The Benjamin's Lamentation for their sad loss at Sea, by Storms and Tempests.

Being a brief Narrative of one of his Majesties Ships, called the Benjamin, that was drove into Harbour at Plimouth, and received small harm by this Tempest.

To a New Tune, called, The poor Benjamin.
CAptain Chilver's gone to Sea,
I Boys, O Boys,
With all his company, I,
Captain Chilver's gone to Sea,
With all his company,
in the brave Benjamin, O.
Thirty Guns this Ship did bear,
I Boys, O Boys,
They were bound for Venice fair, I,
Thirty Guns his Ship did bear,
And a hundred men so clear,
in the brave Benjamin, O.
But bysst storms at Sea,
I boys, O boys,
Which bred our misery, I,
But by ill storms at Sea,
We were drove out o'th way,
in the brave Benjamin, O.
We had more wind then we could bear
I boys, O boys,
Our ship it would not steer, I,
We had more wind then we could bear
Our Masts and Sails did tear,
in the poor Benjamin, O.
The first harm that we had,
I boys, O boys,
It makes my heart so sad, I;
The first harm that we had
We lost our fore-mast head,
O the poor Benjamin, O.
The Seas aloud did roar,
I boys, O boys,
We being far from shore, I,
The Seas no favour shows,
Vnto friends nor foes,
O the poor Benjamin, O.
THe next harm that we spy'd,
I boys, O boys,
Then we to Heaven cry'd Hy,
Down fell our Main-mast head,
Which struck our senses dead,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
Thus we with Seas were crost,
I boys, O boys,
And on the Ocean tost, Hy,
Thus we with Seas were tost,
Many a brave man was lost,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
The next harm that we had,
I boys, O boys,
We had cause to be sad, I,
The next harm that we had,
We lost four men from the Yard,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
Disabled as I name,
I Boys, O boys,
We were drove on the Main, I,
So the next harm we had,
We lost our Rudders head,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
Then we fell all to Prayer,
I Boys, O boys,
The Lord our lives would spare, I,
Then we fell all to Prayer,
And he at last did hear
Us in the Benjamin, O.
Although we sail'd in fear,
I Boys, O boys,
The Lordour Ship did steer, I,
Our Prayers so fervent were,
That we had passage clear,
Into brave Plimouth sound, O.
We came in Plymouth sound,
I Boys, O boys,
Our hearts did then resound, I,
When we came to Plymouth sound,
Our grief with joy was crown'd,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
When we came all on shore,
I Boys, O boys,
Every man at his door, Hy,
When we came all on shore,
Our grief we did deplore,
In the poor Benjamin, O.
You gallant Young-men all,
I Boys, O boys,
'Tis unto you I call, I,
Likewise brave Seamen all,
Lament the loss and fall,
Of the poor Benjamin, O.

Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke.

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