WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, who have now joined with the Prince of Orange, for the Defence of the Protestant Religion, and for maintaining the Ancient Government, and the Laws and Liberties of England, Scotland, and Ireland, do engage to Almighty God, to His Highness the Prince of O­range, and to one another, to stick firm to this Cause, and to one another in the Defence of it, and never to depart from it until our Religion, our Laws and Liberties are so far secured to us in a Free-Parliament, that we shall be no more in Danger of Falling under Popery and Slavery: And whereas we are engaged in this Common Cause, under the Protection of the Prince of Orange, by which means his Person may be exposed to Dangers, and to the desperate and cursed Attempts of Papists, and other Bloody Men: We do therefore solemnly engage both to God and to one another, That if any such Attempts are made upon him, we will pursue not only those who make them, but all their Adhe­rents, and all that we find in Arms against us, with the utmost Severities of a just Revenge, to their Ruine and Destruction; and that the Execution of any such Attempt, which God of his Mercy forbid, shall not divert us from Prosecuting this Cause which we do now undertake, but that it shall engage us to carry it on with all the Vigour that so Barbarous a Practice shall deserve.


SƲCH as have not Signed this Association, may do it at St. James's (in the Room formerly called, The Duke of York 's Council Chamber) every day between the Hours of Ten and One in the Forenoon, and Five and Seven in the Afternoon.

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