A DESCRIPTION OF THE State and Condition OF ALL MANKINDE Upon the face of the whole Earth.

AND A Discovery unto all; shewing what Man was in his Creation before transgressi­on, and what he is in transgression; how he is become a degenerate Plant, bringing forth curled fruit, to the grie­ving of the good Husbandman, who is thereby pro­voked continually against the works of his own hands, to destroy that which he hath made, because it is defiled through mans transgression.

Also, the Way of Restoration, of Salvation, Redemption, and of Life Eternal, is here declared unto all the sons and daughters of A­dam in the whole world, that all may come to the knowledge of the Creator, and to have fellowship with him again, from whom all the children of men are separated in the state of enmity, and are ignorant of him, and drove from his presence.

This is to go abroad into all the Earth, through the whole world, as a Call and Visitation unto all mankind, that they may hear and consider their condition, and may return from whence they are fallen, and may be re­stored again to serve, and worship, and glorifie and living God, who made Heaven and Earth, and all things therein.

By one who hath measured and viewed in true judgement the condition of all mankind, who is a lover of souls, and a friend to the Creation of God, known in England by the Name of Edward Burrough.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the Black-spread-Eagle neer the West end of Pauls.

[Page] THis is chiefly to go abroad into the dark parts of the World, among those called Heathens most especially; but its service reacheth to all men and people upon the face of the earth: And out of love unto the Creation, and to all people in the world was it written, and is it brought forth in publike, that all that have ears to hear, may hear; and it is to be translated into several Languages by any who are moved of the Lord thereun­to; for of a truth the Lord is risen among us, and God hath given the word from his mouth, and many are they that pub­lish it abroad through the world.

To all the World, and all people upon the face of the Earth with­out exception.

TO all the Sons and Daughters of Adam in the whole world, this is the Word of the Lord God, the power that made you, and that made Heaven and Earth, and all things therein, your state and condition consider, How that you are all drove from God your Maker, and from the knowledge of him and of his wayes, which are life and peace, and are in darkness, blindness and ignorance feparated from that Power that made you, and in the enmity against it, and are enemies to it in all your wayes and words, where the sorrow, anguish, wo and trouble is: But the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, the Power by whom all things were made, who is called Christ Jesus, hath lightned every one of you with the true light which shines in your hearts in darkness, to give you the understand­ing of the knowledge of him that made you, and of his salva­tion and redemption, and of eternal life, if you love the light with which you are all lightned: And first, The light measureth every mans state in true Judgement, and with it you may all see your selves in the state wherein you now stand which is a state separated from God, and the state wherein man was created, which was blessed.

