THE ARTICLES OF THE RENDITION OF Edenburgh-Castle TO THE Lord Generall CROMVVEL, AND The manner of the Enemies marching out Decemb. 24. 1650.

With a Particular of the Ordnance, and Armes taken therein.

ALSO The taking of another strong Castle, called, Kinmore-castle, by a party from Carlisle.

With the Articles of surrender, and the particulars taken in the Castle, and their march.

Published by Authority.

⟨Oct: 31⟩ LONDON, Printed by E. Griffin in the Old-baily. 1650.


THe greatest part of the time since Thursday last (when the Articles inclosed were agreed of for the rendition of Edenburgh Castle) hath beene in or­dering of things in relation to their Marching out this day. There hath beene a continuall passing to and from the Ca­stle with Trunkes, and other goods for these foure or five dayes; and yet for all that there are many more goods left for the inhabitants hereabouts, and much more those Scots who dwell farre off, and now come over in great numbers, who must have further time; and the General hath engaged that they shall not loose any of them after our Souldiers have possession of the Castle, but have free liberty to fetch them out; it's verily beleeved that there was more Money, Plate, and Rich Houshold stuffe in this Castle, then in any one part of Scotland besides, yet such hath been the civility of our Souldiers, that they have not in the least interrupted the Inhabitants, or taken away any of their goods; so that considering the impregnall strength of the place, the great losse of men we must have had, in case we had storm'd it (if we had carried it that way which was almost impossible) and the love of the people which we now have gained by this civil usage, it was the best course that could have been taken; and if it were pu [...] in the Ballance, would not appeare to be of much lesse con­sequence, then the defeat at Downhill neer Dunbar. This day Col. Dundas Marched out of the Castle with 120 men, [Page]all Musketiers, their Colors flying (which was one red En­sign) one Drum beating, the greatest part of them marched to Leith and intend for Fife. Lieu [...]. Col. White with some companies of Foot tooke possession of the Castle, we have as yet no account what number of Arms, Ammunition, or Provision is in it. The number of the Ordnance is inclosed. Col. Fenwick Governor of Berwick for the present is to take the Government thereof. His Excellency with many Of­ficers went into the Castle this afternoon to view it. There are taken in it the particulars inclosed. By reason of the great Winds, the Souldiers that came out of the Castle, could not get into Fife, but were forced to stay in Leith this night with a guard. Divers of the Foot laid downe their Armes, and will not engage any more against our Army. Before their going out of the Castle, there were two Barrels of Gun powder blowne up, which killed two of their Men.

Decemb. 19. 1650. Articles Treated of, concluded, and agreed upon by Major Andrew Abbernethe, and Captaine Robert Henderson of the one party, on the behalfe of VVal­ter Dundasse Esqu. Governour of the Castle of Edenburgh: and by Col. George Monke, and Lieut. Col. Francis VVhite on the other party, on the behalfe of his Excellency the Lord Gen. Cromwell for the Rendition of the said Castle, according to the Articles ensuing.

  • 1. That the Castle of Edenburgh, with the Cannon, Armes, Ammunition, and Magazeenes, and furniture of war (except what shall be excepted in the ensuing Articles be rendred to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Cromwell, or whom he shall appoint on Tuesday next being the 24. of this present December, by 12 of the Clock, without wilfull spoile or embezillment.
  • 2. That the Publike Registers, Publike Moveables, private Evidences and VVrits be transported to Fife or Sterling; and [Page]that Wagons and Ships be provided for the transporting of them.
  • 3. That for all the goods in the Castle belonging to any per­son whatsoever, an Edict may be proclaimed to the people about Edenburgh, to come own, and receive their own; and if any bee at a far distance or dead, a place may be provided in the Towne of Edenburgh for keeping the same until they be owned, and af­ter owning, they have liberty to carry them where they please.
  • 4. That all persons whatsoever not belonging to the Garri­son, as men, women, and children, may have liberty to goe whe­ther they will without trouble, and there have the free exercise of their callings and Employments with safety, both to themselves and goods.
  • 5. That the Governour of the said Castle, and all Military Officers, Commanders and Souldiers, of whatsoever condition (none excepted) may depart without any molestation with their Armes and Baggage, with Drums beating, and Colours flying, Matches lighted at both ends, and Ball in their mouthes, as they usually are wont to march, and all their goods with a free conduct to Brunt Island in Fife; or if any of the foresaid persons desire to transport themselves and goods any where else for their greater conveniency, it may be with freedome granted.
  • 6. That all Officers and Souldiers, as well sick as hurt, shall have free liberty to remaine in Edenburgh till they recover, and to enjoy the benefit of these Articles.
  • 7. That the number of Horse and Wagons, as many as the Governour shall need for his own particular use, as also for the Officers and Souldiers, shall be sent them for the carrying ef the aforesaid baggage, to the aforesaid places.
  • 8. That Capt. Lieut. Car, Lievt. Stretton, Thomas Brindy Gunner, and Patrick Summerall Gunner be sent to his Ex­cellency the Lord Gen. Cromwell this present Thursday, by 12 of the Clock for Hostages, for the performance of the afore-written [Page]Articles; and that the Generall shall keep Centinels a­bout the Castle, under the Rock.
  • Andrew Abbernethe,
  • R. Henderson.

