Popes Suprem:

Popes Decrees

holy Bible




Holy Bible

London Printed for Ric: Chiswell.


LONDON; Printed for R. C. and to be sold by John Lawrence at the Angel in Cornhill, MDCLXXXII.


THe Bulk and Price of the two Volumes of the History of our Reformation which I have published, being such, that every one cannot find the Mony to buy them, or the Leisure to read them, I have been desired by many to contract what I prose­cuted more largly in that Work, and bring it into a less Compass.

I know Abridgments are generally hurtful: In them Men receive such a slight Tincture of Knowledge, as only feeds Vanity, and furnishes Discourse, but does not give so clear a View of things, nor so solid an Instruction as may be bad in more copious Writings. And as it is a grievous Imposition on that time which ought to be imploied to better uses, to draw out that which might be expressed in few words, to such a length, that it frights some from the study of [Page]Books, which might have been of excellent use, if they had not been too Voluminous; and op­presses the Patience of those who are resolved to acquire Knowledge in the most labourious Me­thods; so it is on the other hand a great Pre­judice to the Improvement of Learning, when things are too much contracted, and such hints are only given, as may be the Seeds of excellent Notions, perhaps in very rich and fruitful Minds: for copious Enlargements are often ne­cessary to make the greatest part who are gene­rally slow and heavy in their Apprehensions, enter into those Notions which we set before them. It is a true Judgment of Men and Things, that must direct us to seek and keep that Mean betwixt those Extreams that may be of the greatest Advantage to the World.

What is said of Notions and Matters of Sci­ence, is likewise applicable to Matters of Fact. History is of little use, if we consider it only as a Tale of what was transacted in former times. Then it becomes most profitable, when the Se­ries and Reasons of Affairs, and secret Coun­cils and Ends, together with the true Char­acters of Eminent Men, are rightly presented to us, that so upon the light which is given us of past times, we may form Prudent Judgments of the present time, and probable Conjectures of what is to come; and may frame such a true Idea of Men and Parties, as may both enlighten our Ʋnderstandings more by giving us a freer Pros­pect of Humane Affairs, and may better direct us in our conduct.

This made me judge it necessary to open things in my History as largely as my Materials could serve me: and because I writ upon a subject that had been much contradicted, I was oblig­ed not only to add a great Collection of Records for my Justification, which makes the half of each Volume, but likewise in the History it self, to give often an account of the grounds on which I went. I also added an Appendix, contain­ing the more remarkable Calumnies, by which the Writers of the Roman Communion have endeavoured to corrupt the History of that time; together with a Confutation of them. I was likewise careful to set down many particular Cu­riosities relating to the Proceedings of Parlia­ment, of the Importance of which, every Read­er will not be aware at first. I gave also a large account of all the Arguments that prevailed with the Divines, as well as the Reasons that wrought on States-men, in the changes that were made; in which the Reader may find an Apology for the Reformation, interwoven with its History.

In all these particulars, there was matter enough for an Abridger to cut off a great deal, and yet to give such an account of the whole Transaction, as might in a great measure sa­tisfy even Inquisitive Persons. I understood that another was about this, which made me resolve on doing it my self; for none can so truly compre­hend, and by consequence abridge any Book as the Author himself; who, as he knows his own mean­ing best; so he who has fixed his Thoughts long [Page]upon my Argument, will be best able to judge what are the things and Circumstances that are of the greatest Importance, and are most necessary to be rightly understood. In compiling this A­bridgment, I have wholly waved every thing that belonged to the Records, and the Proof of what I relate, or to the Confutation of the fals­hoods that run through the Popish Historians. All that is to be found in the History at large; and therefore in this Abridgment every thing is to be taken upon trust, and those that desire a fuller Satisfaction, are to seek it in the Volums which I have already published. The Particu­larities relating to the Proceedings of both Houses os Parliament could not be brought with­in so short an Abstract. Many Digressions and the Deductions of Arguments, are either past over, or but shortly touched. He that de­sires to be particularly informed in any or all of these, must resort to the History it self.

All that I pretend to have done in this A­bridgment is, that I have given a true and clear account of the Progress of the Reformati­on, in all those Windings, and Advances, and Declinings, through which it was carried from its first beginnings, till it was brought to a com­pleat setlement under Queen Elizabeth: and this is done in such a manner, that I hope the Reader shall not find much cause to complain that the endeavouring to be short has made me either obscure or defective. In the Prefaces to the two Volumes I endeavoured to clear the Read­ers mind of the Prejudices which may be apt to [Page]arise, either from a slight and general View of this matter, or from the false Relations that have been formerly made of it. I shall not undertake to abridge them, for I brought them there into as narrow a compass as the weight of the matter did admit of: Therefore I refer the Reader that Labours under the ill Effects of such Impressions to the Prefaces themselves; and I shall add here that which is the last part of the Preface to the second Volume, because it may be of more gene­ral use, and is accommodated to all, that as may be supposed, will have the curiosity to read this Abridgment, that so they may come to it with a true Idea of the Nature of Religion in general and of the Christian Religion in particular.

