The Book of Fortune: Being Marvellous for the Invention, Pleasant to be read or heard, and in many Things very Profi­table to be understood.

Fit for honest Recreation after more serious Affairs or Studies, and necessary to drive away evil Thoughts and Fantacies, wherewith many are oppressed.

First written in Italian, after translated into English, and now newly compared in all the Parts thereof, and much amended.

Regno. Regnavi. Sum sine Regno. Regnabo. FORTUNE

LONDON, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Brabazon Aylmer at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1698.


The Twenty Questions which are answered in this Book.

  • 1. If thy Life shall be fortunate or not. Go to King Romulus.
  • 2. In what manner thou shalt die. Go to King Tarquin.
  • 3. If the Law shall apply to thy Mind. Go to King Pepin.
  • 4. If thy Wife be good or bad. Go to King Colkin.
  • 5. If thy Husband be good or bad. Go to King Priam.
  • 6. If thy sovereign Lady love thee. Go to King Pontus.
  • 7. If it be good to take thy Journey. Go to King Arthur.
  • 8. If it be good to wed a Wife. Go to King Charles.
  • 9. If it be good to take an Husband. Go to King John.
  • 10. If thy People love thee or not. Go to King Telamon.
  • 11. If thy Land will yield much Fruit and Seed. Go to King Prolomeus.
  • 12. If thou shalt win in Merchandize. Go to King Robert.
  • 13. If thy Thought may come to effect. Go to King Ninus.
  • 14. How many Husbands a Woman unwed­ded shall have. Go to King Pharaoh.
  • 15. If thou shalt escape from Tribulation. Go to King Alexander.
  • 16. If a Wench be a pure Maid or not. Go to King Latin.
  • 17. How many Wives a Man shall have. Go to King Agamemnon.
  • 18. If Love lost may be gotten again. Go to King Ilion.
  • 19. If a Woman shall bring forth a Boy or Wench. Go to King Hannibal.
  • 20. If Theft may be found again. Go to King Darius.


Candid Reader,

WHereas all other Impressions of this Book of Fortune hath been printed of an old fashion'd black Character, it was thought adviseable to reprint this Editi­on of a different sort of Letter, being such as is now in use, and easier to be read, which it is hoped will render it much more acceptable, especially in regard that it comes out with the advantages of most of the Figures being made new, and several Er­rors corrected in this that hath escaped many other Editions. As to the Book it self, there is neither any Addition, Diminution or Alteration from what it was before, but is now printed word for word with the other Impressions, except where the Sense has been sometimes a little imperfect, which is now amended with much Care and Pains. For the Ʋse and Explanation of it, I refer you more particularly to the following Preface.

The PREFACE, teaching the Use and Under­standing of this Book.

FOrasmuch as it is so, that men naturally are disposed oftentimes to study and muse upon the course of the World, some to encrease in worldly Goods and Riches, some to exalt themselves in Honour and Dignity, and some to have Knowledge of cunning or liberal Sciences, and other things, whereby they fall into Thought and Sadness, and many other Inconveniences: It is expe­dient that they give themselves otherwhile to Sport and Pleasure honestly, by the which the Mind may be refreshed and diverted.

And as touching such things, I doubt not but this present Book hath a Prerogative before other in vul­gar Speech: It having truly three special Vertues; as being Marvellous, Delectable and Profitable.

First, It is Marvellous, as of Invention; for few men can perceive the Craft and Subtilty thereof, un­less they have an excellent Wit and good Understand­ing withal.

Secondly, It is Delectable, as to them that behold it, reade, or hear it read: for it treateth of the Con­dition, Custom and Manners of People, of Marriage, of Love, with divers other things inducing to Sport and Pleasure, without any Hurt or Dishonesty.

Thirdly, It is as Profitable in Understanding: for if a man ponder some Sayings well, he shall find great Fruit therein.

This Book was first drawn and made in Italian by a noble and worthy Knight, Laurence Spirit, and translated into English, not without great Labour and Study, as a thing wonderfull intricate, because of diversity of speaking in darkness of Sentence, as they that can read and understand both Tongues may rightly consider and judge.

It is named The Book of Fortune, as comprehend­ing things that lie under Chance, Destiny, or Lot, answering and declaring the Twenty Questions afore­said after the manner of Astronomy. Nevertheless, I will that every man know that it is no Astronomy, Necromancy, nor Witchcraft, but rather a Conceit scorning privily them that follow such false Illusions, and as I said before, framed for Recreation of the Mind. Wherefore it is not required that Credence and Faith be given to every Figure and Clause, as it sheweth.

Believe stedfastly in God alone, for he only know­eth the mind and thought of man, and disposeth all things as it pleaseth him.

Also the People of the noble Countries of Italy and Lombardy, as Romans, Venetians, Florentines, Genou­ese, with many others do oftentimes turn and read this Book, not for any Faith they give thereto, but to pass the time in Mirth.

Thus this Book was made for them that would fain be merry, and can take Sport. I will not coun­sel them that be angry, way ward, hasty, envious, proud or malicious to meddle therewith.

But now let us come to the perfect knowledge of this Work. Whosoever thou art that desirest to know thy Destiny, Chance or Lot comprehended under any of the Twenty Questions here treated of, look in the Page next going before, and chuse what Que­stion thou wilt have of the Twenty, and under the Question thou shalt find a King's name written; for whom thou must turn the Book till thou find him set out in Picture; with his name written underneath.

This King discharging himself will assign thee to a Philosopher by name following. The Philosopher found, take three Dice in thine hand, and cast them forth upon the same side of the Book wherein the Philosopher standeth. This done mark the Chance of the cast, and search it out in the same side, where it is imprinted: and under that Chance is a Writing that will direct thee to one of the Seven Planets, or else one of the twelve Signs Celestial, and to the name of the Spirit closed in the said Planet or Sign, the which also thou must needs search out. But first it is to be noted, that in every Planet and Sign be two round Circles wherein the names of Spirits be written, that is to say, some in the outermost Cir­cle, others in the middle Circle.

Also where ye find in any place a whole Cross, the Spirit is in the first and outermost Circle; and where half a Cross is made, the Spirit is in the middle Circle. At last, the name of the Spirit found shall send thee to the Astronomer, and to the Chapter of the same Astronomer, by the which thou shalt know thy Fortune, Chance, Destiny or Lot, and whether it be good or bad. But to explain this more particular­ly, take these two Examples following.

Example first. If the Question be, Whether thy Land will yield much Fruit and Seed. The Di­rection is to go to King Ptolomeus, which you must look for among the Kings Names; having found the Name of the King, he directs you to go to the Phi­losopher Cicero, which you must look for amongst the Dice-Pages, and having found him, you must there cast your three Dice, which supposing to be 1, 1, 2, you must look for that Chance in the Page of Dice, which being found, just underneath it is written, Go to Mercury to the Spirit Frack whole Cross, ✚ thus marked; having found the said Planet Mercury, which you must look for amongst the Wheel-pages, cast your Eye round the outer Circle till you find the said Spirit Frack, and that bids you go to Abos 14, where you have the Resolution of the Question in these Words.

Thou oughtest truly to make good Che [...],
Having so good and gracious a Year.
Have thou shalt this Year at thy Will,
Both Corn and Wheat thy Barn to fill.

Example second. If the Question be, Whether thy Life shall be fortunate or not? It directs you to King Romulus, who being found, you must go to Socrates the Philosopher; there let the Chance of your Dice be 6, 6, 3, it sends you to Venus to the Spirt Mara half Cross ✚ thus marked, which you must look for in the inner Circle, and having found the said Spirit Mara, he bids you go to Tolo 4, which you must look for among the Astronomers, and having found him, at Numb. 4, you have the Answer in these Words:

Where some be born to sorrow and care,
Born thou art to joy and welfare:
Thank God thereof with all thy mind;
He that well doth, well shall find.

And these two Examples are sufficient Directions for the finding out any Questions throughout the whole Book.

King Romulus. Go to Socrates.

King Tarquin. Go to Aristoteles.

King Colkin. Go to Pythagoras.

King Pepin. Go to Plato.


King Pontus. Go to Anaxagoras.

King Priam. Go to Diogenes.

King Arthur. Go to Aristippus.

King Charles. Go to Posidonius.


King John. Go to Demetrius.

King Telamon. Go to Demosthenes.

King Ptolomeus. Go to Cicero.

King Robert. Go to Xenophon.


King Ninus. Go to Theophrastus.

King Pharaoh. Go to Themistius.

King Alexander. Go to Hircanus.

King Latin. Go to Antigonus.


King Agamemnon. Go to Bias.

King Ilion. Go to Solon.

King Hannibal. Go to Thales.

King Darius. Go to Democritus.

¶ Socrates Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Gior ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Ner ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Pera ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Part ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Caru ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Frac ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Rada ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Trot ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cart ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Pol ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Sard ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Grau ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Efra ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Tar ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Ese ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Brun ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Mug ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Joc ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Mara ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Tabor ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Soal ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Sano ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Tita ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Creo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ilo ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Oga ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Arno ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Rot ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Alaf ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Treu ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Chia ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Socar ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Moet ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Voin ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Tiro ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Po ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Rossi ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Telo ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Mara ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Raza ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Laso ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Poza ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Delf ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Tart ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Cali ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Lior ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Chec ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Toal ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Delf ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Ras ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Gol ✚

¶ Aristoteles Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Topin ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Loe ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Talen ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Fill ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Sali ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Altu ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Lup ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Mart ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Vira ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Geo ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Tereu ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Teul ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Apro ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Nol ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Sara ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Irec ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ulit ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Gior ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Bos ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Ors ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Ase ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Leg ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Sey ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Sorn ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Col ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Garif ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Amel ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Spot ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Dir ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Nul ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Birzo ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Eol ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Pesa ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Balch ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Ore ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Cere ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Falo ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Quot ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Seruf ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Paro ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Darin ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Gor ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Rig ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Dilec ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Queo ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Felf ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Self ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Rin ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Ruel ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Cel ✚

¶ Plato Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Arba ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Ardu ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Nole ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Alfe ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Las ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Buc ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Teli ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Batel ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Ocra ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Bore ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Mir ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Cosi ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Gior ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Cors ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Puro ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Chest ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Moet ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Dard ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Seva ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Dae ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Rosso ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Dore ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Ore ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Erac ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Stal ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Ecor ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Pol ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Fore ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Sek ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Falc ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Gal ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Loe ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Gir ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Sot ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Estra ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Sori ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Mesa ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ir ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Ter ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Fier ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Talco ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Istri ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Lot ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tiel ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Gea ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Verr ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Lad ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Moll ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Ulmo ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Iris ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Evar ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Mor ✚

¶ Pythagoras Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Ner ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Bren ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Brac ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Polin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Bolo ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Nole ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Orci ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cacro ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Lot ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Brul ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Taro ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Po ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Cana ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Orci ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Lord ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Palin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Let ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Carid ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Pesa ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Lac ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Orci ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Lir ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Ras ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Lup ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Corb ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Po ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Kelo ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Sek ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Lis ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Po ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Pilot ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Osbec ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Alec ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Sok ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Felo ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Los ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Mor ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Peu ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Rod ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Adar ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Osbe ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Nob ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Joc ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Po ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Sloy ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Arto ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Nolin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Siler ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Gaco ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Nilo ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Rigo ✚

¶ Anaxagoras Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Obro ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Argo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Vala ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Sureg ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Sun to the Spirit Rasp ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Cae ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Sep ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Los ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Rosat ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Puar ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Moe ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Lero ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Seig ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Patat ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Leni ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit B [...]co ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Pol ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tao ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Paio ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Mat ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Lot ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Sudor ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Abro ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Maco ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Po ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Sasso ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Alos ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Nebu ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Po ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Rest ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Eric ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Cae ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Poli ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Raga ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Pali ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Pelos ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Lib ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Mep ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tilo ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Tarac ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Raga ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Flet ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Lor ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Saig ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Lar ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Lis ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Alec ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Notall ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Sep ✚

¶ Diogenes Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Pali ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Chor ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Gea ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Abro ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Ors ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Amar ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Feor ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Pont ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Varo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Pel ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Seel ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Nebu ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Lor ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Apro ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Bren ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Sevo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Ras ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Laos ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Loe ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Feor ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Tori ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Bos ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Surop ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Mercur to the Spirit Roto ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Sur ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Sek ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Fal ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Salar ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Seto ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Arock ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Roto ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Carid ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sun to the Spirit Boro ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Rub ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Cup ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Navil ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Mab ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Toso ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Are ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Arno ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Icho ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Rin ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Eric ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Pol ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Chas ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Soga ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Pera ✚

¶ Aristippus Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Neco ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Roel ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Lear ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Cod ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Gior ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Esul ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Ecol ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Tarat ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Chia ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Dai ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Still ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Frai ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Rido ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Nero ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Sano ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Eta ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Liet ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Frit ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Croa ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Frig ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Vert ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Poi ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Po ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Gol ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Laco ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Mor ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Acha ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Ira ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Foo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Port ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Pali ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Roel ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Los ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Nol ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Caru ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Turo ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Mori ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Po ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Arba ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Nil ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Varo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Link ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Besal ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Ord ✚

¶ Posidonius Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Nest ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Felo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Prin ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Nil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Sink ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Mel ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Meta ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Chia ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Gros ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Amol ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Saro ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Sano ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Sug ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Aro ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Solon ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Sal ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Peso ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Sido ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Corin ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Sano ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Acerb ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Locto ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Aro ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Efra ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Navil ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Tana ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Orci ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Pera ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tiler ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Efra ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Pasi ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Efro ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Arno ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Nil ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Mel ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Pal ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tiro ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Po ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Sano ✚

¶ Demetrius Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Sale ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Bern ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Top ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ren ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Nil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Rada ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Asti ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Efra ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Pio ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Link ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Topin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Assot ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Navil ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Gig ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Tari ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Agra ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to the Moon to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Quar ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Chai ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Oruc ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Scorr to the Spirit Cali ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Dado ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Alor ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Isol ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Daba ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Mara ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Acerb ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Alan ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Tosco ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Poe ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Adar ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Poza ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Ren ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Arba ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Carid ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Tig ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Alan ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Pasi ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Ada ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Pera ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Arne ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Taos ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Rela ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Sek ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Nest ✚


¶ Demosthents Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Caru ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Osac ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Sun to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Nura ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Poza ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Tir ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Let ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Sur ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Gior ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Osack ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Futo ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Neco ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Tig ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Pera ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Vigli ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Nob ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Elsa ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Chia ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit [...]anc ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Chec ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Sodo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Asto ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Ecol ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Solo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Icon ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Bren ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Acero ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Sal ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Pala ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Maol ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Fasi ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries. to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Orci ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Alor ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Seve ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Bren ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Rig ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Elsa ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Pelin ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Arno ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Lis ✚

¶ Cicero Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Chia ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Siol ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Silla ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Trot ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Bica ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Sano ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Bina ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Orc ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Orda ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Silla ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Esia ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Adar ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Varo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Rod ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Orc ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Selsv ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Socar ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Mot ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Fosi ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Osic ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Sand ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Pala ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Frack ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Ner ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Maol ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Efra ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Abro ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Po ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Acerb ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Ferro ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Po ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Melin ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Sun to the Spirit Talco ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Pera ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Etru ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Chor ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Arba ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Navil ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Esra ✚

¶ Xenophon Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Pont ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Maol ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Mara ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Ada ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Nil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Choi ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Ner ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Orci ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Puar ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Delf ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Loac ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Tana ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Gior ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Teli ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Lao ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tolli ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Liet ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Mir ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Spad ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Terg ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Tart ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Riba ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Efra ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Soro ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Reto ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Nar ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit P [...]ar ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Chia ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Molin ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Tori ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Silla ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Bren ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Ecol ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Lao ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Mara ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Mara ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Varo ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Hin ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Neco ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Lico ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Dra ✚

¶ Theophrastus Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Loc ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Rosu ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Lusc ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Adar ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Bigo ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Arok ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Topin ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Elsa ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Rin ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Casel ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Can ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Pali ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Pero ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Loit ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Leal ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Mara ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Veal ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tran ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Enic ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Is [...]ri ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Jer ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Alto ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Ras ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cali ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Fin ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Aleo ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Seve ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Gior ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Treu ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Fain ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Treu ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Ada ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Po ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Arno ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Aleo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Pala ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Orci ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Dabi ✚

¶ Themistius Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Po ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Melin ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Gina ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Navil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Capric to the Spirit Del ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Dic ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Rosi ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Stai ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Gea ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Eber ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Silla ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Elsa ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Bica ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Stav ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Delf ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Iber ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Del ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Nil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Maol ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Fain ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Atla ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Tig ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Oroc ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Ibar ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Capric to the Spirit Sano ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit A [...]all ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Sargi ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Let ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Balch ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Mel ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Pera ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Bine ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Ocra ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Dur ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Adar ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Gina ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Meta ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Gina ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Rael ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Fac ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Arno ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Capric to the Spirit Puar ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Lart ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Sano ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Laso ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Feot ✚

¶ Hircanus Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Nil ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Luco ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Topin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Tre ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Treu ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Fier ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Bert ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Liet ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Nil ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Moa ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Treo ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Tol ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Soer ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Meru ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Treol ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Potar ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Anel ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Iso ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Bica ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Nil ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Arce ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Mac ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Alron ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Ese ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Efra ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Navil ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Tosco ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Bolo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Ese ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Moon to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Abro ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Rada ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Pour ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Soar ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Orci ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Varo ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Pala ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Bel ✚

¶ Antigonus Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Bel ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Apel ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Salac ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Taro ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Sano ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Pali ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Teder ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Elop ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Sani ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to the Moon to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Varo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Gail ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Sani ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Arto ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Tana ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Sagitar. to the Spirit Bren ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Laos ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Taro ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Neco ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Tenot ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Sagitar to the Spirit Molin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Loura ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to the Sun to the Spirit Roab ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Pisces to the Spirit Goal ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Orci ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Venus to the Spirit Roet ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Scorp. to the Spirit Rada ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to th'Moon to the Spirit Acerb ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Lul ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Pera ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Sano ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Chia ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Mercur. to the Spirit Miar ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Meru ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Gemini to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Mercur to the Spirit Silla ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Aries to the Spirit Orci ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Pera ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Stella to the Spirit Puar ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Cetel ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Mars to the Spirit Sanco ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Libra to the Spirit Gail ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Leo to the Spirit Tig ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Taurus to the Spirit Arba ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Cancer to the Spirit Gior ✚

¶ Bias Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Navil ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Gina ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Laro ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Etru ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Mara ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Vocho ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Navil ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Nali ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Gea ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Arno ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Sargi ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Ecol ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Po ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Mara ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Melin ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Pente ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Roto ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Card ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Pali ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Neco ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Chec ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Edil ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Bort ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Dol ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Bert ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Joc ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Day ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Nest ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Pala ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Roto ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Voin ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Mel ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Las ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Sale ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Mer ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Balc ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Poza ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Nest ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Pel ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Cors ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Giet ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Delf ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Asti ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Po ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Soer ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Joc ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Bren ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Gors ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Corin ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Pol ✚

¶ Solon Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Salso ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Salso ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Quale ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Iac ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Mara ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Duc ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Saig ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Serp ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Isiri ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Adar ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Neco ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Fat ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Quar ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Mera ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Atha ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Caru ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Corio ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Arno ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Chia ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Fun ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Orel ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Dol ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Ilic ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Elsa ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Pera ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Nil ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Sek ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Varo ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Nest ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Mera ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Lo ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Topin ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Chia ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Puar ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Orel ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Lib ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Delf ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Iret ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Elic ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Baset ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Puar ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Trin ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Los ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Cali ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Gol ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Dec ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Sora ✚

¶ Thales Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Taos ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Das ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Fain ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Gior ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Foo ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Carid ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Trot ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Trot ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Nebu ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Elmo ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Joc ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Rada ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Sal ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Mel ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Mern ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Fug ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Ner ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Mael ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Losca ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Melin ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Bore ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Soyn ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Mala ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Abro ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Bren ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Topin ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Jcho ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Rada ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Gea ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Chey ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Trot ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Po ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Pera ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Tano ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Lea ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Feor ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Labec ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Vigli ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Adar ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Melin ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Dra ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Soer ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Evic ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Ogli ✚

¶ Democritus Philosopher.

{·} {·} {·}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Bine ✚

{·} {·} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Esra ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Tesin ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:·:} {::} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Galg ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Pala ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Caor ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Dabi ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Poza ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Puar ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Leal ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Tana ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {˙·.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Taos ✚

{::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Lis ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Rin ✚

{:::} {:·:} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Cala ✚

{:·:} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Ogli ✚

{::} {::} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Chia ✚

{::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Queo ✚

{:::} {:::} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Trot ✚

{:::} {:·:} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Ecol ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Brul ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Pol ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Carid ✚

{:::} {::} {·}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Fari ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Cain ✚

{:::} {:::} {:::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Navil ✚

{˙.} {˙.} {:::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Dra ✚

{:::} {::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Mer ✚

{:·:} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Gea ✚

{·} {·} {˙.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Sebe ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Chia ✚

{::} {::} {:·:}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Nest ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Bine ✚

{:::} {::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Odro ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Navil ✚

{·} {·} {˙·.}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Mey ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{::} {::} {:::}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Falac ✚

{:::} {:::} {˙·.}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Dey ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Adar ✚

{::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Pala ✚

{·} {·} {::}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Mey ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {::}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Treu ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {·}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Falac ✚

