THE CAUSE of GOD, And of these NATIONS. Sought out, and drawn forth from the Rubbish of the Lusts and Interests of Men, and lifted up into sight and view for all the upright in heart to follow it. Wherein is shewed,

  • What our Cause was.
  • What opportunity we had for it.
  • How miserably it has been deserted.
  • What was the Cause of that desertion.
  • The spiritual Judgment that is already upon the Desertors.

With a Word of encouragement to all the faithful, and persevering friends of it.

Isa. 59.19

When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him.

London, Printed Anno Dom. 1659.

To all the Honest-hearted of the Land; who though through weak­nesse they have staggered, yet have not wickedly departed from the Cause of God and the Nation.

GOD hath pardoned your sins, You have had your temp­tations and weaknesses, and God hath chastend and af­flicted you for them; You have borne your shame, you have turned away from God & rejoyced in a thing of nought: Therefore God hath withdrawn from you his presence and blessing, and your Renown is much perished. You have minded the enriching of your selves, the making your Families and Names Great: Therefore hath God set up a greatness over you to afflict you. You would be so wise, and so in the fashion of the World, and of the Nations, so afraid of the meanness of Christ and of the Spirit, that I think ye have had enough of a Lordly Spirit; and yet in the name of Christ too, bringing you under. God hath payd you in your own Coine. Ye would ride upon horses, and upon the swift, therefore they that have pursued you have been swift. Glori­fie God in his Judgements, Confesse him and sanctifie his Name.

Are ye willing to be delivered? Or do ye affect bondage still? Will ye be boared for perpetual slaves? Will ye yet accept of the Government of Christ? Are ye weary and heavy laden? Will ye put into a good harbour? The Lord opens his Arms to you, He [Page] waits that he may be gracious. He hath hid love under all this di­spensation; These winds and waves have been but to waft you over into his own Bosome. It is one of his Ordinances, In the world you shall have tribulation. But he is wherever he was, and the Cause is, and lives; All ye that are the Natural children of it, Come own your Mother. Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the Mother of us all, and ye are free, and nothing can inthral you, no Bonds, no Yokes, no Temptations, no allurements can hold you in that that is unrighteous. Ye can not rest till ye come to your own Land, till ye see the New Heavens, and the New Earth wherein Righteousness dwells. Of whatsoever Kindred, Nation, Tribe, or Tongue ye are, no Form can or shall imprison you long, or hold the truth in unrighteousness. I know ye have your seve­ral Lights, and discernings gradually differing; But ye are one, and agree perfectly in the true Ground and Reason of your life. Ye would have Truth and Righteousnesse take place, that is, Ye would have Christ reign. For Truth and Righteousnesse are but so many Names of Him; and he would have ye happy and free eve­ry way, free in your Persons, free in your Estates, free inwardly, free outwardly: for the Earth is his as well as Heaven, He made it, and that not in Ʋain, He made it to be inhabited, Sin and un­righteousness hath desolated it. The fruit of the Earth shall be ex­cellent and comely, when the Branch of the Lord is beautiful and glorious for his escaped Remnant. He hath married you and calls you by Name: You are the true English race, those that are against you are strangers and forreigners, Aliens from their own Coun­trey; Therefore when I call you English-men, it is as much as if I call'd you Israelites.

Ye are but a Remnant, yet ye are the seed and hopes of the Land; God hath winnowed and sifted the Nation; those that were not of you, are fallen off from you. It is your advantage that you know them, you shall not want their Numbers, nor need you fear their Multitude; for the whole Multitudes that gather against you, shall be as the Dream of a night Vision. God is arisen to judge them, ye shall need to do nothing against them, but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

Their Mighty men are fallen, their strength is perished, the anointing is ceased and departed from them; Your Cause is risen, I feel it is risen, The Witnesses thereof begin to stand upon their feet.

The Interest of this short discourse is, First to awaken you, and to point out unto you the Cause of all our Breakings, since that sig­nal Witness given from Heaven to our Cause. There was much Darkness, wrath, foolishness, selfishness, mingled with our zeal, Love, Righteousness, in the managing of the Cause, which was to be pared and pruned off, burnt up, and separated from us, and the fire hath seized upon it. There was also a mixt multitude with us (as there was with Israel when they came up from Egypt) who had not a stedfast Spirit, nor a right aim, Children in whom was no faith, which were to be made manifest, and to be knockt off. These their buits have caught them, and they are at their journeys end; they will be left hehind, and that is not the worst that awaits them. While yon had to deal with the open and de­clared Enemy, ye were still successful against them; but these false brethren have betrayed you and your Cause. Trust them no more, nor that Spirit: It is your great advantage, that you now know the depths of Satan, you have seen Satan transforming him­self into an Angel of light, the Man of sin working in all deceive­ablenesse of unrighteousnesse, in praying, preaching, weeping, &c. You cannot be cousened any more with these. Where the Life, the Seed, the Nature is, it will recover it self, and this Discourse may be serviceable to awaken; and call it forth out of that Caprivi­ty wherein it lyes; but where is only the Notion, the Form, the Profession, it will wither away more and more. Let all that are the Children of this Cause hear this Voice, and obey this Call to come out of Babylon, and partake no longer in her sins, as they would not partake in her Plagues.

A second aym of this Discourse, is, to enlarge our apprehensi­ons in the just Extent and Dimensions of our Cause, which is not to be restrained or limited by the scant Models of any private thoughts, but is to be learned and received from the heavenly pat­terne as God is pleas'd to let it down and shew it unto us. Hence [Page]all those Designs will be found too short or narrow of those that would rest in forming these Nations meerely into a Common­wealth, or that bound the Work by Civil or Spiritual liberties, as they are commonly apprehended. The Cause of God in its la­titude and adaequate extent, is, the bringing of all things in Earth to answer the minde of God, as is done in Heaven. A thing not done at once nor presently, but by degrees, nor to be perfected but by the appearance of Jesus Christ, as he lets down the spiritual knowledge and revelation of himself unto us, in the opening of the Scriptures. We are to be preparing and oc­cupying our Measures and Talents, till he come and put the fini­shing hand to Crown his own work.

