BABELS FALL, In the Foolish Virgins Sleep.

Among which Presbytery lyeth, with Predictions of the great disputes to be at the raising of the true Ministry.

Written by a Witnesse of the Truth, John Brayne.

Ely to Samuel.

1 Sam. 3.17. What is the thing the Lord hath said unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me, God doe so and more al [...]o to thee, if thou hide any thing from me, of all the things God hath said unto thee.

Samuel to Ely.

1 Sam. 3.18, 14. Samuel told him the in quity of Elies house shall not be purged by Sacrifice nor offering for ever.

The man of God said to Eli,

1 Sam. 2.35. God hath said, I will raise me up a faithfull Priest, which shall doe according to that which is in my heart, and in my minde, and I will build him a sure house, and he shall walke before mine anointed, &c.

Ely said to Samuel,

It is the Lord, let him doe what seemeth him good.

LONDON, Printed for T. B. in Kings-street at Westminster, MDCXLIX,

To the Honourable John Lisle, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal.


AS David and the Apostles before me said, We believe, and therefore speak, so I believing the truth of the Scrip­tures, did presume to write you of many things strange before, but now evident since accomplished: I am once more bold to write you from the Gospel of things shortly to be fulfilled, which will seem strange, but will prove most true in its time, however, mine enemies are stirred up to hate and oppresse me for it, the day will come they will be ashamed at it. Sir, I hope, I have deserved no other but your love, wherewith you have loved me, and the love of those love God in the Country, and those hate me doe it without a cause, even for my standing for, and witnessing to the truth of the Gospel, with which I am intrusted, which should occasion their love, were they of God, and not hate, to the defence whereof you are called, and blessed shall you be if you contend for it, and consent not to the detain­ing of the discovery thereof, which the Lord preserve you from, and keepe you to immortality and life, and set you with Christ in his sight, to the full enjoyment of himselfe for ever.

Is the hearty desire of your Servant in the Gospell, John Brayne.


THe predictions following are drawn from Prophe­ticall Scriptures, and are no Inthusiasticall Dreams, they seem strange indeed at first, but strong is the Lord that doth them, for hath he said, and shall he not performe it? God hath foretold us when h [...] shall build up Sion he will appear in his glory which sets us now upon the expectation of glorious things, these are therefore written that God may be glorified, Magistrates may be directed, Ministers instructed, and the Truth revea­l [...]d: Concerning all which, in much confidence I affirm, if the Lord give me leave to live but a little while, I shall not be ashamed of what is herein written. Thus leaving thee and them to the Lord, to declare himself herein as he please, to the glorifying of himselfe for ever: And this I dare af­firm, so far off as thou seest we are from seeing these things, so far off are we from seeing peace and deliverance, and as men act against this they act against their own deliverance, from which the Lord prevent us graciously.

I rest thine in the Lord, John Brayne.

BABELS FALL, In the foolish VIRGINS Sleep.

‘The Kingdom of Heaven that is the state of the Church under the Gospel, Administrations are usually set out by the Lord significantly in Parables, some whereof have th [...]ir allusions drawn from Marriage and Marriage-Feasts, corresponding with the predictions of the Pro­phets foregoing, and in especiall, that of MAT. 25. from Vers. 1. to Vers. 11.

IN which ye have the estate of the Church, Ministry, and Government thereof unto the end of the world, according to the wisdom of the infinitely wise God, held out and commended unto us under the notion of a Marriage, in which Christ is the Bridegroom, the Church is the Bride, and the Ministery the Virgins.

I know the Expositions extant of these are quite contrary [...] Aug. lib. 83. Q. 59. Inter parabolos à Domino dictus solet quarentes [Page 2] multum exercere ista quae de decem virginibus posita est, & [...] quidem hinc multa senserunt, quae non sunt praeter fidem, sed quo [...]dò partibus omnibus ejus conveniat expositio id elaborandum est, He that hath a minde to see the diversity of constructions given by the Ancients of this parable, let him read Salmeron in parabolas, who hath taken the paines to collect them together.

Those that have written lately understand by the wise and foolish Virgins, the severall Members of the Church. In which are wise and foolish, from whence some would confirme mixt societies.

But that this cannot be meant, is plainly evinced in this, that the Church-Members are to be understood in the Bride which is the Church, that is the Lambes wife, and therefore the Virgines are such who are ministerially imployed about the Marriage of the Church to Christ.

1 And that which helps most clearely to open the Parable is this; That the Lord mainly aimeth at the discovery of the state of the Church under Antichrist, in taking the parable from a Night-Marriage.

2 And the restoring of the Church to its quendam primitive estate after his tyranny.

3 And briefly sheweth what things were to happen concerning the Ministery, both true and false, as the one related to Christ, and the other to Antichrist, untill the second taking of the Gentiles to himself againe.

Object. Parables serve onely to illustrate and prove nothing.

Reply. I know it is so generally conceived, but let me tell you, that the Church practise, and many precious prophesies of the Church, are so laid up in them, and to be proved from them, and so from them as from no Scripture like them, the Lord sets not out the state of the Kingdome but by parables.

2 The Kingdomes Government is never to be clearly knowne but by them, and to be proved thence.

3 The Lord declared the Government in parables, as being most fit to conduce to the maine end of Gods hiding the Church from the world.

And this is plainly seen in the answer of Christ to his Disciples, Mat. 13.10. to the end of ver. 15. who demand of Christ, why [Page 3] he taught in parables? who answers, To you it is given, to them it is not given to know the mysteries of the Kingdome, but to the parables it selfe.

1 The word [...], then, is a note of time, and relates to the pre­dictions of the former Chapter, ver. 15. the abomination of desola­tion, or time of the tyranny of Antichrist. ver. 29. the darkning of the Sunne of earthly glory, the Moone shall not give her light, the sad estate of the Common-people, and the Starres shall fall from Heaven, the fall of Ministry, and the Powers of Heaven shall be sha­ken; signifying the removing of the Church-Governments and Authority then established. When the Lord of the evill servant, ver. 48. to the end, that beat his fellow-servants, and eate and dranke with the drunken, should be cut asunder, which is, that the Lord should deprive Antichrist of his ministry, that evill servant, when the wise servant which gave meat to the Lords houshold in due season should be blessed, restored and comforted.

Now the Holy Ghost relates to the then time, especially, shewing in what estate the Church should be in respect of the ministry thereof, set downe under the name of Virgins, that is, men ex­empted from all worldly imployments to Jesus Christ.

2 Their Imployment or Ministry is set out in their Lamps.

3 Their Ordination in their taking their Lamps, by which lawfully they may minister in the Church to Jesus Christ.

4 They are first summed up together ten Virgins, to shew that in respect of office calling Ministry, they did seeme to be one, and agreed.

5 They went forth to meet the Bridegroome, a metaphor taken from marriages, partly in use amongst us, so far as sufficiently to set out the minde of God in this text. In that we see usually at weddings, young men, youth or Virgins, accompany the Bride to the place of marriage, and present her to the Bridegroome; which thing is most clearly held out and proved by that saying of the Apostle, 2 Cor. 11.2. I have espoused you (French Approprier) to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste Virgin to Christ. Hence the Apostles are called the Children of the Bride-chamber, Mark [...] 2.10.

1 You see what was done in Church-constituting.

[Page 4]2 That it was the Ministers office here called the Virgins, to present the Bride or Church to Jesus Christ, proved from the pra­ctise of the Apostles, and of the five wise Virgins here mentioned, ver. 2.

1 These ten Virgins are divided into five and five.

2 They are distinguished by their qualifications: the one five are said to be wise, the other to be foolish: the wise are the true ministry, the foolish the false Antichristian ministry.

