INSTRƲCTIONS ABOUT RIGHT BELEEVING: SEVERALL SERMONS Leading unto Christ, directing unto Faith, and incouraging thereto. Shewing the Nature, Measure, and necessitie of the sense of Sinne. Christ the bread of Life, a sufficient Remedy for Mans misery; with the way and meanes to obtaine him; as also incouragements to come to him, from his abilitie and readinesse to give full soule-satisfaction. By JOHN ARCHER, Master of Art, sometime Preacher of All-hallowes Lumbard-street. London.
LONDON; Printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley. 1645.
COnsidering the state of most people to be, either wholy insensible of their miserable estate, and goe on securely, not minding the precious and soule-saving Remedy tendred, or some others who are sensible, who are oft discouraged, (both, through the malice and subtiltie of the Devill,) these ensuing Sermons, in a plaine and profitable way, tending to helpe, in both these respects, are here presented for a farre more publick advantage, then they could be in the preaching of them; They are not corrected and fitted for the Presse, as it were to be wished, but neere the matter, and way of his delivery: and the experience had of some mens Sermons so printed, hath incouraged to these, conceiving they will be [Page] profitable, hoping all will be so charitable as to put good constructions, and not by the contrary, prejudice themselves, or others from the good intended: Some things are but briefly propounded, in the Close, but there are sevcrall things profitably opened, to direct sinners to Christ, and incourage sensible ones to come to him, with incouragements so to doe, shewing his fitnesse and sufficiency for their helpe, and readinesse to it, and the Soule-satisfaction to be had by him: All which is here commended to thee, for thy good, in desire, and with desire of which, and of thy amending what escapes thou meetest with, I leave thee, and it, to the blessing of God.
THESE WORDS, are an Answer to that Desire or Demand of the People in the former Verse, Lord, evermore give us this bread: Wherein Christ opens to them, What is that Bread, which they seemed to desire; Which Words of Christ, I will Consider absolutely in themselves; and passe what may be observed from their Coherence, & Dependence; and will not stand on every thing which may be Collected frō the Verse, but so much as may serve for my purpose; Which is This:
Having shewed you the Misery you are in by Nature, and how far you must be humbled with the sence The Sūme of the Wordes. of it; Now I shall shew ye the Remedy, and by what Meanes it may be attained: For which purpose this Verse is very full. In which you have:
1 First a Discription of Christ: Which is done Metaphorically by Bread; I am the Bread of Life.
2 Secondly the Meanes by which this Christ may be had; Viz: By comming to Him; That is (as its expounded) By beleeving on Him.
3 Thirdly the Persons who may doe this, and so make Christ their owne; Viz: Any One whoever; as is implyed in the indefinite propounding of it; He that commeth, He that beleeveth. (as ye shall see more clearly heerafter)
4 Fourthly a strong Motive to perswade to labour for this Christ, taken from the Benifitt; Shall never hunger, Shall never thirst.
FIRST, The Description of Christ; which is Metaphorically; The Bread of Life.
DOCTRINE. Doctrine.
Opened by answering divers Questions.This is oft repeated in this Chapter: And for opē ing of which. Consider these Questions.
Question. 1 First, What is ment, By Bread of Life.
Answer. I Answer; whatever is needfull, & sufficient, to bring People out of that Misery they are in by Sinne, to that Happynes they lost in Adam: A Sufficiency of Meanes. To Free from Misery, And Bring to Happynes: As is more fully exprest (though in other Metaphors) In Verses 53, 54. of this Chapter; Except ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man, and drinke his blood, ye have no life in you &c. And [Page 3] therefore Christ culls out a Metaphor, that is one of the cheife to support Mans mortall Life; Viz: Bread; And therefore adds this Epithite; Of Life, That as Bread is specially usefull for our Life; So is Christ for the Spirituall & Eternall Life; The Bread of Life, That is the Remedy of Mans misery, in which he is by Nature & Sinne.
Question. 2 Secondly, Whether this be proper to Christ, Or common with him to some other?
Answer. I Answer it is proper to Him; Nothing else, nether in whole, nor in part, hath any share in it (except as his Instruments) These Words [I am the Bread of Life] are not onely declarative of what He is, but impropriative, and restraining this, to Him onely; This is the meaning; That He, and He onely is the Bread of Life: Therefore, that Verse. 53. Except ye eate Him ye have noe Life; Therefore, He onely, is the Bread of Life. And Gen: 3. 15. The seede of the Woman (that is Christ) shall breake the Serpents head; That is, recover Man out of Misery; God never promised it should be, but Onely by Him, Therefore by Him onely it shall be; And so much is exprest by that, Iohn. 6. 67. 68. Iesus said unto the twelue, will ye also goe away? Then Simon Peter answered him Lord, to whome shall we goe? Thou hast the Words of Eternall Life; If Eternall Life could have been had by any other, then they might have gone away frō Christ; that reasō had not been strong; And this is expresse by that, Acts. 4 12. Neither is there Salvation in any other: For there is none other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. As the Israelites in the Willdernes had noe helpe from the deadly stings of fiery Serpents, but by the Brasen Serpent.
Question. 3 Thirdly, By what Meanes; Christ comes to be bread of Life.
I Answer, by His Incarnation, and all that He did & suffered, till He sate downe at Gods right hād in Glory: All this, was for the fiting & making Him bread of Life; How Christ comes to be Bread of Life. as Christ came into the World for this end, to become Bread of Life; So all He did & suffered, in comming into, and being in, the World, till He was translated out of it, and set downe in Glory, was for this end. As:
1 1. His Incarnation, or joyning together of both Natures, the Divine & Humane, in One Person was for to make him fit to be this Bread of Life; Therefore Christ, being about to shew Nicodemus, that Eternall Life might be had by Him, Iohn. 3. 15. That is, that He was the bread of Life; He first shewes him his Incarnation, & double Nature; Verse 14. That as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wildernes: Even so must the Sonne of man be lifted up: For as Bread is not made of one single substance, but of severall, joyned together; So Christ, the Bread of Life; the Man-hood of Christ, could not be effectuall to bring us to Life; without the God-head; being neither of Power enough to stand under, and come forth, frō that Wrath it must undergoe; Nor of Vertue enough to make its Actions & Suffrings of infinite worth without which an infinite debt could not be paid; And the God-head, though in it Selfe its a Fountaine of Life, & very Communicative, being infinitely Good, Yet by Sinne; Its sealed up, and becomes terrible & a consuming fire, So that It Conveyes nothing but Wrath & Destruction; But the Man-hood, makes it an Open Fountaine, satisfying & appeasing of It Heb. 10. 19. to 23. Thus; Christs Incarnation & Union of two Natures, Viz: The God-head & Man-hood in One Person; prepares and fits Him to be Bread of Life. And:
2 Secondly, His naturall Infirmities, & outward [Page 5] Meanesse, and all His Sufferings, were to fit Him for this; As Corne, is threshed, ground, baked in the Oven, before it makes Bread. Col. 1. 14. 21 22. These, appeased Gods Wrath, and satisfied His Iustice, for our Sinnes, by which, we were Condemned:
And so, His Obedience & Fulfilling of the Law; This prepared a Robe to cover us, by vertue of which, Wee might appeare spotles in Gods sight, Rev 19. 8. And:
3 Thirdly, His Resurrection, was also to fit Him to be Bread of Life; 1. Cor. 15. 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vaine, ye are yet in your sinnes. As Bread comes out of the Oven in which it is baked, Or else cannot preserve our Life. And:
4 Fourthly, His Ascension & siting downe in Heaven, was also to fit Him to be Bread of Life; This indeed was the last preparative Thing he did, and but an Introduction, or letting Him into that place & Condition, wherein He might doe the Worke of Bread of Life, who was now by former things, made fully, Compleate Bread of Life: Yet this also was done as a Concurrence to His being Bread of Life; For before He could be given as Bread, and worke as Bread, He must be ascended Heaven and set downe there; Therefore he saith He must ascend That the Spirit might come, Iohn. 16. 7. And Ehp. 4. 8. Ascending up He gave Gifts unto Men; As Bread, descends into the Stomack and so sends vertue & strength into the Body, before it can nourish & preserve Life.
Thus ye see, how Christ comes to be Bread of Life; And how many Things were to be done, to fit Him: And though before he dyed; He said all was finished; He meanes not every thing, (for then why dyed he) But all that was to be done, before He gave up the [Page 6] Ghost; And therefore he proceeded to doe that, And therefore, None but He can be it, because none else Two Things to be gathered. have, nor can have all these necessary Quallifications. And hence ye may farther gather Two Things.
1 1. When Christ is actually The bread of Life; namely in his state of Glory, then, when he is exalted & at Gods right Hand; All the tyme & state of his Humiliation was to fitt & prepare him to be bread of Life, Heb. 7. 25. 26. Now he is made higher then the Heavens, he is able to save to the uttermost; And Iohn. 14. 19. Now he lives (Viz: that glorious Life in Heaven) they shall live. And whereas He gave Life to many, before he had done these things (namely, to all Beleevers before he came) yet it was by vertue of all these, done in Gods account (because surely to be done) and in Gods sight to whome all things to come, aswell as past, are present; Acts. 15. 18. Knowne unto God are all his Workes from the beginning of the World. Rev. 13. 8. The Lambe slaine from the foundation of the World. And:
2 2. Ye may hence gather; what in Christ, Is the Bread of Life; Or how Christ must be considered & applyed for Bread: Namely thus; The Man-hood of Christ, furnished with all that which it hath Done & Suffred, & consequently out of Merrit received as into a store house; Is the bread of Life; Therefore he saith His Flesh is meate & his Blood is drinke indeed Iohn. 6: 35. It is true; that the Man-hood singly considered without Personall Union with the God head, is not This bread of Life (for then it is not of vertue enough, as ye heard before) But, the Man-hood, as it is in Personall Union with the God-head; and so made of Infinite Worth & Vertue; So, the Man-hood is the Bread of Life; 1, Cor. 1. 30. He of God, is made; that must be ment of his Man-hood (though [Page 7] as it is in Personall Union with the God head) For the God head cannot be made a Communicated Wisdome, Righteousnes &c. as that is; God joyned in Person with Christs Man-hood, hath by the Doings, Suffrings, and Merrits of the Man-hood, to which it was inabled by the God-head; furnished that Man-hood, with all Sufficiency, to free from Misery and make Happy: Its not Christs God-head but His Man hood which is in Union with His God-head, and so a Vertue & Effect of the God-head, and that which is in His Man-hood, that is the Bread of Life: Heere be Two Errors to be avoyded.
One when the God-head of Christ shall be made the Errors to be avoyded. Bread of Life; and that which is applyed by Faith, and made One with us.
Another, when the Man-hood shall be simply Considered, and not as it is in Personall Union with the God-head, and receives Vertue frō it, to make its Acts of Infinite Worth.
And thus by Faith we eate this Bread; whilst we receive, apply & trust in Christs Man hood, that which he did & suffred in & by it (through Union with the God-head) for our Justification, Sanctification, and Salvation; and by Faith, we eate not his God-head, but Man-hood, and the Vertue of the God-head, that is in his Man-hood; And thus, that Question; Iohn. 6. 52. is resolved, How Christ can give us his flesh to eate.
1. USE, Vse. 1
To teach us; How much we owe to God & Christ; who hath provided Bread for our Soules; as the Egyptians did to God for that Gen: 50. 20. For by this he saves many Soules alive: God was oft magnified for the Manna he sent for the Israellites when they were ready to [Page 8] perish for hunger: This is more Mercy: Therefore, that, Iohn. 3. 16. God so loved the World; So, as cannot be immitated; So, as cannot be exprest; So, as cannot be conceived.
This Mercy farther appeares; If we Consider, that (which also this Doctrine teacheth us) it cost God and Christ somewhat before they helped Soules; Christ must be bread; That is not his up & doing it; But much must he doe and indure, before he was fited for it; As Bread doth before it become Bread; Therefore, we are the more bound to Him for his undertaking the Worke of Our Redemption: And to God the Father, For Giving Him to that Worke; If a King should appoint his Sonne, and his Sonne undertake, to save Traytors, onely by comming to the Prison & fetching them out, it were worthy of much Thankes; But much more, when the Sonne, by much paines and cost, shall doe it; Ioseph procured Bread for Egypt, But Cbrist was made Bread.
2. USE, 2
For Incouragement to Such as droope in the Sence of their Misery, and want of Life; I may say to such of you, as be amazed with the Sence of your Misery by Sinne; As Iacob to his Sonnes, Gen. 42. 1. 2. Why doe ye looke one upon another? Behold I have heard that there is Corne in Egypt &c. Whatever you want, whether Gods Favour, Or Image, The Life of Comfort, Or of Grace, despaire not; For God hath provided Bread for you; I, and ye need not be affraid to come to this Bread, and take it; For he loves to have People eate of Him; as will clearely appeare by this, which also followes from this Point, Viz: That Christ Came from Heaven for this [Page 9] End, To recover Sinners out of their Misery, And to helpe them to live; For that is the End of Bread; It is not directly for any other use; It is so of Christs Comming, Math. 18. 11. For the Sonne of Man is come to save that which was lost: Iohn. 3. 17. For God sent not his Sonne into the World to condemne the World. but that the World through Him might be saved: And Chap. 12. 47. I came not to judge the World, but to Save the World: Therefore they that feele their need of him, need not feare Comming to Him, or question his helping of them: It was the End of His Comming, and the Use God cheifly put Him to: Therefore he will not be averse from it; Hence it was in that, Math. 18. 11. Having told them that this was the End of His Comming, to Save; He, by a Parable shewes them what Ioy it was to Him to save any one; How can He but joy in making good the End of his Comming? Therefore, they that droope in a Sence of their Misery, and dare not goe to Christ for helpe, doe not knowe Christ, Nor the Mistery of his Incarnation, Nor the End of his Comming; That it was to Releive the Afflicted; Learne it now therefore, and come confidently to Him for Helpe; He cannot but with all readines entertaine thee, and the Opertunity of making good the End of his Comming; Therefore in Scripture, Christ was greedy of any opertunity to releive a distressed Soule; And did not quench the smoaking flax &c. Math. 20, most meeke, and gentle, and easily intreated; therefore a Dove sate on him, in His first Instalement into his Office; This is a maine thing, that is taught in the Gospel; and may be observed through the whole Story; that Christ with abundance of gentlencs & willingnes, entertained & incouraged all that in sincerity came to him for helpe; Feare not then Christs rejecting thee, [Page 10] so thou have a right desire to him, but presse him, if he seeme to deny thee, as the Woman did Marke. 7, 27. 28. Let not want of Life, or Weakenes hinder thee, for he came to helpe such; as bread is for the empty and weake, Therefore say ye as Moses, Exod. 16. 15. 16. This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eate &c.
3. USE. Vse. 3
To teach us, how much we should esteeme & prize Christ, and Labour for Him; even as hunger starved people doe for Bread; Israell desired a cruell Bondage for Breads sake, Exod. 16. 3. the Egyptian bondage frō which they were freed; And they Ioh. 6. 24 26. How did they follow Christ, from one Coaste to another, for Loaves? What did Egypt doe for Bread-Corne, (not Bread, nor fitted to their hands) Gen: 41. 55. They cryed to Pharaoh for bread; And Cap. 47. 14. They parted with all their Mony for bread; And Ver. 17. They parted with all their Cattle; And Ver. 20. They parted with their Land; And Ver. 23. They sould Themselves; Would ye so doe for Christ, ye should have him, Isay. 55. 1. Ho every one that thirsteth, come yee to the waters, and he that hath no mony: come ye, buy & eate, yea, come; buy wine & milke without mony, and without price; and why should ye not, since He is Bread, not bread corne, but ready fitted to your hands? How did all Nations flock to Egypt, Gen: 41. 57. Because Bread Corne was there? And why, flock ye not to Christ, since He is the Bread of Life? Doe ye not manefestly give him the lye, who calls Himselfe Bread? And yee who so much care for Bread (as if ye call it to mind) ye did lately in the Famine; yet prize not, not care to get Him: Though it may seeme, not desirable, as Bread oft doth to Children, therefore when it is given them, [Page 11] they cast it away, Yet consider, the case of your Soules, hunger-starved; And He; the Bread of Life.
