Country Dances: BEING A Composition Entirely NEW; AND The whole Cast Different from all that have yet been Publish'd; with Bass and Treble to each Dance.

ALSO, The Newest French Dances in use, Entryes, Genteel and Grotesque, Chacons, Rigodoons, Minuets, and other Dancing Tunes.

By Thomas Bray.

LONDON: Printed by William Pearson next Door to the Hare and Feathers in Alders-gate-street, for the Author; and Sold by Mr. Playford, at the Temple-Change-Fleetstreet, Mr: Crouch in Princes-street near Convent-garden, Mr. Couthbutt in Russel-street near Convent-garden. And all other Musick Shops. 1699.


May it please Your Highness,

THE unspeakable Honour which your Highness is pleased to bestow up­on this Trifle, is such, that a Pen more powerfull than I can pretend to, is not in any measure able to express it; But as your Highness has been pleas'd to Illustrate it by your Patronage, I have no reason to doubt, Sir, Your Pardon for the Authors presumption, in aspiring to such a Heighth, as Dedicating a work so worthless in it self, that it has nothing but [Page] Your Highnesses Espousal to Recommend it; And as it is Honour'd with so Glo­rious, and Youthfull a Champion, to fight its Cause, I need not dispute, but may with confidence assure my self of its Success and reception; For tho' it may want Beauties to Insinuate its self into the favour of some, yet the Nobleness of the Patron will assuredly plead for its Defects, and make it passable to all. And since Your Highness has been pleas'd to Patronize this, I dare not question, but Your Highness will also give the unworthy Author the liberty of Subscribing him­self,

Your Highnesses most Dutifully Obedient, and devoted Servant, Tho. Bray.

A TABLE to Explain the Characters made use of in this Book.

S. Stands for Single.
Wo. Stands for Woman.
Wo. Stands for Women.
Cu. Stands for Couple.
1st. Stands for First.
2d. Stands for Second.
Proper. Is when the Men and Women are on their own sides.
Improper. Is when the Men are on the Woman's side, or the Women on the Men's side.
.̲̲ This for a Strain of the Tune played once over.
:̲̲ This for a Strain twice over.

To the READER.

AS the Author has made this Composition of Dances Entirely New, so he has endeavour'd to make them as easie as possible, to evary ingenious Reader, but if any Gentleman or Lady finds any difficulty in the performance of any of them, he shall be ready, when ever commanded, to wait upon them with his Instructions.

The Reader is desir'd to Correct one mistake in the Dance of the Parsons Cap, Viz in Page 8. Line the second, for [his Wo.] Read [her Man.]

Round O. Treb.

[...]First Strain again.



The Gloucester, a New Country Dance in three Parts.

The First Man begins Improper only in the First Part.

THe first couple turns the second couple a whole turn and a quarter, with the right Hands, till they come all on a row cross the Room; the first couple with their Faces down, the second couple with theirs up; then all cast off to the left Hand, the first couple till they come below, the second cou­ple till they come above; and so to the end changing with your Woman when you come to the bottom.

The second Part.

Each Man changing with his own, with the right Hand, 1st. Wo. and 2.d Man turn to the right Hand, and move two or three steps to the wall, the other cu. following them at the same time, the 1st. Wo. cast off, the Man following her till they come below, the 2d. Man cast up his Wo. following him, till they come into the 1st. cu. place above as at first, and so to the end.

The third Part.

First Man put his Wo. from him with both Hands into the 2d. cu. place, 2d. Man pull his Wo. to him with both Hands at the same time into the 1st. cu. place, then the 2d. Man take Hands with both We. and go quite round to the left Hand, the 1st. Man goes quite round at the same time, on the outside of them, with his left Hand to them, 1st. cu. ends below, 2d. cu. above, and so to the end.





The Duke of Gloucester's March, a New Country Dance.