That Religion is chiefly designed for perfecting the nature of Man, for improving his Faculties, governing his Actions, and securing the Peace of every mans Conscience, and of the Societies of Mankind in common, is a truth so plain, that without further arguing about it all will agree to it. Every part of Religion is then to be judged by its Relation to the main ends of it; And since the Christian Doctrine was reveal­ed from Heaven, as the most perfect and pro­per way that ever was, for the advancing the good of Mankind, nothing can be a part of this holy Faith but what is proportioned to the end for which it was designed. And all the Additions that have been made to it, since it was first delivered to the World, are justly to be suspected; especially where it is manifest at first View, that they were intended to serve [Page]carnal and secular ends. What can be rea­sonably supposed in the Papacy, where the Popes are chosen by such Intrigues, either of the two Crowns, the Nephews of the former Pope, or the craft of some aspiring Men, to entitle them to Infallability or Ʋniversal Ju­risdiction? What can we think of redeeming Souls out of Purgatory, or preserving them from it by tricks, or some mean Pagean­try, but that it is a foul peice of Merchandise? What is to be said of Implicit Obedience, the Priestly Dominion over Consciences, the keep­ing the Scriptures out of the Peoples hands, and the Worship of God in a strange Tongue? but that these are so many Arts to hoodwink the World, and to deliver it up into the hands of the ambitious Clergy. What can we think of Superstition and Idolatry of Images, and all the other pomp of the Roman Worship? but that by these things the people were to be kept up in a gross notion of Religion, as a splendid business, and that the Priests have a trick of saving them, if they will but take care to hu­mour them, and leave that matter wholly in their hands. And to sum up all, What can we think of that Constellation of Prodigies in the Sacrament of the Altar, as they pretend to ex­plain it, and all really to no purpose? but that it is an Art to bring the World by whole sale to renounce their Reason and Sense, and to have a most wonderful Veneration for a sort of Men who can with a Word perform the most astonish­ing thing that ever was.

I should grow too large for a Preface, if I would pursue this Argument as far as it will go. But if on the other hand we reflect on the true ends of this holy Religion, we must needs be convinced that we need go no where else out of this Church to find them; and that we are com­pleatly instructed in all parts of it, and furnished with all the helps to advance us to that which is indeed the End of our Faith, the Salvati­on of our Souls. Here we have the Rule of holy Obedience, and the Methods of Repentance and Reconciliation for past sins clearly set before us. We believe all that Doctrine which Christ and his Apostles delivered, and the Primitive Church received: We have the comfort of all those Sacraments which Christ instituted, and in the same manner that he appointed them: All the helps to Devotion that the Gospel offers are in every ones hand. So what can it be that should so extravagantly seduce any who have been bred up in a Church so well constituted? unless a blind Superstition in their temper, or a desire to get Heaven in some easier Method than Christ has appointed, do strangely impose on their Ʋnderstandings, or corrupt their minds. Indeed the thing is so unaccountable, that it looks like a Curse from Heaven on those who are given up to it, for their other sins; for an or­dinary Measure of Infatuation cannot carry any one fo far in Folly. And it may be laid down for a certain Maxim, that such as leave us, have never had a true and well formed Notion of Religion, or of Christianity in its main and chief Design; but take things in [Page]parcels, and without examining them suffer themselves to be carried away by some prejudices which only darken weaker Judgments.

But if it is an high and unaccountable Fol­ly for any to forsake our Communion, and go over to those of Rome, it is at the same time an unexcusable weakness in others who seem full of zeal against Popery, and yet upon some inconsiderable Objections do depart from the Ʋnity of the Body, and form separated Assem­blies and Communions; though they cannot object any thing material either to our Doctrine or Worship: But the most astonishing part of the wonder is, that in such differences there should be so little mutual forbearance or gentleness to be found: and that they should raise such heats as if the substance of Religion were con­cerned in them. This is of God, and is a stroke from Heaven on both sides, for their other sins: We of the Church Communion have trusted too much to the supports we receive from the Law, we have done our Duties too slightly, and have minded the Care of Souls too little; therefore God to punish and awaken us has suffered so many of our people to be wrested out of our hands: and those of the Separation have been too forward to Blood and War, and thereby have drawn much guilt on themselves, and have been too compliant with the Leaders of their several Factions, or rather apt to out-run them. It is plain, God is offended with us all, and therefore we are punished with this fatal blindness, not to see at this time the things that belong to our peace.

And this leads me to Reflections of another sort, with which I shall conclude this Pre­face.