That I may quicken ye up to prize & esteeme Christ Christ is better thē any bread in many perticulers more, Consider, in how many Perticulers, He is better then any other Bread.
1 1. Other Bread onely supports Life, it doth not give Life, (as ye all knowe) But Christ is a Bread that gives Life to them that be dead, and therefore is called the Bread of Life, Iohn. 6. 53. 54. 57.
2 2. Other Bread preserves Life but for a while; Gen: 3. Eate it till thou turne to dust, It doth but repreive as it were till an other Sessiōs; It Corrupts, and keepes not the Body from Corrupting; But this Bread, gives Eternall Life. Iohn. 6. 50. 51. This is the Bread which commeth downe from Heaven, that a man may eate thereof, and not dye; But live for ever; Therefore, Christ by this Argument perswades them to prefer this before other meate, Iohn. 6. 27. Labour not for the meate which perisheth, but for that meate which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Sonne of man shall give unto you:
3 3. Other Bread helpes but the Body in Point of Life, and but in an earthly Life; But this helps the Soule & Body, and that in a Spirituall Life.
4 4 Other Bread, is not enough to Life, but with that there must be other things, even in this sence is that true Man lives not by bread alone, Therefore ye have Sampson, not complaining of danger of Death, for want of Bread, but Water; But this Bread is Allsufficient; It alayes Hunger & Thirst both, (as is in the Text) Yea, Its Wine, Milke, & fat Things, Esay. 55.
5 5. Other Bread may be kept from you, or tooke from you when you need it, and usually is ratest to be had, when we most neede it, as in Famine; As Ponds [Page 12] which be full in Winter, when we need no Water, but dry in Summer, when Water is most needed; But this Bread, None can keepe, nor take away, Its Ever free & plentifully to be had.
6 6. Other Bread, oft costs deare, and is not every ones Mony, (as in Dearths) But the Price of This (as ye shall fee heerafter) is onely the Receiving it, the Comming, Taking, and Eating, (as its in our Text) and Its free for any, without restraint or limitation of Persons.
7 7. Other Bread may possibly have somewhat found in its roome that may serve Nature, though not all so well; But this Bread, can onely helpe our Soules, None else can but this, as ye heard in opening the Doctrine. So that without this, There is no Life to be had; Now Considering all these Super-excellencyes in Christ, Why should ye not prize Him, and labour for Him more then for Bread? remember what you did for bread in the dearth, and doe more for Christ.
4. USE. Vse. 4
To teach us, That Christ is onely for hungry Soules Such as be sensible throughly of their Misery by Sinne and so Pant after a Remedy; For, therefore he is called Bread, because Its onely for the hungry: God hath provided him onely for such (as ye heard before from, Luke 5. 31 32.) as the Table is spread for the empty, not for the full; For indeed none else desire, prize, or will receive him; pleasant food is slighted by the full (even the hony combe) much more this, which is hard of digestion, and very grosse to Flesh & Blouds pallat & eye: Therefore, observe in Scripture, who they were that so Prized Christ; they were Soules, hunger [Page 13] bitten with the sence of their spirituall Misery: And, who did slight him? Who were they to whome God never gave him? the Pharisees & blind People, who were not hungry after a spirituall Mercy, as not being throughly sensible of a spirituall Misery: And this is the very reason, why Christ is so litle regarded in the World; When one lookes in the Scripture and sees what Excellent Things are spoke of Christ; and on the longing desires, the Saints of old had after Christ, and their abundant joy in Christ; and looke now how slightly & by how few he is esteemed; one would thinke that which is writ of them is fabulous; or they were foolish, or our Christ is not the same Christ; or why should he then be longed for; and now, being come and offred is despised? But he ere is the truth of it; He is Bread, and they were hungry; But now most are full; Full with their Sinnes, their Honours, Profits, Contents of this World; and therefore care not for Christ; And mervaile at the hunger bitten Soules, which keepe such a doe for Christ; But let all such knowe, that Christ is not as yet for them; God never prepared, appointed, or sent him, for such, but for the hungry; as the Shewbread was not for David himselfe but in case of great hunger, Math. 12. 3. 4.
If God had immediatly & suddenly conveyed Christ to sinnfull Soules, then might he have been injoyed by you, without being first hungry; But since he gives him as Bread, you must so take him; that is first being hungry; This is the reason why many eate this Bread, Christ, and be never the better, because they eate him without hunger first; and soe digest him not; but fill their Soules with crudy Humors, Security, Presumption, &c. which kill the Soule: Let an hungry Soule eate of this [Page 14] Bread; it exceedingly strengthens him to all Obedience, filling the Soule with good Nourishment & Spirits, of Love, Peace, Hope, Joy: But if any that be not hungry doe eate of Christ; that is, apply him; He is to them, but as the foode to the Angells who were without stomacks Gen 18 8. they see [...] eate, but eate not, and so were never the better for it though the foode was good. Hence the Soules of People be so starveling like, though they oft injoy large Meales of this Bread, (Viz: the Word oft preacht, Sacraments oft administred) because, wanting Stomacks they onely seeme to eate, but eate not. If therefore, ye How to get a hunger, after Christ. would be the better for Christ, ye must get an Hunger, which that ye may the better doe.
1 1. Disgorge your Soules of that Surfet of Sinne & earthly Vanityes, which ye have taken in; By Considering the vanity & hurtfullnes of them.
2 2. Get a strong Appetite to Christ; Which is done, Partly by drinking downe the Vineger of the Law, eating the sower Hearbs; By the Law laboring to see your Sinnfullnes & Misery thereby; And partly by looking into the Gospel, and Christs Beauty, and Desirablenes; as Eve by Considering the Fruite, was drawne to take & eate it: But I will not presse this, because I have lately done it, and shewed you how farr you must be Humbled & the Signes & Meanes of it: All that I now say is this:
That as it was with the bitter Water in another sence, So is it with Christ; If they that hunger, take & eate him, they are saved by Him; If they that hunger not, medle with Him, It is their bane & ruine: Therefore thinke not those Preachers your enemyes, who labor to humble you by pressing on you the Law, and your [Page 15] miserable Estate by Nature, for it is but to make you hungry, and so fit for Christ, the Bread of Life; We are your Pastors & Nurses, and must seeke to get you Stomacks, that ye may eate, and not tread under foote this spirituall foode; therefore, thus, and for this end to seeke to humble you, is a part of our Duty & Love to you; should Preachers onely preach Christ to you, it would but delude you, for till you be hungry, God will not give him, nor will ye accept him, because He is Bread.
Thus much for the First Thing in the Text; The Description of Christ; as the sufficient Remedy of Mans Misery.
THE SECOND THING, in the TEXT, Is The secōd Thing in the text. the Meanes by which this Christ, This Remedy of our Misery, may be had: That is by Comming to Christ: He that comes to Me shall never hunger:
This, is farther exprest in the Text, by an other word, Viz: Beleeving in him: So that comming to him, and beleeving on him, is all one and the same, and he that comes to Christ, or beleeves in Christ, shall obtaine Christ, and get him, for else he could not be kept from hungring & thristing, as the Text saith he shall be; And in other Scriptures, This (which is the Meanes by which Christ may be had) is exprest in other words; As Iohn. 1. 12. A receiving Christ; for there, receiving Christ & beleeving on him, is made all one, and receiving Christ, is the meanes of geting Christ; (or else, he that receives him could not have prerogative to be Gods Sonne; as that Verse affirmes of him) And else where; it is called a takeing, Reve. 22. 17.
So that, the Meanes by which Christ (this Remedy of Mans misery) may be had, is Comming to Him, Beleeving on Him, Taking or Receiving of Him: Hence observe.
DOCTRINE. Doctrine.
This is expresse in the Texts, whence we now raise it, there is no more to be done, and Christ is injoyed, If God required more, or more must be done; Then this Verse of my Text, doth not fully direct how to get the Bread of Life, But that it doth; Therefore, let a Man come to Christ, and he shall have Christ; This is all that God requires for the obtaining Christ; and therefore our Saviour, expresseth Christ by a Feast, ready prepared, and to be pertaked by all that come; Pro. 9. 1. 2. 3. Wisdome hath builded her House, She hath killed her Beasts: She hath mingled her Wine: She hath furnished her Table, She hath sent forth her Maydens, She cryeth: Who so is simple, let him turne in hither, She saith come eate of my Bread, and drinke of my Wine which I have mingled. Luke. 14. 17. He sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden; come, for all things are now ready; And they that eate not of it, miste it because they came not, Verse 24. And however there was One that came, and yet was not permitted to eate at the Feast; Math. 22. 11. 12. 13. yet it followes not, that there is some what more required then Comming; for he miscarried because he came [Page 17] not, had he come indeed; he had obtained; but he did but seeme to come, though it is called a Comming, for the want of the wedding garment, was onely a want of Comming, (as ye shall see heerafter, when we shew what Right comming is) This allso is farther proved by these Scriptures, Iohn. 5. 40. Chap. 6. 37. Chap. 7. 37. & Math. 11. 28.
And as the Scripture is expresse for the proofe of this; under the expression of Comming; So also, is it as expresse; under the Phrase of Beleeving; Math. 21. 31. The Publicans & Harlots goe into the Kingdome of God before you: Why? For Verse. 32. Yee beleeved not, but they did; Therefore Faith is the Way: Therefore when the People askt Christ; What they should doe to worke the Worke of God, that is to get Salvation, He prescribes them this onely, Iohn. 6. 39. This is the Worke of God, that ye Beleeve: Hence; that, Marke. 16. 16. He that beleeveth shall be saved.
This is taught by our Saviours making Faith the Instrument & onely Meanes of Curing, & Helping all them He cured in the Gospel; and where He found not Faith, He did no great Cure; Math. 13 58.
Also, hence it is that Unbeleefe is made the onely Ground & Reason of Mens Damnation; Iohn. 3. 18. 36. & Chap. 8. 24. Though Men shall be punished for all other Sinnes, Yet not Beleeving is the Ground & Reason why they perish by their Sinnes; Because Beleeving is the onely Meanes of Salvation:
And this was typified by the Isralites not entering Canaan, because of their Unbeleefe, Heb. 3. & last.
And hence also it is, that Beleeving, is in Scripture made the Fruite, Signe & Pledge, of Gods ordaining People to Eternall Life, Acts. 13. 48. And not beleeving [Page 18] is made the Fruite, & Signe of Gods not purposing to Save People Iohn. 12, 39, 40. Because, Beleeving is the onely Meanes of obtaining Salvation.
Lastly, It is hence also, that all the Requisites to Salvation, are made in Scripture the Consequents & Workes of Faith: Namely: The Righteousnes of Christ for our Iustification, Rom: 3. 22. And the Spirit of Christ for our Sanctification: Gall. 3. 14.
Thus ye see, how the All and Onely Meanes of, and all that God requires for, Our obtaining Christ and Salvation by Him is to Come to Him, Or Beleeve on Him.
And this was typified by the Brasen Serpent; as it is expounded & applyed by Christ Iohn. 3. 14. as All that God required, and was the Meanes for obtaining Cure from the Brasen Serpent, was the Looking on it: as you may reade, Num: 21. 8. 9.
There are two Propositions, of necessity to be knowne by all that would be saved: One is, that Christ is the All & onely Remedy of our Salvation; The other is, that Comming to Christ, or Beleeving on Him, is the All & onely Meanes, whereby Christ saues us: There is no Salvation but by Christ onely; and there is no having Christ & Salvation but by Faith onely: As God conveyes Salvation onely by Christ; So Christ & Salvation are had onely by Comming to, or Beleeving in Christ: The former of these, hath been taught you in the former Point; and now, the latter is as clearely taught.
For the better understanding, and making use of this Doctrine; It is fit to open & shew; What this Comming to Christ, Receiving, Taking, and Beleeving on Him; is. They are (as ye heard before) severall Words expressing one and the same Thing: And that is this.
The Act of the whole Man (that is of every part and faculty of Man) entertaining Christ offered in the What comming to, and beleeving on Christ, is. Gospel, and resigning up himselfe to Christ, in all the Offices of Christ, as a King, Preist, & Prophet, to be saved by Him through those Offices. To Beleeve in Christ; is not in Generall to phansy & conceite that I shall be saved by Christ and he dyed for me; as the Worlds Faith is.
Ye shall find Divines giving other descriptions of Faith. As namely, a perswasion of the forgivenes of my Sinnes & Salvation of my Soule by Christ: Or a Confidence, & Trust in Christ for Salvation; which (with all other descriptions of Faith) I conceive to be Venire ad Christū est cum servatorem recipere; & se illi consecrare totum. Bucer in hunc locum. And see Bucer on Rom: 4. 3. in Malorets Comment. the expressions of some higher Degrees, Effects Consequents of Faith; and not to be the first act of Faith; But, as for this; which I have now given, so farr as I can find by Scripture, it is the first act of Faith, and that which truely gives title to, & interest in, the Lord Iesus and Salvation by Him; And being the first act; it may be, where other & farther acts & degrees of Faith, cannot presently be found; This is it; which Bucer explaines the Comming to Christ, to be; To Come to Christ (saith he) is to receive him for a Saviour, and to resigne & give up his whole selfe to him; The eateing this Bread, is by Faith to receive him, Calvin. And therefore, I thinke, Beleeving is exprest by the phrases of comming to Him, taking receiving of Him; because it is a so doing as is before described; For then (as any one in reason knowes) is Christ come to, tooke, and received, when he is entertained as He is, and as He is offered by God A King, Preist, & Prophet; for the Ends for which God tenders Him; Viz: To be saved by Him.
And whereas it may be objected; that the Word, Beleeving, in or on Christ; implyes a Confidence or [Page 20] Trust in him; a relying on him; I Answer it is most true; and therefore, the phrase is extreordinary, not to be found (as some have observed) in any Writers, but the Scriptures, (and Such as take it from them) Others using onely this phrase, to beleeve a thing; and not to beleeve in it, or on it; So that the phrase implyes relying on it with a Confidence & Expectation of the Thing. And so I thinke, that there never is, nor can be, a Comming to Christ, or Receiving him, without a Trust, Confidence, or Relying on him: And the Comming to Him, or Receiving of Him, is the Effect of this; (for therefore, they Come to Him & Entertaine Him, because they Trust to be Helped by Him) but this may not allwayes be Evident, as the Cause is oft more obscure then the Effect, And so, a Man may Entertaine Christ, when he thinks he cannot Relye on Him & Trust in Him:
But yet there is a double Trusting or Relying on Christ; The one is, at a Venture, without a Perswasion of an Interest in Him; grounded on Gods free offer of Him to all Sorts of People; this is the Ground of comming to him, and entertaining of him, (for if this were not, People would never receive Him) this seemes to be no more then a confidēce in his ability & willingnes to save all that come unto Him, and in the truth of Him, gives record of Him:
The other is, a more Certaine Thing, grounded on the Knowledge of an Interest in Christ; Because a Soule knowes it hath Christ for Its owne; Therefore it rests on Him confidently for Salvation: This followes the Knowledge of our Beleeving, and is a farther act and degree of Faith, and comes after our Comming to Him and Receiving of Him. The former may not appeare, [Page 21] though it ever is, where Christ is beleeved on; and is weaker according as the the act of Faith is weaker; And that makes some Divines make Faith to be a resting on Gods Authority, or a trust in the Truth of God that speakes; for this ever is, where Faith is:
Thus, all Things considered, wee see, Faith, may be so defined, as I have done; Viz: The act of the whole Man &c. It is an Entertayning Christ, and Resigning himselfe to Christ; Therefore, it is called an acknowledging Christ, 2. Pet. 1. 3. as it is in the Greeke [...]. And therefore, exprest by a Womans marrying a Man, Rom. 7. 4. which is an entertaining by covenāt of a man, resigning up hir selfe to him; And it is exprest by Ingrafting, Rom. the 11. whereby the Science embraceth the Stock for its Roote & Meanes of Life & Fruite, and is given up to the Stock to be preserved & furnished with Sap, and made fruitefull by it.
