The Black Dutch ALMANACK OR Predictions and Astronimo­call Observations fore-shewing what will further happen to the King of Scots and other Kings and Commonwealths, from the aspects and conjunctions of the Planets in their Quotidian motions.

Also A new Prophesy sound in Dutch, foretelling of a great fleet of ships and of Danes Sweds, &c. to be seen this present year 1652. and bloody fights by Sea and Land, with variety of other matter concerning the English, the Hollander and the French.

⟨Dec. 4.⟩ Print at Amsterdam, and reprinted at London by J. Clowes 1651.


Generall Astromicall Calcula­tions for the ensuing year 1652. foretell­ing what will happen to Charles Stu­art King of Scots, Lewis King of France, John King of Portugall, &c.

FRom the influence of the Celestiall bodyes the last years black Almanack foretold the dread­full flaughter of the Scots Nation in the Mo­neth of September then following, and what we have seen to befall their King at the same time. in like manner the same Author hath taken upon him to draw some conclusions out of the rules of Astrona­my, to shew what will be the chief undertakings of him, and severall other Kings this yeare, as you shall find it set down in the Predictions for every Moneth. And although you have already severall sorts of Di­viners in this kind, which speak more like unto the answers from the heathen Oracles, then to the under­standing of the people, yet that which is here perfor­med (not dispising others) is done in such familiar words, and by such a rule of certainty as will not [Page]Slightly be condemned for falshood, or like a nose o [...] wax with a little help be turned any way. There is a Dutch Prophesie written many yeares since by one John Flusheers a man of great learning, lately come to light in these words in English;

A King for are shall flye a pace o're Brittains fields with feare.
When two Eclips in one moneth shall happen to appeare.
To Holland then for succour hee shall seek to make escape.
And if no refuge there be found: To France hee takes hie race.
The Chirkins wings are sorely clipt, and n'ere shal plumed be.
Though Denmark, Sweden, florence, shall send out a fleet to Sea.










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Januaries Predictions.

THe new January begins at the Hague at such time as Sol enters into Aquarius, and Jupi­ter in Vergo which presageth diversitie of Councells, and no good to the Butter-boxes, and if they contend with England, their black Coun­cells will returne upon their own heads, Saturne with them is ascendent which threatens mortalli­ty, and many other e [...]ils and mischiefs, and if they are not thankfull for what they have, or ungrate­full to old friends, they are threatned to be scour­ged soundly, for this whole yeare together; This season is like to prove very cold, and if the Snow lye not too thick, a man will be seen to slide eight miles in a morning to Market with a Basket of Eggs upon his head, and an old woman that drops a Polonia Sassage by the way, and meets with it a­gaine, at her return; will hardly be at the pains to carry it home again to shew it. Some great per­sons that doated much upon Christmas are likely to dye this moneth with Gormandizing; The men of Rotterdam will be much adicted to stoath and idlensse, in so much that for the most part the women shall manage the chiefest affaires in the way of Trade & commerce, whilst their Husbands are tasting their Liquor, and fill their panches therewith to the brim. This season will hardly afford any roasted Pigions flying in the Ayre, but a fat Goose at the Kitchin fire will smell very kindly:

Februaries Predictions.

SOl in Pifes and Saturne in Canser, Venus is of very little force, for Mars hath a strong influ­ence, and rather then he will be unfurnished with Instruments to do his work, a contention is likely to arise between three sorts of men of Eminent Coats, viz. the Buffe coat, the Black and the Gray coat, The two latter whereof, do grudge and re­pine at the first for that they think his Coat the richer and most durable, but these contests are not likely to receive any determimation as yet, for that many sudden fears and unlookt for occasions are ready to break forth, And Saturne begins to vex exceedingly in these parts of the world, he being the principall figure o signifier of disturbance, sor­row, melancholy, malice, treachery, and the like, some Message is preparing for England, and some smooth Overture, some harme will befall the Dutch at Sea, either by a stormy fight, or boy­sterous winds, some eminent action is foreseen to be done by the English Northward, but that may rather be expected to fall out by Land then by Sea. Some suttle heads with fine gay antick Gar­ments, and sober men will act the part of Madde fooles.

Marches Predictions.

