THE CHARTER OF THE Royal Lustring Company.

WILLIAM and MARY by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, &c.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:

Whereas, Our well beloved Subjects Paul Cloudesly, Peter Lekeux and Hillary Renew, on behalf of themselves and several others, have by their hum­ble Petition represented unto us, That they have, with great Ex­pence and Industry attained to the New Invention of Making, Dressing, and Lustrating of Silks called plain black Allamodes, Renforces and Lustrings, and have already caused to be made great Quantities of the said Silks, at least equal­ling the Manufacture of France, as well in Lustre as otherwise, for the sole Use, Exer­cise, and Benefit, of which said Invention, the said Paul Cloudesly, together with William Sherrard, and also Peter Du-cloux (who is since gone into Parts beyond the Seas) obtained of the late King James II. Letters Patents bearing date the Three and Twentieth Day of November, in the Fourth Year of his Reign, for the Term of Four­teen Years from the Day of the Date of the said Letters Patents: King James's Patent to Mr. Cloudesley and Company re­cited. 4. Jac. 11. And whereas they have also informed us, That they are further Resolved Industriously to promote the said Work to the Honour and Common Good of this Nation, by Imploying many Thousands of Poor People, as well in Working the said Silks, as by other Dependen­cies upon the same; as also by saving the vast Expences of Money that used to be sent Yearly into France for the said Commodities; And have humbly besought us to Incor­porate them and divers others hereafter mentioned to Manage and Carry on the same by a Joynt-Stock: Know ye therefore, That We being desirous to promote all En­deavours tending to the Publick Good of this Our Kingdom, and to encourage so com­mendable an Undertaking, of Our especial Grace, certain Knowledge and meer Moti­on, Have Given, Granted, Constituted, Declared, and Appointed, and by these Pre­sents for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, do Give, Grant, Constitute, Declare, and Ap­point, That Our Right Trusty, and Right well-beloved Cousin and Counsellour, Tho­mas Earl of Pembrooke and Montgomery, the said Paul Cloudesly, William Sherrard, Peter Lekeux; and also Our Trusty and well-beloved John Blondell, Lewis Ger­vaize, [Page 4]Peter Lauze, Stephen Noguier, Paul Rey, John Lekeux, Peter Floyer, Thomas Blythe, Joseph Paice, Robert Hackshaw, Edward Lloyd, William Grosvenor, Richard Cooper, and Hillary Renew, and such others as shall be admitted into the said Society, from henceforth be, and shall be One Body Corporate and Politick in Deed and in Name, by the Name of the Royal Lustring Company for Making and Dressing of Allamodes, Renforces and Lustrings in England: The Earl of Pembrooke and 17 Persons more and their Successours are Incorporated for ever by the name of The Royal Lustring Company. And them by the Name of the Royal Lustring Company, We do for the purpose aforesaid really and fully for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Make, Erect, Ordain, Constitute, Establish, Confirm, and Declare by these Presents to be one Body Corporate and Politick in Deed and in Name for ever, for the Making and Dressing of Alamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings in England, according to the Tenour of the aforesaid Letters Patents, and that by the same Name of the Royal Lustring Company, for Making and Dressing of Allamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings in England, they shall have perpetual Succession, and that they and their Successors by the Name of the Royal Lustring Company for Making and Dressing of Allamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings in England be, and at all times hereafter shall be Persons Able and Capable in Law to Have, Purchase, Receive, Enjoy and Retain Lands, Rents, Privileges, Liberties, Fran­chises and Hereditaments of what Kind, Nature, and Quality soever they be, to them and their Successors; The Company (by the same Name) may Buy and Sell Land, &c. and also to Give, Grant, Alien, Assign and Dispose of Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and to Do and Execute all and singular other things by the same Name that to them shall, or may Appertain to do. And that they and their Successors by the Name of the Royal Lustring Company for Making and Dressing of Allamodes, Renfor­ces, and Lustrings in England, The Company may Plead and be Impleaded in any Courts, &c. may Plead and be Impleaded, Answer, and be Answered unto, Defend and be Defended in whatsoever Courts and Places, and before any Judges, Justices or Officers of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, in all, and singular Actions, Pleas, Suits, Plaints, Matters and Demands of what Kind or Quality soever they shall be in the same Manner and Form, and as fully and amply as any of Our Subjects of this Our Realm of England, may or can, do Plead, or be Impleaded, Answer, and be Answered unto, Defend and be Defended: And that the said Royal Lustring Company for Making and Dressing of Allamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings in England, and their