Onely in this, there is this difference; The Fruite followes the Science & Impe, and not the Stock: But the Beleevers Fruite is Christs, the Stocks, and not Its owne: And this seemes to be Paules beleeving; For, Acts. 9. 6. when he perceived that Iesus was God in Heaven, and so raised from the dead &c. (as appeared by that Vision & Voice) then Paule, entertaines him, and resignes up himselfe to him, in those Words: Lord what wilt thou have me to doe? as if he had said Lord, save me, and rule thee, I become thine &c. And this seemes to be Faith; for the Fruite of Faith is found in him Vers. 11, He prayeth (saith the Lord of him) and Verse. 17. Ananias calls him Brother; and together with this sight, he was to receive the Holy-Ghost, which was a signe of his beleeving; And in the 22. Chapter. where the Story is repeated, Verse. 16. Ananias hastneth him to be baptized: [Page 22] therefore, he tooke it for granted that He beleeved, or else he would have said as Phillip Acts. 8. 37. to the Eunuch, If thou beleevest with all thy Heart, thou mayst be baptized: And thus it is a Perticuler application of Christ, to a Mans selfe; for one cannot entertaine him and resigne up ones selfe to him; but we doe perticuletly apply him; as the marrying a Man, or ingrafting an Impe, is, a perticuler application of them: So there is a perticuler application of Christ, that is not ever with the first act of Faith: and that is an assurance that Christ is mine (for this followes the reflect act; whereby I knowe that I beleeve) There is another, and that is a taking Christ for mine, and giving up my selfe to Him; and this is ever, where there is Faith.
Againe, as it is an entertaining Christ, and resigning up ones selfe to him; So it is an entertaining and resigning up to Him in all his Offices: whole Christ, not some part of Christ: Therefore, Iohn 1. 12. a receiving him, not some part of him, Psal 2. 12. a kissing Christ. As the Woman in marriage takes the whole Man; as Exodus. 12. the whole Lambe was to be roasted & eaten.
This is the difference twixt falce Faith & true, And the reason of so many Peoples miscarriage: They rereceive & apply Christ, in some one Office, as to be a Preist, But not in all his Offices, to be a King & Prophet; whereas God hath joyned them alltogether, & they cannot be parted: God conveyed Helpe to Israell, by all those three Offices, Kings, Preists, & Prophets. So doth he Salvation to Soules: Therefore, that Isay. 33. 22. Christ must be entertained & resigned up to; As to our King, to be wholly ruled by his Lawes: As to our Prophet, to be onely taught by his Directions; Aswell as to our Preist, to be onely reconciled to God, [Page 23] and inabled for performance with acceptance in all Services, by Him: This was it that he wanted, who is said to want the wedding garment: Indeed, none can be actually, & perfectly subject to Him as King & Prophet, but this must they be willing, & covenant, & indeavor to doe; and so to expect Salvation by Christ through his execution of all those Offices; when he shall be in us aswell as for us, a King, Preist, & Prophet: This is to Beleeve.
Now the Ground of thus doing, and so of Faith, is Gods free offer of Christ, on these Tearmes, thus to be had, with his promise of Salvation by Him to all that so entertaine Him; therefore, the doing this, is called the setting to a Seale that God is true; and the not doing it, is called the Making God a lyer
THE REASONS of this DOCTRINE. Reasons of the Doct.
Why thus to doe, as hath been explained, is, All that God requires, and the onely Meanes of obtaining Christ, and Salvation by Christ: Are.
1 First, Because Christ & Salvation, are Gifts of God, Iohn. 4. 10. Rom. 6. last. (for in them God seekes the praises of his Grace; Eph 1. 6. and so they must be Gifts & free Things) Now a Gift, must not be deserved, for then it is a Debt, Nor, have any thing done for it, but the receiving it; for else, it is an Exchange, no Gift: And indeed this is one maine reason, why God so magnifies Faith, as to make it the onely Meanes of obtaining Christ & Salvation; Because Faith onely magnifies Gods free Grace; For if any thing were done; then Christ & Heaven could not be Gifts; And this also shewes that Faith onely as it is a receiving Christ (and no other way, not as it is an Obedience, or Deed done) is the Meanes of obtaining [Page 24] Christ & Salvation by him: Because else, they could not be Gifts, nor of Grace, Rom. 4. 16. Therefore it is of Faith, that it might be by Grace.
2 Secondly, Because Man should be abased, and stript of all boasting; for whilst that nothing is required of him for having Christ & Salvation, but receiving and taking it, he can attribute nothing to himselfe; Rom. 3. 27. Where is Boasting then? It is excluded, by what Law: of Workes? nay: but by the Law of Faith
3 Thirdly, Because this makes Salvation sure to us; Rom. 4. 16. It is of Faith, to the end the Promise might be sure; for that it is grounded on God his Truth & Faithfullnes, and not on us, as it was in Adam.
There are two Things by which some abuse this Doctrine; which must be removed.
1. Some be ready to thinke; If all that God requires to Salvation be the Beleeving in Christ, then may we live in Sinne as we list; and yet come to Christ, beleeve in Him, and so be saved.
I Answer, but this is prevented by the description of Comming to Christ, receiving of Him, or beleeving on Him; It is (as ye heard) the entertaining and resigning up one selfe to Christ in all things, to be taught & ruled by him, aswell as to be saved by him; and they that doe not this; doe not come to Christ, nor receive, nor beleeve in him; So that the very nature of Beleeving, and a carnall Heart, & Life, are incompactible. Faith unites to Christ, and so from Christ there is communicated, Death to Sinne, Resurrection to newnes of Life. Faith affords many holy reasonings, whereby the Heart is stirred against Sinne, and to Obedience, Rom. 6. 10. 11. Likewise reckon ye also your Selves to be dead indeed unto Sinne, but alive unto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. [Page 25] 1. Peter. 4. 1. For as much thē as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arme your selves likewise with the same mind &c. They that beleeve, are married to Christ, and therefore bring forth fruite by Him to God, Rom. 7. 4. Christ Lives in them that beleeve, Gall. 2. 20. And dwelles in their hearts, Eph. 3. 17. Faith works by Love, Gall. 5. 6. And Love makes us keepe (that is, Evangelically; in desire & indeavor) all the Commands.
2. Some be ready to thinke; If all that be required to gett Christ & Salvation, be to come to Christ, receive & beleeve in Him, then it is not so hard a worke to be saved, as it is made to be, for that it is an easy & short worke, to doe this.
I Answer but this is a grosse mistake, for that there is nothing in the World harder then to Come to, Receive, or Beleeve in Christ; therefore Christ saith; No Man can come to me except the Father draw him Ioh. 6. 44. he must be drawne, and that by an Allmighty Hand; or he cannot come: Therefore when so many were invited, None came, Luke the. 14. they all made excuse; and they that came, were compelled, Verse. 23. and therefore the Perfecting of Faith is attributed to Power, 2. Thes. 1. 11. and the Disciples pray for the Increase of Faith: There is nothing that conduceth to Beleeving, but it is all aboue the Power of Nature, and contrary to Mans inclination; As to goe wholy out of ones selfe, and rest on an other for all good; To apprehend Sinne & its misery; Therefore the Spirit must come from Heaven to Convince of Sinne, Iohn. 16 8. And then to apprehēd a way of being Iustified from Sinne; the Spirit must likewise come from Heaven to Convince of Righteousnes: which needed not, if any thing but God could doe it; And so for a Man to renounce his owne will & wayes, and give [Page 26] up himselfe to Christ, whose Lawes be so contrary to Mans will; this is above Nature: Also the Devill is most strongly against this; hence so many discouragements & subtill tentations are put on them that indeavor to beleeve; for Satan knowes that this onely gives Christ the Kingdome and turnes him out. To conclude, therefore is it so hard to be saved, and so few are saved; because it is so hard to beleeve, and so few doe beleeve.
But it is farther objected against this Doctrine; thus, The Scripture calls for many Things besides Faith of them that be saved; as legall Humiliation, Mortificacion, Holynes, Obedience &c. Therefore it seemes that Beleeving or Comming to Christ is not all that God requires.
I Answer, The Legall Humiliations, and all woundings of Spirit, with the sight of Sinne, are required, not as Meanes by which we pertake of Christ & Salvation; (for many have them that never obtaine Christ or Salvation) but as Preparations whereby People are fitted, & inclined, and drawne, to Come to Christ, to Receive, & Beleeve on Him; and they be one Meanes by which the Father drawes and the Ministers compell People to come; And Mortification, Holynes, Obedience &c, are onely the Fruites & Effects of our Beleeving; that, which Christ doth in them, he meanes to save, after they have beleeved in Him; These are the beginings of Salvation & Glory which Christ begines and perfects in them that come to Him for Salvation; So that allthough these must be in all that be saved; Yet there is no other Meanes required of God for Obtaining Christ and Salvation, but onely Beleeving.
Vse. 1 First Vse, may serve for Instruction, in Three Perticulers. Instructiō.
1 1. To shew us in the Generall what to observe in Mans Salvation, Viz: Free Grace, Certainty, and that God is All in All, in Itt; These (as ye heard in the Reasons of the Point) are manifested aboundantly in Gods requiring no other Meanes of getting Christ, and Salvation by Christ, but onely Beleeving: Therefore let us see these in God his saving of People; This is indeed the sweetnes of the Gospel, and that which makes it so much glorifie God & incourage miserable Man; that it assures us, all Happynes is to be had in Christ, for receiving it.
2 2. To shew their Error, that labour most for Pleasure, Wealth, Honour, Content &c. Whereas these neither are Meanes, nor are required by God, for our getting Christ & Salvation: Therefore folly it is to labour for them more, then to Beleeve.
3 3. To shew the Errors, both, Of Papists, who seeke Salvation by Workes also, and not by Faith onely; and so make it neither Free Grace & Gift, nor sure; nor shutt Man out from all beasting. And also, the Error of many among us (even that have some good thing in them) who, to the end they may get Christ & Salvation, labour most for Humiliation, or for Holynes, and least of all, to Come to Christ, & beleeve on Him; wheras onely Faith is the Meanes, and All that God requires for our obtaining Christ & Salvation.
There are Two Snares, which the Devill sets for People.
One is, when they hope to be saved by Christ, and [Page 24] [...] [Page 25] [...] [Page 26] [...] [Page 27] [...] [Page 28] never looke to be humbled, nor to be sanctified; (thus the Profane are caught) which is a most silly thing, to thinke that any can be Saved, that be not regenerated & sanctified; or to thinke that one can beleeve, & not hate all Sinne, & study all Holynes, or that any one can be brought to Heaven by Christ, and not to Holynes first; It was a good speech of Francis Spira, lying in the distresse of Spirit; I will not (saith he) detract from the Gospel, it is most true, that by Faith in Christ, we be onely saved, but yet, take heede of resting on Faith, and neglecting the Workes of Faith, Faith requires not that we be Christians in word onely; Beleeve me (qouth he) who have fully tryed the matter; and therefore he much commended to them, the Epistles of Peter, which presse Sanctity & Chastity &c. This was good Counsell, and very usefull against this Snare, by which Satan intangles the most of People, who rest in a Conceite that they beleeve, and never care for the Workes of Faith; but the Error of this hath been opened before.
There is an other Error, which is a second Snare of Satan; Viz: To labour for Humiliation, Mortification, Holynes & Obedience, and not to labour to Beleeve; this is the Snare in which many well disposed People are caught: And the Error of it appeares by this Doctrine; Because there is no other Meanes required by God for our obtaining Christ & Salvation, but onely Faith: Indeed some measure of Humiliation must be had, before we can beleeve (as ye have heard before) Viz: So much as may make one hunger after Christ, and be willing to receive Him on any Conditions; But when thus much is obtayned; (which is, when there is a serious labour after Mortification, and all Obedience) Yet then to labour for more Humiliation, or Holynes, and [Page 29] not first & cheifly to labour to beleeve in Christ; this is a great error; for there is noe other meanes to get Christ & Salvation but Faith; So that all the other Labour is in vaine, and for that, which never can bring Christ or Salvation; (as if a Man that desires to bring his dead Freind to Life, should onely labour to bring him to the acts of Life (as to speake walke &c.) and not to the onely Meanes of Life: to have his Soule joyned againe to his Body) and that Satan knowes, and therefore putts them on it, to make them spend time & paynes to noe purpose; To such therefore, I may say, as Elisha in an other case, to the Syrians; 2. Kings. 6 19. This is not the Way; Ye seeke Salvation and Christ, but by farther measure of Humiliation, (having enough allready to make you willing) or by Holynes, you can not get them; there is but one Way, one Thing that God requires, and that is, to Beleeve; Therefore as Christ said to Martha in an other case; Luke. 10. 41. 42. Ye are carefull about many things, but one thing is necessary Viz: to Come to Christ, and Beleeve in him; to Entertaine him, and Give up your Selves to Him in all his Offices; doe this and you shall be saved; When this is done, then shall ye be able to attaine Mortification and Victory over your Lusts Sanctification & Ability to Duty, and not before, These be the Fruites & Effects of Beleeving; and you must Beleeve, before you can have these; As the Woman must be marryed to the Man, before shee can have lawfull Children by him; And the Science must be ingrafted into the Tree, before it can beare Fruite: Were it not a simple thing, for a Woman to expect Children Legitimate by a Man and then shee would marry him; Or to expect that a Science should first beare Fruite by the Sap of a [Page 30] Stock, and then ye would ingraft it to it; Or to expect that a Roome should be first inlightned, and warmed in the cold Winter, and thē ye would bring in a Candle & Fire; As absurd is it, to expect first to be Sanctified and then to Beleeve in Christ; For Faith in Christ, is the Cause, of all Mortification & Holynes; It is Christ that sanctifies People, Heb. 2. 11. And of His Grace conveyes to us, Iohn. 1. 16. and he never doth it, but by our Faith in Him; (for it is by Faith that He lives in us & dwells in us, as ye have heard) Holynes is the Meanes by which Christ after he is beleeved in, brings them that beleeve in Him, to Salvation:
It is therefore, a most preposterous, and wholy unprofitable way, for People to labour for Holynes, or Heaven, or Christ; and not first & cheifly to labor to Beleeve in Christ; The Right and onely Way is: being soe farr humbled, (as I said before) as to hunger after Christ, and be willing to have him on any Tearmes, thē to labour to Beleeve, and after that is done, to labour for Mortificatiō & Holynes, By, & From Christ to get it, Whome thou hast made Thine owne by Faith: Wherefore, I beseech you see your Error, who will not beleeve, till first you have the Spirit quickning you, Grace strengthing you to Duty, and subduing Sinne in you, if you could thus find it in you, then you could beleeve and not else; This is the inverting Gods Order, and a way, that will never bring you to Christ, or Heaven.
Indeed (and I pray observe it) there is an Act of Faith; which cannot be had till this be had, and that Divines calls a reflect Act; where by a Soule beleeves that it doth beleeve: Before this can be, there must be Repentance, Holynes &c. This is a knowing that we have Faith; this is not the necessary Meanes to [Page 31] Salvation but to Assurance & Comfort; But there is an other Act of Faith, Viz. the direct Act; which is Beleeving; not a Beleeving that I doe Beleeve; but a Beleeving, and this must be, before we can repent, or have, or doe any good; this is the Meanes and onely Meanes to be saved.
Now consider the absurdity of your Error; before you labor to Beleeve, you labor to knowe you doe Beleeve; you will be sure you doe Beleeve, before you will Beleeve, you labor for the Evidence of Faith, before you labor to have Faith it Selfe; you more and first, care for the Meanes of Assurance & Comfort, of your Salvation, then the Meanes of being Saved; And one maine Ground of your doing thus, is partly Pride, that ye will not have all groūd of Hope & Mercy to be in God, and none in your Selfe; For observe it, you will not goe that way, which makes you ground your Salvatiō onely on Christ, and not at all in your Selfe, but you must see somewhat in your Selfe, before you will beleeve; And partly it is not daring to venter your Soules on Gods bare Word, but you must see somewhat done by him in you, before you will credit him; For though He saith, that Whoever comes to Christ, and beleeves in Him, shall be Saved & Sanctified; yet you will not beleeve, till you find he hath sanctified you; and so dare not trust his Word; and therefore it is that the Scripture makes every Vnbeleever, to make God a Lyar; Consider that 1. Ioh. 5. 10 of Thomas Iohn. 20. 25. The Disciples said we have seene the Lord; But he said, except I shall see the print of the nayles, and put in my fingers I will not beleeve; then Verse. 29. Iesus said because thou hast seene me thou hast beleeved, blessed are they that have not seene me and yet have beleeved.