Therefore search and consider your state and condition in the light of the world, of the dust of the ground were you made and into man vvas breathed the breath of life from the living power vvhich formed all things, and man vvas made a living soul, and vvas brought forth into the World in the I­mage and likeness of the Power that made him, every one in particular that be come into the World, for Male and Female [Page 2] in the Image of the Creator created he them, without sin or evil; & man was a noble Plant, vvholly a right Seed, planted vvith the choicest Vine, & placed in paradise, the Garden of the Creator, and there vvas set to bring forth Fruit, & to glorifie and honor him by whom man and all creatures vvere made; for man vvas made perfect and upright, set in the councel of his Maker with­out sin, or spot, or evil in his sight, and was the glory of the Creator, and was made for his glory; and Power and Wisdom vvas given unto man to rule and govern in Dominion, in Righ­teousness and in Wisdom over all living creatures, and was Lord over all things, and had rule and authority over all the Creation, and was Steward over all things whom the Creator had made, who made all things for man, and made them sub­ject unto him, to be ordered and governed by him, and used to his glory by vvhom they were made; and in that day when man was in the councel of him that made him, and was subject to his Will, he was blessed above all creatures, and unto him was all creatures blessed, and not any thing was evil that was made, but good in his sight that made it, and good unto man that vvas to use it, he being brought forth in the Image of the Creator, and had a measure of his Wisdom and his Power to teach him, and to lead him in the exercise of all creatures, and was in perfect freedom over all things, to rule in the Wisdom of God. And this was the state of man before transgression, which state vvas blessed, and not subject to the curse of misery, or sorrow, nor trouble, nor torment; but man disobeyed the Power that made him, and went from its Councel, and contra­ry to its will, and grieved it, and vexed it till it became his Ene­my to fight against him, and to curse him; for he had trans­gressed against it by feeding that part which should not with the knowledge of things, and so became vvise, and lost upright­ness, & touched that which the Povver that made him had for­bidden; & so his mind & heart adulterated from the Creator into the visible glories, pleasures, and things which were less then himself; and so he became unprofitable to his Maker by transgressing against him, and onely profitable to himself to seed, and nourish, and delight, and please himself in the out­ward [Page 4] Creation, and forgot the Power that made him; and thus being vvith his mind turned into the earth, there the evil entred and the devil overcame him vvith his temptations, & the power of the earthly darkness gained dominion over him to svvay his affections, desires and lusts, into vanities of the earth, and he lost his dominion over the creatures; and they gained domini­on over him to serve and vvorship them, and to please himself with them who became captive vvith his mind, to be ruled by them in vanity and in evil: And thus man became unprofitable to his Maker, and unfruitful in the Garden, and kept it not un­defiled; and being turned from the Covenant wherein he was set, into his own willing and desiring in the outward Creation, the evil defiled him, and he became evil, and a fruitless tree that cumbred the ground, and an enmity was placed in him by dis­obedience, and all things became evil to him, and the door of all misery and sorrovv was opend, & let in the curse upon him invvardly and outvvardly, for he became dead in transgression to the life, and povver and vvisdom of the Creator and every moment vvas subject to dye to this World also. And through transgression of the Povver that made him he vvas cast out of the Creators Garden, and out of his love, to labour under the curse in unprofitable ground; and also out of his ovvn dignity, and honor, & dominion vvas he cast, & became heir of death, and child of Wrath, and Enemy in his mind unto the Creator, and an enmity vvas placed in him against the Povver that made him, & rebellion in his mind from vvhich all the Works of un­righteousness proceeds, & innocency vvas lost, & man became hurtful to himself & to all creatures, & grieved continually the Povver that made him, & vvas drove from the presence & feel­ing of his Creator, into insensibleness: and in this state unto this day are all ye sons & daughters of the first Adam in the enmity against the povver that made you, every moment transgressing it; & death reigns over you all, & the povver of darkness rules in you all, & the Lavv of sin, & death, & transgression are you all subject to & led captive in your minds, affections & desires, at the vvill of the povver that leads into transgression, called the devil; & in that state you are all strangers to God, & are vvith­out him in the World, & ignorant of the knovvledg of his ways, [Page 4] and are in the perishing state for want of knowledge, and sub­ject to the curse of the power which you transgress, and are heirs of his Wrath, having no part in the Inheritance of bles­sing; for a vail of darkness through sin hath overspread you all, and covered you all from the sight, and hearing, and feeling of the Creator, and of the mystery of his glory and wisdom; and every one in particular, and none excepted of all the children of Adam upon the face of the whole earth, but all have sinned and transgressed, and death reigns over all, and blindness of heart hath possessed all, and all have fallen short of the glory of the Creator, & all men are concluded (by his spirit) to be un­der sin, and children of Wrath, and Heirs of Corruption, and in disobedience & rebellion to the life that gives all men a being; the whole world, & all people in it, without exceptions of tribes, Generations, or Nations, this is the state & condition of all the sons of men; all flesh hath corrupted his way upon the earth in his sight that made it; and the wickedness of man is great in the earth, and the imaginations and thoughts of every mans heart is evil continually, and grieveth the Creator; for the whole earth is filled with violence through mans trnsgression: And now if any stock or age hath priviledge one above ano­ther, to redemption and salvation, and to the Kingdom of Peace and Glory, but Jew and Gentile, wise and foolish, No­ble and Ignoble, Male and Female, all people without excepti­on are in transgression, and by the line and measure of true judgement are shut out from the knowledge of life and salvati­on, and of the Inhheritance of the Father, in that state of en­mity wherein every man in the world is fallen into, and by one the offence came, & so death upon all men, which reigns in the hearts of all, and opposeth the life of the Creator, and every one is imperfect in the sight of the Lord, blind, deaf, dumb, lame and without the sence of the Power that made him and brought him forth, his eye sees not, for it is covered with a vail of darkness; neither doth the ear hear, for it is stopped; nor the Tongue speak, nor the understanding pecceive any thing of the secrets of the Lord, but all are separated and divided from the tree of life, and are cast out from his presence by whom the world was made, into blindness of heart, and to [Page 5] the loathing of your selves, and are more ignorant of your Maker then the Ox is of his owner, or the Asse of his Masters Crib; for you know not him that gives you life and all good things, and that upholds you by the Word of his Power; and this is his word unto you all, You are all under the power of Sa­tan, and subject to his wil, acting in iniquity and in evil, bring­ing forth the fruits of death from that ground in which you now stand, which is cursed, and your Maker hath no pleasure in it, for your fruits grieves his spirit that made you, and vexes his soul which brought you forth; for man is degenerated into the plant of a strange Vine, and brings forth wild grapes and cur­sed fruits which is of a bitter taste unto the Lords soul, who planted all things for himself, who is the good Husband man; but the whole earth is currupted, and all mankind in it, and man is not now acted, nor led, nor ruled in his heart by the Power that made him, which gives him all good things; but the power of Satan, the Serpent, the old Dragon, which decei­ved from the beginning who is in the enmity against the life of the Creator; he acts man, and rules man, to the abuse of all creatures, and to his own destruction, and every particular man is liable to the wrath, and to the curse, and to everlasting wo, and misery, and tormeut from his Maker, in that state of disobedience whereinto all mankind is fallen, not one upon the face of the whole earth excepted from transgression, and so from misery; nor none priviledged one above another unto happiness, but as I have said, Male and Female, who was made in the Image of their Maker in the first Creation; but now e­very man in the whole world is in the enmity against the life of the power that made him and is a child of wrath and shut up in blindness and unbelief under the Devils power, which power abode not in the truth, but is out of the truth, and all mankind is left in this condition without help, or helper, or deliverance, or means, or way of salvation from himself or a­ny other creature upon the face of the whole earth but is a Sheep without a Shepherd, straying and wandering in the thoughts of his own heart, after vanity, and that wherein there is no profit to the Lord, nor to his own soul, but death and sorrow in all his wayes, having forsaken the Fountain of living [Page 6] waters, and gone a whoring after other Lovers, and defiled himself, and so brought destruction upon himself by his own doings, who abounds in all evil, lying, theft murder, envy, strife, stealing, and Whoredom, and such like which are the fruits of the ground that is cursed for mans sake: But now unto all people, the sons and daughters of Adam, the first man that ever vvas made; though you be thus fallen into misery by trans­gression, and helpless from your selves, or from any other creature, yet hath the living God, the povver which made you, and which you have transgressed against, ordained and prepa­red a way to be restored and healed, and to be brought to the injoyment and feeling of the Creator from the disobedience, and from the curse and misery, unto the blessing and happi­ness; and unto all Mankind in particular, is prepared a way out of death unto life, out of the loss which every man hath recei­ved in transgression, to salvation, and redemption, and delive­rance out of the captivity and bondage, which all is fallen into, into liberty and freedom, to serve his Maker, & to glorifie him, for he hath not been served nor glorified, but grieved and vex­ed by all men on the earth; and so he hath brought misery and the curse upon all, by forsaking them, and leaving them under the power which made them not, to be led and guided by it in rebellion unto destruction. And now this same power by which man was made is mans Restorer, and Deliverer, and Redeemer and Saviour, though he have transgressed against it; for vvhen there vvas none to help nor to save of any creature upon the face of the earth, the arm of that Power vvhich made all things stretched forth its self to save the creatures vvhich vvas made; and that same Povver vvhich is trangressed is the Redeemer of all mankind, though it is offended, and bur­dened, and pressed as a Cart vvith sheaves by transgression a­gainst the Creator; and that is the povver vvhich vvorks out salvation and deliverance by slaying the enmity, and condem­ning iniquity, and removing the cursed ground out of mans heart, that the evil Fruits may cease vvhich it brings forth; and by this Povver all must be saved that ever are saved, and deli­vered from Wrath. And this all men have been ignorant of, and not felt, nor knovvn, nor tasted of the life and povver of [Page 7] the Creator, though it hath been near unto every one, and all men and creatures lives, moves, and hath their being by it, and sustenance from it, and yet man transgresses it, and grieves it, and is not led by it.

