THE Bloody Diurnall FROM IRELAND Being Papers of Propositions, Orders, and Oath, and severall bloody Acts, and proceedings of the Confederate Catholiques Assembled at KILKENNY.

Ex: per Phillip: Kearnie Gen: Com. Hiberniae Cleric:

[royal blazon or coat of arms of Ireland (harm surmounted by crown)]

Printed by the Originall Papers from the Irish Commissioners, which wee first Printed at Kilkenny, and now Reprinted at LONDON, Anno Dom. 1647.

I A. B. Doe promise, swear [...], and protest before God and his Saints and his Angells that I well during my life beare true faith and allegience to my Soveraigne Lord Charles by the Grace of God King of great Brittaine, France and Ireland, and to his heires and law­full successors, and that I will to my power during my life defend, use up­hold and maintaine all his and their Just prerogatives, Estates and rights, the power, and priviledges of the Parliament of this realme the Fundamentall lawes of Ireland, the free exercise of the Roman-Catholick faith and Religion throughout this Land; and the lives just liberties, possession, Estates and Rights of all those that have taken or shall take this oath and perform [...] the contents thereof. And that I will obey and ratifie all the orders, and decrees made and to be made by the Supreame Councell of the confederate Catholiques of this Kingdome concerning the said publique canse, and that I wil not seeke or receive directly or indirectly any pardon or protection for any Act don, or to be done touching this Generall cause, without the Consent of the Major part of the said Councel, and that I will not di­rectly or indirectly do any act or acts that shall prejudice the said Cause but wil to the hazard of my life and estate assist, prosecute, and main­taine the same. Moreover I doe further sweare, that I wil not except of or submit unto any peace made, or to be made with the said Confede­rate Catholiques without the consent and approbation of the Generall Assembly of the said Confederate Catholiques; and for the preservation and strengthning of the association and Vnion of this Kingdome that upon any peace or Accomodation to be made or concluded with the said Confederate Catholiques as aforesaid, I will to the ut­termost of my power insist upon and maintaine the ensuing Propositions, until a Peace as aforesaid be made, and the matters to be agreede upon in the Articles of Peace be established and secured by Parliament. So helpe me God and his holy Gospel.


FIrst that the Roman Catholiques of both Clergy and laytie in their severall capacities, have the free and publique exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion and function throughout the Kingdome in as full lustre and splendor, as it was in the Raigne of King Henry the seventh, or any other Catholique King, his predecessors Kings of England, and Lords of Ireland ei­ther in Ireland or in England:

Secondly that the secular Clergy of Ireland viz. Primates, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Ordinaries, Deanes, Deanes and Chap­ters, Arch-Deacons, Prebendaries and other Dignitaries, and all other Pastors of the secular Clergy, and their respective suc­cessors shall have and enjoy all and all mannor of Jurisdictions, priviledges & immunities in full & ample manner as the Roman Catholique secular Clergy had or injoyned the same within this Realme at any time during the Raigne of the late King Henry the seventh, sometimes King of England and Lord of Ireland, any law, declaration of law, statute, power, or Authority whatsoe­ver to the contrary notwithstanding.

Thirdly that all lawes and statutes made since the twentieth yeare of King Henry the Eight whereby any restraint penalty or other restriction whatsoever, is, or may be laid upon any of the Ro­man Catholiques either of the Clergy or of the Laitie for such their free exercise of the Roman Catholique Religion within this Kingdome and of their severall functions; Jurisdictions, and priviledges may bee repealed, renewed and declared void in the next Parliament, by one or more Acts of Parliament, to be past therein.

Fourthly that the Primats, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Ordinaries, [Page 5]Deanes Deanes and Chapters, Arch-Deacons, Chancellors, Trea­surers, Chantors, Provosts-Wardens of Collegiat Churches, Pre­bendaries and other Dignitaries, Parsons, Vicers and other Pastors of the Roman Catholique secular Clergy and their res­pective successors shall have, hold, and enjoy all the Churches and Church-livings in as large & ample manner, as the late protestant Clergy respectively enjoyed the same on the first day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1641. together with all the profits, emoluments, perquisites, Liberties, and other rights to their respective Sees and Churches belonging, as well in all places now in the possession of the Confederate Catholiques as also in all o­ther places that shall be recovered by the said confederate Catho­liques, From the adverse party within this Kingdome, saving to the Roman Catholique Laitie their respective Rights according to the lawes of the Land.

Ex. per Philippum Kearnie Gen. Com. Hiberniae Cleric.

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