Yea farther: By this meanes: you hinder the shining [Page 32] forth of Gods free Grace; For whilst that you will not First beleeve; but first will be able to doe somewhat, you make not Christ & Heaven a free Gift; nor can it be free Grace in God; and so not seeing Gods free Grace, ye doe not so magnifie Him as else you would; nor find such sweetenes in the Gospel, nor be so incouraged as ye might be; but sinke, perplexe, & wound your Soules by feares & discouragemēts, which indeede be groūdles, Also, you hinder your owne Certainty & Assurāce; For whilst you ground your Beleeving on somewhat in your Selfe, and not onely on Gods free Promise & Word of Truth: It being grounded, (partly at the least) on your Selfe who change; it is uncertaine & chāgeable. By all this I beseech you see your Error, who being so much humbled as is requisite; labour for Humiliation, Holynes &c. and doe not first & cheifly labour to Beleeve.
Objection. It may be Objected by some; But I have indeavored this Way as you teach, and have beleeved, and yet I find not Christ & Holynes follow after.
Answer. 1 I Answer, First it is not possible to Beleeve, in the least measure or degree, but Christ & Salvation must be had, because God hath absolutely promised it to Beleeving. And the Spirit & Sanctification must be had, for these be as inseperable as Light from the Sunne; but these things be not ever sensible to them that Beleeve.
1. Because, they doe not knowe & consider the first, least & weakest workes of Christ, in the beleeving Soule, but onely judge themselves by the more full & strong workings of Christ in the Soule; In trying the truth of Faith, take the weakest Evidences so they be sure, (though rest not there, for that, true Grace will never doe) as if a Man judgeth Life, onely by walking, [Page 33] & eating, he may thinke a Man that sleepes is dead.
2. Because the Act of Faith is not strong enough to put forth it Selfe very sensibly, as the Acts of the Soule in a Swound; inasmuch as there is not a frequēt accustomed acting and exercising Faith, till by practise the Heart is setled in it.
3. Because there is not a reflect Act, a Considering what it is to Beleeve, and that thou hast so done, and then a drawing the comfortable Conclusions to thy Selfe that flowe thence; and from Faith, a reasoning to quicken thee up; for Faith produceth its Effects by reasō ing; As thus, If Christ hath suffered in the flesh, then must I make the flesh suffer in me; If Christ rose againe, then must I rise to newnes of Life. If Christ loved me so as to give Himselfe for me. Then shall not I love Him so as to give my Lusts for Him &c. Let these Things be observed, and there is none that doe in the least measure truly Beleeve, But they shall find Christ & Salvation made theirs.
2 Secondly I Answer; If thou hast indeavored to Beleeve, and yet obtainest not Christ; It is not, because this is not the way, & the onely Way & Meanes to get Him; But because thou hast not Beleeved, thou hast not gon this Way, nor used this Meanes rightly: Therefore thou must not give over this Way, but labour to find it out, If there be many Pathes in a Feild and but one that leades to the House a Man is going to, and he have gon to the end of one Path, and finds not the House, It is a good reason why he should thinke that is not the right Path, and so seeke it out, but no reason why he should leave that Feild and betake himselfe to āother for in that Feild onely is the Path; So it is no reason that thou shouldst cease striving to Beleeve, and take to [Page 34] some other Course; but labour to find out what it is to Beleeve, and then care to doe that.
And as this Doctrine shewes their Error who labour to Repent, to be Holy &c. and not first to Beleeve. So it also shewes their Error; who finding a decay in their Soules of Grace; and an increase of Sinne; cease their Faith, and lay it aside and take to some other Course: Whereas, the onely way & meanes for them to recover themselves, is to recover, strengthen & increase their Faith, for Faith is the onely Meanes to Christ & Salvation.
2. USE. Vse. 2
For Exhortation, To exhort ye all to labour above all things, to Beleeve; that is, To entertaine Christ, and resigne up your Selves to Christ in all his Offices to be saved through them: Mind this Worke most of all, for it is the all in all to your Salvation; Thus did Paul Phill. 3. 8. 9. Yea doubtles I count all things but losse for the excelency of the knowledg of Christ; and doe count all but Dunge that I may winne Christ; And be found in him, not having mine owne Righteousnes, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Christ: This is a worke I commend to you, and Command you in Gods Name: It is Gods Worke that which he most chargeth on you under the Gospel, Iohn. 6. 29. doe yee make it your cheife worke:
You that take up your Thoughts & Hearts most with the World, with the Honours, Pleasures, or Profits thereof; I might exhort you to beleeve (for till you doe it you cannot be saved) but you are to farr off from Faith yet; You are to be exhorted to get Preparations for Faith; your Hearts to be so affected by the Law, with a sight of your Sinnes, and Misery by it, [Page 35] that ye may be brought to thirst after Christ, and willing to entertaine him on any Conditions; Mind ye this above all, because without this, ye cannot come to Faith, that onely brings Christ & Salvatiō: This Worlds Honours, Pleasures, & Profits, cannot give you Christ nor Salvation, and why then shall they be prefered & minded & sought after more then Faith, and that Humiliation which fits for Faith?
But I will not addresse my Exhortation to you; But to Such as be humbled & troubled with their Sinnes, & Cry out, What shall we doe to be saved? To you I say, as Luke. 8. 50. Feare not, onely Beleeve: Yee have but one thing to doe, there is but one thing God requires of you, and you shall have Christ & Salvation: And that is to Beleeve: Oh doe it! this will certainly, bring you all you desire: Acts. 1 [...]. 3 [...]. What must I doe to be saved, Ver. 31. And they said beleeve on the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved; And although Peter prest them to Repent, as Acts. 2. 38. Yet that is, but as if he had said Beleeve, Which in & by Repentance will shew forth it Selfe & worke in you; If ye feare Hell & desire Salvation, then Beleeve. This is the one & onely way, All other Things that be good, come after this; All other Labour of thine, is in vaine till this be done; Therefore this is so called for, and prest in Scripture; It is charged on People by a Command. 1. Iohn. 3. 23. This is his Commandement: that we should beleeve on the Name of his Sonne Iesus Christ; And so is in that Call to Repent, Acts, 17. 30. for till they Beleeve, they cannot Repent; And it is required with the greatest reward promised, & threat annexed, Marke. 16. 16. He that beleeveth & is baptized shall be saved, but he that beleeveth not shall be damned.
To perswade you to this duty, Consider the evill of [Page 36] not Beleeving, And the Benifite of Beleeving.
The Evill of not Beleeving is very great; Its very Injurious to God, Christ, and your Selves.
To God; It makes him a Lyer, whereas Beleeving, setts to your Seale that God is true; therefore it is called a Iustifying of God, Luke 7. 29. 30. His truth & faithfullnes, And not Beleeving, is a condemning God, as not true & faithfull; You also wrong God in not obeying his Cōmand (which is to Beleeve) and in not regarding his Feaste: nor valueing his Dainties: which made him say they that did so should not tast of them; for he that beleeves not, is exprest by them that refused to come when the Supper was prepared Luke, the 14 And so ye wrong him in not receiving his Sonne (for that is Beleeving) when he proffers & sends him to you.
It also is Injurious to Christ; Its a slighting him, as if he were not worth the taking, It is a refusing to kisse Him, and to let him raigne over you, and a Hating Him, Luke. 19. 14. It is as much as to say he is not worth the taking up, he is not sufficient, or not free to helpe.
It is also Injurious to your owne Soules, Luke. 7. 30. against themselves (that is not beleeving they did wrong themselves, Iohn. 3. 19. It is The Condēnation; many Cōdemnatiōs ye have viz. Oathes, Lying &c. but this is The Cōdemnation; Ye doe keepe your Selves frō Salvation, because this is the onely Meanes, & ye will not use it; Ye doe that, Acts, 13. 47. Judge your Selves unworthy, and make the Preachers of Christ be turned from you; And for you that by discouragmēts are kept frō Beleeving, ye keepe your Soules, from that pertaking of Christ, and his Benifites which ye might attaine to; And so also, such as doe beleeve but weakely, they wrong God, Christ, and themselves very much; as if their food which God [Page 37] provides were not good enough; as if Christ the Second Adam were not as good to helpe them, as the First Adam was to hurt them; and keepe themselves from that measure of Grace from Christ, which they might attaine to.
As the Evill of not Beleeving is great; So is the Benifite of Beleeving; Its as effectuall as doing was with Adam, With him it was, doe & live; Now it is Beleeve and Live: Not that God loves a fruitles Faith, but because it is Faith that must helpe to doe, and that is better esteemed with God then doing, Rom. 4. 21. 22. Because Faith brings Christs doing, which is Perfect, and Ours is not; Beleeving it is the very Key which opens Christ: in whom are unsearchable Riches, and gives enterance into Heaven: It is the Bucket by which we fetch Water from that Well of Life; And all that have this Key & Bucket, may take thence: And therefore it is, that many have noe Grace from Christ, because they have no Faith in Christ: And others have so little Grace, because they have so little Faith, for as we Beleeve, so is it unto us; Matb. 8. 13. It is the turning the Cock, which sets all a flowing from God, both Mercy & Grace; It is in the least degree, a sure Evidence of Heaven, gives Title to Christ, and all Promises, brings Iustification, Sanctification, and Salvation, affords Adoption & Sonnship, Iohn. 1. 12. Now then Considering the Evill of not Beleeving, and the Benifite of Faith, What canst thou doe that is of so much Consequence as to Beleeve.
To helpe thee to Beleeve: Observe these Directions. Helpes to Beleeve.
First labour to understand & be clearely convinced 1. Observe these Directions. of these Perticulers.
1 1. Christs Alsufficiency, to helpe thee to all things, needfull to Salvation.
2 2. Gods Offer, & tender of Christ to all People, where the Gospel comes, without respect, or limitatiō of Persons but onely of Conditions (which is the next Point to come in our Text.)
3 3. That God who offers him freely. Is most true & able, and most sincere & willing to give. what he offers.
4 4. That for the fitting us to have Christ, or before we doe seeke for him, God requires nothing, but so farr to see our Misery, as to desire Christ, and be willing to take Him on His owne Conditions, and that then we be fittest for obtaining Christ, when we see in our Selves nothing but emptines of all Good, and fullnes of Sinne & Misery.
5 5. That Beleeving brings Christ & all Grace, and must be the first thing we doe, to gett Christ or Grace. (which is the Point in hand)
6 6. That Christ readily imbraceth, and sweetly incourageth all; that attempt, & indeavour to beleeve in Him.
7 7. That the expresse Command of God, is upon All, where the Gospel comes, That they do beleeve; These are undoubted Truthes expresse in the Scripture, 2. Practise these Things.
Secondly, Practise these Things.
1 1. Pray to God for helpe & grace to beleeve, for it is his gift.
2 2. Attend on the Preaching of the Gospel, Faith comes by hearing Rom. 10. 17.
3 3. Strive to it, sit not still, give not way to Doubtings, and Tentations, and Carnall reasonings, but reason from the above premised Propositions, and presse your owne Heart, with the Conclusions that must followe thence; Also ponder & consider of those Propositions, & resist all that furthers Doubting, & hinders Beleeving; Thus make it your worke & trade, to worke your Heart to it.
4 4. Bring your Selfe To venture upon that which the Word sets before you, even above Reason & Hope, and without Sence; studiously search out, what it is to Beleeve, in the first & least act of it; and then doe that at a Venture, and commit your Soule to it, doing it, what ever riseth against it in your owne reason: And thus Faith begines.
Thus much for the Second Thing in the Text: The Meanes by which this Bread of Life: The All sufficient Remedy of Mans misery may be obtained.
THE THIRD THING in the Text is the The Third Thing in the Text. PERSONS that may use this meanes, and so obtaine Christ: In those Words: He that Commeth, He that Beleeveth. That is, Any One by these Meanes may obtaine Him; It is an indefinite Proposition & is equivalent to a universall; It is as much as to say; Who ever Comes: (as it is else where put) Iohn. 3. 15. That Whosoever beleeveth in Him, should not perish, but have Eternall Life; upon the use of this Meanes, any Person whoever may obtaine Christ, & Salvation by him.
DOCTRINE. Doctrine.
The meaning is not, onely, that Christ is for all sorts of People; for all Sorts of People shall actually have him, because God hath Elect of all Sorts; both Men & Women & Children, Yonge & Old, Poore & Rich, Wise & Foolish, One Nation & Another &c. But the meaning is this, that there is no perticuler Person in the World, which may not by Beleeving [Page 40] have Christ, & Salvation by him; Christ is so freely tendered to all Commers, to all Receivers, to all that Beleeve in him; that there is no person of any Sexe, Age, Country, Condition, or Sinnes whatever but by Beleeving may have Christ & Salvation by Christ; This is expresse in the Text; whilst our Saviour saith, He that comes, He that beleeves; that is, Whoever comes & beleeves:
As it was in the type; the Brasen Serpent cured onely by being looked on, and it cured all that looked on it, so that whatever stung Israelite looked on it, by that meanes was cured; which tipyfied, that what Person soever, Came to Christ & Beleeved on Him, should be Saved; for allthough, the Serpent helped none (as it is like) but the Israelites; yet Christ is larger then that type, being for all whoever, one or other, that come to him; as Himselfe applyes, & expoūds it Iohn. 3. 14. 15. & in other Scriptures: And therefore, Marke. 16. 15. 16. He appoints His Disciples to preach the Gospel to every Creature, (that is to every one of Man-kind) and then adds, He that beleeves shall be saved; that is, whatever Creature of Man-kind, whoever among them doth Beleeve, shall be saved; Indeed where the Gospel is not preached, the People are not Commanded to Beleeve; and so the Obedience cannot be exacted from them, nor they punisht for the want of it; Yet the Commission of Mercy, & Pardon given out; is no way limited in regard of Persons, but tenders Mercy & Pardon without limitation of Persons, upon Beleeving, and therefore where ever it comes, and is preached, it offers Christ & Salvation free for every Person of them whatever, to be obtained by Beleeving; And it may be truly said that Christ is free to be had, by any Person, by Beleeving; even as it was with the Iewes, in the Proclamation of Cyrus, 2. [Page 41] Cron last, two last Verses. and Ezrah. 1. 1. 2. 3. any Jew might have liberty & freedome from Captivity, upon the tearmes of accepting it, for it was grāted to all whoever, to depart that would depart. Now though it is true all did not take it, and so were not delivered, yet Freedome was Free for every one, to be had by accepting it; So is it with Christ & Salvation by Him; although not every one, nor the most doe obtaine it, because they use not the Meanes, accept not the Tearmes & Cōditions.
And this was typified by the Yeares of Iubile (which typified Christ; as is cleare by Luke. 4. 19. Christ is to preach the acceptable Yeare; that is, the Iubil; He is to Preach it; that is, in & by Him, it is performed & declared) In those Yeares any Servant of the Hebrewes might goe from his Master, and if he would goe, and so accept of Freedome, he was to have it, Deut. 15 12. 13. any Hebrew was to have Freedom in this Yeare, if he would accept it (though if he would not accept it, he was not to have it as we shall see heerafter) which taught, that any Persō (for though the Tipe was limited, yet the Antitipe is not, because the Wall of Seperation is removed) I say it taught, that any Person whoever, upon these Tearmes by these Meanes, Viz: Accepting Christ & Salvation, that is, Beleeving in Him, should have it: And this seemes to be implyed in Rom. 3. 22. 23. That as there is no difference among People till they beleeve, (they are all Sinners) So there is no difference in Gods offer of Mercy in the Gospel, Its on the same Tearmes; to be had a like by All; and therefore with Christ, The Angels said glad Tidings came to all People, Luke 2. 10. Now if Salvation might not be had by All, on the same Tearmes, then were it not glad Tidings to All, But this makes it glad Tydings to All; That All whoever, by Beleeving may have [Page 42] Salvation; therefore is that Luke. 2. 30. 31. Myne eyes have seene thy Salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all People:
This is another maine thing to be knowne; as, that Christ is the All & onely Remedy; and that He is to be had by Beleeving; So that any Person whatever, by Beleeving may have Him; As a Generall Pardon, offering Mercy to all Traytors which submit & come in; any Traytor whatever upō those Tearmes may have Mercy; Indeed Christ doth actually afford helpe to none, but to them that Beleeve, but his helpe is freely tendered all, upon their Beleeving, So that any One whatever Beleeving, shall have helpe by Christ; this is expresse, Revela 22. 17.