It is apparent the Wrath of God hangs over our Heads, and is ready to break out upon us. The Symptoms of our ill Condition are as sad as they are visible: and one of the worst is, that each sort and Party is very ready to throw the guilt of it off themselves, and cast it on others, with whom they are displeased: But no Man says, What have I done? The Clergy accuse the Laity, and the Country complains of the City: every one finds out somewhat wherein he thinks he is least concerned, and is willing to fix on that all the Indignation of Heaven, which, God knows, we our selves have kindled against our selves. It cannot be denied, since it is so visible, that universally the whole Nation is corrupted, and that the Gospel has not had those effects among us which might have been expected, after so long and so free a course as it has had in this Island. Our wise and worthy Progenitors re­formed our Doctrine and Worship; but we have not reformed our Lives and Manners: what will it avail us to understand the right Methods of worshiping God, if we are without true Devotion, and coldly perform publick Offices, without sense and affection, which is as bad as a Bead-roll of Prayers in whatsoever Language they are pronounced. What signifies our having the Sacraments purely administred a­mong us, if we either contemptuously neglect [Page]them, or irreverently handle them, more per­haps in compliance with Law, than out of a sense of the Holy Duties incumbent on us? for what end are the Scriptures put in our hands, if we do not read them with great At­tention, and order our lives according to them? and what does all preaching signify, if Men go to Church meerly for Form, and hear Ser­mons only as set Discourses, which they will censure or commend as they think they see cause, but are resolved never to be the better for them? If to all these sad Considerations we add the gross Sensuality and Impurity, that is so avowedly practised that it is become a fashion, so far it is from being a reproach; the Oppressi­on, Injustice, Intemperance, and many other Immoralities among us, what can be expected, but that these Abominations receiving the high­est Aggravation they are capable of, from the clear Light of the Gospel which we have so long enjoyed, the just Judgments of Heaven, should fall on us so signally, as to make us a reproach to all our Neighbours. But as if all this were not enough, to fill up the measure of our Iniquities, many have arriv'd at a new pitch of Impiety, by defying Heaven it self, with their avowed Blasphemies and Atheism: and if they are dri­ven out of their Atheistical Tenets, which are indeed the most ridiculous of any in the World, they set up their rest on some general Notions of Morality and Natural Religion, and do boldly reject all that is revealed: and where they dare vent it, (alas! where dare they not do it?) they reject Christianity and the Scriptures, with open [Page]and impudent scorn, and are absolutely insen­sible of any Obligation of Conscience in any thing whatsoever: and even in that Morality, which they for Decencies sake magnify so much, none are more bare-facedly and grosly faulty. This is a direct Attempt against God himself, and can we think that he will not visit for such things, nor be avenged on such a Nation? And yet the Hypocrisy of those who disguise their flagitious Lives, with a Mask of Religi­on, is perhaps a Degree above all, though not so scandalous till the Mask falls off, and that they appear to be what they truly are. When we are all so guilty, and when we are so alarm­ed by the black Clouds that threaten such ter­rible and lasting Storms, what may be expected but that we should be generally struck with a deep sense of our crying Sins, and turn to God with our whole Souls? But if after all the loud A­wakenings from Heaven we will not hearken to that Voice, but will still go on in our Sins, we may justly look for unheard of Calamities, and such Miseries as shall be proportioned to our Of­fences; and then we are sure they will be great and wonderful.

Yet if on the other hand there were a general turning to God, or at least if so many were right­ly sensible of this, as, according to the Propor­tion that the Mercies of God allow, did some way ballance the Wickedness of the rest, and if these were as zealous in the true Methods of im­ploring God's Favour, as others are in procuring his Displeasure; and were not only mourning for their own Sins, but for the Sins of others; the [Page]Prayers and Sighs of many such, might dissipate that dismal Cloud which our sins have gather­ed; and we might yet hope to see the Gospel take root among us: since that God who is the Au­thor of it is merciful, and full of Compassion, and ready to forgive; and this holy Religion which by his Grace is planted among us, is still so dear to him, that if we by our own unworthiness do not render our selves incapable of so great a Blessing, we may reasonably hope that he will continue that which at first was by so many happy concurring Providences brought in, and was by a continued Series of the same indulgent care advanc'd dy Degrees, and at last raised to that pitch of perfection which few things atttain in this World.


