THE ACTS AND MONUMENTS Of our late PARLIAMENT: OR, A Collection of the Acts, Orders, Votes, and Resolves that hath passed in the HOƲSE.

BY J. Canne Intelligencer Generall.

LONDON: Printed according to Order, 1659.

An Advertisement to the Reader.


THou art desired to take notice of the last order of Parliament in this book menti­oned, whereby I am enjoyned upon my Oath to discover onely things tollerable and agreable to the practice formerly of the long Parliament; now the Lands be sold, Offices disposed of, and their own turnes satisfied, and they turned out; I shall acquaint you further: for it is a maxime here, that if I sweare to be faithfull to another, if that other hath the worse of it; I am not bound by this oath; and this is the opinion of all reformed Divines, and to my knowledge hath been put in practice for these 18 years; so that being now discharged of that oath, I shall hereafter discharge a good conscience; and set forth an History of rare things. These are not an Ace to them I have in my Budget,

J. Canne:

THE ACTS and MONƲMENTS of our late Parliament.

May 9th. 1659.

THis Day their small Assembly was re­solved into a Grand Committee, to de­bate what the House should be called in ordinary proceedings.

Lenthall. It shall be called the New-Exchange.

Vane. It shall be called The House of Prayer.

Hasilrig. It shall be called a Gaole, for I see Martin and other Gaole birds here.

Lowry. It shall be called Haberden.

Skippon. It shall be called A Den of Theeves.

Atkins. It shall be called A House of Office.

Scot. It shall be called The free state Crosse.

Saloway. That is a superstitious name. Let it be called The Armies Ware-house.

Martin. Let it be called a Church, for we are all Saints.

St. John. I am of opinion that by the ancient known Lawes of England, this is the legallest Parliament that ever was, and that the Men that met here by OLIVER'S and RICHARD'S Writs made but illegall Assemblies, therefore let it be called The Parliament House.

Baron Hill. We are of the same opinion strongly.

Baron Nicholes. We are of the same opinion strongly.

Withrington. I shall declare no opinion as to the point, but shall consider thereof.

Prinne this day got in, and he would have it called Bedlam, for here is frantick Mr. St. John, Hairbrained Hasilrig, sensless Lowry and Atkins, possessed Vane, di­stracted Nichols, and a multitude more of Madmen, be­sides fooles, therefore he thought it fit that the chaines and fetters might be removed from Newgate hither, to be Keepers of the liberties, thereupon the House ordered it to be referred to a Committee, and adjorned till the aft­ernoon, and that Mr. Prinne should come no more there, for he was too wise and too honest to be in that place.

In the afternoon they met, and upon debate these things were resolved on.

  • First Resolved, That the Family of the Cromwell's were not born Protector's.
  • Secondly Resolved, That it's more convenient we should have the Government, we having already the Crown lands, So they adjorned till the next morning.

May 10th.

This day it was referred to a Committee to consider of the selfe denying Ordinance, and they are to take no­tice [Page 3]that there are severall Kings lands yet to be sould, therefore they are to report whether it be convenient that that Ordinance be in force or no.

May 11th.

This day the Committee, whereof St. John was chair­man, reported to the House, that by Law that Ordinance was of no force, for the intent of the Makers of Lawes must be observed, and it cannot be intended, that the Makers thereof would so far prejudice their own interests as to have that Ordinance to be in force when Lands are to be sould, and places to be disposed of.

May 12.

Ordered, that this day usually called Ascension-day, be no more called so, but henceforth May 7th. be called by that name, in commemoration of our ascent to the old shop on that day. And this was the great work of that day.

From May 13th. to May 20th.

The House took into their consideration, the titles of honour and dignity conferred by Squire OLIVER, and his Son RICHARD, and also other titles to be given, and thereupon it was enacted as followes.

