THE CASE OF THE MARRINERS Which served the East-India Company IN THEIR Wars in the EAST-INDIES. AND Of the Widows and Orphans of those that Perished in the said Wars, to the Number of Five hundred, and as many Widows.
Humbly Presented to the Honourable House of Commons.

THE East-India Company, in the Years 1683, 1684, 1685 and 1686. entered the said Marriners on Board several of their Ships, to make direct Voyages to and from the East-Indies, viz. in the Ships called The Charles the Second, the Beaufort, the Cesar, the Ro­chester, &c. and the said Marriners were so taken on Board in a Merchant-like way, and at low Wages, there being then no Wars betwixt this Crown and any Prince or State in the World, nor did these Marriners know of any War in India, nor did they any way apprehend any such thing was to be, when they proceeded in the said Voyages.

That in some short time after their Arrival in the Indies, the Companies Agents there, ingaged the said Ships in an Actual War against the Great Mogul and others, and by excessive Tortures and Punishment, compelled the said Marriners to serve in several places in their said Wars, in several Parts there on Land very remote from any Shore: Yet the said Agents found it absolutely necessary, not only by Tortures, but also by many specious Promises, for their Encouragement, they should receive very great Largesses, more than their very low Wages (as by Law and in Justice they ought to have) and thereupon they were, by the said Companies Commanders, pro­mised one full Sixth part of all Prizes that should be taken during the said War; which Pro­mises were put into Writing, and publickly read in several of the said Ships.

That during the said War, there was taken in Prizes to the value of 1500000 l. and upwards; proved in the Exchequer, upon a Bill brought by the Attorney General for the King's Tenths, so that the Sixth part belonging to the Ships Companies amounts to about 260000 l. and upwards.

That the said Marriners have applied themselves from time to time to the said Company, for the said Summ, or what should appear due to them, and were Addressing themselves to this Honorable House the last Sessions for Relief therein, whereupon a worthy Member of this Honorable House, and then Governor of the Company, promised the said Marriners Satisfaction if they would forbear: Upon which Promise they rested quiet, in sure hopes the same Promise would be complied withall, which yet they have not done, but have most un­conscionably offered such a small and inconsiderable Summ, as is not fit to be mentioned, which the said injured Marriners have rejected, hoping, if they were entituled to such a Summ, they are entituled to much more.

And forasmuch as this Honorable House hath ordered the said Company to bring in their Books, and a State of their Debts and Credits; the said Oppressed Marriners do humbly Hope, this Honorable House will take notice, that they may have Credit on the said Companies Books for the said Summ, in order they may have Satisfaction for the same; and the rather, because in their Answer to the Attorney General's Bill, on the behalf of the King, they have set forth, that the said Marriners were to have a Sixth part of all the said Prizes. And further, for that the said Prizes were converted to the use of the Company, and they have divided the same amongst themselves, and received the Benefit of the same.

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