3. To direct us in the Way of serving this Cause, That we go not forth headily and rashly, presumptuously and self-confidently in our own wit, will, wisdom, or rage, (there hath been too much of this) but humbly waiting upon God, watching and looking up to him, what door he opens, what way he leads, what means he puts into our hands; and not to be troubled if we cannot see to the end of our way distinctly, but from step to step. If we be brought to an obedient following of him, our way shall be as the encreasing light growing to perfect day. This was the way God perswaded the Parliament unto at first, we had never else taken down Bishops, not being provided of a Discipline in their room; but God carry­ed us over this Objection then. And so this was the way the Ar­my professed themselves to be lead in, and they prospered won­derfully. Those were the days of innocency and simplicity, (though much weakness and childishness); and God may upbraid us with that time as once he did Israel, Jer. 2. I remember thee, the kind­ness of thy youth in the day of thy espousals, when thou followedst me in a Land that was not sowed, (When thou knewest not how thou shouldst live, but hadst every meal from Heaven) Israel was holi­nesse to the Lord, &c. And this is a great thing we have Covenan­ted and engaged to the Lord. It is no new thing ye are exhorted to, but the Vowes of God are upon us. The Lord hath had livery and seizin of us, we have lived upon him, and he hath found us in a Desert Land, and hath borne us upon Eagles wings, and why should it not be so again?

To conclude, let us consider what a Name and a Praise we be­gan to be made in the Earth; What people were like England, a People saved by the Lord! Shall we begin in the Spirit and seek to be made perfect in the flesh? Shall we that have been assisted and carryed forth, to assert the Cause of God against the corrupt usurpations of the World, when they had so long prescription, a King of ancient Descent, that had such a fouundation of the Na­tional Constitution, the Laws, an Army to stand upon, the Spirit of the world in its vigour to maintain and uphold them? Shall we that did not then shrink, but wrought our Cause through the fire, and through Seas of blood; shall we now after we have con­quered all these real difficulties, be afraid of a thing of nought, of the shaddows of our own unbelieving fears, that have no founda­tion or bottome of reason or righteousnesse, or consent, or constitu­tion to urge themselves upon us? Where is the King of whose frown ye should be afraid? Where's his Power? Where's his Ar­my? What is become of the Great men and Mighty men? Who shall hurt you, if ye be followers of that that is good? If any be stept up into their places, and shall offer to oppose the Canse of God, ye need not wish for weaker Adversaries, for they will be self-condemned, They stand upon a Bogg which will swallow them up having no righteous foundation.

And for your Comfort, let me add this one Word; The World ye are to grapple with, hath lost a great strength of late; Its very Heart-strings are broke. This I must say for Him that is gone, It was He that bare up this old ruinous Frame, which in likelihood had fallen before this, if His Parts, His Courage, His Religion, had not supported it: Whether He did well or ill in it judge ye. Indeed it broke him at length, and he fainted un­der the weight of it; but He was a strong Buttresse to it, when it was sinking in the time of the little Assembly, The Law and the Clergy had then crackt, if he had not put thereto his shoulder. I am not against the Honest Interest of the Ministery or Law, if that Interest be publique, if it be the Interest of Righteous­nesse and of the Spirit, I call them old and rotten in the cor­rupt State of them wherein at present they stand; But (I say) [Page]while that Prop of them lasted, there was no attempting against them; for God had given him to be a prolonging of days unto them: And as he that stood in the way: did lett the revealing of the Man of sin, till he was taken out of the way: so the Spirit of God in his poor Witnesses, had not full play against this old and corrupt State of things, while that Great Spirit acted the Defence of them.

A Word to the Reader, to remove Prejudice.

MY ayme is to give my witnesse against the Present Apostacy, whether this Generation will hear, or whe­ther they will forbear.

I have believed, therefore have I spoken: These things are not ministred but with some Faith, that God will appear and revive this Cause and his poor people: and as I know not which way, so I am not Solicitous. I would be loath to blow the Coals of another Intestine War. But better our Peace be interrupted, then Truth perish; which is more our Life, than the blood that runs in our Veynes. I know it must be, not by Might nor Power, but by the Spi­rit, that our deliverance is wrought, whether in War or Peace: I should hope, the present Ʋsurpations should be too much self-condem­ned in the Practisers of them, to bear a quarrel; and that if we knew once but how to Value our Cause and the ground we are upon, our Op­posites would quickly rebate their Courage, seeing the day is so farre risen.

I am not against Monarchy as an unlawful Government, we find it owned of God, and honoured to be a Type of the Reign of Christ; but I am upon this Dilemma withall the Promoters of it here: Ei­ther we did well, and were guided by a divine hand in taking it down, or not: If not, why do we not ask the World mercy, and restore the old Family again: If we were directed by God to remove it, let us see the same divine hand leading to the restoring it; else, What a scandal is it to our Cause, to build again the things we destroyed.

That God leads us not to it, appears; 1. Because his people consent not in it; and Governments for the forme of them are to be founded upon Consent; The people that adhered and are yet faithful to this [Page]Cause, have not onely their Interest among others, but Paramount to the rest of the Nation.

2. Our Condition calls not for unnecessary charge; Taxes lye heavy on the Commoners; The poor of the Land that want bread, are numerous.

3. Kingly Government is a kind of Scourge; and, at best, an allay of the freedome of a people; a sacred thing esteem'd, of difficult accesse, Ido­latrously adored, an occasion of great superfluity excesse and vanity, unsuitable to this day that is upon us; and lastly, makes the Person too stour and haughty to fall under the reproofs of the poor mean servants of Christ, that come to them onely in the name of the Lord; and so exalts their hearts to their own destruction in the end, and the people's smart in the mean time.

4. The Kings of Judah were Types, but Types are Ceased. King­ship is now to be preserved in the Person of Christ, He will administer it in Truth, in the truth of his own righteous and royal spirit, not in figure and shadow, through pitiful poor base men, servants of lusts. The poorest Saint that Cobbles under a Stall hath more of true Majesty, and is more a King then the greatest Prince among them, that is under the power of lust in his own soul.

I might give many other Reasons, as the Impolitiquenesse of it to make a Family-quarrel; the unsafeness of it, for the person or fa­mily we should so set up. But I leave politiques to Statesmen, I am chiefly exercised in the Conscience of the thing.

