Something in Answer to a Book called CHOICE EXPERIENCES, Given forth by one J. TVRNER.

Also the Copy of a Letter sent to the Assembly of those that are called Anabaptists in Newcastle.

Wherein the simple minded ones may see the deceit of those people, who take up the practises of others, by imitation and tradition from the Scriptures, not having the same commands themselves, as the Saints alwayes had, from the spirit of the Lord.

And that Christ in the Saints, which is their hope of glo­ry, is the same Christ that was crucified by the Jews, who is the Lambe slaine from the foundation of the World.

Also the difference between the Saints who waite on the Lord for the moving if his Spirit to he acted, when, and as he please; And Formalists of these dayes, who in their owne wills and time practice their imitations of Duties and Ordinances, which the Lord abhorres.

By a Servant of the Lord, named of the World Edward Burrough.

Printed in the Year of the worlds accompt, 1654.

I Have met with a Book called, Choyce experiences, given forth by one I Turner, who by John Spilsbery in his Epistle, is cal­led, a Daughter of Syon; and her selfe declareth in the 109. pag. of her Booke, of being brought out of Babylon into Syon, but all along through her Booke, her language is one and the same, before her comming out of Babylon, and in Syon (as she saith) her language is the language of Babylon wholly, and she is yet a servant in bondage in Babylon unto the Mistresse of Witchcraft, and never came to witnesse freedom in Syon; for I know her voyce, its the language of her City where she now dwells, which is in confusion in Babylon. And whereas she de­clares of some particulars which she calls Deceits, whereby she was deceived, in the 109 pag. in that which she calls, the fifth note of experience, concerning notions and pretended spiritualities in which Satan transformes himselfe into an Angel of light, and how the Lord was pleased to recover her out of deceit. I answer, It is plain to the spirituall man which discernes of truth and de­ceit, that she is yet deceived and unrecovered out of deceit; and here I charge her that she belves the Lord, for he hath not recovered her out of deceit, for she hath [...] him in that work, as is made appeare in her Book; and she is now in notion, and not in power, and in pretended spiritualities and not really in the spirit; and Satan is now transformed in her into an Angel of light by which she is deceived; and whereas she talkes of her choyce experiences, death yet raignes in her, and is no whi [...] sub­dued; I speake as in the presence of the Lord, who am moved to lay open her deceit to the simple, who doth blaspheme the God of Heaven in his Saints, in calling truth error and calling that deceit, which by the spirit of the Lord I owne to be truth, and calls those, corrupt principles which was owned by the ser­vants of the Lord in former generations, and which is owned now by them which witnesse the same spirit; which spirit of Christ she makes appeare, she knowes not who hath de [...]yed him, and salvation by him, within; Whereas she speaks of Sa­tan envying her happinesse, and waits his opportunity to catch [Page 4]her as a Fish in the Water, covering his hooke with a baite of My­stery and spiritually, I answer. She is yet in the power of Satan, he hath already catched her with his covered hooke, which is covered with a very faire outside, a faire forme of truth a like­nesse of it, with the likenesse of a Church, and of a Baptisme, and of a Fellowship &c. is she beguiled already and is unhap­py through the opportunities which the Devil hath wayted over her; for she is under the curse, lying in the fall and enmity. And whereas she speaks. Of having of es [...]a [...]ed him in his former appearances as a Devill yet now transforme himselfe a an [...]ngel of light. I answer. She hath not escaped him as a Devill▪ and here she is a lyer, for his appearance [...] her, in ly ng and in speaking evill of those things she know [...]s no [...]; and he is trans­formed in her as an Angel of light, but she [...] but lyes in darkenesse, in the my fiery of in [...]ty [...], and the pretence of spirituality. And she [...], [...] are, so deceived are the fittest Agenes to prome [...] [...] K [...]g [...]m [...] I an­swer. Here it is made manifest, she who [...] Devill doth much promote his Kingdome, [...] hands of evill doers, who through her [...] hearts against the truth. Whereas she speaks. O [...] [...] [...] ­ing persons by corrupt principles, which they would [...] at the thought of, before they had such principles I answer [...]is is her own condition, she is drawn by Satan to follow [...] principles, which if she did see she would tremble at [...] of them. And she saith God was not onely pleased to [...] from such things but to discover the wa [...] by which person [...] brought to such things. I answer, Here againe I charge her that she belies the Lord (which is blasphemy) for he hath not [...] her from corrupt principles: he would, but she hath refi [...]ed him; and the discovery from God to her, will be pl [...]gr [...] and woe; for death and darknesse raigne [...] which makes manifest themselves in her, which is her discovery. She speak [...] avoy­ding those wayes and forewarning others to avoyd them likewise. I answer She hath not avoyded the waves of darkenesse but hath chosen them, and hath avoyded the way of truth▪ as is made manifest, which hath dented salvation by Christ within; and as she hath avoyded the way of truth her selfe, so she casts [Page 5]a stumbling-blocke in the way of the simple to a avoyd it like­wise. Whereas she speaks, of discovering Satan under these vayles and saith, by harkening to the voyce of the tempter she was deceived, and beguiled by him in some perticular things.