3 In that they are divided into five and five, it shews that there should be a representation in the false Antichristian ministry, of the true Gospel-ministry of Christ, some way though not aright, as the Corinths begin with false Apostles, so these, 2 Cor. 11.13.

The five Virgins that are said to be wise, or the true Gospel mini­sters, are 1 Apostles, 2 Prophets. 3 Evangelists. 4 Pastours. 5 Teachers. Now these ordin [...]rily are ordained to present the Church, as young men, Virgins, the Bride to the Bridegroome.

Now as the wise, so the foolish are also five in number, Anti­christ having that falsely in his false, Christ hath in his true Church in truth.

1 To the 12 Apostles, the Pope set up in Rome 12 Cardinals, Anselme, Revel. 13. Antichristus habiturus est pseudos Apostol [...]s suos.

V [...]de P [...]t­te [...]. Num­ber of the Beast. cap. 14.As there is a cleare and eminent Antithesis between Jerusalem and Rome, so is there also betweene Christs Apostles and the Popes Cardinals: there being no persons in the whole world, of what rank, order, or dignity soever, styling themselves [...], vicem gerentes Apostolorum, as they doe.

Idem ibid.As the Apostles truly were and are the root and foundation of the Christian Church, and all Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction, so the Cardinals falsly pretend themselves to be, and so they truely are, and doe in expresse words declare themselves to be the very basis and foundation of the Romish Hierarchy, read that that followeth hereof. So that hence you see he proves that what the Apostles were in the true, the Cardinals in the false. Hence the Pope sends a Saphire to the new made Cardinals, as foundation stones.

It is also a cleare Note that the five foolish Virgins are signified in these, because the Cardinalls as the Apostles of Christs mi­nistry [Page 5] consists of Arch-bishop Cardinals, Bishop-Cardinals, Pres­byters, and Deacon Cardinals, that as the Apostles executed the place of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, in the true, so these Cardinals falsly in the false. Now as the Cardinals arose from Presbyters. First, so in the fall of Presbytery, and that falls with them is the full fall of Papacy and Babylon, and from these five, and not the five wounds of Christ as Mr. Potter, and so by five times five multiply them, to 25 to make their Monks, Fry­ers, and Masse-priests, to be the [...], to them 1 Chron. Chap. 25. for what relation is there betweene Christs five wounds and 25 ministers. Potter Chap. 24. and the 25.

2 To the Prophet, the Pope constituted in his Church an Anti­prophet, or Arch bishop, which God remarkably, as it were to compleat this Scripture, called the Arch-bishop of this Kingdome by that name, Rev. 16.13. where some Ecclesiasticall person under the sixth violl, in which time wee live, is called by the name of a prophet, or Anti-prophet, hee being to be in that place in the false Church the true Prophet is in the true.

Object. Why doe you allude this to the Arch-bishop of this King­dome, more then to others of other Kingdomes.

Reply 1 The first Arch-bishops of the world were set up in this K ngdome, others tooke their patterne from hence, and ye know what honour Anselme had, in being called Papa orbis, in a whole Councell of Bishops at Barsnense, 1098. and againe ye know that the Arch-bishop of this Kingdome called the Image of the Beast, ruled independently from the Pope, as supream himselfe, &c. Which was to be slain, Rev. 19.20.

3 The Bishop was understood in all ancient writings, which ordinary Evangelists in Scripture, the first 200 yeares, as in my book called the Resurrection of Churches appeares.

4 The presbyter answe [...]s to the pastor in the true Church: hence the presbyter usually useth the name Pastor, not Deacon as made first and inferiour to pastors.

5 The Deacon in the false Church was the Anti-teacher to the Teacher in the true, who was the first minister of Antichrists Church, who had not as full authority in Church affairs as the [Page 4] Pastor to administer Sacramentrs, nor the Pastor as the Bishop to o [...]daine Ministers, but the Bishop with the presbyters, as the E­vangelist with the pastor and Teacher were to do, nor had the Bi­shops that authority as the Cardinals had in the false church: as the Evangelists had not that authority as the Apostles in the true Church.

Object. In the Hierarchy of Rome are 90 Orders, and more mentioned by Fox in his Book of Acts and Monuments: and then what do you tell us of those five?

Reply There are so, but none of these preached the word, as is here signified by the Lamps, but either as Bishops, or Pastors, Priests or Deacons: be their Order what they will, and so still the teaching ministry of theirs are to be red [...]ced to one of these five.

Object. What say you of the Patriarchs?

Reply They opposed the Pope most of them, or rather his predeces­sors, and after the fall of the true Church, they fained four extraor­dinary Evangelists, Matthew, Marke, Luke and John.

Now that the hiding of the Church may be accelerated hereby, they set up four patriarchs in the World at the first, the patriarchs of Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Hierusalem, sayth one of the pa­triarchs, Hi quatuor principio fuere Romanus, Antiochenus, Alex­andrinus, Hierosolimitanus, postea translata Bizantium Imperii se­de additus est Constantinopolitanus. These indeed made way to set him up, but when once up, Antichrist took care to take them down: they being impediments to him, as it were eclipsing the Papal glory.

The generall Note of this second verse is, that the wise are here set before the foolish, not for that they are preferred before them only, but prophetically shewing that the wise, and part of that is said concerning them, were in time before the foolish, and that the Antichristian ministry did succeed them, and most of the things in o der set down of them.

Ver. 3. The foolish t [...]ok their Lamps, and took no oyle with them.

1 Here is the [...]lly of the foolish Virg [...]ns notified, that they took their Lamps▪ their call to the ministry without spirituall knowledg, or wisdom to exercise their ministry by unto the world, as appears in some Cardinals that have been Princes, others children, so some Arch-bishops, as A [...]bert Arch-bishop of Mentz, who being at [Page 7] the Dyet at Ausbourge, An. 1530. who finding a Bible on the table, and reading some leavs thereof, where by chance he opened it said, truly I know not what Book this is, but this I see it makes all a­gainst us. Luther in Erphord Abbey, happening on the history of Hanna, in the first Book of Samuel, not knowing what Book it was, wished that he were owner of such a Book as that, this ap­pears in the Letter of the Pope for Frederick of Lovania, a ch [...]ld to be Canon in the Church of Lincoln, which occasion [...]d that ex­c [...]llent Return of Grosted to Pope Innocent the fourth, cited by Fox: by which, as by a Thunder-bolt, the Pope and his Cardinals were smitten, (who say after all the Bedlam fury of the Pope uttered against him for it.) It is but very truth that he affirmeth, nor can we condemne him therefore, he is a holy man, more holy and re­ligious then we our s [...]lves of excellent wit, and excellent life, so as it is thought among all the Prelates he hath not his better, nor yet his like, and thus having spake wounderfully in commendations of him, advise him with this Councell (a way not out of use in these times) that he should dissemble and wink at these things, as one not seeing, or regarding them, least otherwise, perhaps, some tumult may arise and spring thereof, especially seeing this is known and manifest to all, that once must needs come a disertion and parting from the Church of Rome, Fox Acts Mon. in the life of Henry the third.

2 It is [...], their Lamps to shew the call of ministers in the false Church was differing from that in the true: the Lamps the foolish Virgins had were properly theirs, they had not the Lamps of the wise, nor had the wise the Lamps of the foolish.

1 It implyeth, their care was to have the ministry for the means sake, not the service of the Gospell, nor the glory of God; this was not the least part of their folly.

2 They took their Lamps never regarding whether the call they had were Christian or Antichristian: they took it without any more adoe, and glad they had it. I do not write these things with­out self-conviction.