Therefore all people upon earth consider your condition and state, and hearken to the Power that made you, a measure of which moveth in the hearts of all mankind upon the face of the earth; and it moveth against the evil, and against the de­filed and transgressing part in every mans heart that is come into the World; and this Power by which all men was made, and which they have transgressed against (a measure of it from the Father is made manifest to all mankind upon the face of the Earth, and convinceth of the evil, of Murder, and Adultery, and such like, and condemneth the works which are evil in eve­ry particular man, whether Heathens or Christians (so called) and unto all people; here is the way to be restored into Cove­nant with your Maker, a measure of his power in you, secretly moves upon you, and calls to you to return to it, to be led and guided by it in fear, and obedience, and subjection to it, from which you have been driven, and against which you have trans­greded; and this power the Creator hath sent his Son into the World, and given him a gift unto all mankind, & he hath given light and understanding to every particular man to know good from evil; truth from a lye, right from wrong; Justice from injustice, and equity from falshood; and this Power of the Son of God in you, doth witness to you, and accept you, when with it you be guided, and vvhen according to it you speak and act; and it justifies the good, and the right, and the equal, and ex­cuses all men in that from condemnation; but against lying and wrong dealing, and deceit, and injustice it testifies; and when you do these things, you transgress against that Power that made you, which should save you, and justifie you, and excuse you, and with it you are accused and condemned, and it brings trouble upon you, and the curse of misery and sorrow; and this Power in you will search your hearts, and try your reins, and let you see your thoughts, and make manifest unto you the state and condition of mankind, who is become enemy to his Maker, in following that which brings death, upon which the [Page 8] wrath remaineth till there be a returning unto the Power by which man was made, a measure of which (as I have said) mo­veth in the hearts of the sons and daughters of Adam in all the world: And now if every one of you do turn your minds from the World, and from the glories and vanities thereof, and from the evil which hath possessed you in thoughts & actions; and if you stand still for a moment from willing and desiring to your selves and after the World, this shall you find secret­ly moving in you, which shall draw you towards the Creator to enjoy him, and to see his glory, which none that are still in transgression against him can ever partake of, or behold; and if to that you hearken within you, and heed it, and follow it, which witnesseth to that Power that made you to be great, and mighty, and wonderful, this will shew that you are short of his glory, and it will condemn evil in you in all thoughts, and words, & actions, which proceedeth out of the cursed ground in which the Creator hath no pleasure; and this will take away the vail vvhich is spread over you all, and open the blinde eye, and unstop the deaf ear, and bring you to hear, and see, and understand the things vvhich are eternal, which belongs unto your peace; and if you all come to be guided by that which moves in you against evil, it vvill lead you up to its self to be renewed and changed (out of the evil, and from under the de­vils povver, under which every man bath been subject, which Povver hath been out of truth) into the Image and likeness of the Creator, and to be restored to his Inheritance to enjoy peace and rest for ever.

