LONDON, Printed in the Year 1660.

The Character of the RUMP.

A Rump is the hinder part of the many-head­ed Beast, the Back-door of the Devils Arse a Peake, Tyranny and Rebellion end­ing in a Stink, the States Incubus, a Crab Commonwealth with the But end formost; 'tisa Town-ditch swelling above the walls, a Sink taking possession of the whole House, the Humours left behind after the substance of the Body politick is purg'd away by the devils potions, the Tumour of the Breech, Caninus A­petitus in Ano, the Epilogue grown greater then the Play, the Close of the Will crept into the place of In nomine Dei Amen, the Whore of Babylon with her Arse upwards, 'tis like a Comet which is all tail, and portends no lesse mischief, or you may call it the tail of the Great Dra­gon, and 'tis a Thumper, for the devils tail in Chaucer, being stuck in this, would look but like a maggot in a Tub of Tallow, and yet he saith

That certainly Sathanas hath such a Tail
Broader then of a Pinnace is the Sail.

If you would reach me the Aequator, or rather one of the Tropiques, I would give a shrewd guesse at its abominable bignesse; but 'tis best measured with the Sword, as there is one hath done it to my hands, Saint George kill'd the Dragon, but George Monck kill'd the Dragons tail; 'tis pity to blurr this sheet with its prodi­gious nature, unlesse we mean to make it a winding­sheet for their Rumpships, but that is needlesse, for they have another Scene to act, under the Gallowes, it being just they should corrupt the aire being dead, that made it their businesse to oppresse the earth whilest they were [Page 2]living; Its mother is Rebellion, and the Devil its re­ported father, but the truth is, it owes its first being to the Pope, who that time made the Devil a Cuckold; Folly and Self-interest were its Nurses, but the noble General Brown was its Godfather, 'tis observ'd that Pride first rais'd them, and Pride it was that gave them their first fall; when Noll, like an expert Mountebank gave them a Glister of Opium, which made the Speaker dumb, and (O wonder) kept Sir Arthurs everlasting wag-tail'd tongue quiet, and put them all into a sleep, which would have lasted till dooms-day, if the rustling of a Lamb-beard had not awakened them, but they have had a nap since, and besides that, the symptomes of death are now upon them, for by the violence of a Scotch potion they are become stark mad, and every day are about to destroy themselves, the only Cordial which is left them is the hopes of a Commonwealth, and there can be no restorative, but an Army of Secta­ries; their physick hitherto hath bin only purging, but because the matter of the disease is a Masse of earth, (Kings and others Lands) lying upon their consciences) the noble Monck is providing them a Vomit, which with an Aymulett of Hemp to be tied about their necks, will render them perfectly cured, An ingenious person hath observed, that Scot is the Rumps man Thomas, and they might have said to him when he was so busie with the General,

Peace for the Lords sake Thomas, least Monck take us,
And drag us out as Hercules did Cacus.

