SOME REFLECTIONS Upon the Earl of DANBY, In Relation to the MURTHER of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey.
In a Letter to a Friend.


I Do in all Sincerity and Christian Love, give you the trouble of these Lines, that you nor the rest of your Friends at a distance, may not be altogether ignorant of the Causes which have prevented the Good we expected by the late Sessions of Parliament, which has ended so surprizingly, indeed to the amazement and trouble of all Parties, except some few concerned in the Black Counsels, and Dark Designs have of late been taken: such persons will with all Industry imaginable seek to spread abroad, That the ob­stinacy of the House of Commons for the Tryal of the Earl of Danby, before the Five Po­pish Lords, and excluding the Bishops from having any Votes therein, contrary to the Judgment of the Lords, made their continuance unpracticable; which though perhaps true, as things have been manag'd, yet if the Reasons (which are here inclosed) be ob­served, and the Grounds for those Reasons (taken in their Secret Committee) be exami­ned, they could not but proceed in the method they did, except they would betray the Trust reposed in them, by suffering the great Incendiary and Poison of the Nation to escape in the dark, whilst Flouds of others Bloud (and perhaps some of Innocents) must have been let out, to Hoodwinck the People from discerning the true cause of the decay of Trade, and other dangers and miseries they at present lye under. Therefore the better to clear things to you, I have verbatim transcribed a Paper sent to divers Parliament-men, and examin'd in the Secret Committee of Commons, which is in these words following.

IT is generally thought, and there is great reason to believe, that other persons were con­cern'd in the Murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, than have been yet brought upon the Stage. Now to find who these are likely to be, the Rule of Dr. Lloyd in his Funeral Sermon, in Casius his words, is the most proper way, Cui bono? For whose Interest was it? if without partiality we can be guided by that Rule.

Therefore not to find faults with others in their guesses, I will take leave to enquire by some Matter of Fact, whether the Earl of Danby had not as much reason to wish him out of the World, as any Papist? And then by the same way to enquire, whether he was not as likely to have it in his Power to do it? And lastly, whether by some strong Circum­stances he was not willing to put that Power in Act? leaving the proof of all to the Inquiry of such as are in Authority to do it.

First, I am confident it is not hard to prove, that Sir Edmondbury Godfrry when he took the Examinations from Dr. Oates and Dr. Tongue, did require of them by the Oath or O [...] they or any of them had taken, to tell him whether the Business had not been reveal [...]d by them to any other Person, before that time.

To which after some disputes between them, whether they were bound to answer such Questions; First, they did comply and acknowledge, that it had been made known to t [...]e Lord Treasurer a long time before.

He then required the punctual time and place: To all which Questions he had Answers proper.

Secondly, It will be as easie to prove, that all this Transaction he immediately made known to Mr. Coleman, who at his request went to Windsor to inform the Duke of it.

It is likewise certain, that the Duke immediately let the King know of it, who acknow­ledged he had had a former account of the Plot, and had told the Lord Treasurer the same, whom he believed had never heard of it but from himself.

'Tis certain that my Lord Danby did always pretend both to the King, and the Duke, he never had heard of it, till from his Majesty; when 'tis as certain he had correspondence with Dr. Oates and Dr. Tongue, by the means of Mr. Kirby a Merchant, Brother to Col. Kirby, long before the time he pretended to have heard of it from the King.

Sir Edmondbury Godfrey was the person who sent the Duke the first account of the Plot; he likewise let Mr. Coleman know from time to time all he could gather of it, and it can be proved by many witnesses, that they had divers private Meetings to consult about somthing, during the King's residing at Windsor.

When the Duke came back, Sir Edmondbury Godfrey attended him, desiring to know his pleasure concerning the News he had sent him by Mr. Coleman. The Duke told him, he had told the Lord Treasurer of it: At which Sir Edmondbury Godfrey seem'd extremely trou­bled, because he found the Lord Treasurer did not desire to have it known, being he heard of it long before.

It is well known, Sir Edmondbury Godfrey after this received several severe expressions, and much ill language from the Lord Danby, of which he complained to divers Persons of Quality, particularly in Danby's House, when he waited to speak with him the very mor [...] ­ing of that day on which he is said to be Murthered.