{:::} {:::} {::}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Dey ✚

{:::} {˙·.} {˙.}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Adar ✚

{::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Pala ✚

{·} {·} {:·:}

Go to Capric. to the Spirit Non ✚

{˙·.} {˙·.} {:·:}

Go to Aquar. to the Spirit Gall ✚

{:·:} {:·:} {˙.}

Go to Virgo to the Spirit Ada ✚

{:::} {:::} {:·:}

Go to Jupiter to the Spirit Fari ✚

{:::} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Cain ✚

{˙·.} {˙.} {·}

Go to Saturn to the Spirit Rod ✚

The Sun.
Go to Tolo1
Go to Tolo 52
Go to Tolo 56
Go to Tolo 45
Go to Boca 29
Go to Fircu 39
Go to Nael 31
Go to Fircu 16
Go to Boca 19
Go to Tolo 24
Go to Abos15
Go to Abos 16
Go to Aram 15
Go to Aram 16
Go to Dorot 17
Go to Nael 21
Go to Tolo 35
Go to Tolo 19
Go to Tolo 11
Go to Tolo 10
Go to Tolo 9
Go to Tolo 8
Go to Tolo 4
Go to Tolo 3
Go to Tolo 5
Go to Tolo 2
Go to Tolo 7
Go to Tolo 6
Go to Tolo 29
Go to Boca 40
Salso ✚
Go to Alchi 23
Go to Bora 29
Go to Boca 32
Go to Tolo 31
go to fircu 33
go to aram 28
go to teon 3 [...]
Sal [...]
go to maer 49
Go to Basi 29
Go to Nael 33
Go to Dorot 29
Go to Talen 29
Go to Assot 25
Go to Sari 27
Go to Alchi 28
Go to Bora 30
Go to Boca 47
Go to Talen 36
Go to fircu 17
Go to Abos. 33
Go to aram 29
To to Teon 33
Go to maer [...]1
Go to Tolo 32
Go to Tolo 22
Go to Tolo 25
The Moon.
Go to Teon 1
Go to Teon 2
Go to Teon 3
Go to Teon 4
Go to Teon 6
Go to Teon 7
Go to Teon 8
Go to Teon 9
Go to Teon 10
Go to Teon 21
Go to Teon 34
Go to Teon 31
Go to Sari 17
Go to Nael 19
Go to Nael 16
Go to Bas
Go to Teon 11
Go to Teon 18
Go to Aram 54
Go to Abos 4
Go to Aram 31
Go to Teon 19
Go to Assot 31
Go to Teon 23
Go to Teon 50
Go to Teon 43
Go to Teon 16
Go to Teon 30
Go to Teon 22
Go to Teon 22
Salso ✚
Go to Alchi 35
Go to Tolo 39
go to Boca 34
Go to Bora 38
go to [...]lchi 40
go to Sari 35
go to Assot 36
go to talen 35
Go to Dorot 38
Go to Nael 44
Go to Basi 39
Go to Maer 42
Go to Teon 43
Go to Aram 43
Go to Abos 47
Go to Fircu 45
Go to Tolo 44
Go to Boca 33
Go to Sari 34
Go to A [...] 35
Go to Talen 34
[...]o to Dorot 37
Go to Nael 40
Go to Basi 38
Go to aram 39
Go to Aram 33
Go to Ose 40
Go to Ose 41
Go to Ose 42
Go to Ose 43
Go to Acha 56
Go to Ose 50
Go to Ose 51
Go to Ose 52
Go to Ose 53
Go to Ose 54
Go to Ose 55
Lo [...]ca
Go to Ose 56
Go to Acha 49
Go to Acha 50
Go to Acha 51
Go to Acha 52
Go to Acha 53
Go to Acha 54
Go to Acha 55
Go to Orda 24
Go to Orda 56
A [...]
Go to Ose 38
Go to Ose 48
Go to Ose 48
E [...]e
Go to Ose 47
Go to Ose 46
Go to Ose 45
Go to Ose 44
Go to Sey 43
Go to Haly 48
Salso ✚
Go to Haly 25
Go to Haly 50
Go to Haly 51
Go to Haly 52
go to haly 53
go to Haly 54
go to Haly 55
go to haly 56
Go to Sey 41
Go to Haly 27
Go to Haly 46
Go to Haly 45
Go to Haly 44
Go to Sey 50
Go to Sey 55
Go to Sey 54
Go to Sey 53
Go to Sey 52
Go to Sey 51
Go to Sey 50
Go to Sey 49
Go to Sey 48
Go to Sey 47
Go to Sey 4 [...]
Go to Sey 45
Go to Sey 36
Go to Sey 36
Go to Sey 35
Go to Ose 32
Go to Ose 31
Go to Ose 30
Go to Ose 29
Go to Haly 43
Go to Haly 42
Go to Haly 41
Go to Ose 40
Go to Haly 39
Go to Haly 38
Go to Haly 37
Go to Acha 48
Go to Acha 47
Go to Acha 46
Go to Acha 45
Go to Acha 44
Go to Acha 43
Go to Acha 42
Go to Acha 41
Go to Acha 40
Go to Acha 39
Go to Acha 38
Go to Acha 37
Go to Ose 36
Go to Ose 37
Go to Ose 35
Go to Ose 34
Go to Ose 33
Salso ✚
Go to Sey 34
Go to Sey 33
go to Sey 32
Go to Sey 31
go to orda 54
go to orda 53
go to orda 29
go to orda 51
Go to Orda 50
Go to Orda 49
Go to Orda 48
Go to Orda 47
Go to Orda 46
Go to Orda 45
Go to Orda 44
Go to Orda 43
Go to Orda 42
Go to Orda 41
Go to orda 40
Go to Orda 39
Go to Orda 38
Go to Sey 42
Go to Sey 40
Go to Sey 14
Go to Sey 38
Go to Sey 37
Go to Maer 1
Go to Maer 2
Go to Maer 3
Go to Maer 4
Go to Maer 6
Go to Maer 6
Go to Maer 9
Go to Maer 21
Go to Maer 28
Go to Maer 25
Go to Maer 23
Go to Maer 26
Go to Fircu 20
Go to Maer 24
Go to Alchi 18
Go to Dorot 16
Go to Dorot 15
Go to Nael 14
Go to Maer 14
Go to Maer 18
Go to Teon 56
Go to Aram 22
Go to Teon 25
Go to Maer 25
Go to Talen 38
Go to Maer 12
Go to Maer 27
Go to Maer 1 [...]
Go to Teon 40
Go to Tolo 43
Salso ✚
Go to Abos 52
go to Abos 56
go to assot 24
to to talen 28
go to dorot 28
go to Nael 32
go to Basi 28
go to maer 29
Go to Teon 28
Go to Aram 26
go to Abos 26
Go to Fircu 32
Go to Tolo 30
Go to Boca 22
Go to Bora 27
Go to Alchi 22
Ef [...]a
Go to Sari 23
Go to Assot 23
Go to Talen 48
Go to Dorot 27
Go to Assot 27
Go to Nael 26
Go to Basi 27
Go to Maer 27
Go to Teon 27
Go to Fircu 38
Go to Fircu 1
Go to Fircu 2
Go to Fircu 4
Go to Fircu 5
Go to Fircu 6
Go to Fircu 7
Go to Fircu 8
Go to Fircu 9
Go to Fircu 22
Go to Fircu 19
Go to Fircu 28
Go to Fircu 26
Go to Nael 20
Go to Teon 15
Go to Teon 14
Go to Aram 14
Go to Aram 13
Go to Fircu 49
Go to Tolo 21
Go to Boca 16
Go to Tolo 4
Go to Tolo 41
Go to Bora 24
Go to Tolo 53
Go to Fircu 13
Go to Fircu 3
Go to Fircu 25
Go to Fircu 37
Go to Dorot 31
Go to Nael 36
Salso ✚
Go to Basi 33
Go to maer 35
go to teon 52
go to aram 35
go to tolo 38
go to fircu 37
go to Tolo 34
go to boca 24
Go to Bora 31
Go to Alchi 29
go to fircu 46
Go to Assot 33
Talen 30
Dorot 30
Go to Nael 35
Go to Basi 32
Go to Maer 32
B [...]na
Go to Teon 34
Go to Aram 34
Go to Fircu 36
Go to Tolo 42
Go to Teon 18
Go to Tolo 4
Go to Tolo 33
Go to Abos 25
Go to Talen 31
Go to Abos 1
Go to Abos 2
Go to Abos 3
Go to Abos 4
Go to Abos 6
Go to Abos 7
Go to Abos 8
Go to Abos 9
Go to Abos 48
Go to Abos 23
Go to Abos 30
Go to Dorot 19
Go to Talen 21
Go to Maer 20
Go to Maer 19
Go to Maer 16
Go to Teon 12
Go to Abos 14
[...]en [...]ilc
Go to Abos [...]0
Go to Fircu 29
Go to Tolo 23
Go to Fircu 27
Go to Abos 28
Go to Alchi 42
Go to Abos 46
Go to Abos 35
Go to Abos 21
Go to Abos 11
Go to Aram 38
Go to Abos 38
Salso ✚
Go to Fircu 42
go to Tolo 36
go to boca 26
go to Bora 33
go to alchi 31
go to dorot 31
go to Assot 29
go to talen 32
Go to Dorot 34
Go to Nael 37
go to Basi 34
Go to Maer 36
Go to Teon 36
Go to Aram 36
Go to Abos 36
Te [...]ia
Go to Tolo 35
Go to Boca 25
Go to Bora 32
Go to Alchi 30
Go to Sari 29
[...]o [...]
Go to Assot 26
Go to Fircu 40
Go to Abot 37
Go to Fircu 34
Go to Abos 24
Go to Abos 30
Go to Basi 1
Go to Basi 2
Go to Basi 3
Go to Basi 5
Go to Basi 6
Go to Basi 7
Go to Basi 9
Go to Basi 10
Go to Basi 8
Go to Basi 22
Go to Basi 30
Go to Basi 23
Go to Basi 24
Go to Basi 18
[...]so [...]
Go to Basi 20
Go to Talen 19
Go to Dorot 14
Go to Basi14
Go to Basi 42
Go to Maer 13
Go to Teon 32
Go to Maer 39
Go to Basi 35
Go to Dorot 56
F [...]o
Go to Basi 14
Go to Basi 41
Sa [...]o
Go to Basi 25
Sae [...]r
Go to Basi 12
Go to Sari 38
Go to Assot 38
Salso ✚
Go to Talen 3
go to dorot 40
go to Basi 43
go to Nael 43
go to maer 44
go to teon 45
go to aram 46
go to abos 42
Go to Fircu 47
Go to Tolo 46
go to boca 36
Go to Boca 39
Go to Alchi 38
Go to Sari 36
Go to Asict 37
Go to Tolo 51
Go to Dorot 39
Go to Nael 42
Go to Basi 40
Go to Maer 43
Go to Teon 55
Go to aram 44
[...]e [...]n
Go to Abos 41
Go to Maer 34
Go to Bora 54
Go to alchi 39
Go to Assot 1
Go to Assot 2
Go to Assot 3
Go to Assot 22
Go to Assot 5
Go to Assot 6
Go to Assot 17
Go to Assot 8
Go to Assot 9
Go to Assot 30
Go to Assot 34
Go to Assot 18
Go to Abos 22
Go to Abos 20
Go to Bora 16
Go to Bora 14
Go to Alchi 16
Go to ssot 11
Go to Assot 15
Go to Talen 53
Go to dorot 24
Go to Assot 18
Go to Assot 50
Go to Teon [...]9
Go to Assot 28
Go to Assot 55
Go to Assot 56
Go to Tolo 54
Go to Fircu 56
Go to Achi 14
Salso ✚
Go to Boca 48
go to Sari 46
go to bora 47
go to alchi 46
go to assot 46
go to talen 47
go to dorot 48
go to maer 51
Go to Nael 50
Go to Basi 51
go to teon 53
Go to Aram 55
Go to Abos 55
Go to Fircu 55
Go to Bo [...]a 46
Go to Tolo 55
Go to Boca 27
Go to Alchi 45
Go to Sari 33
Go to Assot 45
Go to talen 46
Go to Talen 43
Go to Abos 50
Go to Talen 39
Go to Sari 46
Go to Assot 20
Go to Talen 1
Go to Talen 2
Go to Talen 34
Go to Talen 5
Go to Talen 6
Go to Talen 7
Go to Talen 8
Go to Talen 9
Go to Talen 10
Pata [...]
Go to Talen 23
Go to Talen 26
Go to Talen 4
Go to Talen 25
Go to Fircu 18
Go to Fircu 17
Go to Alchi 17
Go to Sari 15
Go to Sari 14
Go to Talen 16
Go to Talen 15
Go to dorot 45
Go to Nael 28
Go to Talen 14
Go to Talen 12
Go to Maer 33
Go to Talen 22
Go to Talen 17
Go to Talen 1
Go to Talen 24
Go to Dorot 47
Salso ✚
Go to Nael 49
Go to Basi 50
go to maer 50
go to teon 52
go to aram 53
go to fircu 54
go to Tolo 52
go to abos 54
Go to Boca 44
Go to Bora 54
go to alchi 44
Go to Sari 43
Go to Assot 43
Go to Talen 49
Go to dorot 44
[...]e [...]in
Go to Maer 49
Go to Te [...]n [...] 49
Og [...]
Go to Nael 27
Go to Basi 40
Go to Aram 52
Go to Abos 53
Go to Fircu 53
Go to Boca 42
Go to Fircu 51
Go to dorot 4 [...]
Go to Assot 22
Go to Boca 1
Go to Boca 2
Go to Boca 4
Go to Boca 5
Go to Boca 6
Go to Boca 35
Go to Boca 17
Go to Boca 8
Go to Boca 9
Go to Basi 21
Go to Basi 20
Go to Abos 19
Go to Abos 18
Go to Fircu 12
Go to Tolo 14
Go to Boca 13
Go to Boca 12
[...]ad [...]
Go to Boca 46
Go to Alchi 15
Go to Bora 17
Go to Tolo 28
Go to Boca 39
Go to Bora 56
Go to Boca 29
Go to Boca 19
Go to Boca 56
[...]e [...]
Go to Bora 20
Go to Boca 3
Got to Boca 21
Go to Boca 31
Salso ✚
Go to Bora 23
go to Basi 46
go to Boca 28
go to Bora 43
go to alchi 56
go to Bora 55
Va [...]o
go to Bora 56
go to assot 54
Go to Abos 39
Go to Fircu 46
go to fircu 41
Go to Abos 5
Go to Aram 40
Go to Fircu 10
Go to Aram 5
Go to Fircu 21
Go to Bora 40
Go to Abos 34
Go to Abos 32
Go to Tolo 13
Go to Maer 7
O [...]u [...]
Go to Teon 5
Go to Basi 4
Go to Tolo 26
Go to Boca 30
Go to aram 2 [...]
Go to Nael 1
Go to Nael 2
Go to Nael 4
Go to Nael 5
Go to Nael 7
Go to Nael 6
Go to Nael 41
Go to Nael 8
Go to Nael 10
Go to Nael 22
Go to Nael 30
Go to Nael 23
Go to Boca 20
Go to Assot 14
Go to Basi 17
Go to Talen 18
Go to Nael 13
Go to Nael 12
Go to Basi 31
E [...]ra
Go to Maer 45
Go to Tolo 21
Go to Nael 15
Seru [...]
Go to Nael 55
Go to Nael 17
Go to Nael 18
Go to Nael 19
[...]e [...]o
Go to Nael 15
Go to Nael 2
Go to Basi 26
Go to Dorot 42
Salso ✚
Go to Nael 45
go to Basi 45
go to maer 46
go to teon 47
go to aram 48
go to abos 49
go to fircu 50
go to tolo 48
Go to Boca 38
Go to Bora 41
go to alchi 40
Go to Sari 39
Go to Assot 11
Go to Talen 41
Go to dorot 41
Go to Nael 44
Go to Basi 44
Sa [...]o
Go to Maer 40
Go to Teon 46
Da [...]i
Go to Aram 47
Go to Abos 43
Go to Fircu 49
E [...]ra
Go to Tolo 47
Go to Boca 37
Go to Nael 25
Go to dorot 26
Go to Haly 34
Go to Haly 33
Go to Haly 32
Go to Haly 31
Go to Haly 30
Go to Haly 29
Go to Haly 28
Go to Haly 27
Go to Haly 6
Go to Haly 1
Go to Haly 24
Go to Haly 23
Go to Haly 22
Go to Haly 21
Go to Haly 20
Go to Haly 19
Go to Haly 18
Go to Acha 35
Go to Acha 34
Go to Acha 33
Go to Acha 32
Go to Acha
Go to Acha
Go to Acha
Go to Acha
Go to Acha
Go to Acha
Go to Haly 35
Go to Haly 36
Go to Ose 28
Salso ✚
Go to Ose 25
Go to Ose 26
go to orda 37
go to orda 36
go to orda 35
go to orda 34
go to orda 23
go to orda 32
go to orda 31
go to orda 30
go to orda 29
go to orda 28
go to orda 27
go to orda 26
Go to Sey 32
Go to Sey 29
Go to Sey 28
Go to Sey 27
Go to Sey 26
Go to Sey 25
Go to Sey 24
Go to Sey 23
Go to Sey 22
Go to Sey 21
Go to Sey 20
Go to Sey 19
Maer 41
Go to Aram 29
Go to Aram 26
Go to Abos 21
Go to Aram 45
Go to Alchi 49
Go to Aram 11
Go to Sari 24
Go to Aram 17
Go to Abos 13
Go to Bora 15
Go to Abos 45
Go to Aram 41
Go to Aram 12
Go to Maer 15
Go to Teon 13
Go to Basi 18
Go to Basi 19
Go to Assot 26
Go to Aram 30
Go to Aram 23
Go to Aram 20
Go to Aram 9
Go to Aram 8
Go to Aram 7
Go to Aram 6
Go to Aram 4
Go to Aram 3
Go to Aram 2
Go to Aram 1
Salso ✚
Go to Teon 41
go to assot
go to abos 40
go to fircu 44
go to aram 10
go to Bora 27
go to Bora 34
go to alchi 34
Go to Sari 33
Go to Assot 34
go to talen 33
Go to dorot 36
Go to Nael 39
Go to Basi 34
Tar [...]t
Go to Maer 42
Go to Teon 37
Go to Abos 29
Go to Fircu 43
Go to Tolo 37
Go to Dorot 35
Ne [...]t
Go to Nael 38
Go to Baso 36
Go to Maer 37
Go to Teon 37
Go to aram 32
Go to aram 24
Go to Alchi 1
Go to Alchi 2
Go to Alchi 3
Go to Alchi 4
Go to Alchi 5
Go to Alchi 6
Go to Alchi 7
Go to Alchi 8
Go to Alchi 9
Go to Alchi 19
Go to Alchi 26
Go to Alchi 24
Go to Alchi 30
Go to Teon 20
Go to Teon 17
Go to Tolo 17
Go to Tolo 16
Go to Boca 14
Go to Alchi 13
Go to Alchi 12
Go to Sari 51
Go to Assot 16
Go to Alchi 15
Go to Alchi 37
Go to Abos 12
Go to Alchi 50
Go to Alchi 32
Go to Aram 21
Go to Basi 56
Go to Maer 56
Salso ✚
Go to Boca 52
go to Bora 51
go to alchi 52
go to Sari 52
go to Basi 52
go to talen 52
go to dorot 53
go to nael 55
Go to Alchi 43
Go to Maer 55
go to Boca 51
Go to [...]o [...]a 50
Go to Alchi 51
Go to Sari 50
Go to Assot 49
Go to Talen 51
Go to Dorot 52
Go to Nael 53
Go to Basi 54
Go to Maer 54
Go to Teon 55
Go to Sari 34
Go to Teon 48
Go to Sari 31
Go to Bora 37
Go to alchi 21
Go to Sari 1
Go to Sari 2
Go to Sari 3
Go to Sari 4
Go to Sari 5
Go to Sari 6
Go to Sari 7
Go to Sari 8
Go to Sari 41
Go to Sari 18
Go to Sari 19
Go to Sari 25
Go to Sari 21
Go to Aram 19
Go to Aram 18
Go to Boca 18
Go to Boca 15
Go to Boca 36
Go to Sari 13
Go to Sari 12
Go to Assot 44
Go to Talen 13
Go to Sari 11
Go to Sari 45
Go to Aram 51
Go to Sari 6
Go to Sari 48
Go to Sari 10
Go to Abo s31
Go to Boca 50
Salso ✚
Go to Bora 49
go to alchi 48
go to Sari 49
go to Assot 48
go to talen 50
go to dorot 51
go to Nael 52
go Basi 50
Go to Abos 44
Go to Maer 53
Go to Boca 49
Go to Bora 48
Go to Alchi 47
Go to Sari 47
Go to Assot 47
Go to Talen 49
Go to Dorot 50
Go to Nael 51
Basi 52
Go to Maer 52
Go to Teon 54
Go to aram 56
Go to As5ot 41
Go to Aram 49
Go to Assot 32
Go to alchi 27
Go to Acha 1
Go to Sey 1
Go to Orda 8
Go to Ose 1
Go to Acha 2
Go to Acha 3
Go to Acha 4
Go to Acha 5
Go to Acha 6
Go to Acha 7
Go to Acha 8
Go to Haly 2
Go to Haly 3
Go to Haly 4
Go to Haly 5
Go to Haly 17
Go to Haly 7
Go to Haly 8
Go to Sey 2
Go to Sey 3
At [...]
Go to Sey 4
Go to Sey 5
Go to Sey6
Go to Sey 7
Go to Sey 8
Go to Orda 2
Go to Sey 42
Go to Orda 4
Po [...]
Go to Orda 5
Do [...]
Go to Orda 6
Salso ✚
Go to Orda 7
Go to Orda 8
go to Ose 2
go to Ose 3
go to Ose 4
go to acha 20
go to acha 5
go to acha 6
Go to Ose 8
Go to Acha 9
Go to Acha 10
Go to Acha 11
Go to Acha 12
Go to Acha 13
Go to Acha 14
Go to Acha 15
Go to Acha 16
Go to Haly 9
Go to Haly 10
Go to Haly 11
Go to Haly 12
Go to Haly 13
Go to Haly 14
Go to Haly 15
Go to Haly 16
Go to Haly 17
Go to Orda 10
Go to Orda 11
Go to Orda 19
Go to Acha 9
Go to Orda 13
Go to Orda 14
Go to Haly 1
Go to Orda 16
Ose 9
Ose 10
Ose 11
Ose 12
Ose 13
Ose 14
Ose 15
Ose 16
Go to Acha 18
Go to Acha 27
Go to Acha 27
Go to Acha 21
Go to Acha 22
Go to Acha 23
Go to Acha 25
Go to Haly 47
Go to H [...]ly [...]
Go to Sey 56
D [...]
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A [...]no
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Salso ✚
Tolo 40
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Ran [...]
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Salso ✚
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Tolo Astronomer.

1 Almighty God for very kindness,
Will give to thee both health and riches:
So by grace long for to endure,
To thy great joy and perfect pleasure.
2 In all pains look thou be patient,
For one thing I tell thee verament;
Delivered thereof shalt thou not be
During the space of years three.
3 Thy cause the law will justifie,
Fear nothing for thine adversary:
Yet in hand see money be paid,
Lest nolumus nos to thee be said.
4 Where some be born to sorrow and care,
Born thou art to joy and welfare:
Thank God thereof with all thy mind
He that well doth, well shall find.
5 Thy wo endure shall for a season,
I lay no cause thereof nor reason:
And by one, thy friend most special,
Thy mind and will shalt thou have all.
6 Of wo and pain thou shalt not lack,
Thy tongue is of so shrewd a smack:
To say the worst is thy delight.
Dispraise no man lest he thee quite.
7 To good effect will come thy thought,
Not by thy wit, for it is nought:
Fortune to thee shall it forth bring:
Wherefore pass over, and fear nothing.
8 Beware your husband go not out
In the night, hold him by the snout;
Lest one thing that seemeth sweet
Turn to fell gall, and from you fleet.
9 This trouble and pain changed will be
Into better within months three.
This is of fortune the common guise,
To turn all things at her devise.
10 I see this world is very changeable:
Though thou think thy selffull stable
In joy and wealth, yet at the last
Die thou shalt as wretch and out-cast.
11 More hurt than good shalt thou obtain,
Change thy purpose lest it be vain:
For he that seemeth thy friend in all,
Or thou beware thee deceive shall.
12 Of thy life what shall I tell thee?
Thy joy and pleasure small will be:
In love only thou mayst prevail:
Somewhat it is to hold by the tail.
13 Take an husband, leese not your age,
Ye shall have one of full good lineage:
Forsake him not; and wot ye why?
Such another shall ye not espy.
14 Where is your maidenhead, say ye?
Ye cannot tell, ye ask of me.
I can full near the troth shoot,
It lieth hid under his foot.
15 Think within short time and space
From pain to wend by God's grace,
Unto mirth; for, as men say,
After show'rs cometh a fair day.
16 With faithfull heart she loveth thee,
None else truly desiring to see.
If she had craft of enchantment,
She would be soon at thy commandment.
17 Take an husband when ye will,
Ye may your mind and lust fulfill:
Long shall ye live in great honour
By sted fast love and good demeanour.
18 Thy wife is good and gentle withal;
One vice she hath, it is but small:
Slow she is against her kind:
God keep her still in such good mind.
19 So much jealousie hath she caught,
Through thy deceit and words of naught,
That perfect love is quenched out.
Give never cause in love to doubt.
20 Beware take not this voyage,
It will grow to hurt and damage:
Better is now good advisement,
Than hereafter thy self to repent.
21 This cause is lost by right and law,
And thine intent is not worth a straw.
How may it to good end be brought,
Whereof malice is all thy thought?
22 She is as wise as a woodcock,
Cold in love, as dead as a stock.
Better it is thy mouth to withdraw,
Than of unsavoury meat to gnaw.
23 Through great cunning and wisdom,
Thine adversary shalt thou overcome.
How maist thou desire more glory,
Than thus to have the victory?
24 Against thee shall run the sentence
Of the law by thine own negligence:
Slow thou art, and therefore to blame;
Cause thee it will both loss and shame.
25 Sad, wise, and of marvellous vertue,
Is the woman, glad for to eschew
All evil company, and her own bow'r,
To keep her self alway in honour.
26 A woman there is, as I you say,
That causeth him to err of his way,
Return shall he, and for her sake,
His own will desiring to take.
27 Be thou merry and fear nothing,
All shall return to thy likeing.
God ordaineth as doth him please:
Now cometh pain, now cometh ease.
28 When thou art dead and laid in grave,
Great is thy honour that thou shalt have.
That here well doth and liveth by right,
At the last end God shall him quite.
29 Whether this woman be good or bad,
Thee to tell I were half mad.
If thou have of her any jealousie,
As thou thinkest it is truly.
30 Fair and good, well mot she fair,
Few maidens can with her compare:
As pure she is now, sure I am,
As she first into the world came.
31 Bide at home, do as I thee tell,
To go forth I will thee not counsel;
Put not thy self in jeopardy,
To leese thy goods, or else thy body.
32 If we were merry and glad to play,
If ye would please your husband aye;
No wise there is in all this land
That should have a better husband.
33 If thou intend to take thy journey,
Fear thou not, but go forth thy way:
Pain shall be at the beginning,
But pleasure cometh at the ending.
34 It is but folly to judge thy thought
To come to effect, for it is naught.
It is oft seen that of bad seed
Nothing may come but noisome weed.
35 How shouldst thou of other loved be?
Thou lovest not thy self, as I well see:
Thou art not wise to leese thy welfare:
Amend thy self, and so beware.
36 Go forth without any ieopardy,
Trusting in God, and not our Lady:
Tarry no longer, as I thee tell,
Now maist thou thrive; adieu, farewell.
37 When thee it pleaseth go thou thy way;
Without peril is thy journey.
Of Friers fellowship yet beware,
Lest it turn to thy sorrow and care.
38 All things shall be to thine intent,
But first shalt thou have great torment.
Suffer therefore, though it be pain;
Thy wo to joy return shall again.
39 Hie not too fast, as I thee read,
For love thy life in wo to lead:
For if thou shouldst a wise now take,
A hood to thy head soon would she make.
40 Money and mirth shall cause thee
Soon from pain delivered to be:
For that is a medicine doubtless,
That healeth all manner of sickness.
41 Fear thou not for any evil talking;
For evil tongues will ever be walking.
Great wealth and mirth God shall thee send,
And so to endure to thy last end.
42 Little thought doth your husband take
For you, whether you sleep or wake.
Trust not to him for love or grace,
His mind is laid in another place.
43 Your husband will seek a pasture new,
For of you gone is the virtue.
Thus to deal he is unkind:
I say no more, ye know my mind.
44 Of thy lands and possessions all
This year the fruit shall be but small;
Tempest of weather shall it devour,
And cause thee to wail both day and hour.
45 Long life both worship and riches,
Reward shall be for thy goodness:
And when that God will for thee send,
Thou shalt from hence full nobly wend.
46 Fortunate shalt thou be this year,
And in worldly goods well prosper:
Be thou righteous, and do no wrong;
Things false gotten abide not long
47 Now be merry and make good chear,
And tarry on hope; for this next year
Plenty of riches God will thee give,
If thou poor men help and relieve.
48 If she seem good to thine intent,
Take her gladly that God hath sent:
Such another canst thou not find;
She is both good and meek of mind.
49 Thy purpose is to go thy journey;
Better is it to tarry in fay:
Full sure thou shalt it sore repent:
Wherefore take a good advisement.
50 Thou art fool to take a wise,
Sorrow to have debate and strife;
If thou love pleasure and rest,
Think thy self is at the best.
51 If thou be able to run with spear,
Take where thou wilt and nothing fear.
Trust thou me as for one draught;
Never man yet a better caught.
52 Hear the Astronomer what he doth say;
Beware lest thou run in decay.
Though still thou labour till thousweat,
Leese thou shalt as much as get.
53 In this world God granteth thee this,
That of long life thou shalt not miss:
In another world thou wilt repent
Of thy words that been mis-spent.
54 I see that thou wouldst full fain prove
What thing it is that men call love.
If ye one take, ye may be sure
But for a while love shall endure.
55 If thou wouldst thy mind keep close,
To effect wouldst come all thy purpose:
To every man thou shewest thy thought,
Wherefore it needs must grow to nought.
56 O my friend, that is for the best,
Enforce thy self to live in rest.
Thou canst not be very fortunate,
Whom other men shoulder with hate.