But John Milton is their Goos-quill Champion, who had need of A Help meet to establish any thing, for he has a Ramshead, and is good only at Batteries, an old He­retick both in Religion and Manners, that by his will would shake off his Governours as he doth his Wives, [Page 3]foure in a Fourtnight, the Sun-beams of his scandalous papers against the late Kings book, is the Parent that begot his late new Commonwealth, and because he like a Parasite as he is, by flattering the then tyrannical pow­er, hath run himself into the bryers, the man will be an­gry if the rest of the Nation will not bear him compa­ny, and suffer themselves to be decoyed into the same condition; he is so much an enemy to usual practices, that I believe when he is condemned to travel to Ty­burn in a Cart, he will petition for the favour to be the first man that ever was driven thither in a Wheel-barrow; and now John you must stand close and draw in your El­bows, that Needham the Commonwealths Didapper may have room to stand by you; this is a Mercury with a winged conscience, the Skip-Jack of all fortunes, that like a Shittle-cock drive him which way you will, falls still with the Cork end forwards: The Rumps Trumpe­ter being he that first found out the way to make a Fart sound in Paper; A rare Fellow at funerall Orations, wit­nesse his eloquent shreds in prayse of that Devil incarnate King-killing Bradshaw, a brazen face that dares lay his excrements under the Nose of the whole World, and hath lesse wit then the Country-man, who patting down his Breeches in the open Streets, turned his Buttocks to the Company, because they were not so well known as his Face; he was one of the Spokes of Harringtons Rota, till he was turned out for cracking. As for Harrington he's but a demy-semy in the Rumps Musick, and should bee good at the Cymball, for he is all for wheeling Instru­ments, and having a good invention, may in time finde out the way to make a Consort of Grind-Stones. He hath Oceans in his head, which if he take not heed will deluge his other Parts. He is no common Man, for such [Page 4]he sayes can onely feele and not see, but the next summer he will see his Errours first, and then feele the smart of them, would any man in his witts (think he) renounc't his own present Interest, and possession, to be at the curtesy of others for another Portion or Inheritance. The People of England have lived happyly even to the envy of others under Regall Government, they knew their own Rights, and Native Priviledges, shall they surren­der these, and cancel their present happynesse which they are sure of, for the expectance of a better condition at the will and pleasure of new Masters, upon the onely security of Mr. Harringtons Romantick Commonwealth? that the new Senators will do all they can to keep the People in slavery, and to support their owne Authority, is strongly to be presumed from the fresh example of the late Monopolizers at Westmin­ster, and if they should doe so, what better re­medy have the free-borne people of England, then Mr. Harrington had against him, that say'd his Oceana was a Strumpet, he may know that if there were any inconve­nience (as no Government is perfect) yet it is prudence rather to suffer a Stone ill placed in the Foundation (though it be an eye-sore) to lye unmoved then by en­deavouring to pluck it out, endanger the whole building. How many new Lawes have been made in this Nation, with full and deliberate advise of the three Estates for the benefit of the Common-wealth, when yet time and experience, the touchstones of truth, have found them inconvenient afterwards, and given occasion of their Repeale in subsequent Parliaments. Have not many men applauded themselves with the beautifull fi­gure of a House drawne in Paper, when the materiall building framed after the modell hath deluded their [Page 5]hopes, and given Repentance in stead of Satisfaction? Surely Mr. Harrington did not copy any of his lines out of the Book of Fate, therefore there is no necessity but that it may be subject to the incidents of other projects, wherof not one in a thousand but have engaged the un­takers in infinit more troubles and vexations, then were at first foreseen. I shall say no more of him, but desire him to recant in time, least he be estemed hereafter but the Rump of a Polititian. The Rump had no mouth but that of their Speaker, which is not very big, but hath spoke a horrible deale of Treason in his dayes, Its Arms have extended through the whole three Nations, and at last whipt their own politick Breech, but I think it wants the propagating part ever since Noll Eunuch't it, so that no Rump can be borne such, they must be framed by Art, and the receipt of their composition you will find in the following lines, copied from Sir Arthur Hasleriggs own Manuscript,

Hew out a Statue from Mount Caucasus,
Big as the Colosse in the Isle of Rhodes;
Then adde a Brazen face, and Iron Hands,
A poisonous Vipers heart, and Leathern Lungs,
A Tongue of Bell-mettal, and an Ostrich-stomack
To digest Iron, Let his Leggs and feet,
Be made of Quick-silver half fixt, and when
His outward Members are by curious Art,
Fram'd out in such dreadful Proportions.
Then let the Furies in Hells dark Alembeck,
With damned Chymistry extract the spirits
Of secret Treason, cursed Sacriledge,
Black murder, and false-hearted Perjury,
Pride, Hatred, Lust, and Swinish Luxury,
Fraud, Drunkennesse, Oppression, and the rest
[Page 6]
Of the black Progeny of Vice; and with
The Quintessence of these, being sublimated
Unto the heighth of wickedness, Inform
The ugly Mass with a more ugly soul.
And that the Monster may not want a name,
Say he's a Rumper, and we'll say the same.

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