AN INDIVIDUALL LETTER To every man that calls himselfe a Minister of JESUS CHRIST.
Penned more particularly for Mr. Christopher Love, upon some Observations from his Sermon, preached Jan. 29. 1644. at Windsor, and re-preached at Ʋxbridge, Jan. 30. 1644. upon Jer. 33.6. Whereby the Author doth examine and enquire, whether Master Love were ever called by God, and Jesus Christ, or directed by the Spirit of Truth to preach the said Sermon: Or ever sent forth by Jesus Christ to be his Minister. Being also for a Caveat or Memento to all others who call themselves Christs Ministers, to examine whether ever they had a Mission or Commission from Jesus Christ so to doe, they having embroyled the Land of our Nativity in an unnaturall Warre formerly one with another, contrary to any command, precept, or practises of Christ and his Apostles, or word of Truth: By whose evill practises they have caused the Gospel of Truth and Peace to be evill spoken of, and have opened a torrent of Blood, which none but the Heavenly Physician can stop and cure; To whom the Author intreateth the People to looke, and pray, and waite for help, for vain is the help of man.
Written by an English man, Christs servant, for Englands remembrance.
London, Printed, Anno 1651 when the formall Presbytery received a wound, as the Episcopall before, amd Independency in time will follow, if they doe the same workes, and repent not.
A Premonition to all that call themselves Christs Ministers, and all that shall read herein P.N.B. Junior.
FRends, however I have set upon this work, know that I do not do it out of envy to any of your persons, honors preferments, or profits, or esteemes which you have & enjoy by any of your Ministeriall employments by the state or people that accrew unto you thereby. Neither do I despise or triumph in my Honoured Christ: Love's misery, lying under a heavy answer, but desire to be a mourner with any of you therein really and sincerely: Neither would I have any to whose hand this shall come, to mis-conster me in my desires herein; but humbly intreat God who is the giver of all wisdome, and reproacheth no man Jam. 1.5. to reveale it to him who hath commaned me to write it, & is my witness how greatly I long for all your salvations, as my brethren English men, and for the glory of his great Name who is able to restore England, and every English man, and to guide our feet into his feare, to write his law in our inner parts, to unite us in love, to give us abundantly the truth as it is in Jesus; to settle us in peace and purity; to keep us in peace, and to preserve us to his own glorious presence, where we shall see even as wee are seene which if we please him here always as his Son did, or so endeavour, or delight to doe; for Christ saith, Joh. 8.29. For he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone, because I do always those things that please him. And what those things were, the word sets forth: which, when God shall send you forth as his Ministers, he will enable you and the Elders also (if there shall be need of you) as formerly his Apostles, & hold a Fatherly union with you, if you do always those things that please him: wherefore, as Paul saith, I Cor. 6.20. Let us learn, that no man presume above that which is written, that one swell not against another for any mans cause: for the Kingdome of God is not in word but in power. [Page 4] For this is the Testament that God will make with us, if we be Israels house: After those days faith the Lord, I wil put my lawes in their minds, and in their heart I will write them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his Brother, saying, know the Lord. For all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, for I will be mercifull to their unrighteousnesse, and I will remember their sins and their inniquities no more, Heb. 8.10, 11, 12. This is new Testament; this is Gospll although it may not please men, this is not another Gospell as Paul speaketh, Gal. 1.6, 7. Twice though the Authors name be not to it: and this is not mans Doctrine, but Gods which I have received from God, and his word. Peace be with the Brethren, and love, with faith from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all them which love the Lord Jesus Christ to their immortality. Amen. Ephes. 6.23, 24.
I Write to you Master Love, and to every one that calleth himself Chists Minister, not out of Arrogancy, or vain Glory, but out of Conscience, and tender affection, to your self and others, intreating you all in Christs name, to be reconciled to him, and to read my lines, and to let me have your answer really as the truth is in Jesus. For I hope you have the spirit, and are one of Chists. It may be you beleeved better of the last Parliament of Lords, and Commons, the Lands Phisitians, as you call them, who are since cast out and thrown down, then they deserved, experience sheweth it. Let us trust in the living God, these aretituler Gods. I have said you are Gods, but you shall die like men. Mr Love I reade in your booke called Englands Distemper, Page 38. Truth may be adulterated as well as peace, in that booke you have delivered wholesome truthes, but again you have set forth some Errours which questions your Missions as Christs Ministers, and favours much of man pleasing, and of Worldly Wisdome, which is earthly, sensuall and devilish. For though, I honour Presbitery, it must keep to the word, closer in practise having the example of Christ and the Apostles, as well the Prophets, then English Presbitry hath done. It must be more Heavenly wise, more self denying, and lesse Carnall, lesse politique, though as wise as Serpents, yet innocent as Doves. I would neither have them or any other say the Lord faith it, when it is only their own sayings and inventions, for (thereby is the Gospel evill spoken off) and there is not severall Gospells, and though a man pervert the Gospell, yea were it an Angell, I dare not hold him blessed in that as preaching mans Doctrine to please men; I cannot in that hold him Christs Servant, as faithfull Paul hath handled, and God by Christ and the spirit, the Comforter, and his Word hath taught me, for which I desire ever to be thankfull.