BOOK I. Of the Beginnings of the Reforma­tion, and of the Progress made in it by King Henry the Eighth.
    • THe Ʋnion of the Houses of York and Lancaster, in King Hen. the 8th, Pag. 1
    • Empson and Dudley disgraced, Pag. 2
    • He is very Liberal, Pag. 3
    • Is successful in his Wars, ibid
    • He is courted both by France and Spain, Pag. 4
    • Francis the 1st is taken Prisoner, Pag. 5
    • And afterwards the Pope, Pag. 7
    • Scotland in disorder, ibid
    • Factions in the English Council, Pag. 8
    • Cardinal Wolsey 's Rise, ibid
    • And Greatness, Pag. 9
    • Charles Brandon 's Advancement, Pag. 10
    • The King is well with his Parliament, Pag. 11
    • The King's Education, Pag. 12
    • His Learning and Vanity, Pag. 13
    • The way of promoting Bishops, ibid
    • A Contest for the Ecclesiastical Immunity, Pag. 14
    • Hunn Imprisoned, Murdered, and his Bo­dy burnt, Pag. 16
    • [Page] The King much addicted to the Papacy, Pag. 20
    • Car. Wolsey intends to reform the Clergy, ibid
    • The summoning of Convocations, Pag. 21
    • The State of the Monasteries, Pag. 22
    • Wolsey suppresses many, Pag. 23
    • The Progress of Wikliff's Doctrine, ibid
    • The Cruelty of the Clergy, Pag. 24
    • Laws made against Hereticks, Pag. 25
    • Warham persecutes the Lollards, Pag. 27
    • The Progress of Luther 's Doctrine, Pag. 29
    • The King writes against him, Pag. 30
    • The King's Marriage, Pag. 32
    • Matches proposed for his Daughter, Pag. 33
    • The King has scruples about his Marriage, Pag. 34
    • And applies to the Pope for a Divorce, Pag. 37
    • Who is very favourable, Pag. 38
    • Campegio sent as Legate to try it, Pag. 40
    • He comes into Engl. with a Decretal Bull, Pag. 42
    • Campana sent over to deceive the King, Pag. 43
    • The Pope resolved to join with the Emperour, Pag. 44
    • The Pope's Sickness, Pag. 45
    • Wolsey aspires to the Popedom, Pag. 46
    • The Pope promises to confirm the Sentence that should be given by the Legates, Pag. 47
    • The Process begins in England, Pag. 50
    • The Queen appeals to the Pope, Pag. 51
    • The Pope grants an Avocation, Pag. 52
    • Cranmer 's Rise, and Wolsey 's Disgrace, Pag. 54
    • A Parliament is called, Pag. 56
    • The King's Debts are discharged, Pag. 57
    • [Page] Ʋniversities declare against the Marriage, Pag. 58
    • It is condemned by the Sorbon, Pag. 60
    • The Opinions of the Reformers about it, Pag. 61
    • The English Nobility write to the Pope about it, and he answers them, Pag. 62
    • Arguments for the Divorce, Pag. 63
    • Arguments against it, Pag. 66
    • A Session of Parliament, Pag. 69
    • The Laws formerly made against the Pope's Bulls, ibid
    • The Clergy sued in a Premunirc, Pag. 76
    • Poisoning made Treason, Pag. 78
    • The King leaves the Queen, ibid
    • A Tumult among the Clergy, ibid
    • The Pope joins himself to France, Pag. 79
    • Differences betwixt the King and the House of Commons, Pag. 81
    • The Pope writes to the King, Pag. 82
    • The King answers, Pag. 83
    • The King cited to Rome, and Cardinals corrupted, Pag. 84
    • The Bishops Oaths to the Pope and the King, Pag. 87
    • More lays down his Office, Pag. 88
    • The King of England and France meet, Pag. 89
    • The King marries Ann Boleyn, Pag. 90
    • The Parliam. condemns Appeals to Rome, Pag. 91
    • Cranmer made Archbishop of Canterbury, Pag. 92
    • The Convocation condemns the Marriage, Pag. 93
    • Cranmer gives Sentence, with the Censure, s of it. Pag. 95
    • The Proceedings at Rome upon it, Pag. 98
    • Queen Elizabeth born, Pag. 99
    • [Page] The Pope promises to satisfy the King, ibid
    • But proceeds hastily to a Sentence, Pag. 102
    • Arguments for rejecting the Pope's Power, Pag. 103
    • And for the Kings Supremacy, Pag. 106
    • The Clergy submit to it, Pag. 108
    • The Pope's Power condemned in Parliam. Pag. 109
    • The Act of the Succession, Pag. 110
    • An Act concerning Hereticks, Pag. 111
    • The Submission of the Convocation, Pag. 112
    • An Act for the Election of Bishops, Pag. 113
    • The Attainder of the Nun of Kent, Pag. 114
    • All swear the Oath of Succession, Pag. 119
    • Fisher Bishop of Rochester is in trouble, ibid
    • But is very obstinate, Pag. 121
    • More and Fisher refuse the Oath, ibid
    • Another Session of Parliament establishes the King's Supremacy, Pag. 123
    • The Progress of the Reformation in Engl. Pag. 125
    • The Supplication of the Beggars, Pag. 127
    • Frith writes against Purgatory, Pag. 128
    • A Persecution set on by More, Pag. 129
    • Bilney 's Martyrdom, ibid
    • Frith 's Sufferings, Pag. 133
    • A stop put to further Cruelties, Pag. 135
    • The Interest the Reformers had at Court, Pag. 136
    • Others oppose them much, Pag. 137
    • The Opinion of some Bishops of a General Council, Pag. 138
    • Heads of a Speech of Cranmer's, Pag. 139
    • The state of England at that time, Pag. 141
    • A General Visitation proposed, Pag. 144
    • Instructions and Injunctions for it, ibid
    • The state of the Monasteries in England, Pag. 146
    • [Page] Some Houses surrendered to the King, Pag. 150
    • Queen Katherin's Death, Pag. 151
    • The lesser Monasteries suppressed, Pag. 152