Now suppose the Earl of Danby had reason to fear the King and Dukes Anger, for con­cealing the discovery so long before made to him, and that he was willing to keep them [...] an opinion he knew nothing of it, till he had it from his Majesty; Then who had he so much reason to wish out of the way, as Sir Edmondbury Godfrey? who had revealed the truth to the Duke, and who was best able by the Examinations he had taken, to make the certainty of it appear to the Parliament, the meeting of whom at that time seem'd as dreadful to the Earl of Danby, as it has since prov'd fatal. If this be true, as it is easie to be prov'd, then certainly Danby had so much the more reason to wish him out of the way, than any Papist; who could fear him no more than any other Magistrate left behind, see­ing the Witnesses of the Plot survive to swear the same before others, as they had done be­fore him: But being made away, none survived who could with the like Authority make appear to the King and Kingdom the Earl of Danby's Treachery, in tampering so long with, and concealing a Matter so dangerous to both, as the Plot (whether true or false) must of necessity have proved.

To leave then the first Head, we will come to the second, Whether it was not in his power to put in execution his pleasure therein; and that I am confident none will deny, who considers the mighty Authority he had at that time ingross'd, to which all men were forc'd to buckle, and for fear of which, Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, after divers bitter expres­sions, and severe reproofs, of medling too much with Persons and Affairs about him, and the like, was forc'd (notwithstanding his known fortitude) to court, attend, and make friends to be heard by him, in hopes of mollifying that anger he had reason to be appre­hensive of, knowing that he, who hazarded Kingdoms, would not spare private men for his purpose: This must needs be the true cause of all his fears and apprehensions, express'd to several Persons of Quality and others, from the time of his complaints, which was then when he was disfavoured by Danby; and when he had in all appearance (if not obliged the Papiste, yet) beeen as fair and equal to them, as any person in his station. But supposing they joyned in his Murder, the benefit to be raised hereby was certain to be more the Earl of Danby's then theirs; so that to contrive it, was meer infatuation in them, but in him a [Page 3]mighty [...] of Diabolical Policy, which by Sir Edmundbury's first attendance was much [...] him to compass, than for them who are sworn to have a long time, under [...] Stratagems, to bring about that, which was the worst mischief to their Cause, [...] have thought of in the world. But when it shall be throughly consider'd, that [...] [...]knowledg'd to have been with the Earl of Danby at his house, after one a clock that [...] said to be murther'd, and perhaps could be proved at the Lady Cook's Chamber at [...] [...]lock, was he not then more in the Earl of Danby's power, than in mens, who were [...] sworn) forc'd to let him go from an unknown house by St. Clement's, and by a wile [...] him into Somerset-House-Yard, there to receive his death. This, I suppose, will make any indifferent person conclude, it was more the interest, and more in his power to destroy [...] [...]han all the Papists in England, who are said not to have any confederacy with him for the doing of it.

The next thing to be consider'd is, Whether he was not willing to have this wicked Acti­on done, which plainly to prove (but by those that did it) is impossible, and those who have suffer'd for it, say nothing of the matter. Nor must we rely altogether on what the Evidence say, since a great part they spoke to is by hear-say of others; or of the particular passages at and after his death; and not much as yet to the contrivance of it: Nay, some­thing is as easie to contradict what is easie to be prov'd, (viz) That he was at the Earl of Danby's House so late that day.

But let it, in God's Name, be examin'd, Whither Mr. Christian carry'd him, when they took Water together at Whitehall; Mr. Christian, the L. Treasu­rers Gentleman, with whom Sir E. G. took water at the Privie Stairs. where he parted with him, and in what Company he left him; for that man breathing doth not yet appear, (except those that say they were concern'd in his Murther) who ever saw him alive, after Mr. Christian and he were together that day. And it is strange, a man so well known as he was, should spend a whole [...], and no man come to own the place he was in, for so many hours [...] past between his being at the Earl of Danby's house, and the time he's [...] to enter into Somerset-house in the Strand. Can it be likely he [...] out of his Enemies hands from the time that he remain'd invisible, to the time [...] [...]ther? No surely. Let Christian and Ramsey be throughly examin'd, and pressd, [...] they kept him him all that time, what Jesuits or others they confederated withal, to deliver or betray him to his Executioners, and where they themselves spent their time that [...] if this be done impartially, and things traced throughly, no doubt more will appear of the Murther and the Plot, than hath hitherto been reveal'd.