I answer, Satan is not yet discovered to her, but lyes under his vayle in Flesh deceiving her; and by her hearkening to the voyce of the tempter, she is now deceived by him, not in few things, but in many: I speake it as in the presence of the Lord which shall judge of her and me. And she speaks of ever being humbled in the presence of God for it. I answer When the dreadfull God shews his presence, she cannot stand, but shall be confounded, who doth here speake to the dishonour of his name: True humility she knowes not, for the man of sin is ex­alted in her above all that is called God And whereas she speaks of beginning to be somewhat confused in her iudgement; and she speaks, of not being swallowed up with confusion. I an­swer, She is in confusion, and hath never been out of it, as to every single eye may appeare; she is not somewhat in confusi­on, but is rowled and swallowed up in it; and it is long since it began in her. Whereas she speaks of being weake in Princi­ples. I answer, It is true, the Principle which is of God, is, and hath been weake in her, for it is over-powred by the Prin­ciple of deceit which is not weake, but strong, and which rules and guydes her in her own will. Whereas she speaks of being with a people, and by them being deceived in some perticular things: naming onely three things; the first whereof is,

That godlinesse being a Mystery, that it did consist of some­thing within, and not of something without: and that the Saints were to expect life and salvation from a Christ within, and not from a Christ without.

I answer. Godlinesse is a mystery; the Image of God, which is godlinesse is a mystery hidden from the eye of I. Tur­ner and from all vulterous eyes; and this mystery is within, in life and power, consisting of the new man Christ Jesus, who is the Image of God made manifest within the saints, in whose Image man is like God godly; and this mystery is not in out­ward things, in word or declaration, or outward practice though where this mystery is made manifest, godly practises will flow [Page 9]from it to without; but yet the power, life, and mystery of godlinesse is within, and cannot be seen with the carnall eye, nor comprehended with the carnall minde. And here I charge I. Turner, in the presence of God, that she knowes not the my­stery of Godlinesse, who blasphemously calls this a corrupt Principle; and here it is made manifest, that she is in Babylon yet, and is deceived and bewitched by the Devill: I beare witnesse to the truth, and to this particular, and against her who denyes it. And the saints hath life and salvation from Christ made manifest within, which is the same Christ which suffered without; and this I affirme, that till Christ be revea­led within, there is no salvation nor life partaked of. The Scripture saith, they were reprobates in whom Christ was not; And the Apostle said, Christ in you, the hope of glory; and Christ lived in him, which was his life and salvation. Where Christ is not made manifest within, the Serpent is Head, and the Devill is King in the heart; and this I witnesse, and doth declare it, as in the presence of God, that t [...]ll Christ was made manifest within me I was not saved nor had n [...]lig [...]s to God, though I was high in profession and Knowled [...] outwardly. And here againe I Turner h [...]th shewed [...] blindnesse and sottishnesse to all and may [...], and confesse that she is a be nos [...]e in Bab [...] [...] a cor­rupt Principle, which is the very power [...] Religion and salvation, which is Christ Jesus wi [...]h [...] [...]fest in the saints, which takes away sinn and [...] Werkes of the Devill; and she and all others, wh [...] w [...]l [...]es and [...] the flesh following the lusts and desire [...] of it living [...] own wills in the broad way, and talkes of salvation by [...] thing without, will be deceived for nothing wil [...] pre [...]nt [...] b [...]t the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ revealed, which takes away sinne, and sets free from it.