Successors may have a common Seal for the Expedition of the Business and Affairs of the said Company; The Company may have a Common Seal, which they may break, alter, &c. or make anew as they shall think fit. One of the Company shall be Governour. And that it shall and may be lawful for them and their Successors, the same Seal from Time to Time at their Wills and Pleasures, to Break, Change, Alter, or Make anew, as to them shall seem expedient. And further, We will, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Ordain, that there shall be from henceforth one of the said Com­pany to be Elected and Appointed in such Manner and Form as hereafter in these Pre­sents is Directed, Mentioned, and Expressed, who shall be, and be called Governour of the said Company: And there shall also be from henceforth a Deputy-Governour and Twelve Assistants of the said Company, There shall be a Deputy-Governour and 12 Assistants. to be Elected and Appointed in such Manner and Form as hereafter in these Presents is Directed, Mentioned, and Expressed, for the Mana­ging and Carrying on all Business and Affairs belonging to the said Company: And we do hereby Nominate, Make, and Ordain the said Thomas Earl of Pembrook and Mont­gomery, to be the First and Present Governour of the said Company, The Earl of Pembrooke Nominated Governour, to con­tinue till another of the Com­pany be Chosen and Sworn. to continue in the said Office of Governour from the Date of these Presents, until another of the said Com­pany in due Manner be Chosen and Sworn into the said Office according to the Ordi­nances and Provisions hereafter in these Presents Expressed and Declared, if the said Thomas Earl of Pembrook and Montgomery shall so long live: And also We have Assigned, Named and Appointed, and by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, We do Assign, Mr. Peter Lekeux Depu­ty-Governour until the 25th. of Jan. 1692/3. &c. Nominate, Constitute, and Make the said Peter Lekeux to be the First and Present Deputy-Governour of the said Company, to continue in the said Office of De­puty-Governour until the Five and Twentieth Day of January next ensuing the Date of these Our Letters Patents, and from and after that Time, until some other fit Person shall be duly Elected and Sworn into the said Office of Deputy-Governour of the said Compa­ny, if the said Peter Lekeux shall so long live: And Our further Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Direct and Appoint, That from and after the said Five and Twentieth Day of January next ensuing, or the Election of some other fit Person into the said Office of Deputy-Governour of the said Company, the said Peter Lekeux shall be and continue an Assistant of the said Company until the Five and Twen­tieth Day of January, That from the 25th. of Jan. 1692/3. or new Election, Peter Lekeux shall be an Assistant until the 25th. of Jan. 1696, &c. which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Six, and from that Time, until some other fit Person shall be Elected and Sworn an Assistant of the said Company in his Stead, if he shall so long live, and We have Constituted, Nominated, and Appointed, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, do Constitute, Nominate, and Appoint the said John Blondel, Lewis Gervaize, Mess. Blondell, Gervaize. Claudesly, Sherrard, Lauze, Paul Clowdesly, William Sherrard, Peter Lauze, Stephen Noguier, Paul Rey, [Page 5]John Lekeux, Peter Floyer, Joseph Paice, William Grosvenor, and Robert Hackshaw, Noguier. Rey. John Le­keux, Floyer, Paice. Gros­venor, and Hackshaw Assi­stants. to be the First and Present Assistants of the said Company, the said John Blondel, Lewis Gervaize, Paul Cloudesly, William Sherrard, Peter Lauze, Stephen Noguier, and Paul Rey, to continue in their said Offices of Assistants, until the said Five and Twentieth Day of January, which shall be in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Six Hun­dred, The first Seven to continue till the 25th. of January, 1696, &c. Ninety and Six, and from and after that Time, until some other fit Persons shall be duly Elected and Sworn into their said Offices of Assistants of the said Company, The other Five till the 25th. of January, 1696. if they shall so long live, and the said John Lekeux, and Peter Floyer, Joseph Paice, William Grosvenor, and Robert Hackshaw, to continue in their said Office of Assistants until the Five and Twentieth Day of January next ensuing the Date hereof, and from, and after that Time, until some other fit Persons shall be duly Elected and Sworn into their said Offices of Assistants of the said Company, if they shall so long live: And further, We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, The Company have Power upon the 25th. of Jan. 1692/3. or within 14 Days after to chuse five Persons out of the said Mess. Floyer, Lekeux, Blithe, Paice, Hackshaw Lloyd, Grosvenor, and Cooper, to be Assistants till the 25th. of Jan. 1693, &c. Give and Grant unto the said Company, and their Successors, or the Major Part of them, full Power and Au­thority upon the said Five and Twentieth Day of January next ensuing, or within Fourteen Days after, to Elect and Chuse Five Persons out of