THE Charge OF THE ARMY, And COVNSEL of WAR, Against the KING. With a brief ANSWER thereunto by some of the Loyall Party.

Printed in the Yoer. 1648.

The Charge of the ARMY against the KING.

THat his favourite, (the Duke of Buckingham) by his consent, laid a Plaster to King Iames, and gave him a Drinke, when he was sick of an Ague, although the sworne Physitians had forbidden any to presume to give the King any thing without their Direction [...]; of which Plaifter and Drink applyed to him, he dyed not long after, his body presently blistering and swelling up with the poyson thereof: being an Act of a transcendent presumption, and of the highest Treason, and cannot be judged by us any other then Murder and Patricide.
That he hath betrayed his Trust reposed on him by the People; Broken his Coronation Oath, raised Moneys unjustly by privie Seals, Monopolies, Ship-money; unjustly imprison­ed Sir Dudley Digges and Sir John Eliott, and caused new Oathes Ex Officio, &c. to be imposed, and forced on the People.
That he hath complyed with, and favoured Papists, as may appear by his Letter to the Pope, carrying on a D signe to in­troduce Innovations, Seperstition and Popery into the Church, and Tyranny into the State, that the whole Kingdome might be brought into irrecoverable slavery.
That he kept back supplyes, from going to relieve Rochel, so that many Protestants were betrayed to famine, and the sword of the Enemy.
That he occasioned the bringing in of the Spanish-Fleet into England.
That he raised a Warr upon his Parliament, to destroy the very beeings of Parliaments for ever after.
That he endeavoured to bring over the Irish to destroy the parliament; and gave Commissions to the Rebells in Ireland; and made stop of the Ammunition sent by the Parliament for the relief of that languishing Kingdome.
For his guilt of shedding all the innocent Blood in the three Kingdomes.
For his late inviting in the Scotts to invade this Kingdome.

FOr these Reasons, it is concluded by the Generall Counsell of the Army, That all such shall be proceeded against as Traytors, who shall act or speak in the Kings behalf till he shall be accquitted of all these Charges against him, and of the guilt of shedding Innocent Blood.

A brief ANSWER to the Charge against His MAJESTIE.

WHo can behold the Pride and aspiring Ambiti­on of these Martiall Tyrants, their deep Plotts and Treacheries against God and Man, Go­spel and Law, Nature and Reason, King, Par­liament and Kingdome, without being palsie-strook at the sad consideration thereof; especially considering, That a Free-born People but lately complaining of their slavish servitude under the King, and his Cavalry, and the cruel Bondage they groaned under, by this present Parliament, their griping Committees, and the rest of their Tormentors, should now without any di­strust, so willingly lay down their necks to be troden on by an audacious, mal [...]ipart over-ruling Army of Independents, who having usurped a Power, contemne and controul King and parliament, City and people, gulling and decoying them into a belief of Liberty and Freedome, (the better to colour and drive on their Designes) when really they intend nothing less then to linke and yoak the deluded people to Slavery and Bondage, whil'st their Estates, Lives, Fortunes, Liberties and Resigion must all be forced to prostrate themselves to the glittering of a Naked Sword, all being at the Armyes command, and dispose­able at their pleasure, who mean still to persist in cruell murders and unnaturall Discords, as if the spirit of Discord had quite vanquished the Spirit of PEACE and Love; and nothing could be concluded of, but by Blood and Rapine, Mutinies, and Trea­cheries, the subvertion of the KING, and his Posterity, Parlia­ment, City and Kingdom, and the utter extirpation of all Law, Government & Religion, changing or converting a well-regu­lated Monarchy into a Military Anarchy, chosing a popular Par­liament of unquallified Commons, unexperienc'd in the Laws of the Land (such as many of them cannot write nor read) to Rule and Govern us; which New parliament shall alwayes be [Page 6]at the beck of the Army; for what can be else expected, but a continuall trade of Warre and Tyrany, so long as the Sense of the Army shall be the Supream Law of the Realme. Besides, how strange will it be to the People, that were lately Govern'd by one KING, now to be govern'd by above 400 Tyrants; and they but lately ruled by a well regulated Monarchy, now to be govern'd by a Military Anarchy or Democracy, that were once gently chasti [...]ed with rods, now to be scourged with scorpi­ons. O ye deluded people, be not deceived by these Deceivers; who not long agoe in their Declarations, Remostrances, Pro­posalls, and Letters protested, They would endeavor to preserve the Prerogative and Honor of the King, and settle him in Peace and happiness in his Throne; maintaine the Priviledges of Par­liament, the Liberty of the Subject, establish a true and sound Religion, and settle a firme and lasting Peace in this Kingdom: and are they not as good as their words, when they goe about to murder their Soveraine? Is this their way to set him on his Throne in peace? It is indeed, to settle him in his Throne in heaven: Is it to uphold the Priveledge of Parliament, to seize on 11. Members upon a meer pretence of some great thing laid to their Charge, when nothing could be proved against them, and under the same pretence to carry away above 40 more, all be­ing rightly elected? Is this their way to uphold the Priviledges of Parliament? surely it is the way to disolve the Parliament, and the Priviledges thereof. Is it for the Liberty of the Subject, to rob and plunder Halls, or prey on any that are well-affected to the King and parliament? Is it to settle sound Religion, to make Gods House a stable, nay a Jakes; and to tollerate all religions but the Catholick. And are we not like to enjoy a la­sting Peace, when wee and all we have are at the mercy of their Swords? O the delusions of these Deluders! Cursed be their Rage, for it is fierce, and their Policy, for it is Devillish.

