the breaking forth of Children; and by the iniquities that we have contracted since we were named Sions Children, Jer. 5.25. we have kept back good things from her: what remain­eth now, but that we lay her state so much the more deeply to heart, as we have drawn grief upon her, and added to her deformity? being earnest in a SPIRIT of faith and prayer NIGHT AND DAY in her behalf, as becometh Children nursed at her side, sutably affected, and acted with and for her: [Page 17] not expecting our own deliverance, Esth. 4.13, 14. Heb. 11.40. any other way then in hers, knowing that we without her cannot be made perfect.

And that we may hold on our way without faint­ing, & not be in our mournings as men without hope; Luke 18.1. would it not prove of great advantage, to the rais­ing and keeping up our Faith, to be much exercised and delighted in the prospect that is to be had, through the promises, into her (ready to be revealed) glory? However, her visage is now blacker then a cole; Lam. 4.8. Isa. 24.16. & 59.9, 11, &c. she is not known in the streets: treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously with her; a disappointment hath be faln many of her hopeful expectations, because her transgressions are many: reproach hath befallen her at the hands of Professors; and the enemies that know not the Lord, Blaspheme. The light and Spirit of the Lord is belyed and abused by vain men, unsound in the faith, disobedient to, and despisers of the Precious Ordinances of Jesus Christ; through which also, loss of Children hath here and there betided her Assemblies. Yet hath JEHOVAH spoken it, and his faithfulness is engaged in an Everlasting Covenant, that though she hath Been forsaken and hated, that no man went through her, yet he will make her an eternal Excellency, a Joy of many generations, the City of the Lord; Isa. 60.14, 15. the Sion of the Holy one of Israel shall She be called; Zech. 2.10. in no­thing more glorious, then in the perpetual presence of her KING, and GOD with her, Ezek. 37.27, 28, 29. Rev. 21.3, 21, 22, 23. who shall Tabernacle with men, and dwell with them, they being his people, and he himself shall be with them, and be their God, being in stead of a Temple, Sun, and Moon; the glory of God and the Lamb alwayes light­ning her, the Lord being her everlasting light, Isa. 60.19.20. and [Page 18] her God her glory. —How amiable in the day of her deliverance, shall Sion be, through the bringing to her glory that ancient People, the Family of Abra­ham, Zech. 12.10. Gods friend, when they shall see him whom they have pierced, and mourn for him, and be saved by him in that great day of Jezreel, Hos. 1.11. Isa. 11.13. Jer. 3.18. the Lord uniting Ephraim and Judah, making them very great, holy, and a bles­sing round about? Eze. 34.26. And what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? Rom. 11.15. and when the glory of the Lord shall be risen upon her, then shall the Gentiles come unto her light, and Kings to the brightness of her rising, Mal. 1.11. Isa. 60.1.3. Yea, from the rising of the Sun, unto the going down of the same, shall the Name of the Lord be great among the Gentiles; all Nations flowing unto the Mountain of the Lord, when it shall be advanced to the tops of the Mountains, Isa. 2.2. and exalted above the hills: yea, what glorious things are said of this City of God? There shall be births in Rahab, and Babylon, Philistia, Ethiopia, and Tyre; and yet when God shall count up the people, he shall say of Sion, This and that man was born in her, and the highest himself shall establish her, Ps. 87.3, 4, 5. the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do this. And Oh! that all the Lords people were so fully prepared, as a Bride, to meet their blessed Bridegroom; that we might all unfeignedly say with one accord, Even so, Rev. 22.20. come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Had we but truly-Noble Spirits, how would these discoveries of glory ravish us, and our eye affect our heart? setting us with restless spirits, to be looking for, and hastning unto, 2 Pet. 3.12. that day of the Lord; this day of the manifest exalting JESUS, as KING OF SAINTS, Isa. 33 18. and KING OF NATIONS? Nay, would it not fill our hearts with jealousie for his [Page 19] Name, against all that standeth up in the earth, to oppose his Kingdom and glory, Rev. 15.3, 4. beginning at home in our own spirits? the zeal of the Lords house would eat us up, Psal. 69.9. and the love of it would crucifie us more unto, and wean us from those interests of earth, and men, whereupon we have been apt to lean, and whereunto we have been deeply and dangerous­ly engaged: causing us also to wait to be with Jesus, which is best of all; and in the mean time to pant, and thirst uncessantly, for that holy Spirit of Promise, that alone can present us with the ravishing glory of that expected day, and raise up our spirits to a sweet and sutable disposition, according to the will of God, to wait and act aright toward it.