Fircu Astronomer.

1 Go thou forth and end thy voyage,
Sure to be from hurt and damage.
If thou be true in word and deed,
Hope thou maist the better to speed.
2 Both trouble and war of the Country
Shall cause to thee great sorrow alway.
More to leese than ought to get,
Is thy fortune; who can it let?
3 To tell thee truth I will not spare,
Have shalt thou both sorrow and care;
Sorrow and care till thou depart
From this world: think what thou art.
4 Good and perfect, discreet and wise
Is thy wife, having no vice.
Though mens tongues speak for their lust,
In them put thou no faith nor trust.
5 Forsooth this wench greatly I laud,
Good she is without any fraud,
And standing in the fight of God
As perfect mirrour of maidenhood.
6 Above all men she loveth you best,
Faithfull to be at your request;
Praying also, as ye will speed,
Secret to be of word and deed.
7 In sorrow and care standeth all thy life,
As one that hath a shrew to his wife:
God give thee grace it to withstand;
Indure thou shalt thus, long as band.
8 Equal displeasure both shall they have,
Thought they would themselves both save:
Thus they shall the world drive forth,
And spend till they be nothing worth.
9 Soon to effect thy mind shall come,
If thou have any wit or wisdom:
But labour thou must and diligent be,
And of thy purse look thou to be free.
10 Every creature loveth thee well,
A woman except that is full fell:
The Devil she would thy soul might take,
Because thou didst her love forsake.
11 What need I to glose or flatter?
Thou art too busie in all thy matter;
Trust no more there to thy friend,
It may no wist come to good end.
12 Thou maist thy wife both laud and praise,
For both good she is and courtise:
As perfect truly as any may be,
What can fortune more give unto thee?
13 Thou hast been kept alway full bare;
Now be merry, and put away care:
Better years God shall thee send;
He hath power all things to amend.
14 If thou be wise, do as I say,
And take thou not as yet thy journey;
For better it is at home to dance,
Than in the field to have mischance.
15 Of men and women both more and less
Loved thou art for thy goodness,
One except, I shew not his name,
The which desireth thy hurt and shame.
16 Through great labour and also pain
Thou shalt thy purpose have certain;
For God will of his grace and might
That every man shall have his right.
17 Your husband is both good and meek,
Yet in his heart he is full sick.
His heart is gnawn with jealousie,
That passeth both gout and palsie.
18 Thy fortune is to have a wife,
The which shall be of no long life;
Then of another shalt thou be sure,
With whom thou shalt gladly endure.
19 Now she loveth thee servently,
She will not long endure truly,
For by occasion of thy lewd mind,
Change she shall as doth the wind.
20 Thy wife hath an evil sickness,
Whereof no leach can her redress:
What thing it is I will thee not tell;
Thou knowest my mind, I say but well.
21 Nothing truly beloved thou art
For thy good deeds and faithfull heart.
Thus for thee doth fortune ordain,
Thy life to lead in sorrow and pain.
22 As yet thou shalt live and prosper,
And in few places have thy peer.
All thy desire God shall fulfill,
The world to have at thine own will.
23 By the might of thy most enemy
Overcome shalt thou be, and so die.
If prevaileth not for mercy to call,
Where mischief reigneth and ruleth all.
24 The time was she loved thee best,
Now gone she is to another man's nest.
Trust no more to her fair face,
Thou shalt better speed in short space.
25 Out of this world when thou shalt wend
Worship and same God shall thee send;
Eternal life and bliss also,
For thy good deeds to have thereto.
26 She is no meat for thee to eat,
It is too dear also to get,
She loveth thee not, but for thy purse:
Let her alone with Christ's curse.
27 All thy pleasure thou shalt not have,
For other men somewhat will crave:
Yet in thy matter happy thou art,
For have thou shalt the better part.
28 This is she that loveth thee best,
Wife she is both sad and honest:
Thou maist her have and do full well:
Of love alone she beareth the bell.
29 Hope thou not the matter to speed,
Law will repugn at thy most need.
What shall avail thee in the suit and labour,
If God will not thee help nor favour?
30 Much tribulation and anger withal
Through mischance will to thee fall:
Thou shalt be robbed e'er thou beware,
And in thy goods kept poor and bare.
31 Good she is and of great virtue,
Though thou think the contrary true,
One thing there is that fain she would,
Every man her person to behold.
32 It is but folly for this to enquire,
Or else to trust that thy desire
Should come to pass: for as I find,
Thou art too high of heart and mind.
33 Take thou no wise by mine assent,
Thou seest how some do them repent:
I say take none; for if thou do,
Notes shalt thou sing no more but two.
34 Fear thou not, she loveth thee well,
And full fain she would with thee dwell.
But when my tale I have all told,
Proved thou hast this woman of old.
35 I may thee compare unto a goat,
For thou sparest no womans coat:
But if thou leave thy lewd repast,
I shall thee tell new tales in hast.
36 Thou art as wise as is my goose,
Bound for to be, and may go loose:
For when thou hast a wife home brought,
She shall thee rule and set at nought.
37 But if that God thee help and speed,
Of thy friends shalt thou have need:
For all thy goods will come to nought
That thou hast by extortion caught.
38 Go thou forth, if thee it shall please,
Without all fear all at thine own ease:
God in heaven shall be thy guide,
Wheresoever thou go or ride.
39 For thy goodness and alms deed,
Withouten doubt thou shalt have meed:
Here to abide God granteth thee space,
And after in heaven to have a place.
40 His good name, vertue and honour,
Never shall change nor fade of colour:
Full long also here shall he dwell,
And so from hence depart full well.
41 To spend over much be not too bold,
Abate rather somewhat thy houshold:
For of thy lands both fa [...] and near
To thee small fruits will come this year.
42 If thou intend a wife to have,
I say no more, but God thee save.
Soon on the ground shall his head pight,
That darkling runneth without light.
43 Look thou prove nor tast such meat
That contrary is unto thy diet,
Take no wife for fear of debate,
For born thou art to them unfortunate.
44. In thy beginning shalt thou not lack,
Soon after it will come more slack:
Depart thou shalt at the last from all:
To deceit ascribe thou thy fall.
45 Give to her an husband at once,
Or else I swear by these ten bones,
Though she a maiden true now go,
Within short space she will not so.
46 Of an husband this year beware,
Lest by riot he pluck you full bare:
As much as you shall spin and card,
Spend out shall he, and cast at hazard.
47 True hath been this proverb alway,
After great storms cometh a fair day:
Be merry, and trust all for the best,
Comfort shall be when thou thinkest least.
48 Thy wife is good, as I thee tell,
God give you grace to please her well:
Above all things she loveth this best,
Long nights to have, but not long rest.
49 This wench is fair of her visage,
And somewhat grown in years of age:
Wherefore think that needs she must
A snatch among take for her lust.
50 Pluck up your heart, my Lady free,
Ye think long time wife or ye be:
Better time God may you not send,
An husband to have if ye intend.
51 Yet go not forth, as I thee say,
To seek other place or else Country:
For if thou shouldst from hence now go,
Find thou shalt both mischief and wo.
52 Take you this year no marriage,
Lest ye be penned as bird in cage:
For he that hath his wife suspect,
Keeks her close as woman infect.
53 If thou purpose a wife to take,
Thou must all sports and joys forsake.
Many children God will thee send,
For whom thou must both spare and spend.
54 Suffered thou hast great wo and pain,
And more than thou shalt have certain.
Be patient in all thine adversity,
And when God will better shall be.
55 Little shalt thou win or else nought,
Of the things that thou hast thought
I will thee advise all for the best,
Thine own to keep and live in rest.
56 As I see now by the course natural
Of the bodies above celestial,
The sun, the moon, stars every each one,
Pure maiden truly is she none.

Abos Astronomer.

1 After all worldlyy pains and labour,
Die thou shalt in love and favour;
And by the grace of God Almight,
In Heaven to have a place full bright.
2 For evil life that thou leadest here,
A shamefull death thou ought to fear.
While thou art here, therefore beware,
And have respect to thy welfare.
3 Every man ought to think the best,
Thy thought is not good nor honest:
Wherefore it is but folly to trow,
That it may to any effect grow.
4 Your Husband runneth both night and day,
as a wolf waiting for his prey:
For while ye lie at home and sleep,
Forth he stealeth to bite mens sheep.
5 Thy lands this year shall be much worth,
Great fruits also shall they bring forth:
But such chance shall to thee befall,
A part to leese, but yet not all.
6 Go forth thy way all at thine ease,
No man shall thee hurt or displease:
But yet thou must by another way
Turn home again, to avoid a fray.
7. Live thou shalt full hard and bare,
Getting all things by labour and care:
Yet if thou any wisdom have,
Thrive thou maist, and somewhat save.
8 A cause thou hast to love thy wife,
For her goodness, during thy life:
Against thy worship and good name
She thinketh no hurt nor worldly shame.
9 God speed you, Maiden, fresh and gay;
A Maiden ye be, I dare well say,
Of deed doing; but as to thought,
The bargain is both sold and bought.
10 Thy wife hath thee suspect of love,
But she dare not to thee it move:
While it is so that thou art naught,
Blame her not for her true thought.
11 Thy fortune is, as I tell thee,
Ever to labour and poor to be:
Yet thee endued God hath with grace,
Live to obtain in evry place.
12 Long shalt thou in poverty dwell,
And afterward yet do full well:
But when riches God doth thee send,
Think with death soon after to wend.
13 To an extremity shalt thou be brought,
And as for that take thou no thought:
For by the help and aid of one
Thou shalt thine adversary cause to groan.
14 Thou oughtest truly to make good chear,
Having so good and gracious a year.
Have thou shalt this year at thy will
Both corn and wheat thy barn to fill.
15 Slow thou art as is the snail,
And that is nought for thine avail:
For time mispent e're thou begin
Shall cause thee leese what thou shouldst win.
16 Your husband hath no fault but one,
Sweet meats him pleaseth, or else none.
His lust sometime could you well quench;
But dress his meat must now your wench.
17 I know full well a Maiden you be,
But strawberry horns, so mote I thee:
A spice ye have of the mother,
And as fain would ye as another.
18 Though thou it think good sport and game,
Yet put thy self in no such frame:
Such queasie meats look thou forsake,
Lest through it thou a surfeit take.
19 Thank thou God whatever he send,
For he may again all things amend.
Thy lands this year by tempests great
Devoured shall be, both corn and wheat.
20 This woman to love bounden thou art
For she loveth thee with all her heart:
Good she is, both gentle and free,
Perfect also in every degree.
21 Beware of such that do well say,
And in living have no good way:
For if thy counsel once they knew,
Against the stream shalt thou soon row.
22 Have you shall a very good husband,
None such to be among a thousand.
Thank God therefore thy Lord so bright,
For his reward both day and night.
23 As one that is in no certain,
She cannot love nor yet disdain:
Her mind is set only to prove
What man is most stedfast in love.
24 Do as thou wouldest be done unto;
For as thou dost so will she doe:
If thou take any other beside,
Why should she tarry a longer tide?
25 Full light is your good man of mind,
I may compare his wit to wind;
Of love is he not true nor fast;
Of every meat would he fain tast.
26 In goods shall thee fortune enhance,
And lead thee long in her court dance:
But at the last she will thee trip,
And all again shall from thee whip.
27 One there is thou knowest full well,
Both fair and good: short tale to tell;
If thou intend a wife to take,
Take thou her and other forsake.
28 Thou maist thank God with all thine heart,
For when thou shalt from life depart,
Thou art as sure, for thy goodness,
In heaven to have a place endless.
29 Escape thou shalt shortly from pain,
And to great joy return again:
A man there is that prayeth in fear
For thee to God, whom he will hear.
30 Blind thou art and nothing canst see,
To love that thing that loveth not thee:
Some other means thou must needs find,
If sure thou wilt be of thy mind.
31 Bide thou at home and look about,
Some men have hurt while they be out.
From one man that calleth thee Gossip,
Keep thy wife lest he her whip.
32 If ye an husband home will set,
Now time it is to pitch your net:
This year to you is lent by grace,
Your pain to turn to great solace.
33 In youth shall he be faithful and good,
In age he will misform his hood:
For though he lie staight in the dust,
He will not spare his lecherous lust.
34 When Corn is ripe it would be reapt:
When colts have strength, they would be leapt,
Your time is come, my Lady free,
Wherein you ought to graft your tree.
35 Thy labour is all but in vain,
Think thou not to avoid thy pain.
It is full hard to help a sore
That runnerh and rankleth more and more.
36 As I find in my holy Book,
And as I see by her fair look,
By her breast, her belly and waste,
A Maiden she is, but not very chast.
37 Your Husband is full good indeed,
And yet he is not in your Creed:
Ye be to blame to judge him naught,
As if with ought ye had him taught.
38 Take ye none yet, my Mistriss dear,
Upon good luck of this next year:
For sure shall ye be then of one
As perfect as the pretious stone.
39 Time it is, Mistriss, to marry,
Ye be to blame thus long to tarry.
She that once hath proved the game,
Desireth to have more of the same.
40 Against all right ye have this wo,
And long endureth it also:
Yet hope ye may all for the best,
Shortly to have both joy and rest.
41 Truth I will say, though thou be wroth,
Licked thou hast of some evil broth:
Thy tongue is so swift in every matter,
That no man loveth thee for thy clatter.
42 Be not too swift, as I thee tell;
Tarry thou maist and do full well:
For if thou wouldst now take thy way,
Thou mightst repent both hour and day.
43 Wit and wisdom God hath thee sent,
Whereby thou maist have thine intent:
Of thine intent thou shalt be sure,
Hereafter to live at thy pleasure.
44 To spare thy goods thou must begin,
For little shalt thou in this year bring in:
Change of the weather so great will fall,
That thy fruits may be but small.
45 Through wisdom and grace withall
Shalt thou thine enemy put to a fall:
The Law will thee defend in right,
And of all loss shall he thee quit.
46 A cause thou hast ost-time to weep,
God may thee help and from it keep:
All worldly good shall from thee wry,
And as a wretch needs must thou die.
47 Thought is one, and deed another;
The one is free, but not the other:
For malice and hate thou must conject,
Thy thought no way may come to effect.
48 Much sorrow and pain suffered hast thou
In time before, but yet as now
Thou maist rejoyce and sing also,
For God will thee deliver therefro.
49 Of every man both more and less
Loved thou art for thy goodness.
Joy shalt thou in thy matter find,
If all things happen after thy mind.
50 Some men would say it were best to ride,
And some would say, it were best to abide:
But on my peril go thy way,
Take shalt thou no hurt by thy journey.
51 Thou art so froward and lewd of mind,
That no where love maist thou find,
If love thou wilt and grace obtain,
Thou must thy wilfull mind refrain.
52 If thou intend a wife to prove,
Unto a Maiden give thy love:
For if thou Widow or other take,
Of thine ears horns will she make.
53 Take you an husband, my Mistriss dear,
For now time is which shall you chear;
The which if ye should leese in vain,
No more such could ye find again.
54 To take a wife I advise thee not,
But knit upon thy tail a knot:
Better it is so for to go,
Than tail to have and horns also.
55 If wilfulness thou eschew and pride,
Tribulation soon shall from thee glide.
Maintain thou not thy self therein,
Lest thee it bite more near the skin.
56 When thou hopest full little to obtain,
And thy desire to stand in vain;
Then shall God thy wish fulill,
And things to have at thy own will.

Aram Astronomer.

1 Be sure of money in time of need;
For money shalt thou thy marter speed:
For money thou maist have right and law;
Without money thou maist thy nails gnaw.
2 For her good and honest demeanour,
Her to have it is thine honour:
Of honour by her and profit also
Thou maist be sure where-ever thou go.
3 It is truly great shame and pity,
That any maiden her dignity
Should leese: they will be doing,
And so will ye. I say nothing.
4. Some time was she loved thee well,
But now new tales I can thee tell,
With empty purse thou comest so oft,
That cast thou art out of the loft.
5 Thou canst full well both do and say,
And in one head with two tongues play;
Thou maist be glad of such vertue:
Wherefore all men shall thee eschew.
6 take thow a wife at thy pleasure,
God will provide for thee full sure:
He shall thee inhance in wealth so high,
That every man shall thee envy.
7 If thou intend to have thy purpose,
To spend thou must thy self dispose:
For if thou have nothing to spend,
Tarry thou must till God some send.
8 Alway to ride is his delight,
And change his place both day and night.
Suffer him not to have his will,
For many a Nag doth such men spill.
9 If trouble or war cause thee no lett,
Great fruits this year shalt thou home fet:
Wherefore pray God for rest and peace,
And so shalt thou in wealth increase.
10 Some men would fain thy purpose let,
And some the better would of thee get:
Let every every man do what he will,
And yet shalt thou thy mind fulfill.
11 Shall I thee tell the very troth?
To make a lie I were but 10th:
If thou her keep not under thy foot.
Thou shalt beshrew thine own heart-root.
12 Maidens I am loath for to displease,
It availe th me nor Bean nor Pease:
The troth to tell, Mistress all hail,
Forsooth you have an unsavoury tail.
13 Brought up thou hast been in great pain,
And of no joy as yet certain:
But at the ed thou maist be sure
Of good reward and much pleasure.
14 Thou maist be sure she loveth thee well,
Whereof as yet she dare thee not tell:
Within short space thou shalt it prove,
For send she will thee a token of love.
15 Your years to lose you are but a fool,
Begin betime and go to your School:
In age all wealth will him forsake
That nought in youth will learn nor take.
16 What is her name, Agnes or Jone?
Truly she hath no fault but one:
A maid she is, but yet what then?
She would be fain colled of young men.
17 I fear truly this year thy life,
Wherefore withdraw thy self from strife:
If thou do after my counsel,
Thou maist long live, and die full well.
18 If thou intend forth for to wend,
Blessed fortune God shall thee send:
But speed thou must and make great hast.
Or else thy voyage will stand in wast.
19 The more party loveth thee well:
But one I know both cruel and fell,
Waiting thy death both day and night;
But on himself shall it first light.
20 Thou standest in grace and good degree,
Doing all things that is thy duty:
Once in the morning or thou up rise;
And once at night, that is but twice,
21 By a woman that is full honest,
Soon shalt thou come from pain to rest:
Therefore be glad and take no thought,
The time is near that thou hast sought.
22 I thee promise, at thy most need,
Do full well shalt thou and speed:
Thou shalt obtain by law and right,
When others have done all their despite.
23 The space of a year thou maist be sure,
So long shalt thou in love endure:
Again will she then prove her wings,
In other places to have her flings.
24 This wife is sad, loving and wise,
Discreet, gentle, and nothing nice:
Of such vertue know I but few,
But yet shalt thou her find a shrew.
25 Marvel I have ye tarry so long,
Me seem you do your self much wrong:
Yet take one, and forth shall ye bring
Many fair Babes under your wing.
26 Escape thou shalt from all this wo:
But yet long way hast thou to go:
Comfort thy self, and hope well ever;
Better it is late than never.
27 Truth to express I am very loath,
One word oft-times make men full wrath;
It is no need such things to tell,
You may soon read if you can spell.
28 From evil speech thy tongue refrain,
If thou intend love to obtain:
Thy tongue so runneth alway at large,
That of thy deeds no man taketh charge.
29 Mistress, I shall you say the sooth,
If that ye should do as he doth,
Break you would both faith and love.
As Venus sheweth to me above.
30 Bounden are ye to love this woman
Above all other, for she love Can:
And though ye know not yet her mind,
Indeed hereafter ye shall it find.
31 Thou art not wise to trust thereto,
The law herein shall nothing do:
Forsooth, nought else shall ye both win,
But spend your thrist, and rub your chin.
32 Thy wife is good but naught for thee,
For thou art naught, so Mars tells me.
Great pity it is that naught and good
Should dwell together under one hood.
33 Why mistrust ye or ye have need?
Your Phere is good of word and deed:
As himself he loveth his wife,
Never to change during his life.
34 I see full well thou lovest debate;
For little carest thou who doth thee hate.
He that seeketh more hate than love,
As his mind is, so must he prove.
35 In thy journey God be thy guide,
For much wo shall to thee betide:
But yet thy self thou maist well save
From hurt, thy purpose sure to have.
36 If thy though were good and honest,
Full soon mightest thou have thy request:
But, as I well see, it is not so,
Wherefore I pass and Let it go.
37 Thou maist be gald and sing also,
Loved thou art where ever thou go.
Thank God thereof thou maist indeed,
For every man cannot so speed.
38 Loved thou art full well, doubtless,
Of every man both more and less;
One except, I tell not his name,
The which contriveth thy hurt and shame.
39 Of your husband why do you enquire?
What thing lack ye of your desire?
For better or worse be ye content.
I see true tongues be oft-times shent.
40 All good people loveth thee full well,
All the bad hate thee as hell:
Thou maist be glad thus loved to be,
For bad and good can never agree.
41 For fervent love and perfect charity.
For good life and deeds of piety,
In grace shalt thou alway proceed,
And heaven at last have to thy need.
42 Beware of women lest thou repent.
They be for thee none instrument.
Thou maist be merry, and sing alone,
Though thou blow Bagpipe or Drone.
43 Win thou maist, if thou be wise,
And have the world at thy devise:
But of deceir thou must beware,
Lest thee it make again full bare.
44 This year thou must be wise and ware,
Somewhat to spend, but more to spare:
For such fruits as thou bringest in
Shall be truly both small and thin.
45 For thy good manners and vertues all,
Doubtless God thee reward shall,
No worldly good here to miss.
And after in heaven to have his bliss.
46 If thou take any wife this year,
Forsooth thou shalt her buy too dear:
She shall thee bring none other good,
But an horn to draw on thy hood.
47 Fortune is come all things to amend,
Great goods to thee now shall descend
Wherefore thou must be wise and ware,
For thieves will do thee now much care.
48 If thou enquire what man I am,
An Astronomer called Aram.
Great good this year shalt thou home bring:
Thank me now for my good tiding.
49 Whensoever thou take thy voyage,
Have thou shalt no hurt nor damage:
Suffer thou must first wo and care,
And then shalt thou have great welfare.
50 Though other men full well prosper,
The world is naught for thee this year:
For when there falleth either frost or snow,
Thou art full like thy nails to blow.
51 For eating of fruits e'er they been ripe,
Glutting therewith thy gut and tripe;
But if thou shrink and bear the bet,
In August death shall thee home fet.
52 Shall I tell thee a tale full true?
Loved thou art for thy great vertue:
And if thou intend so for to endure,
Of great worship maist thou be sure.
53 Or ever ye bring things to pass,
Behold your self well in a glass:
Better you were none for to take,
Than one to have that nought can make.
54 Thy cause thou shalt full well obtain,
But labour thou must and take much pain:
And if thou wilt the sooner speed,
Thy purse must speak alway at need.
55 Yet for a while live thou alone,
As for this year wife take thou none:
For whensoever thou hast such gift,
Think thou shalt it came too swift.
56 Win thou shalt by little and little,
And ever among add one tittle.
Well he speedeth that getteth his cost,
And eateth at home both sodden and rost.