the before-named Peter Floyer, John Lekeux, Thomas Blithe, Joseph Paice, Robert Hackshaw, Edward Lloyd, William Grosvenor, and Richard Cooper, who shall be, and continue Assistants of the said Company, from the Time of their Election, until the Five and Twentieth Day of January, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Three, and from thence until some other fit Persons shall be duly Ele­cted and Sworn into their said Offices of Assistants of the said Company: And likewise, We do by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Company and their Successors, or the Major Part of them, where­of the Governour, or in his Absence the Deputy-Governour, The Company have Power, upon the 25th. of Jan. 1693. or within 14 Days after and so yearly till the 25th. of Jan. 1696. to chuse five Per­sons of the Company having 10 Shares a piece at least to be Assistants. and in the Absence of the Governour and Deputy-Governour, the Treasurer of the said Company for the Time being, to be always one full Power and Authority, upon the said Five and Twentieth Day of January, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Three, or within Fourteen Days after, and so Yearly, and every Year, up­on every Five and Twentieth Day of January following, or within Fourteen Days after until the Five and Twentieth Day of January, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Six Hundred, Ninety and Six, to Elect and Chuse Five Persons, being Members of the said Company, and have each of them Ten Shares at least in the Joint-Stock of the said Company, who after they are duly Sworn into their Offices, shall be and continue Assistants of the said Company, from the Time of their Election, until the Five and Twentieth Day of January, then next following, and from thence, until some other fit Persons shall be duly Elected, and Sworn into their said Offices of Assistants of the said Company. And We have further Given and Granted, and by these Pre­sents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Give and Grant to the said Company and their Successors, full Power and Authority, That they the said Governour and Com­pany, and their Successors, or the Major Part of them, whereof the Governour, or in his Absence, the Deputy-Governour, and in the Absence of the Governour and Depu­ty-Governour, the Treasurer of the said Company (for the Time being) to be one, on the said Five and Twentieth Day of January Yearly, or within Fourteen Days after, The Company shall on the 25th. of Jan. yearly, or with­in 14 Days after, Chuse out of the then Assistants two fit Persons to be Governour and Deputy-Governour to con­tinue for 1 Year. shall, and may Elect and Chuse out of the Then Assistants of the said Company, Two fit Persons to be Governour and Deputy-Governour of the said Company, who shall continue in their said Offices for one whole Year next following such their Election, and from thence, till some other fit Persons shall be duly Elected and Sworn into the said Offices of Governour and Deputy-Governour of the said Company. And further, We do by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant to the said Company and their Successors, or the Major Part of them (for the Time being) whereof the Governour, and in his Absence the Deputy-Governour, and in the Absence of the Governour and Deputy-Governour, the Treasurer of the said Com­pany (for the Time being) to be one full Power and Authority to Elect and Chuse upon the said Five and Twentieth Day of January, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, The Company have Power, on the 25th. of Jan. 1696, or within 14. Days after and so upon every 25th, of Jan. following, or within 14 Days, after for ever to Chuse 12 Assistants, (besides the Go­vernour and Deputy) having 10 Shares apiece at least. One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Six, or within Fourteen Days after, and so on every Five and Twentieth Day of January following, or within Fourteen Days after, forever. Twelve Persons besides the Governour and Deputy-Governour of the said Com­pany, having Ten Shares a piece at least in the Joint Stock of the said Company, who shall be Assistants of the said Company for one whole Year next following such Election or Elections, and from thence till some other fit Persons shall be duly Elected and Sworn in their Stead. And We do hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, None shall be Governour, Deputy or Assistants (except the Persons before particular­ly Named) who have not 10 Shares at least. Direct and Com­mand that no Person or Persons whatsoever, except such as are before in these Presents [Page 6]particularly Named and Constituted, shall at any time hereafter be admitted to the Office of Governour, Deputy-Governour, or Assistant of the said Company, who hath not Ten Shares at least in the Joint-Stock of the said Company. And Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Declare and Grant to the said Company, If Mess. Cloudesley, Sher­rard, Peter Lekeux, Blon­dell, Gervaize, Lauze, Noguier and Rey, or any of them shall dye &c. or leave this Realm, &c. before the 25th. of Jan. 1696. Then the Company may chuse others in their Place out of