The Case of the Auncient TENANTS of the late Deane and Chapters of Durham.

THat they held their respective Tenements by Lease, from twenty one years to twenty one yeares for ever, at a fine certain, diffe­rent from most Tenants in other Deanaryes.

That in consideration thereof, It was ordered by the ho­nourable Committee for removing obstructions, &c. 17. October 1649.

That in their respective purchases, an abatement or reprize should be made valuably, proportionable to their way of holding; And afterwards it was resolved, that the same should be reported to the House.

It is therefore prayed by the Petition of Capt. John Shaw, and others in behalfe of the said Tenants.

That a Reprize may be ordered of some certaine part of their purchase­money, or that they may be admitted to make their second payments out of the one hundred and 20 thousand pounds, to be advanced by way of doubling.

For these reasons,

  • 1. In consideration of their case so just and equitable, and so much different from the Tenants of other Denearies.
  • 2. Of the povertie, and great pressures, by the dayly march and quarte­ring of Armies much increased by their vicinitie to Scot­land.
  • 3. For that they had no benefit of the former doubling, being some moneths compleated before they purchased, and therefore bought their bils for making their first payments at very deere rates.

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