    • A Translation of the Bible designed, Pag. 153
    • Queen Ann Boleyn 's Fall, Pag. 155
    • Her Trial, Pag. 159
    • And Execution, Pag. 162
    • Censures past upon it, Pag. 164
    • Lady Mary 's Submission to the King, Pag. 165
    • The Act of the Succession, Pag. 167
    • The Pope desires a Reconciliation with the K. Pag. 168
    • Acts against the Pope's Power, ibid
    • The Convocation examines some Points of Religion, Pag. 169
    • Articles of Religion agreed on, Pag. 172
    • Which are variously censured, Pag. 174
    • Other Alterations proposed, Pag. 175
    • The King protests against all Councils called by the Pope, Pag. 178
    • Card. Pool writes against him, Pag. 179
    • The lesser Monasteries seized on, Pag. 181
    • Which gave a general discontent, Pag. 182
    • Injunctions given by the King, Pag. 184
    • A Rebellion in Lincolnshire, Pag. 186
    • Another in Yorkshire, Pag. 187
    • They are every where quieted, Pag. 191
    • Greater Monasteries surrendered, Pag. 193
    • Some Abbots Attainted, Pag. 196
    • The Impostures of some Images discovered, Pag. 200
    • Becket 's Shrine broken, Pag. 201
    • The Pope thunders against the King, Pag. 203
    • The English Bishops assert the King's Su­premacy, and explain the Nature of the Power of the Church, Pag. 205
    • [Page] The Bible set out in English, and new In­junctions, Pag. 208
    • Prince Edward born, Pag. 209
    • Lambert is condemned, and burnt for de­nying the Corporal Presence, Pag. 210
    • Treaties with the German Princes, Pag. 213
    • The Act of the six Articles, Pag. 215
    • Censures past upon it, Pag. 219
    • An Act for the suppressing the Monasteries, Pag. 220
    • An Act for new Bishopricks, Pag. 222
    • An Act for Proclamations, Pag. 224
    • Some Attainted without being heard, Pag. 225
    • The King's kindness to Cranmer, Pag. 226
    • Bishops hold their Sees at the Kings Plea­sure, Pag. 228
    • All the Monasteries supprest, Pag. 229
    • A Treaty for a Match with Ann of Cleve, Pag. 233
    • The King marries her, but never likes her, Pag. 234
    • The Knights of St. John suppressed, Pag. 236
    • A new Parliament, Pag. 235
    • Cromwel 's Fall, Pag. 238
    • His Attaindor, Pag. 240
    • Censures past upon it, Pag. 241
    • The King's Marriage annull'd, Pag. 242
    • Cromwel 's Death, Pag. 246
    • A Book of Religion set out by the Bishops, Pag. 247
    • The Explanation of Faith, Pag. 248
    • And of the Sacraments, Pag. 250
    • The Book is publisted, Pag. 253
    • Barns ard others fall into Trouble, Pag. 255
    • And burnt, Pag. 257
    • New Sees founded, Pag. 260
    • The Bible set up in Churches, Pag. 262
    • [Page] The Affairs of Scotland, Pag. 264
    • A Persecution set on foot in Scotland, Pag. 269
    • The Queen's ill Life is discovered, Pag. 271
    • A design to suppress the Bible, Pag. 274
    • Bonner's Injunctions, ibid
    • The way of Preaching at that time. Pag. 275
    • A War with Scotland, Pag. 279
    • A Parliament called, Pag. 280
    • An Act about Religion, ibid
    • Affairs in Scotland, Pag. 282
    • Some burnt at Windsor, Pag. 284
    • Cranmer 's Ruine is designed, Pag. 286
    • The Act of the Succession, Pag. 288
    • The King makes War on France and Scot­land, Pag. 290
    • The King takes Bulloign, Pag. 291
    • Wishart burned in Scotland, Pag. 292
    • Cardinal Beaton is murdered, Pag. 294
    • Chantries given to the King, Pag. 296
    • A Peace with France, Pag. 297
    • Ann Aiscough and others burnt, Pag. 298
    • Designs against Cranmer, Pag. 300
    • And against the Queen, Pag. 301
    • The Duke of Norfolk's Fall, Pag. 303
    • The Earl of Surrey executed, Pag. 304
    • The Duke is Attainted in Parliament, Pag. 305
    • The King's Sickness, Pag. 307
    • [Page] And Death, Pag. 308
    • His Severities against Papists, Pag. 309
    • The Carthusians in particular, Pag. 310
    • Fisher 's Sufferings, Pag. 311
    • More 's Death and Character, Pag. 312
    • Attainders after the Rebellions, Pag. 314
    • Forrest burnt for Heresy, Pag. 315
    • Cardinal Pool's Friends Attainted, Pag. 316
    • Some Attainted without being heard, ibid
    • The Conclusion, Pag. 319
BOOK II. Of the Life and Reign of King Edward the Sixth.
    • KIng Edward 's Birth and Education, Pag. 1
    • King Henry's Testament. Pag. 2
    • A Protector chosen, Pag. 4
    • Bishops take out Commissions, ibid
    • A Creation of Noblemen, Pag. 5
    • Laymen had Ecclesiastical Dignities, Pag. 7
    • Some take down Images, Pag. 8
    • Arguments for, and against it, Pag. 9
    • The King's Funeral, Pag. 12
    • Soul Masses examined, ibid
    • The Coronation, Pag. 14
    • The Chancellour turned out, Pag. 15
    • Protectors Patent, Pag. 17
    • The Affairs of Germany, ibid
    • The Council of Trent, Pag. 19
    • Divisions in England, Pag. 20
    • The Visitation of all Churches, Pag. 23
    • Censures on the Injunctions, Pag. 26
    • [Page] The War with Scotland, Pag. 28
    • The Battel of Musselburgh, Pag. 31
    • The Success of the Visitation, Pag. 32
    • A Parliament meets, Pag. 35
    • An Act of Repeal, ibid
    • An Act about the Sacrament, Pag. 36
    • An Act concerning the Nomination of Bi­shops, Pag. 37
    • An Act against Vagabonds, Pag. 39