THe First Man and second Woman turn to their right Hand and move to the wall two or three steps, and close their feet; 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man each follow their own Partner at the same time, and close their feet; then 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man turn both to the left Hand round and meet in the middle of the room with their backs to each other, the 1st. Man turns down to the left Hand, and takes his Wo. by both Hands, the 2d. Wo. turns up to the left Hand at the same time, and takes her Man by both Hands, then the 1st. Man puts his Wo. back, and the 2d. Wo. puts her Man back, 1st. cu. below, 2d. cu. above, then each Man changing with his own .̲̲ The same thing again :̲̲ First Wo. casts off to the 2d. Man's place, and 2d. Man casts up to the 1st. Wo. place, the other cu. following their Partners, at the same time to each others place, the same thing back again, only the 1st. Man cast up into his own place as at first, the 2d. Wo. casting down at the same time, the other cu. following them to their own places as at first .̲̲ The 1st. Man and Wo. meet in the middle of the Room, the Man behind the Wo. and close their feet, the 2d. cu. do the same after them, 1st. cu. lead up and cast off, 2d. cu. lead up at the same time, and turn single from cach other :̲̲ And so to the end.

Rigodoon. Treb.


Rigodoon. Bass.


A New Country Dance, call'd St. James's- House.
The first Man begins Improper in the first Part only,

THe first cu. slip out from each other, two or three steps and close their feet with their Faces up, the 2d. cu. slip in at the same time, and close their feet, with their Faces down; then the 1st. cu. in, and the 2d. cu. out as before, 1st. cu. cast off to the 2d. cu. place, the 2d. cu. leads up the middle at the same time, and turn single from each other. The 1st. Man, and 2d. Man meet betwixt their We. and close their feet and clap both their Hands against each other, then each Man go round the contrary Wo. on the inside to the same places again. Then the We. do the same after them, only going round the Men. to the left Hand, as the Men did to the right, and so to the end, changing places with your Wo. at the bottom. Second passage thus,

All four Right and Left three times, each Man begining with his Wo. first the same thing back again, beginning with the left Hand, first all four meet in the middle of the Room longways all on a Row, the Men with their right Shoulders to the We. then both Men cast off to the left Hand quick below the We. with their left shoulders to each other, then the We. cast off after them to the right Hand till they come with their right Shoulders to their Men as they were before, then each Man turn his Wo. three quarters round with their right Hand, 1st. cu. lead up and cast off, 2d. cu. lead up the middle and turn single, and so to the end.





Lincolns-Inn Garden, A New Country Dance.
First Man begins Improper.

THe first Man put the second Wo. from him with both Hands, first Wo. pull the 2d. Man to her at the same time, till they come all on a Row longways, the Men in the middle with their backs to each other, then Men turn both to the right Hand, to each others place as at first. We. cast to the left Hand to their own places as at first .̲̲ The same again, only the We. must be with their backs to each other in the middle of the Room, and turn to each others place to the left Hand, Men to the right, to their own places again :̲̲ All lead in and turn single, all lead out and turn single, first cu. lead up the middle and turn single, 2d. cu cast off at the same time, then all four meet in the middle of the Room longways, Men uppermost with their faces down, We. with theirs up, and all Foot it .̲̲ First Man slip out to the left Hand, and in again behind his Wo. second Man do the same to the right Hand, at the same time, We. the same after them, first Man turn his Wo. a Quarter with both Hands to the left, second Man the same to the right at the same time; then all lead up, then 1st. cu. lead down the middle, 2d. cu. cast up :̲̲ And so to the end.





The Spring, a New Country Dance.

THe first and second Man move up two or three steps, and turn back to the left to their own places again; We. move down at the same time, and do the same .̲̲ Each Man changing places with his Wo. with the right Hand, Men with their Faces down, We. with theirs up, then all turn single to the left Hand from each other, to each others place; Men being Improper :̲̲ First Man and second Wo. goes half round their own Partners on the outside, and turn right Hands round, the first Man ends below, the second Wo. above .̲̲ The first Wo. and second Man do the same after them :̲̲ And so to the end.





The Woman's the Man, a New Country Dance.
The Women begin all Improper.