And this is the Word of the Creator of Heaven and Earth to you all, and to all mankind, this is the Way unto redempti­on, and salvation, & unto the blessing, out of all sorrow, and troubles, and afflictions, and torments, and vvoes and mise­ries, vvhich is the Portion for ever of all that disobeys this Power which moves against evil in you, which is the Power of him that made all men and things which moveth in your hearts against all that which the Creator never placed in you, but w [...] are fruits of darkness. I say unto you all. This power in you must you own and believe in & follow, and be guided by it, and bear its condemnation and judgement upon all that which is [Page 9] contrary to it; if ever you be restored to the blessed state, and all anger, and wrath, and murder, and lying, and dissembling, and whoredom, and drunkenness, and brutishness, and beast­liness, and wantonness, and backbiting, and theft, and all these things whatsoever must be condemned in you, for who acts these things, are Enemies to the Creator, and is led by the Povver of Darkness which is the destroyer of you soul and bo­dy, and the cause of the curse upon you, and the ground of all sorrow, and sufferings, and afflictions, and troubles which comes upon that part in you which is in transgression against the power of God, for there is a birth born of the flesh which brings forth, and goes after fleshly Wayes, fleshly Joyes and Delights, and Pleasures, and fleshly Words and Vanities, which murders the Just, and blinds the eye, and grieves your Maker; and this birth must not inherit eternal life, but all that ever doth inherit must be born again of another Seed, and into a­nother Nature, where all the former things is passed away, for all glories of this World will wither, and all your joyes and pleasures will come to an end, and you will be left miserable and wretched.