    • An Act for dissolving the Chantries, Pag. 40
    • The Convocation sits, ibid
    • The Affairs of Germany, Pag. 43
    • Differences between the Protector and the Admiral, Pag. 45
    • The M. of Northampton 's Divorce, Pag. 48
    • Some Ceremonies abrogated, Pag. 49
    • A new Office for the Communion, Pag. 52
    • Auricular Confession examined, Pag. 54
    • Gardiner is imprisoned, Pag. 56
    • A new Liturgy composed, Pag. 58
    • The new Offices, Pag. 61
    • Private Communion, Pag. 62
    • Censures past on the Common-Prayer Book, Pag. 63
    • All Preaching was for some time restrained, Pag. 64
    • Affairs in Scotland, Pag. 65
    • Affairs in Germany, Pag. 67
    • A Session of Parliament, Pag. 69
    • An Act for the Marriage of the Clergy, ibid
    • An Act confirming the Liturgy, Pag. 72
    • An Act for Fasting, Pag. 73
    • The Admirals Attainder, Pag. 74
    • A new Visitation, Pag. 77
    • [Page] Disputes concerning Christs Presence in the Sacrament, Pag. 79
    • Arguments against the Corporal Presence, Pag. 81
    • Anabaptists in England, Pag. 85
    • Two were burnt, Pag. 84
    • The Doctrine of Predestination abused, Pag. 87
    • Tumults in several parts of England, ibid
    • The Rebellion in Devonshire, Pag. 89
    • And in Norfolk, Pag. 91
    • The French begin a War, ibid
    • The Rebels every where routed, Pag. 92
    • A Visitation at Cambridge, Pag. 94
    • Bonner's Process, Pag. 95
    • And Deprivation, Pag. 100
    • Ill Success of the English, Pag. 101
    • Several Expedients proposed, Pag. 105
    • The Emperour refuses his Assistance, Pag. 106
    • A Faction against the Protector, Pag. 108
    • Which turns to a Publick Breach, Pag. 110
    • The Protector's Fall, Pag. 112
    • The Emperour will not assist them, Pag. 114
    • A Session of Parliament, ibid
    • The Duke of Somerset fined, but restored into Favour, Pag. 116
    • A Progress of the Roformation ibid.
    • The Book of Ordinations put out, Pag. 117
    • Pool chosen Pope, but lost it, Pag. 120
    • A Treaty with France, Pag. 122
    • Ridley made Bishop of London, Pag. 123
    • Gardiner 's Process, Pag. 124
    • Latimer preaches at Court, Pag. 126
    • Hooper made Bishop of Glocester has some Scruple concerning the Vestments, ibid
    • [Page] A review of the Common-Prayer Book, Pag. 128
    • Bucer offers some Advices to the King. Pag. 130
    • The King's great Knowledg, ibid
    • Altars put down, Pag. 131
    • Affairs of Scotland, Pag. 132
    • And Germany, Pag. 133
    • The Popish Party comply generally, Pag. 134
    • Bucer 's Death, Pag. 135
    • Gardiner 's Deprivation, Pag. 136
    • The Articles of Religion agreed on, Pag. 138
    • Changes made in the Com. Prayer Book, Pag. 139
    • Lady Mary in trouble for having Mass said, Pag. 142
    • The Earl of Warwick's Designs, Pag. 147
    • A Treaty for a Marriage to the King, Pag. 149
    • The Duke of Somerset 's Fall, Pag. 150
    • His Tryal, Pag. 151
    • Rich gives up the Great Seal, and it was given to the Bishop of Ely, Pag. 154
    • The Duke of Somerset 's Execution, Pag. 156
    • The Affairs of Germany, Pag. 158
    • A Session of Parliament, Pag. 161
    • An Act against Ʋsury, Pag. 164
    • A Repeal of the Settlement of the Duke of Somerset 's Estate, Pag. 165
    • Tonstall is imprisoned, Pag. 166
    • A Reformation of Ecclesiastical Laws, Pag. 167
    • The Heads of it, Pag. 169
    • The Poverty of the Clergy, Pag. 174
    • Affairs in Ireland, Pag. 175
    • A Change in the Garter, Pag. 177
    • Northumberland's Severity, Pag. 178
    • Trade flourishes much, Pag. 179
    • [Page]Cardan in England, Pag. 180
    • Affaires in Scotland, Pag. 183
    • The Affairs in Germany, Pag. 185
    • An Account of the Council of Trent, Pag. 187
    • The Emperours Designs are blasted, Pag. 189
    • A Bill proposed, that Laymen should not hold Church Dignities, Pag. 191
    • An Act suppressing the Bishoprick of Dur­ham, ibid
    • Another Visitation, Pag. 192
    • Bishops made by the King's Patent, Pag. 193
    • Affairs in Germany, Pag. 194
    • The King's Sickness, Pag. 196
    • The Patents for the Succes. to the Crown, Pag. 197
    • The King's Death, and Character, Pag. 199
BOOK III. The Life and Reign of Queen Mary,
    • QƲeen Mary succeeds, Pag. 203
    • But Lady Jane Gray is proclaimed, Pag. 205
    • Censures past upon that, Pag. 206
    • Many turn to Queen Mary, Pag. 208
    • Northumberland marches against her, Pag. 209
    • The Council declares for her, Pag. 210
    • She comes to London, Pag. 212
    • Her former Life, ibid
    • The Councils then laid down, Pag. 214
    • Northumberland 's Trial, Pag. 215
    • And Execution, Pag. 216
    • King Edward 's Funeral, Pag. 217
    • A Tumult at St. Pauls. Pag. 218
    • [Page] Severe Proceedings against the Men of Suffolk, and others, Pag. 220
    • Particularly against Judge Hales, Pag. 221
    • Cranmer 's Imprisonment, Pag. 222
    • The Strangers driven out of England, Pag. 224
    • The Popular Arts used by Gardiner, Pag. 225
    • A Parliament meets, and repeals several Laws, Pag. 226
    • The Queen's Mother's Marriage confirmed, Pag. 227
    • King Edward 's Laws about Religion repealed, Pag. 229
    • The Duke of Norfolk's Attainder repealed, Pag. 230
