BLOUDY NEVVES FROM SCOTLAND DECLARING The particulars of a great and bloudy Fight neer Ster­ling Bridge, between the English Forces comman­ded by Lieuienant Generall Cromwell, and the Scottish Forces, commanded by Major Generall Monro.

WITH The full particulars of the Fight, the manner of their Ingagement, the number killed and taken prisoners, the totall routing of Major Gen. Monro and all his Forces, and taking of all his Ordnance, Arms and Ammunition.

ALSO, The Scots Declaration to Lieut. Gen. Cromwell, and His express Demands to his Army. With the discovery of a bloudy Plot against the Lord Gen. Fairfax, shewing the manner how he should have been stabbed at St. Albans, and 40 Par­liament men put to the sword.

Printed for C. W. and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange, 1648.


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