WHo so can Tidings bring of a Petition,
That's gone Astray, and in a lost Condition.
Who so can Advertise which way it went,
Shall be Rewarded, and have good Content.
But, whither is it gone? out of the Nation,
Or was it frighted by the Proclamation?
Or is it Dead, through many fears?
Or is it Banisht with the Cavaliers?
Or does it hide, like the Innocent Owls?
Or have the Red-Coats got it into Pauls?
Or is it Fled and not Pursued?
Or is it carryed to be View'd
By the Lord Lambert? Or is't lost?
Or is it in the middle of the Host
At Portsmouth? Or is it gone
Wandring to Scotland all alone?
Or has it taken Water to Graves End?
Or to White Hall? Or dos't intend
To keep its Christmas in a Country Town?
Or did the good Committee put it down?
Or did our Father Atkin (being anoy'd)
Up with his RUMP and make it void?
Surely 'tis gone we know not whither,
That and the Answer both together,
But shall't Imprisoned be? What shall it die?
Shall it be lost for want of Hue-and-Cry?
Shall it grow out of Date through want of Care?
Shal't alwayes be detaind in Red-Coats Snare?
Shal't ne're be found? Through Negligence
Shall we be still put off under pretence
Of a Responsal? Yet we see
Nothing at all but meer Formality.
But shall we part with't thus, and we not see?
Shall we serve Seven Years and not be Free?
Shall we be Cheated so? No, stay,
We will Reduc't if gone Astray.
If it be frighted by the Proclamation,
Our Swords Establish shall a Reformation.
If it be Banished, believe it,
Wee'l forfeit our Indentures to Reprieve it.
Or if the Red-Coats hav't in Pauls, no doubt,
Wee'l pull the Steeple down to fetch it out,
If Atkins blew't away, he shall Adjourn
His Arse a while, the Wind wee'l turn
Into another Point, and he
Shall Fart no more so eagerly.
If it be gon by Water or by Land
To Scotland, White Hall or Grave's End,
If in a Country Town it make a stay,
Our Writs shall fetch it back before Twelfth day.
Wherever'tis, where e're 'tis gone
(Whether with Company, or all alone)
Heigh, all together, let us fetch it Home.

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