The like I say for Lords, I am not against Lords simply. But they are thrown out; It concerns us to consider by what hand, and on what grounds, before we admit them again. If they were unnecessary and hinderful of our Cause and proceedings, either we have altered our Cause, or they are so still. It was not the Persons we animadverted against but the Power: How unrighteous is it, if our Judgments be altered of the Power, to place it in New Persons, when many of the Ancient Peers are yet living, as deserving as the New. Is not this the way to breed a quarrel between Peers and Peers, as between King and King.

2. Walk not in the way of the Gentiles, The Judgment of God made Kings; Kings, made Lords; They were onely to help the King to in­slave the people. What people that had their choice would set up either? Lords without Lands, can do no more service for God nor their Coun­try, then other men.

3. I am not against a Distinction of Ranks of men. Variety is the beauty of the universe, and an exercise of Vertue. Where would bounty and humility be, if there were not Rich? And where were pati­ence and contentation of mind, if there were not mean men? I would have every one have their Rights, no industrious men want, all honest men free. I would not affectedly set up mean men against the wealthy, nor would Itye wisdome and understanding to men of Estate. Liberal, and generous Education, is a good quality; but let it not go alone in the choice of men to rule: but look for the spirit of Govern­ment.

4. It is far from me to Monopolize or ingrosse (in my judgment) the priviledges and advantages of that Righteous Kingdome which God is setting up over the Earth, to Saints onely; which shall be shared among all that submit to it, and oppose it not so far as they are Capa­ble: much lesse do I reckon of Saintship, by any form of words that men expresse themselves in. And though I dare not abett all that are zealous for this Cause for Saints, yet I must professe my faith is sha­ken concerning those that desert it; and it is an argument of some more Noble, if not divine thing in men, through all Shocks of temptations on the one hand, and the other, to preserve their Integrity. And this I am perswaded; As, many have bin already shaken off, (as untimely figgs); so few or none will hold out with this good Cause to the end, but, those that are of an Incorruptible seed: whom therefore I shall desire to know by their fruits, and judge of them according to their works.

5. And, as I am not able to say but a spirit of righteous Government as to things between man and man, may be found in some who are not Saints upon the Strictest account of regeneration, (who may there­fore, for ought I know, have the exercise of their talent allowed them even in the Kingdom of Christ, subjecting that Rule of theirs in due subserviency to the spirit, & Spiritual affaires): so can I not on the other hand admitt that to be the proper Rule and Government of Christ, be it exercised by whomsoever (though the Highest Professors in Religion, and on never so high an account) that is contrary to the light of Scripture rightly understood, or the light of incorrupt Reason in any sort of men. The Demonstration of the spirit, and the righteousness of that Kingdome justifying its self undeniably to the conscience of the natural man, in things that are under his Judgment, as well as [Page]to the spiritual Christian in things which are proper to his discerning: So as there is no Arbitrariness here in this Kingdome, but all by Rule, and that Rule is so clear and undenyable, as nothing can rise up against it in any mans conscience.

Lastly, I desire I may be believed, that I have not bin led by any prejudice against his present Highnesse in this Testimony which I bear, who as He hath not by any Publique Act of his Government disobliged any (that I know of), so by his affability and Courtesie wins upon all (if any private passages have not bin so to the Rule, I would not mention them because I would not multiply them.) As the Place he is in, sought him, not he it; so I desire, He may lay it and himself at the feet of Christ, to dispose of him and his Interest, as may be most for his glory. So is he sure not to be layd-by dishonourably, if any could have a heart or stomach so to do. Christ himself must give up the Kingdome to God, and so must all Rulers and Potentates unto Christ, else Wo be to them.

THE Cause of God, AND Of these Nations.

CHAP. I. Of the deplorable Estate of the Nation at this day, after so fair advantages as were put into our hands.

IT is a certain truth, No man is made unhappy but by his own choice; God hath not bin wanting to let us find, that all the pow­er of our enemies either at home or abroad could not destroy us, while we had hearts, and were watchfull, to use the means to preserve our seivs: confidence in men and distrust in God, common­ly go together, and are much of like dangerous Issue and Conse­quence. We have lost more in this seven years Peace, by trusting too much to a friend, then we did in all our twelve years war, while we conflicted with hoasts of enemies; inasmuch as we have been still losing our liberty by little and little, which all the time of the wars we went on gaining more and more: and if we get no more by losing him, but resolution to take up our trust, we shall be confide­rable gainers. I am (I confesse) so much a Leveller, that in this corrupt state of mens principles and minds, (corruptible at the [Page 2]best), it is safer for Laws to govern than Men. Not but that, that blessed day of the Lord's own righteous Reign, may be neerer the dawning upon us, than perhaps the present dark and cloudy com­plexion of our thoughts and affairs would seem to hold forth: Therefore I would not have the door of a lively expectation shut against our Lord's appearing as I would not that, in the mean time, (though we knew, He were to come to morrow) we should throw away our Reason, and put out our Lights (as men), and despise those liberties he hath given us as advantages for our serving of him.

The late violent turns and changes that have befallen this poor Commonwealth, since our Arms rested from the common enemy, have (to my apprehension) lookt more like the Trumpets in the Apocalypse, that, with gallantry and state, brought in Corruption, than the Vials that work it out. These pour not forth themselves at once with observation, but leisurely and secretly wast and consume long-rooted Usurpations. And all that either the Civil or Military power hath to do, is but to maintain us in peace and freedom, that so we may attend unto that Light of God (which, according to the prophecies of Scripture, is breaking forth) which will certainly undermine and destroy the State Anti-christian, as well as the Church Anti christian: for there is both, and both shall be destroy­ed with the Spirit of Christ's mouth and the brightnesse of his Ap­pearing: And without his appointment, it will never be done by secular Sword or Arm.

When I say The Powers are to maintain our peace and freedom, I am aware what I say, and that it implyes, We were in the possession of them; and indeed so we were, and they were given us of God: If it be demanded, when we were so, and wherein it appeared? I answer, When our Arms were victorious over all our enemies in the field, which was not till after Worcester fight: Then was there nothing in our way visibly, but Mercy and Truth, Righteousnesse and Peace might have embraced each other.

