Being the Substance of severall CONSƲLTATIONS, holden, and kept by a Certain Number of CHRISTIANS, who are waiting for the Visible apearance of CHRIST'S KINGDOME, in and over the World; and residing in and about the City of LONDON.

Then they that fear the Lord, spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it; and a Book of Remembrance was writ­ten before him, and them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.


Seale not the sayings of the Prophesie of this Booke: For the time is at hand.

Rev. 22.10.

Thus saith Lord the God, behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a Stone, a tryed Stone, a precious Corner-stone, a sure foundation: He that believeth shall not make haste.

Isai. 28.16.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my sonne,

Rev. 21.7.

To all those who have their Ears open to the Truth's of the Coming and KINGDOME of our Lord Jesus Christ.


DIVINE Providence (who is the wise disposer of things) hath so ordered that our Lot is faln out in the last dayes; and eke upon the Borders of the Promised land, the tedious, de­sertous wildernesse journey (wherein so many thousands of the Israelites Carkeises have faln) being almost past; and the Day-star ready to arise, and the glorious morn of the son of man, and evangelicall peace and rest, ready to dawn and break forth, as a pure, and the greater light in Zions Horison. Yet when we look abroad into the World, our thoughts are other­wayes exercised, and that to them twill be a day of darknesse, of clouds, and of thick darknesse, &c. That the Rulers of the World will be degraded and Exauthorized; that the light of this morning (or indeed rather even-tide: For then shall it be light,) will make the works of darkness manifest, and that all occult and secret hypocrisies, and the execrable, sacrilegious and si­monicall sins and wickednesses of the sons of men will be dis­covered by the searching fire, which will render the Sinners in Sion sufficiently obnoxious to the punishment of these everlast­ing burnings.

The great Jehovah, and our Law-giver, and those in Cove­nant with him, are now making inquisition for blood, and the blood shedders, and truly it evidently appeareth, that Rome and the Nations of Europe (commonly called the Protestant, but are the Anti-christian Countries,) which are the streets of that great City, and Rome-Babylon are the Akeldema, or field of blood.

Now for that the deep sense of those hainous murders com­mitted upon the bodies of the precious Saints, which hath cau­sed streams of blood to run down, is imprinted in our hearts; and more especially being greatly affected, and melted with a godly sorrow for that stop, and remora put upon the work of [Page]God, that noble Interest and Cause, which once in a glimps appeared, and was carrying on in great-Brittaine and its Domi­nions, which the great men of these times have now by their preposterous prevarications, and flagitious vitiated practises banished their Courts, and Palaces; and it is become not on­ly an exile, but captivated in bonds, and the Iron-chains of these mens lusts, which are now become laws: And Jehovah hath, and doth permit this Cause at present to lye dead; yet (would men, nay would Saints but rightly consider it) it is for great advantages, which a suddain and good event, and not our pen shall Declare, and demonstrate to the World; and even alrea­dy it is not without some ratling noise, and shaking, nay, not with­out some sinews, flesh, and skin, which doth premonstrate a lively standing up upon its feet, as an exceeding great Army. (Come from the foure windes, ô breath, and breath upon these stain, that they may live:) Now seeing the Lords arisen to the prey like a roaring Lyon, stirring up jealousie like a man of war, cloathing himself with zeale and vengeance, preparing his heavenly Army, his Bow; the Quiver of the Lord of Hosts, and the sharp Arrows of the Almighty furbishing his sharp glittering sword, opening his Armoury, and bringing forth the weapons of his indignation, blowing with a blasting East-wind, and shak­ing his hand upon this Power and these men, & preparing his Charriot that's swift, as the While-winde all now co-incident: We cannot but conclude, That the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the Inhabitants of the Earth, for their iniquity: And that the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain, Isai, 26.21. O gastly fin, ô thou accuser, ô burthened and crying Consciened O impenetrable and obdurate heart, O dreadfull and wrathfull Judge? O heaven and earth that witnesse against us? O yee re­deemed ones, yee Princes, yet an nointed ones, whom we made Bond-slaves and Vassals! Where's the rocks and mountains now? fast on us? fall on us! hide us! hide us! alas! alas! in one houre is so great Riches come to nought, a short work will the Lord make upon the earth, Rom. 9.28. In this day of Controversies will the foundations of the earth be out of course: Mens foundations shall all the broken down; all earthly Governments dissolved; all Oppression and violence arraigned judged, and condemned and great will the fall of that House: We also further conclude (as being apt to believe) that God has laid aside this generation of [Page]Apostates and Oppressors for doing any work for him, they are barren, fruitlesse and dry, fit for nothing save the fire. And therefore God will raise up other instruments (and they Saints) fitted for his service and glory, ‘We may say as one well said, more work is left for growing springs, for whom some Crowns are left, to which their Fathers heads wee not so fit­ted.’ Yet are we not left without great anxiety of spirit (as being bound with those that are bound, and in pangs and sore travell) for this noble Cause, and the birth of the Man-childe that must rule the Nations, and whip the mony-changers, and Merchants, the buyers and sellers, that are so busie now in their merchandize of slaves and souls of men; bring him forth O most mighty, woe unto thee O Tyre, howle O Babylon! Come downe and sit in the dust: sit on the ground: There is no throne O daughter of the Caldeans. Isa. 47.1.

But if any yet surther desirous of satisfaction touching us, and the truth by us Asserted, Let such inquirers be pleased to take notice of our grounds and Reasons. That which we move upon is, the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, and Christ Jesus himself the chief Corner-stone. But more particularly to satisfie those whose desires proceed from a good end.

I. Ground, The Visible Kingdome of our Lord Jesus Christ, in, and over the whole world in the twofold dispensation thereof; Toge­ther with its righteousnes, just, and holy laws prescribed by the Lord Jehovah, and declared in the written word of Truth: Tis possible that some (notwithstanding what we say) may suggest to chemselves and others, that we are those that would bing all into a Confusion and Anarchy; destroy the foun­dations of Government, Magistracy and Ministry. We confesse this may be a great stumbling block to many, for want of due consideration; But a little to answer this, Consider, ever since the Generall Apostacy, and falling away from the pristine spirit and practice, and the rise of the Beast with ten borns, and ten Crowns; There hath been extant in the world, two sorts of Powers, different in quality; and (according to the opinion of some learned and godly men) are the Magistracy and Ministry of Jesus Christ, opposed to the Magistracy and Ministry of that Beast: Of one (and those the Witnesses) tis said by Jehoyah, I will give power unto them, Rev. 11.3. so that they are spirited and [Page]qualified by God, to testifie to the world. That in the darkest day he hath not left himself without a witnesse; of the other (and he a ravenous Beast, a devouring and blaspheming Mon­ster) and the Daggon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and great Authority: So that he is Authorized and quallified by him, and for him, Revelation 13 v. 2. But in the end, when there is but three years and a half left unto the Beast to tyrannize in, he prevails against those Witnesses, (at such a time when they are come so high, as to finish their Testimony, against his Prero­gative royall:) overcomes and kils them. Now that which is to be noted is the End and issue of all these transactions; of the enemies mirth and jollity, and the Witnesses death, and the womans 2d. flight into the Wildernes, to her old place and station a­gain (all thing continue as they were: the face of affairs do not look now as if we had been hazarding our lives twelve years together in the high places of the field for liberty and Refor­mation,) and that is not ably declared, and set forth to the full in the 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 verses of the 11. chapter, The Spirit of life from God renters the witnesses, sets them on their feet, standing, and foundation again, they ascend to heaven in a cloud, in­vested with the same, and a greater power and authority than they had before (though that was great) and then comes the great Earth-quake, and that rends and tears the very foundati­ons of the Beasts Civill power up by the Roots: the effects are a great fall, the tenth part of Romes Dominions; and a great slaugh­ter among the great men, and implagueable enemies of Christ; And the finall result is THE KINGDOMES OF THE WORLD BECOME CHRISTS POSSESSION. Now for that we apprehend that the present generation in which we live, is that time in which this great work of Reformation will begin, and that time in which the first dispensation of our Lords kingdomne shall take place, and that it shall not passe be­fore these things be fulfilled; Therefore are we against these Governments as now Constituted, and growing upon the old root of wickedn sse and bitternesse, that (time out of minde) have brought forth and produced nothing but Blood-monsters; and to rule by those laws that Bastards, and Tyrants, and Con­querours have made for their lusts sake, in opposition to the Law, and the Testimony, Isa. 8.20. Therefore tis that the axe [Page]is laid to the root of this Sodomitish-plant, that so the BRANCH of righteousnesse may grow up to the Lord, to his people, to all good men, to the whole creation. And therefore it is also, in the second place, that now we cannot hazard our lives, nor contend for any o­ther Government whatsoever, that is of mans erecting, buil­ding and planting (though it be a Democracy, or an Olligarchi­call Form) where a few evill Branches may be lopped or topped, and the rest left, or where any thing of this old foundation (we speak not against the forme) may remaine and be left; and which good men, morrall men, civill men may exercise upon a meerly Civil-accompt (for all men as they are men have lost their Rights and priveledges in respect, of Government, in the first Adam; But Saints have regained them in the second Adam, or Lord from heaven) and by force and vertue of mens Lawes (though but the best of those Lawes, and those called fundamentall. So they are where noe more Righteous is found) For the Lord will pluck up, and destroy Root and Branch, and the Lord, will not have a stone of Babells confused Building for a Corner, nor a stone for a foundation: Why? for she and her Powers shall be Desolate for ever, Jer. 51.26. But in the third place must freely goe on up­on this ground, and accompt: and wee hope we are not here­in preproperous in our Judgement. And therefore now be pleased to take notice that our Lord Jesus The King of Kings, According to the Decree and Covenant of God, hath now layd Claime before the Judge of heaven and earth, to the whole world, and to all the Nations, Governments, Crowns, and Septers thereof. We cannot therefore But (as in duty by our Allegi­ance to this King bound.) PROCLAIME That Jesus Christ is the onely Lawfull and true beggotten heire, and lawfull King, and Potentate of these three Nations, and of all the Nations of the Earth, and (as he is the seed of Abraham) shall possesse the earth: yea and the very gate of his enemies; and that the sole, LEGISLATIVE Power of the Nations is, and doth of right appertaine, and belong to him and shall be exercised by him Dan. 7.27. Jer. 10.7. Isa. 9.6, 7. Galla. 3.16. &c. hence then it necessarily follows that those Beast like powers now in Being in the world, and those (if any) which shall succeed upon that bottome that Rebell-like will nor assigne their said Power, Crownes and septers to this great [...]

ax is laid to the root of the tree of their interest, and that shakes, and is in danger of a fall, which also is the cause why they hatch mischief in their secret closets against it, whilst their flattering lips seem to own and honour that which their inward parts do abhominate; this was the case that Herod that fox,Mat. 2. at the newes of Christs birth, for, although he, and all Jerusalem with him was troubled, and affrighted at the saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? Yet he made a faire show, and gave a command to the wise men, to finde the young childe, and bring him word, that he might go and worship him, a brave pretence! when as indeed there was nothing lesse aimed at than that which his words did import, and nothing more than, the death and destruction of the childe, so it is said, Herod seeks the young childe to destroy him, for he had taken counsel with the chief Priests and Scribes, and of the wise men for the place of his birth, and the Star's appearance, but finding this project to fail him, he falls to open violence, and slue all the Children in Bethleham and thereabouts, from two years old and under, if peradventure he might murder the young King in the croud: The case is now the same, the noise of Christs coming as King hath allarumed the world, Herod, and all formall-pofessors, and therefore they bend their Councel a­gainst such a Doctrine as that Christ must destroy the foruth,Psa. 2.1, 2. and set up a fifth Kingdome, and their fair pretences are but for their own advantage; therefore, though they say wee'le worship him, advance his Kingdome, and the work of the Generation; yet will we not believe them, there's war in their hearts! for the interest of Christ and Antichrist cannot stand together,Isa. 2.11, 12, 13, 14. &c. the lostinesse and haughtines of man must be laid in the dust, and Christ alone shall be exalted in that day; and therefore men say 'tis a railing and seducing Doctrine, where­fore they have made a Law that those that shall speak against the Powers must be Traitors, which in effect is to make those Traitors that speak for this Kingdome, for a Christian cannot speak for Christ's interest but also against Antichrist's, and the aime of man is that this new-born King might not live.

2. The conversion of the Gentiles, and poor ignorant sin­ners to the faith of Christ's visible Kingdome: England knows the truth of this, and will doubtlesse feel experimentally the [Page 14]sad effects thereof, for now there is a kinde of a device, much like unto that of old, when the Scribes and Pharises caused the Sepulchre of Christ to be besieged round with Souldiers to keep him down in the grave,Mat. 27.63, 64. having a fearful jealousie least Jerusalem should be filled with such a Doctrine, and so his bloud brought upon them Acts 5.28. so now there be Major Generals in each County with their Souldiers to watch, and attend the motions of Christ's mistical Body having the same fears and jealousies that their Predecessors had; yet they know that the force of man shall not be able to keep in that Doctrine of Repentance Rev. 14.6. notwithstanding their fin is grievous in their endea­vours with that of their Scribes and Pharises.

3. And lastly, the establishment of Justice and Righteousnesse in the world: The Lord hath promised to restore unto us Judges as at the first, (as Moses, Sampson, Gideon, Samuel, &c.) and Councellors as at the beinning Isa. 1.26. And we thought the late Army of England should have been instrumental in bringing such a Promise to passe, and from them, we looked for Judgment, but behold oppression; and for righteousnesse but behold a cry, Isa. 5.7. and indeed they have frustrated the expectations and hopes of the people of God wearied with Ty­ranny and Oppression; and therefore seeing that it is so, we do resolve in the strength of our God, and give the same councel unto all honest Christians,Isa. 54.14. ch. 60.18. not to fit still here, but go on fur­ther till we finde the true Rest, for we know that Zion shall be established with righteousnesse, peace and justice, but it is not here, for those that seemed to be of noble publick spirits for the work of God and the cause of Zion, are now apostatized, and the sun is set upon them, and instead of administring com­fort to us,1 Kings 12. their actions tell us their little finger is very thick, and their chastizing grievous, and therefore now ô England, ô Christians! what portion have we in these men? Neither have we any longer hopes or inheritance in them; to your Tents, ô Israel, it cannot be avoided, they are set down at ease, and have swallowed down an oath to maintain those Lawes which are destructive to us and all the faithful,Rev. 17.4. Jos. 1.11. they are drunk with Babilons cup, they are bewitched with honour, pleasure, profit, &c. and therefore with us arise, for the lot of our inheritance,Luk. 22.36. prepare therefore your victuals, your [Page 15]purse, and your scrip, but especially your sword, though you sell your coat for it: For shortly you must passe over this Jordan to possesse the Land which the Lord our God giveth us to posssse,Rev. 11.8. expecting (if we be in Gods way) the fulfilling of those blessed promises relating to these last dayes, that judge­ment and righteousnesse might be established, that we may go out of this Aegypt and Sodom, to serve the Lord tho in the wil­dernesse.

These things thus resolved and premised, brought forth this Question (viz.)

Quest. Seeing that the Generation, or publick spirited Saints, The Quest. are the people and the glorious Gospel of Christs Kingdom, together with Justice and Righteousnesse are the things principally Oppressed and en­deavoured to be suppressed in this day, by evil Babilonish powers: Then whither or no, it be lawful and warrantable from the word of God, for this oppressed people to Stand up in the behalf of that Gospel, and to de­liver themselves and it, from the oppressions wherewith they are op­pressed?

For the clearing of this great Question, we propounded to our selves these three Queries for consideration viz.

1. The Time we live in?

2. The Work which God hath fore-told and promised to do in such a time?

3. The Call which shall be given to the instrument that shall engage and be found acting in that work?

1. The time: Resolved (after much consultation) that we live in the latter part of the last dayes, that we live in the last age of this old world is clear, which we prove from Daniel's great Image spoken of ch. This Image represents the four great Monarchies or Kingdomes, which (ch. 7.3.17.) are called four great Beasts, and which successively one after another was to bear rule over the Nations of the world, three of which are ex [...]inct, and the fourth in its old and consuming age: The legs of iron, and feet and toes part of iron and part of clay, of that Image, represent to us the fourth and last of those Kingdomes, which is that of the Romanes: The Iron legs hold forth the first estate of that Kingdom which was the strong, battering, breaking and subduing state thereof, [Page 16]which may properly be tearmed the pure, civil and flourishing state of the Pagan Empire of Rome heathen, ver. 40. compared ch. 7.23. The feet and toes hold forth the second more weak, and devided estate of this Kingdome, which may be tearmed the mixt Antichristian state of Rome Babilon, or the Kingdom of iron and clay: For as that Kingdome did prosper and grow exceedingly till it came to its height, so then did it decarease, and moulder away a pace, insomuch that the old Draggon was forced to retire himself out of that decayed building, and fly to his other reserve, where he becomes (in shew) a Chri­stian, and the better to cloak himself, he hath variety of shifts and pretences, and coverings of a rare out-side as that Whore of abominations hath, scarlet, gold and precious stones, and pearles, things that will easily dazle weak eye, and be­witch the senses of gazers.Rev. 17.405. Now it is said of these last relicks of the Image, the feet and toes that as they were seen by Daniel to be part of potters clay and part of iron, so should they be de­vided, namely to the ten Toes or Europian Nations, which (ch. &c. Rev. 13.1.) are called ten horns, or pow­ers,Rev. 17.13. and ten Kings, who give their power and strength unto the Beast. From whence we argue that when the Romane King­dome is devided as aforesaid, its Dominion and Power is ve­ry near an end, for the toes are the last Powers thereof, but the Romane Kingdome, is (and for a long time hath been) devided, and therefore we conclude that it's almost at an end, & so con­sequently are wicked powers, and the old heavens & earth near their abollishment and dissolution, for those powers are the last wicked powers that shall breathe in these parts of the world, and the Romane Monarchy, that which the Kingdome of Christ shall immedia [...]ly succeed, and the fifth take place with the overthrow and ruine of the fourth, as is plain from many Scripture-prophecies.

Again, another thing to prove our assertion, and which (we take it) is more home and close to our purpose is this, namely that it is further said of the Toes of the feet in that Prophecy of Daniel, Dan. 2.42. that as they were part of iron and part of clay, so the Kingdome shall be partly strong and partly bro­ken: Now this is most properly fulfilled in their consumption or old age, for when that Kingdome first appeared to be devided [Page 17]as aforesaid, there was much of the strength of the iron in them, which bound them up and kept their clayie power strong (which power and strength they imploy for the Beast against the Lambe and his followers.) But nearer their end Daniel sees them to be more rotten, and weak, partly strong and partly broken, hardly able to hang together, to that when the Kingdomes of the Toes or hornes do visibly appear to be in such a condition, their end and fall is very near, but the toes are in the same condition at this very day; and therefore it doth confirme us in our belief, and faith to us that the stone must suddainly smite, they being now in a very fit posture and frame (by the wonderful working and wise providence of our good God) their clay being very dry. For consider now the whole bulk and body of the Toes, as ten Kings, and it doth plainly appear that they are partly strong and partly broken, as for example, consider the late transactions, mutations and changes in England, how is the former frame and mould of England changed, and become partly broken? And although there is a new thing indeavoured to be patch't up and danbed together, as iron and clay, yet will it not do, for they min­gle themselves with the seed of men, but cannot cleave together, even as iron is not mixed with clay, which will not cleave no longer than 'tis green, but crumbles away into dust and is dri­ven of the winde; and if you look abroad it will appear to a discerning eye, that the Nations of Europe are in the same dis­ease, and there is no one Nation free of wasting; neither is the Leagues and Articles of Peace made between and among the of sufficient power, and vertue to binde them together;v. 43. for their incurable plague and wound is from the Lord: And there is a secret wheele that turns all about. For the best defigne and causes notable erruptions: Are not all in confusion? Do not mens hearts faile them, and melt within them for fear? Are not the foundations of the earth out of course, and all ready to fall to shatters? And therefore now what remains, or hin­ders, but that the stone arise, and smile according to the word of the Lord: seeing that the Toes remain in such a brittle frames something of that nature and very like unto that smi [...]ing work, having already been on foot in England, and done some execu­tion upon the common Enemy of the Nation, Witnesse the De­claration [Page 18]of the English Army of the 1 of August, 1650. where they say thus, ‘We are perswaded in our Consciences, that the late King and his Monarchy, was one of the ten Horns of the Beast spoken off, Rev. 17. v. 13, 14, 15.’ And upon that account engaged against it, as Anticvhristian, and as an opposer of the work of Jesus Christ; in which designe, God did so eminently appear,Mat. 24.37. that a great breach was made in the Government of An­tichrist: Which breach (although it be daubed up with a new supply of a wicked power, of the same nature, and having the same foundation of its Predecessor, viz. Antichristian) will in­curably break forth again, as untempered morter, at the fight of Gods weapon of indignation: For though the blanck be filled up, yet its but with combustable matter, that will soon take fire, and one part burn another.