And now for the second Principle, That Saints were not to doe duties by, or from a command without but from a command within; and that the Word command in Scripture, was not a com­mand to them, till they had a Word within them.

I answer, That is no command from God to me, what he commands to another; neither did any of the saints which [Page 7]we reade of in Scripture act by the command which was to ano­ther, not having the command to themselves: I challenge to finde an example to it; they obeyed every one their own com­mand, one was sent to Baptisme and to Preach the Gospel; ano­ther was sent, not to Baptise, but to Preach the Gospel. And thou I. Turner, or any other, who goes to duty, as you call it, by imitation from the Letter without, which was commands to others, in your own wills and time, your sacrifice is not ex­cepted. but is abomination to the Lord; for you goe with­out the moving of the spirit, in your own wills and strength, which God hates, and which his wrath is upon. And I charge her here, as in the presence of the Lord, that she knowes not what a command from God in spirit is: but is ignorant and not a daughter of Syon; and let her mouth be stopped, and let shame strike her in the Face, who professes her selfe to know the Lord; and let all be ashamed of her who proferses them­selves members joyned with her in Church; she hath made ma­nifest the ignorance of them all.

Now for the third particular, That as to the time of doing du­ties, they were to waite for the moving of the spirit, to carry them forth to it; and this they called, Wayting for a power; and till they had such a power, they were to doe nothing but sit still, and waite; and this not onely in private duties, but in church also; not owning any Ministery by way of g [...]fts, of Office, but to come to­gether, and there sit st [...]ll and waite t [...]ll they had a power, and then to speake whether man or woman.

I answer, Who dare call this a Principle of deceit none but who are led by deceit, and such is I. Turner, who puts light for darkenesse, and darkenesse for light; all duties as she calls them whatsoever if the moving of the spirit doe not carry forth to act them; then the movings of the corrupt will and vaine mind carries forth; and who act from such Principles, are ac­cursed from God. And I. Turner, and all who denyes to waite for the moving of the power of the spirit to carry forth, but goes before the moving of it all their Prayers, Preachings, Or­dinances, and Churches, I doe deny, and declare against, by the Eternall spirit of God, they are odious and abomination in the eye of the Lord, and is no duty which he accepts, whether [Page 8]they be done in private, or in the Church. And that Ministery which is not carried forth by the moving of the spirit of God, but of man, and in the will of man, which ministery is hated of God; and she which denyes wayting upon God, till power be given in from God to act and speake for God, hath denyed the way of God, and the practice of the saints in former generations; and woe is unto her, which makes the simple beleeve this to be deceit: whereas she saith in these particu­lars, which carryed such a face or shew of spirituality, she was corrupted, but did never fully own them in judgement nor practice. I answer, O blinde deceived spirit, which calls these but a shew or face of spirituality; she calls the substance a shew, and the shew or likenesse, a substance; And woe unto her, which calls good evill, and evill good; these particulars by the eternall-spirit, I owne, and warke in; but that spirit of deceit, and Anti-Christ in her, hath denyed them and calls them deceiveable, and saith by them she was corrupt; let her be ashamed, and all of her faction; it was the Principle which led her from these things, by which she was corrupted, and which hindered her to owne them and practice them, and which now makes her declare against them; which Principle is the spirit of the false Prophet, which now rules which I know will never owne nor pract [...]ce these things She also saith, She did oppose those Principles which led to loosenesse either in conversation, or in slighting the Churches or Ordinances of Christ, though she beleeves such Principles naturally follow the others. I answer, She did, and doth oppose the Principle of God, which would have led her out of pride and [...]ust into an holy conversa [...]ion; and out of false Churches into [...]e [...]hurch which is in God. And I charge her here that she beleeves lyes and utters what she beleeves, which is bl [...]phemy▪ who saith she beleeves that wicked Principles naturelly follow the three named by her. And whereas she saith, As to that Prin­ciple of wayting▪ yet could never come up to it in practice, in private duties she could not stay so long from duty▪ till she had such a power, but did frequently goe to duty when she had it not.