THe 1st. and 2d. Wo. take both hands and slip to the Wall and foot it twice and close their feet, and turn-single three quarters round, and beckon their Men; then all four meet in the middle of the Room longways, and foot it as before, the We. uppermost, then We. place their Mens Hands a cross before them, and presently afterward make them hold up their Heads, by puting their Hands under their Chins .̲̲ Men stand still while the We. Dance round them, on the right side of them to their own place again, and foot it twice, and close their feet, then take their Men by both Hands, and sett them by their sides, then after sett their own by their sides, then slip out from each other, the We. to their proper places as at first, the Men to theirs and all turn to the right Hand, and foot it as before :̲̲ We. move up two or three steps, and turn S. to the left Hand, Men move down two or three steps and do the same, then We. do the same thing down the Room and turn to the right Hand, Men move up and do the same at the same time, 1st. Wo. and Man meet in the middle of the Room, and turn to the right Hand with their backs to each other, the Womans Face up, the Mans Face down, and foot it as before, then move out to your own places again, and turn to the left Hand, and foot it as before; the 2d. cu. moving in and turning their backs to each other at the same time as the 1st. cu. moves out and foot it .̲̲ 1st. Man and Wo. meets betwixt the other cu. the 2d. Wo. moving up, and 2d. Man down at the same time, and all foot it as before, then 1st. cu. cross over, 2d. cu. meet at the same time and stand all four on a Row broadways of the Room, and foot it, all lead up and fall back, 1st. cu. cast off and cross over, 2d. cu. lead up and turn S. [...] So to the end.





Rosamonds Pond, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man take Hands with the 2d. Wo. and left Hands a cross and turn S. both to the right Hand to their own places again; the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man go half round, to each others place at the same time, then the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man take right hands, and left Hands a cross, and turn S. to the right Hand to the same place again, and the 1st. Man and 2. Wo. go half round at the same time .̲̲ Then the same thing again till they all come to their proper place as at first :̲̲ The 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. change places with both Hands, and turn S. to the right Hand, to each others place, the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man do the same after them .̲̲ 1st. Man take his Wo. by both Hands, and put her from him, till they come above, 2d. Man take his Wo. by both Hands at the same time, and pull her to him till they come below, then the 1st. cu. cross over and meet below; the 2d. cu. cross up the middle and meet above :̲̲ And so to the end.





The Parson's Cap, a New Country Dance.
The first part twice, the last once.

THe 1st. Man cast off to the 2d. Womans place, his Wo. following him to the 2d. Mans place; the 2d. Wo. cast off to the 1st. Mans, place, at the same time, his Wo. following him half round, then each Man turn his Wo. round with the right Hand .̲̲ The same thing back again :̲̲ Men and We [...] cross over with their lest Shoulders to each other, and turn back again to the left Hand, and meet in the mid­dle of the Room, with their right Shoulders to each other, and stand longways of the Room, then each turn his own a whole turn and a quarter, till they come as at first; then 1st. Man, and 2d. Wo. turn to the right Hand and move to the wall and turn half round, 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man follow their Partners, then 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man turn to their left Hands round, and Sett their backs to each other, their Partners following them; the 1st. Man pull his Wo. to him, and put her below; the 2d. Man puts his Wo. from him, and puls her to him above :̲̲ So to the end.





The Wives Victory, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man take his Wo. by both Hands, and pull her to him, and put her from him in the mid­dle of the Room; the 2d. Man puts his Wo. from him at the same time, and pulls her to him, till he comes into the middle of the Room, with his right shoulder to the 1st. Wo. then the 2d. Man and 1st. Wo. change places with the right Hand, the 1st. Wo. turns to her left hand into her Mans place, as at first; the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. go half round at the same time, to their own Partners place as at first .̲̲ The same again, only the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. must be with their right Shoulders to each other in the middle of the Room, and change places with the right Hand, and both turn to the left Hand to their pro­per places as at first, and the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man go half round, at the same time to their places as at first :̲̲ Then both the Men change places with their We. with the right Hand, and back again with the left; 1st. Man cross over with the 2d. Wo. the other cu. do the same after them .̲̲ All four Hands half round to the left Hand, and all turn S. then all four Hands half round to the left Hand again, and each Man change places with his own :̲̲ And so to the end.