The Contents of the Act for Names, Titles, and Dignities, &c.
  • First enacted, That our fellow member Alderman Atkins, be no more called Alderman Tom. Alderman shitbritch, Sir Tom, Sir Alderman, Tom. Thumb, but it all ordinary proceedings he be called and stiled Tom fool, and in exigents, let him be named Tom. Turd.
  • Secondly, that Harry Nevill be no more called religi­ous Harry Nevill, that the people may take notice he is one of the Councell of state.
  • [Page 4]Thirdly, that the eldest Son of OLIVER Protector have the same addition of title and dignity, that the long Parliament conferred upon the eldest Son of the late King to all intents and purposes.
  • Fourthly, That all other titles of honour whatsoever be sequestred, and the profits arising thence to goe to the payment of the late Protectors debts.

Provided that this Act nor any thing herein shall not be construed to take away or null those apt and rea­sonable titles that are given to the severall Members and Councell of State, and recorded in the excel­lent Book of Englands Confusion.

From May 20th. to June 1.

This day the regulation of the Law was taken into con­sideration: And,

Resolved, That the ablest Lawyers be prohibited to judge or practise, that the Law may florish and justice be done.

Ordered, That old Collonel Walton grow yong again before three weeks, or the dissolution of this Parliament, and by that time become as frollick as he was with the Barbers Wife, that his young Wife may no longer be forced to get a snap abroad, at the great charge of the Publick; And that in the interim he sit close in the House, and that she hath allowed to her an universall tol­leration during that time and no longer.

Yesterday the Colt formerly drowned at Huntington, and taken up at the great charge and paines of the Mayor and Recorder, was voted a Sturgion, vemine contradicente, And it was ordered that Serjeant Bernard have the next Sturgion, to his own use, any grant or prescription to o­thers notwithstanding.

Resolved. That Paules-Steeple is the Crosse that stood formerly in Cheap-side, and therefore to be pulled down forthwith.

Reported from the Committee of safety as followes.

That the best way to settle this Nation in peace is to sell the residue of the Lands, &c. And dispose of them amongst the Parliament-men that were not liberally pro­vided for before 1653. Yet we conceive that Sir Arthur Hasilrig remembred himselfe pretty well before that time, however if the Parliament adjudge 30000 lb per annum, not sufficient for him, let him have more.

This Report was taken into consideration accordingly, be­ing of great import.

Thereupon the house resolved into a grand Committee to debate the proportioning of the said lands to the parti­cular members according to their wants.

Lenthall. Gentlemen can ye think that I, that I your Speaker, your everlasting Speaker, who am resolved to live and dye with you at 5 lb per diem, can live to maintain my selfe and family at that great rate I now live at, and sup­port the Grandeur that should attend the Speaker to so noble persons, with 13000 lb per annum, and not above 80000 lb in personall estate.

Skippon. I have enough of 1000 lb per annum, and de­sire no more to live as well as Mr. Speaker.

Hasilrig. You say well, but 100000 lb per annum is better, and upon my credit I want Dan. Collingwood's e­state to make me up 30000 lb per annum, I pray consider it.

Scot. Gent. My father in Law Plush-Bacon is dead, and hath cheated me of 5000 lb, besides it will take 10000 lb per annum to make me honest.

Martin. If I have not enough to pay my debts in pre­sent, [Page 6]and to maintain as many whores as the E. of Midle­sex Lord Munson (my fellow boarder in Southwark) or the late E. of Warwick, I'le leave the house and goe to prison again, what? doe you think I'le help to cheat the people for nothing.

Vane. Come Gent. if you will be a little religious, you may make shift with 15000 lb per annum as I doe.

Darly. My eldest Son wishes me hanged that I served so long in this trade, and am like to leave him no better estate. Pray think on it.

St. John. I have built me a little house lately, and want some ground to lay to it. If you'l grant me a For­rest, I'le remove my house thither, for the Law is as clear as it was in E. of Straffords. That I may remove it by habeas corpus.

Weavour. Come Gent. you are a little too buisy, take heed the Army prevent not the designe, I am a good willer to the Mathematickes my selfe, but lets make them sure, for upon my credit Lambert is no foole, thereupon the house adjourned till June first.

From June the first to the 4th

This day the house took into consideration that season­able morion of Mr. Weavour, and have ordered as followes.

Ordered that the Army officers be fooled out of their old Commissions, by vertue of which they were our Masters, and that they take new ones from us, by vertue of which we are their Masters.

