THat King Charles the first by his Letters Pattents 4. Car. I. did for a great and valuable consideration grant unto Dame Mary VVandesford, and VVilliam VVandesford, and their Heirs, all the Land in Hampshire between High and Low-water-marke, reserving 4. d. per Acre Fee Farme Rent.

That the Inning of the said Lands, and securing them from the Sea, will be a very great and chargeable undertaking, but being imbanked from the Sea, will be of great profit and ad­vantage to the Kingdome, whereas now they yield no benefit to any; not one Blade of Grass growing upon them.

That for the encouragement of those who are to adven­ture their Money upon so hazardous a work; the Lady VVan­desford hath been advised to present a Bill to this Honourable House, which hath been read and committed.

That at the reading of it many clauses in it did appear to be unreasonable, all which the Committee have expunged.

That there is a Proviso for the saving all Rights, so that no­thing is passed to the Lady VVandesford by this intended Act, if it was not legally granted by the said Pattent.

And she doth humbly pray, that in regard this Bill, if it be passed, cannot be a prejudice to any person; and if it doth not passe, will be her utter undoing, (having spent her whole Estate upon it) That by the justice of this Honourable House it may passe.

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