THE BULL OF Pope Alexander VIII. Published Two days before his Death. Annulling all the Proceedings of the FRENCH CLERGY, Assembled at PARIS, 1682.
Published by Authority.

In the Name of God, Amen.

KNow all men by these Presents, That in the Year of our Lord Christ 1691. Indiction the 14th, January the 31th, and in the second Year of the Ponti­ficate of our most Holy Father in Christ, our Lord Pope Alexander the 8th: I, deputed Offi­cial, whose name is Subscribed, did see and read some Letters, seal'd with the Seal of the Fisher, after the manner of the Court of Rome; which said Letters were neither blotted, vitia­nor interlin'd, and were of the Tenor, following.

ALEXANDER VIII, Pope. For the perpetu­al Memory of the Thing. Amongst the ma­nifold Cares of our Pastoral Office, with which we are perpetually exercised; This One, hath a peculiar Influence upon us viz. That we may preserve and maintain the Rights of the Aposto­lick See, and of the Universal Church; and also the Privileges of each particular Church, Holy Places, and Ecclesiastical Persons, every where entire and inviolate against whatsoever Assaults may be made against them to their In­fringement; and to vindicate them from all in­jury and damage, according to the Power com­mitted to us by God, by such ways and means as, after due and mature, consideration, we shall judge in the Lord to be agreeable to Justice and Reason. Since then it hath pleased the most High; by the inscrutable Mystery of his Divine Providence, to raise Us, how unworthy soever, to the Highest Dignity in the Church Militant; Before all other Businesses, which have offered themselves to our Pontifical Care, Those have most sorely and grievously afflicted Us, (in re­gard of the Bowels of Love which We bear to­wards our dearly Beloved Son in Christ, Lewis the most Christian King, and his most flourish­ing Kingdom of France,) which have been acted in that Kingdom, either against the Rights of the Churches thereof, or against the Authority of the Pope of Rome, and of the Universal Church. For some Venerable Brethren Arch-Bishops, Bi­shops, and other Ecclesiastical Persons of that Kingdom in an Assembly of the Gallican Clergy, held at Paris, Anno D. 1682▪ upon the Account of Extending the Right of that which they call the Regalia, over all the Churches of the said Kingdom, to which they gave their Assent, have acted things very grievous and bitter to Us; as also by publishing a Declaration thereupon, con­cerning Ecclesiastical Power, containing Four Propositions; and besides after. That Assembly, there followed prejudicial Mandates, Arrests, Confirmations, Epistles, Edicts, and Decrees whatsoever they be, published by any Persons, either Ecclesiastick or Laick, in any Office or Authority whatsoever; Besides many things of late years having been any other way acted in that Kingdom, prejudicial to the Apostolick See, and the Roman Church or to any other Churches, Monasteries and Holy Places, their Persons, Estates, Goods and Rights, respectively; or any otherways to the Detriment of the Jurisdiction, Immunity and Liberty Ecclesiastical. We, whom God hath appointed upon Earth to be the Asser­tor [Page 2] of Ecclesiastical Rights, Day and Night in the bitterness of our Soul, have had serious Thoughts of these Things, and lifting up our hands to the Lord with Tears and Groans, have ear­nestly prayed him from the bottom of our heart, That he would assist Us by his powerful Grace, That We might rightfully Execute this difficult part of the Apostolical Office, committed to Us. Upon which Consideration, as also that We might give a good Account of our Stewardship to the Supreme Judge, and might not be charged with Negligence in the Administration of our Office, (as far as God of his Goodness hath enabled Us) We have hitherto left no Means unattempted, whereby We might cause the Au­thors of such prejudicial Grievances aforesaid, seriously to retract what they had done. And to the intent, that We might more effectually, and fully make Provision for the Indemnity of the See aforesaid, of the Universal Church, of the Jurisdiction, Immunity and Liberty Ecclesiasti­cal of Churches, Monasteries, and Places of Devotion, and of the foresaid Persons therein, for all times to come; having heard the Opini­ons