THE CASE Of the OWNERS of more than Sixty Thousand Acres of Rich and Valuable LANDS, Bordering upon the FENNS, called, BEDFORD-LEVEL:


THAT the Lands of the several Petitioners, and their Ancestors in all times past, have been defended by Sufficient Banks, and the Waters descending upon the same, have been carried off by Large and ample DRAINS and OUTFALLS into the River of GREAT-OWZE, and can have no other way for Passage of those Waters to Sea.

THAT by means of a DAM and SLƲICE, set upon the said River of OWZE, by the Corporation of Adventurers, on Pretence of Draining the South part of the said LEVEL. The antient Flow and Course of the Waters, in the said River, being Stopped and Di­verted. The bottom of the said River OWZE, is become so Raised and Silted up, that all the said Drains and Outfalls, are intirely Choaked and stopped up, and can never be Re­covered without Reducing the said River to its former Condition.

THAT besides the Loss of those Drains by the Occasion aforesaid, the Waters of the said FENNS by other Works of the said Adventurers are let in, and suffered to run through many of the Petitioner's Lands, under Pretence of being conveyed by those Works, to Newer OUTFALLS made by them into the said River OWZE; which OƲTFALLS of the said Adventurers are in like manner Choaked and Stopped up, so as the Waters intended to be Con­veyed, as aforesaid by overflowing or soaking through the Adventurer's Bank and Works, have for divers years past overflown and drowned many thousands of Acres of the said Lands, which are become Receptacles for the said FENN Waters, and of no use to the Petitioners, to their inestimable Damage, and the utter Ruin of many Families, Widows, and Orphans.

THAT the Lands already, and which for divers years past have been thus Drowned and Annoyed, are as followeth, viz. In the Town hips of Downeham Stow-Bardolf and parts ad­joyning on the East-side of the said River OWZE 1800 Acres.

In the same Townships on the West-side the said River OWZE 6000 Acres.

In the Hundred of Marshland, and Towns of Wiggen-Hall, and parts adjoyning 20000 Acres, besides the loss of their Roads and Highways, which are become Impassable; and the Mischiefs and Damages still daily Increasing: And beside, the imminent Danger they at present lie under, of a total and general Drowning and Destruction by the said FENN Waters.

THAT the Lands pretended to be Drained by the said Dam and Sluice are but a Part of the said LEVEL, and generally the worst Lands, the Inheritance of divers thousands of Acres thereof, being yearly sold for less than 4 d. per Acre, and other Parts for like inconsiderable Rates.

THE Petitioner's said Lands were before these Mischiefs, generally VVorth, to be Lett, one with another, from 10 to 20 s. per Acre per Annum.

THAT notwithstanding many Complaints and Applications to the Corporation of Ad­venturers, who are by the late Statute of 15 Car. 2. made sole Commissioners of SEWERS with­in the said LEVEL, and so far as their VVorks extend, and all other Commissioners excluded, there being no Appeal, but to themselves against their own Acts, Defaults, and Injuries, the Petitioners could never obtain any Relief.

THEY therefore humbly Pray, That the said DAM and SLƲICE may be removed; the said FENN Waters restrained, and their Lands for the future preserved according to the several Complaints and Cases in their respective Petitions appearing.

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