The Army Mastered, OR, GREAT BRITTAIN'S JOY: BRIEFLY Presented to those true PATRIOTS of their COUNTREY, now assembled in PARLIAMENT, by thousands of Persons well affected to the lawfull Authority of these NATIONS.

HAving observed upon what dangerous Seas, and with what various tempests the Ship of this Common-wealth hath for these many Yeares been floating and tossed, and perceiv­ing that after all her hazards and tumbling, she is now arrived at an Haven, where she may be conveniently rigged & equipped: To prevent the like future mischief, we cannot with ungratefull Passengers, cease from breaking forth into a most thankfull admira­tion of Divine goodnesse, being almost astonished at that infinite wisedome, which hath secured her, when the Governors, Masters, and Pilots were all thrown over Board, and her selfe exposed to the contrary windes of Mens private embition, and distract­ed by the dangerous gulphs of selfeish interests: And therefore we think it a duty in­cumbent upon us, who have been faithfull unto the true interest of this Common-wealth, to congratulate your and the Nations safe arrivall (after all our rowlings) upon the terrâ firmâ of so solid and hopefull a Government. Nor can we contain our selves from declaring to the World, that our hopes and expectations therefrom are not begot by some ayery notions of a groundlesse fancy, but created in us by the strength of a well tempered rea­son, superadded unto our former experiences of you; Especially now since your most puissant wisedome hath in the revolutions of a few dayes effected that towards the restauration of great Brittaines Liberties, which the continuall strugling and hot contests of above twelve yeares were never able to accomplish, we meane, that absolute conquest you have lately made of those (till now) untameable Lyons of the Army, that had (as it were) transformed the peoples freedome and liberties into their proper food and prey, which to eat up and de­vour, these most inhumane Monsters have boasted to be the glory and crown of all their victories. 'Tis in­credible to demonstrate with what a resurrection of life and joy, the almost dead and lately desponding spirits of the Nations are now quickened and transported to behold you the Champions of their liberties thus gallantly to have captivated their horrid captivity, and to observe the Day-star of their freedome (so long benighted with the darknesse of Tiranny and consusions) once more to arise in this their Horizon; wherefore we cannot but a­vouch it as an unquestionable truth, that by your rending and plucking the rights and priviledges of these di­stracted Countrys out of the jawes of these hardbiting and all devouring Lyons, you have infinitely more in­deared your Authority, and more heightened your interest in the hearts and affections of the people, then by the whole series of all your former most noble and most heroicall actions The whole Nation being so fully pos­sessed with the sense and admiration of your deep wisedome, (though your generous natures reposing too much confidence in your military Vassals, occasioned in 53. your interruption by a rebellion, which was their wickednesse, yet now) is confident that your future care and providence will not admit you to be imposed upon the second time, least it should be adjudged your own weaknesse And therefore we are fully perswaded that you will become as well the resolute Keepers, as you have appeared the valiant restorers of our Liberties, by paring the claves, and by destroying the Interest of those, who have been so ready upon all occasions to scratch at, and to destroy the face and verry being of all our civill Authorities, so shall your Authority be owned as the only deliverer of us from under our military thraldome, forraigne Nations abroad will admire you, and succeeding Generations will have their memories filled with praises everlastingly due unto you.

Printed in the Yeare, 1659.

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