THE CASE OF THE Governours of the HOSPITAL at HOXTON, of the Foundation of ROBERT ASKE, Esquire.

BY Act of Parliament, the Master and Wardens of the Company of Haberdashers, are InĀ­corporated and called Governours of the Possessions of the Hospital at Hoxton, in the County of Middlesex, of the Foundation of Robert Aske, Esq

THAT pursuant to the Founders Will, they have Built and Erected the said HospiĀ­tal, and placed Twenty poor decayed Freemen, and Twenty poor decayed Freemens Sons, of the said Company; where they have Maintenance and Provision.

THAT by Virtue of the said Act of Parliament, the Governours have placed Officers suitable to the Occasions of the said Hospital, viz. a Minister who Preaches, Reads Prayers, and Teaches the Children, a Steward or Manciple, a Matron or Nurse, and Servants to dress their Provisions, make Beds, Fires, &c.

AND in further pursuance of their said Trust, the Governours have purchased divers Lands, &c. for a Perpetual Fund to answer the Ends of the said Charity; which amounts to the Yearly Value of 923 l. 8 s. 4 d.

THAT the Annual Charge of Supporting and Maintaining the Twenty poor Men and Twenty poor Children, with the Charge of the Minister, Manciple and Servants thereunto belonging, at a Modest and most Frugal Computation; and other the Incident Charges belonging to the said Charity, does amount Yearly to the Sum of 383 l. 18 s. 4 d. so that the Surplus of the whole Revenue, does amount to but the Sum of 39 l. 10 s. over and above the Yearly Charge of Maintaining the said Charity.

THAT in regard the said Lands so Purchased as aforesaid, have hitherto been made liable to pay Taxes, it hath Yearly deducted out of the Annual Rent, the Sum of 150 l. for the payment of Taxes, &c.

Beside, THAT some part of these Purchased Lands are Lease-hold, and renewable every seven Years; and upon every Renewal, pay the Sum of 200 l.

BY all which it appears the said Governours have only the Sum of 39 l. 10 s. to defray the loss of Rents, Repairs, and the standing empty of Farms, &c. which often happens.

Which necessitous Condition of the said Hospital, is with all Submission laid before this Honourable House, humbly craving that out of their Charitable Consideration they will be pleased for the future particularly to exempt their said Charity by Name, from paying of Taxes for the future, for otherwise the Governours will not be enabled by the Revenues arising from their said Lands, to Support and Maintain the Constant Charge that arises from the said Benefaction, &c.

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