Vers. 4. But the wise took oile in their vessels, with their lamps.

Here the particle [...] differenceth the estate of the wise from the [Page 8] foolish, and the lamps, or call to ministry from the others.

1 Signifying they were wise, and belonged to the true Church estate.

2 The call they had was Evangelicall.

3 They in their vessels had oile, being gifted with understand­ing in the minde, with spirituall life in the soule, with experience and knowledge of God and his way, being taught of God in the heart.

3 They had these and then took their lamps, shewing these were not to be divided, and that none were to be made Ministers but such as were thus qualified.

4 In that they took their lamps, shews, they did not Minister in in the Church without a call.

5 They took it being given them of the Church of Christ, as the lamps were given the foolish in the Church, I cannot say of the Churches of Antichrist.

6 The wise Virgins are here put last, shewing that the true Mini­stry shall come again into the Church, after the foolish, as they were before ( vers. 5. [...], but the Bridegroom tarying they all slumbred and sl [...]pt.

These words clearly hold out that the Lord had respect to the Churches restauration, after the fall of Antichrist, and the Estate of the Church before also, and that in the time of Antichrists Reign Christ absented himselfe from the Church as it were.

1 The slumber of the wise was first, as they are mentioned first, vers. 2. In which Prophetically was signified by Christ, that the time would come in which the true Ministers, and Ministry, would be remisse in the Government of their Church, and carelesse of their duties.

2 That this their spiritual slumber would proceed, or rather in­deed make way for their sleep, or extirpation by Antichrist.

3 Most sweetly intimating Prophetically in their sleep, that for a time 1260. yeares neer their would be an utter cessation of the true Gospel ministry in the World.

4 In that they are said to sleep onley, it is also intimated that God would againe awaken them, restore them, and have their ministry againe exercised in the Church.

[Page 9]5 This we see verified, in that the true Church ministry slum­bred all before and slept since Antichrist, as in my book of the Churches Resurrection is set forth, how by degrees this was accom­plished.

Now as the wise slumbred and slept, the foolish they also before Christ marriage shall and must also have their slumber all of them and their sleep, for the text saith [...], all and every one of them wise in their time and the foolish in their appointed time likewise slumbred and slept.

It is true indeed, it would cost not a little panis to a man to finde how, when and in whom the wise Virgins slept, because it is long since done, & monuments of Antiquity are lost, especially the chief, & those are left are little worth. I cannot pass by that of Augustine, de moribus Ecclesiae, cap. 30. Tu puerilliter pueros fortiter juvenesque & senes, prout cujusque non corporis tantum, sed animi aetas est, exerces & doces: this was but too little purpose pressed in the time of the ad­ministration of a single Ministry: and the Churches almost falne e­state.

But for the slumber of the false Church which is of later times, there is no such obscurity in that.

1 The slumber of Cardinals was when they came from 12, a­b [...]ut 423. in Coelestines time, to be after 25, as Potter Numb. of the Beast, cap 19. where he sheweth that Cardinals, Bishops and Dea­cons, were not originally in the Colledge of Cardinals, when their first number were decreed, but are rather redundant extuberances of the Papacy built upon, and dangerously over-hanging that ancient foundation of the Presbyter Cardinals: this slumber hee makes to begin to be the Number 25 (but I rather conceive at the Number 12) when Alexander the third, in the yeer 1163, made Conradus Suenus Archbishop of Mentz, one of the Colledge of the Cardi­nals.

2 The sleep of the Cardinals in this Kingdom, was in the death of Cardinall Poole, who died the next day after Queen Mary, of some Italian physick, as some suspect, being the 18th. of Novem­ber, 1558.

The slumber of the false prophet and Anti-Evangelist, was in the time of Henry the Eighth, when they were made to acknowledge [Page 10] the Kings Supremacy and not the Popes, in the yeer 1531. whose sleep was brought on the false prophet and Anti-Evangelist, in the yeer 1644, in the making of that Ordinance appointed, the taking the Covenant, the second branch wherof was, that without respect of persons, we should endevour the extirpation of Popery and Pre­lacy that is, Church Government by Archbishops, Bishops, &c. which ended in William Laud, Jan, 10. 1644.

The slumber of the Anti-teacher, was in that slumber, [...]il on the re [...]t 1531, and is falne asleep, and no man knoweth how, it being now apparent to all that Deacons were not teachers in the Church as Deacons, but ministred almes to the poore only, so that now there is none acknowledged: and so none awake but the Presbyter that is the Antipastor.

Let me ask the Question, are they awake or do they slumber, sure heavens thunder cannot keepe them long from sleeping, me thinks, the Questioning ministers calling, the not suffering the Pres­byterian Government, to be Jure divino, and the daily shaking of her foundations are very dangerous signes, she is in a deadly slumber, she would else awake and speak for her self.

Object. Here it is questionlesse, ô but in Scotland, it is awake. Here friends I speak not of envy to any, but to glorify God in spea­king the truth. Presbytery must sleep in Scotland, as well as Epis­copacy in England, Episcopacy had as great friends and command here in England, as presbytery ever had in Scotland, or can have, and had it's glory of longer continuance, and it is no lesse ordained [...] God, that presbytery shall sleep then Episcopacy.

Friends, do you not consider, you that made that clause in the 2 d. branch of the Covenant, where we are to endeavour the extirpati­on not only of Arch-bishops, Chancellors, Commissaries, &c. but all other Ecclesiasticall Officers depending on that Hierarchy? do not presbyters depend on that Hierarchy? I do beleeve in time this will be made use of against presbytery, if not, on what Hierar­chy doth it depend? Note it all ye to whom this Writing shall come, that as certainly as ye have seen the sleep of Cardinals, Arch-bi hops, Bishops, and Deacons, which are four of the foolish Vir­gins, so certainly shall ye see the sleep of presbyters in this Land, the whole Earth shall not hinder it, she being the fift.

[Page 11]2 The time cannot belong, it precedes the marriage of the Lamb, as near as it is, this is the last; ô expect thy sleep.

Object. Why if this should be what shall we do for Ministers?

Reply God will furnish the Land with Teachers, for if he give the Word, great will be the company of Preachers, and truly friend, I cannot write this, nor think of it but with admiration of that work, most certainly God will do in this Kingdome, when the scoffers of the times will be ashamed.

Vers. 6. At midnight a cry was made, behold the Bridegroome cometh, go ye out to meet him.

What the severall Expositions here are of the day of Judgment and the like I shall passe by as impertinent, and shew you.

1 That marriages in those parts were oft times celebrated in the night, when the younger sort of people attending with the Bride, went to meet the Bridegroom, and accompany him into the Brides chāber, but in that, it is said to be at midnight, it may be imputed to the word delay before v. 5. which time of delay, was the time of An­tichrist, untill his time of tyranny, and his Government were ended, as expressed of the ill servant in the time of his Lords delay, beating his fellow-servants, and eating and drinking with the drunken, Cap. 24. ver. 48, 49. When the Lord came, he cut him in two, &c. and the word delay shews marriages were not usually made so late at night.

2 It may be he alludes to the first publick notice of Christs com­ing to his Church, in Jerom of Prage, or Luthers time, which was but a little better then the darkest time of Popery.

3 A cry in the teaching of the Gospell now is made of Christ's coming, he being other ways held out in the doctrine taught now, then in that before Luther.