of many of our Venerable Brethren, Cardi­nals of the Roman Church, and other Gradu­ates in Theology, who were specially chosen by Us to examine the Decrees of the Doctors in this Business, They having maturely discuss'd the Point, and laid it all before Us, out of the Desire, as far as God shall enable Us, to Remedy the foresaid Inconveniences; And also calling to mind the Carriage of Pope Innocent the 11th of Happy Memory; who in way of An­swer to some Letters, which the Arch-Bi­shops, Bishops, and other Ecclesiastical Persons aforesaid wrote to him, to acquaint him with what they had done in that Kingdom; He by his Letters inform of a Breve, dated the 11th of April, 1682. did Condemn, Rescind and Vacate all that was done in the said As­sembly, in the Business of the Regalia, with whatsoever followed thereupon, or what might be hereafter Attempted to that purpose: These he declared to be utterly Null and Void. We therefore treading in his Steps, having consi­dered what was Acted in the Assembly afore­said, Anno D. 1682. As well concerning the Extending the Rights of the Regalia, as con­cerning the Declaration of the Ecclesiastical Power of such Acts; as also of all and singular Mandates, Arrests, Confirmations, Declarati­ons, Epistles, Edicts, Decrees given forth or published by Authority, either Ecclesiastical or Lay: And also of all other the Grievances aforesaid in the said Kingdom Acted and done by whomsoever, or for whatsoever Cause, and whatever Manner; as also of whatsoever fol­lowed thereupon, Having a special and parti­cular Regard to the Tenor of what was for­merly Acted; and those Memoirs being faith­fully and sufficiently Copyed and Expressed Word for Word; By our own mere Motion, cer­tain Knowledge and mature Deliberation, out of the Fulness of our Apostolical Power, all and singular Things acted and done in the aforesaid Assembly of the Gallican Clergy, in the Year 1682. as well concerning the Extent of the Right of the Regalia, as concerning the Decla­ration of their Ecclesiastical Power, and the Four Propositions contained therein: Together with all and singular Mandates, Arrests, Con­firmations, Declarations, Epistles, Edicts; De­crees given forth or published by any Persons either Ecclesiastical or Lay, however Qualified, enjoying any Authority or Power requiring particular Mention; and also all other things, how many, or whatsoever, any ways prejudicial to the said Apostolick See; and to either the Jurisdiction, Immunity or Ecclesiastical Dignity of the Roman Church, or otherwise to Churches, Monasteries and Holy Places aforesaid; and the Persons, Estates, Goods, Priviledges, Prero­gatives and Rights whatsoever belonging to the Persons therein Respectively, which have been Acted in that Kingdom, with all in Gene­ral, and every thing in particular, whensoever or howsoever following thereupon, or which may follow thereupon at any time hereafter. We by the Tenour of these Presents, do De­clare and Decree, That they are all Null and Void, invalid, and of no Force or Effect; and that they were so from the very beginning, are so, and for ever will be so; And that no Man is bound to observe them, or any of them, tho' he hath taken an Oath so to do: And that no Man hath had, or hath at present any Right Action or Colour of Title of Possession, or cause of Prescription for Possession, for a long time past and immemorial, tho' no Disturbance or Interruption hath followed, or should follow; And less Title can accrue thereby for time to come. Neither have they made, or do they make any right Settlement, but are so to be re­puted and taken, as if they had been never done nor extant. And yet nevertheless to shew our abundant Caution, as there is need, tho' by our mere Motion, Knowledge, Deliberation and Plenitude of Power, We Disown, Abro­gate, make Void and Null the Acts and Deeds, and all the Premisses aforesaid, and do Vacate them, as altogether without any Force or Ef­fect; and do Protest before God concerning their Nullity, Decreing these present Letters, and whatsoever is contained in them, to be al­ways Firm and Good, notwithstanding that some having an Interest in the Premisses, tho' worthy of special and particular Mention, did not con­sent thereto, nor were Called, Cited and Heard; Nor the