The ANABAPTISIS Faith and Belief, Opend.

Some that pretend most Faith have least, who say
That their Belief is pure, and will not pray I believe
This illegitimate Sect is neither just
In their own way, nor will improve their trust in God
A Spirit which can guide them they have got,
They'l grant no other Conduct who know not the Father Almighty
They'l make a Chaos of the Church, to see
(Their errors being compos'd) whether he be maker of Heaven
Thus they tempt their Creator, and dare say
They are more Holy, and not made of Clay and Earth,
They are inspir'd from Heaven; and thus they flout
The Holy Scripture, and with it play both out and in
They'l grant no worship to our Lord, nor show
Any (though decent) reverence unto Jesus
They will derive their names from BROVVN and TOM,
Nor do they so care, to extract it from Christ
PLUTO laughs at them, promising that he
Who will persist thus in that way, shall be his onely Son
But (O) illuminate their Errors now
Father of Heaven and Earth, and still be thou our Lord,
What is not theirs, is Romes and Popish dross;
Hence came the tumult abour Cheapside-Cross, which was
Thus is our Church condemned without hope
To be reformed, for 'twas (they say) by th' Pope conceived
They've been so long from Church that they've forgot,
But Barns and Stables, sure conceiv'd were not by the Holy Ghost,
They hate the nomination of a Mass,
Nor, will observe the Rules of him that was born of the Virgin
They'I have no Brothers name be called DAVY
Nor Sisters MALL, 'cause of ROMES Ave Mary,
They're charitable, the naked they will see
Covered; and none (unless a Sister) now shall be suffered under
Some will reform Religion, and some
To crucifie Christs Church, would even become Pontius Pilate,
Some preach in Tubs, that scarce become a chair;
The Bishops Primacy in Lambeth fair was crucified,
The publlck Liturgy is condemn'd by most,
The Book of Common Prayer is almost dead and buried;
When Prophet HUNT did in the Gallery prate,
In Christ Church, and sent to Counter-gate, he descended
These Amsterdamian tunes which they do sing
In Conventicles, will them shortly bring, into Hell,
When SPENCER preacht, and did his word fulfil,
He in his Text continued until the third day
When HUNT came from the Counter, went agen
To the Old Exchange and Westminster, and then he rose again,
These speak by Inspiration, and are wise;
Their Doctrine's dull, as if it did arise from the dead,
When Hovv rose from his Coblers Bulk and teacht,
His fond opinion in the Pulpit preacht he ascended
Those that will thus their Souls health rashly venter
To rob abused Levy, shall not enter into Heaven,
They are as fierce as Hercules with his Club,
The chief among them's placed in a Tub and there sitteth
At the left hand there sits a Holy Mother,
And there is likewise plac'd a purer Brother on the right hand
Thus are their new Assemblies all abhorr'd,
And thus they do profane the Sacred word of God,
We live and move by him that sits on High,
Whom I acknowledge seriously to be the Father Almighty,
MARLER for preaching Anabaptist Text
Was sent to th' Gate-house, and to Tyhurn next, from thence be shall come
But stay stisturbers of the time, I know
Your manners, but who authorized you to judge
Retract your fool'sh rage, I humbly crave
Do not proceed to censure and deprave both the quick and dead.
Why do you nourish th' Amsterdamian Brat,
For (lo) 'tis not your Sect confusive that I believe in
Thou Baptianisme that our Religion main'st,
Thou often dost protect the sin against the Holy Ghost,
He that can teach five hours inspir'd from high,
Denying Common-Prayer-Book, shall be the Holy
Most words of Popish Monuments are fram'd,
Religion's Romish too, if it be nam'd Catholick
A Church to them's Apocripha, a Tree,
A Barn, a Stable, they esteem to be Church,
Where the Brethren, Sisters, Anabaptist Elves
Do meet together, they call themselves the communion of Saints,
They'I not confess, nor yet absolve, they'l be
Competitors for the truth, and so deny the forgiveness of sins,
When they should exercise their Talent, and do move
By the Spirit, to a Sister, O then they love the Resurrection of the Body,
Since they such obscure places will inherit,
Denying all good Works, they cannot merit the Life everlasting,
And since they are led by the Spirit, O then withall
May the Spirit lead them unto Tyburn all.


London, Printed in the Year, 1659.

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