4 They are called on to go out to meet the Lord, that is, to per­forme their ministeriall duty, in bringing Christ to the Church, and in presenting the Church to Christ: this begins I suppose with Luther in some kind, because Cardinals were sleeping, and Arch-bishops and Bishops slumbring: but indeed the true time, or full time of the cry, will be when all are asleep: and it may well be called midnight, when the ministry is all as it were true and false, abolished the true by Antichrist, and Christ by his coming abo­lisheth [Page 10] Antichrists ministry again. When God shall do this, what rayling will there be against Authority as if they overthrew it.

Ver. 7. Then all those Virgins arose, and trimmed their Lamps.

1 At this time when the foolish Virgins, and the Presbyter the last of them, slumbers, God brings again, and awakens the five wise Virgins, the true Gospel ministry.

2 Then there is much trimming of Lamps, that is, proving of calling, ministry, and Government, by Archbishops, and Bishops, as Doctor Field, by presbytery, Calvin, Rutherford, by the Gos­pell ministry, by him whose name is not meet to be mentioned, in the day Christ's ministry shall be spoken for.

3 Indeed▪ I suppose, there may be yet a time after the presbyters sleep: in which liberty will be granted to men for Episcopacy, and Presbytery to plead their call freely and publickly, it may be before the supream Magistrate, sitting in judgment, as it were to de­termine that the controversie int [...]nated in Daniel 7. ver. 13, 14.

4 In that it is said, they arose, it sheweth as men aw [...]k [...]d out of sleep, they will come to this debate of all sides, rowsed up from the losse they before had, or are like after to sustaine.

Now the raising of all these are implyed by the Apostle, Re­vel. 20. ver. 4, 5. in which are two dead.

1 Those that were beheaded, a [...]luding to John the Baptist, by which means their Ministry ceased, who had not worshipped the Beast, nor his Image, nor had received his mark in their foreheads, or hands, they lived againe, that is, came againe to exercise their Ministry in the Church, by their Successors.

2 They had not worshipped the Beast, but were before him, and extinguished by him; nor shall those that are to be, be of him at all.

3 Its preciously alluded to John the Baptist, that Eliah which was said to come in Christ's time, and now againe in some other to come, as in Malachy the 3d. Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and children to their fathers.

4 There are others dead which received the Marks, and they lived nor again untill the 1000 years were finished, which are the other min [...]stry opposed to that lived, are the foolish & wise Virgins.

Ver. 8. The foolish said to the wise, give us of your oyle, for our Lamps go out.

Before this great time of Judgement, or tryall of Ministry, the Ministry of Bishops, Arch-bishops, and Presbyters, may be said to be blown out, that is, by violence be made to cease: they indeed being by no means at the time of putting out, otherwise to be put out; and shall we think Presbytery will not be put out as the rest, and not go out untill the time the rest do go out with her.

2 At this time of tryall, they all will go out of their own accord; so that there remains another way of causing the cessation of the past Ministry in the Church, then any yet hath been seen, which will be by the power of the Word, proving the unsoundnesse of it, and so kindly and quietly cause it to cease.

3 The whole ministry goeth out in this grand commotion, and none untill now, now men will acknowledge that their standing by Bishops, or by Presbyters, is not Evangelical; they go out: There is much difference between blowing out a Lamp, and the letting of it burn so long untill it can burn no longer for want of oyle; when it goeth out of it selfe, and there is no lighting of it again, there being then left them no plea to minister by.

4 They say to the wise, signifying an acknowledgment or ingenious conviction of them of the unsoundnesse of their ministry, even to the wise Virgins from their own mouthes.

5 Give us of your oyle? which implyeth a great desire in men to have renewed their Ministry, and signifieth an honourable esteem, the faithfull Ministry of the Gospell, should have of others in that day.

6 An acknowledgment of the lawfulnesse of the Gospell Mini­sters Ordination, however it shall be restored (which is to be thought to be as before, by the Magistrates approbation) and thence desires to be ordained by them.

7 It may be by Give us your oyle, may be meant a desire of the foolish, that the wise would acknowledge them for true Ministers of the Gospell, and give them the right hand of fellowship to mi­nister in the Church with them. And this seems fitly to suite with the words of the Text following.

Ver. 9. But the wise answered, not so, lest there be not enough for us and you.

1 Signifying that whether it be Ordination, or associtation, or [Page 14] acknowledgment of their Ministry, or what ever else, they are de­nyed it of the Gospell ministry.

2 The Reason is satisfactory, viz. least there be not enough for us and you, signifying this, they could not acknowledg their Mini­stry to be true, and their own not be false, or if their own were true, then were the others false; Again, the truth had acknowledged one true, in calling them wise, and the other false in calling them foolish.

3 Hence it seems to me, that presbytery that so highly declared a­gainst, Episcopacy, for Antichristian hath it's day now approching, to be declared against in like manner, and I hope no man will be so vainly minded, as to say, this Construction was taken of Master Lillies Astrology; for the future as some maliciously have objected.

Object. A man may see by the coarse of things.

1 It is near two years since, I first affirmed this, since which there is more likelyhood then before, but is there any likelyhood it falls in Scotland; are not all for it? there is not a Schismatick allow­ed, it is long since I was perswaded of its fall there, there are many in this Kingdom that have to shew it under my hand, as those letters may shortly in part shew that I wrot to several of the presbytery, who have spared no pains to plague me in name or goods for it, as I intend to shew at large hereafter; when I have done my intended Expo­sition on the Revelations▪ if God permit, they provoking Authority therunto like another whore riding the Beast. The Lord knoweth I write not this to offend any man, nor hath any man cause to be of­fended, if it be truth, as the Apostle Gal. 4. ver. 16. Am I therefore your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Ver. 9. But go rather to them that sell, and buy for your selves.

1 If the words were spoken sarcastically, then it is as if they should bid them go to the Pope, who sold the ministeriall calling.

2 Or rather they containe, an advice to them to adjoyn them­selves to a true Church rightly constituted, and from them to take a call thereunto, it being delegated of God to them to give.

3 It is intimated, that in these times there will be much care had of keeping the Gospel Government entire in the Church, and that nothing in her Government shall be done irregularly, as in the times past they have been.

Ver. 10. While they went to buy.

1 They take the advice given, so that it should seem it was not spoken sarcastically, if it had, they would have discerned it, I think they would not have gon to Rome for it.

2 Christ is sayd to come, when there will again be a visible and sensible difference of Christs presence in the Ministry, and means of what there was formerly: he was then absent, & as if not at all in prayer preaching, &c.

3 This coming or manifestation of God in the means, provokes the Ministry the more to desire to be admitted to the exercise thereof.

Ver. 11. Those that were ready, entred with him to the Marriage.

1 At the Coming of Christ it is implyed, some shall be ready, that is, shall be indowed with gifts, calling and ministry according to the Gospell, who shall be made use of to celebrate the Nuptials of the Lambe.

1 Before it is said, while they went to buy, the Bridegroome came.

2 See what hinders, the Lord wil not come until their lamps be cut, and they gon to buy.

3 This is the destroying Antichrist, by the brightnes of his coming, he consuming her by pieces and parts, now a little, and then a little.

The doore was shut.

Notes the administration of the Gospel, would be kept pure a­gainst all means that tend to defile them, and be other ways kept then before.

Ver. 11. Then came the other Virgins.

1 It is emphaticall, the Scripture calls them [...], the other Virgins, not the foolish Virgins now, because they now seeing their former folly, laying down their Call, seeking admission to be with Christ, ceased to be foolish and began to be wise.

2 They had a minde to be with Christ, but it was unseasonable, it was after the doore was shut, the unwise man begins to be wise when it is too late.

They say, Lord, Lord open to us.

1 They desire admission to be a Church-minister, or at least a Church-member; at that time of plenty and power of the Spirit, which will be the most desirable thing in the world.

