May 27. 1651.

FOr as much as the Inhabitants of Pauls Church yard are much disturbed by the Souldiers and others, calling out to pas­singers, and examining them (though they goe peaceably and civilly along) and by playing at nine pinnes at unseasonable houres; These are therefore to command all Souldiers and others whom it may concerne, that hereafter there shall bee no examining and calling out to persons that go peaceably on their way, unlesse they doe approach their Gaurds, and likewise to forbeare playing at nine pinnes and o­ther sports, from the houre of nine of the clocke in the evening, till six in the morning, that so persons that are weake and indisposed to rest, may not be disturbed. Gi­ven under our hands the day and yeare above written.

Iohn Barkestead. Benjamin Blundell.

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