Gleamham-Hall, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man and 2d. VVo. go round their own Partners on the outside to each others place, and meet in the middle of the Room, then cast back again to the left Hand to their own places, as at first .̲̲ The 1st. VVo. and 2d. Man the same after them, only they must cast back to their right Hand :̲̲ The 1st. cu. cross over and meet below, the 2. cu. and leads up the middle, the 1st. Man turn to the right Hand above the 2d. VVo. and take her by the right Hand, the 1st. VVo. doing the same at the same time, only turning to the left Hand, and take left Hands with the 2d. Man, then all four slip up the Room two or three steps and close their feet and all turn single, quite round, 1st. cu. move out, 2. cu. in, then 1st. cu. in, and 2d. cu. out, 1st. cu. cast off and cross over below, 2d. cu. cross over up the middle at the same time, and turn S. :̲̲ And so to the end.





Braye 's Magott, a New Country Dance.
First Strain twice, last but once.

THe 1st. Man goes on the outside of his Wo. till he comes betwixt the 1st. and 2d. Wo. then take his Wo. by the left Hand, the 2d. Wo. by the right and fall back all on a row, and lead in to the mid­dle of the Room, 2d. Man fall back when they fall back, and meet them in the middle of the Room right against the 1st. Man .̲̲ The 1st. Man goeth the Hay with both the We. till he comes to the same place again beginning on the inside of his own Wo. First the 2d. Man go round the other three at the same time, to the same place again with his left Hand to them :̲̲ Then the 2d. Man goes the Hay, begin­ning with his Wo. first, and the 1st. Man goes round with his left Hand to them, as before. This is half the last Strain. Then the 1st. Man takes his Wo. by both Hands and pulls her to him into the 2d. cu. place, as at first, 2d. Man pulls his Wo. to him at the same time, and puts her into the 1st. cu. place, as at first, then each Man turn his Wo. round with both hands. And so to the end.






A Conceal'd Health, a New Country Dance.
First Strain twice, last but once.

THe 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. cross over to each others place, and turn both to the right Hand, and stand with their Faces out, the other cu. doing the same after them .̲̲ Then all four go half round to their left Hands, and stand as at first, then Men and We. Right and left twice, each Man be­ginning with his own Wo. first :̲̲ Then all four Hands half round to the left Hand, and each Man change places with his own; the Men being improper, then Men clap their Womens right Hand, and left Hand, and both their Hands against Wemens, and all turn single: This is half the last Strain. Then each Man turn his Wo. with the right Hand, three quarters round, and close their Feet, standing all on a row longways of the Room, with their right Shoulders to each other, the Men being uppermost, and make a little stop, and then turn the 1st. cu. down, the 2d. cu. up. And so to the end.





Short and sweet, a New Country Dance.

THe Men and We. meet in the middle of the Room, with their right Shoulders to each other, the Men uppermost and stand all on a row longways the Room; then all turn to the left Hand, and stand as at first .̲̲ The same on the other side, only turn back to the right hand :̲̲ Then 1st. Man change places with his Wo. with his right hand, and lead up and turn S. from each other, then 1st. Man turn the 2d. Wo. with the right hand three quarters round, till he come into the middle of the Room; the 1st. Wo. turns the 2d. Man at the same time with the left Hand till she come into the middle of the Room, the 1st. cu. with their Faces up, the 2d. cu. with theirs down and stand all on a row cross the Room .̲̲ The 1st. Man go back to back with the 2d. Wo. the other cu. the same at the same time, then the 1st. cu. cross over and meet below, the 2d. cu. meet and lead up the middle and turn S. :̲̲ And so to the end.





Bartlett-House, a New Country Dance.
First Man begins Improper.