I read, David by the spirit of the Lord spake, his word being in his tongue. The God of Israell spake to me, the strength of Israell said, 2. Sam. 23, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And these are called the last words, of David. As Davids are called his last words having seen divers Temptations, and evills for the righteousnesse of them, so would I have yours for the truth. Again, though Paul through Gods grace given him, laid a foundation, 1. cor. 3.10. But faith he, let every man take heed how he buildeth upon it, for there is no other foundation then Jesus Christ, [Page 6] and if any man build on this foundation, Gold, Silver, pretious Stones, timber, hay, or stubble. Every mans work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it, and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is, and every man shall receive his wages according to his labour, 1 Cor 3.8.10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. In the twenty eighth and twenty ninth page of your Uxbridge Sermon, you say, did they who made their footing to be Jure Devino, which we have rather found to be Jure Diabolico (the Bishops is there meant by you) thinke thus to be cast down before the People upon the Dunghill, and made vile and contemptible; Did they ever thinke to lie under so much disgrace (and others to be countenanced by the Nobles and Commons of the Land) when themselves are an abhorring to all flesh, and their names a reproach to all people, and are not these Dagons, Nobles, & Commons become so likewise, ut supra, though you sought then to please them. I fear Col. Von, once my Captain subtilty corrupted your young yaars. I intreat you and your Brethren to these ensuing, to answer without reservation or guile which concerne the Gospel of Gods glory so much, though it crosse mans affection, or self-interests, yet as (God is truth) let every man speak truth unto his Neighbour, though the Ministry say they have Ordination & succession. Yet their lives, qualifications, or corruptions, or self-interests, gives the Gospel a Check or lie, they following the whorish world; for they ought nor to be men-pleasers, strikers, or fighters, or given to filthy Lucre, or Novices: neither crafty and deceitfull dealers in their lives, and rhetoricall speakings contrary to found and wholesome Doctrine; yea, the Apostle Paul faith, I think that God hath set forth us the last Apostles, as men appointed to Death; for we are made a Gasing stock unto the World, and to the Angells, and to men: we hunger, are naked, we have no certain dwelling place, are buffeted, reviled, evill spoken of, and yet we blesse, and pray, and suffer persecution, and labour working with our own hands, 1 Cor. The marginall notes, faith, He that will take right view, how like Paul and the Pope such are, who lyingly boasteth he is his Successor, let him compare the Delicates of the Popish Court, and St Pauls state, as we see it here (and how far was Christs state short of this I pray you) who saith, the Servant is not greater then his master: and since the Pope is granted to be that Whore, and the Bishops their Successors with him to be none of the Apostles successors: And neither of them are Jure Devino, but rather Jure Diobolico, and as you observe, abhorred of all flesh, and a reproach to all people: And as amongst other things, for corrupt Ceremonies in service and Doctrine for preaching up Tyranny and that People must obey the Kings lust in all, laying their necks to the block, and not defend themselves by force of Armes in any cafe, your Uxbridg Sermon, Page 16, 17. Now since both these have lost ordination, and succession, by your own confessions, who upon earth I pray declare can give it. For loe they that withdraw themselves from thee shall perish, as the Psalmist saith. Thou destroyest all that go a whoring from thee, Psal. 73.27. This (all grant) and your self proved, who then hath I pray you, power to send out or ordain Ministers for Christ. Is it from Heaven or from men, as Christ asketh the Pharises [Page 7] of Johns Baptisme, which hath brought me to the question asked by the Bishops when they ordained any for the Ministry. Viz.
Q. Do you think in your Heart, that you be truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Cstrist and the order of the Church of England. Minister answ. I think it; now did not he answer I think it, he could not be made a Minister.