Again, some (and those off the best interpretors) are of opi­nion that Daniels 1290. dayes, or years (placing the head of their account, with that remarkble act of Julian) do in greatest likelihood expire with this present year of Christ, 1656. with which begins the great deliverance and redemption of the J [...]ws, or that work which must make way thereunto: Others are apt to suppose: That as the over-flowing deluge of Water, broke out upon the old world for their abhominations in the 1656. year, from the Creation, even so the overflowing deluge of the Lords wrath, may break out upon this old world, for their wickednesse, wherewith they daily provoke the eyes of Gods glory, in the 1656. year from the Redemption or Christ; for as the days of Noah were (it may be in manner and time) so shall also this comming of the sonne of man be: And as the flood was upon the Earth, and certain number of tipicall dayes, before way was made for a new replenishment; so shall the judgments of the Lord be upon this world, for a certain number of years, before the Inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousnes, or before that new creation, and Restoratio of all things to their primitive and first perfection (spoken of by the Prophets and Apostles.) Else why did the Spirit in Daniel fix blessednes upon those that should continue to the 1335. dayes or years, Dan. 12.12. Which is 45 more than the former number, and is a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a Nation, v. 1. At the end whereof Christ will stand up for all his chosen ones, [Page 19]that shall have a portion in the succeeding kingdome. So that we conclude our selves to live in the very last years of Anti­Christs reign, and in that time wherein God will appear in some unwonted manner against the enemies of his Son, Church and People. But we shall not longer insist upon the proof this point, but prosecute it more at large in an other place of this our discourse, to which we refer the Readers.

2. Consideration, the work which God hath foretold, and promised to do in the concluding time of Antichrists reign, when the Toes, or last and mixed Powers of the Image are partly strong, and partly broken.

Answ. The work which God will do at such a time, is to break in pieces the kingdome of Antichrist, and set up the king­dom of his Son & Saints: and in the days of these Kings (meaning the ten Kings, holden forth by that me [...]aphor of toes and ten horns) shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdome which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdome shal not be left to other people; (then the Saints) But it shall break in pieces, and con­sume all these Kingdomes, and it shall stand for ever, Dan 2.44. For the further, and more particular clearing of this materiall points, we did inquire for the instrument of that work, which we found to be a stone cut out of the mountain without hands, or which was not in hand; Dan. 2.34, 45. and therein,

1. What this Stone is?

2. The Time of its Rise? and

3. The particular Work to be done by it?

1. Quest. What this Stone is? We found in our consulta­tion by the Word of God, and accordingly do give our Asser­tion, That this Stone is Christ Jesus in the pure sanctified and refined Gentile Christians,Mal. 3.3. Rev. 14.405. who are picked, and chosen out of the whole mountain, and not only out of the world, but out of the Churches, not without great difficulty, as a Stone is hewen out of a Rock or mountain: Or, that this Stone in the first be­ginning thereof (for we are of opinion, (as annon will appear) that after some entrance is made into the great work of this stone, and things grown up to some maturity and head, that the Jews will be joyned to the Gentiles, and have a hand in the car­rying on of this work:) is a Remnant of Gentiles scattered in some of the Horns, or Nations of Antichrists rule: and not [Page 20](as some would perswade themselves and us, alledging for their opinion Rev. 17.16.) the present Powers of the Horns, or Ru­lers of Europe; nor yet Gods antient people the Jews and I­sraelites.

1. Beacuse this stone is called in scripture, the kingdome of Christ, and the kingdome of Christ this stone: Dan. 2.44, 45, Mat. 21. 43, 44. which kindome of Christ hath a twofold dispensation, i.e First an internal dispensation,Mat. 21.43. or the inward Kingdome; which is the Kingdome of Christ in the hearts of his Saints, and in and over his Church. Secondly, an external dispen­sation:Dan. 2.34.44. ch. 7 18.26.27. Psa. & 110.1, 2.5.6, 7. &c, Psa. Pet. 3.12.13. Acts 3.21 Acts 3.21 Rom. 89.21 22. 1 Cor. 15.22.43. 43, 44.50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. Rev. 20.4, 5, 6, &c. Rev. 17.14. 1. of war: In subduing and conquering his stub­born enemies and opposers in the world, whereby they shall be compelled to yield, and shall become subjects tho Kings and Princes. 2. Of peace upon the earth, in and over the whole world; which is the New Creation and Restitution of all things, where will be perfection and no sin; among the Saints immortallity, and no mortal nor corruptable thing, where death shall have no sting, nor the grave no victory; but all shall be walled up in Christs fullnesse, which is victory. Now if wicked Powers, or the Powers of Antichrist be members of our Lords Body, or have any lot or inheritance in the King­dome of our King, then may they be capable of doing work for Christ; but the Kingdome of Christ will not admit of wicked men, for it is pure, holy and unspotted, and so are they that are with him, being called, and faithful, and cho­sen. And how absurd and ridiculous a thing wonld it be to suppose that Christ hath need of the servants of the Devil, for so are wicked powers? Or to say he will honour them in so glorious and noble a work, which only is the Saints ho­nour? And therefore we say it is not the present Powers of the Ten horns,Psa. 149 9. that shall have the Whore; for they are drunk with her cup,Rev. 17.2.14. ch. 18 9, 10, 11. and will howl when she burns, for they with her make war against the Lambe and his followers; so that the servants of Antichtist are utterly uncapable of doing service for Christ in his great work, for they are no part of this stone, or Kingdome of Christ.

2. Because it is said that the Angels that poure out the Vi­als, or the instruments that execute the judgments of the Lord upon his enemies are such only as come out of the Temple of [Page 21]heaven, or Church of the first borne, Rev. 15.1.6. ch. 16.1. And accordingly are said to be clothed in pure & white linnen or Righteousnesse, and having their Breasts girded with golden Girdles; which denotes them to be holy and pure, which golden notes are no wayes agreeable, neither may they be ap­plied to the Powers of the world, nor any carnall, earthly or Beastlike spirit, for by searching the Scriptures it will ap­pear to impartial men, that the Powers during all the raign of Antichrist are ravenous after the bloud of the Saints, where they make their prey, and doe incontinently oppose Christ and his work, for else they loose their interest, and are said to make war against the Lambe and his followers, and although it may be urged by some, that God can make use of wicked men to do and perform his minde and will; yet will not that be suf­ficient to prove such a thing. For the Lord hath determined to have holy instruments for such a holy service, and accordingly hath declared to us in his word, that he hath chosen his Saints for that purpose, and will confer that great honour upon them. Neither may this be applied to Gods ancient people, so as to be the beginners of this work; for we finde no mention made of israels return untill the fixth Viall be poured out, at which time the work is grown to a great height, and Rome ruined un­der the Fifth. Now do but consider the Vials, and more especi­ally the 4, 5, and 6. Vials: and it will appear, that the judge­ments therein contained, are the same that shall be executed by this stone which we speak off, and so consequently the in­struments the same, at least wise till we come to the sixth Val, at which time the Gentile hoast will be wonderfully increased by the Jews and Israelites, and (we conceive) not much before, so that we are apt to conclude, that the Gentiles, or a small remnant of the Womans seed shall be instrumentall to begin and carry on this great work, and not the powers of the world, or horns of the Beast, nor any other power, or instrument whatsoever. Neither can it be the Jewes. For

3. Christ told them that the Vinyard, or Kingdome of God,Mat. 21.33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. in the internal dispensation thereof, should be taken from them for their rebellion, and unfruitfullnes, and given to a people i.e. the Gentiles, bringing forth, the fruit thereof: and this Kingdom he plainly calls a stone, which those wise master [Page 22]Builders rejected, and first he spenks of its pussive state, and therei tells us that it is a stone or interest fallen upon, or per­secuted, rejected and opposed; and this we finde both in the A­posties time and since, for at Pauls very naming of the Gen­tilles the Jews fell foule on him, and would give him no longer audience, but cryed away with such fellow from the earth, for tis not fit that he should live; and ever since by Antichrist and his Powers, hath this stone been so dealt with; yet with­all he tells us that those which fell upon it should be broken in pieces, and that appears, for how did the Jews split them­selves upon that Rock? And since how hath Powers been broken thereon? Yet it remains to this day. In the next place he speaks of its active state, and therein tell us that it is a stone falling upon, or smiting Christs enemies, and in that po­sture our Lord himself faith of it, that on whomsoever it shall fall it will grinde him or them to powder; which denotes its strength and power, the same is said of Daniels stone, namely that it breaks to powder the gold, silver, iron, brasse and clay. Now minde that 'tis said that God would take this Kingdome from the Jews, and give it to the Gentiles, whom he saith shall bring forth the fruits thereof; and there­fore seeing that God hath given himself, vin yard and interest to his Gentile husbandmen, 'tis meee that we (as the Lord doth) Jook unto them, and expect fruit and grapes from them, and that they being this work, and not to expect grapes from thornes or sign from chistles: For the Jewes vinyard is wild, and bringeth forth wilde fruit. So that this stone is the Gentile Saints. For after the Jewes and Israelites are brought in, and united to the Gentiles, 'tis no more called a stone, but a Mountaine filling the earth:Dan. 2.35. Wherefore it is said in Joel 3.9. that war against the enemy Commonwealth of Israel is to be proclaimed among the Gentiles, who is to prepare the war, as if there was hardly notice taken of the Jewes then, or as if they had no knowledge thereof, or did not minde such a mat­ter.

2. Quest. Seeing that this stone is the Gentile Christians, Then when shall be the time of their Rise actively to begin an offensive war, or smite the Toes, and remaines of the great Image, and by so doing to griude them to pounder?

After several meetings of consultation had upon this points, and much inquiry made thereinto. We were induced to be­lieve, that this Stone (considered without mixture, and pure­ly upon the account of Christ's Kingdome and Government) hath not yet had its rise; although it may on the contrary, seeth to some to have Risen in the late Army of England, against the King & his Monarchy, which thing we take to be a part of the vengeance of God, and to come under a Vial, and yet not the Stone properly in the active part thereof; but not being con­fident herein, we leave both ours and this opinion to the judgment and censure of the spirituall man, to stand or fall according to the Lords will: The reasons that move us to an­swer the Question thus in the Negative, are these:

1. Because that the thing which in the late Army, Power & Interest, against that of the Stuarts, might seem to be the work, and begining of the Stone's Kingdome, is left to another people who are not Saints, but do rule and governe by the same Lawes & Statutes which the Horne of England, cut off by the late dispensation, did: But it is said of the Stone's Kingdom,Dan. 2.44. that God will set it up, or raise it in the dayes of the ten Kings, and it shall never be destroyed, nor left to an other people, that is that Kingdome, the work thereof, and the power thereof, or that dispensation of Christ wherein he will ap­peare in his Saints against his enemies shall not be left or givery into the hands and power of any other people, but shall so continue with and among the Saints, and shall break in pie­ces the other Kingdomes together, and they shall go on Con­quering and to Conquer; so that we have just ground to quere, whither ever, after the rise and smiting of that Stone, there be any visible stop put to the work thereof? But that it go on with an irresistable hand and power, and so effictually, that no place be found for the Kingdomes of this world, and that no power, save that of the Stone, rise up or have continuance in any place where the Stone shall have passede. Psa. 29. Rev. 2.27. ch. 19.15.

2. Because the late Dispensation here in these Nations had the helping hand of worldly power (for so was the Parlia­ment, as being built upon tite old foundation, and so was a part of the Beast, the milde and somewhat temperate) and was [Page 24]set up, raised, continued and nourished by that power: Or that Dispensation was raised with hands: But the Stone spo­ken of by Daniel was cut out of the Mountaine without hands, and so consequently rose without hands,Dan. 2 34, 44, 45. and was not in hands: That is, this Dispensation is cut out and framed toge­ther by the meer finger of God, and the motions and workings of his Spirits in the hearts of his Saints, (as in the first Creation upon the face of the waters) and not by any visiole hand or power of man; neither are they raised by man, but by the in­ternal and mighty power of God; neither after their rise are they in the hand of man to be commanded or guided by his counsel and wisdome, but in the hand of Jehovah, and act by vertue of Commission, power and command from him, and have their sole and intire dependency and reliance upon him, waiting upon him to execute according to his will and pleasure, having sole power under him and for him.

3. Because there was not 9as now evidently appears) that purity, zeal, righteousnesse and self-denial, in the late Ar­my that will be in the Army of Jesus Christ the Lambe: There was many in the former that acted out of principles of covete­ousnesse, pride, ambition, preferment, self-honour, &c. But the servants of Jesus Christ shall be acted by principles found and good,Isa. 62.1. ch. 9.7. & 59.17. Rev. 19.1, 2,3. of love to Christ and his blessed and righteous Cause, zeale for the whole Zion of God and hatred against Babilon, and every accursed thing; and till we see this Vir­gin, unspotted and separated Spirit, we shall not be convin­ced of the Stone's rise: But waite for a people that may con­secrate the Stone's rise: But waite fro a people that may con­secrate the gain and substanceto the Lord of the whol earth, & the carrying on of his work in the earth,Mich. 4.13. and not to them­selves.

4. Because the late work and quarrel was begun and set on foot against the Ecclesiatical Government of Antichrist in these nations, against the Bishops and Romish Hierarchy: But it is cleare that the Dispensation of the Stone shall begin to smite the power of the Beast, or civil Power, and that Quarrel is begun and taken up, and continued chiefly against that Power, as doth appear by the pouring out of the Vials, and also from Dan. 2. where 'tis said, the Stone smites the feet of the Image, breaks the ten Kings, and in ch. 7.9.18. it casts downe the [Page 25]Thrones of the fourth Beast, or Romane Monarchy, takes away their Kingdomes and power. Now the Image, his Toes, the fourth Beast, &c. Are the civill Powers, and therefore this smi­ting work is principally begun against that; the work of the Vialls cannot be proved to be equivolant to that of the stone un­till we come to the first of the seven, which is poured out upon the civil part of Antichrist. So that when the judgements of God shall be executed upon the civill Power, and it's rottenness discovered, and it found to be from hell, and not from heaven, we shall conclude the Stone is up and not before; Daniell not taking notice of the Ecclesiastical Power as principal, in the beginning of the Stones smiting.

Now our consultation and faith affirmatively in order to the Resolution of this great Question we give thus, that the rise and work of the Gentile Saints,Assert. in the nature, power, and strength of that stone is very near at the doore, and to be expect­ed and watched for every day, week, and moneth by the Saints. This great work of separating from, and engaging against Pow­ers; and this to be the time for that work, will more clearly be manifested by and by, from undeniable signes; but we shall say somthing for proof hereof in this place; and,

1. It doth appear to us, & is an undeniable truth from scripture (prophecies of this nature diligently compared together) & rea­son, that when the image of worldly Governments is compleat­ed, or when the last Power, or Powers of the Image are upon the Stage, and hath in a great measure acted their part & parts, even then, and at such a time, shall God by his wisedome,Dan. 2.31, 32, 33, 34, 41.44. and mighty Power, Raise up his instrument, which is this stone, or set up that Kingdome which shall consume, and break in pieces all other Powers, and Kingdmes of what nature, and quallity soever they be: But this great Image, which represents all Pow­ers till Christ, hath compleatly, and exactly, in every limb, and member thereof, (according to our apprehension from Scrip­ture) appeared upon the stage, and the Saints have not only been made sencible of the Cruelty and Tyranny of the head, or Babi­lonish Monarchy, the Breast and Armes or Median, and Persian Monarchy, the belly and thighes or Grecian Monarchy, but also the great Iron Leggs or the Romane, the East­ern and Western Monarchies, yea also the very Feet and Toes of that Image, that is, the mixt Antichristian State of that Monar­chy, [Page 26]and so low are we come, for that the Toes, or ten Kings whose power were derived from Rome, hath been long extant none denies: and therefore the Images is compleated, the Beasts have all exercised their Tyrany; for,

First the ten Horns, having (as now was said) appeared vi­sible to the world, and in a great measure acted their parts, are now in part gone of the stage and remain in a broken and tot­tering condition, witnes the blow of late given to the English Monarchy, which is one of the ten: Now when this great breach is made among the ten, the Saints shortly after take place, of whom fit is said,Dan. 7.18. that they shall take the Kingdom and possesse it, which kinde of phrase seems to hold forth an act of hostility and a combate betwixt the honest and unrighteous parties, so that now they cannot be properly called the ten Kings com­pleat in power and strength, but rather the relicks and ruinous remains of the Ten.

Secondly, because that the breach made is now filled up, or an other interest and power stept up in the room and place of that, or those plucked up, and removed; and therefore the last powers of the Beast are now manifest to the world, for when in vision Dauiel sees some of the ten Hornes subdued,Dan. 7. and when in vision Dauiel sees some of the ten Hornes subdued, and another stand up to supply their vacancy, which he calls a little Horns, raigning a little time, but doing great things, imediately after he sees the interest and power of Christ take place, and no other power of the Beast mentioned, but all do center and expire with the ten, and that same little Horne which comes up after, with greater purposes than performan­ces: But we see the alteration, the Breach and the supply, and can almost possitively assert (having well weighed those significant Carracters which the Holy Ghost gives of the little Horne Dan. 7.) that this Power and Government now in En­gland, is the Power and Government of that little Horne, which (aswell Persons as Power) hath a mean begining, but a worse end, or at leastwise some part thereof, because of its wonderful likenesse, to that wickednesse, who gradually weares out the Saints of the Most High, and thinks to change the times and Lawes of these nations, and for that end ap­pears in a brave shape, diverse from his predecessors, to the end he might not be suspected in his actions for such an one as [Page 27]he is, but it is but the Devil in his Angel-like garbe, on Sa­tan driven out of heathenish Kings to seemingly refining Ru­lers. So then, the glasse of the Beasts powers being almost run out in these Nations, what remaines but that the Saints take into their own possession the Kingdome and Power, (which is their Birth right, as free men of the common­wealth of Israel, and heirs of the whole World with Christ Gal. 3.29.) which the Beast and his Powers hath unjustly, by vio­lence, oppression, force and armes, deteined from them some hundereds of years, for which they have an action against him in the Court of heaven, before the Judge of all.

2. Daniel doth not only in the general tell us,Dan. 2. ch. 7. that in the daies of the ten Kings, but also in particular tells us that in the daies or time of that little Horne (which is but a little compasse of time) the work of God against his enemies shall begin: And when the enemies of God are confederating and combining themselves together, indeavouring by art and po­licy to keep their fabrick from falling, at such a time will the Lord break them in pieces Isa. 8.9.10. If therefore the little Horne be now up in England,Dan.7.9, 10, 11.18.26, 27. then 'tis clear the Stone will sudainly rise and that against him, for 'tis upon him that the Antient of dayes sits to give Judgment, and from him that the Saints take the Kingdome.

Ob. But some may say, that in case it be granted you that this is the Power of the little Horne, yet it must also be granted that, Objection. that Horne must continue three years and a half according to oppinion: But this Power hath not been of so long standing by a considerable time; and therefore you cannot expect the rise of that smiting work untill the said time of continuance be fully accomplished.

Answ. To this we answer briefly, that it cannot be supposed, Answer. that that work shall not begin untill the end of three years and a half to be accounted from the Hornes rise; unlesse that it be supposed that he shall have more time to continue then is ex­prest which cannot be asserted with any colour or ground, or else that he and his power shall be vanquished and over­come, and extirpated in one day, which thing, although it be possible with god, yet it is not according to the scope of the Prophecy, for who can prove that he shall continue longer [Page 28]than is expressed? Which this supposition we must take as granted. But now on the contrary (taking for granted that this power is that Horne) it may be supposed and that with good ground and reason, that this work which we speak of, shall begin some considerable time before the end of the said three years and a half, wherein the Lord will so appear, and work for and in his Saints, that at the expiration of the said tearme, the said Powers and upholders may have their period, and determination in destruction from the Lord and his tem­ple. And we must needs go on, and conclude that the rise of the stone is more near then the enlightened Saints themselves are aware of, and must say from the Lord, that it is now the duty of the Saints to hearken to this work, and to be found acting therein for the Kingdome of our Lord Jesus Christ, a­gainst the Kingdome of Antichrist and the Beast.