I answer. Here I doe beleeve her she speaks truth▪ with her lying spirit; she never yet could waite upon God, to act for [Page 9]him, but hath runne in her own will, which is abomination to him, which is no acting for God, but for selfe, and for the the Devill; and here hath she shut her selfe out, from the ho­ly men of Gods practice, who wayted upon him to be led by him, by the power of his spirit; and she shewes her selfe open­ly to all, that she went to that which she calls duty in her own power and time, and knew not the power of God, nor his time to be acted in; and all her duties, as she calls them, is no more but imagined and imitated from the letter without, acted by the serpents strength and wisedome in her; and she hath here plainely discovered she knowes not what wayting upon God is, in truth and sincerity.

She saith, She thought sometime she had had it; and saith, she thought she had had communion with God. I answer, Her thoughts I doe deny, who calls truth deceit; and she did, as now she doth, live in thoughts and conceivings, by which she is beguiled; that spirit which rules and speaks in her, never had communion with God, but is contrary to him; nor ne­ver was acted in the truth of God, but against him. She saith, She knew no Scripture-ground for the practice of weighting to be acted by the power of the spirit, and led to duty. I answer, The saints ground of acting, is not the outward letter, but the spirit which gave forth the letter; but the Scripture doth declare of such, as wayted to be acted by the spirit and power of the Lord: Dare any say, the Saints Prayed or Prophesied, without the movings of the spirit and power of the Lord? here she hath sh [...]t her selfe among the Heathens, who knowes not God, nor what it is to be acted by his spirit and power. She speaks of losing her peace, and having little or no communion with God, nor scarce any thing to speake to, or for God. I answer, True peace in Christ she never knew, for there is no peace to the wicked; neither have any, who denyes wayting upon God, as she hath done, any communion with God, nor nothing to say to, or for God, but through deceit, and in deceit is I. Tur­ner. That which brought her into trouble, and let her see the confusion (which she speaks of) which she had lived in before, but saw it not till then; that witnesse I owne, and it shall witnesse for the Lord and the Truth of what I say eternally; [Page 10]though she have shine the [...]sse, yet it shall arise to her co [...]nati [...], and her everlasting misery. And whereas she saith, Some laboured to perswade her it was a despensation of God, and that the Saints after brought out of Egypt, must be in the Wil­dernesse, before they come to Caraan. I answer, I beare witnesse by the eternall spirit, the truth of this particular, as having witnessed the same condition; and she which hath denied this to be of God, hath openly shewed her selfe to be of the De­vill, denying the truth of Scripture. She saith, this did not at all satisfie her, but she continued in a sad condition. I answer. She here hath shewed what spirit she is of, of the viperons generation which fled the wrath which came upon her, and could not abide the judgement; and of the spirit of them which would have been backe in Egypt, which mur­mured, and therefore, with them, she entered not, but is peri­shed with them in the Wildernesse. Whereas she saith, She was never so troubled with temptations, as at that time. I answer, Here she hath shewed her selfe to be the stony ground, which when temptation came, withered away. She speaks of a par­ticular remptation, which was, Questioning the being of God. I answer. That which was troubled, wrought the temptations, and not that which troubled; and here she shews her igno­rance, which cannot discerne the ground of temptation, but laies it upon God, which is blasphemy; for he tempts none to evill. Whereas she saith, this was the sad fruit of her stray­ing from the pure wayes of truth. I answer, Here againe she shews her blindnesse, who knows not that temptations are for good: That which she calls, straying from the pure wayes of truth, it otherwise; for the stronger man came to dispossesse the strong man, and then began the war, and happy had she been, if she had patiently endured to the end; but not abiding under the judgement, but starting aside, she is cast out, and must not enter; for the second beast whose deadly wound is healed, is alive, which makes war with the Lambe, which ex­ereiseth all the power of the first Beast: and here I. Turner is under the dominion of the second Beast. She speaks of bles­sing God that she strayed no further. I answer. She who hath denyed to waite unto