Mess. John Lekeux, Floyer, Grosve­nor Blithe, Paice, Hack­shaw, Lloyd and Cooper, to continue till the 25th. of Jan. 1696. and their Successors now, and for the Time being; That if it shall happen that any of them the said Paul Clowdesley, William Sherrard, Peter Lekeux, John Blondel, Lewis Gervaize, Peter Lauze, Stephen Noguier, and Paul Rey shall die, or leave this Realm, or be permitted to Surrender his or their Office, or Offices of Assi­stant, or Assistants of the said Company, at any Time before the said Five and Twen­tieth Day of January, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Six, it shall and may be lawful for the said Governour and Company, and their Successors, or the Major Part of them, whereof the Governour, and in his Absence the Deputy-Governour, and in the Absence of the Governour and Deputy-Governour, the Treasurer of the said Company) for the Time being) to be one to Chuse one or more other, or others out of the aforenamed John Lekeux, Peter Floyer, William Grosvenor, Thomas Blithe, Joseph Paice, Robert Hackshaw, Edward Lloyd and Richard Cooper into the Place or Places of him or them so dying, departing this Kingdom, or being permitted to surrender his or their Office or Offices; which said Person or Persons after being duly Sworn, shall be and conti­nue and Assistant or Assistants of the said Company, until the said Five and Twentieth Day of January, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Six; and from thence until some other Person or Persons shall be duly Elected and Sworn in his or their stead. And We do hereby for Us, The Company may keep a Court when and where they please. Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Company, and their Successors, full Power and Authority to hold, and keep a Court in some Hall or Place, or Places within Our Cities of London and Westminster, or either of them, or in any other Part of this our Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, and there to assemble, and meet together so often as they shall see Cause, to Treat and Consult con­cerning the Affairs of the said Company. The Governour, Deputy, and Assistants or any 7 or more of them shall be a Committee, who may as of­ten at they Please Chuse Treasurer, Secretaries and all other under Officers. And we do hereby for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, Grant and Declare, That the said Governour, Deputy-Governour, and Assi­stants, or any Seven, or more of them, whereof the Governour, Deputy-Governour, or Treasurer (for the time being) to be one be, and shall be called the Committee of the said Company, and that it shall be Lawful for the said Committee from time to time, and so often as they shall see cause to Chuse and Appoint a Treasurer, or Treasurers, Secretaries, Book-keepers, Clerks, Beadles, or other under Officers necessary for the Service of the said Company: And to Constitute, Ordain, and make such, and so many reasonable Laws, Orders, and Ordinances as to them, or the greater Part of them being then and there present, shall seem necessary and convenient for the well Ordering and Government of the said Company, The Committee or the Major part to make and alter Laws, &c. to Punish, and Fine, and Mitigate. and the said Laws, Orders, and Ordinances, or any of them to alter and annul as the said Committee shall see requisite, and to set, impose, and inflict reaso­nable Pains, Punishments, and Penalties by Fines, and Amerciaments upon any Offender or Offenders, who shall Transgress, Break, or Violate the said Laws, Orders, or Ordi­nances so made as aforesaid, and to mitigate the same as they shall find Cause; which said Fines, Penalties, and Amerciaments shall, and may be Levied, Sued for, Taken, Re­tained and Recovered by the said Governour and Company, The Company or their Of­ficers or Servants may Levy Fines by Distress or Action of Debt. or their Successors, or by their Officers and Servants from time to time, to be appointed for that purpose, by Distress, or Action of Debt, or by any other Lawful Ways or Means to the Use and Advan­tage of the Governour and Company, The Charter requires the Company's Laws to be obser­ved so as the same be Reaso­nable and not Contrary to the Laws of this Realm. and their Successors, without any Account to be rendred for the same to Us, our Heirs and Successors, all, and singular, which Laws, Constitutions, Orders, and Ordinances so as aforesaid to be made, We will to be duly ob­served and kept under the Pains and Penalties therein to be contained so always, as the said Laws, The Governour, Deputy, and Assistants, or the Major part (whereof the Gover­nour, Deputy, or Treasurer to be One) may as often as they please Appoint Sub-Committees, and call toge­ther the Officers and Mem­bers to Courts and Com­mittees, to Consult of the Company's Affairs, and to put their By-Laws in Execution. Constitutions, Orders and Ordinances, Fines, and Amerciaments be reasonable, and not contrary or repugnant to the Laws or Statutes of this Our Realm: And farther, For Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, We do Grant unto the said Company, and their Successors, That it shall, and may be Lawful to, and for the said