3. Quest. What is that great work in particular, that shall be done by this Stone, or by Christ in the Gentile-Saints.

Answ. That the work of this Stone is a smiting work, or a works wherein the Saints imployed shall visibly appeare in a millitary posture for Christ, which we call the great combate between Christ and the Kings and Rulers of the world: For the Saints shall fall upon, or smite that great Image, the Feet and Toes thereof, and the whole Romane Monarchy, as now devided, or all those powers whose derivation is from Rome, (others not accepted nor freed) shall be thereby smitten, we mean the Kingdomes of the Romish Iron-legs or the Romane Kingdome devided into the Easterne and Westerne Monarchies, (wherein the whole Dominion, Power and Monarchy of the Ottoman Family or that of the Turks is comprehended) and the Beasts ten Hornes or Antichrist's civil Powers (equivolant to the ten Toes) and also the little Horne, together with all Powers whatsoever that shall be found opposers of the Lords Kingdome, whiter the be of the Golden, Babilonish, silver Persian, brasen Grecian, or iron Romane. Dan. 2. and ch. 7. Rev. 13 ch. 17. So that we comprehend the whole Kingdome of Antichrist in the Civil and Ecclesiastical parts thereof made up of persons and things.

Quest. Then seeing this Stone is thus to smite, what are the effects & producements of that smiting?

Answ. The enemies of the Lord are broken to pieces: And first in general, we say the Feet and toes, I or present standing Powers of the Nations of Europe, shall be broken to pieces, and the Kingdome and Monarchy of the fourth Beast, which (though devided) bears rule over the whole earth, together with all the Lawes of that Kingdome, the law-Makers, the pleaders of and for those laws, the executors of those laws high and low under what name or title soever, & the Iron, the Clay, the Brasse, the Silver and the Gold, shall totally and uni­versally be broken to pieces together, and ground to powder, and shall become as light, vain, empty and uselesse as chaff, and the Lords winde shall carry them all away, so that no place shal be found for them; and that for these Reasons:

1. Because God the Father hath decreed this work: And in this Decree, we finde that the Lord hath ordained to set Christ Jesus his Son upon his holy hill of Zion, and from thence he shall send the Law, and from thence he shall roar and ut­ter his voice; and also that he shall break his enemies with his Iron rod or instrument, and shall dash them to pieces like as a Potters vessel is broken against a stone Psa. 2.7. Dan. 2.44. ch. 7.27. Rev. 2.27. ch. 19 15.

2. Because they will fully and obstinately set themselves to oppose, and do take counsel against the Lords annointed, who is the only lawful King and Heir of the whole world, against his Kingdome and Government: And doth not this wickednesse deserve great punishment? Psa. 2.2, 3.

3. Because the fifth Kingdome, which is Christs, with its ho­ly, just and righteous Lawes, and Officers, must arise with destruction too, and stand up in place of the fourth Kingdom, and the Lawes and Officers thereof: So that as the fourth Kingdome rose with the destuction to the three preceding, even so will this fifth arise with the destruction of the fourth, and all the relicks of the other three, yea, and such majesty, power and invincible and irresistable strength shall go along with this work, that in the end it shall become so great a Mountaine, that it shall fill the whole Earth, and then where will be any roome or place found for the fourth Kingdome? No more than for chaff in a mighty whirle-winde.

[Page 30] 4. Because it is the purchase of the Blood, and death of our Lord Jesus Christ: he was wounded, and bruised, and put to grief, oppressed, and afflicted, stricken, and brought as a lamb to the flaughter, his soule was made an offering for sin, and he was numbred among the Transgressors, and therefore (faith the Fa­ther) will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoile with the strong: because he powred out his soule unto Death, &c. For which cause (faith the Apostle) God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. So that Jesus Christ hath purchased the Kingdome with his owne precious blood, and good reason he should have it, and all opposers under his feet; he shall wound the heads o­ver many Countries, and he shall strike thorow Kings in the day of his power, Isa. 53.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Phill. 2.7, 8, 9. Psal. 110.6.

5. Because it will answer the longing expectations, and pain­sull groanings of the whole Creation, which travaile in pain to be dilivered from the bondage of corruption, and from that yoak whereunto it is subjected, Rom. 8.22.

So that the Kingdomes and Powers of the World, for these Reasons, shall be broken to pieces by that stone, (as the gene­ral effects of its smiting work.) But yet it remaines that we shew what shall be the particular effects of this worke, as to Christs remaining obstinate enemies, and their place, for after the Dominions of the Beast cease, and his power be taken away, yet will there be some (and they but Beasts) that shall have their lives prolonged for a season and a time, untill they be taken in Treasonable practices against the King, Dan. 7.12. Neither do the Vialls, or the first fix, totally destroy all and every part of that and those things which they are poured our upon, but leave somthing remaining which the last, and universal Viall doth dispose of as the Lord hath decreed; and therefore,

2. In the Second place, the particular effect of this Breaking work of the Lord in the world, and great controversy wherein he pleads with all flesh by fire and sword, as to the persons of the obstinate enemies of God is hardnesse of heart, and impene­tency, obstinatenesse, and blindnesse of minde: Instead of re­pentance, and giving glory to God when they see his judgments upon the Earth, they blaspheme his name, and repent not to [Page 31]give him glory, nor of their evill deeds, but are mad, yea the nations are angry at that noble sound of the seaventh trum­pet which proclaims Christ's Right to the Kingdome of this world: Unbelief brings hardnesse of heart,Rev. 11.18. an hardened neck causes murmuring and repining, and murmuring, Rebel­lion which is as the sinne of Witchcraft, so that it is a very dangerous thing to be found in a state of unbelief, least you (with Christs enemies) be hardened to your own destruction; now according to this word we finde that in the pouring out of the Vials (which, as one saith are a brief historical Pro­phecie of things to be done in the last daies) that the enemies are more and more hardened against god and his work, and people, and are not at all wrought upon, but become despe­rate and doe blaspheme, and gnaw their tongues, still per­sisting in their wickednesse, till at last upon the pouring out of the sixth Vial, they take in hand such an enterpise as becomes all their ruin, and that is to try it at once with this Stone, whom they thought would hardly have reached Ʋphrates, and that is to gather together all the Kings of the earth that remain, and of the whole world to battle against this Stone, for which end they send out Ambassadors that have the spirits of Devils to work Miracles, that Kings and Princes might be perswaded that all shall be well on their side, for they goe out of them mouth of the Draggon, Beast and false prophets, and 'tis very likely (as a good man observes) that the Drag­gon or Satan will have his party in the field, which we take to be the Turk and his powers and adherents as most heathen­ish; the Beast his party in the field which may be properly supposed the Kings of these nations in Europe, and the false Prophet his party in the field, which we call the pope and his adherents together with other Lords of the Church and Church state of Antichrist; and these parties becoming one under the Banner of the devil, will join hands against the Stone, but to no purpose, for like a company of fooles do they run themselves into destruction, and they will be catch't in their own devise, the portraiture whereof, together with the Lords purpose and performance thereby we finde in Mich. 11.12. Now many Nations are gathered against Zion which say let her be defiled, &c. But they know not the thoughts of [Page 32]the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: For he ga­thers them as sheaves into the floore to be threshed by the Stone, and accordingly commands Zion so too, Arise and thrash, &c. So that the hand and providence of God doth wisely dis­pose of his enemies to their own destruction, and therein will it appear that the foolishnesse of God is wiser than the wisdom of men; accordingly when we finde them in this po­sture in the Revelations, we also there finde the seaventh An­gel come forth upon them with a just and dreadful execution, which in other places fo Scripture is said to be a bloudy vin­tage, where the grapes of bloud and persecution is prest to the full Rev. 16.8, 9, 10, 11, 12,1 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Isa. 63.3. Rev. 19.13. ch. 14.19, 20. So that all the effect that we finde this dreadful work to have upon the hearts of the Anti­christian is hardnesse and stupidity, whose tongues are bent as a bow to shoot at the righteous and blaspheme the Lords name, so shall their necks be bent for destruction; for it will be found a dreadfull condition to be hardened against this dispensation, a thing which will pull downe vengeance, by provocation, upon the heads of blasphemers.

3. The effects of the Stone's breaking the powers of Babilon, as touching the place of Babilon mistical, or that which is called spiritually Aegipt and Sodom, or at least wise some part or particular places most filthy and wicked of that Babilon shal become desolate without inhabitant, even like unto that So­dom upon which the Lord rained fire and brimstone, which at this day is reputed and supposed to remain in a noisomes and hellish condition; and it may be supposed, that the place where Babilon inhabiteth, shall not be the Saints habitation, or any part of their habitation in the dayes of their prosperity, for the Scripture plainly tells us the contrary, as that she shall become the habitation of devils,Rev. 18.2.11, 12, 13, 14, &c. and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird, no voyce of harpers, &c. shall be heard in her; no craftsman shall be found in her; there shall not the light of a candle be found in her;Rev. 32, 33. neither shall the voyce of the Bridegroom and Bride be heard any more at all in her; her mirth, her trade, her light, her inhabitants shall determine in final destruction, and no man shall buy her merchandize any more; again in an­other [Page 33]other place the streames thereof shall be turned into pitch,Isa. 34.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Zeph. 2.14 Isa. 13.22. ch. 14.23. Jer. 51.37 and the dust into brimstones, and the land shall become burn­ing pitch, it shall burn for ever; none shall passe thorow it for even; the Cormorant, the Bitterne, the Owle and raven shall dwell there, and God will stretch out upon her the line of confusion and stones of emptinesse, thornes, nettles and brambles shall come up in her Palaces and Fortresses, and habitation for Draggons, wilde beasts, Satyrs, Shrick-Owls, Vultures shall possesse it, there shall they cry, and rest, and hatch and be gathered, and no one of these shall fail saith God. So that we have cause to believe, that the place of Babilon shall become desolate, and though now she be like the garden of Eden, yet that she shall become a desolate wildernesse; and like unto Sodom, may Rome be made for the great sins, Ido­latry, murders and wickednesses practised in her, and else­where by her command and authority; and also that when great Babilon shall come in remembrance (as the Scripture tearmes it) before God, that then also the cities of the Na­tions shall fall Rev. 16.19. So that 'tis unlikely that she shall be any part of the Saints possession; But this we believe that Jerusalem shall be builded upon her own heap, and the Pa­lace shall remaine after the manner thereof, and that she shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem Jer. 30.18. Zech. 12.6. And that she again shall be had in possession by God's Antients.

Having thus spoken to the work of the Stone, and the ef­fects of that work, as to the powers of the Nations, and to Gods remaining enemies, and to the place of Babilon: It now remains that we show what the effects will be as to it self, for which purpose we take the words of Daniel, and the Stone that smote the Image became a great Mountain and filled the whole earth Dan. 2.35.

Quest. How, and by what means doth this Stone become a great Quest. Mountain filling the whole Earth, so as to leave no place for the Image, or any part thereof?

1. What's the means of the Stone's great growth?

the means laid down in the word of the Lord, Ans. by which the Stone or remnant of Gentile-Saints shall grow up into a [Page 34]visible, glorious and great Mountain; are

1.1. Meane A great and powerfull measure of Gods holy and blessed Spirit, shall be poured forth upon those Sts. of the latter daies in great abountance: The reason why this plant shall grow so mightily is, because it is of Gods planting and shall be wa­tered every day by him; and the dew Hermon and showers of his Spirit shall come down upon them every day as showers upon the mown grasse, and the Son and Daughters of Zion shall prophecy, and old men and young men shall have vi­sion, that will be good day and a blessed time to be under the showers of heaven, and certainly must cause a wonderful growth of courage, wisdome, tholinesse and power, which will be the leading means of a mighty Camp; for as showers, rivers and streams would refresh the dry and thirsty ground, and cause the grasse and herb to flourish, even so will this Spirit cause the Saints, though like a wildernesse and barren fruitlesse field, flourish and grow, and blossome aboundant­ly, so that glory of Lebanon, and the excellency of Car­mel and Sharon shall be given unto them, and the wildernesse shall become very fruitful,Isa. 35.1, 2 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. ch. 43.15, &c. and there shall be rivers in the desart and wildernesse, which betokens great growth and a very flourishing, increasing and happy day; and when once this annointing comes, all the yoaks that Satan hath put upon our soules, or that men have put upon the Bodies of the Saints, shall be broken and taken away Isa, 10.27. And then being in a great measure delivered from the servise estate of sin, the Stone shall grow and flourish like a green herb, and such power shall it have, that when the Lord promises this Spirit he also saith, that then he will show wonders in the heavens and earth; the Sun shall be turned into darknesse and the Moon into bloud, and the old heavens and earth of the Na­tions Isa 5 30. shall begin to shake, for this Spirit will be as a strong winde in the hollow concaves of the earth that causes earth quakes, So that when the Lord gives forth his Spirit, it will not only cause to grow and strengthen his own people and make them like Lions in his work, but it will we ken, shake and confound the enemies and opposers of God, and this work; and the Spirit that breaks the yoak encreases and strengthens the oppressed, and therefore wo will be the [Page 35]portion of oppressors when this Spirit comes Joel 2.28, 29, 30, 31. Zech. 2.10. compared v. 8. Acts 2.17, 18, 19.

2. The preaching of the everlasting Gospel:2. Meane Imediately before the Stone's smiting, the Lord causes the everlasting Gospel to be preached to them that dwell on the earth, and to every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and people, as the last proffer of mercy to his enemies; and the Angel or instrument of that work is said to fly in the midst of heaven, and declare it publickly and universally to the end that all men may hear and be left without excuse, and he tels them that the hour of Gods Judgment is come (which argues that the smiting work of the Stone is but a very little behinde, and doth sud­dainly follow that warning, which is as an alarum sounded by God to the world, to tell them as he did Noah of old, that the end of all flesh is come Gen. 6.13.Rev. 14.6, 7.) and therefore ex­horts them to repentance, and in case of continuance in sin, they are left naked to that dreadful and never to be recalled Judgment of the Lord. By which meanes those which the Lord hath purposed to save, and whom he will use and honour in this work; joyning them to that Stone, and which shall hearken to this voyce,Rev. 18.4. and in obedience thereto (as a voyce from heaven, calling upon them for repentance) forsake their evil way, and come out of Babilon and be saved, and this will be a great means to encrease that Stone, for certainly if all men (save those who now own this truth) were hardened unto destruction, the Lord would not give so distince war­ning, for then would it all be in vain, but there be those that shall come into the vinyard at the eleaventh and last hour, as well as at the first hour, and the Lord doth it for the sake of those his people which yet are loitering and hanckering in Babilon: And therefore now we give his exhortation in the name of the Lord, and from the Lord to the whole world, All ye Inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth, see ye when he lifteth up an ensign on the Mountains, and when he bloweth a Trumpet hear ye. And we exhort all men that when the voyce of this Gospel shall sound as a Trumpet in Zion, and from thence to the world, that you would give care unto it Isa. 18 3.

3. The execution of the Judgments and vengeance:3. Meane. It is [Page 36]supposed that there will be some, who, notwithstanding the loud voyce of this Gospel, will still venture to stay in Babi­lon, and that till it fall upon their heads like an old ruinous house, and yet be of those whom the Lord may have mercy upon and save, yea, whom he may use and honour though they come in at the eleaventh hour, but this will be attended with great danger and hardship: Or thus, there may be some that may take example when they here of, or see the great and breaking Judgments of God executed upon his enemies by this warlike Dispensation, which we speak of, and so be for­ced to fly and make an escape (as the Prophet Jer. hath it ch. 51.6.) out of Babilon fearing to be cut off by her iniquity, which before seemed incredible unto them. Accordingly we finde that at the rise and ascention of the witnesses,Rev. 11.13. when there shall be so dreadful an Earth-quake which shall swallow up the tenth part of the great City, or the tenth part of Rome's Dominions, that the remnant escaping shall be affrighted and give glory to God: So that we say with Isa. When the Judge­ments of the Lord are in the earth, then the Inhabitants of the world will learn righteousnesse Isa 26.9.Gen. 19, 15, 16. And this is a drawing and pulling of Lot out of Sodom, before all is utter­ly consumed, and therein will the exceeding riches of his grace appear; and therefore we are apt to believe that as the Stone smites, so it will encrease, gradually growing into a great Mountain, as will appear anon.

4.4. Meane. The glorious, heavenly and excellent Quallifications, Justice, Government, Conversation and Purity of that Com­pany, People and Camp: which thing will be a great argu­ment and motive to perswade and provoke the Gentiles, and not only them, but the Jews also shall be thereby enticed as it were, and moved to liking and love of Jesus Christ and the Truth; and as men have wondered after the Beast, so now shall they wonder after Jesus Christ and become his followers. So that this thing will be as the shout of a King to the world, and as an Ensign to the Nations,Isa. 5.26. Isa. 11.12. and God will assemble the out­casts of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judath from the four corners of the Earth. The heaven-like estate of Gods people under this dispensation, is set forth by Gods finger in Rev. ch. 14. where we finde these Charracters given of them as gol­den [Page 37]notes to distinguish them from the world and hypocrites.

1. They have the Fathers Name written in their Foreheads: which thing denotes their call to,Rev. 17.14. and publick owning of the work of Jesus Christ, for whose service they are marked and sealed, in opposition to that company, marked in their foreheads with the mark of the Beast for his servants; and argues their high, and spiritual frame being in the mount with the Lamb, in the face of his Enemies.

2. They sing a new song before the Lambs throne, and no man can learne that song save that sealed Army: which holds forth thus much unto us, that there is no other people in the world come up to that high, and glorious frame of light, wis­dom, & self deniall that is found among that people; which ren­ders them the most absolute fit instruments for Christs use.

3. They are Redeemed from the earth: a people that shall quit their clayme, interest, and portion to and in the old earth, and things below, and on this side the good land, for a lot and inheritance in that new-Creation & Restitution of things with Christ in that kingdom of perfection on earth:1 Cor. 15.50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. a people that shal hate Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife, & Children for Christ; their affections are allienated from the world, and picht upon Christ, his Zion, and cause, whom they will prefer above their cheif joy; a people disingaged from the earth, and all earthly and worldly interests, & therefore of all other people the most absolute fit for his work and service therein freely to engage, who, tho they have nothing, yet shall they possesse all things. 2 Cor. 6.10.

4. A people that are not defiled with women: That is a peo­ple that have not tasted so deepe of the bewitching cupp as o­thers, that are not polluted with the corrupted, whorish, and abominable interests and defilements of the world, Babilon and Antichrist, which is compared by the wise man to a subtil Harlott:2 Cor. [...] But on the contrary they are a company separate from the unclean thing, a pure and chaste people that have not gone a Whoring after these fading vanities, but are espoused to one Husband, and presented as a chaste Virgin to Christ, 2 Cor. 11.2.

5. A people that follow the Lamb, whether so ever he goeth: this is a very plain and comprehensive charracter, arguing their readinesse and freedome to own and follow Christ in his extra­ordinary [Page 38]dispensation, and therein to submit to his will, and obey his commands as their Captain-General and law-giver, who shall be made wisdome unto them: Accordingly, the holy Ghost gives this Testification of them,Rev. 17.14. that they are called, and faithfull, and chosen; a man may be called, so way Judas, yet not faithfull; nay, he may in some measure be faithfull, so was the young man in the Gospel; yet not be chosen to this honourable imployment, which thing is rendred as a reason of Christs over-coming. Hypocrites may go far in this work, and should there appear no more of difficulty and trial than is now, the camp of Israel would swarm with that kinde of Vermine; but the work will grow so hot, and the spirit so bright and clear, that hypocrites (who may pretend their call, and plead their seeming faithfulnesse) will be forced to fly for it, not being able to abide the field, nor these everlasting burnings, as they are termed: but will be surprised with feare, because their hypo­crisie shall be discerned by these Virgins.Isa. 33.14. Mal. 3.18. So that as a Thief will be afraid of the sun, so will these trembled and feare (for they are Thieves that climbe over the Wall, where they have no right) when Gods spirit comes down, who will distinguish who are the Lords, by its resting upon them. And though there be thirty thousand that follow the sound of Gideons Trumpet, yet there's but three hundred that are chosen,Judge. 7. and who abide the trial. Oh! how will hypocrites be abashed?

6. A people redeemed from among men: And not only from the world, or those that have their conversation among wicked men, but they are a people picked and chosen from a­mong the best of men, such are the Churches, and are the best of Saints; accordingly Daniel tells us this Stone is cut out of the Mountain, arguing the great difficulty of their separation from the rest:ch. 2.34. And they are called the first fruits unto God and the Lambe, and there must be a curious eye, and dili­gent respect had to their timely ripenesse and fitnesse for this work, and as such early and rare Berries near the Sun, must they be gathered into the Lords basket, and others left, some for a latter crop, others for the destroier.

7. A people in whose mouth is found no guise: Who out of security and real affection follow Jesus Christ, not for his loaves, nor for worldy honour and riches, neither out of [Page 39]any selfish or by end, with hypocricy, or lying dissimulation but as such, who have the root of the matter in them, they are without fault before the throne of God.