Teon Astronomer.

1 She is nothing to thy purpose,
Pepper to cast ever in thy nose.
Suspect she hath thee in one thing,
Whereof she can no proof forth bring.
2 Thy wife is good and vertuous also,
Find thou cannot such many mo:
Thou art not worthy her for to keep:
For unkindness she may well weep.
3 Repair thy houses on every side,
And make thou them both large and wide:
So much shalt thou this year home wind,
That place for it shalt thou scant find.
4 Whensoever thou go or ride,
From a Bridge down shalt thou slide;
And yet recover thy self again,
And so pass forth without more pain.
5 Take ye now one at your choice,
And of his love shall ye rejoyce.
If ye this time present refuse,
Farewell, ye may become recluse.
6 Take ye no husband by my counsel,
Except his lineage ye know full well:
For some would sain a Gentleman have,
And yet they stumble and take a knave.
7 The Astronomer Teon called I am,
And thee to answer hither I came.
Thou art so kind and eke so curtise,
That needs must men thee love and praise.
8 Good she is, I am full certain,
And a Maid but to her pain:
She thinketh her self able enough
By the tail to hold the plough.
9 Thy time and goods thou dost but spill;
She oweth to thee but small good will:
Liver she would thou kiss her hips
Than with thy mouth to touch her lips.
10 Thou standest in favour and great grace,
Not for flattering nor yet fair face,
But, if I should the troth well guess,
For fervent love and faithfulness.
11 Though thy thought be not yet come,
It will shortly both all and some:
The time thereof I see draweth nigh,
As the stars shew me full high.
12 To know I see thou art full glad,
Whether thy wife be good or bad:
To this I give answer but blunt,
Do she must as women are wont.
13 Thy first wife shall not long endure;
Of the second thou maist be sure
Perfect love and riches to have:
Pray God her long to keep and save.
14 All men are glad thee for to please,
But women set not by thee a pease:
For of thy hurt, loss wo and shame;
As they are wont, they make but game.
15 Think what thou wouldst most fain,
And that thou shalt full soon obtain;
Health, honour, love, precious stone,
And a good wise, if thou have none.
16 Trouble and care with much torment
During thy life God hath thee sent:
Thank him thereof, and suffer all thing;
For suffer thou must if thou wert King.
17 Thou livest in riot, and all at large,
As he that hath small thing in charge:
Now I thee advise to take a wife,
And hereafter to amend thy life.
18 Full good she is, as I well know,
And yet few men would her so trow.
God keep her long in her good mind,
Forsuch another can I not find.
19 God hath thee made of such nature,
That no long life shalt thou endure:
But for thy time so well here spent,
Thou shalt have heaven and thine intent;
20 Tempest of weather shall be such,
That gather this year shalt thou not much;
Yet if thou have all things competent,
Thou maist well live and be content.
21 It is but folly to make more labour,
Where thou maist no love get nor favour.
Purpose therefore some other thing,
For this to pass shalt thou not bring.
22 Why should I this woman bewray?
More she thinketh than she will say.
I know what thing would her mind ease:
I will not tell, lest I displease.
23 Born thou art to poverty and wo;
Be patient therein, thank God also:
For after this vale of wretchedness,
Sure thou shalt be of joy endless.
24 It is but folly to cry or call,
She loved thee never nor never shall:
Thy manners be nothing to her mind,
As thou shalt hereafter well find.
25 Of thy matter speak thou no more,
Sure thou art to run on the shore:
For help shall thee the Law nothing,
But all to spend, and nothing home bring.
26 Yet one fault in mind I bear,
A tale once told in a man's ear:
But as for that take thou no thought,
For to essect was it never brought.
27 For good life and vertue also
Loved thou art where ever thou go,
Wherefore to God turn thou thy face,
Thanking him for his great grace.
28 Loth I am the troth to declare;
For true tongues cause oft-times care:
What this man is I will not say;
But well wot I who is a Cockney.
29 As this year shall we not fail
Of great wind, rain, snow and hail:
Wherefore thou maist full well suppose,
That like thou art somewhat to lose.
30 As thou diggest and delvest thy land,
Find thou shalt fortune at hand;
Whereby thou maist the better fare,
During thy life, if thou beware.
31 Loved ye be somewhat indeed,
And better ye shall in love yet speed,
When she is certain and sure,
That your true heart shall ever endure.
32 Of thy great enemies every each one
Fear thou nothing, for God alone,
That hath in all both power and might,
Shall thee defend in all thy right.
33 Your husband hath been good till now,
But now take heed as I tell you:
For one I know that pen him would,
And brought he is almost to the fold.
34 Thy neighbours, not true nor faithfull
Much fruit this year shall from thee pull:
Keep, and hold, and do thy best;
And yet shalt thou not live in rest.
35 If thou this year a wife do wed,
With two spoons thou must be fed,
One of silver another of horn,
As men to sweet and sower born.
36 What saith the Priest to thee alway?
Serve God and keep the holy-day.
If these words indeed thou fulfill,
Have thou shalt the world at will.
37 What for rain, for hail and snow,
What through labourers that been slow,
In field such hurt this year will fall,
That thy thrift shall be but small.
38 As true as I tell thee this tale,
Drink thou must this year small Ale;
For gather thou shalt nothing almost,
For them that rob in every coast.
39 Death will steal on thee by the night,
When thou art both lusty and light:
The cause thereof is, as I thee tell,
A witch full old, the Devil of hell.
40 He that delighteth to sing and dance,
In every place to prick and prance,
Often bringeth home naught in his male.
How declare ye to me this tale?
41 Thou thinkest that thou livest in care,
And fain wouldst prove of some welfare:
Then I thee advise to take no wife,
Lest care thee catch during thy life.
42 Print in thy mind what I now say,
For troth thou shalt it prove in fay:
For murther and mishap of one,
Wail shalt thou and take great moan.
43 Shortly shalt thou escape, doubtless,
From all thy pain and great distress:
Of joy also shalt thou not miss;
For God ordaineth now that, now this.
44 What need we otherwise to show,
Than troth is? ye would fain know
Whether she be a maiden or not.
A maiden she is, but having one spot.
45 I know full well what is your thought,
A man to have, though he be naught:
Be not too swift, for you may hap
On a better spigot for your tap.
46 That put thou maist all trouble away,
No more to have, I will not say;
Fortune hath thee in such disdain,
That ever somewhat must needs remain.
47 Trust my words as the Gospel,
I am wont no fables for to tell:
She is gentle, meek and vertuous,
As good a maid as dwelleth in house.
48 If thou intend thy self for to save
From hurt, and all thy mind to have,
Depart not yet? within short space
God shall thee send some better grace.
49 Thou shalt not need to labour or sweat
Greatly this year, thy food to get:
If thou wilt daily go to the plough,
God shall thee send plenty enough.
50 Thou art in speech so wont to rave,
That wofull life thou needs must have.
My Master taught me when I was young,
Let not thy thought pass by the tongue.
51 A Maiden she is, and full well kept
Hath she been, she never out-leapt
Of her doors, nor from the sight
Of her Mistress, by day or night.
52 Among women thou gettest much hate,
As a man to them unfortunate:
Thee to deceive is all their thought.
Dread thou not though they be naught.
53 To to take a husband it is no shame;
To tarry so long ye be to blame:
Seeing of one good ye shall not lack,
Marvel I have you be so slack.
54 Fortune hath been to thee unkind,
Contrarying alway thy mind:
Thou canst not lightly heal a sore
That hath continued long time before.
55 I know full well what is thy thought,
And to good end shall it be brought:
The time thereof draweth near and near:
Thank God thereof, and make good chear.
56 Through thy friends, that be full kind,
Have thou shalt thy purpose and mind,
And in thy cause shalt thou well speed.
A friend is good alway at need.

Bora Astronomer.

1 Thou hast endur'd much sorrow and pain
But of joy thou maist be full certain:
For e'er thou die thou shalt not miss
Of much honour, with heavenly bliss.
2 It is but folly for this to enquire,
Or else to trust that thy desire
Should come to pass, for, as I find,
Thou art too high of heart and mind.
3 Though she be sore grieved with love,
As other wenches, and fain would prove:
Yet ye need in her no doubt put;
Chast she is, and keepeth her gut.
4 Better it is to agree with love,
Than the law by rigour to prove:
For thou shalt not thy right obtain,
Falshood hath thee in such disdain.
5 Through evil will and hate also,
Brought thou art to trouble and wo:
But sure thou art delivered to be
Within few days, as I well see.
6 Thy matter may full well be sped,
If thou have brain in thy head;
Labour thou must and do some cost,
Or else it is truly but lost.
7 Thou maist full weil the world defie,
Thy fortune is a wretch to die:
And yet thou art not too blame,
But another, I tell not his name.
8 God give thee grace thy self to save,
For much care thou art like to have:
And though thou would it quench full fain,
Yet one spark shall ever remain.
9 Make thou shalt great sorrow and moan,
And die also for love of one:
One I mean full gentle and kind,
The which loveth thee with heart and mind.
10 Thou shalt full soon delivered be
From wretchedness and penalty:
For dead truly is one person
That great sorrow to thee hath done.
11 Thou maist full well take thy journey,
Coming and going sure in thy way:
All things shall be to thine intent;
But go shortly lest thou repent.
12 Love thou gettest, but it is small,
For lewd tongue and manners withal.
Better thou wert to be in thy grave,
Than lewd tongue and manners to have.
13 As long as one, where-ever thou go,
Liveth on earth, being thy foe,
To effect thy mind cannot be brought:
When he is dead come will thy thought.
14 Thy wife so good and vertuous,
That to the Emperour she might be Spouse.
For mo such long might I look,
Or ever I ound one in my Book.
15 Put thou shalt at the first great doubt,
How it might be brought about:
Yet speed thou shalt well at the last,
And all thy purpose have steadfast.
16 If from home this month thou move,
As I well see by the heavens above,
And with other tokens full certain,
Home thou shalt not come again.
17 Thou shalt obtain, mine own dear friend,
And bring thy matter unto good end:
Put not fear therein nor doubt,
Shortly it shall be brought about.
18 Your husband is too blame in fay,
For he giveth you but simple array.
Pluck your frontlet over your eye,
Lest other men your horns espy.
19 Of such love take thou little heed,
For she mocketh and scorneth indeed:
More uncertain she is than wind.
Love where thou maist true love find.
20 When thou shalt with death hence ride,
Of wordly worship, pomp and pride
Sure thou art, but not in the love
To stand of God thy maker above.
21 God may do much in time of need,
Because thou maist the better speed:
But if the truth were well sought,
This woman loveth thee right nought.
22 Above all things I will thee advise
To beware of Friars, that in no wise
They come to house; for under their tabard
They bear hamess of metal full hard.
23 As me seemeth ye have great grude;
Ye be too blame if ye will judge:
Your husband is as gentle and free
As I know any of his degree.
24 Some men would fain thee dead see,
But yet before shall they dead be.
And smart pain suffer for their sin,
When thou art sure heaven for to win.
25 She loveth thee with all her mind,
Wherefore be not to her unkind:
But as thou oughtest, love her again,
Sith of her love thou art certain.
26 Within her heart she beareth a devil,
The which imagineth to thee some evil.
Trust me, thou art like to repent,
If thou be not at her commandment.
27 All men are glad of thy service,
Pleased also; but in no wise
Love of them shalt thou obtain,
Nor yet reward for all thy pain.
28 Through evil speech one doth contrive
How he might by thy death thrive:
But live shalt thou in great honour,
And he repent both day and hour.
29 If thou hope, thou hopest in vain,
Delivered to be from trouble and pain:
Thou hast deserved yet more than this,
So oft as thou hast done amiss.
30 Fain would you know, as wives mo,
Whether your husband be good or no.
Many a word in jest speaketh he
That turneth to earnest: how say ye?
31 Of Rie, Wheat and many things mo,
Of Peason, Oats and Fitches also,
Great plenty this year thou have shalt,
But small Barly to make thy Malt.
32 If this year any wise thou take,
Thou must all joy and sport forsake;
And trust me true, during thy life,
Well shalt thou say, I have a wife.
33 Purpose this year thy goods to spare,
Or else thou art like to be full bare.
Get thou shalt full little or nought,
The time is such; take thou no thought.
34 Have thou shalt very much this year,
In every place both far and near:
Yet by thieves that rob alway
Somewhat shalt thou fall into decay.
35 But if thou work by great wisdom,
Thou shalt catch hurt in time to come.
Keep thy wife, as thine own head,
From such that may never wives wed.
36 A friend thou hast, as I well see,
That prayeth to God alway for thee:
Wherefore it is no need to enquire,
For have thou shalt all thy desire.
37 This man delighteth to hop and dance,
Among women himself to advance.
As some men say this is but play,
And mirth, and sport; but I say nay.
38 Be thou merry and glad also;
Thou maist be sure from pain and wo
Delivered to be within short space:
Now trust in God of his great grace.
39 One thing I shew in plain sentence,
I will nought tell in her absence;
Call her hither and let her cast
Her chance her self, there is no hast.
40 Ye be of age your self you know,
Marvel I have you be so slow:
If ye intend to prove merry life,
See this year ye become a wife.
41 For great patience that reigneth in thee,
Sure thou art delivered ro be
Within few days from sorrow and pain:
Thank God of his high grace again.
42 Is not this a marvellous conjuration,
To make a sport and plain declaration?
She was a Maid, I dare it avow:
What need I tell what she is now?
43 If thou intend hence for to go,
Go at once, why tarryest thou so?
This day is good, but yet to morrow
Catch thou maist both hurt and sorrow.
44 From evil neighbourhood God thee save,
For hurt thou art like by it to have:
Take heed therefore this year, my friend,
And specially about the latter end.
45 Ye remember not long ago
With what man ye met; ah, peace, who?
Keep your own counsel and honesty,
For it shall never come out for me.
46 Full small shall be thine husbandry
This year in Wheat, Barly and Rie:
But yet thereof though little thou get,
It shall be good, and specially Wheat.
47 Thou art truly full little beloved,
For, as I have before well proved,
Thy pleasure hath been ever to swear,
The which all men ought for to fear.
48 Many a man's heart in wo is knit,
And all for lack of a fore-wit.
As yet beware thou take no wife,
For women make all men pensife.
49 Small fruit shalt thou gather this year,
But for all that make thou good chear:
For though it be to thee but small,
It shall be good and perfect withal.
50 Find thou shalt fortune full hard,
This year, unkind and froward;
For sure thou art little to get,
And scant to find thee drink and meat.
51 To take a wife this year beware,
Lest thou be caught in a double snare:
For of two things she will not fail,
A shrewd tongue, and a worse tail.
52 Truth it is, that of many men
Loved thou art; but yet what then?
I count them flowers whose fruit doth fail,
Their love shall thee nothing prevail.
53 Get thou shalt but little this year,
And in the next less in manner.
If thou wilt do as I thee tell,
Seek out some other place to dwell.
54 If ye this year an husband wed,
Within short space he shall be dead,
And ye a Widow; yet once again
Another rove, the better of twain.
55 Of thy desire sha [...]t thou sood speed,
If it be good and honest indeed:
If it be naught, I will not glose,
Thou shalt not speed of thy purpose.
56 If thou be diligent, wary and wise,
And keep thy self from Cards and Dice,
Thou maist be sure much for to win,
And up to hold both brow and chin.

Basi Astronomer.

1 Out of this world when thou shalt wend,
Worship and fame God shall thee lend;
Eternal life and bliss also,
For thy good deeds to have thereto.
2 Thou maist be glad of thy darling,
For she loveth thee above all thing:
But yet she would not for ten mark
That her friends knew of such wark.
3 Now may you have a good husband
As any I know in all this land.
If God send him as good a Wife,
Ye shall both have a joyfull life.
4 Be ye not afraid, Mistress, come near;
If ye take an husband this year,
Trust me ye may, naught will he be:
Leave him, or take him, now chuse ye.
5 Fulfill your mind now, fair Mistress;
For by the planets I perceive doubtless,
If ye one take and claw him by the back,
Of goods and joy shall ye never lack.
6 I see by the air and clouds above,
That if thou shouldst this journey prove,
Thou shoulst have hurt and loss also,
Whether thou intend to ride or go.
7 I know full well whither she walked
Now but late, and where she talked
With one for her joy and solace;
She lacked nothing but time and place.
8 Loved thou art, thou maist it avow,
For service past: wherefore as now
Thou shalt be sure at every season
Thy will to have, as it is reason.
9 Marry no man, by my counsel,
But if ye know him before well:
Or else within few days I wiss,
Know shall ye what jealousie is.
10 Mark my words my friend, and hear;
If thou take any wife this year,
Thou maist be sure full well to speed,
And have good friends ever at need.
11 Man and woman in jealousie pight,
As thou art both day and night,
Cannot be merry: and yet, what's more,
No leech can heal thee of such sore.
12 Remember thy self some time among,
And think thou shalt not here live long:
Yet hope thou well of God almight,
In heaven to have a place full bright.
13 A man that hateth thee full evil,
A slanderer, a whelp of the Devil,
Shall thee intrap so of thy mind,
That like thou art to be cast behind.
14 By great envy, hate and disdain,
Suffer thou shalt as yet more pain.
Within a prison needs must he abide
That walled is on every side.
15 Thine adversary beareth himself bold,
For he hath all things as he would,
Both money and a good advocate.
For thy matter thou speakest too late.
16 Thou must beware and keep counsel,
For doubtless thou art loved full well.
If thou take heed, soon shalt thou spy
How on thee she will cast her eye.
17 I you advise to live yet sole,
And let this year pass full and whole:
And though ye tarry the next also,
Ye come not too late to your wo.
18 I see Maidens be not all clean,
But one or twain among fifteen:
They take hurt, I wot not how.
I say nothing but good by you.
19 By the aid and help of a friend
Shortly shalt thou make good end
Of all thy trouble and pains so sore:
Thou maist thank God and him therefore.
20 For thy good service and true tongue,
All men love thee both old and young:
Wherefore hereafter thou shalt speed,
If thou intend so to proceed.
21 I see thou art secret and wise,
Doing all things with good advice:
Wherefore have not my word suspect,
Thy thought shall come to good effect.
22 For lewd words that late were spoken,
And for they promise also broken,
She loveth thee as well as her old rock,
Or else the hem of her gilt smock.
23 I can no fault find in thy spouse,
She is as good as dwelleth in house,
Courtise, perfect as precious stone:
Thou art not worthy to have such an one.
24 She was never good, nor yet shall be
During her life: for, as I well see,
Born she was such time and day,
That needs she must, I will not say.
25 By the falshood of an old Witch,
Worse in living than dog or bitch,
Thou art full like mischance to have,
It that God thee not help and save.
26 Now, Mistress, to you thus I answer;
Of your good man take ye no fear,
He is full good of all his living
To God and you, and also thriving.
27 No marvel is though men misdeem,
Maidens be not all as they seem;
A wanton she is, I see with my eye,
And fain would prove: fie for shame fie.
28 This year shall one rich man decease,
By whom thou maist in goods encrease
After his death, wedding his wife;
Wherefore take none during his life.
29 I marvel how thou maist thrive,
For envy and hate do ever contrive
How they might thy beard off shave,
And pluck away that thou wouldst have.
30 This tale I'll tell to thee alone:
Thou dotest in love and all for one
The which, if troth were well sought,
Loves thee again little or nought.
31 Fear not thou to follow the law,
Thou shalt make one his head to claw;
And, but if he to thee kneel and crouch,
To seek the bottom of his pouch.
32 I know well what is in thy thought,
And to effect it shall be brought.
As true it is that I shew thee,
As I am call'd etcetere.
33 I know no man that loveth thee;
The cause thereof full well I see:
Amend thy manners, or else truly
Thou art full like full sore to able.
34 Tarry at home and go not out;
For, as I find, without any doubt,
Such mishap may to thee befall,
That weep for thee shall thy friends all.
35 Wouldst thou fain thy fortune know?
One thing thou maist well think, I trow:
If that thy manners thou not amend,
Quick to the Devil thou shalt wend.
36 Keep thy tongue and mind in close,
That no man know of thy purpose,
But such a man as loves thee best;
And so shalt thou have thy request.
37 I see not how thy thought may come
To effect by any wit or wisdom;
For, without any dissimulation,
It is a thing of feeble foundation.
38 Thou shalt have fruit this year full fair,
As I perceive above by the air;
But in the next thou shalt have more:
Remember I have told thee before.
39 If thou a wife take, thou art sure
Of great love, riches and pleasure,
And to live without pain or wo.
Of such fortune know I no mo.
40 Have shalt thou full little avail
This year, for all thy great travail:
Some men shall thee deceive so sore,
And cause thee lose still more and more.
41 Thou maist thy self imagine and see
What thy life hereafter shall be.
Think thou not that trees will bear,
When they be dry, either apple or pear.
42 Wilt thou know thy Wives intent?
Because she would seem fair and gent,
She keepeth her anger within her breast,
Somewhat it is to live in rest.
43 Through the sloth of thy workmen
Thou art full like backward to ren;
And in this year such goods to leese,
That thou shalt have scant bread and cheese.
44 Alas, poor man! what is thy mind
To take a wife? thou art but blind:
For though they look as smooth as butter,
They be shrewd merchandise to utter.
45 Merchandize that thou broughtst in
Shall cause thee great good to win;
If thou be wise, and ware in special
With whom thou makest thy bargains all.
46 This voyage without any fail
Shall thee many ways greatly avail:
Wherefore if thou take forth thy journey,
Tarry no longer than April or May.
47 Lewd tongues, evil mot they fare,
Do spill the thrift of thy chaffair.
Think thou not, during this year,
In worldly goods to encrease and prosper.
48 The end of thy life full glorious
Shall be, and nothing laborious:
But afterward I will thou know,
Thou must come down and dwell full low.
49 Thou needest not hope nor suppose
To have thy mind or else purpose:
Among a thousand scant one thought
May to effect be driven or brought.
50 Will ye needs know what is this wench?
As I remember, once upon a bench
Cast she was, but nought could do,
Having no leisure nor time thereto.
51 Much this year shalt thou obtain,
Wherefore make ready both cartand wain:
And that thou maist the better speed,
Provide for labourers e'er thou have need.
52 Take ye now (Mistress) an husband,
Ye may have choice among a thousand:
But when ye have seen every each one,
Take a young man, or else none.
53 Have thou shalt all thy desire,
It is but folly for to enquire:
And to effect shall it be brought
When thou thinkest full little or nought.
54 Trust that God of his great grace
Shall thee deliver within short space
Of all sorrow and adversity.
A cause thou hast now merry to be.
55 I will say truth, and make no lie,
An husband shall ye take truly,
The which will spend, and nothing spare;
And thus shall you know what is care.
56 If thou ought get I have great wonder,
For winds, hail, lightning and thunder
So great shall fall this year indeed,
That scant thou shalt recover thy seed.

Nael Astronomer.