Causes for which these Presents were given forth, were sufficiently produced, verified, or any ways justified; or for any other Cause whatsoever, Colour, Pretence, and Head, even in the close Body of the Law, at no time up­on the Account of Surreptitiousness, Stealth or Nullity, or Invalidity, or Mistake of our In­tention, or the Consent of those who have an Interest, or pretend to have an Interest, or any other defect whatsoever, tho' great, unthought of, or which could never be thought of, or from any other Head, drawn from Law, Fact, Statute, Custom or Priviledge; notwithstand­ing [Page 3] all which, these Presents ought not be Questioned, Impugned, Invalidated, Retracted, called into controversy, or be reduced to terms of Law; but are, and are to be, valid and ef­ficacious for ever; and ought to have and obtain their full and entire effect, and be inviolably observed by all and every one to whom it be­longs, or at any time hereafter shall belong. Thus and no otherwise, in all and singular the Premises, all ordinary Judges whatsoever, the Auditors of Causes of the Apostolick Chamber, the Cardinals of the Sacred Roman Church, e­ven the Legats de Latere, and the Nuncio's of the foresaid Apostolick See, or any other what­soever, enjoying or which may hereafter enjoy any Eminent Place or Dignity, are to judge and determine, We taking away from them, and from every one of them all Power and Autho­rity to judge, declare, and interpret any other­ways; and if any one shall attempt, either know­ingly or ignorantly, to judge otherwise of these Presents; by any Authority whatsoever, we de­clare it to be Null and Void; notwithstanding the premises, the Apostolick Constitutions and Ordinances made in General or Provincial Coun­cils, and Synods either General or Special; and, as far as need is, our Rule and the Rule of the Apostolick Chamber of not abridging any Man's Right; as also the Imperial and Municipal Laws, and also all Statutes, strengthned by Oath, Apo­stolick Confirmation, or any other Establish­ment, or Custom even time out of mind, as also Privileges, Indulgences, Concessions, granted by Letters Apostolick to any Places or Persons, tho' Crowned Heads, or eminent for any other Dignity, either Ecclesiastical or Civil, or qua­lified any other way, or requiring Special No­minations under whatsoever Tenor or Forms of Word, and with what Derogatory Clauses what­soever and other more efficacious and unusual Clauses and Decrees, even like to Those made by our mere Motion, certain Knowledge, and Fulness of Power, tho' Consistorially or any otherways, Granted, Published, Made, often­times iterated, and at divers Seasons approved, confirmed, and renewed, to the Contrary; con­cerning all and every of which, tho' for their sufficient derogation a special, express and par­ticular mention ought to be made of them and their Contents, Word for Word, and not in ge­neral Clauses importing the same thing; or if any other Expression were to be made, or other exquisite Form to be kept, yet we accounting those Tenors to be fully and sufficiently ex­pressed by these Presents, as if they had been inserted Word for Word, and judging the Form delivered in them to be observed, we do specially and expresly derogate them, as to the effect of the Premisses; and our Will is, that they be derogated, any other thing to the con­trary hereof notwithstanding. Our Pleasure also is, that the same Credit is to be given in all Places and in all Nations, both in Judicato­ries and out of them to the Transcripts or Copies of these present Letters, Subscribed by the hand of some Notary, and Sealed with the Seal of some Person in Ecclesiastical Dignity, as if the Breve it self had been shewn, to be Read by them. Given at Rome in St. Marys the Greater, under the Seal of the Fisher, the 4th Day of August, 1690. and of our Popedom, the first. J. F. Cardinal Alban. In the Place + of the Seal of the Fisher. Upon which Letters, I, Publick Notary, whose name is Subscribed, have made this present publick Instrument and Transcript, that it might be stood to, and firmly believed, both in Courts of Justice, and without. Given at Rome, as above, in the presence also of D. John Baptista Rigantes, and of Ernestus Ziglinus, who were called to witness the Premises, &c.