8. And lastly, a people that shall hate the Whore: And these quallifications here said down, together with that ha­tred begot in them by the Spirit of God against all wicked­nesse, & wicked powers, doth render them capable of this great imployment, and fit to make that Whore and Babilon desolate, and naked of all her powers, and to eat her flesh and burn her with fire, all which as Gods enemies they hate (with David) with a perfect hatred Rev. 17.16. In a word, this blessed com­pany shall be so affected with the work of the Lambe, so zea­lous for the glory of Zions King, so desirous for the good of all the Saints though of differing formes and opinions, so carried forth with desires of Babilons ruine, and the Spirit of God so mighty in them, that none of them shall be weary nor stumble in this work, none shall slumber nor sleep, all drow­sinesse and slothfulnesse of spirit shall depart from them, nei­ther shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, so stedfast shall be their standing, and their profession without wavering, nor shall the latchet of their shoe be broken,Isa. 4 26, 27, 28, 29. for they shall all be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Christs King­dome; their arrowes are sharp, and all their bowes bent, their horses hoofes shall be counted like flint, and nothing shall be h [...]rd for them, their wheeles shall be like whirlewinde, they shall roar like Lions, they shall lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it a way safe, and none shall deliver it; for they are a people that the Lord hath formed for his praise, and consollidated for his work Isa. 43.21.

Quest. 2. What is the manner of this Stones growth and encrease into so great a mountain?

Ans. That this stone shall grow up into a great mountain by severall remarkable Gradations, which the scripture menti­ons: And,

1. Admitting the remnant of the womans seed (who main­tains the quarrell against the Draggon,1. Gradati­on. during the continuance of time, wherein the more eminent and remarkable witnesses are dead, Rev. 11. compared with chap. 12.17.) to be the first beginning and rise of that stone.) The Call and addition of the [Page 40]Risen Witnesses to that stone: Although it may be suggested, that the stones smiting, and the Witnesses rise are equivolent the one to the other; yet cannot it be denyed that, that poore dis­pised, and not greatly suspected remnant may be in a readinesse and offensive posture, before the Ascention of those witnesses; And may with good ground be supposed that, That remnant neer unto the expiration of those three dayes and a half, in which the Witnesses lie dead shall to bestirre themselves, and (with Gods help) bring thins into such a gallant posture, that they may give the Call unto the Witnesses, which may prove so effectuall,Rev. 11.12, 13, 14. that the witnesses thereby shall be joyned un­to them, and that that first woe and dredfull earthquake, which shall rend in pieces the tenth part of the great City, and slay so many men, shal be executed: So then we hope it may without offence, and probable conjecture be asserted, That the Rem­nant of the Womans seed shall give that effectuall Call unto the Witnesses, which shall be like a great voice from heaven. And also that the Witnesses shall then ascend unto them in that dis­pensation, in a cloud with glory and power, and so be joyned together. And we also ascert, and accordingly give all Saints, yea, and the World notice, That from thenceforth the work of God shall go on with a more strong and irresistable hand then ever; and then shall the earth-quake and the heavens shake.

2.2. Gradati­no. The Conversion of the ten horns: The ten horns now the powers and followers of the Beast, shal be converted, and shall become the followers, & servants of the Lambe, imployed in the work of the Lambe, they shall hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire: Not (as we have already said) the present powers of the ten horns, nor yet multitudes of people in the ten horns, for they are Idolaters, and grievous sinners, marked with the badge of Antichrist. But some out of all the ten horns, whom the Lord will have mercy on, shall be chosen by Christ, in which respect, it is said the ten horns, For as the judgment (as we have noted) goes through the ten horns, and is executed upon the Beast-like powers thereof; so will the stone be increased by these new Converts, and that before it comes at Rome, which we call the second Gradation. Now then (admitting that the powers of the ten horns shall be subdued by the Saints; and as now they [Page 41]are Antichristian, and fight for the Beast against the Lamb, so shall they become Christians and fighters for the Lambe against the Beast:) some of the people of the ten horns, or that remnant of God, which are scattered abroad, over the Dominions of the ten horns, shall over-run all the powers of the ten horns, and shall be glorious instruments in the hand of God against Rome, & Whose covering and ornaments they shall pluck of, and tear in pieces, whose horns they shall fray and saw off, whose body they shall burn, and whose substance they shall consecrate; so that nothing of her shall remain, neither Son nor Nephew,Rev. 17.16, 17. Zech. 1.21. Isa. 14.22. Mich. 1.11. name, nor remnant, saith Jehovah. And this, the method which God observes in dispensing of the everlasting Gospel, seems to favour, for there we have the Angel preaching first to them that dwell on the Earth, and then to every Nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, which argues the first beginning, and rise of that Gospel to be among those dwellers on the earth. Now the holy Ghost assignes that title to the inhabitants of the domi­nions of the ten horns, who are the earth of Antichrist, or that part of the world, wherein the Beast, and that Mistery Babilon principally Raines, such is the Nations of Europe, where the seat of the Beast is placed, and tyranny executed; and by this name God (in scripture) distinguishes between them, and the heathens, and multitudes of other great and more remote Na­tions, and kingdomes whom he cals peoples, kindreds, and tongues, and Nations: so that we must say, that God hath his remnant in each horn, or particular Dominion of those King­domes of Europe, unlesse we suppose (which thing would be unadvised, and unwarrantable) that they shall all be destroyed; and that they shall next unto the Witnesses become part of this stone; The judgment first going through these Idolatrous and Antichristian Nations, thereby increasing it self, and by those scattered remnants.

3. The call and addition of the Jews, or two Tribes of Ju­dah and Benjamine: Next unto the Gentile Saints,3. Gradati­on. in the Domi­nion of the ten horns, the Lord will in mercy and loving kind­nesse begin to visit the Jews, and we apprehend that there shall such restlesnesse be begot in their spirits, and such desires in their (or at least wise in some of their) hearts (out of what prin­ciples, upon what grounds, resolutions, and accounts we doe [Page 42]not ascertain, or determine, only suppose (with godly men) that it may be upon an Old Testament account in respect of their worship, and upon a worldly and partly self-account in respect of their Land and place, and the regainment and repossession thereof. But withall favourably expect that, in their very first and dullest motion, that some symptomes of excellency will appear, and happily their almost drowned expectation of the Messias coming with power as a King, and Deliverer will be revived and rectified.) that they shall be mightily stirred up, and begin to Ratle, as that metaphor of Dry-Bones holds forth,Ezek. 37.7. insomuch that (being moved to jealously or emulation by the Gentiles, through whose mercy they shall obtain mercy,Rom. 11.31. having their hard hearts moved and affected with the work of this Gentile-people, namely their breaking of these Powers of the fourth Beast, which hath been the Jewes great Enemy, as having at first disinherited them, and ever since kept the yoak of Thraldome upon their necks, and their subduing and constant appearing against the Idols, Idolatrous Church-state and worship of Antichrist, and their de­stroying of Rome it self, that nest of serpents, who hath alwayes given life and being to Idolatrous worship; and which at this day is the Jewes great stumbling-block, for those of them in more remote parts, ignorantly suppose that there is no Christian Religion in Europes Nations, save that which is practised by Romes authority, which is one cause of their great and irreconcileable offence taken against all Christians. And also by reason, of the Union, Righteousnes & Spirit of this Gentile-Army, namely their hatred and detestation of all I­dolatry, being Redeemed into this work, and from hypocri­sy, superstition and idolatry, and their great love and kind­nesse to the Jewes and willingnesse to serve them and help them to subdue and drive out those Pagans and Heathens that pos­sesse their Land, and to give unto them the actual possession thereof, &c) they shall willingly and readily imbrace this wonderful Providence and opportunity, joyning themselves to these Gentiles, who are of the same Faith with them, in many material and fundamental Points. And the Gentiles (knowing how exceeding beneficial and advantageous their returne will be in many respects, and in especial manner for [Page 43]that aboundance of light and increase of knowledge that shall then be given forth, insomuch that the Scripture saith, it shall be as life from the dead Rom. 11.15.) shall be as wiling to receive & imbrace them.Isa. 11.12. So that the Jews (who are frequently in Scripture called the dispersed, and are scattered and disper­sed abroad over the Dominions of the ten Hornes and other Nations more remote,Mich. 4.6, 7. Isa. 11.11, 12. and thereby distinguished from Israel or the ten Tribes, who are called the out-casts, driven out and cast far off.) shall be raised out of their place, and the Dry Bones shall come together, Bone to his Bone, and they shall be gathered, and assembled, and formed into one Body, and made a Nation, and joined unto this Stone, and therein will the mighty strength and power of God appear, because they are scattered into the four corners of the earth and Nati­ons far distant, from whence they shall be so raised. Yet do we not expect nor believe that all of the Jewes, but only a Remnant shall attain the Resurrection of the Just, we mean the first Resurrection Dan. 12.2. Zech. 13.8. And that they shal be called and adjoyned to the Stone next to the Gentiles of the Dominions of the ten Hornes, and before their Brethren the ten Tribes is cleare, for so saith the Prophet in expresse tearmes, The Lord shall save the Tents of Judath, or the two Tribes first, Zech. 12.7. and will first assemble her that halted (i.e. the Jewes who sinfully halted in betraying and Murder­ing the Lord of life.) and then gather her that was driven out,Mich. 4.6, 7. 2 Sam. 5.5. i.e. the ten Tribes. And as David who was the Tipe of Christ, Raigned certain years over Judah before Israel became his sub­jects, even so, it may be Christ may Raign over Judah some time before the ten Tribes come into his Scepter and Go­vernment.

4. And lastly,4. Gradati­on. the recovery and assembling of Israel and the ten Tribes, with which this Stone is, and shall become a compleat, glorious and great Mountain, for, as for the mul­titudes of the Gentile-Nations and peoples that shall flow to these the Lords people, there to worship the Lord, 'tis said that they shall go to the Mountains; so that 'tis a Mountain with Israel's return and adjoyning to their Brethren the Jews,Isa. 2.2, 3. Mich. 1.2. 8. &c. and that Gentiles: Now as for the ten Tribes, they are called the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel, and have for many hundreds [Page 44]of years been lost in a long Captivity, whereinto they were led and carried by Shalmanezer the Assirian King, and into a Land (if we may credit Esdras, who in many things agrees with Isal) where never man dwelt, from whence the holy Prophets do mention their returne to be miraculous in se­veral respects,Isa. 43.5.6, 8. and thus Isa. bring my sonnes from far (i.e. from America as Manasse Ben Israel observes) and my daugh­ters from the ends of the earth, bring forth the people that have eyes and yet never saw Christ, the deaf that have ears and never heard the voyce of Jesus Christ heir King. And the or­der of the Vials doth confirme this our oppinion of placing their return here, for the fifth Angel (Master Tillinghast proves to be the Gentile-Churches) having poured out his Vial, and thereby destroyed the chief Metropolis great Babilon or the Beasts seat (with which the whole world will then ring, and certainly God will nos leave the Israelites without strong im­pulse of spirit, and happily the news hereof, together with that of their Brethren the Jewes motion upon this fatal blow may reach their eares, and move their hearts) and which is the preparation of the next Judgment; And the sixth Angel poured out his Vial upon the great River Euphrates, and the effect followes,Rev. 16.12 the waters thereof are dryed up, that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared. So that the main end of this Vial is to prepare the way for Israels returne, who are called Kings of the East, and their returne will be suddainly after Romes ruins as we have here plac't it. But the great River Euphrates some do understand the Turkish-powers, who now have in their possession the EaTerne Countries, which the Assirian formerly had, and therefore is the great Block of Israels, returne into their own Land, and is the de­teinor thereof; and the drying up of the waters thereof to be a wasting and consuming of that power and strength, whereby a way might be opened for Israel.

Again, others expound it literally, and that the waters of literal Euphrates shall be dryed up; there be waighty argu­ments for both opinions; and the Prophet Isaiah doth seem to clear the latter, and thus, The Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the Remnant of his people; which shall be left from Assyria and from Egypt, and from Pathors and Cush, [Page 45]and from Elam, and from Shuiar (or Assarath in the Assiriack) from Hamath, and from the Islelands of the Sea, which remnant are the ten Tribes that shall be gathered from these eight places, as Mr. Benj. Israel observes, whom the Lord will make a strong Nation upon the mountains of Israel, and then the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea, (i. e. the River Nilus of Egypt;) and with his mighty winde shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seaven streams (i.e. Mich. 7.4. the Ethiopian river Euphrates, which is divided into seven streames and channels) and make men go over dry shod, and there shall be an high-way for the remnant of his people,Isa. 11.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. which shall be left from Assiria, like as it was to Israel, in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt, even as when the red Sea was dyed up: yet do we not conclude that, that of the Reve­lation, is to be understood onely in this sense, but do conceive that both opinions may have their fulfilling; and withall as­sert, That we verily believe, that at Israels happy return,Esdras menentions the drying up of Eu­phrates when Israel was carried into capti­vity, and that the Lord then wrought signes and wonders for them much more at their Re­turne. the Lord will work reall miracles; and tis probable that the Lord may dry up these two rivers Nilus and Euphrates, because that the ten Tribes must passe over them, from the places before named or some of them; and it shall come to passe, that the Lord shall beat off from the channel of the river Euphrates to the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O yet children of Israel; and we finde that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall all generally rendevouse (respect being had unto the severall places of their exilement) some in Assyria, and others of them in Egypt, from which two places they shall march up in a Body, or Bodies to their own land, and shall fly as a cloud with power, and as Doves for swisnesse to their windows; where Jews and Israelites shall become one Nation, and one King shall rule over them, neither shall they be devided into two kingdomes any more at all, Isa. 27.12, 13. compared with chap. 60.8. Ezek 37.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, &c. chap. 36.24, 25. Hos. 1.10, 11. Zech. 10.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. And thus shall Israel miraculously return from those far, and not vulgarly known Countries, where at present they are hid from the knowledge of all men, and be knit and united to the Jews, and both to the Gentiles, which wondrous flowing together and increase we call the Mountain Kingdome, filling the whole earth with its [Page 46]glory and power: And thus shall this Stone grow gradually into this great and glorious Mountain, at which time there will want only the top-Stoue Christ Jesus to compleat all, at which time we expect him.

3. And last Quest. What is the call this Stone shall have to act in the smiting-work thereof?

1.One great Call. The ending time of the mistical Numbers spoken of by Daniel and John for the accomplishment of those great things which God hath declared by the mouth of all his holy Pro­phets, to be brought to passe in these latter dayes: We mean the Numbers of the first ranck, i.e. the 1290. dayes or yeares, which speak of the first stirring of the Jewes, Dan. 12.11. the 1260.See this Di­vision in Till. Apoca­liptick Key. dayes or years, and the 42. months, both which are one and the same number of years, and hold forth to us the end of the Gentiles treading under foot the holy City, the end of the witnesses prophecying in sack-cloath, and also their rise and ascention to heaven in a cloud; the end of the Wo­mans slight into the wildernesse, or the end of the Gentile-Churches suffering by Antichrist, and the end of the Beasts blasphemy, raign and tyranny, Rev. 11.2.3. ch. 12.6. & ch. 13:5. Now the consideration of these things, as speedily to be effected and brought to passe, is a great argument and quick­ning motive to the Saints to look about them, and for the Stone to arise and smite the compleated Image, and breake in pieces the Iron-teath of the ravenous Beast, that so delive­rance may be brought to Zion. But because this thing which we lay downe as a call to the Stone, is doubtful to most, and so not of sufficient force to demonstrate the urgency and ne­cessity of that which we intend it for; whereas, in case it be cleared to be according to our expectations, 'twill be an unde­niable motive to brighten the expectations and forward the great motion of Israel's Camp. For the forwarding of which service we put the Question, whether we should calculate the numbers, or give such signes as are laid down in Scripture of such a time.

And as for Calculation, 'tis a thing which hath been indea­voured, and in some measure accomplished by many learned and godly men both of former and latter times, of whom [Page 47]we shall only mention the lately deceased Tillinghast, See Till. Knowledg of the times with whom, in this particular our judgment and opinion do most accord, who hath found out, through grace and know­ledge the Epoch and probable beginnings of the said Numbers, from whence the End is plain. And thus, he begins the 1290. dayes with the year of Christ 366. and with that memorable Act of Julian, which caused the taking away and total cessa­tion of the daily Sacrifice, usually offered at Jerusalem, and the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate, or the abomination of desolation Dan. 12.11. The 1260. daies and 42. months, one and the same number of years with the year of Christ 396. the characters given of the Beast and his rise, agreeing best with that time. So that he concludes those great things named and spoken of to come to passe at the end of those numbers, will in all likely hood have their accomplishment together with the said Numbers, this pre [...]nt year of Christ 1656. and therefore we shall not further engage our selves in such a work, but give you (as the Lord by his wisdome dire­cted us) the true fignes of the Ending time of these Numbers which we have named. And

1. A people very inquisitive after the work of this Generation and for knowledg in the great misteries of the misticall Num­bers;1. Signe. and things contained in Daniel and Revelation: Now examine Dan. 12.4. and it will appear that at, and near the time of the End, and not before, for till then the words are shut up, and the Book sealed, many shall run too and from that is, many shall have their hearts and affections stirred up to enquire, and labour by faith, and prayer, and searching the Scriptures, and examining providences to finde out and gain a true knowledge of the times wherein God will bring to passe those great things: But we finde there is such a people, an Inquisitive Generation of Saints at this present time,Mal. 3.16. who throught grace, having in some measure attained the Revela­tion of the mistery, speak often one to an other to stir up each others affections to the remembrance of Jehovah's great Name; and therefore we conclude the accomplishment and End of those Numbers to be very near: For will God cause his peo­ple to run and labour too and fro in his work for nought? Or will the wise and gracious God mock his people? Cer­tainly [Page 48]if God cause his people to search, 'tis because he hath a minde to reveal, and if to enquire, 'tis because he hath a minde to answer by his spirit from heaven.

2.2. Signe. And as an eff ct of the former, a people that hath a clear Light into the work of this Generation: Many shall run too and fro and knowledg shall be encreased, the wicked shall do wickedly and none of them shall understand, but the wise shall understand, and if men have laboured herein in former times, their labour hath been vain, for the mistery was sea­led, and to continue shut up till the ending time of those Numbers, which speaks of those great things shortly to be brought to passe: Now therefore we may probably conclude, that when we see a general understanding among Gods Rem­nant of those misteries which are to have their accomplistment in the last dayes, be time for the doing thereof, is at the door, but we know and [...]e that there is a great increase of knowledg, and clear light and understanding in the Generation work, Ergo. And what is his bright light like unto, save an Angel standing in the Sun in clear and perfect light? Dan. 12.10. Rev. 19.17.

3.3. Signe. A willing people: Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holinesse: And what this day of Christs power is,Psa. 110.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. David tells us, 'tis that day wherein Christs enemies shall be made his footstool, when the rod of his strength shall go out of Zion, when he shall Rule in the midst of his enemies, when he shall strike through Kings in his wrath, when he shall Judge among the Heathen and fill the places with the dead bodies of his enemies, and wound the heads of Kings, and Princes, and chief Rulers life up over many Countries: And God the Father having ordained and ap­pointed this work for the better propagation and carrying on thereof, on the behalf of his Dear Son, (who is to sit at his right hand till it be in a great measure accomplished) poures out of his Spirit into a Remnant, and thereby fits and pre­pares them, makes them willing and raises them up for to follow the dictates thereof, and to Engage in this affair, the same with the work and smiting of the Stone, which hath hitherto by most Saints, and yet by many who are settled up­on their Lees commonly been, and is reputed a monster and [Page 49]called Munster. Now then when we see a people willing in the beauties of holines to venture their lives, to spend and be spent in this strange work and Service, we then also may conclude that the day of Gods power and omnipotency is near and hasteth greatly, even the voyce of the day of the Lord, and that the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.Zeph. 1.14. But there is a gathered Remnant in this City and in these Nations whom God hath made free, and willing to forsake all to follow him in this warlike Dispensation; so that as the former Ages and Generations of late have been the day of Antichrists and the Beasts power, wherein Babilon hath been exalited as a Queen, even so are we confidently perswaded (through grace) that these Ages and last Generations of the world shall be the day wherein the arme of the Lord, and power of Jesus Christ shall be made bare and manifested for Zions salvation, and his own high exaltation.