THe 1st. Man cast off and turn up to the right Hand, to his own place, as at first, his Wo. follow­ing to the 2d. Wo. place, the 2d. Man casts up at the same time, and down again to his own place, as at first, his Wo. following at the same time to the 1st. Wo. place, that is half round; then each Man lead his Wo. to the wall and back again .̲̲ The same again, only the We. do what the Men did, and the Men do what the We. did :̲̲ Then right Hands, and left Hands twice, each Man beginning with his own Wo. first, then foot it twice and close your Feet, the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. standing with their left Shoulders to each other longways the Room, the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man the same; then each Man go back with the contrary Wo. to the same place again .̲̲ Then all four cast off to the right Hand half round, and then right Hands and left three times beginning with the contrary Wo. first :̲̲ And so to the end.





Granadiers Exercise, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man and Wo. change places with the right Hand, and lead down betwixt the 2d. cu. and turn from each other, the 2d, cu. at the same time fall back, and cast up half way, and meet the 1st. cu. with their Faces to each other all on a row, cross the Room; then the 1st. Man pulls the 2d. Wo. to him below, the 1st. Wo. pulls the 2d. Man to her above, at the same time, then all turn S. .̲̲ The same again, only the 2d. Man begins with the r [...]. Wo. and the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. fall back and cast a little up as before, :̲̲ The 1st. Man cast off and go round the 2d. Wo. on the inside, his Wo. following him at the same time, and go round the 2d. Man on the inside till they meet below the 2d. cu. and then cross over with each other .̲̲ Then 1st. Man cross over with the 2d. Wo. 2d. Man with the 1st. Wo. after them; then 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. again, the other cu. the same :̲̲ And so to the end.





Love and a Bottle, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man turn his Wo. with the right Hand half round, and both move to the 2d. Man and take Hands with him, and all three go round to the left Hand, till the 1st. Man comes to his own place as at first, 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man to each others places as at first, 2d. Wo. stands still all this while .̲̲ The same again only the We. change places with the right Hand, and go to the 2d. Man and take Hands and go round to the left Hand, each to his own place as at first, the 1st. Man standing still as they go round :̲̲ The 1st. Man turn the 2d. Wo. round with the right Hand, and fall back from her, the other cu. turn right Hand round as they fall back, then the 1st. and 2d. Wo. meet, and each Man turn his VVo. round with the left Hand, till they come all to their places as at first; Then Men Kiss their VVemens Hands, and there VVe. make a sign of Drinking immediately after, by lifting their left Hands, to their Mouths .̲̲ The 1st. Man take his VVo. by the right Hand, and then by the left, and change places with her, the 2. cu. the same after them, 1st. cu. cross over and meet below, the 2d. cu. lead up the middle and turn single, then Kiss the VVemens Hands as before :̲̲ And so to the end.





The Lovers Luck, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man turn his Wo. with his right Hand, and fall betwixt the 2d. cu. with his Face to his Wo. and his Wo. fall from him at the same time; 1st. Man turn the 2d. Wo. with the left Hand, till he comes into the middle of the Room above, his Wo. turns the 2d. Man at the same time with the left Hand, till she comes into the middle of the Room below, then 1st. Man and 1st. Wo. go round each other to the left Hand, till they come to their places as at first, and then cast off .̲̲ The 2d. cu. do the same after them :̲̲ Then 1st. cu. lead up, 2d. cu. lead down, and all turn S. then back again and turn S. then each Man turn his Wo. round with the right Hand, .̲̲ 1st. The Wo. cast off to the right Hand to the 2d. Mans place, the 2d. Man cast up to the 1st. Womans place at the same time, the other cu. following their own Partners till they come all on a row, the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. with their backs to each other, then all four turn to the left Hand, 1st. cu. down, 2d. cu. up, and each Man cross over with his own :̲̲ And so to the end.