It would be necessary to trace from Dr. Lloyd, who first was Author of what he was told, some hours before the discovery, (viz.) That he was found with his own Sword through his Body; and that Report too that he had two Wounds about him. Let this be done im­partially, and suffer the honest Persons (who like Daniel are zealous to discover the truth) be protected in their Enquiries, and no doubt all the wicked Instruments will be discover'd, to the glory of God, and the revenge of innocent Blood, which otherwise may cry for Judg­ment against the Land.

NOw if you observe, the Author of this, be it who he will, does only point them out a way, to discover more of the great mystery of Iniquity on foot, than had been be­fore consider'd; which though the House of Commons did not directly follow, yet upon scrutiny of many things therein, they found plainly these Particulars:

First, That the Earl of Danby had held Correspondence with Oates and Tongue, long be­fore the Plot was discover'd to the King; that divers secret Meetings were between them at Fox-Hall, where, in the Alms-house Oates and Tongue lodg'd, to be ready for their meet­ing with the Earl of Danby, at an Inn kept by a Painter near to the Landing-place there. These things being certain, they concluded, that either the Earl of Danby was in the Plot, until he found it discover'd to the King, and then to save himself, fell on Coleman, and the rest; or otherwise, that he was the original inventer of it, and procurer of Witnesses, to involve the Nation in blood, and to ruine the Duke of York, and destroy all the Papists, for purposes of his own; this made the Commons Resolve on his Trial: For though they were sufficiently allarm'd by the Plot, to provide new Laws against Popery, yet are they unwil­ling to destroy Papists themselves, (if innocent) that such Blood might not cry for venge­ance against the Nation. But if the Earl of Danby had been first try'd, then upon the proofs aforesaid he must have made his defence, either averring the Plot to be true, and his wil­lingness [Page 4]it should have taken effect, by his concealing it so long, or that it was [...] invention of his own; that he by falling on a Party suspected before, and now [...] such horrid Crimes and new Designs, might justifie the keeping up of an Army [...] opinion of Parliament, and escape the Impeachment, he could not but expect at [...] Either of these defences must have enlightned the Commons in their [...] against the Lords; for if they had been to be guilty by the Earl of Danby, and [...] joynt Conspirator with them, then the Commons had had much safer proof to rely [...] they have by men, whose ill Lives formerly render them suspected testimonies, ever [...] oft zealous against Popery, and perhaps by counter-Evidence prepared by the Lord [...] might have been fully set by as perjur'd men; or if he had owned the Plot, for the [...] or any other Reasons, then had he naturally cleared such of the Five Lords, as had not [...] parties perhaps with him in the Murther of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, which the foregoing [...] ­per lays so close at his door. This is the true cause o [...] the Commons adhering to their Vote [...] and upon the whole cannot but be commended by all good men, and consequently their suddden breaking off, is a trouble to all, who have no design but the discovery of truth; and I find the Papists themselves have the most dreadful apprehensions of it, knowing that du­ring the recess, 'tis their Blood will be the pledge given to the People, of their pretended zeal against Popery, who have had power to obstruct Justice against the Earl of Danby. But I am confident such proceedings will find a suitable return; for though some few of the Rab­ble for some time are gull'd, yet will such cruel Councils be detested by all thinking men, when they see only those men destroy'd, whose blind zeal at worst has made them Crimi­nals; and that not so much to punish them, as to blear the eyes of Justice, and to save the Man, who of all the World hath the most betray'd his Trust, in corresponding with France to sell the Honour of the Nation, which as plainly appears by his own Letters, as Coleman's did by his, by Contrivances to establish a standing Army to enslave us, his Practices to sow discord in the Royal Family, his bribing of Commons in Parliament to betray that Trust re­posed in them, and all other his visible black Crimes, does plainly appear the worst [...] and the ruiner of his King and Countrey. I say, these things (let them be who [...] advise them) threaten us with Judgement; from the coming of which upon [...] humbly offer up our prayers to the All-seeing God, from whom none of their secr [...] [...] ­ [...]es are hid, who is able, and will at last, return all their Crimes into their own [...] in which day none will escape from his vengeance, but such as from their souls [...] and preserve their hearts and hands from seeking innocent Blood, and Malice, w [...] [...] be the true and constant Endeavour of

[...]urs. J B.

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