The Braggadocia Souldier: and the Civill Citizen.

SEe how the Sectists bustle now,
The Indopendants sturte.
London is tam'd say they; as once
Prince Rupert with his Curre.
See how they prick their eares; and cry,
Wee'l knock down all our foes,
But spare the Divell pray; for hee
Doe's not your side oppose.
Brave Sparkes indeed, brave cocks o'th game,
Gramercy Gun and Sword,
They throw down all, and yet pretend,
To advance the purer word.
On Sectists, on, and do your best,
To vindicate the Divell,
Away with Reformation now,
And call her dirty snivell.
Up Prince of darknesse; come and raigne,
Thy Loyall Subjects wayt,
Then call them Satan round about,
And sit again in State.
Brave sparkes indeed, &c.
Come hither Pope, we give thee leave,
Thou hast no cause to feare;
Jingle thy Keyes in England now,
The Divell raigneth here.
Religion's to the block condemn'd,
But none comes to relieve it;
Whilst hell unloads its gorge, and wee
Stand ready to receive it.
Brave sparkes indeed, &c.
The Sectists now are jolly men,
They'ave brought about their Plot;
They say they will confute us now,
With powder and with shot.
But stay, their Cannons may bee crack'd,
Their shot cashier'd; and then,
Their Argument I feare will faile,
And lye i'th dust agen.
Brave sparkes indeed, &c.
The Pope and Divell have engag'd,
The Independant too;
For what I know not; 't may bee this,
Our Kingdome to undoe.
Heav'ns keep our Sov'raigne King Charles,
From being rul'd by them,
Mee thinks the Helmet is too neere
The Princely Diadem.
Brave sparkes indeed when they may thus,
With Canon and with Sword,
Ʋn-King our State, un-Church us too,
And yet advance the word.
But whither doth our Kingdome run,
With such precipitation,
As if it would go visit faine,
The Pit of desolation?
Heav'ns stop it quick; and heale our sicke,
Forlorne, distracted City,
Then give us hearts, to play our parts,
And sing a gratefull ditty.
Would Heav'ns throw down these cocks o'th game,
That cry gramercy Sword;
Then should wee hope to see againe,
The purity o'the word.

Printed for J. L. 1647.

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