[Page 16]1 Their earnestness is emplyed in their reiterated Cry of Lord, Lord.

2 Their expectation of favour more then others open to us, though thou open to none, yet open to us, thou art our Lord, wee are thy servants, we waited long for thy coming to thy Church.

Applic. When the soul is sensible of it, it is then a sad thing in­deed to be shut out of Heaven from Christ and Saints,

2 In the right constituting of Churches Excommunication will have greater effects on the spirits of men then in time past, Mat. 18 11, 12. And I say unto you, that many shall come from the East and West, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. When ye shall see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God, and your selves shut out, then ye shall weep.

Ver. 12. Christ answereth verily, I say unto you I know you not.

1 None are to be admitted but by Christs approbation, he is the doore.

2 Christ denies their petition.

3 On this ground, I know you not, that is, scientia approbationis.

1 Now Christ makes known to the soul, that it is diserted of him, which saddens the heart, and fils it with fear.

2 In that he sayth, I say to you it takes away all plea, or answer in the case whatsoever, men indeed may plead against men, but a­gainst the Word of God is no obj cting. Ver. 13. ye have the ap­plication of this spirituall Coming of his before spoken of.

2 In it is prophetically foretold the last personall coming of Christ to Judgment, saying, Watch therefore, for ye know not the day nor the hour, wherein the Sonne of man cometh.

Now that this fore-cited Parable respects the estate of the Church, and the end of Antichrist as applyed; I shall commend to your consideration the Parable set down of Matthew, in Chap. 22. from Vers. 1. to Vers. 12.

1 The wedding is a wedding made in the day, setting out the estate of the Church, before the Antichristian night came upon the World.

2 The present estate in the Apostles times, and after to the time of Antichrist, is herein mainly intended.

[Page 17]1 From Vers. 2. to the 8 respects the Jewish estate of the Church, until their captivity under Titus.

Vers. 2. The Kingdom and Mariage signifie the Gospel Govern­ment set up, the Apostles gathering Churches out of the Jewish Na­tion.

Vers. 3. The Apostles sent out to gather them, Mat. 10. v. 5. and the prophesie fulfilled. Acts 13.46.

Vers. 4. He sends forth other servants, which were the 70, Luke 10.1. who were other in their call and persons, or those sent out by the A­postles after Christ and by the Church.

Vers. 5. and 6. The effects of the Ministry upon them is set down, some are persecuting, other scoffing, Acts 12.2. & cap. 7.38. cap. 9.1.

Vers. 7. All this was to be done before the Lord did send the Ro­mane Army and before the desolation of their Cities.

Vers. 9. He proceeds to the call of the Gentiles, which succeeded the refusall of the Jews, Acts 13.46. As for the Exposition of the rest of the Parable, I understand it to agree with the Parable of the fish and tares. See the Smoake of the Temple, about the latter end thereof.

Applica. This Parable precedes that of the Virgins, as the day precedes the night, so the Gospel day did the Gospel night, and as where the day ends the night begins, so do I conceive, that where this Parable of the Gospel day ends, there the Parable of the Night begins, shewing prophetically what would be brought forth in the world, during that time of Antichrists reigne unto the time of the Lords Marriage; and after, as concerning t [...]e ministry and govern­ment of the Church in its first constituting to the Parable of the night.

Applica. To take away the strange thoughts that the world, yea, good men will have of the Parl. & their proceedings, though guided of God (and their disaffection to the army) who will then cry out.

1 The Archbishops, then the Bishops and the Reading mini­sters, and the scandalous ministers, and the malignant ministers, as they tearmed them must go down. O! but now what do they mean? the good ministers as they call'd them, those that preached for them, they put down them also? is this the reformation they told us of in their Declarations?

2 They took down Common-prayer in our Churches, and then [Page 19] turned two or three Churches into one, that we may have preach­ing, nor have we the Sacraments in many places this six yeers, and now preaching is going away out of the Parish also; and all this cryed up for Reformation.

3 The Abbey Lands were took from the Ministry, the Bishops Lands, and now the Dean and Chapters Lands, and the Tythes, they say, shall be took away also: and it is thought the parsonage Houses, and Glebe Land will be took from the ministry also, and at last, what wil they do with the Churches?

Resp. I beseech you, take heed, and do not thinke hardly of the Parliament, if ever ye see these things; they as little think of doing these things as you: witnesse their Declarations.

1 God will have the flesh of Antichrist eaten, that is, all that maintenance that comes to the Ministry by her means. Now these things all of them came by her, be content, God will have it so.

2 God will have Antichrist in the more spirituall part, as it were the soul of Antichrist, that cannot be eat to be burned in fire, which is the Polity or Government of Antichrist, of which Presbytery is no lesse a part then Episcopacie, together with the An­tichristian doctrines of hers.

Object. O! but these are good men.

Resp. And who will say many of those under Episcopacy were not. If good men stand in a bad place, they must be removed as trees, and planted into a better, to this metaphor, the Apostle al­ludes, 1 Coloss. 13.

3 These men shall doe those things doing Gods will, indeed, but it is in the dark, and shews when they go about to do them, none shall hinder them, it being Gods will it must be done: and let me say to all concern'd herein as Gamaliel in the Acts 5.39. If this be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest happily ye be found fighters against God.

4 Should you say to the Parliament as Elisha to Hazael, 2 Kings 8.12. You will do this evill, take away all the maintenance and Ministry almost of the Kingdom into (three or foure) and then wil ye not bring this brave flourishing knowing Kingdom into deep darknesse, Atheisme, worse then Popish, like that of America, &c.

I believe, the answer would be, Do you think we are Dogs that we should ever do such things as these?

But where I may apply that of the Prophet, that God hath shew­ed to me, that these things shall be done, I leave to the issue of things t [...] prove.

5 Applic. Was there ever such trouble at the removing of these severall Ministers of the false Church, as in Cardinall Wolseys Prae­munire; for Poole was but as titular, and acted little as if dead: and in removall of Archbishops and Bishops and their Praemunire: can we think though the Deacons fal quietly, that the Presbyters fall will not cost much bloud, especially in Scotland. Do not we see what doings now there are in France? and how they are carried against the first of the foolish Virgins, the Cardinall Mazarine, who have all their work to do: but before any peace be in that Kingdom, wil do all together.

Applic. To the Kingdom untill you see these things, you can ne­ver see peace, you can never come out of Babell, you can never see the Marriage of the Lambe, nor behold the good days of God fore­told in the Scripture: these things forespoken of, make way for these to come amongst us: therefore know, as contrary to thee, as they seem to be, yet they are according to God. And it is most true, if we should consult with flesh and bloud about these things, we were utterly lost herein.

Applic. To Ministers, ye see what sad things are coming on us. I desire you not to accompt me your enemy, because I tell you the truth, Gal. 4.16. Many may be happy by it, that have hearts to make use of it; if this be not Truth, let me then be accompted the Ministers publike Enemy, whom surely in heart I have not the least desire to offend of my self at all, but it seems to me providence fore­tels you, you shall stir up the hatred of the Magistrate against you; and then you will occasion him to eat the remaining flesh, and to consume the remaining feces of Antichrists Polity amongst us.

To the Magistrate, Rev. 20.4. Thrones were set, and judgement was given to them, and the souls of them beheaded, &c. and cap. ver. 5. This is the first Resurrection. I suppose these things in a judiciall way will be brought to passe in the world, Dan. 7.13, 14. are at that time to be accompl [...]shed, Scriptures, I beleeve when accom­plished will plainly appear to have been very strangely misunder­stood, and mis-applyed, which I leave to time to evidence, and [Page 20] the troubles that do succeed upon removing the Presbytery, and that appertains [...]hereunto, is that last Woe I mentioned in the Epi­stle dedicated to his Excellency, the Lord Fairfax, Generall, before the Forme of Gospel-Government. I caused to be printed about January the 14th. 1648.