THe great Luminary of the world happens to be Eclipst this present Moneth on the 29. day which will be more visible in England then in Holland, and the effects greater, especially among the poorer sort, who are like to have their pock­ets Eclipst many Moneths after. The Sun enters Aries, A fiery sign and doth predict chollerick mutations, yet hapily there may be a reconsilia­tion, some of the learned have troubled them­selves to branch out the severall effects that may arise from Eclipses, and yet have but like unto blind men, sometimes hit the mark; I hope to be more certaine in my predictions, for as the time now is, we may without error affirme that such as are invectively malitious against the Govern­ment under which they live, will at last be found out and suffer an Eclips of those priviledges which otherwise they might have enjoyed under the same. The worst aspect this Eclips hath upon Holland is the troublsomnesse of the Seas, a mis­chief not easily disgested, nor of unvalued con­cernment to self ends. The wetnesse of the for­mer season will produce a rot amongst sheep, and women will be generally inclined quickly to for­get their Husbands if once they can bury them.

Aprills Predictions.

GReat divisions in Councells, this Moneth are like to arise from the diversity of influences of the Celestiall bodyes, if there be not some jug­ling, the Scots King may find assstance from se­verall places and raise new fears in England; great troubles are in France and feares arise in severall parts by reason of the hight of the English State, Portugale is much troubled, and let Kings and Portugalis now loo [...] to themselves, for when Sa­turne hath a Quadrat aspect with the Sun, great grief, sorrow, want and mishape shall befall unto Kings and chief Governours, friends faile in their promises and great cause of feare and discontent on all sides, great moistnesse is to be expected this Moneth, and he that goes while he finds an Appell or Peare growing upon a Tree had need put on a new paire of Shooes; The finest wit is apt to commit the greatest folly, and some Poets will love to play the foole when men of a com­mon sufficiency deserve commendations, being more plyable and willing to submit to their Supe­riours, and if the English State dive narrowly into the constitution of some of that Nation, they will find most men easier to follow, then to be led by force, like unto generous horses, that are better governed with an easie bridle then a cut­ting bitt.

Mayes Predictions.

OH Monstrum horrendum, more ill news from Sea arrives at the Hrgue? if the differences are not now composed betwixt the English and the Hollander, a squadron of Vantrumps will be in danger about this time, some black designes are probably discovered against the English Common wealth, and Holland hath cause to cleave to some sure friends in alliance, the Planets seem not to favour the French with abillity to assist them in time of danger; It is an ill wind blowes no bo­dy good, but the constellations of the heavens brings it not to thee, great news expected from the Dutch Ambassadors in England; The Soul­diers swell with fury, the Citizens minds rise high, and most mens spirits are elevaed, and the heavens decrees are immutable, and I cannot find any good aspects upon the French. Now is the time for Kings to lose all or win all, and if that King hath not by this time setled a peace with the Princes, the King may be glad to offer another Treaty, for sear of an English Designe to be suddenly put in execution, and their minds are in miserable per­plexity, that are troubled with what is like to happen hereafter.

Junes Predictions,

THe Sun in Cancer and Saturn in a Quadrat is as bad or worse then the former, yet do I guesse this aspect will not be of any great force in Holland or in England, the worst I can find un­to them is the death of some of those that sit at the helm unlamented, many pyracies committed by Sea, great bloodshed in France, if the Spani­ard have a fight with the French, about this time, he is likely to prevail, some great remoraes of an e­minency sounds abroad beyond hour hori­zon; what it should be I guesse not, unlesse it should be of some great Fleet at Sea, it may be onely a report of new Levies for the Scots King, in Denmark or Scotland or both, yet of any place, let not the Scots think to thrive this year, Saturn and Mars, &c. are transcendent with them and before summer is ended, their Royal Black­coats will not dare to shew their teeth, and Sa­turn being passing through a Quadrat presageth fear, terror, and treachery in that Nation, but the Aspect is yet better in Holland, if they trou­ble not the water, or love to fish in such, they may live at quiet, but if otherwise, they must smart as well as the rest.

Julies Predictions.

WHy do not the Commons of France stir with more activity to promote their own liberty, and freedoms, help is promised, if the Dutch are not bad neighbours. The Starres do threaten some contention, if not losse at Sea, by the Dutch, if they are hinderers of a noble Design, they will have time to repent of it, and smart for it too: both in Italy, Venice, Florence, and other of the Eastern Countreys, they are vexed with War, Blague, or Famine; some strange news is produced at this time out of the Northern Coun­treys, I shall say little of the Conjunctions this Moneth, but the Aspects are good for those that are getting, therefore it cannot be good to give much where is but little honour, greatnesse, riches dignities and tryumphs are appointed for those, that know how to afflict trouble and destroy o­thers; Two sorts of People are alwayes to be feared, The rich for their own sakes, their vice, and condition; The poore by reason of their ne­cessities and imprudence. This signe will have great influence upon such as are accustomed to ill language, especially among women which use to scould a their Husbands.