4. A Spirit of fervent prayer among that Remnant made willing as aforesaid: It is an evident token of deliverance,4. Signe. when a people cry out unto God for deliverance, so when the years of the Aegytian bondage were almost accompl shed, then Israel sigh and cry, and groan because of their burthen, as being weary thereof, and unwilling to bear it any longer,Exo. 2.23, 24, 25. and so in that remarkable case, when they were greatly impo­verished and oppressed by the swarmes of the Midianites, they cryed unto the Lord and it is said he heard, and how quickly did he raise up a Deliverer anointed by his Spirit? Is Daniel, Judg. 6.6. or the enlightened Saint praying hard at the throne of grace with his face toward Jerusalem? Then certainly the Babilo­nish captivity is near at an end, and God will surely reedifie the wast places of Jerusalem. When the set time for the Lord to favour and build up Zion is come, then there will be a poor Remnant who are called destitute, that shall be distitute of great riches, state policy and great Armies to begin their work withall; and how like is this to the cutting out of that Stone myraculously without hands? But this people have a good interest in Jesus, and they are not destitute of Gods help, for they are crying out unto God for help and deliverance, and the answer is seasonable, God will regard the prayer of the Destitute and not dispise their prayer Psa. 102.17. And it [Page 50]is an evident signe that our Father hath a minde to answer and give out the mercy when he causeth his poor Children to beg and seek by prayer for the mercy: Now it is evident that there is a praying, and those a prevailing Remnant with God, that cry out how long! how long! and therefore what shall we say to these things? What shall we conclude? save that the great Assirian shall now be broken, and his yoak be removed, and broken because of this annointing Isa. 10.27.

5.5. Signe. A Spirit of love and heavenly union among that Rem­nant, which lincketh them one to another, and in due time will linck the whole Zion of God Jew and Gentiles together: A Spirit which makes the Remnant look abroad at Zions condition in the world, arise ô God and have mercy upon Zion: For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and fa­vour the dust thereof Psa. 102.13, 14. A Remnant of willing people crying out against violence and spoil, and for the day of Redemption, and lincked to their Bretheren in love, shall, for the propagation of the work, and building of the spiritual Temple, near unto the time of the end, greatly fa­vour the dust and take pleasure in the stones, or scattered Saints of the City; the first materials of a Building as a godly man observes upon the place.

6. A clear manifestation and discovery of that part and po­wer of Babilon,6. Signe. which hath been hid from, and not questi­oned, nor scrupled at by the servants of God in former ages and generations, namely the civil power, or power of the Beast: This is a thing which hath alwaies been accounted orthodox, and reputed the ordinance of God, and therefore it was, that the Saints alwaies, even when they did explode and abhominate the Ecclesiastical power of Babilon, or that of the misteri­ous whore did own, and acknowledge the civil authority, and would willingly submit to their censure, and judgment, and lawes, and statutes. Now, it is a sound truth, that when the Lord is about to bring judgment upon any people, power, or any thing that is found an opposer of that decree which God hath made from all eternity, and solemnly sworn unto, under which Christ claimes and will maintain his right and title to the whole world, and the glory and grearnesse of all those Kingdomes therein; he doth usually discover and [Page 51]lay open the wickednesse, rotten foundation and Antichristi­an practice and standing thereof: So doth late example teach us in England, how did God lay open to the Executioner the rortennesse, bad foundation, and Antichristian practices, and principles of the Episcopeal power, or hierarchy of Rome? Insomuch that civil men did abhominate and abhor them; now then we say, that called the Ordinance of God,Rev. 13.1. proves the Ordinance of the Devil, and though the powers of the great Image might be taken for the Ordinance of God, so long as they kept their pure, civil and unmixed state, so saith Paul, the powers that be, (i.e. the civil powers of old Rome, rom. 13.1, tho a bloudy Persecutor and Devourer of the Creation and Gods Heritage) are ordained of God, yet when the power of Rome adulterated from its pure civil state, and becomes a mixed An­tichristian state, the Beast and a Whore, then it is said of that Beastly, Antichristian power, that the Draggon or Satan gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority; and what then is this save the ordinance of hell,Rev. 13.2. permited by Jeho­vah for a time, even til his feirce indignation break forth upon it, like a consuming flame? And further we say, that God hath revealed this by his Spirit from his Word unto a little Rem­nant, who see the rottennesse and hellish foundation of all the civil power of the Beast, and accordingly have declared, and born a great aad noble Testimony againsT them publickly in these Nations, and are now further waiting yet upon the Lord in the waies, o his Judgments, untill he shall say go and poure out your Vial upon the Beast;Rev, 16.1. which thing is a great ar­gument to prove that the work against the powers shall again have its first motion here: And how great an argument is this also to us that the rise and work of the Stone is near?Dan. 2.24, 25. which is pincipally against the civil power, for it smites the Image and his Toes, the Beast and his Hornes, and (as we have said) Da­niel takes no notice of the Ecclesiastical power, where the Stone rises, though that Monster must not expect to escape; nay further, how great a call is this thing to the Stone? to smite that which the Lord hath discovered to it, and told his Saints that it is one of those great Mountaines that stands in his way, and must be levelled.

7. And lastly, the hearts of the Saints alienated from,7. Signe. and [Page 52]a perfect hatred begoten in them by the Spirit of God against Babilon, and all that is Babilonish: It is certain that it is a duty in Saints (with good David of old) to hate Gods ene­mies, yue and more particularly to hate the civil or Beast-like power,Psa. 139.21, 22. because it is that which upholds the great Where, and is a fighter against Christs Kingly Office, even with a perfect hatred as we see, and finde a Remnant do at this day, how­ever they may be counted and reputed in the eyes of the wise men, for their godly simplicity and plainnesse, not much unlike the Spirit of Elijah who was reputed the troubier of Israel of old; did level the Mountaines before Christ at his first comming, and doth now begin to shew himself, which is an evident token of the nearnesse of the great and dreadful day of the Lord Mal. 4.5. This thing is the first effect of the last fore­going signe, and holds forth the next, not to be far off, name­ly desolation and nakednesse to the Whore; the civil power which is her strength, and as the flesh that at this day keeps her old rotten bones together shall be burned and consumed. Now therefore seeing these remarkable signes, which God the wise Counsellor by his wisdom and foreknowledge, hath laid down in his Word,Rev. 17.16. as a foreruner of the time of the End and rise of the Stone is fulfilled, and in a great measure manifested in, and upon this present Generation, we cannot but conclude with clearnesse and freedome of spirit, and in much plainnesse (for as when the fig-tree budeth, we know the summer is at hand, even so when we see these things come to passe, as now we do, know that the coming of Christ upon, and against the world in this breaking dispensation hasteth greatly) that this pre­fent Generation in which we live, is the Ending time of those mystical numbers forementioned, and the expiring time of Antichrist, wherein God will begin to put a period to the Beasts tyranny and powers: And therefore cannot but assert, that the consideration of these things is a great call & motive to the Stone to arise and be doing, which work we call the fifth Kingdome in its first dispensation, preparing way for the second and more glorious dispensation. Concluding also that the Lord hath in a great measure (and will aboundantly proceed in that great whork) formed a people for his self, and they shall shew forth his Praise Isa. 43.21. To be found acting [Page 53]in the work and service of our Lord God, is greatly to shew forth his praise: Therefore those unto whom God hath gi­ven a willing heart, let them pray to the Lord, that he will forme them and make them somthing of nothing (as it was of old, when his Spirit moved upon the waters, for this seems to be a metaphor taken from the Creation, and is as if a Pot­ter should fashion and forme his lump of clay, God is the pot­ter and we are the clay) and fashion them even such as he would have them to be, so shall you glorify your heavenly Father. But we proceed in the prosecution of our Question. And

2. The compleat and effectual Call that the Stone shall have, is a clear light into that time which is shall smite,Second and full Call. and into the work of that time, together with power from on high, whereby it shall be emboldened and fitted to smite as aforesaid; and also a fit and leading providence, or opper­tunity preparing way for its breaking forth, with these gol­den characters of Power, Wisdome, Glory: Now when (to the end we may not be mistaken) we speak of light, we do not mean only the bare light of mans reason corrupted, or that which is only historical or Notional; nor by Power, the power of flesh, or man as predominant, nor any carnal, worldly olitick power encouraging to this work; neither by providence and oppertunity, that which shall be administ­red by man, or flesh its wisdome, power, policy, parts: But the light and knowledg of Jehovah, gained by means and gi­ven by inspiration; the majesty, glory, and power of the an­nointing, and Spirit of God, both given unto and resting in and upon the soul, together also with such oppertunity as the Lord shall prepare, and the motions of his Spirit in our soules bid accept of, to the end we may have cause only to admire and extol and depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledg of God Rom. 11.33. For the clearing of this point search the Scripture, and it will appear that their cur­rent doth run out this way, and very many and pertinent examples and prophecies both of the Old and New-Testament, teach the things we assert: And we may begin with Israels deli­verance and redemption out of and from the Egytian-bondage, (the tipe of this great deliverance out of spiritual Egypt and So­dom Rev. 11.8.) and further consider the great deliverance from [Page 54]that yoak and bondage which Midian bad put upon the nicke of Israel seaven years together,The 6, 7, & 8. chapters of Judges. according to which God saith, he will now break the yoak and staff of the oppressor Isa. 9.4. again in ch. 59.19. When the enemy shall come in like a floud (as the Midianices, the Amalakites, and children of the East did then against Israel) the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. And pertinent to our purpose is the case of David during the contest betwixt him and Saul, who, we take it was a tipe of the Stones work, and upon search it ap­pears that the Prophet Samuel (whose office herein Christ will now supply) did annoint the Sheep-keeper with a horne of Oyle before he became a valiant man against Israels enemies, in Scripture the horne signifies power and strength, so Psa. 18.2. and 75.4, 5. and the oyle light and spirit, so Psal. 92:10. Again the Disciples (although Christ had been with them, and after his suffering had appeared forty dayes unto them, speak­ing of the things pertaining unto the Kingdome of God, wherby they had gained light and understanding into their time and work) yet were to wait till they had also gained the pow­er and Spirit of God, before they were to engage in their work of preaching up the spiritual Kingdome of Christ in the hearts of his Saints. And of like nature is that case and Prophecy of the witnesses,Rev. 11.11, 12, 13. who, although raised from their dead and slain condition, and set upon their feet by the Spirit of life from God, yet were not altogether able to ascend from their pri­sons, and places of slaughter, untill that great providence and opportunity, gave them a call and opened the way for them to ascend the heavenly camp of the womans seed. Upon the examination of the foregoing examples and Propheties compared it appears, that the instruments or at leastwise the leaders, and beginners of those works had light into the time, were acquainted with the minde and purpose of the Lord, had a call given to them by the Lord, with gracious promises of his presence, and help with them annexed thereto, and those confirmed by infallible signes and tokens external, and in­ternal, working eternal assurance, and the platforms of their several works clearly laid down before them, Exo. 3.7, 8: 10.12. ch. Isa. 60.1. Acts 1.3, 4, &c. Mal. 3.10. com­pared with ch. 4.1. 1 Sam. 16.13, &c. So that before the Stone [Page 55]smite let it wait for accomplishment of these particulars; we do not mean the working of real Myracles, neither dare we affirms that the Spirit of God in great power and demonstrati­on shall be given forth, before the difficulty appear; but do humbly conceive that when the Stone hath light and opper­tunity, it may then Randevouze, and then expect to receive sufficiency of power to performe its work, from the all-suffici­ent God, who will have his seat in the heart thereof, and ut­ter his voyce before his Army, and order the Host of his Bat­taile and great Camp.

And further judging it a duty incumbent upon us, to give satisfaction if possible, to those who at present are the gain­sayers and imbittered opposers (of this work, and yet hope and believe they are godly) of this our faith and hope, least they split themselves upon this Stone, becoming their Rock of offence, and so their bodies and lives perish upon such an ac­count, in this day of common calamity that hasteth upon the whole world. We put this Question.

Quest. What are the reasons and causes, Quest. why the Lord will use and engage his people to act in, and perform such a destroying worke upon the world, as this work of the Stone is, namely the total com­motion and dissolution of the old heavens and old earth, and all the crea­ted powers ruling therein?

Answ. 1. Because it is the decree, determination, Answ. promise and appointment of God the Father:Zeph. 3.8. Hag. 2.5, 7. compared Heb. 12.25, 26, 27. The Lords determina­tion is to pour out his indignation and feirce anger upon all the Nations and Kingdomes of the earth, and that all the old earth shall be devoured with the fire of his jealousie; he hath promised to shake and remove heaven and earth, and this (how­ever it may seem to carnal apprehension, or however men may take it) is a blessed promise, for it shall so come to passe that those things which cannot be shaken (i.e. the new hea­ven and earth that shall remain before Jehovah) may remain;Isa. 66, 22. the Lords will is to shake the heavens and earth,2 Pet. 3.10, 11. the sea and dry land, and all Nations; and he hath decreed that the hea­vens shall passe away, and the elements shall melt with servent heat, and that the earth and the works that are therein shall be burnt up and dissolved. The Lord by these figurative ex­pressions [Page 56]holds forth the dissolution of all old things, formal Antichristian Church-state, Ordinances, Worship, Discipline and Doctrine, all Beast like, worldly Governments, Institu­tions, Laws, politick Constitutions, Powers, &c. in a word the heavens and earth of all the Nations Isa. 5.30. And therefore we possitively affirme and conclude the thing, for who shall or can resist the will of God, which is just and righteous? It is the determinate Counsel of Jehovah, and who shall disa­nul it? The Counsel of the Lord standeth forever, and the thoughts of his heart to all Generations, the Lord speaks and it is done, he commandeth and it stands fast, he hath spoken and will also do it, Psa. 33.9, 10, 11. Pro. 19.21. Isa 19.17. ch. 46.9, 10.

2. The Lord will work for the vindication of his great and holy Name:Isa. 52.5. Psa. 74.10. The Name of the Lord (to speak in the Scripture phrase) continually everyday is blasphemed and reproached by the Lords adversaries, and such a Generation of heathens David and Isaiah speaks of, & how is the Lords holy Name reproached at this day? Nay how is he made the author of evil by the com­mon enemy, yea, and Professors? But he is a jealous God, and will kindle the flames of his jealousie upon the the blas­phemer, yea, for this very cause will he break in pieces the oppressor, so it was of old saith the Prophet that led them (meaning the children of Israel out of Aegypt through the red sea) by the right hand of Moses, Isa. 63.12.14. ch. 64.2. with his glorious arm, dividing the waters before them, to make himself an everlasting Name, and a glorious Name: Again in another place to make known his Name glorious to his adversaries, that the Nations may tremble at his presence,Ezeck. 38.22, 23. and ch. 39.6, 7. and so the Prophet Ezeck. tells us, it will be when the Lord appears against the seed of Gog and Ma­gog, saith Jehovah I will plead against him with pestilence, and with bloud, &c. and so will I magnify my self, and sanctify my self, and will be known in the eyes of many Nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord. The Lord will be known to the world, the God of Israel and his chosen people, and all the Nations shall fear and tremble, and let the adversary know that God will no longer let his Name lie under re­proach as formerly, but will arise up to the prey.

3. To the end that the Lord Jesus Christ may be exalted as [Page 57]King over the whole World: when ever we find the Lord pro­mising, declaring, and engaging that the Stone shall break in pieces the Image, that the rod of strength shall go forth of Zion, that the Kings and Rulers of the earth shall be dashed in pieces like a Potters vessel; that the day of the Lord shall be upon mans loftinesse and haughtinesse, to lay his pride and highnesse in the dust, when ever the Lord utters his voice with power and majesty, breaking the Cedars, dividing flames of fire, shaking the wildernes, giving his voice, hail stones and fire; and thereby melting the earth, as in these scriptures, [Ps. 2.5, 6, 7. &c. Isa. 2.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Ps. 110.6, 7 & 45.3, 4, 5, 6. & 39.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and 18.13. and 46.6.] Then immediately God declares the reason and end; and tis, that Christ shall rule in the midst of his enemies, that his righteous Kingdome shall be set up, that Gods King may be set upon the hill of Zion, that the Lord a­lone may be exalted, &c. So that Jesus Christ will admit of no competitors, but will have the sole Legislative power and ex­ercise of the chief Magistracy, and be Lord Para-mount over the whole earth, and therefore God is engaged to appear, with his sniting stone, to make way for this glorious mountain of peace.

4. Thereby to make way for the new heavens and earth, which God shall create, and to the end that all things may be­come new: All old things shall be done away, and the whole Creation that groaneth under corruption shall be metamor­phized, and restored; and all governments of Heaven and Earth dissolved, and a new Creation perfected, the bondage of cor­ruption which is death shall be broken, and death swallowed up in victory; neither shall the Earth cover her slain, Rom. 8.21. 1 Cor. 15.53, 54, 55. &c. And as one end of the Lord in this work is to exalt, and lift up the person, and glorified body of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall appear in person without sin unto salvation, in that 1000 years Raigne: So another Chief end is to bring in this work of perfection here on earth, which flourishes after a Resurrection-estate, the Saints being freed from Mortality, Sin and Corruption, Rev. 20.3, 4, 5, 6. So that as in the old world, or present state of things man hath the predominant sole power, governing therein by his s [...]sh and corrupted, degenerated laws: even so in the new world, or state of things, shall Jesus Christ rule by the laws of heaven, [Page 58]and so much the more excellent and glorious is this Kingdome, where all tyranny and oppression shall cease for ever, and trust and righteousnesse shall flourish, and shine as the sun, in the Son of righteousnes, 2 Pet. 3.7 10, 12, 13. Heb. 12.26, 27. Hag. 2.6.7.

2. And more particularly what are the Reasons, wherefore God u­ses his Saints in this work, and not rather the powers of the world?

Ans. 1. Answ. 2 Because the blood of the Saints, and all the holy Pro­phets of God ever since the world had a beeing, is all found in Babylon, and with that she is drunk: Ever since Antichrist ap­peared on the stage, he has played the part of a murtherer and bloodsucker, hath persecuted, banished, imprisoned and mur­thered, torn in pieces, and racked the Saints, and those faithfull ones that have out of Conscience, faith fulnesse to, and zeale for the Lord and his name refused the Badge and mark of the Beast, who hath been raised up by, and for God, as Witnesses before him, anointed for that work, to testifie against that wickedness then, and ever since practiced, who have also incontinently been slain, and sealed the truth with their blood: accordingly, the poore devoured, and almost swallowed up, the Church com­plains the King of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he hath made me an empty vessell; he hath swallowed me up like a Draggon,Rev. 6.9. Psa. 9.12. Jer. 51.34, 35. Now the Lord is come to search, and make inquisition for blood, from the cry of blood; and the findes all this upon the score of Babylon, the bloody Whore, there's violence and spoile, murther and blood set down with the finger of God: And so every particular power of Ba­bylon, that hath any hand with her (as there is none extant now but hath) shall also partake of her plague, as being guilty with her; and God will charge upon their heads all the blood of his Saints, as he did upon that Generation that persecuted him when he came in the flesh, though not actually spilt by them, Mat. 23.34, 35. yet for as much as they were the children and successors of the murderers, and upon the same account and foundation with them, it brought not onely the blood of Saints, but even the blood of the son of God upon their heads, for which they are accursed to this day in their seed, Acts 7.52. So now in like manner is the same blood charged upon Baby­lon and her powers, and she is guilty of it all; For if she or her [Page 59]powers have but shed the blood of one Saint; they have thereby procured blood guiltinesse to themselves, nay he that hateth his Brother without a cause is a murderer 1 John 3.15. and there hath been no cause for those horred murders committed upon the bodies of the Saints by Babilon, but their faithfulnes to God. Under this lash will the present power of this na­tion, now exercised by Cromwel come, for if it hath but bin in his heart to take the blood of one of Gods pretious ones, 'tis as effectuall in order to Judgment as if he had done it; but we need not be put to such a pinch to prove him a murderer for all the Saints sees how eminently he hath pulled the guilt of the Saints blood shedd in all the late wars upon his own head, by bestowing the fruits thereof and mercies, and great victories thereby obtained upon himself, gratifying his own lust: So that all the blood of Gods people is found in Babylon: For they (i.e. her civil powers, Rev 16.6.7.) have shed the blood of the Saints and Prophets, Rev. 17.6. ch. 18, 24. and 19.1. Jer. 50.14. Now therefore God by way of recompence and re­taliation, hath ordained, that the Saints shall be his instrument by which he will execute his vengeance upon the powers of the world, who are all of them murtherers: accordingly God commands his people, (and tis their duty to obey) to reward Babylon double, as she rewarded them; yea, and double unto her with all those plagues, deaths & stripes, that she hath inflict­ed on you, Rev. 18.6. and they shall give her blood to drink, and she shalbe burn with fire, for strong is the Lord that judgeth her.

2. Because the Lord hath Elected and made choice of Zion his people, to act in this work and service: Unto whom he faith thus, Thou art my battle-Axe and weapon of war; for with thee will I break in pieces the Horse and his rider, &c. Jer. 51.19, 20, 21, 22, 23. and accordingly exhorts them in another place not to fear (hinting Gods foreknowledge of that fear, and those doubts, and questionings that would accompany the hearts of many of the Saints, neer the breaking forth of this great work, as now we see.) Fear not, thou worm Jacob, &c. Why? For behold I will make the a new sharp threshing instru­ment, having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them smal, and shall make the hils as chaff: Isa. 41.14, 15. And how like is this unto the smiting of the Stone, and effects that [Page 60]follow? So that this is of weight sufficient to take off that opi­nion, which saith, the present powers of the horns shall destroy Babylon, and also to prove, (and therefore the Conclusion is) that Gods predeter mination is to take vengeance on his ene­mies, by the hands of his Saints, who are that people created, and formed to shew forth his praise.