The Enemy was subdued in England before that, but there was a remnant of him in Scotland and Ireland: And then the Rent that was made among us by the taking off the King, weakned the ho­nest Interest much, as the Action it self gave opportunity to the am­bitious aspirings and designs of some, (when that place was empty) to get into it, (at least wise such jealousies there were). Perhaps, when [Page 3]that action shall be reveiw'd by us in Cooler Spirits, we may see Cause to acknowledge that the King was not so ripe for the Capital Justice of man in those passive Circumstances, wherein he then stood as a Prisoner of War, till he had forfeited the security we might have laid upon him; I am sure our Eager policy in that Action for self-preservation hath little succeded or answered our desires. However the sickle of Divine Justice cutting him down, it was not adviseable for honest men (when they had dis­charged their judgments and consciences in a saithful testimony) to divide thereupon; But notwithstanding this breach, we were again, as I said, upon fair advantages after the Battle at Worcester, when nothing was wanting but a Spirit and wisdome to manage so great an opportunity. A time like that of Augustus Caesar. When our Saviour was born all the World was quiet; So was all our little world, for the Saviour to be born into it the 2d time. Tyrants both in Church and State expel'd, their Armyes vanquisht: The Nations like wax ready to receive any good and righteous impression: yea, the Parliament it self expecting what good thing would be required of them to do; having power to refuse, nothing should have bin demanded. The Lawyers quaked, the formal Clergy were down in the Mouth, the Malignant trembled, the loose Nobility and Gentry lookt pale; All men were frighted into a fear and awe of God, and the hearts and expectations of all good men were up ex­ceedingly. But wherefore is a price put into the hand of a fool, when there is no heart? Now was the time that God said unto us, as once unto Israel, Go up and possesse the Land which I have sworn that I would give you, Go fill the Land with Righteousnesse, plant my Name and my Truth there; Drive out all profannesse, un­mercifulnesse, injustice, oppression; ease the burdens, break the yokes, relieve the necessities of my people, stamp my Image upon the Nati­on; consecrate it to me; whatever thing in your minds that is honest, and just, and good, and merciful, bring it forth and fear not, for the Lord your God which goeth before you, He shall fight for you, accor­ding to all that He did for you in Egypt. He that brought you up from under Regal Tyranny, and Episcopal domination, that hath vanquished the Enemy in the three Nations before you, and all their formidable hosts, He is with you. (4.) This was the posses­sing of the Land which the Lord called his people then unto; Even [Page 4]to fill the seats of Judicature, and all places and things with the presence of God; not to satisfie our selves, to possesse the King's and Bishops Lands, and Deane and Chapters Lands, or rather to be possessed by them.

All men must here needs understand that I charge the Army. And indeed I do so, though not them alone, but many of the then Parliament, who took a new scent, of the Honors promotions and Advantages of those whom God had cast out before them, and lost the scent of the Cause; yea, and many of the zealous people of the Nation too were taken off by these things. These were the Moabitish snares that inveigled the Princes. And what hath fol­lowed thereupon is sad to behold at this day. We having lost in a manner all that we had got, and being relapst deeper into bondage then heretofore in the Kings time; He is not an Englishman that doth not bleed to see how since that Liberty is lost, Property expos'd to Arbitrary Lust and Will, The Publique Cause and Interest laid­by, A Private Cause and Interest set up, Men sworn to it, Judged by it, not only as to liberty and livelyhood, (Officers being Casher'd the Army, and others put out of Places of Trust) but some put to death for not preferring it before the publique; Malignants countenanced and taken into favour, occasion given to the formal, yea, the profane spirit, to lift up its head, while publique spirits and the precious of the Land were discouraged; yea, that very spirit whereby our Cause rose and obtain'd so far, lookt upon as an Ene­my, and watcht over with a jealous eye. Tryers set up to keep it out of the Pulpit, good Justices removed, and the old spirit of the Gentry brought in play again, worldly greatnesse again affected by those that sometime seemed to set their face another way. The burdensome pompe and vanity of a Court again revived, and idle per­sons therein entertained, and maintained upon the charge of the poor exhausted Commoners; justice as much delayed, as before; the Lawyers, as Corrupt and Exorbitant: Those Bawbles (as once they were deem'd and styled) and ridiculous formalities of State again introduced, as vain and excessive Feastings; and as superstitious and Idolatrous Funerals, as in the darkest times; in all these things, as if we should professe to glory in our shame. The election of Members to sit in Parliament, as Corruptly negotiated and sollici­ted as in the Kings time, Armies modelled and imployed not for [Page 5]maintaining of the Cause of God and the Nations, (save onely in name and title) but indeed and in truth to maintain those that have Usurpt the Dispose of us, and it, and all our Liberties. A Coun­cil receiving paye, for work the Nation never set them upon: When others would serve gratis. Nehemiah did not so, nor the former Council of State, though they had their faults. In a word, all things running again in the old Channel, and not onely King, Lords, and Bishops set up again under new appellations; but even the old Names and Powers claym'd and contended for, as to the two first; The Negative Voyce, and the Militia it self not excepted, (two main branches of the late Quarrel): and if these succeed to the desire of some (as, if we look to humane probabilities, there may be too much Cause of fear, when we consider what attempts were made, and what means were used the last Parliament to have made a King) we must have Bishops too, if the old Proverb (which was no doubt the result of a deliberate consideration and inspection in­to the Nature of the two Interests, No Bishop no King) do hold good.

While these things have bin doing, the hand of God hath bin upon our Bodies, our Cattel, our Trading. What strange and New diseases have swept away whole Families and Townes, almost of late years; So, as we could not avoid taking notice of an intima­tion of Divine Displeasure therein: Unnatural and intemperate seasons, a plague among our Horses, wherein, perhaps we have too much confided, Our Merchants break and run away daily, Our Ships lost and taken to incredible numbers; Our Men (the strength of our Nation) sent to digg their graves with their swords in forreign Countries and disagreeing Climats, whither they are prest forth against their Consent (a thing that would not have bin put up for­merly) and the Poor of the Land increasing wonderfully upon us, whole Families ready to starve for want of Trade and Imployment, whilst that which would maintain many Thousands is lavisht (I may say imbezeld) to keep up the Port of a few new rais'd great Ones, at an unnecessary height.

