THE APPREHENDING of Captayne BVTLER At Portchmouth in the County of Southampton and his followers, who were bound with bullets and ammunition for Ireland, in the Shipp called the Olive.

As also The true relation of a terrible Sea fight by the States of Holland, against a Fleet of the Spannish being furnished with men and ammonition for assistance to the Rebels in Irland

Wherein was taken 23 sayle of their Ships, as also their Vice-admirall Don Eaustans sonne to Cardinall Saint Low the King of Spaines Nephew.

With a coppy of their Commission against the Pro­testants, signed unto by the greet Signet.

With the names of the Rebells now in Newgate.

London Printed for F.C. and T.B. 1641.

[depiction of a sinking ship]

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