Object. You have spoken of Antichrists Ministry, as of a single Ministry: and now come to compare the Ministry of Christ which are five in the true Church, to Antichrist as having five also distinct in her false Church.

1 Bellarmine acknowledgeth, 2 Tom. de Cler. Cap. 16. That a Cardinall is but as a parish priest in his own Title.

2 They were Presbyter-Cardinals, and so no more but chiefe Presbyters: they having in their Churches but a Single Ministry: for as in their Churches a Bishop ministred not to them, nor any Archbishop, or Presbyter, unlesse as Curate, or Substitute: only Vide Potter, Numb. 666. Cap. 19. The five Gospell Ministers being in every true Gospell constituted Church, the five false in the Romane Catholick Church, or Nationall. Forbs. Irenicu. Cap. 11. de Episcop. Propos. 10, Quando Presbyter fit Episcopus, non desinit esse presbyter, &c. Peculiarem habens Ecclesiam Parochialem quae ipsi sit Cathedralis, id est, ad quam constantèr resideat, &c.

Now for Presbyters and Deacons, they were practised amongst us singly, which is proofe sufficient.

Which clears to us, That while Antichrist had his five false Anti-ministers, he had them in a false way, and not as the true Church: each one doing in the Church singly, as concerning the Ministry, and alone; which all the true Church ordinary Ministry were to do together, there being no division of Members, under the Cardi­nals, the Archbishops, or Bishops Ministry, more then in the lowest Presbyters in that Hierarchy, nor did he any thing differ in his administrations from them, as the Apostles did from Prophets, they from Evangelists, they from Pastors or Teachers in the true Church, these in the false Church, differed indeed in some things, in respect of their whole Antichristian Babylonish Hierarchy, but not in particu­l [...]r Titles, or Parish Churches.

Applic. To Scotland, In her is the Root of Presbytery, as Epis­copacy was in England: though that Geneva gave as it were first [Page 21] being unto it under Calvin: for in Scotland, Nationally it was received and confirmed by one of the ten Kings of the Romane Monarchy, &c.

1 They shall by the Presbytery be stirred up to warre, and be o­vercome by the Saints they warre against, called Hereticks, and Schismaticks, the old Romane way of proceeding against beleevers, they themselves are called so at Rome.

2 They will come in the end to hate the Presbytery, God will make them naked have their riding the Beast, that is, the Tem­porall Authority of that Kingdome opened to them, and their stan­ding be made, appear not to be Evangelicall, by which means the Kingdome of Scotland, shall come to hate them, and take away all Authority and Jurisdiction from them, and take away their Ec­clesiasticall preferments and tithes. &c. yea, make their Presbytery so desolate▪ as not to leave a Presbyter of them to be a Minister; This friends▪ it seems to me God is about to do in Scotland it selfe, and what will become of it in England? and what shall we say if ever we see God do these things?

3 Though the Warre begin here, possibly if it do, this Army will then I beleeve enter Scotland, and do for Presbytery there, as they did for Episcopacy here, but with much more integrity: for as Episcopacy was to have its fall in England, England being the Root of it, so Presbytery is to have its fall in Scotland, the Root of it being there, this estate being the Philadelphian estate, in which the love of Sister-Churches will appear.

O that the mind of God were enquired after at the Word, and that men would endeavour the fulfilling thereof, so would there be a suddain ending of our troubles, which we going against, God leads us into the wildernesse about and about: I could instance in many things in Parliament and Army, but I forbear, praying God to direct Parliament, Army, and People, to set them in a right way, to do Gods will willingly: by which means our losses, what ever to us Ministers, would be repaired. Kings and the Nations would willingly give their Kingdoms to Christ, people willingly take the course to be in communion with Christ, knowing in all Christ seeks us, not ours, and repaires all losse with wonderfull ad­vantage, giving a 1000 fold in this world, and in the world to come eternall life with himself for ever.

I have thought good to conclude with these considerations.

1 That the three Woes spoken of, Rev. 11.14. had respect to the Wrath of God causing by degrees the fall of the false Church, which fell utterly in the last Woe, though I know usually men apply it to the last Judgement of the wicked, which cannot be.

Now in the first Woe fell of the false Church ministry, Cardinals, and with them Votaryes, Fryers, Abbots, Abbyes, with their main­tenance, and with them as false apostles, the Apochryphall Scripture they had set up, with the golden Legend, the Book of false miracles, Buls, Indulgencies, &c. ceased with them here.

2 Under the second Woe, fell the Archbishops, and Bishops, and with them Chancellors, Commissaries, Deanes, Deanes and Ch [...]pters, &c. their Lands, &c. and with them fell the Common-Prayer Booke, in which was the allowed Ministry of the Land, with the Homily-Booke.

3 Vnder the third Woe, which is that I formerly spoke of, men­tioned in the Epistle I dedicated to his Excellency, the Lord Fair­fax Generall, which is yet to come, in which is the fall of Presby­ters and Deacons, as the Root of Antichrist, in whom fals the now preaching, maintenance by Tythes, Gleabs, Church consti­tutions &c. It any more be in the false, when people come to see they are in a Bable, that is, in a Confusion indeed, and there is then way made for the Calling Ministry, and Church constitution of Christ, when the World hath nothing of the now, or past Ministry left then is that, and not before fulfilled, That Babel is fallen.

Illustration this is understood, as I suppose by that Rev. 16.12. The sixth Angel poured out his viol on the River Euphrates, and the waters thereof were dryed up, that the way of the Kings of the East may be prepared.

1 Many things in one part of the Rev. said to be done, under the sixth, in another are said to be done under the seventh, because in one part of the world, that is done under one, in another is done under a­nother. Part of this vision begining under the 6, is ended under the 7th.

2 Here, by waters, I understand the Ministry of Antichrist, be­longing to Babel, as Euphrates did, which was that in the false, as the River of God spoken of in the true, Revel. 2.12. Psal. 46.5. There is a River, the streams whereof shall make glad the City of God.

[Page 23]3 The great River that had that multitude of Priests, Friers, Bishops, &c. is to be dryed up, and taken clean away.

4 By which only the way of the Governours of the Sun rising is prepared intimating that as men East of Babel could not come to Jerusalem for that water, so the Gospel ministry of the new Jeru­salem cannot come to it for the water of Babel remains.

Object. How can you prove the Apostles of the true slept in the time of administration of the false Church, especially under Presbytery.

Reply, 1 The Presbytery, and the rest before them say, the A­postles are extraordinary Officers and are ceased: as in the Proposi­tions of the Assembly.

2 They apprehend not that in excomunications, &c. Of Church Administrations they were to do it with the Apostles and Apostles with them as that, 1 Cor. 5.4. Intimates we should doe in doing it and so cease not.