In the Place ✚ of the Seal.
  • B. Cardinal, Datary.
  • J. F. Cardinal Alban.

The Pre-inserted Apostolick Letters being compared with the Original, do agree there­with.

Joseph Paulutius, Official deputed.

'Tis so,

Witness Seraphinus Crucianus, depu­ted Notary of the Apostolick Chamber. In the Place ✚ of the Signe.

IN nomine Domini Amen. Cunctis ubique pateat, & sit notum, quòd Anno a Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Millesimo Sexcentesimo Nonagesimo pri­mo, Indictione xiiij., Die verò trigesima prima Januarii, Pontificatûs autem SS. in Christo Patris & Domini Nostri Domini ALEXANDRI PP. VIII. Anno ejus secundo: Ego infrascriptus Officialis deputatus vidi, & legi quasdam Lit­teras sub Annulo Piscatoris more Romanae Curiae expeditas sanas, integras, & non vitiatas tenoris qui sequitur ult. ALEXANDER PP. VIII. Ad Perpetuam rei memoriam.

Inter multiplices Pastoralis Officii Nostri curas, quibus jugiter premimur, in illam peculiari studio incumbimus, ut Apostolicae Sedis, ac universalis Ecclesiae, nec non etiam singularum Ecclesiarum, Locorumque Piorum, ac Persona­rum Ecclesiasticarum Jura ubique farta, tecta, ac illibata tueri, & conservare, eaque adversus quaecunque, per quae illis aliquid detrimenti in­ferri posset, tradita nobis divinitùs Potestate vindicare satagamus, sicut omnibus maturè ac debitè pensatis Justitiae, ac rationi consentaneum esse in Domino arbitramur Cùm itaque ex quo primùm humilitatem nostram inscrutabili Divinae suae Providentiae arcano in suprema mi­litantis Ecclesiae specula collocavit Altissimus, prae caeteris, quae Pontificiae Nostrae sollicitudini se se obtulere, negotiis, illa in primis gravissima ac nobis, qui Charissimum in Christo Filium nostrum Ludovicum Francorum Regem Christia­nissimum, ac florentissimum illius Regnum in visceribus gerimus charitatis, permolesta & planè acerba acciderint, quae sive adversus dicti Regni Ecclesiarum Jura, sive adversus Romani Pontificis, & Ecclesiae Universae authoritatem nonnullis Venerabiles Fratres Archiepiscopi, Episcopi, & alii ejusdem Regni Ecclesiastici Viri in Comitiis Cleri Gallicani Parisiis Anno M.DC.LXXXII congregati tum praestito inibi per eos extensioni illius Juris quod vocant Regaliae ad omnes dicti Regni Ecclesias assensu, tum editâ subinde de Potestate Ecclesiastica quatuor propositiones continente declaratione, peregerunt, quaeque ipsa Comitia subsequuta fuerunt Mandata, Arresta, Confirmationes, De­clarationes, Epistolae, Edicta, & Decreta, quae­cunque à quibusvis Personis, sive Ecclesiasticis, sive Laicis quavis authoritate, & potestate fun­gentibus edita, seu publicata, nec non quae aliàs demùm nonnullis abhinc annis, in Regno prae­fato eidem Sedi Apostolicae, Romanaeque Ec­clesiae, seu quibuscunque aliis Ecclesiis, Mo­nasteriis, & Locis Piis, illorumque respectivè Personis, Rebus, Bonis, & Juribus, seu aliàs Ju­risdictioni, vel Immunitati, aut libertati Eccle­siasticae, quomodolibet praejudicialia quovis modo peracta ac gesta fuerunt: haec Nos, qui Jurium Ecclesiasticorum Assertores in Terris à Domino constituti sumus, dies, noctesque in amaritudine Animae nostrae cogitantes, manus nostras cum lachrymis, & suspiriis levavimus ad Dominum, eumque toto Cordis affectu ro­gavimus, ut Nobis potenti gratiae suae auxilio adesset, quò ardua hac in re commissi nobis Apostolici muneris partes salubriter exequi va­leremus. Eaque consideratione adducti, ac nè Supremo Judici rationem villicationis nostrae red­dituri negligentiae in credita Nobis administra­tione argueremur (quantum Divina Bonitas de­dit) nihil hucusque praetermisimus, quo praeju­dicialia praefata ab iismet, qui eam peregerant, ex animo retractarentur. Verùm quò effica­ciùs, ac uberiùs Sedis praefatae Ecclesiae Uni­versae, Jurisdictionisque & Immunitatis, ac Li­bertatis Ecclesiasticae, Ecclesiarumque, Monaste­riorum, & Locorum Piorum hujusmodi, illo­rumque Personarum praefatarum indemnitate perpetuis futuris temporibus consultum sit, audi­tis quàm plurium ex Venerabilibus Fratribus Nostris S. R. E. Cardinalibus, & nonnullorum in Sacra Theologia Magistrorum, ac etiam in Decretis Doctorum ad examen negocii hujus­modi à Nobis specialiter delectorum, qui illud maturè discusserunt, remque totam nobis ex­posuerunt, sententiis, quantum