Neither let this Point be perverted, for it shewes not that any Person may have Christ & Salvatiō, on any tearmes (for so it should justifie & incourage carnall Libertines) Nor that all, or the most shall have Christ on these tearmes; that is, actually injoy him by thus doing, for the most shall not have Grace to doe so, though by so doing, they may have him; But the Point shewes, that any Person may have it, on Christs tearmes; and that every Person (where the Gospel is preached) may & should indeavor to Beleeve, and Beleeving, shall have Christ; And this is most cleare, by those Scriptures which expresse Christ by a Feast; Prov. 9. 1. Luke. 14. 16. &c. where all are invited, and upon comming might eate of the Feast; and the most unlikeliest of all to be permitted to come, are instanced in; Viz: The Simple & Fooles, the Poore, and the Hedge & High way Persons, to shew that None be excluded; out of the Offer, but on the same Tearmes any one whatever may come & injoye Christ.
REASONS. Reasons.
1 First, Because this much magnifies & sets out Gods Grace, & Free-Mercy; whilst that Christ & Salvation, may not onely be had for taking; but also may be had by any One whatever, for taking. So freely to offer Christ and Salvation to a few were greate Mercy, but to offer it so freely to every one, that is Wonderfull Mercy; As it is great Mercy for a Prince, to offer Pardō to one or two Traytors, upon the tearmes of accepting Pardon; but to tender it to all Traytors on the same free tearmes, is wonderfull Mercy; even as it was wonderfull Riches in Solomon in the 2. Cron. 1. 15, to make Silver at Ierusalem as Stones; that is that any one whatever may have for taking up, if he desires them (for so are Stones;) Even thus is the Riches of Gods Mercy, set forth: inasmuch as Christ & Salvation (Things of more worth then Gold & Silver) are to be had by any whoever, if they accept thē, that is, Beleeve in Christ.
2 Secondly, Because this Incourageth every one to obey the Gospel, & beleeve in Christ; inasmuch as Christ is not limited, nor are any sequestred & shut out from having Christ by Beleeving: Therefore there is good Incouragement for any one, so for every one, to indeavor to Beleeve.
And this is a wise Administratiō of God, for, by this meanes, they who live under the Gospel, and yet beleeve not, are left wholy without excuse, even as that Man Math. 22. 12. speechles; for it will be cleare (even their owne selves being Judges,) that they missed Mercy, because they cared not for it, but loved other things better, for when it was free to be had by any one; by Receiving & Beleeving, they would not doe [Page 44] that; even as the Traytor, who receives not the free and generall Pardon, hath no plea nor excuse left him, when he comes to receive the Sentence; And this seemes to be implyed in Iohn. 3. 19. The Condemnation to them that have heard the Gospel [...], will be this, That Light came into the World, (which must be supplyed) and might have been had by every one of them if they would have received it, but they would not so much as take it, when they might have had it, because their deeds were evill; This free tender of Christ, It discovers the wickednes of their Hearts, the evill Deeds of thē (for therefore they will not love, nor receive the light) and leaves them without all Plea, and makes their Destruction to be of themselves, their owne willfull ruine, who doe perish under the Gospel: And as there is this effect.
So also, by this meanes, the Persons (as the Apostle speakes 1. Thes. 5. 9.) are appointed by God to obtaine Salvatiō by Christ; they are brought on to Beleeve, and so to be saved by Christ; For God, doth not first, shew People that he hath Elected them, and then & thereby perswade & bring them to beleeve, but Election is concealed as a secret thing, and by Gods offering Christ freely to every one to be had by Beleeving His free Offer incourageth them to labour to Beleeve, and they finding themselves not shut out of Mercy, they labour to Beleeve, and God helpes & gives them the Gift of Faith, and so they Beleeving, come to knowe that they are ordayned to Life Eternall, Acts. 13. 48. This is a wise course & way to bring in the Elect, and discourage or hinder none.
USE. Vse.
Incouragment. For speciall Incouragement to every one of you To [Page 45] come to Christ & beleeve in Him; I now in Gods Name, as his Messenger & Embassador; Tender & Offer Christ to every One of You, on these Tearmes, that ye Come to Him, Receive Him, Beleeve in Him, and assure you, that so doing, Ye shall be saved by Him: I tender Christ to you All, onely annexing these Two Cautions least ye should mistake or abuse this Doctrine: Cautions.
1 First, That none must meddle with Christ, but they who be willing to have him on His owne Tearmes Viz. To be Lord & King to them aswell as Preist.
2 Secondly, Whoever doe get Christ, they are surely Changed by Him, and made New Creatures.
These being premised; I doe this Day, Offer Iesus Christ to yee All, and assure yee He is to be had by you if ye Come to Him, Receive Him, Beleeve in Him; that is, If ye Entertaine Him, and give up your Selves to Him in all his Offices; upon these Tearmes, He may be had by any of you; It is most probable there be Some of You to whome God intends good; where He so freely sends his Gospel; Now let every one hope it is he. And indeavor to make it so; as men doe at a Dole: and let Heaven Suffer Violence.
Oh Receive Him then! Give up your Selves to Him in Covenant; Accept Him for your King, Preist, and Prophet; Resolve this Day, The Lord Jesus Christ, shall be my Prophet, I will in all Things labour to be Taught & Guided by Him; And he shall be my King; I will in all Things care to be Ruled by his Lawes: And he shall be my Preist; I will rest on Him for Attonement and Satisfaction to God-wards.
I must addresse my Selfe to Two Sorts of People among you.
1. To such of you as are Willing that Christ should raigne over you, but dare not, or cannot trust in Him for your Salvatiō; be ye incouraged, for there is none such but be wellcome to Christ, that is all he seekes, to raigne over you, it is all the tearmes he stands on, ye having granted him his owne Conditions, why should ye question his Mercy; This I say to you, 1. that if ye be made willing to give up your Selves to Christ in all things to be guided by him, and covet his Kingly Office in your Soules, and study & seeke for Holynes, And 2. If ye find, that hope of Mercy, makes ye feare to offend, & care to please God in all things, and doth not make you presumptuous, secure & bold to Sinne; Then you may, and should apply Christ for Mercy, and expect it from him; And doe it now, Now He is offered to you this Day, as a Preist to save you, & reconcile God to you, accept it, in that Office & put your trust in him, Is he not free for every one upon these tearmes, and why will you neglect so free Mercy? You have sinned against it hitherto, in doubting & questioning of it, Oh now sinne not any longer! but boldly venture thy selfe on Christ; feare not thy Wellcome, or being permitted to apply Christ, the free generall Pardon is given out; & sue it forth, whoever layes hold on Chrst must be saved: Christ puts this out of doubt: Iohn. 6. 37. He that comes I will in noe wise send away; Limitt not, where God hath not limitted; doe not shut out thy Selfe, where God hath not shut thee out; doe not inquire whether thou art chosen or no, but looke to the Gospel, in which Christ is freely tendered to every one on the tearmes of beleeving, and labour to beleeve; Therefore against all malitious suggestions of Satan, and against all carnall reasonings of thine owne Heart, boldly indeavour [Page 47] to rely on Christs Merrit for thy Justification and so doing thou shalt be saved; Thus reason with your Selfe; Doth God freely offer Christ to save all that entertaine him, and requireth nothing but our accepting him, why then should not I venture my Soule on him, and rest Confident? How can the God of Truth but be as good as his Word? And if he be so, how can I but obtaine Salvation by Christ, if I trust in Christ? I would beleeve a Man whome I thought honest upon his word; and shall I not God, when I have his Word & Oath?
2. I am to speake to another sort of People; Viz: Such of you, as mind not Christ at all, or if you doe, yet not so much as to let him raigne over you, but are still bent on your Lusts, & your old & former Wayes; Yee are they, who yet mind some thing in the World, to much, and are not willing to entertaine Christ for your King; Be ye now exhorted to receive him, and let him raigne over you; He may be had upon these Tearmes even by you (for he is free for every one on these tearmes) therefore entertaine him, let the World & your Lusts goe, and choose Christ; Reason thus with your Selves; Is not the Love of the World enmity to God, so that He that is a friend to the World, must be Gods Enemy? The Things of the World they are but perishing, uncertaine, insufficient Helpers, & Comforters; And as for my Lustes & Wayes, are they not deceitfull, vanishing, & damnable? Is not the Fruite of every Sinne, Shame; and the Wages Death? must I not leave them, & get Pardon for them, or goe to Hell? Why then shall I prefer the World & Sinne before Christ? And (as the Jewes in an other case) choose Barrabas a Murderer, and let Christ goe? At the Day of Judgment I shall need [Page 48] Christ; But how can I thinke, Christ will owne me heerafter, if I now will not owne him, and let him rule over me? Will he not one Day, bid me depart, and say He knowes me not, if I be a Worker of Iniquity? Wherefore since Christ is so free, that I may receive him as well as any other, so that I will but renounce all my sinnfull wayes, and give up my Selfe to Him; I will so doe: Whats the World & my Lusts to Heaven & Christ; which thus I may have?
Oh! that ye would be perswaded this Day, to abandon the World & your Sinnes, and Entertaine Christ for your Lord & King; Doe it, when as you heare, that if you now accept Christ, ye shall be wellcomed; and though hitherto ye have been great Sinners; Yet now if ye abandon your Lusts, and embrace Christ; ye shall have him given, and all that is past freely forgiven: Oh! why will ye neglect so great Salvation? Doe not so, but doe this; Receive Christ; and now doe it; doe not defer the doing this, But now make this Covenant with Christ, even this Day, at this Time: Covenant in your Spirits with Christ; that you will accept Him in all his Offices to be yours, and give up your Selves to be his, and rest on him for your Salvation; Now I say doe it, whilst it is called too Day, and defer not; if now you will indeavor to doe it, Christ will helpe you forward; Incline to this happy worke, and the ministry of the Gospel shall promove & farther you; It is the Ministry of the Spirit, and not of the Letter; Gods Spirit accompanyes it, both to worke in you a Will to doe thus, and to Helpe them that are willing & doe indeavor it; But if ye shall defer Christ; and excuse your not Comming, and put him off, ye can expect no other returne but that, Luke. 14. 24. For I say unto you, [Page 49] that none of those men which were bidden shall tast of my Supper: and ye may well feare, it shall fare with you, as with the Israelites, who because They would not accept Gods offer & enter Canaan, when he tendred it, allthough a while after, they would have done it, and did indeavor, yet God would never let them come into it: Where Gods Mercy is most free; he is usually most quick & severe; and they that may & will not goe free, are served, as the Servant that might, and would not. Deut. 15. 16. 17. No after Yeares of Jubile, could free them.
Remarkeable is the Speech of Francis Spira, (one of whome I told you before) when he languished under the torture of his Conscience, for preferring the World, before Christ: Oh saith he! that I could but hope in Gods Mercy; Oh! what would I give for one of those sweete Motions of Gods Spirit, to incline me, which I have had before & slighted; A pittifull Case; and yet the like and worse may yours be, if ye neglect or defer to take Christ, now that he is offered to you all; Therefore, if ye have any sence or apprehension of Things Spirituall, Eternall & to Come, If ye have any feare of Hell, or desire of Heaven; If any respect or reverence to God who thus condescends & stoopes low, so as to Offer Christ & Salvation to you, and Invite you to come & take it; Be Exhorted to Come & Beleeve in Iesus Christ.
But if all this will not move you, then breifly Consider what the Lord saith in his Word; where Christ is offered, and not received; Oh! how fearefull is that Peoples State?
1. They are in a more Speciall desperate subjection to Sinne then others; For Light is come into the World, and such Men Loved Darkenes, rather then Light, because their [Page 50] deedes are evill; Iohn. 3. 19. Christ, Who is set for the rising againe of many, is set also for the fall of others; Luke. 2. 34. 35. And for a signe which shall be spoken against, that the thoughts of many Hearts may be revealed; And heerein the Iniquity of Sinne is discovered.
2. They must Perish; you heard before, how they that were Invited, and Came not, should not tast of the Supper, Therefore 2. Thes. 1. 7. 8. The Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven, with his mighty Angells, in flaming Fire, to take Vengance; But on whome? On them that knowe not God, and Obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. And the same Apostle tells us, If the Gospel be hid, it is to them that perish 2. Cor. 4. 3. Such shall call for Christ & Mercy, as Pro. 1. 24. &c. but shall be answered, Him ye would not have; Such shall have in them as much feare of Christ, as of God, and as much danger from Christ, as from God; For Christ will be Wroth, and will certainely Have those his Enemyes, which would not that he should raigne over them, brought, & slaine, before Him, Luke. 19. 27. Christ the Lambe, will be wroth, and such shall be the day of his wrath, so great, & terrible, as that men shall say, who shall be able to stand? & therefore unbeleevers of all rankes, Kings, Great men of the Earth, Rich men, and the Cheife Captaines, Such as now dare looke Death in the Face, shall then Call to the Mountaines & Rockes to fall on them, to cover them from that Wrath, Revel. 6. 15. 16. 17. And how can Such want ruine, When the Gospel shall Iudge them; as Christ tells you it shall doe those who heare it and doe not beleeve, Iohn. 12. 47. 48. The Word that I have spoken, the same shall Iudge them at the Last Day:
And Such shall not onely perish, but Perish worse thē Others; The Gospel is a Savour of Death unto Death to them, [Page 51] 2. Cor. 2. 15. 16. They are dead allready, but shall dye worse; They are fallen in Adam, but shall fall farther Luke. 2. 34. Therefore that Place is very Considerable, Math. 10. 12. to. 16. And when ye come into an house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it, but if it be not worthy, let your peace returne to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor heare your wordes: when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you; It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodome & Gomorrha in the day of Iudgement, then for that Citie.
Thus much for the third Thing in the Text; Viz: the Persons that may use these Meanes, and so obtaine Christ: Now the Last followes.
THE FOURTH & Last THING in the Text is The 4. Thing in the Text. the MOTIVE by which People are perswaded to use this Meanes, and so get Christ, This Bread of Life, The Allsufficient Remedy of Mans Misery: That is taken frō the great Benifite that by so doing, will redound to thē: As appeares by these Wordes; Shall never Hunger, Shall never Thirst; Whoever Comes to Christ, or Beleeves in Christ shall never Hunger nor Thirst: As Bread alayes Hunger; So doth this Bread; This Christ; And that in a better manner then Bread doth; For, 1. Bread alayes Hunger & not Thirst; But Christ alayes Hunger & Thirst, more appetites then Bread doth. 2. Bread alayes but for a while, Christ alayes for ever; Paralell to this latter is that Iohn. 4. 13. 14. Whosoever drinketh of this Water, shall thirst againe: But whosoever drinketh of the Water that I shall give him, shall never thirst: Where the Comparison is made, and Christ in this Respect, is prefered.
For the understanding this; Yee must knowe, that although in some regard (as ye shall see heerafter) this may be taken Litterally, & in some regard of the Body; that they that Beleeve in Christ, shall never hunger nor thirst; Yet Cheifly this is to be taken Metaphorically, & so largely, and so including the Litterall & Corporall Sence, and the meaning is this:
That all their Wants shall be supplyed, & all Desires alayed & satisfied. But this is exprest by not hungering & thirsting, because of following the Metaphors of Bread & Water, by which Christ is exprest: Hungering & Thirsting, are painfull Desires of some necessary good Thing thats wanting, the one of Meate, the other of Drinke, for the good of the Body; Now every Person having a reasonable & immortall Soule; hath many & great Desires, which be as so many Hungerings & Thirstings; Now by Christ, all these Desires shall be alayed, by supplying all his Wants, and Christ is had by Beleeving: This is the Meaning: The Doctrine arising hence is.