So that Antichrist end seems to me thus to be brought about in the Lords taking down Ministery means and Ordinances, these being not long to be ministred by any Authority from or of Rome, when the Lord wil decide that great controversie of the calling of the Mi­nistery, that now is, where it be of God or not, when there wil be no visible form of Church Government left, no more then was in that time in this Kingdom, which was before the birth of Christ, into which miserable estate of confusion or desolate condition Babell fals and ends; who in her glorious estate was Babell, that is Confu­sion, but in this as being that Jericho or City of the Curse de­voted, with all within her to be destroyed, not the gold or garments of Babell being to be left at all, for the Lord Jesus now falling on her grinds her to powder: when if this prove true, what will they say, that so bitterly speak of the false and reputed Schismaticall tea­chers, saying, God will pluck off the vizard of these persons: and not­withstanding their pretences, discover with what lying spirit they are led, so that their madnesse shall in their destruction be manifested to all, to the comfort of the people of God, and everlasting shame and confusion of their own faces. O man▪ remember thy end, Ba­bell fals, Revel. 18.10. In one houre shall her judgment come; the Al­mighty God hastens her to her end, and she cannot find rest but in the judgment aforesaid, in which God as in her everlasting grave [Page 24] entombes her for ever: at which the Saints in Heaven above, and on earth beneath, shall sing songs of praise and glory to God for ever. Amen.

Now, that the glory of this truth may shine as the Sun in the threefold fall of her triple Crown. See Revel. 16.19. The great City was divided into three parts; so that as there were three woes fell on the Hierarchie of Rome, so it shews why but three, because the great City, the mysticall Rome was divided into three parts; the first part subject to Cardinals, and the second part subject to Episcopacy, and the third part subject to Presbytery: these are divided in Judg­ment and Government, preaching one against an other, and are three, and yet but one City, and do belong thereunto, and the City never fals untill all these parts are faln, upon which fals the Cities of the Nations. O London: fall to Christ, or thou wilt fall for oppo­sing Christ in this very time comes either thy greatest happiness or unhappiness thou ever hadst upon thee: The Lord make thee wise in this thy day to know the things of thy peace, that thou mayst finde mercy and not in judgment, have them hid from thee. Luke 19.42.

Revel. 11. vers. 3. Mentions that Ministry which was ordained of God, to supply the place of the true and falne Ministry, of the Church, set out under the name of two witnesses, who are ordained of God to prophesie, and thereby to feed the Elect of God, during the time of the Churches hid estate, which is computed to be by the Spirit of God, 1260 days prophetically yeares, Revel. 12.6. which is the full time of Antichrists reign, of whom I commend these things to be considered of.

1 That the two witnesses, comprehend not the whole Ministry of any age, but only such who in each age of the predicted time did oppose Antichrist, maintaining the Gospel truth against his errours, in doctrine, discipline, or Church Constitution, in the several times and ages they lived in, so that ones witnesse may differ from another, according to the measure of knowledge God had communicated unto them, in their day, one witnessing against his corrupt doctrine of iustification, &c. Others against his Idolatry, &c. Against whom God had still some to oppose, and direct the Church to this day, this being a part of that time.

2. Their witnesse is but for a limited time, even the time of the [Page 25] Churches hiding, and then ends. Revel. 11.7. [...], There Testimony is not long before it be ful­filled if not already, after which they shall teach no more, as they have done before.

3 Consider but Him, that is to put an end to their Ministry▪ and then the time is known, when this and by whom it shal be effected, Rev. 17.3. I saw a woman, (that is the Papacy) sitting on a Scarlet coloured beast, (that is the Roman Empire) now here, Revel. 11.7. The beast that is some part of the Civill State, of the Roman Mo­narchy, set down, Vers 13. By a tenth part of the City, which Eng­land is being one of the 10 Kingdomes, of the Roman Monarchy, and a tenth part of the City, gets up out of the bottomlesse pit, or Antichrists prison, the Key whereof the fallen Star keepeth, Revel. 9.1. which proves her authority thereof.

4 The beast thus having broken the prison, makes war with the witnesses, by questioning their ministry, the witnesses could not war with any other weapons then the word, and then overcomes them and kils them, (not slaying their persons but nullifying their ministry.

5 Into their carcasses, that is into their now dead ministry, comes the spirit of life from God, that is God comes to restore, in their stead the true ministry, into the Church againe, now that this is meant of their successors, not themselves, I desire you to observe.

1 Their ministry is fulfiled that is, that they were to doe by their ministry, they have done and are to do no more in the Church.

2 Their time being set is now accomplished, and are no longer to continue, and if they then, sure the other antichristian Ministry, that is not of God, is much more to end.

6 The spirit of life entring into their carcasses, is the right call and abundance of gifts, God shall blesse the succeeding mi­nistry with.

7 That the successors of these, vers. 12. Are called into heaven, that is, they are acknowledged by the Church, to be the true Gospel ministry.

8 On this the 10 part of the City falls, vers. In which a full and perfect deliverance is given, to one of the ten Kingdoms, from the Antichristian estat and not before.

Aplic. England see where and in what time thou art in, and what is to be done in thee for thy cure, and how neer thy comfort and Salvation is.

2 How contrary the actings of men, are to Gods minde, the sole cause of all our troubles.

3 I cannot passe this by that the witnesses Prophesied in sack­cloath, Revel. 11.3. And so did weare none of the Popes Scarlet, or the Bishops silks, or had they the rule of States, with the Presbytery, but were during their whole time of ministry, in a sad and suffering condition lamenting, their own and the Saints calamities, being al­w [...]ys under antichristian persecution for the truth, and never having publicke Government in their hands, as Presbytery hath had, at all.

4 These witnesses rise again in the restauration of the true Gos­pel ministry foretold of God, Revel. 20. ver. 4.5.

You shall see in this how God makes good the judgment written of her, when shall be fulfilled on her that she did on the messengers of the Gospel, that she may say as I have done, the Lord hath re­quited me, Revel. 18.6. Return to her even as she hath returned to you. Now the word is verbum factivum▪ that which God saith here, Do, shall be done when the time is come, & people be, to whom these words are written. For as the Apostle, 1 Pet. 1.12. not to themselves, but us they did minister these things, so these things are ministred to those men that live in that t [...]me, God will have these things done, when the Word shall fill their spirits with might to do the will of the Lord.

1 Who is to be returned unto, that is her, the false Church of Rome.

2 How she is to be rewarded, and that is as she hath rewarded the true Church of Christ.

3 He shews the Rule God wil have observed in returning to her, which is, That as she hath done, she shall be done unto.

1 Now, consider by policy she first destroyed the Gospel Mini­stry, God will take down hers by the purity and power of his Word again, and set up the Gospel Government in her stead.

2 By cruelty and disgrace shee destroyed these Witnesses, which taught the Gospel of Truth in the time of her Reigne, now to this the holy Spirit alludes, as being the way of Gods judgment, in [...]h [...]ch the Saints are to be execution [...]rs, and to do to her (that is Antichrist) as she hath done.

[Page 27]3 The thing God aimed at herein is to shew Antichrists tyran­ny used against those God raised up to preach the Gospel, by degra­ding them, as in the History of John Huss at Constance, and of John Sawtrey the first English Martyr, the History in brief being thus: The Bishops cause him to be apparelled in Priestly Vestments, and to be brought to appear before them▪ when the Archbishop of Can­terbury Thomas Arundel 1399 saith, I denounce thee William Saw­trey in the Habit of a Priest, as an Heretick, I do condemne thee in the name of all my fellow brethren the Bishops, &c. and of the whole Clergy I do degrade and deprive thee of thy Priestly Order, in signe whereof, we take from thee the Patent and Chalice, and do deprive thee of authority of saying Mass: we pull from thy back the Casul, and take from thee thy Vestment, and deprive thee of all manner of Priestly honour.

And then having proceeded in manner of pronouncing sentence against him (as before) he proceeds, Wee put thee from the order of a Deacon, in token we take from thee the book of the New Testament and the Stole, and do deprive thee of reading the Gospel, and all dig­nity of a Deacon.

As a Sub [...]eacon they deprive [...] [...] of the Albe and Maniple.