Prayer and Prayses, but prayse in her [Page 11]own strength and time, her prayse is abomination to the Lord and she calls that, straying from God, which was leading unto God, and so hath forsaken the right way and hath c [...] the way of God behinde her backe, and re [...]sted him, who would have lead her out of darkenesse, and out of confusion. Whereas she speaks of God remembring her. To which I answer, he will remember her to plague her, who hath brought disho­nour to his great name, and hath called his way, the way of er­ror, and of deceit; and his reall truth, a shew or notion; she hath chosen her own way, the way of destruction. Whereas she speaks, being turued from owning these particulars▪ she was restored to these joyes that once she had. I answer. She is re­turned with the Dog to the vomit, and with the Sow to her wallowing in the [...], and there's her joy; and she now joys in the earthly dust, in formes and traditions, and likenesses of things, and knows not what it is to joy in God the substance, as by her writings it is made manifest, who hath denyed sal­vation by Christ within, and hath denyed to waite upon God for the power of his spirit, and calls them deceitfull Princi­ples; she hath chosen the way of death rather then the way of life, and hath taken her selfe to follow shaddows and likenes­ses, and neglected the substance, which is Christ within, the [...] of [...]lory; her latter end is worse then her beginning and the P [...] is [...]filled upon her. And she speaks in the 126. pag. of [...] being d [...]servered under his vaile; and in particular, as to that [...]f being saved by a Christ within, and not by a Christ with ut; and the Lord was pleased to shew her it was quite ano­ther thing, differing from the Gospel, and that it was attended with this evill consequence, to overthrow the whole Gospel, and to deny the Lord that bought them. I answer. I charge her here, as in the presence of God, with belying the Lord, and with hor­rible blasphemy; who saith, That that which the saints and servants of God witnessed, who Preached the Gospel and esta­bli [...]ed it, (Christ within manifested) is quite another thing differing from the Gospel, and that it is attended to overthrow the wh [...] Gospel: O horrible blasphemy, and belying the Lord, who saith, that the Lord was pleased to shew her it: did ever he shew any of his, lyes? all take notice of this wicked [Page 12]and horrible blasphemer; the Lord rebuke that unclean spirit of Anti-Christ in her, She goes on and saith, then secondly, as to that of wayting for a power to Pray, and that here was no com­mand but from within; concerning both these, the Lord was plea­sed to shew that it was not according to his minde, but a meer in­vention of Satan; and that it was attended with this evill conse­quence to slight Scriptures and commands of God, and to expose the soule to Satans deceivings, to walke by the imaginations of their own heart, in stead of the motions of the spirit. I answer, The Saints wayted for the moving of the spirit, which was power in them to help them to pray; they knew not to Pray as they ought without it, and this command and help, they had not without them, but within them: And I again here charge her with belying the Lord and with notorious blasphemy, who saith, that that which the saints witnessed (wayting for the power of the spirit to Pray) is not according to the minde of the Lord, but an invention of Satan; and she is not ashamed to say, the Lord shewed her, and the same which they witnes­sed, which spoake forth the Scripture, and which walked in the commands of God, tends to slight Scriptures and commands of God, and to expose the soule to Satans deceivings: this is blasphemy and error, and corrupt principles: and she which hath denyed wayting, to be led by the motions of the spirit, is led by the imaginations of her own heart, and is under the power of Satans deceiving, & speaks contrary to what the Scri­pture speaks, and so slights it, and the commands of God she hath blasphemed the God of Heaven, and accordingly will the Lord requite. And thus have I for the simple ones sake decla­red the truth, and every single eye may see, who it is is led by corrupt principles; and what I have written shall she eternally witnesse to be true, and all her co-partners. And I passe by the rest of her Book, as not worth answering, for it is nothing but a [...]ery imagination and confusion, and death yet raignes in her, and in her Book is spoken out by her; and she knowes not the Baptisme of Saints, nor Communion, nor the true Church of Christ; to that witnesse in her conscience doe I declare, and when it shall arise, it will eternally Witnesse me,

