MOST WELCOME NEWES FROM YORK BEING A true and perfect Relation of what hath happened in York, since his Majesties last DECLARATION. The Parliaments Resolution, concerning the Kings most excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Commons which have absented themselves from the said Houses, and are now at York attending on his Majesty. Likewise the Grounds and Reasons why they are enforced to take Arms, With the severall Reasons to prove that every man is bound to uphold the Parliament against all Opposers whatsoever.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons that this be printed and pub­lished.

Iohn Brown Cler. parl. H. Elsing Cler. parl.

June 23, Printed for William Arding, 1642.

The Reason why the Subiect is bound to o­bey the Command of the Parliament, Voted,

That if in case of necessity, if his Majesty shall deny his assent, the Ordinance agreed on by both Houses of Parliament, doth obliege the People, and ought to bee obeyed, being warranted by the Fundamentall Laws of the Kingdome.

Both Houses of Parliament hath took into their se­rious consideratio [...] the Occasion and Reason why the Members of the said Houses should absent themselves upon their summoning in, Wherupon they hath drawn up a [...]harge against them, and are resolv'd that they shall pay 100. l. a man, and to be examined by the Com­mittee before the next sitting.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this be printed and publi­shed,

  • John Brown Cler Parl.
  • Hen, Elsing Cler. Parl D. Com.

By vertue of an Order this day made in the House of Commons Iune 17. the Officers and Keformadoes li­sted by the Adventurers for Ireland, are hereby requi­red to take notice, that they are on tuesday next (at 9. a clock in the morning) to hear a Sermon, and take the Protestation at St. Laurence Church neer Guild-Hall London, and then to enter into pay at Guild-Hall afore­said.

Hen. Elsing Cler. Parl.

A Command from the High Court of Parliament, to the Justices of Peace neer adjoyning to the Northern Roads.

IT is this day ordered by the Lords in Par­liament assembled, That a strict search and Examination be made by the Justices of peace Maior, Bayliffs, Constables, and other his Ma­jesties Officers, inhabiting, or neer adjoyning to all the Northerne Roads, for the stopping and staying of all Armes, Ammunition, Pow­der, Light-horses, or horses for service in the Warres, and great Saddles that are, or shal be carryed towards the North parts of England, but by the privity and direction of one, or both Houses of Parliament; And that the said Of­ficers shall stay them accordingly, and speedily give information thereof unto one of the Hou­ses of Parliament.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament. That this shall be printed and published.

Io. Browne, Cler. Parl.

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