As a Acolite they take away the Candlestick and Taper.

As a Exorcist, the book of Conjuration.

As a Reader they took away the book of the Church Legend.

As Sexton they took away the Keys of the Church doore, and the Surplice.

And then raze his Crown, and put a Cap of a Lay person on his head, and deliver him to the Secular power, and say, pray be favoura­ble to him, who after burns him (being called on by the Bishops) in the City of London.

Now you are to observe if a Cardinall, Archbishop or Bishop had proved thus Heretical, other things had been done to him, in his Pale Crosier Mitre and other fooleries, as in part was done on those Bishops suffered in Queen Maryes dayes.

O! Friends, see is not the Surplise taken away, the Legend, the Booke of Conjurations, the Candlesticks, the Taper, the Alb, the Maniple, the New Testament, and stole from the Deacon, I mean to exercise it ministerially, the Paten and Chalice, the Casul, the [Page 28] Masse, the Mitre, Crosier and Cardinals Cap, are not all in a little while, with many more gone out of the Kingdome, and swept clean away as with the beesome of God.

4 Things are here done more to be observed.

1 Depriving of Priestly honour.

2 Razing the Crown.

3 Puting on a Laymans Cap, which we should be loath to have done on us.

4 The saying to the Temporall power, we beseech you to receive William Sawtrey, favourably into your power, if ever God should doe this, the Civil power need to be favourable to us, for never men needed more favour of them then we shall, the Lord grant some way may be found out to supply our families, which are not the least in the Kingdom, and let not us Ministers if these things are to be, not occasion the Magistrate to be straightned to us. Lord, what a day is coming on us Ministers, sure, another day of judgment which we cannot flye from. That Parable of the unjust Steward, Luke 16.1. to the end of vers. 11. will be after more cleerly understood then yet it is. But this is for comfort, certainly, that after the true Church is constituted, the abundance of blessings will be such I think, no man will lack.

I shall end this part with certain Predictions agreeable here­unto.

Walter Brute, about 1393. but if in time to come after this, those that be Temporall Lords shall take from Ecclesiastical persons their Temporalties, let him that desireth to understand this, read Ezek. chap. of the Sheepherds of Israel, and read the Apocalyps, of the fall of Babel, let him read the Popes Decretals against Heretiks, in these he shall find the Temporalties shal be taken from the Clergy for the multitudes of their sins, Acts and Mon.

A Prediction of Merlinus Calcedenius, a Scot.

After a long tribulation of Christians and effusion of innocent bloud, the prosperity and peace of God shall come to a desolate Nation, I mean the Christians for an excellent Pastor shall come, and rectifie all things, and all things shall be according to the form of the Primitive Church.

Joannes Wolfius cites a Prediction.

[Page 29]
Europae genitus terra vir justus & aequus
Pastor erit, coeli claves non regna gubernans
Pax erit, & toto surget concordia mundo:
Una fides, unus regnabit in omnia princeps.

Saint Bridget saith of the Pope, that a sword of God should pierce his body, and run him throrough from head to heart, never to be pulled out, and after his armes, his Vicars and Ministers their souls should be debarred the glory of God, and their dignity and goods should be devolved unto others.

Joachim an Italian Abbot, in his Concord of the two Testaments, hath written many predictions, which accord with these.

Joannes de rupe Scissa, once Bishop of Paris, hath foretold that the Pope [...], Archbishops, Bishops, and the whole Clergy of Rome sha [...]l be brought back again to the Primitive form of Christ and his Apostles, with most sharp scourges, and that all temporall principa­lities shall be taken from the Clergy.

Savanorala, that the Apostolicall See should be removed from Rome to Jerusalem, if hereby be understood the New Jerusalem it is true. And its possible these Predictions, were for the most part taken from Scripture, as Expositions only, as in the predicted place of Walter Brute, according to which I have done mine, which none can quarrell at, unlesse he quarrell against the Word, if it agree with the mind of the holy Spirit, if not reprove it, print against it.

After part of the wrath of God contained under the sixth Seal, in which is a fall of the ministry, Revel. 6.13. and demolishing of Church Government, in rolling away of the Heavens, vers. 14. chap. 7.1. there is an endevour by 4 Angels, that is, ministers to stop the Win [...]s or Gospel through discontent that their ministry and govern­ment was abolished, it being given to them by the Magistrate. It is liked not of God, because they are by the other Angel that differed from them forbade to do it, it is like they will endevour to peace if their call to the ministry be false, there is none true, and so ought to be no teaching at all, but the other Angel that ascends from the Sun rising, that is he, that was of those Christ the Son of righteousnesse at first sent forth with the Gospel, hee opposeth them who hath the Seal that is the authority of the living God to constitute Churches, [Page 30] and gather members into Gospel fellowship with Jesus Christ by the word, setting men apart to God, thereby from the World.

Reader, one word of this Scripture is not fulfilled, but follows the things in hand, time will shortly manifest them in another way then yet they are.

In the Ministry of Edmundsbury in the Celleners great Chamber window, in one half of the glasse was pictured the Apostle Paul, having in one hand a sword, and with the other points to a picture, and the other side of the window, with a triple Crown in a glorious Seat, holding the Globe of the World in his hand, environed with Priests, Monks, Preachers and Fryers, and having out of his mouth an unclean spirit flying or fluttering about the same, his Crown was compassed (is it were) with Sun-beams, and in three severall places written about it in short, Antichristus, and about the Apostles head, was written Veniet discessio primum.

And underneath the Apostle Paul is pictured Malachy the Pro­phet, and written above his head, Ecce ego mittam vobis Eliam Prophetam, Behold, I will send you Eliah the Prophet, and he shall turne the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, least I smite the earth with a Curse: and with the finger pointed at Eliah, pictured on the other hand, over against him un­derneath the picture of Antichrist, as if hee were preaching to the Prelates, Priests, Monks and Friers, amongst whom some are re­presented, as stopping their cares and nose thereat. Some as if they seemed sleeping, ot [...]er some at listning and assenting to that Elias saith, Vide Maxwels History of admirable prophecies.

I do not cite these, as if the Scripture were not sufficient to ad­monish us, or that I use them as of any authority in a manner, but thus, that when all knowledge was taken away from the people, God stirred up the dumbe to speak, and made the blinde see the de­struction of Antichrist to wonder and admiration, so that Popes, Cardinals, &c. cannot say but they have been admonished of God from Heaven, as it were of that destruction, most certainly follow­eth. Now if these, how much more should we from the word warn men and be warned, in which they may see truth themselves spoken of God that cannot lie, and blessed is that soule is not offen­ded at it but made wise, and in it happy for ever, which is it I on­ly [Page 31] seek God is witness, and not of my self, the wrong or fall of any enviously; but the admonition of all that are concern'd here in love and in peace, in God, and in Christ our Lord, according to the e­verlasting Gospel of our blessed God and Saviour, and who is he that came or shal be offended at it, and not offend God; yea, try if it be the truth, if so, if thou believe not; yea, if thou submit not to it, the enmity of this heart appears against, which pray the Lord ear­nestly to give thee grace and mercy, that thou be not left thereto for ever: whereto the Lord help all his daily evermore.



Page 1. r. parabolas, p. 4. l. 34. r. are in. p. 5. l. 2. r. Presbyter, p. 5. l. 17. r. false prophet, p. 5. l. 23. r. alterius orbis, p. 5. 28, 29. r. for the Evangelists p. 10 l. 16. dele that, l. 35. r. who are p. 13. l. ult. r. association p. 19. at end of 20 l. 1 Cor. 3.15 p. 19. l. 4. r. as at.

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