The Attestation OF THE MINISTERS Of the County of NORFOLK, and City of Norwich. In Vindication of the Ancient Truths of Jesus Christ, and prosecution of the Solemn COVENANT: AGAINST The spreading Errors, and prodigious Blasphemies that are scattered abroad in these licentious Dayes.

As it was Represented to the Ministers of the Province of LONDON, June 9. 1648.

Concurring with them in their publick Testimony.

LONDON, Printed by R. Cotes for Michael Sparke, at the sign of the Bible in Gre [...]A [...], 1648.

THE Attestation of the Ministers OF THE County of Norfolk, and City of Norwich: In Vindication of the Ancient Truths of JESUS CHRIST.

Reverend and much esteemed Brethren in the Lord,

WEE your Brethren and Fellow-labourers in the worke of the Lord, within the County of Nor­folk, and County and City of Nor­wich, having gladly perused your late exemplary and gratious Testimony to the saving Truths of Jesus Christ, and to our Solemn League and Covenant, as also a­gainst the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies, [Page 4]which have spread in these unhappy times, through the too great connivence at them, cannot but from the ground of our hearts, thankfully render eternall praises to the God of all Grace and Truth, for his grace made ma­nifest to you, and his truth attested by your in moving your Spirits so seasonably to own and bear witnesse to those Divine and Fun­damentall Truths, which many through ig­norance or wilfull blindnesse, have endea­voured to trample under foot, to the great dishonour of God, and to the eclipsing of the glorious light of the Gospell of Jesus Christ: To this so faithfull Testimony of yours, should wee not cheerfully and unani­mously subscribe our hands; and seale it with our bloods (if the Lord should call us there­unto) wee could not but judge our selves unworthy of, and unfaithfull in the high and holy callings of our Ministery. Wee there­fore witnesse to God, Angels, and Men, the constant desires and longings of our soules, to bee strengthned in the Lord, and in the power of his might, to live and dye with you in the defence of the Truths of Jesus Christ: [Page 5]Goe on therefore (Reverend and beloved Brethren) being in nothing terrified by the legions of the Churches-Enemies: still stand Centinels for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Kingdom, to give us the Alarm as the adversaries shall farther appear, till the mouth of all wickednesse be stopped, and the tongues of those that speak perverse things, nothing doubting but that wee (though the weakest and most unworthy of the messen­gers of Jesus Christ) are of the same spirit with you, and stedfast to our Solemn League and Covenant, and to the ancient Truths of Iesus Christ. With which resolution praying the God of Grace to double his Spirit of zeal up­on you, and all that stand up in the defence of his pretious Truths, making you further instrumentall in promoting the Lords work; Wee rest, subscribing our selves,

Your Fellow-labourers who are also ready through the strength of our God to be Fellow-suffer­ers with you, Robert.
  • [Page 6] RObert Peck Minister of the of Word God at Hingham
  • William Stinnet Minister of Gods word in Johns of Maddermarket in Norwich
  • Rich. Johnson Minister of the word at Ke­tringham
  • Ioh. Martin Minister of the word at Edgefield
  • Elias Crabtree Minister of the word at Dic­kle borough
  • John Carter Pastor of Peters of Mancroft Nor­wich
  • Iohn Brinsley Ministers of the word at great Yarmouth
  • Iohn Swaine Ministers of the word at great Yarmouth
  • Isaack Rose Minister of the word at Had­skow
  • Hugh More Pastor of Burston
  • Iohn Boyes Pastor of Tivesdale
  • Richard More Minister of the word at Dis.
  • Nath. Iocelyn Minister of the word at Har­dingham
  • Rice Allison Minister of the word at Cleyjuxta mare
  • Ed. Brome Minister of the word at South-reps
  • [Page 5] William Hall Minister of the word at He­vingham
  • Nic. Pit Minister of the Gospel at Bunwell
  • Tho. Sap Minister of the word at Larling­ford
  • Rob. Daliel Minister of the word at Rough­ton cum Hanworth
  • Tho. Iackson Minister of the word at Itte­ringhan
  • Iohn Bond Pastor of Holt
  • Iohn Collings Minister of Gods word in Savi­ours Parish in Norwich
  • Tho. Henant Minister of the word at Smal-borough
  • Thomas Theoderick Minister of the word at Rockland-tasts
  • Rich. Asteley Minister of Melton
  • Will. Lambe Minister of the word at Merston
  • Edw. Dawney Minister of the word at Salt-house
  • Robert VVatson Minister of the word at Ba­king stroppe
  • Iohn Harmer Minister of Saxlingham
  • Will. Younge Minister of Kettlestone
  • [Page 6] Iohn Yates Rector of Stifkey
  • Sam. Smith Minister of the word at Sydesterue
  • Rich. Wels Minister of the Gospel at Faken­ham.
  • Tho. Tofs Minister of the word at Michaels of the Plea in Norwich
  • Iohn Butler Minister at Oldton
  • Edw. VVorseley Minister of the word at Run­ton cum Beeston Regis
  • Nath. Michel Minister of the word at Eden­thorpe
  • Iohn Smith Minister of Gods word at Ayl­merton
  • Rich. Breviter Minister at VValcot.

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