I doe approve, ratifie, and confirme the Articles above writ­ten.

W. Dundasse.
A List of the Great Guns taken in Edenburgh Castle De­cemb. 24. 1650.
  • Three Iron Guns, besides the Great Mag.
  • Five Cannons of 7.
  • 9. 24. livers.
  • Two Culverins.
  • Two Demi Culverins.
  • Two Minions.
  • Two Falcons.
  • Three 3 Livers, Brasse.
  • 28. Short Brasse Munkeys alias Dogs.
  • 10 Iron Munkeys:
  • Two Pittars.
  • In all 67.

Ten thousand Arms, with other Provision and Victuals a great quanty, we cannot as yet give the particulars there­of.

By Letters from Carlile Decem. 25. as followeth, A party of Horse and Dragoons was sent from this Garrison, con­fisting of about 1000. to Garrison Dunfrieze in Scotland, where they are in a quiet condition. There were divers Ca­valiere Lords and Gentlemen, with some 400 Attendants met there with a purpose to raise some Forces for their King, but upon the advance of this party they left the Town and went to their owne homes, which makes me conjecture they like not the dancing of the Scotch Jigge at Sterling this jocund time of Christmas. Just now a Packet came to me from my Lieut. Colonel at Dumfrieze, which gives me an accompt of the parties procedings there under his command, which he sent into Gallaway to prevent the gathering of the Enemy in those parts. To [Page]give you the particulars wil be too teadious, onely this I wil say, That they have been very active, the Lord going along with them, so that they have done their businesse and they write to me that there is not much considerable to be done in that part of Scotland, onely the Garrisoning of some Castles for conveniency of passage, and awing the Countrey. They have taken the strong Castle of Kin­more, whose Articles are as followeth:

Decemb. 22. 1650. Articles concluded and agreed upon the day and yeere abovesaid, betwixt the Lord Kinmore Governour of his Castle of Kinmore, on the one party: and Cap. Dowson, Cap. Crackenthorpe, and Cap. Nary, on the other party, for the Parliament of England.

  • IMprimis, It is concluded and agreed upon that the said Lord Kinmore shall forthwith deliver up to the said Cap. Dowson, Cap. Crackenthorp, and Cap. Nary, his Castle of Kinmore, with all the Arms and Ammunition, for the use of his Excellency the Lord Gen. Cromwel.
  • 2. It is concluded and agreed upon, that the said Lord Kin­more shall have all his Housholdstuffe, of what sort soever, within the said Castle, secured to his proper use, either within such Roomes of his said Castle as he shall choose, or by conveying them away to some other place, provided it be within fourteen daies.
  • 3. That the Lord Kinmore, with such as are now in Armes with him in the said Castle, whose names are under written. shall have liberty to repaire to their owne homes without any distur­bance to their Persons or Estates, acting nothing prejudiciall to the Army of England, or shall have seven daies, (the morrow being the 23 of this instant being the first) to dispose of them­selves, [Page]their Horses, and Armes, without let or molestation by any belonging to his Excellencies Army.
  • Kenmore.
  • English.
    • Man. Dowson.
    • Rich. Crackenthorp
    • John Nary.
  • Robert Lord Kenmore.
  • Rob. Glendoning.
  • Jo. Glendoning.
  • Rob. Gourden.
  • Ja. Gourden.
  • Alex. Maxwell.
  • Geo. Heriot.
  • James Gibson.
  • Patrick Merdock.

The rest of the Common Souldiers are likewise to have the benefit of the aforesaid Articles.

A Note of the Armes and Ammunition taken in the Expedition from Dumfreze into Gallaway by the aforesaid Captaines.
At Killobright, and thence carred to Kenmore.
  • Three barrels of Powder, Match proportionable. All the Armes found there were broken, because there was not conveyance for them.
Taken at Kenmore-Castle.
  • Sixty Muskets and Firelocks,
  • eight Pikes,
  • eight great barrels of Powder, each containing neere three ordinary Barrels, Match and Ball proportionable.
  • Great store of Meale, and Beefe.
  • Taken on the March about forty Horse, and some pri­soners.

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