THE BLOODY TREATIE: OR, Proceedings between the KING and Prince RUPERT.

As ALSO, Between Pr. RUPERT and Capt. PICKERING.

Who hath brought in 4. of the Kings Collonels, to the Parliament; With the whole proceedings of Ruperts perambulation from the King at Newark, and his return to Woodstock with 400. Horse.

And how cruelly they used Captain Pickering during the Treatie; who by the help of Collonel Willis, Collonel Honywood, Collonel Fisher, and Collonel Roulston, is now returned safe to the Parlia­ment, and hath brought them in from the KING.

With Ruperts Letter to the King, about a bloody massacre.

Die Saturn. Decemb. 13. 1645.

Appointed to be printed, and is published according to Order.

LONDON, Printed for J. C. 1645.


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