DOCTRINE. Doctrine.
He shall be sent away with a Compleate Satisfaction, as the hungry Man when he is filled with Meate, or the thirsty Man with Drinke.
The Point is plaine & expresse in the Text; If there were no other Proofes, we might build our Faith on it: But there are Divers
This was Prophesied off, under the same Metaphors; Isay, 49. 9. 10. That thou maist say to the Prisoners, goe forth; [Page 53] to thē that are in darknes shew your selves; they shall feede in the wayes, & their pastures shall be in all high places; they shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the Heate nor Sunne smite thē: for he that hath mercy on thē, shall lead them, even by the springs of Waters shall he guide them. To which Christ hath reference; Revel. 7. 16. 17. Tbey shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more &c. And is in expresse wordes promised, Ier. 31. 14. 25. And I will satiate the soules of the Preists with fatnes, and my people shall be satisfied with goodnes, saith the Lord; And Verse. 25. I have satiated the weary soule, & I have replenished every sorrowfull soule; And so Ier. 50, 19. I will bring Israell againe to his Habitation, and he shall feede on Carmel & Bashan, and his soule shall be satisfied upō mount Ephraim & Gilead. And therefore, it is affirmed, as made good by, & in Christ; Luke. 1. 53. He hath filled the hungry wih good things; therefore Psal. 34. 8. 9. 10. The Beleever (who is after exprest by the effects of Faith) fearing & seeking God; is said to be Blessed, and why? because He shall want no good; for that is Blessednes: Thus much is also inplyed in Isa. 55. 1. 2. 3. by Beleeving in Christ, (which is ment there by Comming Buying &c.) they shall come to injoy all good things, that be requisite to their wellfare, and so Consequently shall have All desires alayed: Therefore it is, that as all our Desires are in the Text exprest by Hūgering & Thirsting, so Christ is exprest by a Feast in Scripture and tipified by the Manna & Rocke, that yeilded Rivers of Water in the Wildernes; to shew, that as by comming to a rich & full Feast, there is a supply, of all the wants, & an alaye, of all the desires, of an hūgry & thirsty Man; So by Beleeving in Christ, all the Wants of People are supplyed, and all their Desires alayed: Therefore, Math. 5. 6. They which Hunger be Blessed, because [Page 54] they shall be Satisfied, If not Satisfied, they be not Blessed.
REASONS. Reasons.
1 The Reason is grounded upon a two fold Proposition. First, That Beleeving possesseth a Man of Christ: He that Beleeves in Christ, hath, Christ, and is one with Christ; Therefore, (as ye heard before) Beleeving is compared to a Marrying, and to an Ingrafting into Christ: That looke as a Woman married to a Man, injoyeth him as her owne; and a Science grafted, injoyeth & possesseth the Tree for its owne; So, Whoever beleeveth in Christ: Injoyeth & Possesseth Christ for their owne: Christ is the Gift of God Iohn 4. 12. and Faith is a receiving of this Gift Iohn. 1. 12. Now as a Man that hath received a gift doth possesse & injoye it as his owne. So Beleevers receive Christ given of God, and so injoye & possesse him as their owne, Faith makes us the House of Christ; Christ dwells in the Heart by Faith, Eph. 3. 17. even as a man dwelleth in his House, and so he hath Possession of the House; So have Beleevers of Christ: Hence when Thomas beleeved; he saith my Lord, my God; Therefore David Psal 144. 1. 2. Challēgeth God to be his, and why? He trusts in Him; in the end of the Verse. So that Beleeving possesseth a Man of Christ.
2 Secondly as Beleeving possesseth of Christ, & maks him to be ours: So the Having Christ makes God to be ours; Christ brings to the Fruition & enjoying of God; which may be gathered from his very Name; which is Emanuell, that is, God with us Math. 1. 23. which not onely implyes, that in him God is come in our Nature, because he that is God tooke our Nature into Personall Union, but also that in & by Him God is injoyed by us, even by so many as have Christ: For by Christ, all is [Page 55] removed, that kept us from God, and all is supplyed that may bring us to God, and make us injoy God; The Sufferings, Obedience, & Intercession of Christ; appease Gods Wrath, & satisfie Gods Justice, and soe brings the Person into full Favour with God, Math. 3. 17. he saith not with whome, but In whome I am well pleased; And the Spirit & Holynes of Christ, workes out Corruption, & workes in Holynes; and so there is brought about a Communion with God, & Fruition of God, and so God walkes in them, and is their Father and God, they his Children & People, 2. Cor. 6. latter end. And so in Eph. 2. 13. Having by Faith got Christ to be theirs, though before they were affarr off, yet now are made neere; and so in the 19. Verse. You are no more strangers & foreiners, but Citizens with the Saints & of the houshould of God: Hence is that Rom. 5. 11. Not onely so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement; there is Joy in God through Christ, therefore by Christ God is enjoyed; Now, where God is enjoyed; All wants must be supplyed, and All desires allayed; For God is an Infinite Goodnes, therefore, they can want nothing, that have him; As they cannot want Light that have the Sunn, or Water that have the Ocean, because there is a sufficiency of Light in the Sunn, & of Water in the Ocean:
Now God is Alsufficiēt, Gen. 17. 1. This God hath clearely proved, by his Workes of Creatiō & Providence, He of Nothing made severall Things; and filled them all full; He gave Perfection to every Creature at first, so that it lacked nothing, and to the whole Creation, that is ment by seeing it was good & very good, that is every Part was perfect, lacking nothing, and the Whole was very Compleate & Full; He that filled the whole [Page 56] World that it lacked nothing, Cannot he fill Mans desires? And so by his Providence he fills & satisfies, as Psal. 107. 9. & 145. 16. And he had not made all Man-kind to seeke him, (as he did, Acts. 17. 26. 27.) if he could not satisfie them; for then he had made sōthing in vaine; all the infinite desires that are in Man-kind, after a cheife Good; by injoying which they may be happy, as they shew there is a God, so they teach that, that God can fully satisfie them all; and this is expresse; Psal. 16. & last. Fullnes of Ioy, Ioy; therefore Fruitiō & Satisfaction of Desire, else noe Ioy; and full Ioy; therefore there is supply of all Wants, and alaye of all Desires; God himselfe is satisfied in himselfe, else he were not God, and being able to satisfie himselfe, who is an Infinite being, he can much more satisfie Man that is but of a finite being; Since therefore Christ brings us into Gods Presence as Eph. 3. 12. By him we have accesse, that is he is Gods Emissary, sent from God to bring Beleevers into Gods Presence & so to injoy God (as the word signifies in Greeke) it must needs followe; That Every one that injoyeth Christ, must be Satisfied, and have All desires alayed; Because with Christ, God is had, and so All fulnes.
For the better clearing this Point; Consider we in In what respects, or how a Beleever never hūgers nor thirsts. What Respects, or How this can be true; That the Beleever never hungers nor thirsts.
It is true, in some degree in this Life; and fully & compleately in the Life to Come.
First in this Life, it is true, in some degree; That he that Beleeves in Christ; hath all his wants supplyed, & so all his desires alayed; And that in a Three-fold Respect.
1. In respect of Sinne; He that beleeves in Christ, [Page 57] shall not hunger nor thirst after Sinne. This is the greatest Hunger & Thirst of an Unbeleever; Therefore Sinns are called Lusts, because they are the appetites & desires of Unbeleevers; The Unbeleever, as truely wants & desires after, the Commission of Sinne, some or other, according as he is carryed by Constitution, Condition, Custome, Company, or Tentation, as the hungry or thirsty Man doth after Meate, or Drinke, Pro. 4. 16. They sleepe not except they have done mischeife; therefore it is, that they are so eager upō Sinne, Pro. 1. 16 Their feete run to evill; so 1. Pet. 4. 4. For there is a Nature in every Unbeleever; that is satisfied & upheld by commiting Sinne, as our Nature is by Eating and Drinking, therefore It lusts, after evill; Iames. 4. 5. But now, He that Beleeves in Christ; is not thus to Sinne; The Body of Sinne is destroyed in him, Rom. 6. 6. therefore, he serves not, and so seekes nor Sinne; For he is said to be Dead to Sinne Verse. 7. therefore he desires not after Sinne; Hence, Rom. 8. 5. The Beleever (who is described by his inseperable Property to be after the Spirit) minds the Things of the Spirit, that is, and not the Things of the Flesh; The Unbeleever minds fleshly things; as a Woman that is with Child her eyes are still on it if it be present, or else her Phant'sy runns after it; But the Beleever, lives the Life of Christ; and hath Christ dwelling in him, therefore he must doe as Christ did; that is, not desire Sinning, but to suppresse it as 1. Iohn. 3. 8. and Verse. 9. He is made pertaker of the seede of God, therefore cānot sinne; that is, so farr as he is pertaker of that, there is a Nature in every Beleever; which is contrary to Sinne, He pertakes of the Divine Nature 2. Pet. 1. 4. therefore wants not, nor seekes any satisfaction by Sinne; but the Contrary; He lusts after Holynes (as in the former Place is said; [Page 58] minds the things of the Spirit; & lusts against Sinne; as Gall. 5. 17. for it makes the Soule see misery, in the Sinnes it desired; and that happynes it sought in Sinne; to see it & seeke it in God & Holynes: Now in respect of this the Doctrine is true; That in every Beleever there is no Hunger; because the Nature is destroyed and so the appetite: Indeede there is an old Nature remaining in part in the Beleever, & shall be in him as long as he lives, and that desires after Sinne, which is ment by the Flesh its lusting against the Spirit, Gall. 5. 17. but there is another Nature which is in him, that doth not lust, in which regard he is said not to desire Sinne; So that the alaye of these desires, is but in part & some degree in this Life. As this is true in Respect of Sinne; So is it true:
2. In Respect of the lawfull things of this World; as Life and things tending there to, Pleasures, Honours, Profits, &c. He that beleeves in Christ, shall not hunger & thirst after these, As is cleare in Zaccheus; who so thirsted after Riches, that he defrauded, opprest, withheld unjustly; yet having beleeved in Christ; he gives away halfe to the Poore; and tenders to restore foure-fold to all that he had wronged, Luke. 19. 8. Therefore the Beleevers Acts. 2. 44, 45. sould their Goods & Lands, & committed them to the Apostles dispose in good uses, Thus Gal. 6. 14. The World is crucified to me, (saith Paul) and so not coveted nor desired, as a withered flower is not; therefore Paul had all appetite to this Lyfes Content alayed; onely for some spirituall respects, Viz. the Churches good, he desired to abyde in this Life Phillip, 23. 24. for all his overweaning opiniōs of their excellēcy, are rectified, and he is made see, the Emptines, Uncertainty, Insufficiency of them; that he cannot much regard them. 2. Cor. 5. 16. Knowe (that is esteeme [Page 59] and regard) no man after the flesh, that is in regard of Carnall Excellencies, and he sees so much Satisfactiō and Excellency in God, that he cannot much desire them, as He cannot the Candle light, that hath the Sunns light; As Peter by the Glory of Christs Transfiguration, was taken off from the Contents in the World, and therefore desired to stay in the Mount with Christ, therefore, 1. Tim. 6. 6. Godlynes with Content, (with Selfe-sufficiency as the word is) is great gaine; there is a Selfe-sufficiency in Godlynes, and therefore there is a moderation in desire to all outward things, for he knowes they be not of much concernment Luke. 12. 15. & he knowes that they are not gort by our caring for them, but rather by our not caring; But God cares & gives sufficient, Verse. 25. 30. Indeede Beleevers have & may have some desires after thē; Christ teacheth us to pray Give us this Day our dayly Bread; But it is nothing such as it is in Unbeleevers, Its not the Principall & Cheife Good: But as the baite & refreshment at an Inn, which one that travailes to an other Place, takes for his necessary refreshment, therefore Beleevers are exprest by Their leaving their Country and not returning when they might, Heb. 11. 13. to 17. This Alaye of Hunger, comes from the former, for the same Nature that had appetite to Sinne, sent forth inordinate appetites to the things of this World: which Nature being destroyed the Desire ceaseth. As it is true in these Respects; So:
3. In Respect of Grace & true Happynes: The Beleever in Christ, in this Life, shall not hunger nor thirst after Grace, & true Happynes: For the understanding this, Ye must knowe that none doe so desire Grace & true Happynes, as the Beleever doth, 1. Pet. 2. 2. 3. and he never desired it before he beleeved; so much as he doth after; [Page 60] as is cleare in David, so in Paul who had strōg earnest Thirsts after Grace, as appeares by those expressiōs he useth, I beate downe my Body: I so run tbat I may attaine &c. And this God would have us doe; he hath Commanded to followe or hunt after Righteousnes &c. But the Beleever is said not to hunger & thirst after it; In these Foure Regards.
First, Because He that beleeves in Christ, shall never finally or totally loose Grace & true Happynes Viz: Gods Favour, Image, & Fellowship which he hath got by Christ; These things shall be in him as a Spring living & springing up for ever, Iohn. 4. 14. and not as a Pond which may in tyme be quite dryed up: and so the Beleever shall never hunger & thirst after these things, as we doe after Meate & Drinke, who though we have had it, yet over a while, are as destitute of it, and as fully want it as ever we did.
This Not hungring, excludes not every desire, but such an one, as springs from a totall want of Grace; That this is true of the Beleever, is most cleare in Scripture, by many Places Viz: Psal. 89. 33. Neverthelesse my loving kindnes will I not utterly take from him; nor suffer my faythfullnes to fayle. Some may say this is ment of David for the Crowne; that his Seede should never be wholy stript of it for ever: true; but not onely so, for Esay, 55. 3. every Beleever is promised The sure Mercyes of David, Ier. 31. 3. I have loved thee with an everlasting Love: Rō. 11. 20. The Gifts, that is the gift of faith, & so of Christ with faith, & the Calling, that is, Vocation, and so the drawing to beleeve; is without repentance; that is on Gods part: Where God hath begun a good worke he will perfect it, Phill. 1. 6.
Secondly, He that Beleeves in Christ, may in this respect be said not to hunger after Grace, Because he possesseth, and hath in himselfe, and of his owne, that which [Page 61] is aboundantly able, to supply all his wants, & satisfie all his desires; there is a spring in him Iohn. 4. 14. however he may stand in neede of Grace, yet he hath as his owne, what may give a full supply; and all his desires are virtually satisfied, in that he cannot desire, what, he hath not to satisfie; He hath Two Store-houses, First Christ, In whome are hid all the treasures of Wisdome & Knowledge, Coll 2. 3. and in whome dwelleth the fullnes of the God-head bodily Verse 9. And Secondly he hath All the Promises, wherein there is All fullnes, and wherein God hath given him. All things that pertaine to life & godlines 2. Pet. 1. 3. 4. He is said to have Rivers in him, Iohn. 7. 37. that is a continuall Streame of Satisfaction, able to fill up all wants; He cannot be said to hunger because he hath that in him, which is able to alaye his hunger; and when ever he will, he may take what ever his Soule can desire. as Paul Rom. 7. 24. had desires, which he presently satisfies himselfe in Verse. 25. and gives thankes to God; And that there is ever a supply, appeares in this; that in his very want & desire, there is some Content, and stay to his Soule, therefore there is some supply.
Thirdly, They are said not to hunger, because there is a Fullnes, Viae, not Patriae, such a Fullnes, as suites their present Condition; a Comparative, though not an absolute fullnes; Therefore the Saintes speake of a Fullnes Psal. 36. 8. 9. They shall be aboundantly satisfied with the fatnes of thy house, and Psal. 63. 5. My Soule shall be satisfied as with marrow & fatnes; Such a fullnes, & satisfieing, as they are capable of in this Life; For instance, a Child may be said to be a lusty strong Child, whose strength is nothing, in respect of the strength of a Man, to which he may after attaine; So Beleevers, [Page 62] have Satisfaction suteable to their Condition, proportionable to the State wherein they are, a fullnes of Grace in regard of parts, though not of degrees, a Satisfaction according to their Capacity, though not so absolute, as they shall one Day be capable off.