Where these things may End, or whereto they are directed in the Intentions of many, that drive them on, the Lord alone knows: but it is much, and with too much ground (or appearance of like­lyhood) suspected, to be with an eye to bring-in the old Family [Page 6]assoon as they have made all things ready; which by that time all is said that these Designers are able to alleadge of the Commodious­nesse thereof, to put us out of fear of any more Warrs and Changes, and to save the Charge of maintaining Armies, to keep out that Title; I fear the Nation may have too strong a Temptation unto: And then what will become (I say not) of King's and Bishops Lands, which many of the Gentry and Sould'ers have swallowed down, (it were the lesse matter if the disgorging of them were the worst consequence); but what would become of the Estates and Libert'es, not to say the Lives, of all honest men that have adhered to this Cause? Nay, what would become of the Cause of God and Religion, which we have bin contending for against Popery and pro­fanenesse; let every indifferent person Judge. Though the truth is, setting these consequences aside, if there were a Necessity of a King again, I must professe I should think it more righteous, yea, more honourable for our principles and our Cause, to take a branch of the old Family that hath not forfeited his Right by actual hosti­lity against us, than to set up any other Family in that place, so little grudge have I against that expulsed Family: though I think whosoever pretends to be their Friend, and should wish them re­stored to that Office and Dignity in this Day, wherein God seems to be overthrowing (designedly) the throne of kingdoms, consults nei­ther theirs nor the Nations peace.

But, which is the Misery of all the rest, There are not wanting that endeavour to perswade us, that though these symptomes of death are upon us, yet we are well and upon an excellent constitu­tion; (What would ye have? May ye not be as good as ye will, say they?) and that this is our Cause we fought for. Which is so true, as that the Calves were Israel's Gods, that brought them up out of the land of Aegypt: As if the setting up a few men, that seemed some­time zealous for the Cause, were the triumphing of the Cause, when the body of the Adherents languish. God knowes whether in this I do enviously detract from the Merits of any (His late Highnesse, or others, that rose with him) who deserved eminently in their day; And None, was more joy'd to see the power come into His hands then those that have since had so much cause to bewail the ill use of it. But, to take it ill of us, that we cannot dance and sing in these circumstances, is such an unreasonablenesse as is amazing. Won­der [Page 7]not that men that have been free, should think it irksom to be in bondage; That those that have purchased their liberty at such a Rate, should be willing to enjoy it; That those Court Trinkets and Foppe­ries, those chargeable Bawbles and Vanities being once cast out, are not without regret and anguish received and taken in again, No, No: we cannot so easily take upon us all the Blood that hath been shed in this Quarrell; we cannot state the cause upon a Person or a Family, or the individuall circumstances of Hic & Nunc: Tyran­ny is Tyranny, and Oppression is Oppression, be it excercised by whomsoever; and superfluity and luxury are worse in this Generati­on than in the former daies.

A liberty there is (I grant) to say what you will against the old Court, the High Commission, the Star-Chamber, the waies of the Bishops and former Tyrants and persecutors, and to professe and practise any thing that touches not present Corruptions: but shall we have liberty to witnesse against the same Evills in new dresses? May Sir Henry Vane freely pro­pound a Healing Q.? A. No: If he do, he must, for an answer, be sent to Carisbrook Castle. May Col. Okey, Lt. Gen. Ludlow, and other faithful Officers in the Army freely remonstrate against incroaching Ty­ranny? No: they must then be ca­shier'd and sent to the Tower. May Mr. Cardel freely preach against a formal Ministry and Worship? No: He must then leave his Benefice in Lumbard-street. May Mr. John Goodwin try the Tryers? No: He must then be school'd for his pains, and know that He that set them up will maintain them. May Major Gen. Overton exercise his command freely without serving the lusts of great ones? No: He must then be banished to the Isle of Garnsey. If not, what liberty have we? or in­deed, what liberty can be expected? when those that take upon them to measure it out to us, are themselves the great Object of Offence, and have made themselves deservedly the very Butt against which all faith­full witnessing must be directed, un­lesse we will put out our eyes, the light of our Reason and our Consci­ences, and call Evil Good, and Good Evill, as too many have been corrupted or deceived to do, in these daies.

CHAP. II. Enquires the Remedy in this case, where the forwardness of the natural Man is rejected, and it is shewed, That by the first Covenant there is no recovery for us, if God shew us not a better Covenant, and bring not down our Spirits to the tearms thereof.

THe Case standing thus with us, the Question will be, What way of recovery is there for us? The flesh and the naturall Man is forward and bold, and would be undertaking presently, like Israel of old; who, when they had offended the Lord, with refu­sing to go up at his command, thought to mend all again presently with changing their resolution; But the Lord tells them, It would not be accepted then: Because they would not go up in his Time, they should not go up in their own; If they did, they should fall before the Canaanites.

There is a season and an opportunity, which if it be let slip, is ne­ver to be recovered again, as it was with Jerusalem. O that thou hadst known, at least in this thy day, the things that belong to thy peace; but now they are hid from thine eys. Ye shall desire to see one of the daies of the Son of Man, and shall not not see it. The night cometh wherein no man can work.

1. There is a day of grace, wherein God makes offers and ten­ders of his presence and assistance, which is meant by the daies of the Son of Man; wherein the patience of God waits upon the world, Persons and Nations, not leaving himself without Witnesse that he is ready to do all on his part, towards the saving and redeeming of them. Thus the old World had their day, during the preaching of Noah: The Jews had theirs, during the preaching of Christ, All men have their day wherein God shews himself, not willing of their death. And thus England hath had its day, as hath been shewed. But if this be overslipped then follows,

2. In the second place, the day of Judgment, Heb. 10.26, 27. If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledg of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain fearful looking [Page 9]for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the Adver­saries; That which grace will not do, judgment shall. There is an Order for the issuing out of all Gods Attributes: though he have magnified his Word above all his Name, and given it the first place; yet he hath not ceased to be just and righteous, he must make Re­bels stoop to him, else he had as good give up his Kingdom. There­fore, When the Master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye shall begin to stand without and knock, &c. then, though Noah, Daniel, and Job stood before me, my heart could not be to­wards this people. In that age when the Jews were rejected, they had many friends that were powerful with God, the Apostles, and others; yet they could not prevail to bring back the heart of God to that people; though Paul bids high and would have given his salvation for it: No the fire must now work upon them; Judg­ment must have its course, the Decree is gone forth, there is no arresting of it. And though God will take up again and be recon­ciled at last, yea and with more abundant kindness gather his peo­ple again; yet it must be through a long tract of suffering, a 1600 years rejection, and no hopes given them till Jesus Christ be sent the second time, in the glory of the Father to restore them.

