An Advertisement to the Reader.

THis ensuing Catalogue presents it selfe to view with a double scope, an intimation and a request: The former gives to understand a purpose to set forth in an entire Work the scattered Pieces of that famous Divine, Mr. Hugh Brough­ton, a man rarely learned in the Originals, excellent in the cleare handling of darkest passages in the Holy Scripture, of closest meaning, eminent in his generation. It presents what by carefull Wel-wishers to the truest knowledge and Publique good hath been preserved in sinister times from perishing in obscurity. This facilitates the request; That if Pieces to perfect what is defective, or adde to the whole be in private hands, they will be pleased not to envy them to the Publick, and to light his Candle, which without their charge shall shine to themselves brighter. Nor shall this candide goodnesse be coucealed, that they may reap the good name of faithfull Treasurers and liberall Stewards. Please they therefore to repair to Mr. George Thomason at the Rose and Crowne in Pauls Churchyard London, they shall finde a fur­ther assurance not to fail of serious performance to answer their pious Expectations.

A Schedule of the Workes of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Hugh Broughton as they were preparing for the Presse.

  • 1 A Concent of Scripture cum addita­mentis.
  • 2 Concentus Scripturae, Lat. Han. 1602.
  • Letters to Queen Elizabeth.
    • 2 Archb. C. and Dr. Elmer Bp. London.
    • 3 Vicech. and Heads of Houses in Oxon.
    • 4 Queen Elizabeth Ms.
    • 5 Earle of Essex; the Monarchies.
  • 3 Texts of Scripture chaining Chronicle
  • 4 A Defence of the consent of the Scripture
  • 5 An Apology to the L. Treasurer touching his Speech uttered to his L. by the L. Cant.
  • 6 Seder Olam. 1613.
  • 7 An Apology in brief assertions defending that our Lord dyed in the time foretold to Daniel
  • 8 A short view of the Persian Monarchy, 1590.
  • 9 A Treatise upon divers points erroneously handled by Mr. Lucely, Ms.
  • 10 The chiefe Mark of all the holy Scripture
  • 11 Broughton's last words, expressing upon hi [...] death-bed the heads of the old Testament, Ms.
  • 12. Observations upon the first 10. Fathers 1612.
  • 13 A Treatise of Melchisedeck. 1591.
  • 14 Of the 12 pretious stones in Aarons breast Ms.
  • 15
    • Job. cum, additam.
    • Ecclesiastes. cum additam.
    • Proverbs cap. 5. cum additam.
    • Canticles cap. 5. cum additam.
    • Lamentations. 1610. cum additam.
  • 16 [...] c. 5. reliqua desiderantur
  • 17 A Comment upon Cobeleth. 1605. and A­bridgment Ang. Hebraice.
  • 18 [...] Graece imperfectum.
  • 19 Lamentations 1606.
  • 20 Daniel his Chaldy visions, with a Preface, Ms. & additamentis, Ms. & Adnotationibus, Ms.
  • 21 The Testimonies of ancient Writers, Ms.
  • 22 Positions touching 490 years Dan 9. Ms.
  • 23 A Request to the Archb. of Cant. to call in a Corruption of a late English Commentation upon Daniel Ded. to the R. Ho ble. Lords, Ms.
  • 24 A Letter to a friend touching Mordecai's age.
  • 25 A briefe Explication of the first Chapter of St. Matthews Gospel, Ms.
  • 26 The holy Genealogie of Jesus Christ.
  • 27 Our Lords Family, 1608.
  • 28 The defence of the holy Genealogies, Ms.
  • 29 An Exposition upon the Lords Prayer.
  • 30 A discourse opening the Epist. of S. Jude, Ms.
  • 31 A Revelation of the holy Apocalypse.
  • 32 An Epist. to the learned Nobility of England
  • 33 An Advertisement of Corruption in our handling of Religion.
  • 34 Principle positions for Grounds of the holy Bible, 1609. &c.
  • 35 A Treatise of the Apocripha.
  • 36 A Censure of the late Translations for our Churches,
  • 37 A Require of Agreement.
  • 38 Positions about the Hebrew Tongue, Ms.
  • 39 Of the Hebrew Particles, Ms.
  • 40 Advertisements how to examine Translati­ons, Ms.