3. Because the Lord will prepare and qualifie his people for this work: This work is a glorious, yet difficult work, requi­ring uprightnesse in heart, holinesse and purity in the under­takers, and engagers, and is too noble and excellent a work for carnal men, yea for all seeming excellent and godly men, to act in; and therefore the Prophet Isa. 33.14, 15. puts the question, Who shall dwell with devouring fire, and everlasting burnings? And tis answered, he that walketh righteously, &c. arguing the great difficulty and fiery trials that shall attend the appearance of Jesus Christ, in his Saints against his enemies: Now then (in case it be admitted that this appearance will be mediate, which none denies that we have knowledged of:) it remaines that we conclude the Saints to be Gods thrashing instruments, for God gives the command unto Zion thu (naving by a wise dispose of his great providence gathered the enemy together, intentional­ly on their part to devoure Gods heritage; but on his part in­tentionally that, being so gathered as sheaves into the floore, they may be thrashed) Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion: Why? For I will make thine horn Iron, and thy hoof brasse, I have prepared thee for this work, and the next news we hear is, she beats in pieces many people, &c. Mic. 4.11, 12, 13. And the Saints shall not onely have the outward preparation of the bo­dy for this service; but shall have their hearts and spirits steeled, and made strong, and herein they shall as far outstrip the carnal enemie, as heaven is above the earth, For they shall have on the whole armour of God, and thereby they shall do valiantly, sub­due Kingdomes, stop the mouths of Lions, &c. Isa. 13.3. Eph. 6.14, 15, 16, 17. Heb. 11.33, 34.

4. Because (as we have already mentioned) God commands his people, in the appointed and set time to be found acting in this works: goe into the Gates of the Nobles, come out of her, and Reward her double, for she hath sinned against thee: Lord, arise and thrash, camp against Babilon round about, besiege her [Page 61]close, let none thereof escape Isa. 13.3 Mich. 4. vlt. Rev. 18.6. Jer. 50.29. And many more expressions of like nature is found in Gods book; and therefore we conclude that 'tis a duty in­cumbent upon Saints fittly qualified to act in the Lambs-warr against his Enemies, other wayes they will be found disobedient and rebellious Children, sinning against the righteous com­mand of their God, and Father.

5. And Lastly, Because the saints and people of God shall a­lone be honored in this Noble and honorable imployments for the great King: And doubtles this imployment is very honora­ble Jesus Christ the Rock of ages being the Cheif Corner stone thereof, as being that which must usher in that Justice, and righteousnes, great deliverance and peace, which the whol crea­tion (now almost devoured by oppression) groanes and travells for at this day, and the perfect happy estate of Saints under the wings and protection of the Sun of righteousnes in his King­dome when the shining of his beauty & divine excellency shall enlighten the whole earth. And therefore the Saints, and holy seed, and children of God, are the people most fit to engage herein, this honor have all ye his Saints, what honor's that? the execution of vengeance upon the heathen, and punishment up­on the people, binding of their Kings in chaines, and nobles in Fetters of Iron, and, the execution of the written Judgments of the Lord upon them, Psa. 149.6, 7, 8, 9.

And thus through the grace, and mercy of our God, helping us by his spirit and wisdome, tho fools, we were enabled and strengthened to search, and inquire into these truth, and in some measure to finde out the truth, and a right answer to our Questions which (as it hath been satisfaction, increase of light and knowledge, comfort, joy, and incouragment unto our soules) so hope we, may it be to others. And therefore shall now give our Resolves, and make conclusion of our whole matter, and consultation arising from the Question at first propounded.

That seeing, wee live in the last ages of the world, and end­ing time of the misticall numbers, puting a period to the power and Tyrany of the Beast,The generall Conclusion. wherein God will begin to bring to passe that work which wee, and his Saints expect; that the stone, Jesus Christ in his Gentile Saints, in all likelihood is now very suddenly to have its Rise; that the work of that [Page 62]stone, is the present work of this age and generation, in which we live, and the days neer approaching, wherein the great image of worldly powers; and earthly constitutions is to be smit­ten, broken to peeces, and ground to powder, the whole Roman Monarchy (as now divided in the two Iron leggs; and ten toes, bearing Rule over the earth) shall be remove for such glorious end as we have named; that the call which the stone shall have to act in its smiting worke, is for the greatest part thereof now pertinent, and fittly applicable to a faithfull, remnant now extant in England, and fullfilled in, and upon them; and also seeing that the si [...]nes laid down in the word of God, for the time of the end, are in a great measure now fullfilled and ac­complished in Englands remnant. That therefore we conclude, and assert, that 'tis lawfull, and warrantable, and is a duty in­cumbent, for captivited Zion and oppressed Saints, to stand up in Gods name, and feare, and deliver themselves and that glorious Gospel of the Kingdome, now by them declared to the world, from persecution, oppression, and that long cap­tivity and Bondage which she hath remained in, and to breake the yoak of the oppressor which is now upon her neck, ac­cording to the word and commandment of the Lord Zech. 2.7. Isa. 52.2. And we further say that we are perswaded in our very soules, and so let the pretious saints, yea and the proud dragon know, that the work of the stone is the present work of this generation, and our present work, if we are those that have the Kingdome of Jesus Christ seated in our soules (for none but such shall be able to act, or stand in this day so as to continue unto the end) and it is the duty of Zion, and us as a part there­of to make preparation, for the propagation, and helping on of this glorious work. And accordingly do in the name, from, and in the seare of the great God, and our King Jesus Christ ex­hort the Saints to look about them, to arise, to fall upon the Enemy, and not to neglect so great salvation and deliverance as by faith, zeal, and courage, may be gained and obtained in this present juncture of providences, and affaires, all like mes­sengers from the Lords, declaring his minde, inviting you to such an atempt, promising Victory, and successe, and that with Christ you shall go on conquering and to Conquer.

And further to the end that according to our perswasion, and exhortation, we might (through Gods assistance) gaine a [Page 63]right understanding, and therein be instrumentall to enlighten others, in those things determined to be transacted before the stones work appeare on the stage, wee thus put the Question.

Qu. What are those things and works that God will performe in, and among, and by the Saints his people, as preparatives, or works precedent in order to the Ʋshering in, and making manifest of the stones-work?

Ans. 1. To the first part of the Question, what are the works God will doe in, and among the Saints? &c. we answer, the first thing is a work of convertion: concludeing that before they will be in a capacity, or fitt frame to performe any noble and spiritual service for the Lord, and therein sing praises, and bring glorie to his great and holy name, that they must be a converted people; and this is the first step, and preparative made and taken in order to this work, and so also to other works, of & for God, as the Scripture plentifully teacheth by example, precept. Now by Conversion, we doe not meane that first and more Ordinary work of Conversion, wrought upon the heart of a child of God, when at first he comes to know God in Christ, by which the soule is turned from darknes to light, from satan to Christ, from a child of the night, to a child of the day, & from open profaness, & loosnes to a profession & practise of godlines &c. But we mean (not reflecting upon the former, knowing that tis imposible to attain unto this which we are about to Speak of without that which is the product, and leader unto the latter, for our God is the God of order.) A Second, and more extra­ordinary worke of Conversion which the Lord will work in the hearts, and affections of his Saints, and by his spirit drawe them up to the practise thereof, whereby they shall be prepared to be instrumentall in the hand of God. Which we call the first preparative, in order to simiting. But from hence this two­fold Question naturally flowes. Namely

Quest. From, and unto what shall the Saints be Converted in order to smiting work?

Answ. To the first part of the Question, from what they shall be converted? We answer as follows.

1. From all the Civill power and rule of Antichrist, and the ten horned Beast upon which the Mystery Harlot sitteth: The [Page 64]Saints that shall be just, and perfect in the worke of their Gene­ration, shall be a people weined, and converted from love, lik­ing, approbation, and subjection to the Civill powers of the Beast, and from all the Lawes, Constitutions, Customes, Man­ners, and fashions of those Powers, for the Scriptures plainly e­vidence that those Powers shall be abrogated, broked, and to­tally extirpated, and cast out as abominable by this stone? how can it therfore with any shew or colour, be rationally supposed that the Saints must alwayes whilest here, submit to this Power? or can it be supposed that the Civill power of the Beast here in Europe, as a Power and Authority, shall have existence and be­ing untill the personall appearance of Jesus Christ? if the con­trary be granted, then it necessarily, followes that we conclude a great breach in that Power; and if so then also that tis made by this notable Stone; hence then it consequently follows, that the Saints shall withdraw all their dependency, and affecti­ons, obedience, and contributions formerly had upon, and made to that Power: for else how can they love, and owne, submit to, and fight for the Power and Rule, and Lawes of Je­sus Christ, appointed by God the Father to be set up, established and executed in the Nations and Kingdomes of the Earth? or will it be supposed that God will Raise up an instrument that shall serve himself and Bellial? or can they serve God & Mam­mon? Upon examination, and diligent enquiery made into the Prophecy of Daniell, and John, and things compared it ap­pears that the powers of the ten horned beast, which is the last and mixed Antichristian state of the Romane-Monarchy, hath their foundation upon, their Rise and Originall from the Old Draggon Ruling in them; and also that the Saints get victory over the Benst or Civill power, and over his Image; and also over the second Beast, which is the Ecclesiastical power of Room, over his marke, and over the number of his name, things apper­taining to that power, that the Saints shall take the Kingdome from than Power, and give judgment upon that power, which is it that makes warre upon Christ, and them his followers, Rev. 13.1, 2.Chap. 15.2. & 17.7, 8, &c. Dan. 7.18, 26, 27. Now then it appears that there is irreconcileable enmity betwixt the Saints who are the womans seed, and the Civil powers who are the Serpents seed; That the Saints shall have the victory, and successe of the hat tail; and therefore we [Page 65]conclude it is the duty of the publick spirited Saints, those that wait for the salvation and prosperity of the Common-wealth of Israel, to withdraw their hands, hearts, affections, purses, and prayers from the Civill power, or power of the Beast, and leave him to the judgements of God, as we could more fully de­monstrate, would time permit us to lay open this Troubler and Oppressor of Israel.

2. And more particularly from all civil earthly things, that are of a private concernment to them, as their standing and use at present is in Babylon, and so far as they are lets and hinder­ances to the propagation, and breaking forth of the stones work: Tis determined that the Saints, and followers of Jesus Christ in these last and wondrous ages must appear in a visible­posture for Jesus Christ, and his Kingdome. And that as the Beast and his powers hath now for a considerable time deteined the kingdome and exercise of chief magistracy over the world from the true and lawfull heir, which is Jesus Christ; so the Saints, who are that Kings subjects shall on his behalf wage war against that Usurper, and masse of confusion, and take the king­dome from him, by force and armes, being the Traytor wil not submit, Dan. 7.18. And therefore it cannot be admitted nor supposed, that those Saints shal live in the peaceable & quiet possession of worldly good, and transsitory attainments; But on the contrary, it may be affirmed, That as the Apostles and Primitive Christians in their visible appearance, and active own­ing of Jesus Christ, and declaring to the world his Resurrection, Ascension, Priestly and Prophetical Office, did quit their habi­tations, and possessions, trades and imployments, and forsook Wife and Children, Father and Mother, Brother and Sister, and all natural relations, thereby to put themselves in a readiness, and posture answerable to their Masters Commandments and Will; Even so the Saints now who are to declare to the world, and its inhabitants, the noble and kindly Office of the Lord Je­sus, and warne them to repentance by an open declaration of the everlasting Gospell, and contest with them for the bringing in, and lifting up of that Power, shall quit all their interest and claime in, and to the old heavens, and earth, and state of things; shall forsake father, mother, &c. & shall convert houses, lands pos­sessions and enjoyments (commanded to be prudently beate [Page 66]into swords and speares, under the metaphor of plowshares and pruning hookes, which are things of absolute necessity whilest in this station Joel 3.10.) into one Common-stock to be con­secrated for the management, & carrying on of this great affair. And in such a practise they shall be no loosers, for thereby they get themselves under the banner of Jesus Christ, which shall be displayed because of truth and protection of the great King, whose Arme shall be stretched out to purchase their Redemp­tion; to which is added that he will be a father unto them, a husband, and brother, a present help in time of need, will give them an hundred sold, even the spoile of all their great and rich enemies, who are his opposers, and in the end an eternall Crown, and Diadem, with himselfe in that new world, and Restitution of the lost state, from whence they shall be translated to glory, and fulnes of excellency. This is a sufficient consider­ation for Saints to venture somthing to gaine all things, and (as the prophet Mich. foretells.) to goe forth of the City of this world,Mich. 4.10. and dwel in the field, out of the strange land, into the good land, and with Moses to refuse Court, honor, favor, and preferment, Egyptians wisdome, learning, revenues and great Riches, which thing is easy when we set before our eyes the great recompence of reward, which he foresaw by faith, and the same spirit, acted him when he kept the flock of Jethro his Father in law, and turned aside from that imployment to see that great wonder, to witt the Lord burning in the bush, which word is written for our learning & example, for those that will behold the Lords wonders, & great works must turn aside from the world, worldly callings and enjoyments, and become fol­lowers of Jesus Christ, created for his praise, and with David must leave their common duties (as matters of small vallue and little concernment, in comparison of this noble and wor­thy imployment) to fight against the Philistians (so are the civill powers) or Common Enemy to the Common-wealth of Jsrael, Rev. 14.3, 4. Hebr. 11.23, 24, 25, 26, 27. compared Exo. 3.3. Psal. 137.4. Mat 3.1, 2, 3, 4. &c.

3. From all ease of body and minde in misticall and civill Babilon, or under the powers and state of Babilon: a state or condition that's carnally secure is a very dangerous condition, as not being aware of the judgments approaching; and there­fore [Page 67]the Lord will have a remnant, and people that through pain shal labor for true rest, be in pain & labor to bring forth Odaugh­ter of Zion, like a woman in travell, and every mans hands must be on his loins as such an one,Mich. 4.10. Amos 6.1. Isa. 66.7, 8, 9. Jer. 30.5, 6, 7. Zion must travell before she can bring forth the man-childe that shall rule the Nations; and she must be in pain before she can be delivered into true rest and hap­pinesse: Accordingly, there is a wo pronounced against those that are at ease in Zion, when theyshould be in travell by Faith, Prayer, and the peircing groanes of the holy spirit: Wo to the slothfull, drunken, gluttenous and persecuting servant, that formerly hath professed himself Gods servant. But now un­der a pretence of state-pollicy, the time is not yet come, the ma­ster delayes, &c. is turned Traitor and oppressor: And such a people weaned from ease and slothfulnes of spirit are that peo­ple that shall witnesse against old heavens and earth, and shall be dissatisfied with the most curiousest and cunning Fabrick of ci­vill and ecclesiastick discipline, rule and order, that can or shall be formed, erected and set up by the most exquisite Arts-man that the Beast and false Prophet shall have; and if men be here­by affrighted and troubled at us who are the poore of the flock, and ask us what we would have? We do professe we cannot be content or satisfied untill Christs kingdome flourish, but will (in Gods name and strength) presse forward till we come to the mark, which is the state of the true rest (so we call that Kingdom and power) where the Saints shall cease from all their labours in an with Christ, and their works shall follow them, as they have followed Christ, from Babylon, from earthly enjoyments, from ease and quiet, from all the contentments, comforts, and happinesse here, by the rivers andin the pleasant vineyards of Babylon. As for things of another nature which Saints shall be converted from, you are referred to our consultation upon the work of separation.

Answ. 2. As to the second part of our sub-question unto what the Saints shall be converted? Resolved as followes.

f1. Unto the civil Power and rule of Jesus Christ in and over the Nations of the world: As they must be converted from An­tichrists civill rule, and contend against that; so it necessarily followeth, that they be converted unto the civill rule of Jesus Christ, which they must contend for: and this is a signe and fore-runner of the stones work, and is needfull, yea absolute [Page 68]necessity to be engrafted, and rooted in the hearts of the mem­bers of that stone; For a man that is without principle sound and good, is also without courage and spirit, and will not be able to continue faithfull and stedfast in this hot service, no more than grapes can grow of thorns: Now those that will be apt o snuff at this truth of Christs Rule, we refer them to the examination and meditation of and upon the word of truth, and there you will find in Isa. 9 6, 7. That the Government of the world shall be upon the shoulder of Christ, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdome to order it, and to stablish it with judgment and justice: and the Prophet Jer. in ch. 10,7, 8. asserts the thing, and proves it by reason thus; O King of Na­tions, to the doth it appertain (i.e. the rule and government of the Nations.) Why? Forasmuch as among all the wise men of the Nations,Rev. 19.16. and in all their Kingdomes, there is none like un­to thee: But they are altogether brutish and foolish, the stock is a doctrine of vanities: So tha Jesus Christ who is the won­derful Councellor must take place of these brutish fools, for so are they in his eyes.

2. Unto a love, and liking, and taking pleasure in the cause of Christ against his Enemies: The Scriptures hold forth, that this worke of God is a strange, and wonderful worke, and a dreadful and bloody worke, by which God will render recom­pence unto his Enemies; and therefore we conclude the Enga­gers must love Christ, and this work above their trades and en­joyments, above wife and children, and above all things, yea far above their owne blood and lives, which they must be willing to poure out, and lay downe for the Lord that poured hisout for them: else how can they freely and cheerfully engage here­in? For it must so be managed and carryed on, that upon all occasions and overthrowes to the Enemy, they may be able to see, & acknowledge the just hand of God, and confesse that his wayes and judgements are true, and just, and righteous, and upon such vengeance poured forth to rejoyce and be glad, and sing, and give honour to the Lord, Rev. 15.3, 4. ch. 16.4, 6,7, 18.20. & 19.6, 7. And certainly they cannot love, and approve of this great, and difficult worke and truth, without the love of the truth act them, and that it be a tru [...] love (for we have seen some forward, but they have been but flashes, and some [Page 69]suddaine apprehensions of great novelties,) and good foundati­on laid upon the rock of ages, else they will never be creating ob­jections, multiplying bugg-beares, and taking offences, which has woe pronounced upon it.

3. Unto a visible, and active owning of this blessed cause, and following Christ therein: The Lambs followers are visibly upon the mount with Christ their leader, and hath the fathers nam [...] written in their forheads, which doth denote their love to the truth, their active obedience to Gods commandements, which they keep, and their boldnes & publick spirit for their King Rev. 14:1. ch. 12. ult. The thing then is a practise prophesied of the time certainly is neare, and doth not the Lord call aloud by his dispensations, his providences, his spirit, in his people, his hand lifted up and shaken upon his enemies, and his arising up to the prey, and making spoile of them, Zech. 2.9. Zeph. 3.8. all call from heaven, all cry aloud for this practise? For the Saints to arise also unto the prey? For them to stand up for truth and equity, and righteousnes. And surely in such an enterprise, God will be with them, on whose side truth is, and how will he utter his voice before them? and fight for them? And O! by faith we see what notable work Christs free-men and volun­tiers will make with the Beasts Bond-men, his impressed, hyred, and mercenary souldiers, and in consideration thereof we re­joyce, knowing that this willing people shall serve the Lord in the beauties of holines, and none shall make them affraid.

4. And lastly, unto a clear foresight, or faith, and reall belief of the al sufficienty of Jehovah, or power, and omnipotency of the Lord of hosts to carry on and perform his work and will, upon and against all his enemies, and for his people through all opposition and difficulty: and this is as much as to say, they shall have faith, through which they shall be enabled to follow God, to see the accomplishment of his mighty wonders, and be able to experience that which they heard him reported to be, a god keeping covenant, fullfiling his word, and performing those great promises made and confirmed unto his children to by yea and amen in Jesus Christ, whether it be the Restitution of the groaning Creation, from that lost; and undone condition impirsoned, and oppressed with fin slavery, and the yoake of bondage, ever si [...]e the great fall of man, or preceding works; [Page 70]mans return from wandering in the wildernes, his husks unto that purity, right reason, wisdome and knowledge which Adam reteyned in inocency, the Cessation of tyrants and tyrany, the abolishment of every kind of Cruelty now exercised by Satan, & his instruments over the soule and body, of man-kinde (in this kinde of speech we have a special eie unto the suffering members of Christs glorious Body) when the streames of holines, purity, perfection, justice, and righteousnes shall cover the face of the earth in great abundance; or whatsoever other good, and glorious thing the mighty arme of the Lord, stretched out shall effectually bring to passe. And what or whosoever of Christs enemies they shall be instrumentally used against, they shall (through faith in the omnipotent Powers of God) breake them to pieces, for with the enemy is the arme of flesh, and with them the Lord their God to help them and fight for them, according to the faith, and experience of Gods noble servants of old, whom Jehovah girded with strength unto the battel, ma­nifested in these following, and many other examples of like nature [1 Sam. 14.6. 2 Chron. 32.7.8. Psa. 3.6. Psa. 18.34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. &c. &] The reasons seem to be these,

1. Because the Lord hath commanded that they should not be affraid of their Enemies, in consideration of his presence with them, to give strength unto them, to fight their Battels for them, Deut. 20.1. Jer. 50.21. 2. Because God hath promised that such a power and spirit, and so much of his own strength shall go with them, as that they shall become victors and conquerors: One shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight; yee shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword, so that no man shall be able to stand, and the thing will be so manifest, that the enemies themselves, being judges shall confesse that their rock is not as our rock for strength, wis­dome and might, Dutr. 32.30. Lev. 26.7, 8. JOsh. 32.8, 9, 10. Isa. 26. v. 5, 6.