Let this be considered: for if this be our case, that the door be shut, and that we begin to stand without and knock (as me-thinks it looks too like such a thing, we have not that success and admissi­on within that formerly we had) we shall receive but cold answers without doors; then deliverance must be wrought through the fire: we must bear our iniquity, before God be pacified towards us.

But we have been so dandled and playd with, that, like wanton children not used to be lasht, we know not how to understand cor­rection; but are ready to think God is playing with us, when he is laying the rod upon us. Thus it was with us all the dayes of the late Protector, we put all upon the account of jest and tryal; All our losses abroad of ships and me (splitting our Designs) we under­stood them but as tryals, And things running Counter at home to honest principles and expectation, we thought they were but mists cast before our eys; sure the day would clear up, and things would go well at length. Though some felt the rod to smart, [Page 10]others call'd it play and sport: therefore we had need to be awa­kened to know where we are, that the rod is upon us, and if we understand not Jezreel, Loruhamah follows: and if that speak not loud enough, Loammi will. You may observe in that first of Hosea, the Prophet had three children, The first he was appointed to call Jezreel, that was as the first drops of the showr of vengeance; now Israel look to thy self, and remember the day of Jezreel, what Je­hu did serving himself when he pretended to serve me; I will therefore visit, saith God, the blood of Jezreel on the house of Jehu: There was the warning piece shot off, which might have its usefulness to some tender-hearted Israelites, to drive them into their Chambers till the indignation was over past. Those that were not awakened by this, hear next of Loruhamah, I will no more have mercy: And if this do not full execution, Loammi follows, Ye are not my people. To apply this, Our Mercy runs low already, but when God shall declare against us, as not his people, we shall be sensible of his displeasure too late.

CHAP. III. A particular enquiry into the immediate Causes of this dangerous relapse of ours.

ENGLAND hath had many Physicians, yet have I met with few that have hit upon the very Cause of this relapse of ours, or that prescribe a proper and sufficient remedy, though many pens are at work, and many brave English Spirits give their Essay, (say much and very well, as to the rescuing our too far gone liberty, and more do sigh and mourn, not able to utter and vent the grief of their hearts (Curae leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent) But few go to the Root of our distemper, we must go lower yet; [Page 11]Sure that which hath blasted all our hopes, and made us return and sit down as men ashamed re infectâ, must be discovered, and this Light I am apt to think must come out of the Sanctuary; Those that have travelled through the like passages in their own hearts, and have known the depths of Satan, the admirable shapes he transforms himself into, and what an absolute Newness of life and frame of Spirit, is requisite for the carrying on the work of the Kingdom of God steadily, and without starting back, they may tell us something of importance and siguificancy in our Case.

In searching out the Root of our Distemper, we may profitably reflect upon many things which might be partly Causes of it, and have a hand in bringing us thus low, when we were in so hopeful a way (as was hinted before.) Such as are, a carnal Succumbency of Spirit, lying down in the advantanges attained: and so making the Kingdom of God a thing too outward, consisting in worldly and outward ease, honour, and the like, and neglecting it within. 2. Making it too private and narrow, contenting our selves with our own, not travelling of others deliverance, the poor remaining yet in streights in our own Land, through want of justice to help them to their own, and want of mercy to extend something of ours to them. 3. Unwatchfulness of Spirit, through which the enemy got an advantage to work in the night of our security and sloth, to undo all again; while we were sleeping and shorting in our private advantages. And many such like Reasons might be assigned, which if we should be exact to muster up, we might be lost in them.

But they being infirmities of all Times common to all as Men, they have their easier and more ordinary censure and pardon from the Lord, and cannot be supposed to be so se­verely animadvered against by the hand of his justice, as to cause him after such intimacy, to turn his back upon a people. And therefore we must search for some other blacker and fowler thing to charge this great Desertion and sorsaking of us upon.

And as Physitians use to inquire of their Patients the time when their diseases seized upon them, and the Manner of its on-set, how and where it found them? where they had bin? what they had bin doing? what they had eaten or drank that day? or what exercise they had bin at? and such like Circumsiances: so let us do. We may remember, that it was a constant observation which was again and again inculcated upon us, both by the Lord himself, and those that were wise observers of his providences and dispensations, that when ever we began to consult with flesh and blood, and to deal wisely, to restrain or deal hardly with the true Israel of God; The Lord did alwayes animadvert against us with some losse, ill successe, or disappointment in our publique affaires, which was as that voice unto us, Touch not mine annointed and do my Prophets no harme. It is for their sakes that God doth all, that he rebukes Kings, He gives Nations for them, and therefore not to discern this, (the Lords body, whose good and deliverance is the scope and aime of all God's works and dispensations), No wonder if it cast us into a sick and weak and languishing Estate: By these we rose, with these we thrived. It may be remembred, Our affaires never succeeded, till they came to be managed by these hands in the Ar­my, and then we had not any considerable stop or Check that did dwell upon us, till the salvation of the three Nations was wrought out and accomplished. But when God had Vanquished our Ene­mies, I dowell remember an evil spirit grew up against the people of God, we grew jealous of them, we were glad to be Saved by them, but afraid they should Rule over us: And therefore as their weak­nesse, unwatchfulnesse and unheedfulnesse to this spirit gave way, (those that should have prevented and forbid, being otherwise pri­vately taken up and employed, or wanting such a sense and value of themselves in the Lord, as was requisite to keep off the World from presuming and incroaching upon them) by little and little they grew from jealousie to Emnity, and to plant their Engines against that people and that spirit that had bin their Raepart and defence, in all assaults that had bin made against their peace and safety. Nay, then sayes God, if this be your Requital of me, if you that have bin fellow Souldiers in one Cause, fellow servants in one house, know no better how to use your peace and liberty, but fall a beating your fel­low servants; I will make one among you, or I will send in One upon [Page 13]you, that shall seize and secure things you so abuse, not to be resto­red again, till you know how to make a better use of them. You love your Liberty, you love your property, you are not for Me, nor will give my Saints their Liberty, and free breathing among you: if ye drive me away from you, if I go up from you, these go with me. And as for those you Maligne, I will be a little Sanctuary to them.