Governour, Deputy-Go­vernour and Assistants, and their Successors, or the Major part of them; The Gover­nour, Deputy-Governour, or Treasurer being always one, so often as they shall think necessary to appoint Sub-Committees, and to Summon and Call together the Officers and Members of the said Company (for the time being) to such Courts and Committees, as well in London, The Governour, or De­puty, shall, Yearly hold a Court on or about the 25th. of Jan. in order to the Election of Governour, De­puty and Assistants, and shall give Publick Notice 10 Days before Election. as in any other place or places within our Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, to Treat and Consult concerning the Affairs of the said Company, and to put their By-Laws in Execution, in any part or parts of our said Dominions: And We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, Declare our Will and Pleasure to be, That the Governour, or Deputy-Governour, for the time being, do, and shall Yearly, Every Member having 10 Shares or more may Deliver, or send his Vote in Writing when he shall have [...]im [...] Notice. All Votes for Go­vernour, Deputy and As­sistants shall be in Writing and Examined in open Court, the Governour, Deputy and the Major part of the Assi­stants being present. None shall Vote who hath not 10 Shares. None to have more than One Vote for all the Shares he hath. And if there happen Equality of Votes, the Governour and in his absence the Deputy shall have the Casting Vote. and every Year, hold, and call a Court, on or about the said Five and Twentieth [Page 7]Day of January, in order to the Election of a Governour, Deputy-Governour, and Assi­stants in Manner and Form, as is before expressed, and shall give Publick Notice of the same Ten Days before every such Election or Elections: And We do hereby also for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Grant, and Ordain that every Member of the said Company having Ten Shares, or more in the Joynt-Stock, may deliver or send his Vote in Wri­ting, whensoever he shall have due and timely Notice of such Election or Elections, and that all Votes in every Election of a Governour, Deputy-Governour, and Assistants shall be delivered, or sent in Writing, and shall be perused and examined in open Court. The Governour or Deputy-Governour, and Major part of the Assistants being present, and that no Person shall be admitted to Vote, who hath not Ten Shares in the Joint-Stock of the said Company, and no Person to have more than one Vote for all the Shares he hath in the said Joynt-Stock, and whenever there shall happen to be equality of Votes in Ele­ction of any Officers or Members of the said Company, the said Governour, That None shall be Ad­mitted into any Office till he hath taken in open Court be­fore the Governour, Deputy or Treasurer the Oaths Ap­pointed by the Act Primo Willielmi & Mariae, inti­tuled, And Act for Abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and Appointing other Oath; and also an Oath for the due Execution of his Office. and in his Absence, the Deputy-Governour for the time being shall have the Casting-Vote, and that no Person shall be admitted into any Office belonging to the said Company, until he hath first taken in open Court, before the Governour, Deputy-Governour, or Treasurer of the said Company, the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament made in the First Year of Our Reign, Intitled, An Act for Abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and Ap­pointing other Oaths, and also an Oath for the due Execution of his or their Office or Offices, and Trust, and faithful Observance of the Laws, Constitutions, Orders, and Ordinances of the said Company: To which Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Treasurer, for the time being, We do hereby for us, our Heirs, and Successors, Authority to the Governor, Deputy, or Treasurer to Ad­minister the Oaths. give full Power and Authority to administer such Oaths accordingly: And further, Our Will and Pleasure is, that every Person who, being duly elected into the Office of Governor, Every Person being duly Elected Governor, Deputy, or Assistant, who shall within 14 Days after his Election refuse to take upon him his Office or the Oaths, shall pay to the Company such Fines as by their Laws shall be Ap­pointed, and other Persons shall be chosen in their Places. Deputy-Governor, or Assistant of the said Company, shall within Fourteen Days after his Election, Refuse to take upon him the Office or Place whereunto he shall be elected as aforesaid, or to take any, or either of the said Oaths so ordered and appointed to be taken by the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Assistants, shall forfeit and pay to the Governor and Company, and their Successors, such Fines and Amerciaments, as by the Laws aforesaid shall be directed, limited, and appointed, and other Person and Persons shall be Chosen and Elected into his or their Place and Places. And further, The Company or the Ma­jor Part in Court have Power to displace any Go­vernor, Deputy, Assistant, or other Officer, for Misde­meanor, or any reasonable Cause, and to Elect others in their Place. We do