THE ANTIQUITY OF REFORMATION: OR, AN OBSERVATION Proving the Great TURKE a Triangle, and the rest of the world ROUNDHEADS.

Wherein is shewed, a difference between the Go­vernment of the WORD of GOD, and best Reformed CHURCHES.


London Printed by B. Alsop, and R. Harper, at the Bible and Harpe in Smithfield. 1647.

THE ANTIQVITY Of Reformations: or, an observation, proving the Turke a Triangle, and the rest of the world Round-Heads. &c.

SOme Reformations have bin from Heaven, the first in Heaven it selfe, where according unto Dyonisius the Areopagite, Disciple of St. Paul, is an Hierarchy or order of Angels; some whereof un­contented with their state, for ambition were cast out. Secondly, because Adam and Eve had eaten the forbiden friute, were extruded Paradice. Thirdly, for that all flesh was growne corrupt, their thoughts e­vil continualy, did take by violence one from another, the world was drowned except righteous Noah, and [Page]his family; who found favour of God. Fourthly at the Tower of Babell, where men did endeavour to rely on their owne wisdomes, and so resist God, who sent a confusion of language and opinions, one to pull down the pride of another, which continues to this day; for at Rome are 360. different opinions, a­mong Priests in Religion, where few know Religion but Priests, according to Cardinall Bellarmines dis­covery; which is at large set forth by Bishop Hall 1609, In England were about 15 different opinions in Religion, among Protestants, where Religion is in their owne language, but among Lawyers the more where few know the Law, but Lawyers, according to King Iames in a speech to the Parliament 1609; published by authority.

The Turke he uncomplyeth with the last Reforma­tion from heaven, by the advice of the Iew Abdala & the Monk Sergius a Christian, (Authors both English and Scotch affirm) to obtaine the Majorality of all the world, which he hath attained unto, from being a Marchants man: for Maximus is God himselfe, the Turke Major, having in possesion in these daies, Ba­bilon in Astia, gran Cairo in Africa; Constantinople in Europe; and all the Land within that Triangle, by following the policy of the sacred Trinity, the rest of Asia, the rest of Africa, and the rest of Europe are round about him, and therefore called Round-heads; because they follow false Tradition of policy, from heathens which knew not God.

The policy which the Sacred Trinity teacheth, is [Page]manifest in the sacred Scripture; first, God the Father he adviseth to encrease and multiply to fill up the earth, God saith save the men, and kill the vices, to fill up the mansions in heaven, which he would goe to prepare, God the Holy-Ghost writeth, keepe the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; that is suf­fer no controversy of Law of Religion, but decide them in 3 daies, and he doth that who doth soonest. The Marchant therefore of Arabia, which was Ma­homet the Turke, took from the whore of Babell di­versity of wives and Concubines to encrease & mul­tiply to fill up the earth rather then marre men, which diversity of opinions causeth because of two evils the least is to be chosen; saves his men, and kils the vices, rather then let them kill one another, by as­sociation, fortification, and garrison and enlarged his confines with superflurty of generation, suffereth no controversue of Law or Religion, but decides them in 3 dayes, and so keeps the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, making it his mayne aime, to have a care of the maine, to be Lord Major of the world, as a Marchant of a City, is commonly ambitious, to be Lord Major of a City, Docter Sibbs in his Sermon called the spiritual mans aime, stirreth up al Christi­ans to make it their maine aime, to have a care of the maine, to raign with Christ in Heaven; as the Turke doth to raigne on earth: the way thereunto, is by a connexion of the tradition of policy from the Sacred Trinity, to the tradition of Divinity from the same; for the avoiding, plunder, and murder, for­biden [Page]by the Law of Moses, which is into der to preparation, for the fulfilling of the Prophet Dan­nells prophesie of latter times; (pointed at by the fingere of our Saviour) that they that turn many un­to righteousnesse, shall shine like starrs in the firma­ment for ever and ever, and so become Children of light, and not of darknesse; as Bi. Andrewes, who beareth the name of the titular Angel of Scotland writeth, So perfect a thing is the light, as God him­selfe is said to be ight; 1 Iohn, 1.5. his Son our Sa­viour to be the light of lights, His Spirit light, the light of his holy Spirit. The Angells that be good, be Angells of Light, yea whatsoever here on earth is perfect; the King is called the light of Israel, the A­postles called Lucis Mundi, and the Saints of God where ever they be in the world, shine as lights in it, heires to the Father of light, per modum naturae, as the children from the Father; per modum emanationis as beames from the Sun, god is light and in him is no darknesse at all, ascribe it not to Pater luminum but to Princeps Tenebrarum; to the Prince of Dark­nesse, not to the Father of light, but ascribe all good from the small left sparke, to the greatest beame, from the least good giving to the best and most per­fect guift of all, to him, to the Father of lights.

Qu monet vt facias, quod cum facis, ille momendo
Laudat; & hortatu comprobat acta suo.

Witnesse the League and Covenant, which doth in­deavour a conformity unto the government of best reformed Churches, where the Law is as plain e as [Page]the Gospell an end of controversie in all causes and courts, in three moneths by Sta­tute & so the government in provision will agree, with the Monarchall, Cardinall, Epis­copall, and Mercantall; but the Marcantall is in the superlative degree, because in pos­session of more then the other three, by fol­lowing the policy of the sacred Scripture, taught him by the Iew and Christian aiming more at wisedome then wit but in Christen­dome at more wit then wisedome, by fol­lowing diversity of opinions which is contrary to nature, Corruptionis incrementum, reformationis necessitatem facit, Ergo. our Savi­our promised to hasten his comming for the elects sake, else no man would be sved, because the adversary of mandkind, striveth to make all men as bad as himselfe. And as Britaine hath bin reformed 4 times, by Ro­mans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans; so now a dayes it happeneth by the good wil of God that the Scots do endeavour to pre­pare English-men, for the 5 reformation from heaven, foretold by SS to be according unto [Page]righteousnesse & true holynesse, that Christ may raigne in his Ordinances, the summum bonum of policy and eternall felicity, like Orpheus a primitive Poet, who did endea­vour to reduce men from barbarisme, to hu­manity and civillity; so they from heathen­isme, to Christianity in policy, to be Chris­tians by policy as well as Religion, to save the men and kill the vices rather then one another, and enlarge his confines with super­fluity of generations. For to plunder men as fast as rich, kill as fast as populous, acording to the fourth Reformation by the Norman, is an abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniell the Prophet whose derivation was from Rome, as the learned french historian Philip de Comines a Roman Catholick ob­serveth ‘By this fifth Reformation herewritten, many men think is meant, no destruction to any but to comply with Scots & Par. because they have the major voyce, and then no man can de­ny, but that to the Word of God men will their words and acts apply, and not be perjur'd But govern according to best refor­med Churches, and controversie in 3 moneths, shun murder, fraud, plundering, and lurches.’


Iohn Downame.

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