And there is this thing farther in it, which is worthy our obser­vation, The spirit we were so jealous of, was that growing light in the people of God, which we knew not where it would end, being a free born Creation that had no name nor form: for that which was formed, we could admit and grew pretty familiar with, though at first we were shy of some of them, as Independents, Anabaptists, &c. But this namelesse thing, this Virgin that was not espoused nor determined to or by any forme; This spirit that owned no Father but God, no Master but one, and He in Heaven; that was in a pure absolute and constant dependance on him that professed to follow the Lamb whithersoever he should go, that had resigned its will, its wisdome, the Conduct of it self wholly to him, This was the Offence: Top and keep down this spirit, let not this get the head of us; if it do, we are undone; our Religion, our Con­sistency is gone, we shall be the most tossed wavering uncertain fluid ridiculous people in the World. No Nation will value us, none of the Potestant Churches will own us. Let not this Man, let not any men in this spirit Rule over us, nor be suffered among us.

Now mark what God did, He took one that was in no form, neither Presbyterian, Independent, nor Anapatist, and sets him up in despight of all this wit and contrivance to the contrary; And so the very thing, that generation so studiously avoyed, fell unto them. The thing they feared (as Iob saies) came unpon them, and that very life they sought to save they assuredly lost. This was the first thing. But this is not all: In the next place, God committs into his hand a Rule, not heavenly Divine and spiritual, not the sweet and candid Rule of Christ (whom they refused in his heavenly appearance,) but an Earthly Lordly Rule, puts an Iron Scepter, into his hand to dash them in peices like a Potter's vessel, and so answers these fools according to their folly, yet answers them not: Their spight was at [Page 14]the spiritual seed, therefore they shall have the Children of the Earthly Jerusalem Reign over them (for these were his Body or his Princes which he set over all the Earth). Thus as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, or to entertain Christ in his meek large gentle heavenly appearance, which knows how to give men their Rights as well as Christians, and every one their food in due season; The Lord gives them up to their own hearts lusts, and de­sires, and feeds them with flesh which they called for (a fleshly Re­ligion) till it came out of their Nostrils, and they are sick and vo­mit again, and have enough of this Religious spirit, insomuch that with all their hearts they would have had the power any where ra­ther in this hand, that, in the name of God and Religion, could do such things, take away liberty and property, destroy their Rights, inslave their persons, alter and change laws and times at his pleasure, break Oaths and Engagagements without remorse. Any spirit but this spirit. Thus God filled them with their own ways, and punisht them with their own Inventions. Thus he brought fire out of Abimelech to devour the men of Shechem: and fire out the men of Shechem to devour Abimelech, for they were a plague to each other, for they were of one spirit, but thus wonderfully or­dered to be each others Torment.

If you ask me now, What spirit this was that made such work, what was the spirit of that Generation, and of Him that was in Judgment set over them (though in mercy too, I will grant you, for God did make use of him as a Bulwark, still against the Com­mon enemy, though we lost ground within doors)? Was it an evil spirit how then could any good come from it? I answer, It was not a profane spirit, nor a spirit void of Religion; there was much of Religion and Righteousness of one sort in it: but if you would know what spirit it was, It was the spirit of the first Covenant, grafted in­deed upon a new and living stock, Christ and the Gospel, but bearing its own sowre grape, The spirit of the Law (which you know makes nothing perfect) though in a Gospel dresse; the spirit of the first born after the flesh, or the life of Christ's first appearance, which is never safe and sure from starting back, & returning to cor­ruption, till it be made a sacrifice seasoned with salt, and salted with the fire of the eternal Spirit through the offering up of the flesh. And because this discovery is of so main importance, and concern unto [Page 15]us, therefore I shall discourse largely of it in the next Chapter, and shew you, How this is the Spirit in which our first life and Activity appears, and how it ministers in the things of God (that is) in the first Court, and where it is to give up and resigne; which when it doth not, it converts into Enmity against that better and latter spirit, and so is justly rejected and throwen off by God. And these things I shall, as God assists, discourse to you not as Notions barely, but as things that have really operated and produced their fruits among us. Which if the Lord give us to understand and make a right use of, may make us wise to salvation to save our souls, (I am sure), if not; to save the Nation, but, I say to save the Nation also, for This man shall be our peace when the Assyrian shall come into the Land, and this wisdome and knowledge shall be the Sta­bility of our times: Though I cannot say whether we be yet hum­ble and broken enough to receive it, but may put the Lord to cast us again into the fire to make us Malleable to this Impres­sion.

CHAP. IV. Shewing what manner of Spirit that was, that miscarryed in this Cause.

I Am apt to believe that the Instruments which carryed on the work in this Nation generally were not mistaken in themselves, but that they were sincere and upright with one sort of upright­nesse, and did indeed intend the freeing and delivering of us; yea, I am apt to retain that charity of the late Protector, that He inten­ded no lesse, when He dissolved the long Parliament, and did those High Arbitrary things: But it is not every spirit; Nay, it is not any spirit, be it never so raised and anointed, that can carry through to the end, in case of some temptations; but that spirit, that is by extraction divine. That that is of the Earth will seek, and at last find, its Center in the Earth, though it may by strong En­gines be carryed and kept aloft awhile: But natural principles, let them be never so much heightened, will never hold out to the end [Page 16]of God's Works. As the eye of the fleshly Israelite, could not see to the End of those things that were to be Abolished. And this is the great witnesse which God is minding to hold forth unto us in this day, by all our Apostacy, and backslidings, even to distin­guish between seed and seed, Spirit and Spirit. Then (saith the Prophet) ye shall returne and discern between the Righteous and the Wicked, &c. There is a Righteousnesse in the flesh, which is Wickednesse before God, not simply in it self, but as it exalts, and magnifies it self in a sense of its own self-sufficiency, and in the excellency of its work, opposing the work and way that is more excellent, because it finds not its own strength, adaequate to it, as being that which Flesh and Blood cannot endure, and yet cannot give way to Another, no not to the Lord himself, by the breaking and crucifying it in its Natural abilityes, to do that which it can­not do. This was the very Case in our Saviour's time. The Jewes were pitifully at a losse, and would faine have recovered their an­cient splendor, and glory; but they mistook both their objest and their way to it, expecting a Carnal when the designe of God was a Spirituall Kingdome, and expecting to attain that by their own Righteousnesse, which God, discerning the insufficiency and weak­nesse of the Law to assist them unto, through the Flesh, sent his own Son to do for them, Rom. 8. And this is that alone that can un­riddle and resolve our Case. Therefore I said, We must go into the Sanctuary to understand it.