    • A Treaty for reconciling England to the Pope, Pag. 232
    • And for a Match with the Prince of Spain, Pag. 233
    • Pool 's Advices to the Queen, Pag. 234
    • The Parliament opposes the Match, and is dissolved, Pag. 236
    • A Convocation meets, and dispute about the Sacra­ment, Pag. 237
    • The Treaty of Marriage begun, Pag. 241
    • Which provokes some to rebel, Pag. 242
    • Lady Jane Gray's Execution, Pag. 245
    • Several others suffered, Pag. 247
    • The Imposture of the Spirit in the Wall, Pag. 248
    • Iujunctions sent to the Bishops, ibid.
    • Many Bishops turned out, Pag. 249
    • A new Parliament, Pag. 251
    • A Proposition to make the Queen absolute, Pag. 252
    • New Disputations at Oxford with Cranmer, Pag. 254
    • The Prince of Spain lands, and marries the Queen, Pag. 258
    • The Bishops visit their Diocesses, Pag. 261
    • Another Parliament, Pag. 263
    • The Nation is reconciled to the See of Rome, Pag. 264
    • Gardiner 's Policy in the steps of this Change, Pag. 268
    • Consultations about the way of proceedings against Hereticks; Pag. 269
    • A Persecution is set on foot, Pag. 271
    • Rogers and Hooper condemned and burnt, Pag. 272
    • The Burnings much condemned, Pag. 274
    • Arguments against them, and for them, Pag. 276
    • The Queen restores the Church-Lands, Pag. 279
    • Marcellus chosen Pope: Paul the 4th succeeds. ibid.
    • The English Ambassadors come to Rome, Pag. 280
    • The English grow backward to Persecution, Pag. 281
    • The Queen's Delivery in vain looked for, Pag. 282
    • More Hereticks burnt, ibid.
    • Religious Houses set up, Pag. 285
    • Sir Tho. More 's Works published, ibid.
    • Ridley and Latimer burnt, Pag. 286
    • Gardiner 's Death, Pag. 289
    • The Parliament ill pleas'd with the Queens conduct. Pag. 290
    • Pool 's Decrees for the Reformation of the Clergie. Pag. 293
    • He refuses to bring the Jesuits into England, Pag. 295
    • More of the Reformed are burnt, Pag. 296
    • Affairs in Germany, ibid.
    • Charles the 5th 's Resignation, Pag. 297
    • Cranmer 's Sufferings, Pag. 298
    • He repents, and is burnt, Pag. 301
    • His Character, Pag. 303
    • More Burnings, Pag. 304
    • The Reformed encrease upon this, Pag. 306
    • The Troubles at Frankford, ibid.
    • Pool made Arch-bishop of Canterbury, Pag. 307
    • More Religious Houses, ibid.
    • The Pope sets on a War between France and Spain, Pag. 309
    • A Visitation of the Ʋniversities, Pag. 311
    • A severe Inquisition of Hereticks, Pag. 312
    • More Burnings. Pag. 313
    • [Page] Lord Stourton hanged, Pag. 315
    • The Queen joyns in a War against France. Pag. 316
    • The Battel at St. Quintin, Pag. 317
    • The Pope recals Pool, Pag. 318
    • Affairs of Germany. Pag. 320
    • Calais and other Places taken by the French, Pag. 322
    • Great Discontents in England, Pag. 324
    • The Parliament meets, Pag. 325
    • The Carriage and Ʋsage of L. Eliz. all this Reign, ibid.
    • Ill Success and strange Accidents, Pag. 329
    • The Dauphin and the Q. of Scotland married, Pag. 331
    • A Parliament in England, Pag. 332
    • The Queens Death, Pag. 333
    • Pool 's Death and Character, ibid.
    • The Queens Character, Pag. 334
    • QƲeen Elizabeth proclaimed, Pag. 337
    • The Queen came to London, Pag. 338
    • Philip proposes Marriage to the Queen, but in vain, Pag. 339
    • The Counsels about changing Religion, Pag. 340
    • A Scheme proposed, Pag. 341
    • The Impatience of some, Pag. 342
    • Parker refuses the See of Canterbury, Pag. 343
    • Bacon made Lord Keeper, The Queen is crowned, Pag. 344, ibid.
    • A Parliament is called, The Peace at Cambray, Pag. 345, 346
    • Acts past in Parliament, Pag. 347
    • The Commons pray the Queen to marry, ibid.
    • Her Title to the Crown acknowledged, Pag. 348
    • Acts concerning Religion, Pag. 349
    • Preaching without Licence forbidden, Pag. 351
    • A publik Conference about Religion, ibid.
    • Arguments for and against Worship in an unknown Tongue, Pag. 352
    • The English Service is again set up, Pag. 355
    • Speeches against it by some Bishops, Pag. 356
    • Many Bishops turned out, Pag. 358
    • The Queen enclined to keep Images in Churches, Pag. 360
    • A general Visitation, ibid.
    • The high Commission Court, Pag. 362
    • [Page]Parker is very unwillingly made Arch-bishop of Canterbury, Pag. 363
    • The other Bishops consecrated, Pag. 365
    • The Fable of the Nags-Head confuted, Pag. 366
    • The Articles of the Church published, Pag. 367
    • A Translation of the Bible, Pag. 368
    • The Want of Church Discipline, Pag. 369
    • The Reformation in Scotland, Pag. 370
    • It is first set up in St. Johnstown, Pag. 372
    • The Queen-Regent is deposed, Pag. 375
    • The Queen of England assists the Scots, Pag. 376
    • The Queen-Regent dies, ibid.
    • A Parliment meets and settles the Reformation, Pag. 377
    • The Q of England the Head of all the Protestants, Pag. 378
    • Both in France, and the Netherlands, Pag. 379, 381
    • The excellent Administration of Affairs in England, ibid.
    • Severities against the Papists were necessary, Pag. 285
    • Sir F. walsingh. Account of the steps in which she proceeded, ibid.
    • The Conclusion, Pag. 386