for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Company, and their Successors, or the Major Part of them in Court assembled, full Power and Authority to remove, and displace any Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistant, or any other Officer of the said Company, for Misdemeanour, or any other reasonable Cause, and to Elect others in the Place or Places of the Person of Persons so removed; and that as often as it shall happen, that the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, That if the Governor, De­puty, or any of the Assistants shall die, or be permitted to Surrender their Offices and that there be a Vacancy, all who have ten Shares, upon timely Notice by the Gover­nor or Deputy may chuse others in their Room to conti­nue till the 25th of Jan. then following, first taking the Oaths as aforesaid. or any of the Assi­stants of the said Company (for the time being) shall die, or shall be permitted by the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, and Major Part of the Assistants, in open Court, to surrender his or their Office or Offices, and that there shall happen to be any Vacancy of a Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Assistant of the said Company, That it shall and may be lawful to, and for all such Persons who have Ten Shares in the said Joynt-Stock, timely Notice being given to them by the Governor or Deputy-Governor of such Death or Vacancy, to Chuse and Elect into his or their Place or Places some other Person or Persons of the said Company for Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Assistant, by the Methods, Manner, and Limitations herein before appointed, mentioned, and expressed, the said Governor, Deputy-Governor or Assistant to continue in his or their Office or Offices till the Five and Twentieth Day of January, then next following his or their Election, and till some other Person or Persons shall be Elected and Sworn into his or their Office or Offices, he or they having first in open Court taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Assistants, before their Admittance into their respective Offices, and in the Manner aforesaid. If any Member that hath or shall agree by Writing un­der his Hand to Adventure or pay in Money towards the Joint-Stock, and shall not within ten Days after Warn­ing bring in the same, that then the Company or the Major Part (whereof the Go­vernor or Deputy to be one) at a General Court to disfranchise such Members. And of Our more abundant Grace and Favour to the said Governor and Company, We do here­by declare Our Will and Pleasure to be, That if it shall so happen that any of the Persons herein before particularly Named, or who shall hereafter become Members of the said Company, who hath Promised and Agreed, or shall Promise or Agree by Wri­ting, under his or their Hands or Hands, to Adventure, or to pay in any Sum or Sums of Money towards the Joynt-Stock of the said Company, and shall not within Ten Days next, after Warning given to him or them, bring in, and deliver to the Treasurer appoin­ted by the Company such Sum or Sums of Money as shall have been expressed or set down in Writing, and Subscribed by the said Person or Persons, that then, and at all times after it, shall and may be Lawful to and for the said Governor and Company, or the Major Part of them present, whereof the said Governor, or Deputy-Governor to be [Page 8]one, at any of their General Courts or Assemblies, to Remove and Disfranchise such Per­son or Persons from and out of the said Corporation or Company, so refusing to Pay, or Answer his or their Subscription Money. The Earl of Pembrook is required to take the Oaths before Mess. Peter Lekeux, Blondel, and Gervaize, or any two of them. And further, Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do also hereby Ordain, That the said Thomas Earl of Pembrook and Montgomery, herein before-named, to be Governor of the said Company, shall take his Corporal Oath before the said Peter Lekeux, John Blondel, and Lewis Gervaize, or any Two of them; and the aforesaid several Persons herein before-named, to be the present Deputy-Gover­nor and Assistants of the said Company, The present Deputy and Assistants shall take the Oaths before the present Governor and Company, or the Major Part in Publick Court. shall take their Corporal Oaths before the pre­sent Governor of the said Company in such Manner and Form, as by the Governor and Company, or the greater Part of them in any Publick Court to be held for the said Company, shall be Lawfully and Reasonably set down and devised, To whom seve­rally and respectively We do hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, Give full Power and Authority to administer the said Oaths to the said Officers accordingly. And We do hereby further for Us, All Judges, Justices, and other Officers are Comman­ded to Favour and Aid the Company. Our Heirs and Successors. Will, Authorize, and Command all and singular our Judges, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Con­stables, Headboroughs, and all other the Officers and Ministers whatsoever, of Us, Our Heirs and Successors now (and for the time being) within this our Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, That they, and every of them respectively be from time to time in their several and respective Offices, Favouring, Aiding, Furthering, Helping and Assisting unto the said Governour and Company, and their Successors, their Agents and Servants in all things, according to Our Royal Will and Pleasure herein before declared. And of our further Especial Grace, Certain Knowledge, and meer Motion for the carrying on, and promoting the Interest of the Company aforesaid, We have given and granted, and by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, do Give and Grant unto the said Company, and their Successors, That they the said Governour and Company, and their Successors, shall and may be hereafter Persons able and capable to have, and We do by these present for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Grant that they shall and may have Full, Free, and Lawful Licence, Power, and Authority to Take, Have, Purchase, Receive, Enjoy, The Company may pur­chase Lands and Heredita­ments, not exceeding 1000l. per Annum. above all Char­ges and Reprizes. and Possess to them and their Successors for ever any Manners Lordships, Mes­suages, Mills, Waters, Streams, Rents, Services, Reversions, Lands, Mines, Tenements, and other Hereditaments whatsoever, so as the same Mannors, Messuages, Lordships, Mills, Waters, Streams, Rents, Services, Reversions, Lands, Tenements, and other Hereditaments do not exceed the Yearly Value of one Thousand Pounds above all Charges and Repri­zes, and also Goods and Chattels, The Company may buy Goods and Chattels of what Nature or Value soever. of what Value, Nature, or Kind soever; and also to Give, Grant, Alien, Assign and Dispose of Mannors, Lordships, Messuages, Mills, Wa­ters, Streams, The Company may Sell their Lands, &c. and do all other Lawful Acts by the Name aforesaid. Rents, Services, Reversions, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Liberties, Priviledges, Franchises and Jurisdictions, and also to Do and Exe­cute all other Lawful Acts and Things whatsoever by the Name aforesaid: And further, We have Given and Granted, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Give and Grant unto all and every Subject and Subjects whatsoever, of Us, our Heirs, and Successors Especial Licence, Power, and Authority, to Give, Grant, Sell and Alien unto the said Governour and Company, Power given to all the Kings Subjects to Sell Land, &c. to the Company. and their Successors any Mannors, Lordships, Messuages, Mills, Waters, Streams, Rents, Services, Reversions, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments whatsoever, so as the same do not exceed the Clear Yearly Value of One Thousand Ponnds above all Charges and Reprizes whatsoever; and also Goods and Chat­tels, of what Nature or Value soever: And We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Governour and Company, and their Successors full Power and Authority to Make and Raise a Joynt-Stock, The Company may raise what Stock they please and increase, manage or diminish the same as they shall think fit. of any Value whatsoever, and the same Joynt-Stock to Order, Manage, and carry on from time to time for the purposes aforesaid, and to receive the Benefit and Advantage of the same to the use of them, the said Governour and Company, and their Successors, according to such Shares and Proportions as they, or any of them have, or shall have therein; And the same Joynt-Stock to Augment and Increase, or Reduce and Diminish from time to time, as they the said Governour and Company, and their Successors shall find most fitting and convenient. Provided always, That these Presents, or any thing herein contained, shall not ex­tend, or be construed to extend to discharge any of the Covenants or Proviso's contained in the before-mentioned Letters Patents, A Proviso for keeping in Force the Patent Granted to Mess. Granted to the said Paul Cloudesly, William Sherrard, and Peter Ducleu for the sole Use and Benefit of the said Invention of Making, Lustrating, and Dressing of Allamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings for the Term of Four­teen Years: But that the same shall be, and continue in as full force to all Intents and Purposes, as if these Presents had never been had, or made any thing herein before con­tained to the contrary, A Proviso that the Com­pany shall not have the Sole Benefit of the Invention for any longer Term than the Remainder of the 14 Years Granted in the Patent. But that after the End of that Term all Persons may have Liberty. notwithstanding: Provided also, That this our Grant, or any thing herein contained, shall not extend, or be construed to extend to the Granting the said [Page 9]Governour and Company, the sole Exercise and Benefit of the aforesaid Invention for any [...] time than the Remainder of the said Term of Fourteen Years, but that after the [...]tion of that Term, all Persons who otherwise might Work the same, may have full [...]ty so to do any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding: Pro­ [...] likewise, A Proviso that this Char­ter shall not prejudice the Corporation of Weavers, London. That nothing herein contained shall be