Fourthly, They are fully satisfied in this Life, Because they have All Things actually in Christ, and really by Faith; whoever Beleeves in Christ, hath all things actually in him: Coll. 2. 10. They are Compleate in him, There is in Christ a Fullnes of Grace & Glory, and All that is in Christ is theirs, and they have it in him; He being full, they may truely be said to be full: Christ not hungering and thirsting, they may truely be said not to hunger or thirst; Christ being fully satisfied, they are said to be fully satisfied; For Christ stands in their stead, and possesseth all things in their name & right; Christ was their Substitute, and that which is done to him, may be truely said, to be done to them; as a Man who hath his debt fully payed to his Substitute, though he receive it not by his owne hand, yet may truely acknowledge satisfaction, because the other is his Receiver on his behalfe; So Beleevers may be said, to have for the supply of all their wants; because Christ hath received a fullnes, that they out of his fullnes, may receive a full supply.
And further, as they have actually a compleate fullnes in Christ, Soe they have really that fullnes by Faith; In Christ, He that beleeves, hath everlasting Life; Iohn. 3. 16. 36. everlasting life, admitts not of hūger & thirst, having cōpleate satisfactiō, so faith brings in really a supply of all; as God hath all things to come, present, by reasō of his Infinitnes & Eternity; so hath a beleever by faith, which is the evidence of things not seene, Heb, 11. 1. as Abraham had Christs day [Page 63] present to him; And they are growing up to Perfection dayly; as the Child increaseth dayly; for by Vertue of their Vnion to Christ. they receive of His fullnes, in the use of the Meanes; Iohn. 1. 16. growing up by the Ordinances towards Perfection; not onely a perfection of Parts (for that is at first received) but of Degrees, Eph. 4. 12. 13. As the Branch from the Roote, sucks more & more Sapp, or the Child from the Nurse, or Body frō the Head & Stomack by which it growes up to full Stature; so that they be going to that Fullnes, which is in Heaven; wherein all desires shall be satisfied.
In these Respects it is true in this Life; in some measure & degree.
Secondly in the Life to Come, it is Perfectly & Compleately true; Every Beleever then shall have All wants supplyed, all desires, alayed: All the aboundance of Good that the Soule is capable off, shall be there, fully supplyed; and so, all desires must cease when there is a full Fruition; Therefore it is called Ioy, Math. 25. 21. because it is a full fruition of all desirable Good, and they be said to enter into it; to shew that it is so full & large that it cānot enter thē, but they enter it, & so they are every way filled with it: As the Sea cannot be Cōtayned in a smalle Uessell which may enter into it & be filled as full as it can hold, yea swallowed up of it; so shall they be fully supplyed, and have more then they neede or can receive, and he that enters into an infinite Satisfaction, must needs have his finite Appetite fully satisfied; as Psal. 17. last. When I awake (that is, am raised up out of the Dust, at the last Day, for Death is called a Sleepe, and so Resurrection an awaking) I shall be satisfied, therefore, no Hunger, no Thirst; and it must be so, because of that where with we be satisfied; Viz: Gods [Page 64] Likenes, that is, God Him-selfe & his Glory; Gods Face (as in the former words) it shall be veiwed; that is, there shall be a full & cleare fruition of God, 1. Cor. 13. 12. Then I shall see Face to Face, and know even as also I am knowne: Therefore if God can give full Satisfaction, it shall then be had; for then shall that fully be made good, Eph. 3. 19. That ye might be filled with the fullnes of God; All the fullnes of God, so far as ye are capable: If therefore there be enough in God, there then shall be enough: Thus, in the Life to Come, He that beleeves in Christ, shall have all wants supplied, & all desires alayed; because he shall fully & perfectly injoy God, and so perfect Happynes: Then all desires to Sinne, shall be perfectly quelled, (for that all Sinne shall be compleately purged out) Then all neede & desire of the Creature in this World, shall be quite removed; because God shall be in stead of all, as the Sunn is in stead of a Candle, and the Ocean in stead of a Dropp 1. Cor. 15. 28. God shall be All in All; Meate, Drinke, Clothing, Honour, Wealth Pleasure Friends, and All, Mark. 12. 25. Then all desires after Grace, shall be fully satisfied; because there shall be a Perfection of all Grace, in regard of measures & degrees, so much Grace shall be injoyed, as is desired, or needed: Thus he that Beleeves in Christ, shall never hunger nor thirst; because God begines to alaye his desires so soone as he beleeves, and never leaves till He hath brought him to the full Fruition of all desirable Good in the Heavens.
USES. Vses.
First, for Instruction & Comfort to all that truely beleeve 1. For Instructiō & Comfort. in Christ (What it is truely to Beleeve? I opened in opening the Second Doctrine; where I shewed, It is not a [Page 65] groundles & slight Conceite that Christ dyed for us; but an entertayning & receiving Christ in all his Offices a full resigning ones Selfe to Him; Covenanting to be ordered & Comfort for Beleevers in two perticulers guided by Him in all Things) to such heere is Instruction & Comfort; and that, In these Two Perticulers.
1 First, You that beleeve in Christ; shall never totally or finally fall away from God & Grace, so as wholly, or for ever to loose them; (a Comfortable Point in these dangerous seducing & declining Tymes) For he that once beleeves in Christ; saith Christ in my Text, shall never hunger nor thirst; that is, shall never be wholy without God & Grace, Christ & Happynes, (as ye have heard in opening of the Point) Therefore, whatever appearances there may be, through the Subtilty of carnall Reason & Satans Suggestions. Be thou assured, that having once beleeved in Christ, thou shalt never be wholly destitute of God & Grace; for then thou must hunger & thirst; which Christ saith, shall never be:
Neither is that of weight against this Cōmfortable Truth that Some object: So long as one beleeveth he shall never loose wholly God & Grace; But one that beleeveth may loose his Faith; and then loose God & Grace wholly: This I say; is of no weight; For, though one may loose the use of Faith for some tyme; Yet None that Beleeve, can ever wholly loose Faith, nor any other saving Grace, as hath been showed in the opening of this Point; and so as, he can never wholly loose Faith, so neither can he ever loose Christ or Grace; If the Covenant did run thus; That he that beleeves, so long as he beleeves, shall never fall away; But yet he might loose all Beleeving, and so fall away; then were not that true; Isay. 55 3. For with Every Beleever God makes an Everlasting Covenant; Even the Sure Mercyes of David; [Page 66] Now how were the Covenant Everlasting, or the Mercy Sure; if that he might wholy loose Faith, and so loose God, & all Grace? Surely that Place expresly teacheth That when any one Beleeveth; God makes with him a Covenant, that shall Last for Ever; and bestowes on him Mercy, that is Sure; and therefore he cannot be disappointed; He that once beleeves must be for ever Gods, and never so fall as to misse Heaven; For Christ hath prayed for All that beleeve, that They should be with him, & see his Glory, Iohn. 17. 20. 24.
The Sonnes of God (and so is every one that Beleeveth, Iohn. 1. 12.) must be Like Christ, when He appeares at the Last Day, 1. Iohn. 3. r. 2. Therefore, He that beleeveth, must be saved, and can never wholy loose God or Grace; And therefore it is, that He that once Beleeves can never wholy loose his Faith, because to the end He may never loose God or Grace, God preserves Faith in him, and by that Faith preserves him in Grace & Favour with God, till he come to inherite Glory, 1. Pet. 1. 4. 5. Who are kept by the Power of God through Faith &c.
2 Secondly, You that beleeve in Christ; shall have All your desires alayed, All your wants supplyed, & your Soules satisfied fully in this Life: 1. Your sinfull desires to Sinne, & the Worlds Vanityes; these shall be alayed, by removing the Cause of them; Viz: Originall Corruption, the Vanity of your Minds & Hearts: Your Soules shall be purged from those ill Humors, which make you Hunger after this Trash; and shall be put in right frame, and you made to Hunger after good & wholsome Things; Viz: Gods Favour & Holynes, Gall. 5. 24. & Chap. 6. 14. Examine your Selves well, and ye shall find, that ye doe not so hunger after these Things as ye did, and be ye sure that ye shall doe it lesse & lesse, till at [Page 67] last, ye shall be quite freed from that vaine Desire: For those many Exhortations in Scripture, to Mortifie those Affections, and to Lay them downe; as Eph 4. 22. 23. 24. & Coll. 3. 2. 5. doe include Promises (upon your indeavor) that it shall be done; as may be gathered from Rom. 6. 12 14. where God promiseth that shall be, which he exhorts to: Yea Gods Exhortations to Beleevers, are as his Word in Creation was, Operative. and working that which he Calls for, and Commands to be: Therefore doe ye but Exercise your Faith, and use the Meanes God hath appointed, and you shall have your sinnfull & troublesome Desires alayed.
2. So also, Your good & cōmendable Desires after Grace & Holynes; Those shall be satisfied; Christ will fill you as full as ye can desire, or contayne; Allready, ye have in you, the Store-house & Treasury of all Grace, the Spring is in you; Christ, in whome is all you neede, and therefore it is in him, that you may have it; He is yours, and from him ye may have whatever you neede doe but let downe the Bucket of Faith and drawe what Water ye desire; He will never with-hold any Grace yee thirst after, if ye trust in him, and use the meanes, Psal. 81. 10 He will fill the Mouth that is opened, and according to your hope in him, will he doe to you, he may defer you a while, to try the strength of your Desire, and of your Faith; but he will not with-hold ever, but satisfie your Desire; Yea, he cannot with hold; for what you seeke by Faith in Him, and in the use of His meanes, he must give you, His Promise & Office doe tye him to it; for He is your Spring of Grace to satisfie your thirsty Soules: And as a Mans owne Spring cannot with hold Water from him, when he comes to it, no more can Christ.
Some wants ye shall have so long as ye live heere; [Page 68] but yet there shall be a satisfieing, & filling up, though not filled up; as the Child is growing, though not fully growen, till he comes to Age: And ye shall have that fullnes, & satisfaction; that is needfull & requisite for this Life, so much ye shall have: Therefore be Comforted; and sinke not under the sence of your wants; It is good to be sensible of spirituall wants, so as to seeke for supply; but it is folly & unbeleefe, to be discouraged under them, since that ye have in hand & doe possesse as your owne, that which is able & ready to supply them all, if you use the meanes, Viz: Christ & the Promises; Would not one thinke them Fooles, that complaine of Thirst, and had a Spring of there owne, at their Doore?
Yea farther Consider; that ye have actually all Fullnes; Viz: In Christ & the Promises; there is All Fullnes, what can you desire that is not there? and it is all yours; So that in your Substitute, Treasury, Srore house, Wardroope, there is actually all that you neede or desire, and it is all yours; For all is yours (as ye heard before) 1. Cor. 3. 21. and therefore the Apostle speakes of Calvin on this Scripture saith well: Si eges nō habes fidem, Si habes fidē non eges. Beleevers as possessing all things 2. Cor. 6. 10. & Iam. 2. 5. styles thē rich in faith; that is not ment of abundance of Faith, (as sometime the word is taken) but that by Faith they be Rich; So that every one that Beleeves is Rich by Beleeving; therefore possest of abundance (else none are called Rich) for the present injoying all that is needfull; and Heires of a Kingdome; for in the Life to come ye shall have a Satisfaction of all your Desires: There ye shall have an absolute Fullnes; all sinnfull & worldly Desires shall be quite extinguisht; all Holynes & Happynes shall be perfectly administred; there is nothing necessary or desirable for your Happynes, but ye shall [Page 69] enjoy it actually in the highest Degree; ye shall have your Wills to the full, no Want or Crosse in any Desire. God will say to you, as Herod to Herodias her Daughter Marke. 6. 22. 23. and better; not onely aske what you will to the Halfe of the Kingdome, but to the Whole, and it shall be granted you; Whatever Christ, Heaven, God can give, to fill you, you shall have so, far as you can receive. In a Word Ye shall be as Christ is 1. Iohn. 3. 2. So that if Christ is full, Ye shall be full; Wherefore be ye Comforted with these Things.
2. USE. Vse. 2
For Tryall; Ye may by this try, whether ye Beleeve or For Tryall no: If yee Beleeve: ye doe not hunger & thirst: Thou that art not thus alayed in thy Desires: Thou either dost not Beleeve; Or dost not exercise & use Faith, Or Cbrist saith not true: Ye that have gaping wide Desires after Sinne, that feed on Sinne as an hungry Man, and drinke downe Iniquity as Water; ye doe not beleeve: Ye that as fully admire, seeke, & delight in the Things of this World, as ye did formerly, and hunger & thirst cheifly after them, Ye Beleeve not: If your Desires, goe out constantly, in an inordinate Way, to any of these Worlds Contents; Its a Signe you have not Faith.
Hence also a Discovery may be made; Both concerning the Measure, and Exercise of Faith; The strōger your Faith is, the lesse is your hunger after the World and Sinne &c. and according as you exercise Faith; will be the alaye of your desires after such things; You want the exercise of Faith, who cannot supply your wants, as you feele them; For Faith if exercised will draw from Christ and the Promises such a fullnes as is convenient for this Life; It will shew you a Compleat fullnes in Christ [Page 70] as your owne; And where this is not, there Faith is weake, or not exercised as it ought to be.
3. USE. Vse. 3
Shall be for Exhortation to Beleeve; Because of the Benifite For Exhortation. that comes by it; This is Christs ayme in this Place: And this Vse belongs, First to such of you, as yet never Beleeved: Secondly to such as have, and doe in some measure Beleeve.
First to you that yet never Beleeved; That is never entertained 1. To Vnbeleevers. Christ in all his Offices, and never gave up your Selves to whole Christ, as to your King, Preist, & Prophet; But the most ye have done, is in a Generall manner to phansy Christ dyed for you, and you shall be saved by him; which is not true Faith, as ye heard before: You, therefore that yet never rightly beleeved; be ye perswaded to doe it, and that above all things: For why! what can doe you so much good as this? Is there any Thing in the World, can satisfie all your Desires? Sinne doth not; Sinning alayes the Desire of Sinne, no otherwise, then casting on Oyle doth alaye the Fire, it increaseth it; the more ye sinne, the more ye desire to sinne: It is like the administring Wine in a Dropsy, Riches satisfie not, Ezekiell. 7. 19. Eccle. 5. 10. He that loveth Silver shall not be satisfied with Silver, nor he that loveth abundance, with increase, he spake it that had fully tryed it, and therefore the more to be regarded, And as it holdeth in Riches, So likewise in Honour, Pleasure, or any Thing else, ye seeke after, and neglect Beleeving.
That which is reported of Alexander, is to be found in every ones Heart, which a Philosopher discovered in his, by this Questiō to him, When thou hast Conquered Greece [Page 71] what wilt thou doe? He answered, I will Conquer Asia and the whole World; When that is done what wilt thou doe? I will (saith he) wish for another World to Conquer; thus unsatisfied was he by all his Honour: And thus is it with Men, both for Honour, Pleasure &c.
Our Soules are made to enjoy God, therefore Covet an Infinite & Eternall Good; which is ment by that Groping after God, Acts. 17. 27. Not that they seeke God as God, for so, that is true, Rom. 3. 11. There is none seeketh after God, but in that they seeke blindly after an Infinite & Eternall Good (which onely is God, though they thinke not so) they be said to grope or feele after God and therefore rest unsatisfied, in any finite or mortall good, reall or seeming: Our Soules are like the gapeing Earth, full of Chinckes, and great Crannyes, which nothing in the World can fill & satisfie, but the Ocean or Showers of Heaven, God Him selfe; hence is that restlessnes that is in all Hearts: Whatever they have, even in this sence, they are tossed up & downe, as the Sea, and not quiet: For so long as the Soule is in Desire, it is in a restlessnes, & troublesome Motion. And hence it is there be such shiftings frō one thing to another, frō Coveteousnes to Prodigallity &c. (though ye never have the witt to shift from the Creature to God, for then ye would be satisfied) because in nothing ye be satisfied: yea, and God oft lets you have your Desires, so much Wealth, Pleasure, or Honour, as ye seeke, and yet ye be not satisfied, that so ye may knowe, there is nothing can satisfie but God.