You say in the Appeale with your Sermon, by way of Apology, Page 8. some say I intruded my self on the work, when divers can testify how earnestly Captain Hampton, the Governour of the Towne did solicite me, with many others. Again page, 9. 1. Objection, what ever your call was to preach, yet the matter was unseasonable, 2. Objection. Why did you not write this vindication sooner, these things by you are verbally answered, but your answer therein (is your shame, and others like you) for though you preacht the said Sermon in Winsor Castle the day before; all this proves not your mission from Christ, or your Brethrens, or your works to be spirituall, but carnall, or literall, or both: It is not others report hath corrupted your name, but the flies of your own practises, and Doctrine, and (almost all of you preacht another Gospel.) You say in Page 14. of your Booke, Prisons are many times or oft times th [...] greatest inlets to many divine speculations, or the Servants of God in a suffering condition, have ordinarily the most cleer discoveries of the will of God, a worthy Doctrine consonant with the Scripture: but then as Peter saith, He that suffereth as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let none of you suffer as a Murtherer, or a Theife, or an evill doer, or as a busie body in other mens matters, 1 Pet. 4, 14.15.16. But if ye be rayled on for the name of Christ, blessed are ye, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you, which on their part is evill spoken of; but on your part is glorified. Note, whereas you say in your Sermon-Book, page 20. The Lord demands of the men of this generation, will yee have the Gospell in power, &c? A reformation in purity? your Assemblies refined? your Polutions removed? and the Government of my Son establisht in the midst of you. Will you own my cause? fight my Battails? avenge the wrongs & affronts which have beene offered to my great name? wil you jeopard your lives for my sake? will you cleave to my Parliament in truth and full purpose of heart? Certainly this is no Gospel Doctrine to provoke to blood, and that blood should touch blood, which is reproved by Hosea from the Lord, chap. 4 1, 2, 3. And for which our Land mourns, as is there declared Neither was it ever any of Christs Doctrine, or any of the Apostles, as will plainly appear by Gods booke, the Gospell of our Lord Jesus Christ which faith also John 18, 36. Jesus answered Pilate, as oft times he had answered the learned Scribes and Pharisees, who fained themselves just men Luke 20.20. In other cases: My Kingdome is not of this world: If my Kingdome were of this world then would my Servants fight. that I should not be delivered to the Jews: But now is my Kingdome not from hence.
I feare you, as many also of your Brethren, have impudently belied the Lord, as Hananiah did, Jer. 18.10, 11. and other false Prophets, when he contradicteth Jeremiah the true Prophet, which in the 15. and 16. verse, [Page 8] Jeremiah reproves again, saying, Then said the Prophet Jeremiah unto the Prophet Hananiah: Heare now Hananiah, the Lord hath not sent thee, but thou makest this people te trust in a lie; therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will cast thee from off the earth: this yeare thou shalt die, because thou hast spoken rebelliously against the Lord And in the 26. page of your Rhetoricall discourse, which seems to be pestilent witty, as many of your Brethrens, contrary to Paul, 1 Cor. 2. I esteemed not to know any thing but Christ crucified. Neither flood my preaching in the enticing speech of mans wisdome, that your faith should not be in the wisdome of men, but in the power of God: And wee speake wisdome among them that are perfect; Not the wisdome of this world, neither, of the Princes, of this world, which come to nought, 1 Cor. 2.2.4, 5, 6. Here is not a world of State-physitians and avengement, as in your 26. page, but giving God all power and glory, to avenge to whom it belongs. But lless, rejoyce, love without diffimulation. Be of like affection one towards another: Be not high-minded: Recompence no man evill for evill. If it be possible, as much as in you is, have peace with all men, Rom. 12.9.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Yet say you, much innocent blood hath been spilt, which must be avenged on us, or by us. Is this not another Gospell then Paul taught? who saith, Dearly beloved, avenge not your selves, but give place unto wrath: For it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. I desire you, if you have time in this life, other wise any that call themselves Ministers in any place of England, to answer these things faithfully herein mentioned, that God may receive glory thereby, the people edification, and your souls the comfort, which is the humble and hearty desire of
COnsidering of how great concernment these things herein propounded are, and of the affliction Mr. Love lies under, I was much prossed within me to print this same before the sending of it; that if Mr. Love's conveniency should not afford him to answer it, yet that some other Ministers (as they call themselves) might answer that great concerned thing or question, how they came by the call from Jesus Christ to preach: seeing such are commanded to teach the people to observe all things whatsoever Christ commanded them, Mat. 28.20. And that Christ & his Apostles never commanded war & avengement: and these doe, and say, they are Christs Ministers.
If yee bite and devoure one another, take heed least ye be consumed one of another. For all the Law is fulfilled in one word which is this, thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self. Gala. 5.14.15.
From whence are warrs and Contentions among you, are they not hence? even of your pleasures that fight in you members, James 4.1.
For where envying and strife is, there is sedition, and all manner of evil [...]