prejudicial to the Corporation of [...]rs, London; and that all Persons, their Apprentices and Servants that shall at any [...] hereafter Weave any of the said Allamodes, Renforces, and Lustrings, within the [...]s of the Charter of the said Company, shall from time to time be bound Apprentices, That all Persons who shall Weave Allamodes, Renfor­ces and Lustrings within the Limits of the Weavers Charter shall be Apprentices or Members of that Company, Subject to the Ordinances of the same. [...] Members of the said Corporation, according to the purport of their Ordinances, and [...] to Government and Regulation of the said Corporation of Weavers. And [...], We have Granted, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Suecessors, do [...] unto the said Company, and their Successors, That these our Letters Patents, or [...] Enrollment thereof shall be in, and by all things Good, Firm, Valid, Sufficient, That this present Charter shall in all things be con­strued in Favour of the Company. and [...]tual in the Law, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, and shall be taken, [...]rued, and adjudged in the most favourable and beneficial Sense for the best Advan­ [...] of the said Governour and Company, and their Successors, as well in all Courts, as [...]ere, and by all, and singular the Officers and Ministers whatsoever, of Us, Our [...] and Successors in this Our Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, any De­ [...] or Incertainties in these Presents contained, or any Matter, Cause, or thing what­ [...] to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstandnig. In Witness whereof, We have [...] these Our Letters to be made Patents, Witness Our selves at Westminster, the [...]th Day of October, in the Fourth Year of our Reign. By Writ of Privy Seal,

A Clause out of an Act of Parliament, pass'd in the Ninth and Tenth of William the Third, confirming the Charter of the Royal Lu­string Company.

AND whereas the King's most Excellent Majesty, together with the late Queen (of Blessed Memory) by their Letters, Patents, or Charter under the Great Seal of [...]d, bearing Date the Fifteenth Day of October, in the Fourth Year of Their said [...]ies Reign, Reciting or taking Notice, that several Persons therein Named did [...] the late King James the Second's Letters Patents, bearing Date the Three and [...]ieth Day of November, in the Fourth Year of his Reign, for the Sole Use, Ex­ [...], and Benefit of a New Invention of Making, Dressing and Lustrating of Silks, [...] Plain Black Alamodes, Renforces and Lustrings, for the Term of Fourteen Years [...] the Day of the Date of the said Letters Patents Their said Majesties did, for the [...]raging so Commendable an Undertaking, Give, Grant, Constitute, Declare and [...]point Thomas Earl of Pembrooke and Montgomery, and several other Persons, in the [...] Charter mentioned and Contained, and such others as should be admitted into their [...]ety, to be from thenceforth One Body Corporate and Politick, in Deed and in [...], by the Name of the Royal Lustring Company, for Making and Dressing of [...]odes, Renforces, and Lustrings in England, and by that Name to have Perpetual [...]ession, and divers and sundry Priviledges, Liberties, Powers and Authorities, with [...] Matters and Things in the said Charter of Incorporation Mentioned and Expressed, [...] thereby Granted to, and Vested in the said Company, and their Successors, in [...] Sort, Manner, and Form as in and by the said Charter, or Letters Patents, or In­ [...]ent thereof is Mentioned and Expressed, and as thereby it more fully Appears: [...] forasmuch as the said Company have with great Labour and Charges brought the [...] Manufacture to Perfection, but by reason of the fraudulent Importation of Ala­ [...] and Lustrings by divers Persons, more regarding their own Interest, than the [...] of England, their Duty to the King, and Obedience to the Laws of the Land, [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 10]the said Company have not Enjoyed the Benefit and Advantage intended them in and [...] the said Charter, but wasted their Time and Stock, in Contesting with many Diff [...] ties and Obstructions, which they have met with since the Granting thereof: And it [...] pearing that the said Manufacture cannot be so well Carried on, and Secured to [...] Kingdom, by any other Means as by Establishing a Company to Carry on the sa [...] ▪ Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the aforesaid Company, [...] their Successors, shall and may at all Times from henceforth Stand, Continue, and [...] a Body Politick and Corporate in Deed and in Name, by the Name of the Ro [...] Lustring Company; And that the said Company, and their Successors shall and may [...] Do, Use, Exercise and Enjoy all and singular the Liberties, Priviledges, Pow [...] ▪ Authorities, Matters and Things in the said Letters Patents, or Charter of Incorpor [...] on, mentioned to be Granted to them, as Amply, Fully, and Largely, to all Inte [...] ▪ Constructions, and Purposes, as if the same were Word for Word Recited and Set d [...] at large in this present Act.


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