Therefore oh earth, earth, and all the children of Adam in the whole World, be awakened, be awakened and stirred up to consider of your state and condition, for the Creator of all things is risen to gather his people up to himself, and his voice soundeth abroad through the whole World; if any hath an ear to hear, let him hear; terror and vengeance is against all the rebellious, and to the judgement must all come before the Ma­ker of all things, to be judged by him according to the Power which moves in every man, which is just and equal, and witnes­seth in equity, which is a measure of the Power that made the World, and all mankind unto it shall confess, to its greatness, to its justness, and to its authority; and to it must all the chil­dren of Adam bow, and before it tremble, and he that hath done good, and lived in meekness and soberness, in the truth, and in justness, in all that which is good, & not in any evil, shal receive life, peace, rest and glory from the righteous Judge, the Power by whom the World was made, and he shall be excused from all condemnation; but he that hath done evil, and trans­gressed [Page 10] against the Power of God by which he is upholden, who is degenerate, and brings forth rudeness, wildness, and wickedness, he shall receive tribulation and anguish, and be deprived of happiness in this life and for ever; and all who doth not own the measure of the Power of the Creator in you to be guided by it, such doth neglect and reject the day of your Visitation, and shuts your selves out from the glory of God, and are unworthy of life and peace; but all that owns this, and are subject to it, the Power of his Son, who is the Maker of all things, and doth follow it, this will reconcile you, and stay the enmity, and bring you into unity with the Creator, and this will lead you out of darkness out of death and evil, and all the wayes thereof, and will save you from all the effects thereof, and you will be excused and justified in the sight of the Crea­tor. Therefore all people upon earth consider, this is the day of your Visitation, the Way of life and of death is set before you, the Way unto peace, and the way of trouble; Prise the day of your Visitation.

This is to go abroad through all the world to all the Sons and Daughters of Adam; it is a Warning from the Creator and Maker of all things, by a friend unto all people, and a lover of their souls.

