The Brave Boys of BRISTOL.

Bristol Boys come side with me,
for I do here declare,
Such bonny Lads you seldom see,
none with them may compare
Tune is, Hey Boys up go we; Ienny Gin; Busie Fame; Or, Russels Farewel.
The Iovial Blades of Bristol
BRave Bristol Boys, where e're you be,
come listen unto my Song,
And sing the Chorus now with me,
it doth to you belong:
We are the best and briskest Lads,
that Mortals ever see,
Come here's a Health to all our Dads,
Brave Bristol Boys are we.
Our Princely King and Country too,
we love with all our hearts,
Unto the Crown we will be true,
to add to our deserts:
For King and Country we will fight,
if any ca [...]se there be,
In Loyalty we do delight,
brave, &c.
[...] we will now despise,
[...] Power obey,
[...] it is not wise,
[...] me what I say:
Let Bristol Boys to Charles the Great,
for e're Obedient be,
And then the Nation all will say't,
brave, &c.
Besides, in Bristol City fair,
brave bonny Girls there be,
Whose breaths almost perfume the air,
and harbour Loyalty:
When Bristol Girls and Bristol Boys,
together you do see,
Oh then begins the heighth of Ioys,
brave, &c.
Oh come then let us merry be,
the Spring will soon be here,
And then you'l see the blooming Tree,
in mornings drop a tear:
And to each faithful loving heart,
obedient seem to be,
Yet this is not half our desert,
such, &c.
In Sommerset and Glocester-shires,
there's Bonny Lads also,
That for their King and Country fears,
not through the world to go:
God bless their hearts, that their deserts,
may ever prosperous be,
Thus night and day, for Charles we pray,
brave, &c.
God bless and send him long to Reign.
within our Brittish Isle,
When he is dead we may complain,
but Heaven I hope will smile:
And give him many happy years,
from doubts to keep us tree,
Whose Life doth banish all our fears,
such Loyal boys are we.
Come give us the Carrousing Bowl,
and let us briskly Drink,
A Health to every Loyal Soul,
let no man from it shrink:
But with an honest English heart,
express his Loyalty,
That all may say before we part,
brave, &c.
Now to the merry Bristol Maids,
let us have one Carrouse,
He that from this our minds perswades,
cannot be worth a Lowse;
Come fill the Glass, and let it pass
qu [...]e through the Company,
For well we love a Bristol Lass,
and, &c.
All you that hear me what I say,
pray take you no offence,
But if I do [...] the wanton play,
it is through Innocence:
If I in Bristol City were,
how happy should I be,
And when I happen to be there,
I'le cry, brave Boys are we.

Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Guiltspur-street.

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