Nobis ex Alto conceditur, providere volentes, ac fel. rec. In­nocentii PP. XI. Praedecessoris nostri, qui occa­sione rescribendi ad Litteras, quibus Archiepis­copi, [Page 5] Episcopi, & alii Ecclesiastici Viri su­pradicti, de rebus ab ipsis gestis certiorem eum reddiderant, per quasdam suas in si­mili forma Brevis die 11. Aprilis M.DC.LXXXII. expeditas Litteras im­probavit, rescidit, & cassavit, quae in del. Comitiis acta fuerunt in negotio Regaliae cum omnibus inde sequutis, & quae subinde attentari contigisset, eaque perpetuo irri­ta, & inania declaravit, vestigiis inhaeren­tes, nec non in dictis Comitiis Anni M.DC.LXXXII. tam circa extensionem Juris Regaliae, quam circa declarationem de Potestate Ecclesiastica hujusmodi acto­rum, ac etiam omnium, & singulorum Mandatorum, Arrestorum, Confirmatio­num, Declarationum, Epistolarum, E­dictorum, Decretorum quavis authoritate sive Ecclesiasticâ, sive etiam Laicali edito­rum, seu publicatorum, nec non aliorum quomodolibet praejudicialium praefatorum in Regno supradicto quandocumque, & à quibusvis, ac ex quacunque causa, & quo­vis modo factorum, & gestorum, ac inde sequutorum quorumcunque etiam specifi­cam, & individuam mentionem, & ex­pressionem de necessitate requirentium te­nores, & datas etiam veriores praesentibus pro plenè, & sufficienter expressis, ac de verbo ad verbum insertis, & exactissimè specificatis habentes Motu proprio, ac ex certa scientia, & matura deliberatione nostris, deque Apostolicae potestatis ple­nitudine omnia, & singula quae tam quoad extensionem Juris Regaliae, quàm quoad declarationem de Potestate Ecclesiastica, ac quatuor in ea contentas propositiones in supradictis Comitiis Cleri Gallicani Anno M.DC.LXXXII. habitis acta, & gesta fuerunt cum omnibus, & singulis Mandatis, Arrestis, Confirmationibus, De­clarationibus, Epistolis, Edictis, Decretis à quibusvis Personis sive Ecclesiasticis, sive Laicis quomodolibet qualificatis, quavis authoritate, & Potestate, etiam individu­am expressionem requirente, fungentibus, editis, seu publicatis, nec non reliqua omnia quotcumque, & qualiacumque eidem Sedi Apostolicae, Romanaeque Ecclesiae vel Juris­dictioni, Immunitati, vel Libertati Ecclesia­sticae, seu aliàs Ecclesiis, Monasteriis, & Locis piis praefatis, illorumque respectivè personis Rebus, Bonis, Privilegiis, praerogativis, & Ju­ribus quibuscunque quomodolibet praejudi­cialia in dicto Regno peracta, & gesta cum omnibus, & singulis quandocunque, & quomodocunque inde sequutis, & quo­cunque tempore sequuturis, ipso jure nulla, irrita, invalida, inania, viribusque, & effectu penitùs, & omninò vacua ab ipso initio fuisse, & esse, ac perpetuo fore, ne­minemque ad illorum, seu cujuslibet eorum, etiamsi juramento vallata sint, observan­tiam teneri, neque ex illis cuiquam aliquod jus, vel actionem, aut titulum etiam colo­ratum, vel possidendi, aut praescribendi causam, etiamsi longissimi, & immemora­bilis temporis possessio, etiam citr [...] ullam interpellationem, vel interruptio­nem subsequnta sit, vel subsequatur, ac­quisitum fuisse, nec esse, minusque ullo tempore acquiri, & competere posse, ne­que illa ullum statum facere, vel secisse, sed perindè ac si nunquam emanassent, vel facta fuissent, pro non extantibus, & non factis perpetuo haberi debere tenore praesentium declaramus, & decernimus. Et nihilominus ad abundantiorem caute­lam, & quatenus opus sit, acta, & gesta praefata aliaque praemissa omnia, Motu, scientia, deliberatione, & potestatis ple­nitudine paribus improbamus, cassamus, irritamus, & annullamus, viribusque, & effectu penitus, & omnino vacuamus, & contra illa, deque eorum nullitate coram DEO protestamur. Decernentes easdem praesentes Litteras, & in eis contenta quae­cunque etiam ex eo quod quicumque in praemissis interesse habentes etiam specifica, & individua mentione digni, illis non con­senserint, nec ad eo vocati, citati, & au­diti, neque causae propter quas eaedem praesentes emanarint, sufficienter adductae, verificatae, aut ullo modo justificatae fue­rint, aut ex alia quacumque causa, colore, praetextu, & capite, etiam in Corpore Juris clau [...]o [...] nullo unquam tempore de subreptionis, vel obreptionis, aut nullitatis, vel invaliditatis vitio, seu intentionis nostrae, aut interesse