HEre is the estate and condition of mankind described, whereby in the sight of the World all may come to un­derstand how all the sons & daughhters of the first Adam are de­generated, and subverted, & fallen from the state wherein man was created in the begining, who was blessed of his Creator, being brought forth in his own image and likeness, to rul­in dominion over all living creatures, and to use them to the glory of the Creator; and in that day man was not subject te the curse of misery, or sorrow, or vexation, for that door wo not opened for the curse to enter, but man was altogether bles­sed [Page 11] in the state wherein he was brought forth, until by disobe­dience unto the power that made him, another power gained dominion over him, even the seed of Enmity placed it self in mans heart, which prospered by mans rebellion, and became a great Tree of bitterness, bringing forth much Fruit in the hearts of all the children of Adam, to the vexing, & grieving, and dishonoring of the Spirit and Life of God the Creator, even to the making void of his Purpose in creating man, who created him for his glory, but man disgraces him, and disho­nors him altogether, and brings forth fruit not accepted, but grievous, and of a bitter tast, and the Lords soul hath been pressed as a Cart with sheaves, under mans transgressions, who have backslided and revolted, and turned aside for a thing of nought, and have cast himself down from his excellency of Dominion into shame and dishonor, daily provoking the long-suffring of the Lord, and wearying his goodness, and he hath been provoked to cut off the Works of his own hands, which Satan hath entered into, and defiled, and made loathsom and abominable to the Maker; for Satan hath made man barren of all good, and fruitful in all evil, and he is vvholly subverted in­to another end in all his Works, then wherefore he was created; he that reads let him understand (the Creator of all things planted a Vineyard, with the choicest Vinr, his own image) and he dressed the Vinyard, and watered it, and he came to look for Fruit in the season, and behold the Vinyard was degenera­ted into strange Plants, and brought forth onely wild Grapes; and sower Grapes, and crossed the expectation of the good Husbandman, for the Fruit of the Vinyard was loathsom to him, of an ill smel, and of a bitter taste, and his soul was not satisfied, but grieved, who laboured for himself, that he might gather. Fruits of the Plants which he had planted with the choicest Vine; but behold, his Vineyard (all mankind) was barren of good Fruit, and no pleasant Fruit could the Hus­bandman reap to himself, but the Vines were degenerated, and all brought forth wild Grapes, and sower Grapes, which the good Husbandman hath no pleasure in, but is vexed thereby; for his Vinyard is barren of all good Fruit, and the fruits of unrighteousness hath abounded, whereby the good Husband­man [Page 12] is provoked to fury and indignation against the Vinyard which he had planted, being become degenerate Plants, and strange slips; this is a Parable, and describeth the condition of all mankind; if any have ears to hear, let him hear, and read himself how he was planted with the image of his Maker, but is now degenerated and turned aside from truth and righteous­ness, from all good, and from the wayes of peace, out of the love and pleasure of his Maker, and is now in all evil, in deceit and unrighteousness, and in the Wayes of sorrow and trouble, and in the Makers displeasure; and the Seed of Enmity ruleth in him, and is suffered to be King in the Wrath of God, and must be taken away in Gods displeasure and anger; for that is not the annointed of God, but is in rebellion against his Au­thority, and breaks his Law, and transgresses his commands, and must be condemned into perdition; for all cursed Fruits doth spring forth from that Seed, to the vexing and grieving of the Lord God, injustice, oppression, deceit, hypocrisie, falshearted­ness, lying, murder, whoredom, theft, envy, bitterness, per­versness, devouring one another covetousness, idolatry, and all manner of evil which gives an ill savor, & a corrupted taste, and a loathsom sight in the presence of the Lord God, who made all things. Oh how abominable are all the wayes of man become-unto his Maker, who hath nodelight in any of his ways, nor pleasure in any of his Works! Oh how is the Lord grie­ved, and his soul from day to day oppressed, and his long-suf­fering provoked by the ways and works of his creatures which he made for himself! but they are become the Devils, and sub­ject to the power of the enmity; & all mans works are brought forth in that nature which is evil, and out of that ground which is cursed; his good works are not accepted, and his evil deeds are condemned, all which springs forth of one root of bitterness and enmity, which is in the displeasure of the Crea­tor: Oh earth be awakened, and all ye sons and daughters of Adam, call to mind your state and condition, and repent, and return before destruction, when no time of repentance can be found.