2.The 2. thing God will do a­mongst his Saints. The Lord will give unto his people a great insight, and make an example and compleat discovery of all the several parts and forms of Babilon in like manner unto them, together with the true pattern and knowledge of their work and duty against those things to discovered unto them to be evill and abomina­ble, according to the revealed will of God, by his spirit in his [Page 71]word, containing the written vengeance of God, determined to be executed upon Babilon, by the hands of the Saints: The work of God against Nations, Provinces, Universities, Corpo­rations, Cities, Towns, Kings, Rulers, Chief-Captains, mighty-men in Church and Common-weale, enemies of Christs kingly-Office shall be the lesson of faithfull Saints: For how shall they perform the Lords work with chearfulnesse and comfort, ex­cept they know it, and foresee it? Light is a part of that call, as we have proved: yet mistake us not, we do not say, that Gods People at their first enterance into this work (we mean the stones-work,) shall have a clear fore-sight of all those great and many wondrous and glorious works which the great God will accomplish, as preparatives for the mountain state of this glorious Kingdome; But that as this work will gradually be executed and performed upon things corrupt, so also will light and knowledge be given forth gradually, and a continual voice heard behinde the lambes followers, saying, this is the way walk in it, whereby the true way will be discovered and made plain, all Rebels and Traitors, open and prophane, more close, pretenders and formally godly, discovered and marked out, true judgment and justice executed upon them, from that prin­ciple of light and wisdome seated in the Soul, acting the Saint: the thing that we speak of, is proved, and doth appear from Rev. 18.1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. ch. 17.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. compared with Jer. 51.33.35, 45. and other instances.

3. A third thing is, that the Lord by his Spirit will beget an holy and perfect hatred and detestation, in, and among his Saints, against those several parts, forms and powers of Baby­lon, discovered unto them, as aforesaid, by the same Spirit, such burning, consuming, and fiery judgments, such streams of blood, flowing from the bloody scarlet whore, such wasting de­solations, sweeping the judgments poured out, such dolefull houling, and mourning among the Merchants of Babilon, who are the great and rich men, whose hearts dwels on the earth, as will be made manifest and seene in this day of judgments, would undoubtedly without such a thing as we are now speaking of be matter of astonishment, and tryall and therefore to the ends that the Saints might not pitty, nor compassionate Gods ene­mies when the cup of his indignation is poured out upon their [Page 72]heads without mixture of mercy, it is that Jehoavh in his word hath given such a strict command and charge unto them to con­sume her utterly, reward her double, to let none of hers escape by favor or freindship,Rev. 17.16. Amos 5.15. Hab. 2.6, 7, 8. burne her flesh with fire, to dash her brats againstt he stones, to devoure at once &c. Now least any who are weake should take an offence as us and truth, we must further professe unto such, that when we speak of hatred we doe not meane that one man should hate another for being an enemie to him, or an opposer of his way &c. But wee are seriously confident to maintain (as the Scripture will warrant and bear us up) that Saints ought, and 'tis their duty to hate all wickednesse, and wicked men with a perfect hatred, as they are opposers and enemies of Jesus Christ and his holy and righteous kingdom: and thus did the sweet Psalmist's spirit breath it self in that 139. Psa. v. 21.22. as we have hinted.

4. And Lastly (the beauteous thing most to be desired as that which will crown the receiver with joy & abundánce of peace passing all understanding, and fit him for eternal hapiness) the pourings forth of a great, and exceeding excellent measure of Gods holy and blessed spirits upon the Saints, members of the cheif corner, and foundation stone, which thing will be as the golden chain of love among them, lincking and cementing them together, and one to another in the Lord Jesus, maugre the envie of the serpent, the malignancy and politick inventi­ons of his emissaries and servants: and which also will be that power from heaven, preparing and calling them to act in the stones work: and this spirit in all probability will be poured out before the stone smite to purpose, but we must with all cau­tion, that we have not much ground to believe its descending until the dead, and still posture of the Saints be changed into a quick and lively motion, when (as it may humbly be concei­ved) crys and groans occasioned by extremity, and necessity will fetch it downe from heaven. Wee only ascert and thing not li­miting the holy one of Israel as to manner and time, leaving the managements of this great and noble cause to the wisdome and mercy of the mighty God, who mustereth, and ordereth the hosts of his battaile; and for brevitie sake do heartily from the Lord recommend the following pretious Texts of Scripture, [Page 73]which make out the matter in hand, that life, power and joy, thereby occasioned to the Saints, and have them for that spirit to feed the soule with all, and the Lords in la [...]gement, upon the hearts and affections of his Saints. Joel 2.28, 29, 30. 31. Zech 12.8 ch. 4.6. Rom. 8, 23. Ezeck 36.26, 27. Isa 44.3. ch. 35.4, 5, 6, 7, &c. 1 Chron. 12 38. thus shall the standard be lift up against the great multitudes of Babilons waters, by help of the anointing, Isa. 59.19. Thus have we gone through the first part of our Question: And,

2. Quest. What are those things that God will doe by the Saints, in order to the breaking forth of the stones work? Or, what is the Saints individuall work, and duty for the propagation of that work?

Answ. 1. the great duty and work of separation: The mer­cy and fatherly kindnesse of God hath hitherto in examples of greatest judgments, been so far extended. and shown to his peo­ple, that he hath drawn forth, and by his spirit and providence caused their hearts, aff [...]ctions and persons to separate from such People, Nations, Cities, &c. upon whom the wrath and plague hath been poure dout;Gen. 19.15, 22. thus it ws in that remarkable case of Sodome, the Lord could not doe any thing (so great was his mercy) untill the righteous man Lot was separate: So also was it in the Rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, the Lord would not swallow up the Rebels, until Israel were separate from them, their Families and whole substance, which they were not to touch; so hatefull to the Lord is this sin of Rebellion,Num. 16. 21, 26. &c. We may also certainly further conclude, That in like manner, the Saints in this, and succeeding generations, shall separate and withdraw from Babylon, that great mistery of wickednesse: tis incūbent upon those who desire to be instrumental in the Lords hand (out of thankfulnesse for, and faithfulness to that discove­ry which the Lord makes unto them of Babilon, in all her seve­rall parts as aforesaid) Visibly, and actively to fly out of, and separate from all of babilon, [...] certainely that people which shall follow Christ in this dispensation, must be spiritualliz'd and rarely qualified, with holines, humility, selfe-denial, wis­dome, courage, full of the Virgin-spirit: and is this Frame to be had here by the rivers of Babilon? Is unity to be had where irreconcileable emnity is put? or light in darkness? or his hea­venly wisdome, and courage found heere in the streets of wick­ednes, [Page 74]and bed of ease? We cannot but run into a straine of holy violence, and indignation against the graven images of false Gods and all Idols, and every corrupt, abominable, and ac­cursed thing, we utterly detest them, and utterly abhor them, according to the word of the Lord to Israel, Deut. 7.25.25. Jos. 6.18. neither will we seeke the peace nor wealth of Babilon for ever, Ezra. 9.12 But according as we shall receive of the Lord, so will we give out unto her blood for blood, neglecting no opportunity to administer sorrow, and vengance unto her that hath caused the Saints to mourne; and prophecy in sack-cloth and ashes so long time: And therefore are bold to minde the enlightened Saints of their present duty, which we are perswa­ded in our soules, is this work of separation from Babilon, come out of her my people, least partaking with her in her sinnes, ye also receive of her plagues, flee out of the midst of ba­bilon, and deliver every man his soule: be not cut off in her in­iquity &c. [Rev. 18.4. ch. 14.7. Isa. 48.20 & 52.11. Jer. 51.6. 45. ch. 50.8. 2 Cor. 6.17. Exod. 33.16.] So that those, who not whithstanding Gods signall hand lift up against his enemies, wil yet adventure to abide in Babilon, and will yet retaine her Customes, places of Office and preferment, and submit to her Forms, lawes, and Governments will be in great Danger of the common-calamity, of falling in the wildernesse, of being cut of, (with Baalam whose plausible pretences and desire would not save him,) by the sword among the Midianites, we say in great danger of loosing their lives, the soule in Scripture being sometimes put for the life of man: And therefore O that, the Saints would abominate and disowne all accursed practices, persons, and things!

Quest. What shall the Saints' so separate from?

For that we perceive our selves straitened for time, we sHall not relate our Consulations, Arguments, [...] Debates, had from the particular Scriptures whith we named at large upon this Question, but shall in­deavour to name the heads, and chief things of our matter (ommitting thelarge prosecution thereof) very briefly as followes.

Ans. 1. Form the Church-state of Babilon, which is the mi­stery of all Iniquity, Riding and Governing the Beast. This is that which the Saints that are waiters for the new heavens and [Page 75]earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousnesse, must utterly disowne and separate from, we mean the whole Church of Babilon, and all of Babilon in the Church, found under what forme, or mask soever, grosse, or more refined; not only from the Romish Universal, National, Provincial, and Diocesian Church-state of Babilon and Antichrist, (which is more common, as having formerly, and more ordinarily been practiced, by the Saints) together with their Discipline, Doctrine, Worship and Cere­monies: But also and more particularly (which is most pro­perly a work precedent to be done by the Saints, in order to the smiting worke of the Stone) from the National, and parochial parish Church-state, and Assemblies, Formes, and Classes of this, and other Antichristian Nations, which we call the Politick (and no more then Civill) stratagem, and cunning invention of Antichrist, to divide unto himselfe the whole land for gaine, whereby all men to the lowest ranck are compelled forcibly to tontribute to the mantenance of his false-Prophet, and so wick­ednesse is established by a Law: Againe further (and which is yet more close to our purpose, as being a John Baptist, or ime­diate fore-runner of Christ, this stone) from these Churches that are select, and more pure as being seemingly refined, which are the Gathered, and Pastoral way, (reducing things to primitive paractice) so far as they are corrupted, and adulterated, and found opposers of the Kingly office of Jesus Christ, in, and over the whole world, and more especial in the administration of this part, or dispensation of that Kingdome, to witr, that of the Stone, or warre against his Enemies (for even in this Genera­tion there be a sort of people, and those we hope godly, that do acknowledge and wait in the expectation of the latter, yea and hold forth the personal appearance of our Lord as King, yet ne­verthelesse oppose and deny, and quite leap over this Stone and its worke, (thereby endeavouring to render the Saints uselesse & uncapable of destroying Babilon, which must make way and with out which we cannot attain to) the peaceable and more plorious administration of this Kingdome, by removing those Mountaines, Hils, and Powers of Darknesse which do oppose, and hinder it. Now although our time will not permit us to lay down our groundes and reasOns promiscuously for the proof of these general poynts, yet we doubt not but that upon [Page 76]examination, and fearch of the Scriptures hereset downe, and consideration of our particular ensuing matter, it will be made appear an evident and plain truth to the sincere and upright in heart, 1. Tim. 4.1, 2, 3, 4. Jam. 4.12. Isa 33.22 ch. 29.13 an 56.10, 11, 12. Titus. 1.14. Mat. 15.9. Hos. 4.6. ch. 6.9. Mich. 3.6, 7, 11. Jer 5.30.31. Ezek. 34.2, 3, 4, 10.

Our position is three-stold, and very comprehensive, but we shall not so farre trouble our selves and the Readers, as to search and rake into the bottome of the first part, which is the univer­sal Church of Rome, who is the Mother of Harlotts, and is a filthy and too large Puddle of iniquity and sinne; but (as the Lord hath helped us) shall endeavour to discover the Rotten­nesse of the Nationall Parochial Church state, and hireling-Mi­nistry, and Priest hood of England, whose Doctrine, and Pra­ctices appear unto us black as the Foggs of hell, discovered by the glimering beames of the sun of Righteousnesse: And shall examine the last, and gathered in its place; Which two are of most concernment to out owne particular, and to those whom the Lord shall enlighten, and stir up in these nations.

Separation from the parochial Church, and hireling Ministry of En­land, &c. And

1 From those Humone, Heathenish, and An ichristian waves, meanes and helpes, for the atrainment whereof, men study and which they practice in the Schooles and Universities of these Nations, as things necessary for the sitting, preparing, and qua­lifying a man (how earnal soever) to be a Preacher of the Gospel: (as they say) And this, together with the offer of some large stipend, or yearly sallary and fatt Benefice, is their Call to Preach, (like unto the Bulls of Baashan that will break the headge of a bare and lean, for a fat pasture) although it may be many of them was never acquainted with the breathings of Gods holily spirit, never inspired, nor taught therewith, which is the seal of that commission given by Christ to his ministry; was nver borne againe, from their corruptions, and the guilt of sin, unto Jesus Christ, continuing in their old, lost, and cur­sed state by nature: Therefore we disown, and abominate their Qualifications and their Call as an accursed thing: Yet mistake us not, we are not against humane learning, and the knowledge of the languages, but do repute it honorable, good, and com­mendable, [Page 77]mendabie, yet when it is abused, and the plea of necessity put upon it, in that habit we utterly disclaim against it, as a derro­gation to the holy spirit and its office, who gave out the Scri­ptures, and imprints them in the hearts of the godly; and here­in do not derrogate from Scripture rule, for all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and cannot be convincingly, and profitably expounded by mans art and learning, of which take Puules judgement and sence, Philosphy is a vain deceit, mans tradition, and the worlds Rudiments; and is not after Christ: But will spoile those that hearken unto such Sophisters as come in its wisedome, Collos. 2.8, 9. Sciences (falsly so called) are prophane, and vain bablings, and many of Professors erroni­ous concerning the Faith, 1. Tim. 6.20, 21. And therefore the Apostle went not unto the Corinthians with the excellency of speech and worldly wisedome, 1. Cor. 2.1, 2. although he was a learned man; neither the primitive Saints 9as our profound Rabbies do) with cunningly devised fables unto the Saints, having a more sure, perfect, and converting word of prophesy shining bright in their soules, farre exceeding the formal, and notional teachings of mans foolish wisedom, 2. Pet. 1.16, 19, 20. Psal. 19.7, 8, 9. 2 Tim. 3.15, 16. Acts 18.26. Isa 8.20, &c.

2. From their Ordination and institution: After they have for sometime been trained up in the Arts and Sciences of Egipt in the Universities, they take their several Degrees, and Com­mencements, msters of Art, But chellors of Divinity, or godli­nesse, and in case they sit long under the skirts of the Great Whore, she makes them Doctors in Divinity, men skilfull, and perfect in heavenly misteries; these are those that during the defection and apostacy are the Rabbies which look more after the fleece then the sheep, Lording it over Gods heritage: We therefore are against those degrees, offices, places, and their vain (which indeed are blasphemous) titles, which they arrogate from God, and Jesus Christ the great prophet and teacher of his people, Gal. 1.1. Mat. 23.8. Joh. 3.9, 10. Rev. 1.9.

3. Their triall and approbation by the Court of Triers at White-hall; or their leaning, and reliance upon humane Au­thority for the execution of their office and function: The Court of Triers are a corrupt and filthy Fountain, from whence proceeds streames of the like nature, and that which fils [Page 78]the whole Land full of false prophets, and Antichristian Ver­mine; and is an Assembly such as we have not heard of, we have searched Gods book and we cannot find their names there, and therefore we are apt to judge those that Rise these Calves take a deep supp of the whores Cupp, and we take it that Court is one of the gilded inventions,Hos. 13.2. and pretended necessary strata­gems of Antichrists wise states-men: For we finde in the Rule of Scripture, and primitive spiritual practice, that the Election, Ordination, approbation, and appointment of Officers fitly qua­lified, and the trial of spirits, because of false-prophets, are the priviledges, and ought to be the practice of the Church, and are things unto which Christ hath entituled, and intrusted his peo­ple and Saints in Order and Communion withall, Acts 1.22, 23, 24, 25, 26. and 6.2, 3, 5. 2 Cor. 10. ult. Heb. 5.3, 4. Numb. 8.9, 10. 1. Joh. 4.1. Acts 20.28.

4. Their forced, ngospel-like, Antichristian, and Ceremo­nial way of maintenance: The National Ministry of England, is an hirding Ministry, making Bargains explicit with their hea­rers for so much a year, and no longer pay no longer Preach nor Pray, so that they sell Christ, and his Ordinances, and Word by their flattering words and cloake of Covetounsnesse, making marchandize of poor soules by their falshood and deceit, which is a practice and trade of Babilon, and that Care, and Oversight which they pretend to have over the flock, it is for filthy lucres sake, but their judgement lingereth not, nor their damnation slumbereth not, 1. Pet. 5.2. 2. Pet. 2.3. 1. Thes. 2.4.5, 6. 2. Cor. 9.7.

5. Their leaving the worke of God and his word for the ser­ving of Tables, to their own selfe ends: Their Antichristian and ungospel-like practices, as marrying & burying of the dead, which are meer civill things, and doth not appertaine to the Ministry, Christenings, Churching of women, selling of Ser­mons, and many other practices which they use to get money by, Mat. 8.22. Acts 8.18, 19, 20. Ruth 4.11. 1. Cor. 7.37.38. Gen. 24.51.

6. Their usurpation over the Church, and their prohibition of Brethren and private members from the exercise of their gifts and graces is the Church: which things we finde contrary to the Rule of the Scripture, and consequently plants which God [Page 79]will pluck off as bearers of Antichristian fruite, 1 Cor. 14, 31, 32. Num. 11.26, 27, 28. 1. Pet. 4.10. Luke 22.25, 26, 27. 1 Pet. 5.2, 3. Acts 20.29. Phil. 3.18.19.

7. And Lastly, from the parochiall Assemblies: from that form and devision which takes in all people tho never so wicked to be members of that Church, and is no better then the profane outward Court of the Gentiles, from the foundation, and insti­tution of this Church, as laid and appointed by babilon and Antichrist, their Offices, Officers, Orders, Rules, and way of in­bodying, ungospell-like walking one towards another, for­cing of conscience, and persecution of non-conformists tho ne­ver so godly, their indeavors to hinder the Saints from their spiritual communion, forecing the weake into bondage, and contributions for maintenance of their formes, customes, officers, and poor: these also are Antichristian, and abominable, having no footing or foundation upon the Apostles, and Pro­phets, and Christ the chief corner stone.

2. Assert. That the enlightened Saints or the more pure and holy part of those called the gathered 9and which are corrupt­ed) Churches in these Nations or else where, ought to separate and withdrawe from the more grosse, darke, defiled, and cor­rupted part of the said Churches, notwithstanding all con­tradiction, and seeing (tho groundles) grounds to the contra­ry urged by professors; and that because of their corruption, and apostacy, falling away and continuance in sinne, and more particularly for these severall grounds and reasons (viz.)

1. Because there are no Churches (or at least wise very few) of the pastoral way in these Nations or else where,Rev. 2.4. Joh. 3.19. but have somthing of Antichrist in them, having for saken; and apostatized from the primitive, and first love, And have and doe in many principles, and practises strike hands with the interest of Anti­christ, and mistery of iniquity. thes. 2.2, 3, 4. The primitive Church during the time of persecution and geat affliction was kept pure as a chast Virgin, but when that black storme was over and the pagan enemy routed, and the Church a while rested in a flourising condition of ease and quiet (which is the mother, and nurse of sinne and postacy, as the consequent makes it ap­peare.) Antichrist creeps in gradualy and is cherished by meanes of that condition; corruptions excedingly propagated; and [Page 80]the effect is a general d [...] Apostacy, which occasioned the truth, and its abettors, and the steadsast and upright in heart, the spouses flight into the wildernes, in which lamentable, and sad condition she hath ever since remained. It is therefore ne­cessary (seeding antichrist in his most artificiall shape is dis­covered, and neare to be destroyed) that preparation be made for the return of this lost sheepe: For as at Antichrists com­ming in, the Church, which is Christs army was corrupted and in a great measure routed, and much disordered; even so upon his going out shall she be visibly restored, and again rally upon the mount with the Iambe, who is the leader of that faithfull, and chosen Number, and shalbe Re-established, and rebuilt upon the good old foundation, to serve the Lord in spirit, and in truth. And how shall this be done, or brought to passe, save by this meanes which we are now treating upon? What will more effectually advantage the greate restoration then for the pure and cleane to come out from the unclean and filthy; then for Gods people, and the lambes followers to come out of babilon, her confuted formes, Doctrins, principles and worship?