But now we will briefly Answer your severall Charges a­gainst his Majestie. First, for his PERSON it is well known to most of his Subjects, That he hath alwayes been as Vertu­ous God'y and temperate a Prince as ever Reign'd in England; an Example to all his Subjects for his constant Deuotions to God; Wise, Just, Merciful, and prone to Clemency & goodness.

For his consenting to the poysoning of his Father, we shall not need to take much paines to Answer, it being but an ugly vizard they put upon His Majestie, to make him look deformed in the eyes of his Subjects, not any Naturall Deformity in his Countenance or Minde; for which supposed crime, and the raising of a Warre upon his Subjects, His Majestie said, he would never ask God forgivenesse, for the least thought of ei­ther never entred into his Princely breast: But it seems Buck­ingham applyed a plaster, and gave King Iames a Drink when he was sick of an Ague: this may be true, But doth this argue, that it was by consent of the Prince, with intent to murder his Father; (the poyson of Aspes is under their tongues,) was he not Heire apparent to the Crown, and by consequence of time, it could not be long before he enjoy'd it; neither could a son be more dutifull to a parent, then this Pri [...]ce was to his Royal Father. — Indeed King Iames forbearing his accustomed ex­ercise, betook himself to drink more then his accustomed use was to doe, which occasioned a Feavorish Ague, and a droppi­call humor to predominate; whereupon, (impatient of pain) he resolved to make tryall of that plaster and Drink that he knew but a while before had cured a great Person of the same Dis­case; besides the Physitians and Apothecaries knew all the In­gredients to be good. The Kings body being opened, was found fair and cleer; Neither had Prince Charles knowledge of apply­ing the said plaster and Drink, and yet is adjudged by them to be guilty of murder and patricide.

For betraying his Trust, breaking his Coronation Oath, or raising money &c. What hath he suffered for these 7. years, but for maintaining his Oath, the established Religion, and known Lawes and Statures: Had his subjects been half so conscienci­ous of Perivry, as his Majesty, England had not been at the passe it now is. For Ship-mony, Monopolies, Oaths, &c. What was it then to this now? have we not Loans extorted, Customes in­creast Exize, Contributions, Sequestrations, Fift parts, Twenty parts, Meal-mony, sale of plunder'd Goods, Benevolences, Col­lections on Fasts. Fifty Subsidies, Compositions, sale of Bishops Lands Impositions on all Merchandizes; and contradicting Oaths & Covenants: then pray who is most guilty, His Majesty, or you?

But he complyed with Papists—Else he had not known his Wife: But were not the Laws and Statutes duely executed a­gainst Papists, and popish Recusants; impudence cannot deny it. For his Answer to the Popes Letter, What he did in a strange Country was for safty of his person. For his Religion, I refer you to His Protestation.

But Rochel was betray'd for want of aide: the Windes were the Traytors then; yet they were so really a yded, that Cardi­nal de Richilieu had cause to remember it: besides it was a for­rain war, so as what his Majesty did, he might do lawfully, and no doubt, But justly in respect of his own Conscience.

For the Spanish Fleet; If the Kings ships had joyned with them, where had the Hollander been then? but his Majestie was so farre from the least intention thereof, that he suffered a great affront in his own Harbors; not for want of strength.

For raising war against his Subjects; it could not be, for the King knew, That his strength lay in the number of his People, and to destroy them, was to destroy himself; he was not the first that raised Forces, and when he did, it was to defend himself, first using all fair means to prevent the shedding of innocent Blood, on any conditions as might stand with his Honor, with out breach of his Coronation Oath, conjuring them by all the bonds of Duty, to desist from their unnaturall Rebellion; but they would not, Therefore he calls Heaven and Earth to wit­ness, That He would wash his hands from all the Innocent Blood that must necessarily be spilt in that Quarrell.

For Ireland, It could never be prou'd, that ever he gave the least countenance to that Rebellion, much less ever granted them Commission, as is by some idly suggested, and by Mr. Pe­ters was so labored to prove; Indeed when his Majesties Ho­nor was troden down here, they had an Evidence, and example to Rebell there; and when their owne party were used so ri­gerously here, to use the like cruelty, or worse there over our Protestant Brethren.

For His Majesties having a hand in bringing in the Scots, I beleeve is as true as the rest; and better known to his Majesties Jaylors then my self.

Thus you make the King the foyle, to set off you brightness, and yet you prove but the cloud that darkens his Light.


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