THE CASE OF THE Censors, and other Members of the College of Physicians, London;
HUMBLY OFFERED To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, now in Parliament assembled.

THe late Censors of the Colledge of Physicians, Dr. Tho. Burwell, Dr. Rich. Torless, Dr. William Dawes, and Dr. Tho. Gill, are now prosecuted at Law, for not qua­lifying themselves, according to the Statute of 25 K. Ch. II.

Now on behalf of the said Censors it is humbly offered,

  • 1. That the Censors are nominated and chosen by the said Col­lege, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament of the 14th and 15th of K. H. 8. to that employment, which they are obliged to perform under a penalty ⟨without salary or profit,⟩ and do not exercise it by virtue of any Letters Patents or Commission immediately from the King.
  • 2. That no one of the Censors since the said Statute, of the 25th of K. Ch. II. ever took the said Oaths, or subscribed the said Declarations, as Censors, or understood themselves to be obliged so to do.
  • 3. That all these four Censors are known Protestants, and upon other occasions have taken the Oaths and subscribed the said Declarations, and did voluntarily sign the Association, and have upon all occasions testified their affection and zeal for his Majesty's Service and Government, and had readily taken the said Oaths, and subscribed the said Declarations upon this occa­sion also, if any former Censor had so done, or they had not been advised by their Councel, that the Censors were not con­cerned in the said Statute.
  • 4. That if the Censors be within the said Statute, it is con­ceived several other Members of the said College (as all such who have been Presidents, Elects, Censors, Treasurers and Re­gisters) are liable to prosecution.

Wherefore it is humbly hoped, that the said Censors, and other Members of the said Colledge, that may be con­cern'd in the like omission, shall be relieved in this case, in such manner as your Lordships shall in your great Wisdoms please to think fit.

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