Ordered likewise that we juggle with some of the stourest and sobrest Colonels in the Army to goe snipps with us under-hand, that they may curbe the rest and keep them in awe.

Ordered that Hacker and Okey be two of them, and that [Page 7]there be but 2. besides-listed into this confederacy, least it be discovered, or least we give too much from our selves.

Ordered lastly, that this present Parliament sit till May next, (if Lambert be not too cunning for them be­fore that time) and that in the interim, Parliament men be valued at penny a peece, and that the former value of 12 a penny set upon them in 1653 be made voide.

June the 4th.

This day the house took into consideration the busines between Harry Nevill and Stroud Sheriffe in Bark-shire, which is referred to a Committee to report, if it be not all the reason in the world that one of the councell of state should have 1500 lb whether it belongs to him or no, and that Stroud should pay it, for not returning him to that Parliament, which Nevill hath 100 times sworne to be no Parliament.

Ordered by the house that Mr. St. John be assistant to that Committee to informe how the same stands, and whether magna carta doth not warrant that, as well as the darke Lanthorne.

Monday June 6th.

This day came an expresse from Ireland that the noble and valiant deputy; will ere long learn Fleetwood more wit, and Lambent more honesty, and that he will turn these juglers our of their Box, as his father did.

Ordered thereupon that he forthwith repair to England, if he be such a fool, and that we catch him in our Clutches if we can, least he obstruct our religious designes.

June 7th.

This day the house considered of Mr. Harrington's proposalls concerning a free State. And thereupon,

Resolved. That he's a fool to buisy his nodle about that [Page 8]which the house never thinks on, for when they have made all even, they'le break up schoole.

June 8th.

Ordered that Mr. Harrington be forthwith dispatched to Jamaica that famous Island, and forme his Common­wealth there, and that he hath all the golden Mines for his paines.

June 9th.

Resolved. That all Papists and Jesuits be tollerated in England, and that Anabaptists and Quakers be inserted into the Army, that by that time the Parliament have gotten into their hands the residue of what is left, the Army may make murinies among themselves and dis­charge us, and set the people against them, and we goe Scot-free.

June 10th.

The house this day upon consideration that the high and mighty Prince Vane is to marry with the illustrious infant of Wimbleton-house, ordered that Richard Crom­well depart from thence forthwith, to make way for their Highnesse, and that the Banquetting house be prepared with a pair of Bagpipes, and a North Country jigg to en­tertain the nobles that shall attend the solemnization of those Nuptials.

June 11th. to June 18th.

Ordered that Hacker and Okey have a strict eye of Lambert when he goes into Whitehall, least he steps into the Chaire.

The house called Mr. Canne in, and ordered him to publish only what was agreable to their former proceed­ings, and if it fell out at any time that they should doe o­therwise then the people expect, that he should conceale the same, whereto Canne (their news maker) agreed and was sworne.


Although this Remedy differ from the matter, I have before treated off, and intend to proceed in, untill I have made all publick: yet at the desire of a friend, I have brought this to publick view; hopeing it will prove as a Pill to stay your stomacks untill the rest follow.

yours J. C.

A cure for the State

AN Excellent Composition of Sir Henry Vane's Affection to the Ministery, of Sir Arthur Hesilrigg's Honesty, of Henry Martin's Chastity, of the Lord Fleetwood's Valour, of an High Court of Justice Mercy, of each two Grains. Two Law-Arguments of Baron Wilde's own making, two Ounces of the Shavings of the Lord Mayors Beard, one Scruple of Alder­man Tichborn's Conscience, seven Drops of Alderman Atkin's E­lixary, one Pound of the CITIES SLAVERY, one Dram of Kiffen's Divinity, with three full Gallons of Widowes and Orphants Years, boyle all these together the full time of one of Doctor Owens Sermons at the Fast of the HOUSE, then closs stopt up with the Paste of Scotch Charity, the Speakers Religi­on, and Sir Gilbert's Constancy.

Two spoonfulls of this taken every Morning fasting, will pre­serve you from the like Apostacy, that the Army and other Saints have of late fallen into, and make you stick close to the Parliament.

Approved by the Colledge of Physicians.

Made publick for the good of the Common-wealth.

By P. C. Doctor of Physick.

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