The Scotch Measure a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man and VVo. cross over, and meet below the 2d. cu. and lead up all on a Row, 1st. Man turn the 2d. VVo. round by the right Hand, his VVo. doing the same with the 2d. Man, then turn your own with your left Hand into your own places as at first .̲̲ The 2d. cu. do the same only lead down all on a Row as the 1st. cu. lead up :̲̲ All four Hands half round to the left Hand, 1st. Man and 2d. VVo. cross over with each other; then Hands half round to the left Hand again; 1st. VVo. and 2d. Man cross over with each other .̲̲ The 1st. Man and 2d. VVo. Sett and fall back, then Men and VVe. Sett to each other and fall back, 1st. cu. cross over up the middle, 2d. cu. cast off at the same time, then 1st. cu. cast off and 2d. cu. cross over up the middle :̲̲ And so to the end.





Cupid's Bridge, a New Country Dance.

THe 1st. Man and Wo. meet with their left shoulder to each other, and turn half round with their right shoulder to each other; the 2d. cu. doing the same after them, standing all on a row longways the Room; then slip by each other, the 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. with their backs to each other, till they come to a square and all foot it; then all turn to the left hand, the 1st. cu. below, the 2d. above, the Men improper .̲̲ The same again :̲̲ The 1st. cu. cross over and turn the 2d. cu. with the right hand, and slip by each other, holding right Hands as they pass by into a square, Men with their Faces up, We. down, Men pass over before their We. and turn back to the right Hand to the same place again, coming back behind their we. .̲̲ Then We. the same thing after them, only turning to the left Hand, and pass back again behind the Men as before; then each Man turn his Wo. with his right Hand round, and all lead up and turn S. 1st. cu. below, 2d. cu. above :̲̲ And so to the end.





A Minuet Country Dance, call'd the last of Twenty.

THe 1st. Man and Wo. cross over with their backs to each other, in three Minuett steps to each others place, and turn to the left Hand with their Faces in, the 2d. cu. do the same at the same time, 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. chang places with the right Hand, and turn to the left in three Minuett steps, the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man go half round at the same time, with their left Hand to the other cu. .̲̲ The same again, only, the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man change places with the right Hand, and the other cu. change places as before, :̲̲ The 1st. Man lead his Wo. up one Minuett step, and five to the left Hand round, till he comes to the 2d. Womans place as at first; 2d. Wo. at the same time lead her Man one step down, and five to the left Hand, to the 1st. Mans place as at first; 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. fall back into the middle of the Room with their backs to each other, and stand all on a row cross the Room each with his Face to his Partner .̲̲ 1st. Man and 2d. Wo. move three minuett steps to the left Hand, the Man up, the Wo. down, till they come on the outside, the 1st. Wo. and 2d. Man at the same time cross over and fall with their backs to each other as before, then each Man turn his Wo. with the right Hand, the 1st. cu. below, the 2d. cu. above :̲̲ And so to the end,

[1] The Gloucester,



Bass. [1]


[2] The Princes,



Bass. [2]


[3] The Northumberland,



Bass. [3]



[4] Jigg.


[5] Minuet.



[4] Jigg.


[5] Minuet.


[6] Forlonna, a French Dance.



Bass. [6]


[7] The Spanish Entry Tune, and Dance



Bass. [7]





Bass. [8]





Bass. [9]





Bass. [10]





Bass. [11]















Bass. [14]


[15] Chacone,



Bass. [15]





Bass. [16]





Bass. [17]



[18] An Entry of Nations in Europe's Revils,


[19] The second a Dutch-Man and his Wife.








[20] The third a French-Man and his Wife.


[21] The fourth an English-Man and his Wife.







[22] An Entry of Clownes



Bass. [22]



[23] Paspe by the late Mr. Hen. Purcell, the Dance Compos'd by Tho. Bray.


[24] Minuett.








[25] Minuett.


[26] Round O.

[...]First Strain again. End with the first Strain.





[...]First Strain again. End with the first Strain.


[27] French Paspe.


[28] Espagnolett.








[29] Minuett.


[30] Minuett.








[31] Minuett


[32] Minuett


[33] Rigodoon



[31] Minuett


[32] Minuett


[33] Rigodoon



[34] Corant.


[35] Minuett.


[36] Rigodoon.




Treble and Bass.



Treble and Bass.



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