1 Now begin and take thy journey,
Beware thou make no more delay:
And though there fall great showers of rain,
Thou shalt soon speed and come again.
2 As many a man that doth repent,
Thou shalt be angry and evil content
For a child, where-ever he be,
The which pertaineth nothing to thee.
3 As I perceive, for thy fair face
Thou standst in favour and in grace
Of all people in every coast,
And specially of women most.
4 If thy will be a wife to take,
Thou must all joy and sport forsake,
And know what is both sorrow and care,
During thy life; therefore beware.
5 Thou shalt not have so much this year
As thou thoughtest, com will be dear,
Through rain outragious and wind cold,
But not very dear, my tale well told.
6 How shouldest thou of others loved be?
For I know full well the certainty,
That thou lovest thy self nothing
And all thorough thy lewd living.
7 I know full well what is thy thought,
To effect may it never be brought;
And all by one, where-ever he go,
Contriving thy hurt and shame also.
8 I know full well ye make great moan,
It is not for you to lie alone;
Ye may one take, if you it please,
That shall devoid all your disease.
9 Take a wife all only for love,
And not for goods: for, as I prove,
Womens vertue and faithfulness
Excelleth all worldly riches.
10 I advise thee not out for to go,
But tarry at home; and why so?
For if thou shouldst thy journey take,
Thou shalt be drowned in a great lake.
11 Some would be glad of thy mishap,
Though they put off to thee their cap:
These be they that cause indeed
That of thy mind thou maist not speed.
12 She is truly both good and perfit,
Obedient and meek to thy appetite.
But that thou knowest thy self so well,
It is no need for me to tell.
13 This woman hath no fault but one,
When she is angry she maketh great moa [...],
Saying she is sick at her heart:
She will die, her pain is so smart.
14 Believe stedfastly that I say,
If thou now take thy journey,
Of thieves robbed shalt thou be,
And beaten also without any pity.
15 Do good deeds while thou art here,
So shalt thou long live and long prosper,
And at the last godly depart,
When death will cast his painfull dart.
16 Trust me, I will not thee deceive:
Thou art not loved as I perceive:
And shall I thee the cause tell why?
Thou art opprest almost by envy.
17 If thou intend to have good end,
Amend thy tongue my dear friend:
For if I should thee the truth deem,
All thy delight is to blaspheme.
18 If I should the troth express,
Thy life hath but small joyfulness:
Thy pleasure is treasure to have,
Whereof at last thou shalt nought save.
19 The world is not at all times one,
God disposeth things every each one
After his will; and, as I see,
Thy desire may now in no wise be.
20 I hold it good to say the best,
And hatefull on the sooth to jest:
I say that ye be a maiden, I:
But do ye not laugh, and think I lie?
21 Sufler thou must both pain and wo
During this life, and labour also,
If you intend ought for to get.
Wherefore is man made but to sweat?
22 She loveth thee not, I seefull well,
Wherefore do thou after my counsel:
Cast her up, and let her go:
Thou shalt find ease, if thou do so.
23 Forasmuch as thou wilt know,
Thy wife is full sluggish and slow:
And of one thing thou maist be sure,
She intendeth alway so to endure.
24 I would thy matter were sped full fain,
But first thou shalt have wo and pain:
And at the last God shall thee give
Comfort. Thou maist my words believe.
25 This woman is good alone for thee,
And for none else, as I well see:
Wherefore I ask of thee again,
If she be good or no for certain.
26 Over-much to muse it is but folly,
Or else to that thy mind to apply,
That will not be: for, as I find,
Thou art not like to have thy mind.
27 Have shalt thou both joy and bliss,
And of great goods shalt thou not miss,
During thy life; by the help of one
That of thy kin is flesh nor bone.
28 Meddle thou not with men of law,
Lest they thee make both fool and daw:
For as the drone devoureth the honey;
So will they thy thrift and money.
29 Suffer not your husband to go
To Alehouses and Taverns also;
Where men are wont sometimes among,
To sing O Lux, or some such song.
30 I counsel thee as mine own brother,
Forsake her now, and take another;
She loveth thee not, but for thy good,
I would that she me understood.
31 I see right well thy matter is naught,
How should it to effect be brought?
He that will none but evil seed sow,
Must needs evil fruit both reap and mow.
32 Mistress, now take ye an husband:
Can ye none get in all this land?
For if ye take not your fortune now,
No man hereafter will have you.
33 Much shalt thou get, I see full well,
Whatsoever thou buy or sell.
But yet beware, deceive no man,
Lest thou thrive I know not whan.
34 Now to thy words will I answer,
Do good deeds whilst thou art here:
And at the last thou shalt not miss
Of godly death and heavenly bliss.
35 Thou shalt great good get, as I see,
But yet the richer nothing to be:
For make thou never so good a voyage,
Other men shall have the advantage.
36 Thou shalt little bring home this year,
Wherefore keep that thou hast full dear,
And spend nothing but where need is:
God shall thee send more after this.
37 Take no wife for worldly riches,
But yet for perfect love and goodness:
So shalt thou the world encrease,
And live alway in rest and peace.
38 Thou shalt little get, I see full well,
For I have heard oft-times men tell,
They that would all things fain have,
Are wretches oft-times and nought can save.
39 If thou wert true in word and deed, I
Thou shouldst much win and full well speed:
But ever using deceit and guile,
Thou must stand back for a while.
40 A Maiden she is, yet late a man
With her to play and jest began.
Hold her short, I hold it best,
For of a jest groweth oft time earnest.
41 This is truly the time and year
Wherein you may, Mistress dear,
An husband take that liketh you best;
Begin the time, and build your nest.
42 I see thou hast been alway patient
Of such trouble that God hath sent:
Wherefore thou maist be sure of rhis,
Shortly to have both joy and bliss.
43 To say all things I were very loth,
Lest that some parties would be wroth:
But yet some time the pots side
Catcheth a craze that is not spide.
44 Good Gossip, what would you have?
An husband? marry God you save:
Be not ye busie, refrain your lust,
And think not that all wine is must.
45 Think thou not delivered to be
From thy tribulation and poverty,
But if that God thee help and succour:
Wherefore see that thou him honour.
46 Better it is to make delay,
Than yet to take forth thy journey:
For thieves do rob in every coast,
And of thy life now fear I most.
47 Fortune changeth oft-times in fay,
No mirth nor pain endureth alway:
Though thou be now cumbred with care,
Yet fear thou not of thy welfare.
48 Because thou art faithfull and kind,
Thinking no man hurt in thy mind,
All such things as thou wouldst fain,
Thou shalt truly win and obtain.
49 Have shalt thou, thou maist be sure,
All thy will and great pleasure:
Thus God hath ordained above,
Because thou shouldst him dread and love.
50 As the mother hath well taught her,
Good she is and a good daughter;
A Maiden also having no vice,
To lewdness no man can her intice.
51 Thou art so incumbred with one sin,
That love may thou nor good will win:
Wherefore thy self from it refrain,
If thou intend love to obtain.
52 It is full hard perceive me well,
To bring to effect without counsel:
If thou it move unto thy friend,
Thou shalt it well bring to an end.
53 As for a wife, look thou take none,
Except thou have great need of one:
for if thou do, full well I wot,
Soon shalt thou feel that fire is hot.
54 I have this wench somewhat suspect,
She was with love now late infect:
And if ye take not better heed,
She will her self prove in the deed.
55 For thy pride and presumptuousness
Among all other thou art loveless:
And if thou amend not at the last,
Thou art like in strong pains to be cast.
56 Whatsoever thou lost before,
God shall to thee this year restore;
And in thy land fruit shall prosper:
Therefore be merry and make good chear.

Dorot Astronomer.

1 I am oftentimes shent for my troth:
Because of thy dulness and sloth,
Great fortune shalt thou not find
In this world; mark well my mind.
2 When thou beginnest women to love,
Beware the first or second to prove:
The third take, and for thy wife wed,
And thing thou hast so well sped.
3 Thy desire standeth not with reason,
Therefore hope not at this season
That the wind with thee will blow.
Is there ought else that thou wouldst know?
4 Thou maist full well take thy journey,
Sure to come and to go by the way,
And speed also; but tarry thou not:
Take each thing that cometh by lot.
5 Loved thou art of every creature,
Where-ever thou go, thou maist be sure:
Yet I know one crooked harlot
That hateth thee, but fear thou not.
6 Your husband loveth you full well,
Think none other but as I tell:
Wherefore be ye bound for certain,
Him to love and worship again.
7 Though altogether will not be had:
Yet some to have thou maist be glad:
Thou must take that God doth send,
For he alone may all things mend.
8 Take no wife by my counsel;
For if thou do thou shalt it tell,
Within short space that other men
Shall thee a horn give, and how then?
9 I will thee tell all that I can;
Loved thou a [...] of every man,
Saving one of thy company,
That would do thee both shame and villany.
10 Thou maist do her no more offence,
Than for to appear in her presence:
And though she seem to thee courtise,
Behind thy back she will dispraise.
11 Of all things thou shalt be content:
But a woman that is full bent,
She shall thee cause to smart full sore,
As many a man hath done before.
12 Your husband is good and perfit,
He is a man for your appetite:
For when he lieth with you in bed,
He lieth not like a Swine head.
13 Thou hast had much travail,
And yet of more shalt thou not fail,
But whatsoever that I report,
Take thereof no discomfort.
14 Of her dowry take no regard,
With good fortune she shall thee reward,
With worldly good and much pleasure,
And a good wife to have full sure.
15 poverty this year shall grow truly
In every Coast; and worst thou why?
Small fruits shall the earth bring forth:
Wherefore take thou all things in worth.
16 Full little shalt thou win this year,
Because of dearth that draweth full near:
In another time thou art full sure
To have all things at thy pleasure.
17 As for Barly thou shalt not lack,
Think that Malt hangeth at thy back:
And yet of Wheat greatly I dread,
That thou shalt scant have for thy bread.
18 When thou dotest almost for age,
Thou shalt begin surely to rage,
And wax raving and wood for love:
Thus an old leacher shalt thou prove.
19 Money and mirth shall cause thee
Soon from pain delivered to be:
For that is a medicine, doubtless,
That healeth all manner of sickness.
20 She loveth thee yet and no moe;
But in short space she will not so.
He that loveth, I hold it best
To keep himself alway honest.
21 Strike she will, and otentimes chide,
Whatsoever she doth beside.
Wotest thou what she needeth, my friend?
Nought else but a staves end.
22 Women bring men oftentimes to care,
Thou must be wise, sad, and beware:
For if thou be too hasty or swift,
She will shortly give thee a lift.
23 Though she seem full sweet in tast,
I thee advise to leave her in hast;
Or else, betwixt earnest and game,
Grow it will to thy great shame.
24 Fortune turneth to thee her face,
Wherefore fear not, within short space
Thine adversary will to thee incline,
And at the last all will be thine.
25 If thou proceed forth in goodness,
As thou hast done before, doubtless,
After this life here transitory,
Thou shalt have eternal glory.
26 Once he did to you a trespass,
And no more, but let it pass:
He is both faithfull and good now,
And ever hereafter will to you.
27 One thee to thing I may tell;
If thou trust in God, and do well,
Soon shalt thou delivered be
From all trouble and adversity.
28 Question to me thou hast moved,
If thou be of the people loved:
Loved thou art of every man,
One except; tell if you can.
29 Better thou wert, man, to be dead,
Than alway in wo to be led:
Till death thee take it will endure:
Thank God of all thine adventure.
30 Though thou had torment full sore
In time past, thank God therefore:
For now truly shalt thou obtain
Worthily joy without more pain.
31 Take heed her countenance is good,
As red she blushes as rose in bud.
Her shamefac'dness sheweth a token sure
That Maiden she is and Virgin pure.
32 First thou shalt full well obtain,
And soon after lose all again.
Thus fortune keepeth alway one rate,
Now friend with love, now foe with hate.
33 Few good women shalt thou find,
But though they be both good and kind,
Yet shrews they be every one:
I will not praise thy wife alone.
34 Take ye a husband, wot ye why?
With a fellow it is good for to lie
In cold weather, and then may he
Keep you warm: understand ye me?
35 Fortune will not that you sustain
So great sorrow alway and pain:
She will now turn to thee her face,
And give thee joy within short space.
36 Fortune is alway thine enemy,
And will be so till that thou die:
Wherefore trust not to have great rest.
But that thy life is at the best.
37 Inasmuch as I can conject,
Thy mind will come to good effect,
If thou be secret and wise withal:
Remember thou that in special.
38 Thou wouldst know, well I wot,
Whether thou be beloved or not:
Loved thou art of every creature,
God give thee grace so to endure.
39 Thou maist go forth now, my friend,
And of thy purpose make an end:
Though thou have labour in thy voyage,
Yet it will be to thy advantage.
40 Trust thou me, this will not be
For I well perceive and see;
One I know that letteth thy mind,
The which is ever to thee unkind.
41 As I perceive well and see,
Loved thou art not in the Country;
I think it best within short space
For thee to seek some other place.
42 Take good heed and look about,
Beware full well how thou goest out:
For if that thou take this voyage,
It will grow to thy great damage.
43 If thou intend forth for to go,
Tarry no longer, and why so?
For now thou maist (short tale to tell)
Have thy desi [...]e, and do full well.
44 Shortly shalt thou delivered be
From all pain and adversity:
Wherefore suffer, and it withstand;
The grace of God is ever at hand.
45 It is but folly any more to seek,
Thy matter is not worth a gray leek:
Thine adversary also, I perceive now,
Hath more money to spend than thou.
46 This is I see your good man's diet,
He loveth nothing but fresh meat:
Know you not what it is he doth?
I beshrew him for his sweet tooth.
47 Thou shalt speed at thy beginning,
But yet to envy thereof nothing:
For they that be the next of thy kin
Shall devour all that thou dost win.
48 If thou be of thy mind stedfast,
I promise thee on my faith in hast,
Have thou shalt all thy desire:
It is no need more for to enquire.
49 Hast thou ought else for to care for
Than a good wife? I say no more.
Though thou think her never so good,
Thou shalt the bane bear in thy hood.
50 Though thou have little wheat this year,
Yet with Mault thou maist thy self chear;
For thereof shalt thou have store
Both for thy self and for the poor.
51 With evil getting thou beginnest,
Spending more than thou winnest:
Thou shalt still spend ever a little,
And at the last dwell at the Spittle.
52 Take an husband, lie not alone;
Whatsoever he be, prove one:
For women oft-times grow to naught,
If they lack; ye know my thought.
53 Hold thou thy tongue and be still,
Thou shalt not have this year thy will:
This time is truly nothing for thee;
When God will better may be.
54 Thou art not now fortunate:
What for malice, and what for hate:
Whis may not come to effect, wherefore,
Let it die, and think on't no more.
55 Let every man both say and do,
Let them think the worst also:
Yet God hath ordained full sure,
That have shalt thou all thy pleasure.
56 I will thee tell the troth plain;
Some man would thou were dead fain:
Yet as long shalt thou endure
As man may possibly by nature.

Talen Astronomer.

1 The death of one man full cruel
Shall thee cause, I know full well,
To be content and merry also,
And to avoid all pain and wo.
2 Many a man wondreth on you:
If ye will one have, take him now:
Take one now, for it is time:
Birds otherwise be caught with lime.
3 Little or nought shalt thou get,
Because that thou art nothing secret:
And also what need I to lie:
Thou maist not thrive for envy.
4 Shall I thee the very truth tell?
Loved thou art truly full well:
But she will not that thou it know,
Lest other men thereof thou show.
5 I would she heard what that I say;
A maiden she is it is no nay:
But I perceive by her visage,
She would fain, she is of age.
6 This woman delighteth ever to kiss,
She hath no other fault I wiss.
But yet I would it were laid down,
For it causeth much sorrow in town.
7 Thy trouble pain and torment,
As I perceive, is almost spent:
Now shall thy wealth and joy encrease,
Now shalt thou live in rest and peace.
8 If thou take now forth thy journey,
As thou purposest, I dare well say,
Or ever thou hast gone half six mile,
Thou wilt be robbed: tarry a while.
9 Thou shalt have this year truly
Small fruit, for a man dwelling by
Will thee rob or thou beware:
I pray God evil might him fare.
10 Your husband hath no fault but one:
When he is out and from you gone,
He maketh merry at every feast,
And sleepeth at home as a beast.
11 For thy pride and hastiness,
Every man may think by guess,
That very blessed thou shlat not be
In this world; therefore beware thee.
12 Women full bold and hardy
Shall put thee in great jeopardy
Of thy life; beware therefore,
Deal not with them: I say no more.
13 Thou shalt obtain, I thee ensure,
And of the Law have thy pleasure:
But yet, as I perceive truly,
Full little shalt thou get thereby.
14 Stand a-back, thou must yet tarry,
The Law favoureth thine adversary:
The cause thereof is, I thee tell,
He lacketh no subtile counsel.
15 Among many that be right naught.
One good wife yet hast thou caught:
Trust me, I know not such another:
Make then much of her, gentle brother.
16 By evil tongues that run about,
And envy also, thou art thrust out:
And now she loveth thee never a deal.
As the corn is, such is the meal.
17 Thou maist be merry and make good chear,
Thy life shall amend every year,
Better and better, till that thou die:
Wherefore thank God thereof highly.
18 Take ye an husband, maiden mild,
Ye shall bring forth truly a child,
The which by his vertue and goodness,
Shall come to great estate doubtless.
19 All the friends of this fair maid
May rejoyce, for in good say
A maiden she is in word and deed,
In her garden groweth none evil weed.
20 Thou shalt have as yet more pain,
But long it will not endure certain:
Think the time is now coming
That thou desirest above all thing.
21 If thou intend any thing to fulfill
According to thy mind and will,
It may truly of effect be brought;
But see that it be wisely wrought.
22 Die thou shalt full rich and old,
Never lacking silver nor gold:
But for thy sins thou shalt repent.
I say no more lest I be shent.
23 She loveth thee, but yet her love,
As thou shalt hereafter well prove,
Is nothing true nor stedfast,
She keepeth thee but as an out-cast.
24 Love thy wife, for as I well see,
Within short space bring forth shall she
A fair Man-child, I will not glose,
The which shall bear thine own nose.
25 Look thou be both gentle and meek;
For though she seemeth as smooth as leek,
Of one thing thou maist me believe,
Such as she taketh, such will she give.
26 Unto thy self take thou good heed,
Thou shalt naught get in very deed:
Almost she abhorreth thy sight.
She loveth thee not; farewell, goodnight.
27 Hope thou not that this may be;
If thou but saw as far as I see,
Thou wouldst beware and wise also:
Meddle no more, but let it go.
28 Thou shalt be let in carrying thy corn,
Because of rain that falleth beforn:
Wherefore thou maist well suppose,
That like thou art somewhat to lose.
29 Your husband is gentle and courtise,
But yet I will not overmuch prize:
All is not gold though it seem so;
He loveth one; but let it go.
30 This year take thou no such journey,
For thieves that do lie by the way
Begin their knives now for to whet:
If thou go, beware of a buffet.
31 If sloth and dulness hurt thee not,
Thou shalt well speed, full well I wot.
And have all things at thine intent;
Wherefore be quick and diligent.
32 Loved thou art of every man
And women also, but what then?
One I know, I will not all tell,
That loveth thee better than well.
33 To go forth strange places to see,
Is good for some men, but not for thee.
He that liveth in rest and solace
Desireth seldom to change his place.
34 Thou maist well think to win and thrive,
And with good hope the world forth drive:
But yet for all thy hope and thought,
Thou shalt little get or right nought.
35 Thy fruits shall be without measure
This year, live at thine one pleasure;
As for Barly thou shalt not want,
Oats and Peason will be abundant.
36 Ye ought your husband greatly to love,
For I can none other by him prove,
But that he is both honest and good:
Beware that ye give him not an hood.
37 Dwell shalt thou, as a great Prelate,
With other mo of thine estate,
In a place marvellous to tell,
Where never man was glad to dwell.
38 A very old man shalt thou die,
But of thy death thy most enemy
Will rejoyce and make great game:
Soon after shall he prove the same.
39 I see in love without measure
Glad he is to do you all pleasure:
If ye be again to him the same,
Betwixt you both will be much game.
40 This year thy profit will be small,
The next fortune may thee call
To more; but hope not very much
To catch or win, the world is such.
41 Fire and water by one assent
Have determin'd this year verament,
That little shalt thou home set;
The one or other will thee let.
42 Thou thinkest it a very merry li [...].
To kiss and coll a fair young wife:
Yet beware, for some men are born,
And so art thou, to bear a horn.
43 If thou go forth, go not alone,
At the least take with thee one;
For if thou wilt alone forth go,
Thou shalt lack no sorrow nor wo.
44 If ye marry, fair mistress mine,
All these guests will with you dine;
Trouble, pain, slander, debate,
Jealousie, disdain wretchedness and hate.
45 Not for goods but goodness,
Take thy wife, or else doubtless
Thou wilt repent: esteem also thine honour
ore than her painted face with flower.
46 This wofulness will not endure,
Thou shalt have joy I thee ensure:
The grace of God passeth all thing.
Comfort thy self with my saying.
47 But if thou change shortly thy house,
Thou wilt not be worth a gray louse:
Thou shalt nothing here get nor hold.
Remember what I have thee told.
48 Your husband's love is but small,
But he will amend his faults all
Or ever this seven days be full gone;
Mark them well every each one.
49 Let her throw forth the Dice agian,
For truly, masters, I will be plain,
I cannot tell by chance nor lot,
Whether she be true maiden or not.
50 A fair tongue and a false heart
Is cause of thy pains and smart,
And shall be where-ever thou go:
Thou hadst a friend, but now a foe.
51 Thou art so streight and so hard,
In living so very a niggard,
That no man loveth thee almost.
How say ye to this, mine host?
52 What should I of this fair Lady say?
Fair she is, goodly, fresh and gay:
If ye will the truth understand,
Take the Dice once more in hand.
53 This matter as yet standeth in doubt,
But yet thou shalt it bring about,
If thou be sad, discreet and wise:
What needeth me to tell it twice?
54 To spare now must thou begin,
Nought shalt thou this year win:
To save thine own, trust thou me,
Thou maightest be glad; it will not be.
55 Whatsoever thou buy or sell,
Much shalt thou get I know full well
But what then? thou shalt not thrive,
Other men will thee thereof shrive.
56 Fear thou not, take no thought,
To effect shall it be brought
That thou desirest; for I am he
That will never deceive thee.

Assot Astronomer.

