Vicessimo nono Julij, 1645.
By the Committee of Grocers-Hall for Irish affaires.

THe Ministers of every Parish Church and Chappell within the Cities of London and Westminster, and within the Lines of Communication, are earnestly desired, that upon Wednesday next, being the publike Fast and day of humi­liation, &c. That they would give notice in their severall Con­gregations, that it is earnestly desired that all the Adventurers in London for Lands in Ireland, would meete with their Com­mittee at Grocers-Hall upon Thursday next, by eight of the clock in the fore-noon, then and there to resolve upon some matters and things desired to be considered of by the Commit­tee of LORDS and COMMONS for Propositions for Ireland, which by their Order of the 26 th of Iuly, 1645. they having recommended unto their said Committee and body of Adven­turers to be advised upon, which much concernes the saving of the Province of Munster, and consequently of that King­dome being now in great danger; and at which meeting it is very probable that some good conclusion is likely to follow, for the relieving of those Forces, and for securing of their said Adventures: And the said Adventurers are earnestly desired, that they would not fail to give their said Committee a meeting at this time, for that very much depends thereupon for the safe­ty of that Kingdome.

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