habenti­um, vel habere praetendentium consensus, aliove quocum (que) etiam quamtumlibet mag­no, ac incogitato, inexcogitabilique defectu, aut ex alio quovis capite à Jure, vel Facto, aut Statuto, Consuetudine, vel Privilegio resultante notari, impugnari, invalidari, retractari, in controversiam vocari, seu ad terminos Juris reduci ullatenus posse, sed ipsas praesentes Litteras semper & perpetuo firmas, validas, & efficaces existere, & fore, suosque plenarios, & integros effectus sortiri, & obtinere, ac ab omnibus, & sin­gulis, ad quos spectat, & pro tempore quandocumque spectabit, inviolabiliter ob­servari. Sicque & non aliter in praemissis omnibus, & singulis per quoscumque Ju­dices ordinarios, & delagatos etiam Cau­sarum Sac. Palatii Apostolici Auditores, ac [Page 6] Sac. R. E. Cardinales etiam de Latere Le­gatos, & Sedis Apostolicae praefatae Nun­cios, aliosve quoslibet quacumque praee­minentia, & potestate fungentes, & functu­ros, sublatâ eis, & eorum cuilibet quavis aliter judicandi, declarandi, & interpre­tandi facultate, & authoritate semper, & ubique judicari, & definiri debere, ac irri­tum, & inane si secus super his à quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter. vel ignoranter contigerit attentari; non obstantibus prae­missis, ac Apostolicis, & in Universalibus, provincialibusque, & Synodalibus Conci­liis editis generalibus, vel specialibus Con­stitutionibus, & Ordinationibus, & quate­nus opus sit, nostrâ & Cancellariae Aposto­licae regula de Jure quaesito non tollendo, legibus quoque etiam Imperialibus, & mu­nicipalibus, nec non quibusvis etiam Jura­mento, Confirmatione Apostolica, vel quavis firmentate alia roboratis Statu­tis, & Consuetudinibus etiam imme­morabilibus, Privilegiis quoque, Indultis, Concessionibus, & Litteris Apostolicis quibuscunque locis, & Personis etiam Re­gali, & alia quavis sive Ecclesiastica sive Mundana Dignitate fulgentibus, & alias quomodolibet qualificatis, ac specialem expressionem requirentibus, sub quibuscun­que verborum tenoribus, & formis, ac cum quibusvis etiam derogatoriarum derogato­riis, aliisque efficacioribus, & insolitis Clausulis, & Decretis etiam Motu, Scien­tia, & potestatis plenitudine similibus, ac Consistorialiter, & aliàs quomodolibet in contrarium praemissorum concessis, editis, factis, ac pluriès iteratis, & quantiscun­que vicibus approbatis, confirmatis, & innovatis. Quibus omnibus & singulis, etiamsi pro illorum sufficienti derogatione de illis, eorumque totis tenoribus specialis, specifica expressa, & individua, ac de ver­bo ad verbum, non autem per Clausulas generales idem importantes, mentio, seu quaevis alia expressio facienda, aut alia ex­quisita forma ad hoc servanda foret, teno­res hujusmodi ac si de verbo ad verbum inserti essent, praesentibus pro plenè, & sufficienter expressis, & insertis, formani­que in illis traditam pro servata habentes, ad praemissorum effectum specialiter, & expressè derogamus, ac derogatum esse volumus, caeterisque contrariis quibuscun­que. Volumus autem, ut earundem prae­sentium Litterarum transumptis, seu ex­emplis eam expressis manu alicujus Notarii subscriptis, & Sigillo Personae in Ecclesi­astica dignitate constitutae munitis, eadem prorssus fides ubique Locorum, & Gentium in Judicio, & extra illud habeatur, quae ha­beretur ipsis praesentibus, si forent exhi­bitae, vel ostensae. Datum Romae apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem sub Annulo Pis­catoris die quarta Mensis Aug. M.DC.XC. Pontificatûs nostri Anno Primo. J. F. Car­dinalis Albanus. Loco ✚ Annuli Piscato­ris. Super quibus quidem Litteris Ego Notarius Publicus infrascriptus hoc praesens Publicum Transumpti Instrumentum con­feci, ut eidem stetur, firmiterque credatur in Judicio, & extra illud. Actum Romae ut suprà praesentibus itidem DD. Joanne Baptista Rigante, & Ernesto Ziglino ad praemissa vocatis, &c.

Loco ✚ Sigilli.
  • B. Cardinalis Prodatarius.
  • J. F. Cardinalis Albanus.

Praeinsertae Litterae Apostolicae cum suo Originali revisae concordant.

Joseph Paulutius Officialis deputatus.

Ità est.

Seraphinus Crucianus Cancel­lariae Apostolicae Notarius deputatus. Loco ✚ Signi.

Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1690.

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