BOOK I. PAge 20. line 5. stop read step. Page 45, l. 17. if he said, read he said if. P. 47. l. 6. dele any. P. 60. l. 18. after determine, dele; l. 19. after same, d.; P. 61. l. implored, r imployed. P. 64 l. 9. formerly, r. formally. P. 81. mar. l. 4. after the, r. King and the. P. 82. l. 2. enacted, r. exacted. P. 89. l. 23. King the, r. the King. P. 92. l. 6. or, r. of. P. 93. l. 3.9, r. 11. P. 95. l. 8. big a, r. a big. P. 99. l. 19. new, r. now. l. 29. after this, r. was. P. 109. l. 6. he, r. the. P. 121. l. 2. after so, r. was. P. 130. l. 3. for, r. but. P. 131. l. 16. after and, r. he with. P. 133. l. 9. after was, r. given. P. 135. l. 22. being, r. were. P. 139. l. 30. after were, r. to. P. 141. l. ult. near, r. now at. P. 181. mar. l. 3. cited in, r. seized on. P. 184. l. 2. had it, r. it had. P. 196. l. 26. del. once. P. 205. l. 12. before the, r. as. P. 217. l. 11. before the, r. this. P. 237. l. 31. some, r. since. P. 242. l. 25. her will, r. his will. P. 243. l. 5. after for, r. since. P. 257. l. 14. after Abel, r., P. 260. l. 16. del. are. P. 291. l. 11. corrupting, r. reforming.

Book 2.] P. 13. l. 15. had, r. been. P. 30. l. 34. 20th, r. 10th. P. 53. l. 22. so, r. for. P. 103. l. 25. not, r. nor. P. 111. l. 13. after all, r. his. P. 188 l. 15. del. then. P. 199. l. 31. in, r. on.

Book 3.] P. 301. l. 20. hew, r. new. P. 321. l. 16. after most, r. part. P. 312. l. 2. Peru, r. Pern. l. some, r. the same. P. 317. l. 12. 80000, r. 8000.

Book 4.] P. 354. l. 28. and P. 356. l. 7. Ferknam, r. Fecknam.

A Catalogue of Books sold by John Lawrence, at the Angel in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange.

THe Works of the famous Nicholas Machia­vel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence, con­taining his History of Florence, Art of War, discour­ses on Titus Livius, &c. Written originally in Ita­lian, and thence newly and faithfully Translated into English. Folio.

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