THE BLOVDY PERSECUTION OF THE PROTESTANTS IN IRELAND, BEING The Contents of severall Letters brought by his Majesties Post from Ireland, November the 21. 1641,

Wherein is related, how the Rebels forces doe daily encrease, and how the Protestants still are destroyed by fire and sword, without any Mercie.

Also, how many good Townes and Castles in the County of Monno, have beene consumed by fire.

With a true Relation of the cruelty which the Rebels used to Sir Patricke Dunson, by ravishing of his Lady before his face, spurning of his Children to death, and slaying his Servants and himselfe after an unheard of bloudy manner. And how his Lady was Rescued by Sir Thomas Moore.

London, Printed for Richard Melvin, and are to be sold in Grubstreet, neere to the Flying Horse. 1641.


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