And this I assure you, if ye Beleeve not, (Marke it, for ye shall one Day remember, ye were told of it) ye shall ever hunger & thirst, and never be satisfied, and that is a great Misery: as He that beleeves shall never, so [Page 72] you that beleeve not, shall ever hunger & want, and never get Satisfaction, Pro. 13. 25. Therefore such a Condition is discribed in Scripture by them that labour in the Fire, and for Vanity, Habuc. 2. 13. That feede on Ashes, Esay. 44. 20. Follow the East Wind, Hosea. 12. 1. Labour wholly in Vaine; as Esay. 55. 2. Consider the Difference twixt them that Beleeve, and those who doe not Beleeve, Esay. 65. 13. Gods Servants, that is, Beleevers; shall have Ioy, because full Satisfaction; and so no hunger: Ye, that beleeve not, shall want, and so be ashamed, because ye have not got that ye sought:
In this Life, ye shall not be satisfied, and much lesse in Hell; there is Paena Damni, ye shall be punished with losse & want of what ye seeke: Dives; who was full of Honours & Riches, and enjoyed a fullnes of all outward Contentments, while he was in the World; yet this Dives, because he was not a Beleever, he thirsted after a dropp of Water; and could not have that Thirst alayed: There shall be continually Renisus Voluntatis, your wills shall ever incline unto this & that good which ye want, but shall ever desire, and never attaine to; It is a painefull thing, to hunger & thirst, and not to have to satisfie; the Poore knowe this: Oh! what is it thē to hūger & thirst, a Yeare together and never be satisfied? and what is it to doe so Ever? yet this, & all this is, & shall be your Case, who beleeve not in Christ; that is, doe not so receive him in All his Offices. as hath been opened.
But on the other side, if ye will Beleeve in Christ; yee shall never hunger nor thirst, what would a hungry Man doe for this? will he not venter his Life? If ye will Beleeve, ye shall have a supply of all good things, and be as Deut. 33. 23. Satisfied with Favour, & full of the [Page 73] Blessing of the Lord. Ye neede not goe out as I may so say, but shall have of your owne, whatever you neede for Soule or Body: Ye may have outward Things, & yet want more, or loose them againe: But Beleeve, & ye shall have all Good, and never loose it: Ye desire Joy, Heere is the Way to Full Ioy; ye must have full fruition of all Good, and that is onely had by Beleeving: Your desires to Sinne shall be alayed; and new Desires given you, & satisfied; and that is all one, as if ye had them of Sinne, satisfied:
Therefore Consider what the Prodigall saith, Luke. 15. 17. 18. In my Fathers House is Bread enough; and I dye for Hunger: In God there is Fullnes enough of Satisfaction, and I am distracted through want of it: Reason then as the Prodigall did; Allas! I am heere, ready to famish, for want of Bread; How unsatisfied is my Soule? I follow after Wealth, Honours, & Pleasures, and yet my Soule hungers & thirsts; Why should my Soule be famished heere; and perish heereafter? There is Bread enough in the Gospel; In Iesus Christ, I may have to supply all my wants, a Compleate Satisfaction: Why should not I renounce my Selfe; Forsake my Sinne; and Goe to Christ? I will goe to Him, and Beleeve in Him: How great a Benifite would it be to have Meate or Drinke that would alaye Hunger & Thirst for Ever? This is had by Faith: This Argument perswaded the Woman Iohn. 4. 14. 15. Let it perswade you.
Ye have heard in the former Doctrine; That Any one, what Person soever, may by Beleeving get Christ: God in his Gospel shutts out None, therefore be not kept from indeavoring to Beleeve by a Conceite, that such a Sinner as thou shalt not be accepted, for any that come are Wellcome; Labour thou thē to Beleeve: and know [Page 74] that on these Tearmes, Perfect Happynes, is offered thee; For it is that onely which can satisfie all Desires; and therefore, above all, Labour to Beleeve in Christ; If thou wilt not, thou refusest Perfect Happynes; and shalt have perfect Misery.
Secondly, This serves also for Exhortation, To You 2. To Beleevers. that have Beleeved: Gett more Faith, and exercise Faith more, So shall your Wants be supplyed, and Desires satisfied, and this is the Way to have more freedome from sinnfull & worldly Desires, and to have your fill of Grace, God, & Happynes; you want so much, because you actually beleeve so little; For Beleeving brings Satisfaction, and the more ye Beleeve, the more full Satisfaction: Be allwayes then in the use & exercise of Faith, abound there with; Sathan above all things, labours to hinder your growth in Faith; because by that meanes he would keepe you in want; But learne you above all things, to labour to abound in Faith, for then shall you want nothing: Hence are there so many Exhortations & Prayers made by the Apostle in Scripture for Beleevers abounding in Faith; For as they exercise & increase in Faith, so all Fullnes is farther conveyed to them:
Faith is as the Bucket, which let downe fetcheth Water; and the oftner you let it downe, the more Water you have; The Exercise of Faith is as the turning of the Cock, which if turned, letts in Water; So Faith exercised, letts in all supply, and the more it is exercised, the greater is the supply; The more Faith, the more fullnes; If we want, the want is not from Christ, but from our want of the exercise of Faith: Exercise Faith then, and you will never be pincht with Hunger or Thirst, or be so perplext, as often [Page 75] ye are; But you shall enjoy a Heaven upon Earth; you shall have a sweete Influence of all Grace, as fast as your Soules can receive it; you shall enjoy the Spirit of God, and the Favour of God, and be fully satisfied; All Supplyes are to be had onely from Christ; and all to be had from Christ, onely by Beleeving.
Faith Exercised doth Three Things. Faith exercised, doth 3 Things.
1 First, It Conveyes the Thing that is sought; Therefore so oft in Scripture, It is made the Instrument of Conveyance of all Gods Blessings; By Faith Sarah received the promised Sonne: Heb 11. 11. So Gall. 3. 14. The Promise of the Spirit is received by Faith: It is Faith brings it: Therefore the Scripture makes Faith to Conveye the Pardone of Sinne, the healing Diseases: and whatever it beleeves, Math. 8. 13. (as ye heard before) For, whatever Faith layes hold on, it makes it thine owne, be it ever so much: And.
2 Secondly, Vntill it hath Brought & Conveyed the Thing, It gives Assurance that it shall be had, and so it gives Content & Satisfaction in some measure as if it were had; As it did to Abraham for his Isaac, Gen. 17. 17. it made him laugh, that is Ioy, (for it was another kind of laughing then Sarahs was; who laughed out of scorne of the thing spoken, as deeming it impossible & therefore was shee rebuked) I say, Faith made Abrahamlaugh; that is Ioy in the Assurance of the thing: And so it made Hanna quiet, and eased her of her perplexity, 1. Sam. 1. 10. 18. upon Her praying, shee Beleeving was Satisfied, untill shee had it; For Faith exercised, doth assure the Soule, the Thing desired shall be had, in the best tyme & manner.
3 Thirdly, It presents all fullnes & desirablenes, as that which shall be in due tyme possessed, & enjoyed; [Page 76] It gives a glimps, of all that God hath Promised, or thou desirest; Faith leadeth thee to Heaven, and sheweth thee the many Mansions, the Crowne of Glory, the glorious Roabes, the immortall Inheritance, the Kingdome that shall never be shaken, whatever is to Come, Faith gives the sight of it before hand; looke as God did to Abrahā, Gen. 15. He shewed him that full Posterity, & Possession that in due tyme, he should have; So doth Faith; Heb. 11. 13. By faith they saw the things promised afarr off, & were perswaded of them, & embraced them (or saluted them) that is as things present and enjoyed by them.
Now Faith doing thus; the more it is; the more it doth thus; as Fire heating, the more the Fire is, the more it heates; and the more it is exercised, the more it doth thus: For it is with Faith, as it is with any Skill Power, or Habit; if it be not used & exercised; it doth nothing, he that hath it is never the better, there is no difference twixt him & another, that hath noe such thing: And this is the great folly of Beleevers that they grow not in, and exercise not their Faith; did they so, they could want no good thing: Therefore Consider, what Increase can yeild ye so much Benifite, as the Increase of your Faith? what Exercise can doe ye so much good, as the Exercise of your Faith? Therefore, above all things, mind this: Doe ye as Hab. 2. 4. Live by your Faith: Let that be it whereby ye doe All Things, and passe All Tyme, let it be in Continuall Action in you, on All Occasions: And I Assure you, Yee shall never Hunger nor Thirst; But be free from all the Pinches and Pangs, Perplexities, and Troubles, that now ye under goe.
Thus; Ye have had the Pith & Substance of this Text, In these Foure Doctrines.
1. That Christ is the Bread of Life; that is, The onely & alsufficient Remedy of Mans Misery.
2. That the all & onely Meanes appointed & required by God, for the obtaining this Christ; is Comming to him; that is, Beleeving on Him.
3. That Every Person without any limitation or secluding, by Beleeving on Christ, may certainly obtaine Him.
4. That whoever Comes to Christ, or Beleeves in Christ, shall never hunger nor thirst; that is, shall have all his Wants supplyed, and his Soule fully satisfied.
I Conclude all, with that of
A TABLE of such Scriptures, as receive Light in the precedent Matter.
CAP. | VERS. | PAGE. |
Gen: 3. | 8. to 12. | 4 |
15. | 1, 2. | 13 |
Deut: 4. | 30. | 38 |
5. | 23. to 29. | 5 |
Iudg: 15. | 18. | 13 |
Ruth: 3. | 18. | 32 |
1. Kings, 8. | 4. | 24 |
2. Kings, 17. | 13. | 37 |
Psal: 41. | 4. | 26 |
51. | 3. | 24 |
90. | 11. | 13 |
119. | 59, 128. | 37 |
Pro: 30. | 12. | 19 |
Ecles: 7. | 26. | 13 |
9. | 1. | 25 |
Esaith, 1. | 16, 17. | 39 |
55. | 1, 2. | 12 |
59. | 30. | 27 |
Ier: 2. | 19. | 13 |
4. | 3. | 20 |
6. | 14. | 1, 9 |
26. | 3. | 37 |
Lam: 3. | 40. | 24 |
Mich: 7. | 19. | 38 |
Math: 4. | 17. | 40 |
11. | 28. | 12 |
21. | 32. | 29, 37 |
22. | 3. | 14. 36 |
Marke, 6. | 12. | 4 |
10. | 21, 22 | 17 |
Luke, 1 | 71, to 74. | 38 |
4. | 18, 19. | 11 |
13. | 1, 2, 3. | 22 |
14. | 16. | 17 |
15. | 7. | 39 |
11. | 10 | |
Iohn, 3. | 8. | 21 |
6. | 29. | 34 |
60, 66. | 17 | |
16. | 8. | 7, 9, 21 |
Acts, 2. | 37. | 22 |
39. | 36 | |
3. | 19. | 26 |
13. | 39. | 16 |
16. | 29, 30, 34. | 16, 32 |
17. | 30. | 40 |
26. | 20. | 38, 40 |
21. | 38 | |
Rom: 1. | 6, 7. | 39 |
3. | 22, 25, 27, 28. | 32 |
24. | 7 | |
5. | 20. | 30 |
7. | 9. | 11, 23 |
8. | 15. | 5, 10, 21 |
9. | 24, 25. | 36 |
11. | 26. | 37 |
1. Cor: 1. | 30. | 38 |
11: | 31. | 24 |
2. Cor: 4. | 4. | 23 |
Gall: 3. | 22. | 8 |
23, 24. | 6 | |
Eph: 1. | 6. | 31 |
5. | 14. | 21 |
1 Thes: 4. | 7. | 39 |
1. Tim: 1. | 13. | 23 |
16. | 36 | |
6. | 12. | 39 |
2. Tim: 1. | 9. | 39 |
Titus, 2. | 14. | 38 |
Heb: 6. | 1. | 37 |
11. | 1. | 33 |
12. | 18, to 22. | 6 |
21. | 15 | |
Iam: 4. | 9, 10. | 20 |
1, Iohn, 4. | 1. | 25 |
Rev: 22. | 17. | 12, 16, 31 |
Gen: 3. | 15. | 3 |
17. | 1. | 55 |
17. | 75 | |
41. | 55, 57. | 10 |
47. | 14, 17, 20, 23. | 10 |
50. | 20 | 7 |
Exod: 16. | 3, 15, 16; | 10 |
Deut: 15. | 12, 13. | 41 |
33. | 23. | 72 |
1. Sam: 1. | 10, 18. | 75 |
2. Cron: 1. | 15. | 43 |
Psal: 16. | 11. | 56 |
17. | 15. | 63 |
34. | 8, 9, 10. | 53 |
36. | 8, 9. | 61 |
63. | 5. | 61 |
81. | 10. | 67 |
89. | 33. | 60 |
107. | 9. | 56 |
145, | 16. | 56 |
Pro: 1. | 16. | 57 |
Pro: 1. | 24. | 50 |
4. | 16. | 57 |
Ecles: 5. | 10. | 70 |
Esa: 33. | 22. | 22 |
44. | 20. | 72 |
49. | 9, 10. | 52, 53 |
55. | 1, 2, 3. | 53, 65, 72 |
65. | 13. | 72 |
Ier: 31. | 14, 25. | 53 |
50. | 19. | ibid |
Hab: 2. | 13. | 72 |
Math. 1. | 23. | 54 |
3. | 17. | 55 |
8. | 13. | 37, 75 |
10. | 12. | 51 |
18. | 11. | 9 |
21. | 31, 32. | 17 |
22. | 11, 12, 13. | 16, 43 |
25. | 21. | 63 |
Marke, 6. | 22, 23. | 69 |
16. | 15, 16. | 40 |
Luke, 2. | 10, 34. | 41, 50, 51 |
4. | 19 | 41 |
7. | 29, 30. | 36 |
12. | 15, 25, 30. | 59 |
14. | 16, 17, 24. | 16, 36, 42 |
19. | 14. | 36 |
Iohn, 1. | 12. | 15, 22, 54, 56 |
3. | 14, 15. | 18, 39, 40 |
16, 36. | 62 | |
19. | 36, 44 | |
4. | 12, 14. | 60, 54, 73 |
6. | 50, to 57. | 6, 11 |
44. | 25 | |
67, 68. | 3 | |
12. | 39, 40, 47, 48. | 18, 50 |
14. | 19. | 6 |
16 | 7, 8. | 5, 25 |
Acts, 2. | 38. | 35 |
9. | 6, 11, 17. | 21 |
13. | 47, 48 | 17, 36, 44 |
16. | 30, 31. | 35 |
17. | 20, 27, 30, | 35, 36, 71 |
22. | 16. | 21 |
Rom: 3. | 11. | 71 |
22, 23. | 18. 41 | |
4. | 21, 22. | 37 |
5. | 11. | 55. |
7 | 24, 25. | 61 |
8. | 5. | 57 |
11. | 29. | 60 |
1. Cor: 1. | 30. | 6 |
13. | 12. | 64 |
15. | 17, 28. | 50, 64 |
2. Cor: 2. | 15, 16. | 51 |
5. | 16. | 58 |
Gall: 3: | 4. | 18, 75 |
5. | 6, 17. | 25. 58 |
6. | 14. | 58 |
Eph: 2. | 13, 19. | 55 |
12. | 56 | |
3. | 17, 19. | 54, 64 |
4. | 8, 12. | 5, 63 |
23, 24, 25. | 67 | |
Phil: 1. | 23, 24. | 58 |
3. | 8. 9. | 34 |
Col: 1. | 14, 21, 22. | 5 |
2. | 3. 9. 10. | 61, 62 |
3. | 25. | 67 |
1. Thes:. 5 | 9. | 44 |
2. Thes: 1. | 7, 8. | 50 |
1. Tim: 6. | 6. | 59 |
Heb: 3. | 19. | 17 |
7. | 25, 26. | 6 |
10. | 19, to 23. | 4 |
11. | 11. | 75 |
13, 17. | 59, 76 | |
Iames, 2. | 5. | 68 |
4. | 5. | 57 |
1. Pet: 1. | 4, 5. | 66 |
4. | 4. | 57 |
2. Pet: 1. | 3, 4. | 57, 61 |
1. Iohn. 3. | 1, 2. | 66, 69 |
8, 9. | 57 | |
Rev: 6. | 15, 16, 17 | 50 |
7. | 16, 17. | 53 |
22. | 17. | 42 |