[Page 13] Hearken to instruction, and let your ears be open to hear; here you may all hear and understand the way to restoration to be restored and recovered out of this condition, and out of this Enmity, and from under this curse of misery and destruction; for a way hath God prepared unto all mankind, and is making it manifest unto the whole earth, that the Sons and Daughters of Adam may again know their Maker, and have fellowship with him; and this way is but one, which is ordained for all people upon the face of the earth, of what Tribe or Nation soever; and all that comes to the knowledge of the Creator must walk in this way, which is called Christ Jesus, who is the Son of the Creator, the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, the Power and VVisdom of the Creator, and by him all things was made, and with­out him was not any thing formed that was brought forth; he is the Resto­storer, the Redeemer, and the Deliverer; for he connot be overcome of the evil, but overcometh and treadeth down all the Powers of Darkness, and death, and the Devil, which riseth against him in all the world; and the Creator hath so loved mankind, though he hath transgressed against him, and grieved him, yet he hath given his Son into the world, into all Nati­ons, without respect of persons or people, to be the Saviour of all that be­lieve in him, and receive him, that they may come out of death and dark­ness, from under the Devils power, and may be translated, and changed, and renewed out of sin, and death, and ignorance, and rebellion, and out of the Kingdom of the Devil, into truth and righteousness, and into the king­dom of God. And this Restorer, and Saviour, the Power and VVisdom of the Creator, hath lightned all mankind, every one that cometh into the world is lightned by him, that every one may follow him, and be guided by his power and wisdom; and every one that doth receive him, sin and ini­quity, and transgression is condemned, and the seed of the Enmity is cast out by his power, which is revealed against all unrighteousness, and he sub­dues it, and works it forth of the hearts of all men, and so reconciles man again to his Maker, to have fellowship with him; and this Restorer, the second Adam, comes to be revealed within every man, who executes true Judgement upon the Transgressor, and bindeth under the rebellious Na­ture, and death and condemnation passes upon the seed of Enmity and all its fruits, upon the Devil and all his works, upon him who is born of the flesh, and all his wayes, his joy is turned into mourning, his pleasures into sorrow, his glory and rejoycing into sadness of heart, and the life which he has lived comes to be crucified, & the ways which he hath walked in comes to be hedged up, and no more followed, and his strength is turned into weakness, and all his ways and pleasures fadeth and perisheth, and the birth which is immortal comes to be brought forth, which is not of this world, but Heir of the Creators Inheritance, who hath no glorying under the Sun, nor no pleasure in the glory of this world, which passeth away, but lives un­to God in all things, and brings forth fruit unto the Father, and is replant­ed into the living Vine, and is leavened into a new lump, and placed in the Garden of God, all the old garments are put off, & old things are passed a­way, the devil is cast out, the blinde eye is opened, & the vail is taken away which hath been spread over all, & the deaf ear is unstopped, & man is again returned unto his Maker, & hears, & sees, & understands the things which are [Page 14] eternal, which belongs to his peace; the fear of God is set up in his heart, and Gods secrets are revealed unto him, & he is become the glory of his Maker, to praise him, to glorifie him, & to magnifie him for evermore, being resto­red again unto Gods Image, & guided with his power & wisdom, & have re­ceived dominion and authority from his Maker to reign & rule over all crea­tures, & to be exercised in all things to his glory by whom they were made; he is not in bondage to any creature, but in liberty over it, & the creatures are become his servants, & he servant to his Maker, & the earth yeilds its en­crease unto man, the curse is removed, & the blessing restored in the Cove­nant of Peace and righteousness, where all creatures comes to be injoyned; the covenant of Death and Hell being broken and disannulled, where the curse stood; & standeth in all the world, where the Restorer of the second A­dam is not received, who moveth by the measure of his power against the e­vil in the hearts of all men, & he knocketh at the door of the heart, that he may be received, and come in and dwell with the children of men, whose delight is with the sons of men; & every one that openeth unto him, & hear­keneth to his cry who calleth by the Light, & moveth by his Power, by him they receive life and peace, and sulness from the Father, and are raised from death to life, & redeemed from under the power of Satan to the power of the Creator, all evil in the ground and in the fruits, judgement goes upon it all, and condemnation; & thus mankind comes to be restored again to God his Maker, to be the children of God, and heirs of his Inheritance, and is no more of this world, but redeemed by Jesus Christ out of kindreds, tongues, and people, out of respect of time, place, creatures, or things, and sees through all creatures, to be before the world was, beyond all the glory of this world, to the glory of the Lord; and here is the praising, the singing, & rejoycing, the living & walking in that life which cannot change, & in the world, of which there is no end; and here a greater glory is known then the first mans glory, a greater state then that which was overcome of the Devil, a greater domi­nion then that which was lost; this dominion never can have an end, death is swallowed up of life, all sorrow and anguish is swallowed up of rejoicing, all tears are wiped here, and there is no more sorrow, the quickning spirit is felt and witnessed, which hath quickned again to God, and God Tabernacle is with men, and his dwelling place with the children of men, and that is felt and seen, and tasted, which was before the world was, before any creature was made; and the whole world is comprehended, and mans state in his first creation is here known, what it was; and mans state in transgression is also known, whiat it was, and mans state restored again, is also witnessed, and the difference sperceived betwixt the first Adam, which was overcome of the Devil, though he was innocent and without sin, and bore the likeness of his Maker, and of the second Adam, who cannot be overcome of the devil, whom Satan hath nothing in, who is the express image of the creator it self. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear; eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, it hath not entered into the heart of man that which the Father hath reveal­ed by his spirit; things not lawfull to be uttered, of which there is no decla­ring, that which is infinite, endless, eternal; and in this I shall end.


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