1 Thou shall have trouble, well I wot,
For many things, but fear thou not;
God will thee help of his great might.
He often leeseth that hath no right.
2 I marvel how thou gettest love,
Ever ready dissention to move:
Thou art angry, bold and cruel,
And yet loved thou art full well.
3 Your husband is not as ye ween,
Ye think that he carrieth not clean:
If you can nought by him prove nor see,
Believe you well, for so doth he.
4 In time past she was a shrew,
But let it go, I say but few:
Now loving and gentle is my sire,
To do all things at your desire.
5 Now be wise and take good heed,
Of thy mind shalt thou speed:
Hearken after: forsooth I am glad,
I see well thou art not yet mad.
6 He that will strive for the mastery,
Must labour, sweat, and stick thereby.
Because thou art both quick and diligent,
The law will turn to thine intent.
7 Because thou art both gentle and free,
Loved thou art of every degree,
Of every man both young and old:
God thee in love long keep and hold.
8 Of them that look so smooth and pure,
So holy, so sad, so good and demure,
Take heed, for I them ever most mistrust,
The fairer steel the sooner taketh rust.
9 As thou dost to her perdee,
So must she alway do to thee.
He that searcheth is full glad
When he findeth, be it never so bad.
10 Why tarriest thou so long, my mate?
As now truly thou comest too late:
Thy fortune is now gone and past;
Wherefore the next time make more hast.
11 Thou wouldest fain know thy lot,
Whether thou mightest go forth or not:
Go forth by day and not by night,
Lest thou meet with one evil wight.
12 For thy faith and liberality,
Loved thou art and ever shalt be:
Thank thou the Lord in heaven above,
For from him proceedeth all love.
13 Good fortune runneth now with thee,
Fear thou not that needs must be:
Have shalt thou thy purposes all,
Or else thou maist me a liar call,
14 Thy wife is alway shrewish,
She setteth by thee straw nor rish;
Yet so to report I am to blame,
For I know her but of good name.
15 Yet she is good in all her works,
But beware of Priests and Clerks:
For they be hungry, and ever gape
As Wolves, nothing can them escape.
16 Thou shalt this year decrease and fall,
For thy winning will be but small:
Spare therefore, spend not idle,
Or else it will be time to bridle.
17 This is no woman, but an elf
She loveth thee not nor her self;
Meddle no more for she will none,
As cold in love as marble stone.
18 She is full gentle, meek and chast,
Loving, thriving, without any waste;
She would be glad to do that thing
That is to thy pleasure and liking.
19 Thy matter is full clear and plain,
Wherefore thou must needs now obtain;
No man shall thy right withstand,
No man dwelling in all this land.
20 Fear thou nothing of this woman,
Thou hast no need as yet good man:
Thou at to blame I know thy thought,
Her to have suspect for naught.
21 If thou be free and spend at need,
Thou shalt of thy matter wellspeed:
If thou hold thy purse fast knit,
Thou art like to gnaw upon the bit.
22 This good man is better for you,
Than ye for him, as I feel now.
If he were wise, as some man is,
He might find faults: mark ye well this.
23 Fear thou not, go forth thy way,
Nothing shall let thee in thy journey:
But ever be sure of one thing,
Take up betimes thy lodging.
24 A maiden she is but yet take heed,
And give her an husband, for in very deed,
Now wenches begin of men to smell,
As soon as they creep out of shell.
25 Take company, go not alone;
More sure goeth twain than one:
If thou do not as I to thee say,
Thou shalt curse both hour and day.
26 This year will be to thee full hard,
For alway thou shalt run backward,
As he that maketh Rope and Cable.
Take heed now, I tell no fable.
27 Thou art fo crafty in every thing,
And subtle also in thy dealing,
That other men shall leese and whine,
For their winning shall be all thine.
28 Thiou shalt not live without envy,
And yet an old man shalt thou die,
Standing both in grace and favour,
Of Almighty God thy Saviour.
29 Of thy expence thou maist be bold,
For thrift cometh as God would:
Other men may the better fare
For thee this year; put away care.
30 She is as loving as a turtle Dove;
Bound thou art again to love:
Her heart is fixt to thee alone;
Set heart to heart, and make twain one.
31 Wilt thou know how thou shalt die?
In honour to every man's eye,
And so to hell down for to wend,
But if that thou thy life amend.
32 This man keepeth God's commandment,
Better is he than he that went:
He loveth you well, ye think nay:
What need I then more for to say?
33 Tarry no longer but a wife take,
Take a widow, she will thee make:
It is no need for me to tell;
If thou be a Clark, now maist thou spell.
34 Of threee that pleaseth thee best,
Leave the young, and take the eldest;
For she will prove both wise and sad:
I say not that the other be bad.
35 I cannot think, nor yet well see,
How thou mightest delivered be
From wo, wherein thou art pight:
It is hard to turn black to white.
36 I will not spare, ye being in presence:
To tell of her the whole true sentence:
Bear record, Masters, every one;
A maiden she is, but Virgin none.
37 If ye will take such an husband
As cometh first unto your hand,
Refusing other menscounsel,
Ye shall never know pains in hell.
38 No man may live here certain,
But if he hath trouble and pain.
Tast we must both sower and sweet:
Pain shortly will far from thee fleet.
39 All our labour is not in pain,
Yet must ye cast the Dice again,
And once more search from the beginning;
It is hard to know so privy a thing.
40 Take no husband for all thy love,
For the Planets that runneth above
Ingendreth jealousie now so sore,
That men be mad and somewhat more.
41 Take good heed in this journey
With whom thou dealest, for in good say,
He that thou trowest most faithfull,
Shall thy feathers from thee pull.
42 Thou growest more and more in hate,
The cause thereof is this thy mate:
In love thou takest no delight,
Thy mind is all to do despite.
43 I say, Mistress, what is your name?
Take an husband, ye be to blame
Thus long to tarry, for in very deed,
As I perceive, you have great need.
44 Not by money, but by favour
Of thy friends, that spare no labour
Thee to help, thou shalt well speed.
A friend is good alway at need.
45 After the chance size deux ace,
Thou standest in an evil case:
If thou one take, no staff nor waster
May thee prevail, she will be thy master.
46 Cinque quater ace, thy cast and chance,
Signifieth none other in substance,
But that thou shalt be kept full fast
In pain, and so die at the last.
47 Cinque quater deux sheweth full plain,
That thou shalt all things obtain
After thy own desire and mind;
And as I say, so shalt thou find.
48 Dispose thy self to have a wife,
And if thou wilt have a merry life,
Take a young one, take none old;
The one is hot, the other is cold.
49 Whatsoever the earth bringeth forth
This year, thou must take in good worth;
Corn shalt thou have, but not much,
The time and world will both be such.
50 All our labour is not in vain,
Yet must ye cast the Dice again,
And once more search from the beginning:
It is hard to know so privy a thing.
51 The anguish that sticketh at thy heart
Will shortly from thee away start;
And this place joy shall take up.
Now be merry and fill the cup.
52 Thou art so grievously in wo wrapt,
In trouble, thought and pain trapt,
That thou maist not in few years
Delivered be out of the briers.
53 Loved thou art of all such men
That know thee not; but yet what then?
They that know thy manners all,
Casteth to thee love great nor small.
54 This getting will be nought for thee;
As thou findest hereafter tell me:
Such shall it be withouten fail,
That shall thee cause to weep and wail.
55 Refrain thy words and lewd language,
Thou chatterest alway as Pie in a Cage:
Small fruit and goodness, as I see,
But if thou amend, shall spring of thee.
56 The first and second part also
Of thy life shalt thou overgo;
And soon after full blessedly
All this world forsake and die.

Sari Astronomer.

1 What for thy pride, what for despite,
Thou shalt begin to brawl and fight,
And slay a man also; alas, alas,
Then to be punish'd for thy trespass.
2 Northern winds and showers cold
Shall hurt thy fruits manifold:
Wherefore this year thou must live scant,
Lest in the next thou thy bread want.
3 The blind eateth many a fly:
Thou art not loved, wotest thou why?
She loveth no man but for his guelt,
For that maketh her heart to melt.
4 I doubt nothing in her, I wiss,
But for one cause, and that is this;
She believeth she hath an horn;
Of this gift she taketh great scorn.
5 Thou shalt get many ways, doubtless,
Such is thy troth and faithfulness:
And of one thing thou art certain,
Never to leese thou art so plain.
6 By an arrow thou art like to die,
When men do shoot if you stand by:
Beware and think evermore
That death will come, provide therefore.
7 He maketh you believe evermore
That he is good, aha, and therefore
He is angry with you but very seld:
He keepeth the path, keep you the field.
8 Thy wish had been in good way set,
If evil tongues had it not let:
But though they let and doe their best,
Thou shalt yet have all thy request.
9 Tarry at home nine days or else ten;
Then in fellowship of other men
Thou shalt thy self greatly prevail,
Whether thou ride or else sail.
10 Because thou art gentle, and content
Of all such things as God hath sent,
Hereafter thou maist be sure alway
In wealth to live, and never decay.
11 Great trouble, anger and labour
Shall this matter cause thy favour:
But when other men have spent their thrift,
Thou shalt get I say by thy drift.
12 This man is a marvellous glutton
In eating, but especially mutton.
Many a fair sheep in the year
Devoureth he, I know not his peer.
13 Take no wife yet by my read,
It is good always shrews to dread;
Whether thou have young or else old,
She must needs keep open houshold.
14 Live streight this year and be content,
Thou shalt not have all thine intent:
For though thou labour till thou sweat,
The ground shall lend to thee small wheat.
15 Ought to win it is full hard,
Thou art so angry and so wayward:
Courteous loved above all things,
To be gentle and fair in dealings.
16 This man loveth a Wench, I see,
That is not so fair as ye be,
Nor so goodly after my mind:
Pardon him, for he is blind.
17 As a King that hath the victory
In field, with great triumph and glory,
Thou shalt escape all trouble and pain,
And turn all hate to love again.
18 She setteth in thee all her delight,
And glad were she if that she might
Do thee pleasure: and wotest thou why:
Thou tellest no tales, ah wily pie.
19 As fire flameth in a chimney,
So doth love in her breast alway
For thee, none other creature,
The which perfect shall ever endure.
20 Take heed, good man, thy wife would fain
A widow be: what then? so remain:
And why? to have her intent:
Wherein? to tell I might be shent.
21 Thy wife is very good of name,
And of her body she is the same:
Thou art overseen greatly indeed,
To misdeem ere thou have need.
22 I will shew thee troth in this,
As thou believest, in sooth it is:
Now let it so about be brought,
That thy Wife may know thy thought.
23 The second thou lovest take,
For thee all other will she forsake:
With her thou shalt have rest and peace,
With her in worldly good encrease.
24 By the envy of one false knave
Much pain thou art like to have,
And so die: but tribulation
Shall be the cause of thy salvation.
25 As she hath said and ever saith,
She loveth thee in good faith.
What need I to shew any more?
Thou knowest thou puttest her before.
26 Thou wishest a very good wish,
If it might happen; but the dish
Thou shalt be fain to lick as now:
It will not be, I dare it avow.
27 Thou art to blame to tarry forsooth;
Take a wife as other men doth:
But when thou hast her gotten and caught;
Beware of courtiers, lest she wax naught.
28 A man were good for you, darling,
For lying alone is that thing
That causeth you to fear alway.
Understand ye now what I say?
29 Heaven moveth at thy request,
Thy trouble hath been at the greatest;
And now again will joy come fast:
Think that no good time is past.
30 As I perceive by the course natural
Of the bodies above celestial,
The Planets seven and stars ev'ry each one,
A good Wench she is, but a Maiden none.
31 Great controversie will be, I wiss,
Who shall have the better in this:
When they have well knawn the bone,
They shall agree and rest both in one.
32 Full well I wot, fair golding,
This man loveth you above all thing:
Think ye never, during his life,
That he will have any other Wife.
33 If ye an husband this year take,
Ye shall no sons but daughters make;
Full shrewd cattle to keep in fold
Being young, and worse being old.
34 Tarry no longer, but make an end
Of thy journey, God shal thee send
Good luck, and thy expence to boot.
If thou lack a horse, go on thy foot.
35 Thou art troubled, I see, very sore
In thy mind and thought, therefore
God for pity will give all thing
To thy desire and wish according.
36 Loved thou art of every creature,
But one Wench, I thee ensure,
Loveth thee better than any other.
I say no more, farewell gentle brother.
37 One man that oweth to thee great shame
Shall thee hurt in thy good name:
But God will thee deliver and help
From that cursed and wicked whelp.
38 If thou intend to take thy journey,
To morrow will be a very good day:
Fear thou not in fields nor in wood;
Of little labour groweth much good.
39 Thy wish may well begin and flower,
But yet the fruit will be but sower:
For though to effect it thou bring,
Thou shalt rejoyce at it nothing.
40 I know thee well, encline thine ear,
And mark my words that I tell here:
Thou art not loved of old nor young,
For thy lewd speech; amend thy tongue.
41 Lo now this chance goeth all wrong:
Why did you keep the Dice so long?
I can nothing tell you true,
Except you cast the Dice anew.
42 Though thy thought be not yet come,
It will shortly both all and some:
The time thereof I see draweth nigh,
As the stars shew me full high.
43 Through the envy of other men
Thou standest in hate; what then?
Fear thou not, but do evermore
As thou hast done in time before.
44 Mistress, the vi, the ii, and the trey
That ye cast, the truth for to say,
Signifieth no other, it you it please,
But that a man would do you ease.
45 A wretch full old shalt thou depart
From hence; think man, what thou art.
For one vice the Devil of hell,
But if thou amend, shall have thy fell.
46 Thou thinkest thou dost thy time consume;
Take a wife, prove of her perfume:
If it be sweet or sower in smell,
Thou shalt find it the Devil of hell.
47 Thou shalt much win, and lose again
By negligence, I tell thee plain.
It is true that men are wont to say,
Things soon gotten, soon goeth away.
48 Merrily shalt thou lead thy life,
While thou art here, having no strife:
And when thou must depart and go
From hence, in heaven shalt dwell also.
49 If ye intend husbands to prove,
Ye may one have that will you love:
But take him now or else never;
Now, good Daughter, do your dever.
50 I say no more, God speed her well:
Within short space ye shall her tell,
For all her looks so smooth and mild,
That she is none, but hath had a child.
51 By all tokens of thy bodies celestial,
The Sun, the Moon, the Planets all,
In this matter shalt thou well speed;
To spend great money it is no need.
52 Dress up thy house fresh and gay,
Thy Coffers also with lock and key:
The grace of God is now with thee,
For this year shalt thou have plenty.
53 If thou a wife this year home bring,
Such an unbecome shall thee wring
By the ribs and reins of the back,
That weary thou wilt be of thy pack.
54 When apples be fair and yellow,
When they are savoury, soft and mellow,
They would be gathered: perceive me well
What I mean, I will no more tell.
55 Thou having none earthly creature
Whom thou mightest trust to sure,
I will not say, but I feel,
Thou art like to run behind the heel.
56 Gather thou shalt this year much more
Than thou wert wont in time before:
But when it is at home take heed,
For many a man stealeth for need.

Alchi Astronomer.

1 The Lord that is in heaven above
Granteth thee this all for great love;
A blessed life here for to have,
And after death thee for to save.
2 Good she is, I am full certain,
And a maid, but to her pain:
She thinketh her self able enough,
By the tail to hold the plough.
3 In labour thou art so strong and tough,
That lack thou cannot, but have enough
Of Wheat, Barly, Oats and Peason,
If thou gather it all in season.
4 The Devil standeth alway behind
Writing thy deeds: search out thy mind;
And one thing amend special,
Or else thou knowest what will fall.
5 Thou art caught in a shrewd snare,
Like to suffer much sorrow and care:
But if thy friend thee help and succour,
In him is hope of some good hour.
6 Think not a very old man to be,
But to die in thy most jollity:
And as soon also to come to heaven
As he that hath years ten times eleven.
7 God knoweth this woman is full wanton
Among twenty thou shalt see scant one
Such as she is; thou might be glad,
So would not she if God her had.
8 The help of one, servant to the King,
Shall cause thee to have a great getting,
Whereby thou maist the better fare
During thy life: put away care.
9 By great thought and long infirmity,
Thy death wofull and hard will be:
The pain to swage nought may prevail:
Thank God highly of all such travail.
10 The death of one friend full kind
Shall such thought cast in thy mind
That thou art like, mark what I say,
Never after to have good day.
11 Whatsoever other men report,
Take thereof thou no discomfort:
God will help, though they say nay,
Thy matter to speed, let them go play.
12 He that loveth, men say is loved;
But now the contrary is proved:
For though thou love, full well I espy,
Thou art hated as mortal enemy.
13 Better it were to become a Nun,
Than thus to set abroach your tun.
Take no husband, for if you do,
Ye are but dead, and damned thereto.
14 All that shineth red is not pure gold:
This wench was formed in such a mold,
That needs she must do as others doth:
Trow ye she must be a maiden? nay forsooth.
15 When thou thinkest thy part all lost,
And that thou needs must kiss the post;
Then shall the law return again,
And give thee the better of twain.
16 From the dark and painfull prison
Thou shalt depart: for some provision
Will be found shortly perdee,
That all pain shall from thee flee.
17 She loveth another young of age,
That hath both stomach and courage:
Thou art not loved the cause why,
Thou art afraid of every fly.
18 Keep her fast under thy foot,
For she delighteth in savour foot:
She smelleth as sweet as doth the rose:
All is not good that pleaseth the nose.
19 This woman would fain with thee dance,
But she dare take none acquaintance:
She knoweth her time is not yet come,
She ruleth her self with great wisdom.
20 Thou maist besure without fail,
She is good and honest of her tail:
What her tongue is I will not say,
Thou hearest her speak every day.
21 The truth to say, she is full chast,
And as a woman ought to be, shame-fac'd;
Good and sad in all her dealing:
Who can desire any greater thing?
22 Beware a young husband to take,
For shortly he will you make
Crooked Birdbolts two or else three,
As a Fletcher that may unneth see.
23 If thou any thing get this year,
thou shalt it buy full hard and dear.
Whatsoever it be, more or less,
Thank God alway of his goodness.
24 I know full well loved thou art,
Nevertheless she doth not her part.
In one thing that thou most fain
Desirest; I will not complain.
25 Thou art like to catch a fall:
But thy friend that is most special
Shall thee pluck out of the mire,
Again to have all thy desire.
26 Loved thou art as other men be,
Nevertheless she doth to thee
Alway according as she ought:
I will not say that she is naught.
27 A while he was in great suspicion,
But now he is in better condition:
Yet turn again, yet be full kind,
And now love him with heart and mind.
28 If ye intend to have a husband,
Take the first that cometh to hand:
Take him no doubt, but hold him short,
That he go not too far for discomfort.
29 Other mens love and their good will
Shall not prevail an apple pill.
Now I advise thee for to contrive
How thou maist hereafter thrive.
30 This voyage is good and profitable;
Thou shalt think thy self not able
It to perform, but yet go forth,
No man can tell what it is worth.
31 He that would fain have his wish,
Is oft beguiled and licketh the dish:
And thou art of the same sect,
Thy wish will not come to effect.
32 Thou art so noble and gentle of mind,
A Gentleman truly by kind:
Wherefore thou shalt have thine intent
In all thing that is expedient.
33 I know this man in every point,
He hath some good and some bad joint;
Shall I thee troth tell and not fail?
The worst he hath is his tail.
34 If God love thee and men hate thee,
It is malice thou knowest perdee:
But fear thou not for thy enemy,
While God is pleased thou him defie.
35 Which way soever the wind blow,
It is good alway to have a fellow.
Take this year that God hath sent.
He that doth well can never repent.
36 This year will be very profitable,
If thou be true, and not variable:
Follow forth by the right way,
Thou shalt more get than I will say.
37 Oh blessed man, weep not in great pain,
Thou shalt escape, I am certain,
From this prison within short space,
And where joy is to have a place.
38 The air that shall be more temperate
Than it hath been here of late
Shall thee give this year more plenty
Than was before within years twenty.
39 Beware man, for Christ's holy name,
What thou dost prove no such game:
If thou thy neck put once under yoke,
Thou shalt thy self therewith soon choke.
40 Thou shalt not get; the cause is this,
In deceit all thy delight is:
As thou givest, so shalt thou take,
What need me mo words to make?
41 All things will be feeble and small,
Such commodities this year will fall.
God give thee grace the next to amend,
Or else thou shalt have little to spend.
42 I perceive truly great jeopardy,
Thieves that be bold and hardy;
Begin to rob by the high way;
I advise thee not to go now in fay.
43 Some mighty showers and cold withal
On the earth this year shall fall;
That sure thou art like to have great damage,
But if that God it cease and swage.
44 Hope thou not greatly to prosper,
But for to have great hurt this year
In thy possession; and, as I find,
All shall happen by water and wind.
45 Beware of thy self and take heed:
He that is lewd in word and deed
Must needs fall in great disdain
Of other men; this Scripture is plain.
46 Thus long to tarry ye be to blame:
My prophesie faith, it is but shame
A woman to sleep without a husband,
Take ye one man among a thousand.
47 In this trouble and vexation,
God will send thee some consolation
Shortly: it is no other but despite
That hath put thee in such a plight.
48 Thou hast been well loved here before,
And so shalt thou ever more and more:
But specially when thou art old,
Of thy good deeds much will be told.
49 Here shalt thou live, believe me,
Long time in much felicity;
And as a Saint without offence,
At the last depart from hence.
50 Contrary to all right and reason,
Die shalt toou alone by treason:
But fear not whatever I say,
For death will come though I say nay.
51 Though nought, whatsoever it be,
If it touch nothing but honesty,
May to effect come, of thy wish
Thou art as sure as the Sea of fish.
52 This world is but a thing of nought,
Discomfort not thy self with thought:
Though thou in deep waves do wade,
Think they will both vanish and fade.
53 Take ye an husband now this year,
In all things shall he have no peer;
In wisdom, sadness, and behaviour,
In nobleness, in love, riches and favour.
54 He that is both hasty and froward,
Of his neighbour having no regard,
In hate and disdain must needs fall
Of every man both great and small.
55 Suffer meekly all thine adversity,
And thank God whatever it be:
Untill thy grave thou shalt it bear.
I can give thee none other answer.
56 All the twelve signs above in heaven,
The Sun, the Moon, the Planets seven,
Shew plainly that she is a maid:
Trow ye she be not thereof well paid?

Maer Astronomer.

1 Mark well en thy mind this story;
Thou shalt be full angry and sorry
For death of a man, causing to thee
Great hurt, it will none other be.
2 More to search it were but folly;
This man is good, or else I lie:
He haunteth houses ever suspect.
It is hard to heal what is infect.
3 Take heed of this holy letter;
Of thine adversary to have the better
Thou art sure, but yet much pain
Must thou suffer or thou obtain.
4 He that flattereth and evil saith,
He that spendeth and nothing payeth,
Getteth small love: thou art not wise,
Of thy friends to make enemies.
5 Time to consume it is but sin,
By idleness men can nought win:
Take a Wife, and thou shalt have
A child shortly, a fair young knave.
6 Take no wife, for if thou do,
One thing believe and trust thereto,
That on thy head shall grow mo horns
Than any stalk of wheat hath corns.
7 Thou shalt have fruitfull possession;
But yet, to make a true confession,
Thou shalt thereof small fruit catch
Of thy workmen beware and watch.
8 Thou hast small faith and conscience;
Wherefore workmen full of negligence
Shall cause thy land to bring forth
Nothing at all that is ought worth.
9 Go forth, but yet or thou begin,
Beware when thou comest to the Inn:
Play not with the Host or Hostler
For money, nor yet with the Tapster.
10 Flattery, falshood and unfaithfulness,
Of servants and subjects wretchless:
Shall be the ground and special cause
Of thy leesing: mark well this clause.
11 Thy youth, as touching the first part,
Standeth by labour and learning of art;
The second shall thy mind content;
Grace groweth of time well spent.
12 Thou oughtest to have great fear,
The Devil is ready thee to bear
Into his most dark dungeon,
And all for the love of a Nun.
13 In this matter I put small doubt,
Be wise ever and look well about:
When thou dreadest that it will wry,
Than may money prove great mastery.
14 The time is better than I went,
I see by the course of the Element:
Thou shalt more get now in an hour
Than in a week before in valour.
15 This man is glad to do his best,
For you to run both East and West,
By great labour to get your food:
And yet ye think him nothing good.
16 If thou go forth, go by the land,
And not by Sea: thou shalt understand,
Or ever thou hast gone Countries far,
That where peace is shall be great war.
17 For thy default, God pardon thee,
Thou art a shrew and ever will be:
What need me to speak more of this?
Every thing proveth as it is.
18 Lo now this chance goeth all wrong,
Why did you keep the Dice so long?
I can nothing tell you true,
But if you cast the Dice anew.
19 In husbandry thou shalt decay sore
By sloth and negligence: wherefore
I thee advise, at the next term,
To put thy land all out to farm.
20 With evil getting thou beginnest,
Spending more than thou winnest:
Thou shalt spend ever a little,
And at the last dwell at the spittle.
21 If ye intend to get a good name,
And to avoid all danger and shame,
Take an husband: why tarry ye?
The longer ye tarry the worse ye be.
22 Many men think she is no maid;
But when every man hath all said,
A maiden she is, will ye have any more?
And that grieveth her heart very sore.
23 Thou knowest well she loveth thee,
By many tokens thou maist see:
She voideth thy sight not for malice,
But for love; women are nice.
24 She is good, honest and vertuous;
How caughtest thou such a spouse?
Thou art not worthy her to have,
Keeping her as beast and slave.
25 Thou shalt live years sixty and mo,
Not without tribulation and wo;
And then within short time decease,
In heaven to have everlasting peace.
26 She loveth thee with all her mind,
If thou wert of heart so kind
As she is, ye might live both
In love, and never each other loath.
27 This is thy fortune and chance,
Of goods to have great substance,
Both gold, and silver, and precious stone;
But as for joy, little or none.
28 Thy fortune lieth under ground;
Few men can tell, if it were found,
How much goodness will come thereby:
Be merry it will appear shortly.
29 Fortune shalt thou find by the way;
Go forth shortly and make no delay,
If thou wilt have thine intent.
He that tarrieth oft doth repent.
30 This wench hath stood greatly suspect,
And yet with love was never infect:
Full good and perfect she is doubtless,
Among maidens primrose peerless.
31 When thou takest forth thy journey,
Thou shalt be cumbred the first day;
And afterward full safe to be,
Whether thou go by Land or Sea.
32 Whatsoever answer I you give,
Ye will never my words believe:
A maiden she is, who saith contrary?
She is none, say ye, so say not I.
33 This is a marvellous conclusion;
Women shall be thy confusion,
And lead me to the Devil of Hell,
With him to abide and there to dwell.
34 Your husband hath been good alway;
Think not that he shall decay,
But live as he hath lived before,
And to encrease in vertue more.
35 Take an husband when you will,
Prove one, and your mind fulfill:
Pleasure and good ye may well have,
But as for children, wench nor knave.
36 Thou shalt escape, thou thinkest nay;
Thou maist be sure as I thee say:
A man that is to God devout
By good prayer shall thee bring out.
37 All men that readeth this holy verse
Shall both restifie and reherse,
That of thought and deed alway
Lived she hath as true as she may.
38 But if the course natural of Heaven
Deceive me and the Planets seven;
Proved she hath and taken some smacks
Of kissings: beware of such knacks.
39 Hold thine own and stand stedfast,
Whatever befall, there is no hast:
Though it stand half in a trance,
Thou shalt obtain that by perseverance.
40 First thou shalt full well overcome,
But afterward, for lack of wisdom,
Leese again and from all go:
Thus is fortune friend and foe.
41 Hated thou art in generality;
Thou carest not though it so be.
He that pondreth no man's love,
It maketh no force how he prove.
42 In safeguard maist thou ride or go,
And great advantage have also:
If thou wilt ought buy or else sell,
A better season never befell.
43 Through great wit and wisdom,
Shortly to effect thy wish will come:
For wisdom is truly that thing
That bringeth a man to his liking.
44 Loved thou art in Town and City,
Where acquaintance found may be:
And yet I know not one indeed
That would help if thou hadst need.
45 Lo now this chance goeth all wrong:
Why did you keep the Dice so long?
I can nothing tell ye true,
But if you cast the Dice anew.
46 Thy thought may come to no perfection,
As yet I perceive such an objection;
But hereafter well it may,
If God say yea, who dare say nay?
47 Tarry at home and go not out;
A wise man ever will put a doubt.
If thou go forth thou wilt repent,
For I perceive great impediment.
48 By the favour of one good friend,
It will grow to a perfect end,
And thou to have thine intent;
Such fortune God hath thee sent.
49 Loth I were to shew any otherwise
Than truth is; wherefore I you advise
To cast your chance once more again,
For of the truth I am not yet certain.
50 As I perceive, good was the seed,
Wherefore thou maist the better speed,
And have this year corn enough:
Be merry, and say, God save the plough.
51 For thy good manners and vertue,
Love in thee doth ever renew.
What need we to make any boast?
Thy name spreadeth in every coast.
52 In three shall stand all thy mind;
But yet take heed, for love is blind:
Refuse the first and second;
Behold the third is true as Diamond.
53 Vice, that is enemy to vertue,
Is glad with hate thee to ensue:
But as for that fear thou nothing,
All good people are to thee loving.
54 Thou thinkest long ere I begin:
Much shalt thou this year win,
And in the next lose again:
Thus is fortune alway uncertian.
55 Take the first that cometh to hand,
Let thy mind nothing withstand:
Take her upon my warrandize:
Thou shalt her find vertuous and wise.
56 Thou art no man to get any love,
As me seemeth: how might we prove?
Cast the Dice once more again,
And then shall I the truth tell plain.