Dear hearts, let your faith be high, and your wrestlings without weariness; neither be ye in any measure discouraged, nor discouraging one another: Numb. 6.32, 7. in this matter the strong cannot say to the weak, I have no need of thee; 1 Cor. 12.21. should not all our interest in hea­ven be improved to the uttermost, in this day of Ja­cobs trouble? Oh strengthen the weak hands, and confirme the feeble knees, Isa. 35.3. Provoke one another to this love, and these good works; say to one another, Heb. 10.24. Zech. 8.21. Let us goe speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts; I will go also. And ye, O poor of the flock, that wait upon the Lord, and know that this is the word of the Lord, be strong, yea, be strong and of good courage; Zech. 11.11. knowing, that in this Work of Gods Tabernacle, he receiveth in good part your sincere, though weak, breathings; your Badgers-skins, and Goats-hair, Exod. 35.21, 23. is in no wise cast out. Ye that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you, Isa. 35.4. [Page 20] What shall one then answer the Messengers of the Nations? That the Lord hath founded Sion, and the poor of his peo­ple shall betake themselves to it, Isa. 14.32.

And ye also, beloved and honoured Brethren, who minister the Word of Grace among the Saints, How comely will your goings be, as he-goats be­fore the flocks, in this Work? Have you not the Prophets of old, who have spoken in the Name of the Lord, for an example; whose words accompa­nied with the same Spirit of Faith, will they not fur­nish to this Work? In reading their writings, consi­der their work in such a time as this, (Professors then being in such a posture of security as now) was it not to warn them (with a Woe unto them) who were at ease in Sion, Amos 6.1, 3, 4, &c. and such as regarded not the work of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands? Isa. 5.12. Which duty had they neg­lected, would not God have required it at their hands? Did they not call upon the people to assemble together, to fast and pray, to mourn and weep before the Lord, to plead the cause of his people, his heritage? Joel 2.15, 16, 17. Thus did they, whose example is laid before you, as wise Stewards, giving to those of the houshold a portion, sutable to the present season. Should we not resemble them in this, crying out with the Watchmen upon Mount Ephraim, Jer. 31.6. Arise ye, and let us go up to Sion, unto the Lord our God; withall, waiting dai­ly on God for such a discerning of the Times, as might render us like the Children of Issachar, who knew what Israel ought to do? 1 Chron. 12.32. If this rude Essay, or small tinkling (as it may be judged) may provoke you, who are more skilful, to blow the Trumpet, and the Lord spirit you thereunto, [Page 21] do it, we pray you, as for his, and his peoples sake, with all your might; not sparing to lay out your more worthy Labours, for the carrying on of this Work. Bear with us, yet a little, in our humble im­portunity: Is not the glorious Name of God, the peace of Jerusalem, and its prosperity, the prosperity of your own Souls also, and the people to whom you re­late, who may be discouraged by your remissness, eminently concerned in this matter? Yet once more, we beseech you therefore, in the bowels of Christ, let not any worldly interest, prejudice, jealousie, fear of ill events, or any carnal reasoning whatsoever, with­hold your hearts or hands, from helping in so good and glorious a Work.

VVhat shall we say more, dearly beloved? if there be any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfil ye our joy, in being of one accord, and one minde, in this weighty VVork commended unto you; wherein the NAME AND GLORY OF GOD (which ought to be dearer to us then our lives) is so eminent­ly concerned. And withall, adde to your diligence, in looking into the concernments of Christ, and his Saints, that having arrived unto a distinct knowledge of them, your hearts being duly affected with them, you may go on prosperously, not onely to spread be­fore the Lord, both his, and his peoples Cause, 1 King. 8.59. as the matter shall require; but also wait for the return of prayer; discerning this in your selves, That they best know how good God is to them that seek him, that after seeking, wait for him, Lam. 3.25, 26. Having been thus bold with you for Sion, we humbly crave for our selves, That we may be had in especial remem­brance [Page 22] on your hearts before the Lord, that we may be fitted for, and faithful in the work of our Dear REDEEMER: Into whose embraces we give you up, and remain,

Your poor unworthy Brethren, through rich Grace firmly knit unto you, in the bonds of Gospel-Love; and one with you in your Spiritual warfare, and waiting for the exaltation of Jesus Christ,
  • Abraham Cheare,
  • Henry Forty,
  • John Pendarves,
  • Tho: Glasse,
  • Robert Steede.

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