HIS Majesty the 19th Day of October, 1696. in Consideration of a Fine of about 700 l. Sterling, made a Lease to the said Delamar of some Forfeited Lands in Ireland for Twenty One Years, at and under an improved Rent of 9 l. 16 s. 9 d. Sterling per annum, over and above the Quit-rents and Crow-rents, amounting Yearly to 55 l. 13. s. 2 d. ¼

That before the said Lease was made, the said Lands were set by the Commissioners of Forfeitures on the Publick Cant or Auction to the highest Bidder, and the allowance to be made the said Delamar, in Con­sideration of the said Fine, was ascertained by the King's Auditor-Ge­neral.

That at the time of making the said Lease, the Incumbrances appear­ing to the Commissioners of Forfeitures to be due on the said Lands, a­mounted but to about 120 l. per annum.

That since the making thereof, there is a Dower of near 500 Acres of the Premises recovered and taken away from the said Delamar; and another Debt of 200 l. placed on the same, over and above the said former Incumbrances of 120 l. per annum; and thereby the said Delamar is so much a loser of what was intended for him, and he contracted for.

That on the Credit of the said Lease, several Considerable Sums to the Value of about 1000 l. are laid out in improving the same: So that he and his Numerous Family will be utterly undone, unless Re­lieved by the Equity and Charity of the Honourable House of Com­mons.

That there is not any other Lease of this kind made in the King­dom of Ireland; and it appears by the Commissioners Report that it was made in Consideration of this Fine.

The said Delamar throws himself on the Mercy of this Honourable House for Redress in this his Deplorable Condition, and humbly begs that his Case may be considered; and will, without repining, submit to the Good Pleasure of so August an Assembly.

THE CASE OF Walter Delamar, Gent.

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