2. Because that those principles, and practises, formes, power, and fashion of Antichrist (as we have already proved) both in the Nations, and Chruches, shall be burnt up and consumed by the spirit of the Lord (which is the brightnes, and represents the glory of his comming) and broken in peeces by this instru­ment, and Judgments in this day, and is (if we have any light from God, nay except the most pretious Saints be deceived) the present work of this generation: 2 Thes. 2.8.9. And although it may be said that God is with us in the present condition, and that his spirit, grace, and love is not with holden from us that therefore we should estand sit down; yet will not this be of suf­ficient force to stay us in babilon, for when we were children we spake and thought as children, I but henceforth we put away childish things, being perswaded that that which is perfect is never approaching, which cals upon us to put away that which is imperfect, and but in part: 1 Cor. 13.9, 10,11. And also to minde the saints of the fall of this ill-founded structure, which certainly may be prevalent, and of force and vertue sufficient to put them and us forward to this worke of separation from these Churches which we now speake of, as not being altoge­ther [Page 81]free from the infectious plague-sore of the whorish interest of Babilon.

3. Because the spirit of the Lord in this day, in his enlighten­ed and faith full Saints, Commands men every where to repen­tance and separation from Babilon, out of a sence, and ground­ed expectation of the near approaching of the worke of Christs Kingdome against Antichrist: And the times of this ignorance God wincked at, but now commandeth all men every where to Repent; Why? Because he will judge the world in Righteous­nesse, by that Man (Christ Jesus) whom he hath Ordayned: Acts 17.30, 31. Jesus Christ by his spirit in his people is now come into the world, and is the light of the world, and there­fore Darknesse and the Children of the night must be cast out; the Ax is laid to the Root, and foundation of all barren, un­fruitfull, deceitfull, and unprofitable Trees and plants, and they shall be hewen downe and cast into the fire Mat. 3.10. That is all those (and most especially the hipocriticall, formall pro­f [...]ssors, that's builded upon some other false, and unfound foun­dation then that which God hath laid, and builded the soules of his people upon,) who are not the seed of God, and plants of the heavenly Kingdome will surely be made partaker of the woe, and common callamity, which is Gods fire uni­versaly kindled upon the world, the Serpents seed whether pro­fessor, or profane; and herein will the antient and good pro­mise bee made good: and this certainly is Christs forerunner: Or Tipically the Antient separate Elijah, or the spirit (which in due time will have the power) of that Elijah; renewed and manitested in John Baptist at, or before Christs first comming; and prophetically foretold to be the harbinger, and forerunner of the second appearance, or great and dreadfull day of the Lord. Mol. 4.5. and is the declaration of the everlasting, and sharpe gospel containing this doctrin of repentance, Rev. 14 6 7. We doubt not but if men (willfully blinde) would open their eys, they might see their noble spirit in some meansure up the in rem­nant of the womans seed: Now then we accompt it a duty for the Saints to separate from all the formes, practises, doctrines, and spirit of the antichrist in the world, in their bretheren, in the Churches &c. and to be plaine we accompt him, and that spirit which either in Act or Deed wilfully and obstinately de­nies [Page 82]the smiting worke of our Lords Kingdomes, Antichristian; inasmuch as that such would alwayes have Christ, his Saints, his cause in, and on the earth a sufferer: but the Scripture clearly manifests the contrary.

4. Because of that opposition, and inveteracy of Spirit made, and showen against the publicke-spirited Saints, by the dead, and adverse party that are in those Churches, by meanes whereof their communion is but in shew, and if made uncom­fortable, by interruption and malligne practises. Ezek. 34.20, 21, 22. And altho many for want of due consideration and a heart spiritualized, by God may be ready to open their mouths and vent scandal against the upright in heart, and faithfull ones as the occasiones of that and those differences which now ap­peares; and has in a great measure over spread the face of most of the gathered Churches in this nation more or lesse. Yet thus much we may say for them and our selves, that 'tis not out of any selfish, or unworthy end; and do also professe in the pre­sence of the holy one that we are verily & conscientiously per­swaded that 'tis one great meanes to unite the faithfull ones, if rightly improved according to Gods ends. Wherefore certain­ly the pretious Saints (who are not to neglect any oppertu­nity to do their master and his spouse service) ought to im­brace, and improve to the best advantage such an occasion, and to forsake the paths of the dissenter, hereby they will maintain their spiritual communion in blessed union; will be in a capa­city (which in some measure they are now deprived of) to beare an unanimous publick testimony against the common enemy; and free without these intanglements to follow Christ when and where he pleaseth? and by such a Spirit of love flowing in, and among them, each to other, and all for Gods Jsrael, will be instrumental for the convincing of opposers, insomuch that all men must confesse these are Christ Disciples? But how must this be attained? or in what condition must we expect this? certainlly not inconfusion, not among notional professors, and those that loves the world,Amos 3.3 their owne ease and quiet, more then Christ, his cause, and their brethren. For can two walk together except they be agreed? What fellowshiphath Righte­ousnes, with unrighteousnes? Or what communion hath light with darknes? what concord hath Christ with belial? be not un­equall [Page 83]yoaked with unbelievers, murmers, and rebells 2 Cor. 6.14, 15, 16.

5. Because in this present mingled condition the Saints can­not with faith, confidence, and full assurance expect the fatherly presence and assistance of Jehovah. Whereas, in a holy, and thorow separation God will most eminently, and fignally owne, and stand by them, this wee have his promise for, come out from among them and be yee separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you, and be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sonns, and my daughters saith the Lord almighty. 2 Cor. 6.17.18. this is a conditionall promise, let the Saints performe the duty conditioned and God will performe the great blessing promised. Thus much in brief touching the Church state.

2. We come now to the second general point of separation and wee shall not have time to descend downe into particulars but shall generally and briefly handle it, and our position we give thus.

That in this ending time of the misticall numbers, wherein the stone shall arise, The Saints must disowne, and in the strength of God separate from, and (according to that power which God shall give unto them by his spirit) engage against all, and all manner of civill-Power of what quality soever; now life up over the whole earth, or any part, kingdome, nation, or cor­ner thereof, together with all its dependants, upholds, lawes, and appurtenance whatsoever, whose derivation has been from Satan ruling in all the severall parts, powers, and formes, of the devouring fourth beast; and which are off, and belonging to that beast, tough descended into the very lowest, last, and most refined, and pretended Christian like power of that beast: as having their root and foudation upon Satan the great drag­gon.

We speak very abruptly, neither can we be curious in our in­quiry, not being permitted to run into particulars here. But being convinced, and perswaded in our soules, and consciences of this which we assert, having considered and weighed in our private conferences and consulations the Dragon, beast, his powers, their formes, constitutions, foundations, originall, root, lawes, cruelty, and tyrany &c. though not here particu­larly [Page 84]mentioned, we shall lay downe a few reasons for this great point, and article of our faith.

1. Because the fifth Kingdome, which is Jesus Christ's and the Saints, together with the lawes, and Ordinances thereof, is to take place of the Romane Kingdome which is the Kingdome of the beast and Antichrist (with destructon thereto) together with all the lawes and Ordinances thereof: Dan 2.44. ch. 7.18.26, 27. Isa, 2.3. 1 Cor. 6.2. Heb. 12.28. this is a thing commonly Received as an undeniable truth by, and among the saints; and therefore we shall not trouble our selves to speake further to it, Not having longer hopes of convincing the obstinate, and rebellious gain-sayer, and stiffnecked powers by this instrument but the houre of his Judgement is come.

2. Because the civill power is that which doth oppose the Righteous Kingdome of Jesus Christ. Not only deteining his right interest, title, and birth-right of inheritance from him (as much as in them lies, which is as great an evil as if they should effectually accomplish their wicked designe) but also doe make war against the Lamb Jesus Christ, and the Saints his followers Rev. 17.14. Psa. 2.1, 2, 3. are were the friends and subjects of Jesus Christ? Why then are we found the friends and subjects of men? how can this be? Can we serve Christ ad beliall? Truly when we consider that our God must shortly be exalted, and lifted up, upon a high throne in the nations of the earth, that all the power and glory, and scepters, and crownes in the earth shall be throwne down at his feete, that all men must appear naked and open their hearts, as they are before his great tribunall, and throne of glory; we are even abashed, and amazed to think what a sadd, and lame accompt loytering servants ill be able to give, oh! how will they hang down their heads? and how will they then be ashamed for their half service? being for Christ in their words, and for his enemies in their actions? Let saints therefore be convinced of this, namely, that the civil powers are Christ's enemies, it is they that labor to prevent the rise, and breaking forth of that kingdome, and neer unto the time of of its firme establishment their combination will be very high and greate, I saw the beast (which all grants to be the civill or at least wise the civil land ecclesiasticall power) and the Kings of the earth, & their armyes gathered together to make war against [Page 85]him that sate on the horse, and against his Army, Rev. 19.19. If so then it consequently follows, that 'tis the Saints great du­ty to with-draw from this Beast, the Kings of the earth, their armyes, strength, and power, neither are they (upon pain of his highnes great displeasure) to maintain or help, aid, abet, or assist any such armies, or Powers who are raised, or continued to make war against him (hough it's possible a fine pretence of destroying antichrist abroad or the like may cover their Knavery least they be found traitors secretly assisting his enemies, and so sighters against his glory, power, crown, and scepter.

3. Because the very life, well being, rest ad hapines of the Saints bothy in the external, and internal sence consisteth, and is laid, and wrap't up in the Kingdome of Christ, where God will more eminently, effectually, and we may say fully appeare to be their God and father; and not in this Kingdome of Anti­Christ and babilonish state, which is a filthy, and polluted thing: Heb. 11.26, 27.2 Pet. 3.13. Certainly to forsake the house of bondage, for a Canan, and the false and unstable rest for the true rest and recompence of reward, to be made partakers of the exceeding Riches of his glory is a good and desirable thing: and surely so great good is a motive strong and good to enforce, and perswade Saints from hanckering after things that must shortly be destroyed. Now therefore arise ye and depart, for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, Mic. 3 10. God hath pre­determined that in this world the Saints shall have tribulation, anguish, sorrow, persecution, reproach, &c. to the end they might be weied, and tis one means or cord, whereby God uses to draw the heart unto himself: A great portion in this world is a poore portion, without the assurance of a good estate in Reversion, and remainder to the soule; and will prove a curese if not rightly used for best advantage, and most glorious ends, and in such a case a great blessing: Tis a most difficult thing for rich men to honour the Lord with their substance: yea, for Saints in this unstable generation, to expend their sil­ver-talent in the right way, for the right end: Therefore arise this is not your Rest, Saints rest and their portion is substan­tially and most properly in the Lord, and in his kingdom; and indeed if the heart and affections be right, the Saint cannot but confesse that in this present condition, he is out of Gods [Page 86]way, and indeed out of his proper spheare, and whilest he rests satisfied under the power of man in one sence, he denies the power and authority of Christ, whose followers ought to tra­vell, and cry, and be restlesse untill the man-child be brought forth to rule the nations, and untill Zions righteousnes goe forth as brightnes, and her salvation as a lamp that burneth. Mic. 4.10. Isa. 62.1. &c.

4. Because 'tis prophesi'd of the Saints that they shall take the Kingdom, Power, and dominion from the beast: Dan. 7.18.26. We therefore conclude that 'tis a duty incumbent upon the Saints of the latter d yes, to indeavor the translation of the Kingdome and Power from the beast, to Jesus Christ: else how shall they fullfill the Word of God, which is a sure word of prophecy? Now how can Saints be instrumentall in this great work, except they first performe this act of separation? which being done, Renders them in a great measure Ready for that which followes.

5. Because there is dreadfull Judgments pronounced in particular against those that shall be found owning, submitting unto, and supporting, of the civill Power, in the d [...]y [...]s of the Lords more glorious manifestation of himselfe, and when he gives notice, and warning to all those Judgments which then he is about to bring upon his enemies, and by his instrument proclaimes the overthrow, and downfall of babilon. Rev. 14.6, 7, 8 9, 10. If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God &c. and shall be tor­mented with Fire and Brimstone, which is the plague and paines of hell. Now we apprehend that this Scripture will be fullfilled upon those who shall be found worshippers of the beast &c. in the last ages of the world, and not long before our King begin to take the power; For (mark it) upon he rise of the first beast Rev. 13 1, 2. With seven heads, and ten hornes, ten crownes &c. all the world wondered after the beast v. 3. or as in v. 8. all that dwell upon the death whose names are not written in the Lambes Booke of life worship the draggon, and the beast, v. 4. hitherto ther's no mention of image and marke; but upon the rise of the second beast that comes out of the earth, and has two hornes like a Lambe &c. v. 11. the cause is changed and grows [Page 87]more difficult, and dangerous, for he doth not only v. 12. cause the earthlings to worship the first beast, but in processe of time (after he hath deceived them by his great wonders and mira­cles) he makes them that dwell on the earth make an image to the first beast into which he infuses life, and causes all that will not worship that image to be killed, proceeding further also, he causes all small and great, rich, and poore, free and bond to re­ceive a mark in their right hand or forehead, and no man is permitted to buy or fell save he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name v. 13, 14, 15, 16. Now by this time we are come some what near the end of his raigne, and the beginning of Christs Kingdom. Now then we observe from hence, 1. That the image, mark, name, and Number of the beast are of a later date then the first Beast, and his ten horns, and so consequently men in former ages and generations might have worshipped the beast, and yet not his image, nor receive his marke &c. 2. By how much the neerer his end is, by so much the more dangerous it is to worship him &c. 3. That those who in the last dayes neare unto Christ's comming shall have all these markes, denotations, and charracters found upon them (that is to say, those that worship the beasts, and) (mark the emphasis of the words) his image, and receive his marke in his forehead, or righthand shall drink the wine of Gods wrath, and shall be tormented with fire and Brimstone. So that we con­ceive 'tis the duty of Saints to consider these things, and to se­parate from the beast his image, mark, number, &c. and to have no relation, affection, subjection to the beast, and Civill power or any of its appertainers, though they loose their lives for it. And if any should startle, or be am [...]zed at this, as not knowing how to escape nor shift twixt two dreadfull dangers; We councell such that of two great ones they chuse the lesse, not fearing him that can kill the body, and (in case faith work effectually) that which now seemes dangerous will in the end prove safety, and great Salvation: and plainly bus get into Gods way, that is, wait upon him in the way of his Judgments Isa. 26,8. or be found acting (with the willing people) in the stones work or smiting administration of Christ, Kingdome: And (therein suppose the most) you can but adventure your lives, loose them we cannot say, for hee that will loose it in [Page 88]this work for this Master, shall give and save his life, and in the end shall raigne with the glorious Lord, in the glorious King­dome: how so? our lives are hidd with God in Christ, and whether we wake or sleep, we shall live with him, 1 Thes. 5.10. and Daniel (ch. 12.13.) Together with those that are fallen asleep in the Lord shall stand in their lot at the end of the dayes, so whether we live or die 'tis all one, and our lot with Christ on the earth is the same, for those that are asleep will God bring with him, and those which are alive, and remaine unto the comming of the Lord shall not prevent them that are asleepe; then also those which remaine shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the ayre, and so shall ever be with the Lord 1 Thes. 4.14, 15, 16, 17. Who also will change them in the twinckling of an eye at the last trump, and this cor­ruptable must put on incorruption, and his mortal imortaly 1 Cor 15.52, 53 &c and he will change our vile bodies, and fashion them like unto his glorious body &c. Phil. 3.21. now then faith shall neither fear death, hell, the earth, or men: But shall alwayes triumph in God, and shall come out of great tri­bulation to raign with Christ Jesus Rev. 7 14.

6. We might also further adde because the civill power is that which enforces and compells the consciences, and spirits of men to the Antichristian formes, and worship of babilon: accordingly the great harlot, or misery of iniquity (i.e. An­tichristian worship and Church state) rides upon the beast, Rev. 17.3. that is she has the preheminence and makes the Beast use his sword for her advantage upon pain of excommunication, curses, and such like baubles.

VVe should in the next place have spoken somthing touching the millitary part of Babilon, but for that we do adjudge it needless; only take notice that all persons and things with in principle or practise do oppose the Righteous Kingdome of Je­sus Christ; the all of babilon will be contended against by the spirit of God; separated from, and disowned by the Saints, and faithfull followers of the Lambe; and will be convinced or confounded.

This work and duty last Treated of, is now in a great mea­sure (and almost so farr as the present condition will admit of) put in practise by the noble, and spiritual seed, and follow­ers [Page 89]of Jesus: Which thing doth something confirme and esta­blish us in cur waiting for the Salvation of Israel, by the instru­ment of God, appointed for that purpose; and in our hope of things (to carnal apprehension) in visible, and yet not manifest to the world: and may we conceive fitly be rendered, and esteemed, a signe of the ending time of the mistical numbers and: dayes of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. It is also (in as much as that is one of the last preceding works in order to the smiting work of the stone) matter of joy and refreshment, unto our soules; for that also it is token of the comming of the bridegroom, and great King whom our soules panteth af­ter, as the Roe for the Water-Brook; and therefore (as we have at severall times, and upon severall occasions, and during the time of this consultation, upon several days in secret among our­selves set apart, and dedicated to the great God for this pur­pose, praised and blessed Jehovah our father, and Jesus our Saviour for his, and these divine discoveries made unto such poore and unprofitable servants as we are; who professe our selves the meanest and unworthiest labourers in Gods Vinyard; for that comfort our soules have been made partakers of under this administration; and for that understanding which we hope may thereby be reaped by poore dark and ignorant souls) we are thus imboldened in the face of the world, the Beast, his image, false Prophet, and Kings of the earth, to give thanks, glo­rie, honour, and praise unto, and to rejoyce in the Lord Jeho­vah, who is our delight. For that we are also further perswaded, that for the future (as we have set down, hithereto God hath helped us, so) God will stand by us, and give forth unto us a sufficiency of his strength, and power to carry us on, and help us to perform that great work, which he hath called us unto in righteousnes. So that we make our Conclusion, (with Mano­ah's wife of old) If the Lord were pleased to kill us (or suffer our enemies to kill us) he would not have received a burnt offering, and a meat offering at our hands; neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor would [as at this time] have told us such things as these, Judg. 13.23.

There is several other preparatives, or works in order to the stones smiting which are to be acted, and performed on the Saints part (through Christ help) but those are not here treated [Page 90]of, but in our preface to which; for the reading of, and to the Father of Light for understanding in, & affections too, we refer and recomend you.

And to conclude our poore and meane Labor, we wish the Saints to consider (and with that comfort themselves) that the time is neere come, in which God will give reward unto his servants the Prophets, and to the Saints, and them that fear his name small and great, Rev. 11.18. IN the eyes of the whol world will the great and dreadfull Judge, give the reward, a crowne and a scepter unto each one of his Saints, and they shall be made unto God Kings and Priests, and shall raigne with Christ on the earth Rev. 1.6. rh. 3.10. and unto the wicked will God reward blood for blood, a portion of shame, of woe and destruction. Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be. rev. 22.12. Truth, and righteousnesse shall then flourish, and sinne, and iniquity shall hide her heade; we shall have justice freely administred to all without favor for sinne, and flattery for reward; henceforth shall the Babilonish Marchants weepe and howle, for no man buyeth her Merchandise any more, Rev. 18.11. her trade for Gold, Silver, and pretious Stones, and for slaves, and soules of men will cease. That is the riches, and fruites of the earth, shall be taken from her, and given into the hands of the Saints, and she shall deceived the Nations noe more whose soules were made slaves unto her by the cunning and deceits of her spirits. We therefore exhort the Saints to be valliant for the present truth, and work of Christs Kingdom and to come cleare out of Babilon, to have nothing to doe with her, spr a thorow work will the Lord makes, therefore (as twas commanded to Israel upon their comming out of Babilon) give not your daughters unto their son was neither take their Daughters, unto your sonnes, nor feelt their peace nor their wealth for ever; that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the Land, and leave it for an inheritance to you children for ever. Ezra 9. 12. The coming of Christ in said to be as a thief in the night, and he will cer­tainly so come, but what house of the night we know not (as the good man of the hous knoweth not in what watch the Thief will come, for then he would have watched and not suffered his house to have been broken up) and therefore to make [Page 91]sure work, be ye also, and alwayes ready: watch all the night; for in such at houre as ye think not (or that in which you think you may safely sleepe, if ever) the sonne of man commeth. Matt. 24. 42, 43, 44. This charge therefore give we unto all the Saints from the Lord, watch and pray.

Hosanna to the sonne of David: Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest, God save the King Hallelujah.


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