THE CASE Of the Captains of his Majesty's Fleet humbly of­fer'd to the Honourable House of Commons.
It being generally believed, that the Captains who have served in his Majesty's Ships, du­ring the late War with France, have been rewarded extra for their Service by double Pay, which on the contrary is of Loss to the said Captains, and a considerable Summ saved to the Nation.

  l. s. d.  
A Captain of a 1st Rate having 754 Men allowed him, his former pay was 21 00 00 per M.
His Allowance of Servants being one to every 20 Men is 33 06 00 per M.
which amounts to 54 06 00 per M.
The double Pay is 42 00 00 per M.
His Servants now allowed being 8, is 07 04 00 per M.
The Allowance with double Pay 49 04 00 per M.
So the Captain of a first Rate has less than formerly 05 02 00 per M.
Saved to the Nation by the Servants Provisions and Deductions from the Captains Pay 36 11 00 per M.
A Captain of a 2d Rate's former Pay having 640 Men was 17 10 00 per M.
His Allowance of Servants being 32 comes to 27 16 00 per M.
Which comes to 45 06 00 per M.
The double Pay is 35 00 00 per M.
Servants now allowed being 8, is 07 04 00 per M.
The Allowance with Pay doubled is 42 04 00 per M.
The Captain of a second Rate has less than formerly 03 02 00 per M.
Saved by the Servants Provisions and Deductions from the Captains Pay 31 14 00 per M.
A Captain of a third Rate having 476 Men his former Pay was 14 00 00 per M.
[...] being [...] comes to 20 00 00 per M.
[Page] A Captain of a 2d Rate's former Pay having 640 Men was 17 10 00 per M.
His Allowance of Servants being 32 comes to 27 16 00 per M.
Which comes to 45 06 00 per M.
The double Pay is 35 00 00 per M.
Servants now allowed being 8, is 07 04 00 per M.
The Allowance with Pay doubled is 42 04 00 per M.
The Captain of a second Rate has less than formerly 03 02 00 per M.
Saved by the Servants Provisions and Deductions from the Captains Pay 31 14 00 per M.
A Captain of a third Rate having 476 Men his former Pay was 14 00 00 per M.
His Allowance of Servants being 23 comes to 20 00 00 per M.
which is 34 00 00 per M.
The double Pay is 28 00 00 per M.
Servants now allowed being 6 comes to 05 08 00 per M.
The Allowance with double Pay 33 08 00 per M.
The Captain of a third Rate has less than formerly 00 12 00 per M.
Saved by the Servants Provisions and Deductions from the Captains Pay 20 01 00 per M.
Saved to the Nation out of every 1st. Rate 36 11 00 per M.
Saved to the Nation out of every 2d. Rate 31 14 00 per M.
Saved to the Nation out of every 3d. Rate 20 01 00 per M.
In all 88 06 00 per M.

And so proportionably for the rest of the Navy, which amounts to considerably more than the half Pay desired to be established.

And it appearing by the foregoing Scheme, that what his Majesty was pleased to design as encouragement to the said Officers, has been detrimental, yet they were easy under it, in expe­ctation of the promised Benefit of half Pay whilst out of Employment; and it is hoped this Ho­nourable House will take their Case into their most mature Consideration, and do (as they al­ways have) promote the Honour of his Majesty, the Good of their Country, and Welfare of those who have ventured their Lives to make this Kingdom Happy; which the preserving of Officers to serve upon any Emergency will undoubtedly do, especially if it be considered how fatal the want of them was likely to be in the beginning of the late War, and the encourage­ment given in Peace to other Captains abroad.

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