  • 41 Miscellanea, or a more speedy Course for the study of Theologie, Ms.
  • 42 Six Articles of Jewes about the Geneveans of traps laid to them: and of Papists offence by the Apocrypha, Ms.
  • 43 Certaine notes of divers Manuscripts, Ms. Certaine Questions concerning
    • Silk or Wool in the High-priests Ephod
    • Idol Temples commonly called Churches
    • The Forme of Prayer called the Lords Prayer.
    • Excommunication,
  • 44 An Admoni [...]ion to Francis Blackwell of Am­ste [...]dam, Ms.
  • 45 An Epistle of an Hebrew willing to learne Christianity, Bafil. 159. cum additamentis.
  • 46 Heb. Anglice partim, Ms. cum Responsione Am­sterdam, 1606.
  • 47 [...] Grace.
  • 48 A Commendation of Rabbi Rubens Original seeking Hebrew Gospel from Albion, Ms.
  • 49 The family of David for the Sonnes of the kingdom, with a Chronicle unto the Redemp­tion, Heb. Angl. 1605. part. Ms.
  • 50 Epistolae variae & variarum Linguarum de By­zantiacis Hebraeis discupientibus erudiri in Christi Domini Sacro volumine.
  • 51 A Petition to the King for authority and al­lowance to expound the Apocalyps in Hebrew and Greek, 1611.
  • 52 Idem Graece, [...] &c.
  • 53 An Answer to the R: H ble: the L: of the Q: of Englands most ho ble privy Counsell, con­cerning the Hebrew Epistle, &c.
  • 54 A Petition to the Lords to examine the Reli­gion and carriage of Dr: Bancroft, A Bpp. 1608.
  • 55 A Declaration unto the Lords of the Jewes desire, &c. hindred by a brace of wicked filly Doctors, 1611.
  • 56 [...].
  • 57 Querelae de quodam Scoparcha qui commemora­tionem premissorum R [...]galium Regis Mag: Brit: ad illustranda S. Biblia injuriosam & mendacem fuisse praedicat, turbasque movet, 1610.
  • 58 Illustrissimis Princip: Germaniae qui polliciti sunt regifice stipendia, ut ex Talmudicis, Chananeo Ser­mone N.T: illustretur,
  • 59 Oratiuncula ad R m: & Illustr m: Princ: ac Domi­num D: Jo: Adamum Archiepise: Megunt: de By­zantiacis Judaeis & aliis cupientibus docere Chri­stianam Religionem, &c. Ms. lat:
  • 60 To the Metropolitan next in England to the Queen, exalted may be her Majesty, Ms.
  • 61 To the mighty Prince James by the Grace of God, &c. Epistola Ang: with a motion to the clearing the holy Apocalyps, Ms.
    • A Petition to the same purpose, [...]
    • Idem Anglice,
  • 62 An Explication of the Article [...], 1605.
  • 63 A Discourse of the Article of Descent to Hell to Sir Tho: Chaloner, Ms.
  • 64 To the most Reverend F: Jo: Archb:of Cant: of an answer to Beza,
  • 65 [...] Mogunt. 1601.
  • 66 Idem Anglice. Ms.
  • 67 Two little Works defensive of our Redemp­tion, That our Lord went through the Vale of his flesh to Heaven to appeare before God for us,
  • 68 Four positions of the Word Hades, 1605
  • 69 A reply upon the R: R: F: Tho: Winton for heads of his Divinity in his Sermon and Sur­vey 1605.
  • 70 A Syllogism from Archb. Whitegift and Bish: Tho:Winton, concluding that to descend into Hell in the Creed, is to goe up into Paradise Ms.
  • 71 Positions of a man learned, but by boldnesse a confuter of himselfe, Who made [...] in the Godly, to meane a passage into heaven, Ms.
  • 72 What help Greeke Authors afford for ex­pounding of Hades, Ms.
  • 73 Articles of friendly warning to the R: R: F: D F: Bil: L: Winton, Ms.
  • 74 A Petition to the Lord Chancellors of both Universities &c. to help Reformation of Er­rours by not knowing what [...] in the creed meaneth. A going up to para­dise is no going to Gehenna &c.
  • 75 Of the same subject to severall Princes and Senats, Lat:
  • 76 An Answer to the injurious complaint of R:C: thinking he was called simply Athean, Jew, Villaine, &c. where he was only warned how he gave a Jew leave to make him so,
  • 77 The Right Ho ble: Rich: Archb: of Cant.
  • 78 An Answer about Hell Torments to Obje­ctions, &c. Ms.

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