Boca Astronomer.

1 Thy winning many ways groweth,
It will be more than some men troweth:
But though never so much good come,
One day shall again be mum.
2 It is no need more for to wail,
Sustain all this worldly travail,
And think it will not long endure;
The time is nigh of thy pleasure.
3 I see thou art not merry as now,
Thou bendest thy brows I wot not how:
The world is not after thy mind;
Evil it is, worse it shalt thou find.
4 As one for age making complaint,
Depart shalt thou, and as a Saint
Pass up to heaven; whither to come,
God give us grace both all and some.
5 Through the clattering of evil tongues,
Gnawing the heart with liver and lungs,
Thou shalt leese; but yet more they
That will begin such craft to play.
6 Thy wife is good and loveth thee indeed,
But yet beware and take good heed
Of some alway that haunteth thy house;
For Gib our Cat will catch a Mouse.
7 Thou maist be sure thou shalt obtain,
Fortune runneth with thee full plain:
He that will her turn backward,
Had need to have a head full hard.
8 If thou knowest how shortly
Trouble will from thee fleet and fly,
Thou wouldest thank God, and be glad
Of all the sorrow that that thou hast had.
9 Thou art hasty as some man is;
Wherefore as touching now to this,
Thou shalt lose and all forgo,
Hasty man never lacketh wo.
10 Thou maist never have here good day,
Rest nor peace, the troth to say,
Thy words be so bitter and so sour:
Never to have rest is a long hour.
11 God to thy mind will not consent;
Good fortune is condescendent
Unto thy enemy, thou shalt nought win
Wherefore take heed or thou begin.
12 If thou one take this year, friend,
Wife shall she none be but a fiend,
Wasting, angry, stately and proud:
Learn no dance upon such croud.
13 Full feeble and small will be thy corn,
It was never so bad beforn:
And but if that the weather amend,
Thou shalt have nought this year to spend.
14 Trust me as thine own father,
Much shalt thou win and gather,
That never after shalt thou borrow
For need: now cast away sorrow.
15 Your husband hath a little smack
Of jealousie, claw him by the back.
Ye may forsooth in this do much,
I know well your vertue is such.
16 Thou shalt obtain with great honour,
I tell thereof the day nor hour:
God will help at thy most need,
I have all told, now take good heed.
17 In thy most mirth and flower of age,
Death will come and on thee rage:
A token before God will thee give:
Old man to be never believe.
18 Take one that is grown somewhat
In years, and especially beware that
Thou be not too busie her for to charm:
For such men oftentimes catch harm.
19 If thou knowest what trouble and pain
Thou shalt have or thou obtain,
Thou wouldest be gladder all to forsake,
Then any labour or suit to make.
20 Loved thou art full little or nought;
For if the troth were well sought,
Such company she hath caught now,
That shew more clear and lovely than thou.
21 Though for jealousie her heart burn,
Though both her eyes with water run,
Not without a cause as I ween;
Yet is she good, pure and clean.
22 Such floods and waters will overflow
The fields shortly all in a row;
That half the seed sown, or else more,
Will be lost: I shew thee it before.
23 First tell me, I you pray, Mistress,
Was not your cast cinque quater ace?
Your husband is after this cast,
In love and faith nothing stedfast.
24 Thus she alone saith in her mind,
What aileth thou, man, to be so unkind?
Thou hast taken from me my maiden-head,
And now thou wilt not love nor wed.
25 Marry your self to God above,
And keep for him both faith and love:
For worldly woman shall ye be none,
Take ye no husband, but live alone.
26 In all wo be stedfast and strong,
It will endure, but not very long:
Rest and peace, thou me believe,
Or it be long, God will thee give.
27 [...]ie for shame, now by this light,
I have marvel that ever she might
Find in her heart to do such a deed.
I could tell more yet for a need.
28 Though thou hadst hate and disdain
In time heretofore, to thy great pain:
Yet now, because thou art waxt kind,
She loveth thee with heart and mind.
29 Make thee ready, for death will call
Or thou beware, and thy friends all
Shall much leese by thy departing,
Though they ponder thy love nothing.
30 Thou believest not what I say:
I will tell thee troth in fay:
She loveth thee, and glad is also
With thee to ride, with thee to go.
31 Thy wife hath much evil company;
If she begin to do thee villany,
Thou, that art both sad and wise
Hold her more short, by mine advice.
32 He is good, gentle and amiable,
True, faithfull, never variable:
Peradventure he hath some jealousie,
And as for that a good cause why.
33 He that hateth thee is but mad:
I know no man but he is glad
Thy love to have, with thee to play,
With thee to spend, with thee to pay.
34 Thy journey is so full of danger,
Keep thy horse at his own manager:
It is no time now forth to ride,
Nor yet to go: wherefore abide.
35 Thee for to love she late begun,
And think that her love is full won,
If thou bewray her not and tell;
For that women do hate as hell.
36 Keep thy thought to thy self free,
It shall be perfect in every degree,
If thou so do; tell it never out,
For then it will never be brought about.
37 Thou art so gentle and so honest,
Ready at ever [...] man's request,
That needs thou must love obtain:
What man would owe to thee disdain?
38 Now to thee thus may I answer,
Go forth thy ways without fear:
The cause is good that thee moveth,
Thou canst not lack that thee behoveth.
39 All our labour is not in vain,
Yet must we cast the Dice again,
And once more search from the beginning:
It is hard to know so privy a thing.
40 Mistress, I perceive by your cast,
This man is faithfull and stedfast:
In whom the fault is I were loth
To tell, you know your self best both.
41 I am sore trouble in my mind,
That answer yet I none can find:
But if thou wilt this know so fain,
Then cast the Dice yet once again.
42 Lest thou take hurt in thy journey,
And repent both hour and day
Of thy departing, at home abide,
Till God may send a better tide.
43 Ye remember, not long ago
With what man ye met; ah peace, who
Keep your own counsel and honesty,
For it shall never come out for me.
44 Go forth alway in thy purpose:
God all things shall full dispose:
And as touching unto thy thought,
To good effect shall it be brought.
45 If thou ought get, I have marvel,
Thou art not wont to labour and travail:
If thou ought get, it will be small,
Fortune so sore against thee run shall.
46 To thine adversaries great rebuke,
Though he look as high as a Duke.
Obtain shalt thou and have thy will
By men that can in law good skill.
47 Wot you what thing dwelleth hereby?
Your good man now with a false eye
Begins on you to pry and look:
Bid him take heed of his own book.
48 Thou oughtest this year greatly to dread,
For like thou art to have small bread,
But if thou imagine it to get
By other ways, and to buy wheat.
49 Make your self anon Mistress,
For if ye an husband take, doubtless,
Such shall he be, that better you were,
To be unborn than him to bear.
50 She is none, ye perceive well;
What need I to fear truth to tell?
I will truth tell in few words and plain,
Children hath she had one or else twain.
51 All this tribulation and anguish:
Within short space shall from thee vanish:
Suffer a while though it be pain,
And think that joy will come again.
52 Now it were good for you truly
One to take, I will tell you why;
Sons shall ye have a full fair sort,
The which in age may you comfort.
53 There are that say she hath born
A Child: when they have all sworn,
She never bare Child in her truly,
But men two or three; what need I to lie?
54 I say no more, but God speed her well,
Within short space ye shall her tell,
For all her looks so smooth and mild,
She is none, but hath had a Child.
55 As one for age both feeble and weak,
That may neither go nor speak,
Die thou shalt standing in favour
Of the world, and grace of thy Saviour.
56 O good Lord, well mightest thou complain,
If thou knewest what sorrow and pain
Thou shalt have in time to come,
For lack of a little wisdom.

Acha Astronomer.

1 Ye get but one, and he is like
To catch a fall and break his prick:
Lo now you say you do not reck,
Yet had ye lever he had break his neck.
2 Mo to have thou art never like
Than one, the which, somewhat lunatick,
Shall scant thee know from another man
In the full of the Moon, and how then?
3 This thing, lost and stoln before,
Is to such men's hands now bore,
That folly it is to hope certain,
How it may be gotten again.
4 The Planicles look I wot not how,
All things are out of order now:
Caft the Dice again therefore
Then shall I tell you somewhat more.
5 My goodly sister, ye shall wed
There as ye shall be well sped
Of one husband high and slender,
Rich, courteous, soft and tender.
6 Take heed, this will be a man-child,
Sad and wise, soft, nothing wild:
Put him to school letters to know:
For by cunning worship will grow.
7 One and no more full fresh and fair;
When Venus is in the middle of the air,
In the sign of Fortune, of her take heed,
For then thou shalt find it great need.
8 Though thou stand now in no favour,
Yet grace through thy good behaviour
May return; and ever beware,
For lewd tongues do cause much care.
9 I see by the disposition of the Firmament,
Such fortune in his Nativity was sent,
That mo shall he never have than one;
She being dead he must lie alone.
10 This grace is lost against all right;
But by thy power of God Almight,
And of a friend full gentle and kind,
Return will comfort, as I find.
11 Ye would wit, my lovely lemmon sweet,
How many husbands ye shall meet.
Such as they be ye shall have nine:
I had as lief they were yours as mine.
12 As goodly a wench and as vertuous
Shall it be as devil in house,
And born also such a day and hour,
That needs she must grow in honour.
13 This is clean gone, so will more,
But if thou take good heed: wherefore,
When it is dark and day is past,
Lock all thy doors and bar them fast.
14 Two thou shalt have, take heed, good man,
And never mo: no creature tell can
What joy shall come by the second,
Good, rich, fair, gentle and jocond.
15 This grace truly may never return;
Full evil tongues the fire them burn,
Running about and glad to lie,
All good deeds quench for envy.
16 Ye get but one, a sickly man,
And sore diseased now and than,
With such a palsie in his hand,
That on his feet he cannnt stand.
17 God send this woman a good hour,
And of her fruit joy and honour:
For two at a burthen shall she have,
The one a wench, the other a knave.
18 He that hath done all this theft,
Not far from hence hath it left
For to be sold: now take good heed,
He will bewray himself for need.
19 A man to have one, and no mo,
So great pain and tribulation also,
Knew I never one before verament:
Heaven is gotten, if thou be patient.
20 Trust in God that sitteth above,
And him with Saints honour and love:
And grace that hath been long absent
Will return, such grace is sent.
21 Ye get but one, but fear not yet
Of children hardly never a whit:
Ye be so teeming, ye will have some,
Wheresoever he become.
22 This child shall be a full fair boy,
To his friends great pleasure and joy;
And, as I see, within few years
In vertue shall he have few peers.
23 This can never again be caught,
It will be spent and come to naught;
And he that is stole, by the throat
Shall hang shortly, I hold a groat.
24 Four wives the first love and joyfulness,
The second with honour and riches
Shall thee endow, the third to spend born,
And the last to give thee a horn.
25 This grace is lost, think thou not
Her to recover, but stand to thy lot,
And be content: I might more say,
But at this time, I make delay.
26 Fortune changeth so oft in this,
Now bad, now good, as the world is,
That favour or grace none may be:
None other thing may I tell thee.
27 Through malice, hate and despite,
Grace may have no place nor might:
One word often causeth much war,
I might say more, but I it defer.
28 Loth I were you for to grieve;
Ye get but one ye may me believe:
Yet such an husband wed ye shall,
That better ye were have none at all.
29 Behold well this fair hony-comb,
A man-child beareth she in her womb;
A child, the very troth to tell,
That in vertue shall others excel.
30 This theft will never more be found,
It will be kept from thee full sound:
And yet like thou art a greater loss
To have; Fortune shall thy goods toss.
31 Thou must be content with one wife,
For I see well that during life
No more shalt thou have but one,
Well is he that is cumbred with none.
32 Thou shalt be in conceit no more
Than ever thou wert in time before.
He shall return both gentle and meek,
It is folly any more for to seek.
33 Sister ye shall have husbands three,
They shall be all of one Country:
Neither of England nor of Wales,
But wild Irish, Portingales.
34 It is a man-child, a creature
In this world made long to endure:
In his youth meek, gentle and good,
In old-age, angry and half wood.
35 Leese no time, follow the trace;
It will by good fortune and grace
To thee return: look well about,
Under Benedicite it will come out.
36 One for to have be thou content,
Though she be a shrew and serpent:
For though thou wouldst never so fain,
Thy fortune is not to have twain.
37 Grace that is thus faln away
Shall flourish as fresh, as gay
As ever it was in time before:
When it is come leese it no more.
38 Husbands, Sister, ye shall have nine:
The first as lovely as a Swine;
Full meet shall be the other eight:
To drive the Cart, height, height.
39 It shall be a wench, by your chance,
Short, shrewish, crooked of countenance,
Sour and sad: take no discomfort
Of my words her life is but short.
40 Though thou wert King or else Pope,
Never hereafter think nor hope
It to find again, let it go:
Blame thy self thereof, and no mo.
41 This man would fain know, as I see,
What his fortune is for certainty:
His fortune is so, in words few
But one to have, and yet she is a shrew.
42 To love and grace shalt thou return;
Be merry, thou hast no cause to mourn:
For he that was the cause of this
Forethinketh, and glad to amend is.
43 Ye shall have but one Spouse,
And at the first not worth a louse:
But ere the year be all do,
Ye shall be worth a score or two.
44 This shall be no wench, but a lad,
Of whom the friends may be very glad:
It will be wise, sad and vertuous,
But of his wife somewhat jealous.
45 This theft that hath been full close hid,
And kept till now under lock and lid,
Will be bewrayed: take no more thought,
It shall again to thee be brought.
46 I perceive that three all in a row
Shalt thou have, and, as I trow,
The first good, the second wasteable,
The third loving another man's bauble.
47 This grace may well come again,
But never to be so fast and certain
As it hath been in time before:
Hard it is lost love to restore.
48 My sweet-heart, my Poppingay,
Husbands goodly fresh and gay
Twenty and four shall ye wed:
How think ye? be ye not well sped?
49 Break with this no more thy brain,
No craft may thee prevail nor train
This to find, think no more thereon;
The fox with his prey is clear gone.
50 True be my words without any nay,
Two shall ye have full fresh and gay;
One of which, by mischance and hap,
Shall give you an horn to pluck on your cap.
51 Thou art full sure and certain
Favour and love to have again;
But yet, through folly and pride withall,
Once more shalt thou slide and fall.
52 Ye shall have twain, the first a boy,
And he shall be your Sunday's joy:
The second shall be a pretty man,
And rap your sides now and than.
53 It shall be a maid full fresh of hue,
Endowed with such grace and vertue,
That among all the whole houshold
Shine shall she as a Ruby in gold.
54 Thy fortune was such a time and day
For to be spoiled, that it never may
Again be found; take it in worth,
And bless thine house if thou go forth.
55 As I perceive now by my holy book,
It is but folly for any mo to look:
With thy fortune be thou content,
Thou shalt it find so most expedient.
56 Thou shalt see within short space,
That love will return, and grace,
That sprung before so fair with flower,
Shall bring forth fruit with honour.

Haly Astronomer.

1 Under such a Sign and Planet
The father and mother together met,
That a man-child needs must it be,
In time to come of great ability.
2 Ye have gaped many a day
After an husband by my fay:
And now shall ye have husbands five,
And make them never well to thrive.
3 A man-child shall this be doubtless,
That in worldly goods and riches
Greatly by wisdom encrease shall,
To every man both free and liberal.
4 Hope thou no more to get this gear,
Spent it is, some here, some there;
And from hence fled is the thief,
In other places to do more mischief.
5 Thou hopest to have more than one wife;
But trust me that during thy life,
One shall full fast by thy ribs cleave,
And yet she a shrew: sir by your leave.
6 Lost was this grace through thy negligence,
Be not wroth therefore, take patience,
Though it be to thy great pain:
It will never be gotten again.
7 One shall ye have, and never mo,
And yet not him that ye ween so:
But take no thought, for ye shall have
One that shall be as very a knave.
8 A man child shall this be doubtless,
Whom fortune hath formed, as I guess,
Sports to make, as young men are wont,
To ride, to go, to hauk and hunt.
9 A fairson shall this be indeed;
When as he is born, of him take heed,
And guide him as well as you can,
For prove shall he a marvellous man.
10 The thief that this from thee took,
Was a man: take heed and look
About the town, in one place
Shalt thou it find within short space.
11 I doubt not thou shalt have wives three;
The first very good, gentle and free;
The second so so: but take good keep,
The third shall be a shrew or a sheep.
12 Though love be fled out of thy sight,
It will return by grace and might
Of God above: think it never lost,
That cometh again without any cost.
13 Ye get but one, my sister fair,
And him ye shall bring forth an heir
Which heir shall be an heir-male,
Worse than a bowl of stale Ale.
14 It shall be a boy, keep him fast under
While he is young, lest men wonder
When he is old: if he forth drive
His days in sport, he will never thrive.
15 He that from thee this gear stole
Is gone, and beareth it with him whole.
Though thou spend an hundred pound,
It will never again be found.
16 Thou shalt no mo have but two wives,
And live with them two merry lives;
As doth a ship without a ruther,
Or when that one doth kill another.
17 More fervent shall this love be now
Than ever it was before; but how?
One man shall so pray and beseech,
And it again get by fair speech.
18 It is but folly to think any more,
That fortune will this love restore:
For, as I perceive by one token,
In an evil hour was it broken.
19 Daughter, ye get but one make,
That shall take much pain for your sake:
And for great love and kind heart,
In your lap let many a fart.
20 A wench it is, of her take heed;
When she is born, ye shall have need
To keep her short, for I you ensure,
She will be a very shrew by nature.
21 Put all fantasies out of thy mind:
Thy fortune is never it to find,
Nor yet tidings of it to hear,
Though thou seek a thousand year.
22 As I perceive by all true Astronomy,
Mo wives shall never by thy side lye
than one; and yet shall she also
Live longer than thou, and prove one mo.
23 Before that this year be full past,
Love will return as sure and stedfast
As ever it was: fear nothing,
Thou shalt have all thy desiring.
24 One shall ye have, and never mo,
And yet not him that ye ween lo:
But take no thought, for ye shall have
One that shall be a very knave.
25 A son it is, or else shall be
When it is born: it were great pitty
Him for to leese; in time to come
He shall be a man of great wisdom.
26 The gallows standeth stiff and strong,
And as for this theft and wrong,
It will be known, and the thief fled
Shall be hanged all save the head.
27 Thou gettest but one, but thou and she
Shall evermore so well agree,
That if it might be brought about,
Thou wouldest her leave and live without.
28 He that sinneth in malice or hate,
Is not worthy to enter the gate
Of grace nor love: understand well
What I say; I will no more tell.
29 Ye get but one, and he is like
To catch a fall and break his prick:
Lo now ye say ye do not reck,
Yet had ye lever he had broke his neck.
30 A wench it shall be of countenance
Not very fair such is her chance,
An husband to have black and foul,
Old, lame, horned like an Owl.
31 By a woman gentle and kind
Shalt thou again all thy gear find:
But make thereof not so much clatter,
For then shalt thou spill all the matter.
32 Wives shalt thou have but two,
Some man would think enough of tho:
Though the one be leud and naught,
The other shall be as dear bought.
33 Be merry and take comfort of me;
One man hath done and faid for thee
So much that thou shalt love obtain,
And stand in favour and grace again.
34 Sorry I am you chance to tell,
Would God that I could make all well:
I wis it is a sorry luck,
This Doe must live without a Buck.
35 Take good heed now what I say;
A man-child shall this be in fay,
And born at such a day and hour,
That needs he must wast and devour.
36 At this mischief were more than one;
They shall themselves yield every each one
Or it be long, glad and full fain
Part of their theft to bring again.
37 A child to bring forth is her hap
Like the father in form and shape;
Whose fortune is, keep him in aw,
To correct and rule by the law.
38 Make a cross, thou maist well say,
This gear is gone for ever and aye:
He that stole it for great need,
Shall be hanged for this misdeed.
39 But one shalt thou have, yet fain to swim
With broken gall, to bear horns brim,
To sing with the Cuckow: so, at one feast,
She shall thee make fish, bird and beast.
40 As much love as was before
Shalt thou have now, and no more:
Yet shalt thou this esteem more now
Than that before, and more allow.
41 Ye get but one, but yet shall he
Be worth to you some other three:
He shall be short, crooked and bald,
Lousie, scurvy, pill'd and scald.
42 A man-child it is, and loath am I
My sentence to shew, how that shortly
Death shall him in his sheet fold,
As soon goeth a young as an old.
43 Robbed thou art, keep that is left,
For as touching now to this theft,
As a thing lost thou maist it count;
But on the gallows the thief shall mount.
44 Ye have gaped many a day
After an husband, by my fay:
One shall you have black and foul,
Old, lame, horned like an Owl.
45 A man-child shall it be of favour,
Of countenance, and of behaviour
So goodly, so gentle and courteise,
That men must needs him love and praise.
46 Thou shalt it find but never have:
He that robbed thee, as a knave,
Hath it consumed; wherefore shortly
A rope shall he stretch, and die.
47 Come hither daughter, hark your lot;
You shall be proud thereof God wot:
Ye shall send either to hell or heaven
Husbands mo than twice eleven.
48 This noble love without disdain
Shall take his might and strength again,
And more fervent be and stedfast
Than ever it was in times past.
49 I will not tell your chance aloud,
Hark in your ear; ye be pintle proud:
Time it is to draw you to marriage,
Lest you bruise in the carriage.
50 It shall be like the mother in figure,
Fair, courteous, soft and demure:
What need we more of her laud to tell?
All vertue shall in her dwell.
51 This again will never be got;
The cause thereof full well I wot,
Is one that himself sheweth to be
Thy friend, and shall deceive thee.
52 Thou shalt have twain devout and sad,
I will not say they shall be both bad:
But yet the one will be so bold,
By your leave to make you a Cuckold.
53 A bough that is once cut in twain
Can never spring nor flower again:
This love is dashed and clean gone,
It to restore craft know I none.
54 Husbands, daughter, ye shall have three;
Twain of them shall meetly be,
The third full of hate and strife:
All three shall have a shrewd wife.
55 This Child is quick within the Mother;
It is a son, it is no other.
The which in vertue shall so prove,
That men must needs him laud and love.
56 Haly saith, this theft in dark
Is kept and hid and wondrous wark:
Yet by the means of a young lad
Shall it be found again and bad.