Augusts Predictions.

THe noysome heat of the Dog-star will vex many this moneth, especially such as live in hot Countries, besides the generall influ­ence of the Plannets foretell ill successe to Kings, and chiefly to John King of Poetugal, and Lewis King of Frnace. It is naught swallowing of Bul­lets this moneth, yet I fear a great slaughter of men, and a generall calamity amongst other crea­tures. God preserve the Northern Countries from the Plague, or some other infectious disease, most mens deeds are so hellish and black, that all judge­ments threatned (without the prevention of the Almighty) may justly pull down from heaven a Deluge of sorrow, yet for these parts of the world, I have better hopes, for with us, Sol hast­eth to the Triangle of Jupiter, as if Providence had disposed a sudden conclusion of our troubles; and there is promised high and honourable things to be done by Free States, in which England seemeth to get the preeeminence in glory and greetnesse, and that persons in power shall rejoyce and gain victorie over their enemies of what Na­tion soever, yet it is not so, but some men are in miserie, and not redressed.

Septembers Predictions

Astrange diaster, about this time or perhaps in the forgoing Moneth is threatned, There be some men that nothing can satissie, who would think that such as have already (and if occasion be, will again) joyned in one, against the Common Enemy should not agree amongst themselves; but either in envigh, because other men are in greater places then themselves, or some other self-ends are repining, yea, and it may be impeaching one ano­ther, many piracyes are daily heard of to be com­mitted at Sea. A great battle is likely to be fought in France, where some King or great person is like to fal: Something may naturally be calculated from the influence of the Celestial bodyes of som further misfortune to the Scots King, either by a fall or a shot from his horse: The two Eclipses in one Moneth viz. one of the Sun and another of the Moon in March last, affoard very much matter to work upon, and invites the English to a recon­cilirtion in judgement, very strange intelligence comes from severall parts. This is the time that wisemen will do nothing but for themselves, and say, that there is no reason that ways, that wisdom should put themselves in danger for fools.

Octobers Predictions.

SOL enters Scorpio, and an opposition with Sa­turn, certainly this will be a time of great consultation in England and Holland, yet a Quadra for many dayes with Mars signifies much blood shed in France, Ireland, and some other places, some strivings amongst great persons consequent­ly follows about the nullifying of some thing for­merly decreed, or had been long in use: by this time much may be done in order to the equall ad­ministration of Justice in severall places where it hath in part been neglected, then happy are the people that live under such a Government, yea thrice happy are they, if that a dissembling flatte­rer, or insinuating Parasite, (the worst vermine in a Common wealth) hath not an office himself of trust, or at least some honest man in great power to speak for him; Its an ill wind blows no body good, but the influence of the heavens seems to be very sparing where to bestow. All men will not be of one mind, either in Holland, Spain, Ita­ly, France, Germany, England or Scotland, although the Sun goes round all the world over.

Novembers Predictions

THe Starres yet fight against many great ones, especially Princes and Potentates, if Spain loseth not what fortune seems to favour them with, they may inlarge their, interest, both in France and Portugall, yet many do willingly en­dure multitudes of evills, besides those that are naturally incident to them; some men are like to be rackt in pieces for the offences long after doubted, and because a man ought not to be pu­nished without just cause: sometimes punishments are inflicted worse then death, those that are set­led States are like so to continue, notwithstand­ing all the threats, and plots of their enemies. Some of our Burgamasters are like to receive great losses abroad, and yet in danger of being questioned for their unjust dealings at home. The Cat is in love with fish, but hath no mind to wet her feet. Be merry while you may, the Chickens are washing, but to my grief I shall find but few rosting in the poore mans Kitchin.

Decembers Predictions.

SOL enters, Virgo is passing into an opposition with Luna, the next is a Triangle, and so fal­eth into a Quadrat, also Saturn first passeth through a Quadrat. Let young men forbear to [...] a wooing, till Venus comes into a Sextile, which [...]ill be the sixteenth day of this moneth, and then its probable they will find efficacy the fruits of their desires. Some honest minded men do ma­nifest their desires to beget a right understanding indifferences, and wash, and labour to make the Blackamoore white. It is not good to be dipt too deep this moneth for fear of a Quartane Ague, w [...]nt of money will give such a check to Bachuns, that he will not be such a devourer this moneth, as he hath been in former times.


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