Whose Name in the Flesh is Edward Burrough.

The Copy of a Letter, &c.

FRiends, (for so I call you) I was moved of the Lord to come unto your Assembly, to declare the truth from him, coucerning you, as by the eternall spirit was revealed to me; and I doe acknow­ledge it, it was a mercy from the Lord that I had that small li­berty which I had, to cleare my conscience amongst you, and to discharge my duty, in obedience to the Lord, and to every ones con­science am I made manifest, whether you will heare, or you will forbeare: truely friends, there is something among you which I owne, and which is owned of my Father; but yet many things hath he against you, and as I said, I now againe say from the mouth of the Lord, that your covering is too narrow to hide your shame, and your bed too short to stretch your selves upon; Now friends, the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, which you act in, (you say) in obedience to him, I doe not speake against, but doth witnesse them in life and power; neither doe I judge such a­mongst you who have extered in at the doore, by the Principle of God, to the Ordinances, (if any such) but you I doe declare against, and doth judge by the infallible spirit, who have in your own wills thrust in your selves, and acted by imagination and imitation from the Letter without, and not having received the command from Christ into your selves; such I judge to be in deceit, deceived by the Serpent, which deceives the simple, by the likenesse of a thing, and you that limit the Lord to any outward visible thing, that without such can be no salvation, you I judge againe to be in deceit, and my judgement shall stand; for nothing is avayleable, that which God once commanded, nor that which was not commanded, but the new creature, which is borne of the im­mortall seed, contrary to the will of man. Truely friends, you are acting in darkenesse, and there is no seperation in you betwixt the [Page 14]pretious and the vile, betwixt the cleane, and the uncleane; for that which did convince you of false hirelings, and of their de­ceitfull worship, (which is owned of my Father in you) hath not b [...]n [...]beyed by you, but your minds have been drawne forth from within, to obey a thing without; and herein have you been be­witched from the obedience of the truth within, to obey the letter without; as they wore which the Scripture speaks of; and you are acted in another forms, and likenesse then you were before, and which some are acted in yet, but by tho same spirit; and you have a zeale, I beare you record, but it is not according to know­ledge: I declare against that spirit, by which you are now acted, as knowing it to be the spirit of Anti Christ; and that which is owned by my Father in you, is oppressed by you, by your wise­dome and [...]sen which stands above, and is head, and rules amongst you, which is for destruction, and for the Lord to ac­complish his wrath upon: and happy were you if you knew the day of vengeance, which is the acceptable yeare of the Lord; but you are yet full and rich, and thinke you have need of no­thing; and hath a name that you li [...]e, but you are dead, and empty, and miserable; your forme is corrupted, and you se [...]k the living among the dead, and you act in the forme, but w [...]lkes at liberty in your own wills, despising the dayly crosse of Christ, which if you walked in, would bring downe the high minde, and high na­ture in you; and through the Crosse, that which is low in you, would be exalted, and the witnesse of your Ordinances would you have within, which you are seeking in the letter without. And now Friend, to thee who was the Speaker when I was present among you; thy Name I know not, but by thy nature and spirit, thy spirit is the same which they speake from, which thou seems to d [...]y as false spirits; and by that spirit hast thou been deceived and now at workes by thee to deceive others; and that spirit infallibly, by the eternall Spirit doe I judge; for the time is come, that by the Saints, the great Wh [...]re must be judged which hath wade all the men of the Earth drunke with the Wine of her Fornteat [...] and which hath deceived the simple. And whereas thou did [...], what one thing I will deny as untruth which you had [...]? I answered then, as now I doe; I doe deny thy v [...]yee and [...], for [Page 15]it is the voyce of the stranger, and not of Christ: and though you sweare by that spirit, The Lord lives; I say, surely thou sweares falsely; and the false Prophets which used their tongues, and said, The Lord saith it, when the Lord had not spoken unto them, speake the same words of the true Pr [...]phet; but he that had the true spirit judged the false spirit, and so it is now. And there­fore Friend, out of love to thy soule, I doo advise thee to be silent before the Lord, and waite upon him, te [...] he manifest himselfe to speake in thee, and by thee; for Friend, thy Ministery is in the will of man, and thou ministers death unto dead minds; and the Ministery which is to the Seed, thou art ignorant of: to that in thy conscience I speake, which shall witnesse for me before the Lord, who is appearing in his power, to utter his thunders, and all Flesh shall tremble at his presence; and all Formes of Worship will he dash to pieces at his appearance; And yours, who is the purest Forme, shall be broken to pieces, that he may rule, who is without forme and comelinesse. Now Friends, for the Seeds sake have I speaken and written to you; and to that in your consciences have I cleared my conscience, in the presence of the Lord, which you shall Eternally witnesse, whether you will heare or forbeare: By a Servant of the Lord, who is named of the World,

Edward Burrough.

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