Sey Astronomer.

1 Sister, the truth I would ye wist;
Hold you content now and you list;
Ye get but one and he shall be
Within a little as cursed as ye.
2 To whatsoever sum it mount,
As a thing lost thou maist it count;
Hope never again it for to have,
He must needs leese that may not save.
3 Thou gettest but one, but she so well
Thy soul shall love, that clean from hell
She shall thee bring, and to heaven bear,
If penance and pain may bring thee there.
4 This love will of it self renew,
And be in more effect and vertue
Than it was before by ten-fold;
But yet it will be hard to hold.
5 Ye get but one; believe me now
Ye shall bury him, or else he you,
Or else ye shall die both at once:
Lo that were a sport yet for the nonce.
6 A man-child it shall be right sure,
Whom heaven hath ordained by nature
Wondrous acts to do in battel,
And fame to get by such travel.
7 This theft lieth hid and fast bound;
Within few days it will be found:
And he that stole it by the neck
Shall be hanged up, and sing queck.
8 Sir thou shalt have but one wife,
With whom thou shalt lead forth thy life
Full blessedly many a fair day;
In sacrament of penance, I would say.
9 As the mother is truly, in figure
Shall it be, a wench, a creature
Born in such an hour, without fail,
To sting as a Scorpion with the tail.
10 He that this stole fast by the poll
Shall be caught, and by the throat-boll
With an halter he hanged, full worthy
For his offence and theft to die.
11 Ye get but one, whose natural hour
Was under the fiery Sun's power:
She shall be of complexion hot,
And as lecherous as a Goat.
12 I see in so much disdain and hate
That grace to his first estate
May never return: the more in this
Thou labourest, the worse it is.
13 I would I could your fortune tell,
But it will not now be well;
Some lett there standeth in our way:
Yet once again the Dice assay.
14 It shall be a son by heavenly influence,
A man that in art and liberal Science
Shall so profit, that all his kin
Great worship by him shall win.
15 Under the hood of Benedicite
Shalt thou this know, perceive thou me:
He that goeth with heels of lead,
Of his matter is oft-times sped.
16 Ye get but one, and she is bore
Under Mars; she must therefore
Be strong in arms and apt to fight,
A shrew by day the Devil by night.
17 This man is so gentle and free,
So perfect, so good in every degree,
That needs he must cast off disdain,
And into grace call thee again.
18 The Planicles look I wot not how,
All things are out of order now:
Cast the Dice again therefore,
Then shall I tell you somewhat more.
19 Ye get but one, Lord of her birth,
Is Jupiter, she loveth sport and mirth,
With fresh array; sometimes she must
Have here and there her wanton lust.
20 This love that is quenched and gone,
Within two moneths, or soon upon,
Will return and as perfect be
As ever it was, thou shalt see.
21 Ye shall have as many a make
As Solomon Wives, I undertake;
As many Lemmons eke by times,
As Solomon had Concubines.
22 It shall be a wench by course of nature,
Keeping her self ever a Virgin pure;
And, as I think, the world forsake,
And to Religion her self betake.
23 Thou leesest thy time and labour,
Any more to search: for such an hour
Was it stolen, that never it may
Recovered be, mark what I say.
24 Ye wed but one, and her when Phoebus
Runneth into the sign of Scorpions:
Her tongue is ordained without any fail,
To be as stinging as Scorpions tail.
25 Seek friendship some otherwhere,
For this is gone in short answer,
And never will be gotten again,
Of evil service oft groweth disdain.
26 One shall ye have, and never me
And yet some friend will be full wo,
To see such an ugle fair may
Upon a Cuckold cast away.
27 It shall be a man-child fair and free,
Good also, and of a good tree
Cometh good fruit; to your pleasure
Shall he long live, and so endure.
28 He that this gear stole, doubtless,
Shall be known shortly; nevertheless,
I see nothing, when ye have all sought,
That may be gotten again or caught.
29 Ye get but one, and she truly
Born was under the Planet Mercury:
She loveth well revel and disport,
And that will give you crank Dort.
30 God, though thou be to him unkind,
Will thee content in all thy mind,
And to thee this thing restore;
Canst thou desire of him any more?
31 Ye get but one under Venus bore,
She must be full of love therefore:
Like a Spaniel fawn she shall
On every man that will her call.
32 I am as sure and as certain,
As louse in bosome is, that love again
Will never come: thou art like, in fay,
To have many a wofull day.
33 Sister, ye shall not live sole:
Three shall ye have: the first a fool;
Wit the second shall have small;
The third shall have none at all.
34 Take heed, this will be a man-child,
Sad and wise, soft and nothing wild:
Put him to school letters to know,
For by cunning worship will grow.
35 Wilt thou know if it be thy lot
To get this theft again or not?
It will be gotten again, and he
Hanged up that stole it from thee.
36 Of three thou maist be fast and sure:
The first gentle sad and demure:
The second also a competent marriage;
The third delighting to go on Pilgrimage.
37 All this love, friendship and favour,
Through good deeds and fair behaviour
Within few days will come again:
Beware how thou fallest in disdain.
38 Sister, ye shall have husbands five,
They shall be fortunate and thrive,
And live with you as merry a life
As any man may with a wife.
39 It shall be a woman bold of face,
Bolder of heart; within short space
Rule will she master and knave:
He that her proveth a wife shall have.
40 It shall be found but never a jot
Return: one thing I thee behot,
He that it stole upon the gallows,
Shall cry thee mercy and all hallows.
41 Thou gettest but one, her for to wed
When Venus a Virgo goeth to bed,
In token that she (take heed good noddy)
Shall never have part of man's body.
42 Thy fortune is to have but one spouse,
Loving to sit at Tavern and Ale-house:
And sith thou may no otherwise scorse,
I can no more but patience perforce.
43 This love, as I in Sey do read,
Shall cast out his branches, and spread
With leaves and flowers as fair again
As ever it did, for all disdain.
44 Sey answereth plainly, saying,
It shall be a son, and to his King
Obedient and ever faithfull to be,
Ruling by Law the Commonalty.
45 Be merry alway, and take no thought
For a trifle, a thing of nought:
Thy fortune is, again all thing
To find and catch without striving.
46 Thou gettest but one, ye shall come together
When Sol is in the sign of the Weather;
In token that she shall rule, and keep
As lowly and peaceable as a sheep.
47 Love shall return full fair and pure,
And he that causeth all this displeasure,
And cast thee out of favour and grace,
Shall know shortly what is disgrace.
48 It shall be a man in time to come
Of such vertue, cunning and wisdom,
That in his Country shall be few or none
Of any great fame but he alone.
49 He dwelleth hereby, I will be plain,
That this stole, which gotten again
Will be ere long in time pass,
And he to quake for his trespass.
50 As I perceive, thou shalt have three:
The first gentle in every degree;
The second as hot as flame of fire,
Shall love thee well, but better a Frier.
51 Comfort thy self in this mischance;
And look up with a glad countenance;
Thou hast no need to wring or wail,
Love will return to thine avail.
52 This gear is now lost every deal,
But the thief shall never more steal:
The halter hath he escaped twice,
And now feareth nothing but justice.
53 Thou gettest but one I will not gad,
And her when Phaebus is in the Crab:
Wherefore thy wife shall be full evil,
Cursed and crabbed as the Devil.
54 Thou maist curse both time and hour
Wherein grace, love and all favour
Depart; for sure I am and certain,
That never thou shalt it get again.
55 He that first compiled this Book
Saith, it is but folly to look
Any more for this, thou shalt it never find,
Keep fast that is left behind.
56 Ye get but one, and yet shall he
Be worth to you some other three:
He shall be short, crooked and bald,
Lousie, scurvy, pill'd and scall'd.

Orda Astronomer.

1 Sister, ye must be content
With such luck as God hath sent:
Yet get but one and yet shall he
Love another better than thee.
2 This love and grace will come again,
Take heed hereafter it to maintain.
He that thinketh not what may fall,
At long running is paid for all.
3 All our labour is not in vain,
Yet must ye cast the Dice again,
And once more search from the beginning,
It is hard to know so privy a thing.
4 This shall be a child, a fair lad,
Noble of mind, wise, soft, and sad;
To whom is granted by chance
His friends in honour to enhance.
5 Gold, silver, or any other treasure,
It will be found but weight and measure
Thereof will lack: better it is to have
Somewhat again than nought to save.
6 Of wives shalt thou have a couple,
Full slender, fair, soft and supple:
But take as good heed as thou can,
They will a catter-wauling now and than.
7 This love is destroyed and dashed,
As snow by heat away washed:
What may spring of a dry post?
The hurt is his that hath it lost.
8 The Planets look I wot not how,
All things are out of order now:
Cast the Dice again therefore,
Then will I tell you somewhat more.
9 Lo now this chance goeth all wrong,
Why did you keep the Dice so long?
I can nothing tell you true,
But if ye cast the Dice anew.
10 Seed was sown in such a season,
That needs she must, by all reason,
First one man-child bring home lo,
And after him another also.
11 Three thieves, a shrewd company,
Have this stolen, but shortly
Thou shalt again have every deal,
And they hanged be; why should they steal?
12 Two shalt thou have and never mo;
The first good enough, so so:
But what shall the second be trowest thou?
One that will good fellowship follow.
13 Thou shalt return to grace and favour,
Through fair speech and good behaviour.
Spare not to speak in time of need:
Spare to speak and spare to speed.
14 What shall I call you, Alice or Joan?
Husbands shall ye have none.
Your chance is wondrous, sister dear;
Ye shall be shorn a green Frier.
15 Lo now this chance goeth all wrong,
Why did you keep the Dice so long?
I can nothing tell you true,
But if ye cast the Dice anew.
16 It is lost, think thou never more
That fortune may it thee restore.
He that it stole, ere time be long,
On the Gallows is like to hong.
17 By conjecture, and the course natural
Of the Planets and Signs celestial,
It is a wench: take thought nor care,
Though it be costly chaffare.
18 Though thou search to know this drift
In every place, and spand thy thrift,
Yet shalt thou never again it find;
The thief hath caught a lane full blind.
19 Wives, I say, thou shalt have three;
So good fortune is towards thee:
The first shall be, I doubt not, full evil;
The second worse, the third a Devil.
20 Though thou stand not now in favour,
Yet grace through thy good behaviour
May return: and ever beware,
For leud tongues causeth much care.
21 Sister, ye shall have but one,
And he shall make your body groan,
And ye his with staves and bats:
Ye shall agree together like Dogs and Cats.
22 A man-child shall this truly be,
So full of anger and cruelty,
That his friends shall ev'ry each one
Small love to him cast, or else none.
23 The thief is not of this Countrey;
Far goeth the Woolf to seek his prey:
At last thou maist well hear
Where it is, and never the near.
24 This grace is lost both all and some,
I see not almost by wit and wisdom
How it might be gotten again;
Where late was love, now is disdain.
25 Set thy mind no more on this,
For love and grace so clean gone is,
That fruit thereof may come no more,
Than such as hath been heretofore.
26 Ye would have husbands some perdee,
As well as another; how many trow ye?
No mo but even an hundred lo:
I wis ye would have an hundred mo.
27 Take heed to the writ of Ordas,
This child at such time conceived was,
That it may none other be,
But a wench of small felicity.
28 I tell thee in few words and plain,
That it may not be gotten again
By any way almost possible,
Without labour and pain trible.
29 Two shalt thou have, take good heed now;
The first a maid, the second a widdow:
The first good, though she be young:
The other unsavory of tail and tongue.
30 Love will return, in space cometh grace,
And thy friend thee again imbrace.
Be wise alway it for to maintain,
That thou gettest by labour and pain.
31 Sister, ye shall have eleven,
That you shall think you self in heaven:
They shall be so good and you so fell,
That they shall think themselves in hell.
32 It shall be a man, I thee ensure,
Of long life, and peradventure,
For his good manners and manhood,
A wife to wed of much livelihood.
33 This theft will shortly appear,
The time thereof draweth now near:
Open thine eye, and take good heed,
Lest thou again in the same wise speed.
34 Have shalt thou no more but one wife,
And with her live a full quiet life:
Wrath once past she is soon peased,
And never angry while she is pleased.
35 To thee shall thy friend be more dear
Than ever he was, be of good chear,
And love full fast will quickly spring:
He that best dost catcheth the King.
36 Goodly Sister, make good chear,
For ye shall once in four year
Bury husbands fourscore
And after that as many more.
37 This child shall bear the mother's mark,
Of mind as wild as Doe in Park.
Full hard it is to keep from vice
A child that is wanton and nice.
38 I will thou know, in short space
Love shall return to his old place:
Thank God thereof, he is a Lord
That loveth no war, hate, nor discord.
39 Sister, ye shall be a Nun,
But yet shall ye have a fairson:
For ye shall steal out of the Quire,
And wed your self unto a Frier.
40 Good tidings I shew you beforn:
This child that is as yet unborn,
Shall be a woman of such mood
As the Mother is, both fair and good.
41 This is lost and never more
May be found; I am sorry therefore:
And the thief also malitious
Is fled, lest he be taken suspicious.
42 One shalt thou have, and meetly fai [...],
But hardly fear thou not of an heir:
Children shall she bring forth nine
Of her own body, and some to be thine.
43 Love, with charity and faith knit,
Will return, trouble not thy wit,
Nor take thought, it is no need:
He that well doth must needs well speed.
44 One shall ye have, and never more,
Yet shall ye not come at Church therefore:
For on a cushion he shall you wed,
When all the Dogs are gone to bed.
45 For this child take ye no care,
It shall be a fair young mare,
As ever woman may have: wherefore
Thank God highly: I tell you no more.
46 By the help of a friend most true,
Tidings of this shortly new
Shall ye have, and find it again:
Suffer a while though it be pain.
47 Mark this Astronomy: 3 shalt thou wive:
The first shall make thee never to thrive;
The second almost as good as she;
As meek as a Woolf the third shall be.
48 Love will return within short space,
God hath granted thee such grace:
Love to maintain I hold it best,
Man much getteth that is honest.
49 Ye shall have fix, and all good, all,
Lo now ye have no cause to braul:
Hold you so content therefore,
If ye be wise and cast no more.
50 Be merry, a man-child shall ye have,
God Almighty it keep and save:
For in your age and most necessity
Shall he your help and succour be.
51 It is but folly for to mourn,
It is lost and may not return:
The thief also is fled for fear
Of hanging, look well to thy gear.
52 Fortune commandeth him to be content,
Having all pleasure at his intent:
I would not for a million of gold,
That he his chance once more change should.
53 Thou shalt return I put no doubt,
Unto grace look well about,
That thou fall no more from it:
To guide thy self thou lackest no wit.
54 Alas, what have you done, woman?
Ye blessed you not when you began,
Twain shall ye have and never mo
Shrews both, and ye also.
55 After your own mind and intent,
A fair man-child God hath sent:
The which shall grow to great honour,
Of your garland the freshest flower.
56 A man that thou wouldest little think
Hath this stoln; of every pink
Shall he thee truly recompence,
And hath shame for his offence.

Ose Astronomer.

1 I can you tell now good things
It shall be a wench, in two things
Excellent, in wisdom and beauty:
See her dowry ready made be.
2 Make ye ready your cradles twain;
And why so? I am certain,
Twain at one burthen shall ye have,
Fair daughters both, God them save.
3 Thou shalt find out both theft and thief?
The thief for his offence and mischief
Shall be hang'd up: of such seed
May never other fruit proceed.
4 Thou gettest but one, and she shall be
A witch, and marvellously enchant thee
Into such a bird as hath full long,
And never shall sing but one plain song.
5 He that cannot beware nor keep
His gear, must needs both search and seek:
This is lost, if it were God's cope,
It to have again never more hope.
6 Look up merrily, sister dear,
Husbands twelve shall you make chear:
Lo, are not there not a meetly rabble,
To fill an honest man's table?
7 The child must needs be a woman,
The cause ascribe to your good man:
It is reason that Almighty God
Him reward after his manhood.
8 Unto thy self thou it ascribe,
That men from thee do steal and bribe:
Some shalt thou leese, and somewhat
Get again; thank God for that.
9 Sith there is none other refuge,
But the Astronomer to ask for your judge;
Two shall ye have; the first well caught,
And good also, the second right naught.
Good works and fair words withall
Pleasure and joy to thee render shall;
And love shall encrease again more
Than ever it was in time before.
11 Sister, ye shall have husbands fix:
I counsel you beware the flix:
For ye be like, and if it fall,
Six times a night beshite them all.
12 This shall be a fair wench,
Worthy to sit a high on bench:
Father and Mother, well rejoyce may ye,
As friend to fortune born is she.
13 As thy friend he sheweth himself
That it stole, it is an elfe:
And lost is this theft every deal:
Take heed, for more yet will he steal.
14 Two shalt thou have, take heed, good man,
Rule them both as well as you can:
I say not but the first is gentle and good;
The second is like to give thee an hood.
15 God Almighty for thy good deeds,
Hath ordained that love and grace needs
Must return; love without fail:
The which shall thee greatly prevail.
16 How many husbands ye shall have,
This would you wit, you merry knave:
Ye get no more but four and twenty;
I trow that this is meetly plenty.
17 Ye shall have husbands sixteen:
Eleven of them be naught I ween;
The remnant worse, I will not mock;
Thy self yet worse than all the flock.
18 A wench as fair as Diamond,
Vertuous, goodly, gentle and jocond,
Shall this be, and, in plain sentence,
A wife also of much magnificence.
19 Though the thief his neck-verse by rote
Can say, yet hanged up by the throat
Shall he be, and thou again catch
That born was out of thine hatch.
20 Thou shalt have one, and never mo,
Thou maist be glad fith it is so:
For he that changeth often such ware,
Must needs live in much sorrow and care.
21 A common rule that never faileth,
He that love loseth oft-times waileth:
This love, lost by little debate,
Can never return to his first state.
22 Methinks, fair sister, ye would know [...]
How many husbands on a row
That ye shall have: ye shall have twain,
Of which ye shall be glad and fain.
23 Fear not fair Lady, for in fay,
Bring forth shall ye a full fair may,
Whom God with three things shall endue,
Riches, honour, and great vertue.
24 Mark my words, thine ears encline;
The good is gone, the hurt is thine:
With displeasure the thief other-where
An halter shall stretch, and not here.
25 Four shalt thou have: the first young,
But good withall; the second of her tongue
Some-what liberal; the third of her tail;
The fourth shall spend and naught thee avail.
26 This shall be found again in fay,
And brought home by a pritty way:
And they that it stole every each one
Shall be punished by the poll-bone.
27 Thou shalt have no man but twain,
Of the which the second, I am certain,
Shall nought do but wast and spend
That the first saved, and there end.
28 Thy goodness men shall so declare,
That love and grace with welfare
Shall return: hereafter take heed,
And fall no more lest thou worse speed.
29 Sister, ye shall have husbands five:
Four of them shall never thrive;
But the fifth shall no waste do,
For ye shall leave him nought thereto.
30 This child hath caught both eyes and ears
With head also but without hairs:
It is a wench by all conjecture,
That may not long with life endure.
31 Search, enquire, thy mind fulfill,
Thou shalt thy labour and cost spill:
Trust never more, far nor near,
Of this any tidings for to hear.
32 Mo than one shalt thou never have;
Pray God her life to keep and save:
For, as I find by this holy letter,
Among many seldom cometh the better.
33 Though thou be as one half marred,
From love and grace shut out and sparred:
Yet will favour return certain
In increase as much more again.
34 Ye shall be a good encrease,
For devotion and holiness
Enclosed with stones as round as a ball,
Between a Courtier and a wall.
35 Thank God, a man-child it shall be,
The which rest, peace and unity,
Having people at his retinue,
Shall cause long time to continue.
36 Thou shalt know by what way
It was stolen, but in good fay,
Never shalt thou it catch: and why?
It is carried far from thine eye.
37 I thee advise, man never more to wed
Than one; thou wilt be stone dead
If thou do so: beware, for God's sake,
Lest I thee in any such fault take.
38 Two thou shalt have, and no mo truly:
Of the one of them beware, and specially
When the Sun is in the sign of Capricorn,
For then thou art like to catch a horn.
39 Thou shalt return without fail
To grace, love may thee prevail
More now than it hath in times past:
Be true alway, faithfull and stedfast.
40 Three shall ye have, and ye wed thrice,
If they have wit, they shall be wise:
Lack shall they not that is in their pursc;
Good shall they be if they be no worse.
41 As God sendeth, take it worth,
A woman child shalt thou bring forth,
That here live shall but a while:
Death is ready alway to beguile.
42 This good will not be found again;
He that is stole, I am certain,
Is so crafty and subtile withall,
That none but he thereof know shall.
43 Mo than one shalt thou never have
When thou art dead and laid in grave,
Two mo shall she prove or else three,
But with never one of them agree.
44 Though thou caught a fall now late,
Yet shalt thou to thy first estate
Return of grace, and, as I find,
Have all thy purpose again and mind.
45 Sister, ye shall have husbands twain:
The first shall have a great brain,
The second eke; but as for wit,
Between them both I shrew the whit.
46 Ye shall bring forth, (but with much pain)
A wench it is I am certain:
For lack no point shall she of beauty:
God give her grace good for to be.
47 Now be merrry and put away care,
Thief shall be caught in a snare,
And thou again all things lost have:
Be wise now, learn to keep and save.
48 I say but few, sith that it is so,
I must needs tell: one and no mo
Shall this man have; of her take heed,
For Gallants and men of Court have need.
49 This is gone, without any fail,
And folly it is to weep or wail,
For it that never come again may;
Stoln it was on an evil day.
50 Ye get but one, an old man;
Keep your Cut as well as you can,
Die he shall, and leave you good
Enough to buy you a ray hood.
51 Ordain for this Child a fair name;
A man it shall be of great fame,
Courteous and gentle in every point,
Carle nor Cur having no point.
52 This shalt thou find I thee ensure:
But yet I see by all conjecture,
That if thou take not better heed,
Thou art like yet worse to speed.
53 Change to have is all thy pleasure,
But fortune maketh thee stedfast and sure
Of one and never mo: she dead and gone,
Thou art forsaken of every one.
54 No worldly thing may thee restore
To so dear love as was before:
Without comfort where ever thou go,
Now must thou live in great wo.
55 Truly ye shall have husbands twain:
The first shall do you much pain;
The second shall your chear amend,
For he shall get and ye shall spend.
56 This shall be a wench fair and feat,
Whom nature greatly love to get
Hath formed above all other things;
Yet this is for your good tidings.

En Parliament a Paris.

Abstulit atra dies Astraeam, cana fides sed
Somno pressa jacet; Jus iter arripuit,
Et secum Ratio proficiscens limite longo.
Nemo duas primas evigilare paret:
Absunt postremaeque duae; quas munera tantum
Impediunt, nequeunt quòd remeare domum.

Out of Latin into French.

Justice est mort,
Et Verite somnelle;
Droit & Rayson
Sont alles aux par lons.
Les deux primiers
Nul ne les resuille;
Et les deux deniers
Sout corrumpus per dons.

Out of French into English.

Justice now is dead,
Truth with a drowsie head,
As heavy as the Lead,
Is laid down to sleep,
And taketh no keep:
And Right is over Fallows
gone to seek All-hallows,
With Reason together,
No man can tell whither.
No man will undertake
The first twain to wake;
And the twain last
Be holden so fast
With Money, as men say,
They cannot come away.

A grant tort foy dore.


How say ye? is this after your appetite?
My this content you and your merry mind?
Here dwelleth pleasure with joy mand delight,
Continual comfort here you may find;
Of wealth and solace nothing left behind.
All things convenable here is contrived,
Wherewith your spirits may be revived.
Here endeth the Book of Fortune.

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