To clear this up (to those that are spirituall and can judge what I say) I shall desire to make this Question, Whether this Apostacy that is upon us be not a Judgment; That is whether to be deliver­ed up to such a Reprobate sense, as we seeme to be (both Rulers and people,) The one to act, and the other to accept and submit to those very things which we destroyed, be not a judgment from God upon us. For my part, I take it to be one of the greatest of judgments, and an effect, and token of Gods forsaking, and de­claring against a people; Spirituall Judgments are the greatest of claring against a people; Spirituall Judgments are the greatest of Judgments, for thus the wrath of God was revealed from Heaven against the Heathen, Rom. 1. for Corrupting themselves in their known light, and not improving and going forward in it. Now whether the manifest tokens of such a Judgment be not upon us; let every sober mind consider; And if so, If this Corrupting our [Page 17]selves be a Judgment, then necessarily through the righteousnesse of God, it must be the fruite and punishment of some preceeding sin; either sinfull Acts, or a sinfull State, one or both, and so we shall come home to the point, to see what many of the adherents to this cause were, and how unlikely it was they should bring forth any better fruit then as they have done.

And in this disquisition we shall be upon surer ground in charge­ing the sinfull State which is generall (and which we must needs ac­knowledge, as being undeniably witnessed, both by Scripture and all experience) then the particular Actions that turn'd them out of the way, which lye more dark, and are more immediately reser­ved to the Judgment of God, though we are not altogether with­out light to guesse at them too. And first we must premise that of the Apostle. That is not first which is spirituall, but that which is Naturall. The first man is of the Earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from Heaven. As is the Earthly, so are they that are Earthly, and as is the Heavenly, so are they that are Heavenly, and as we have borne the Image of the Earthly, so we shall beare the Image of the Heavenly. For flesh and blood doth not inherit the Kingdome of God, neither doth corruption inherit incorrup­tion. It is a Scripture that was wont to be read at the burial of the dead. We are now, I hope, burying this dead, the old man, and O that we might lay him downe in the grave of Christ, never to rise in Corruption, or in a Corruptible and weake state more! But to the Text. As God in bringing forth things out of the first Chaos, first sets up man in a Natural Image, which was but the figure of the true, so in restoring things from the Chaos of Confu­sion, whereinto they are fallen, he first brings forth man in the ex­ercise of a Naturall righteous life, and principle, which hath its beauty and Comelinesse, though it be but as a flower, and soon withers if it be left alont. Yet God is not wanting to it, in serving it, with all advantages that it desires of him, for the attayning of its end; and therefore according to his Covenant is just unto it, affording his presence and blessing, untill it turnes off from him into its own crooked wayes: For though it be short, and too weak to answer the Call and expectation of God in it self, and God restifies so much unto it, and therefore calls unto it, to resigne its life, and self activity, and to take it up anew in him by another [Page 18]Covenant; yet untill it refuse this testimony, & betake it self proud­ly and perversly to its own wayes, he doth not pronounce Judg­ment against it, not totally desert it. Now in the life and vigour of these first principles, did many, and those not meane ones, set forth in our cause at first, which were but Gentile-principles, or principles common with the Nations, though mixt with better things (a light of Scripture and Prophesies at least in the Letter) and these managed by men called up by the Spirit of the Nation which is a mixt Spirit; and persons chosen, having a mixture of Spirit in themselves at best, and what was of a purer and higher Nature was under, not above, was fain to serve, and to come as Jacob in Esaus Garments. When I say, it was but the strength and vigour of a Naturall righteousnesse that girded most in their first setting forth; my meaning is not, to devest them of zeal to Re­ligion, and Reformation. I can beare them record with the Apo­stle, they had (many of them) a zeal of God that way, and if that be more then Gentiles, we will admitt them Jewes, the people of God in Covenant with him. But what will that pro­fit, if there be a resting in the Law, in things that may be shaken; if there be onely a forme of knowledge, and of the truth in the Law? Most of the Jewes had no more, and most professors of Chri­stianity are not beyond that; and yet I believe they are many of them in very good Earnest, their hearts seem to be in what they professe, but the very heart of the wicked (saith Solomon) is little worth. The heart is deceitfull: The inward and truest life of the Naturall man, is but a form, a figure of life. Adam was no more in his best and purest state. Therefore true Circumcision is that of the Heart in the Spirit; not of the heart barely, but the heart in the Spirit. There is one, greater then the Heart, knowes all things (saith John.) The heart may lye, therefore (saith the Apostle) my Conscience beares me witnesse in the Holy-Ghost, that indeed is something: else, Conscience it self is deceitfull where the Spirit hath not been at work, cutting down Man in his Naturall abilityes, and his own self-exalting Righteousnesse. All his Religion may waste and wither away. It cannot hold out against all batteryes and assaults that may be made. He that shall desire a fuller witnesse to this truth, let him peruse Sr. Henry Vanes book, intituled; The Retired mans Meditations, where he [Page 19]shall find an ample testimony. This Honour must be given him (for God hath given it him) to be the first that in that clearnesse hath ministred this knowledge to the world, since the night of A­postacy fell upon it; wherein certainly he hath been specially guid­ed by the Holy Spirit. I can set my seale to it.

CHAP. V. A Confirmation of the former, with the Historical Exemplifica­tion of those Principles in the late Transactions.

SO then there was in our first Engagement, the shooting forth of such a Spirit as God was pleas'd to entertain a Tryal of, and to joyne issue with, as far as it would goe in his work; And many of those worthy Patriots and Souldiers, were, no doubt, accepted of God in their day, and were gathered home; where they are reaping the wages of their faithfull services, being taken from the Evils to come, the time being not then for the two seeds and principles which were in this Cause, to be discovered in their distinction, or opposition rather, and to part asunder; but being complicated to­gether (as light and darknesse, day and night, were in the first Cre­ation before God divided them): the good seed was the blessing of the Cluster; though, I say, it was the younger Brother, and the Un­derling, and the other had the leading forth and management of all.

But when that Spirit had done its work, and gone as far as it could goe, which was to cut downe that Spirit and work that was more unrighteous then it self, wherein God owned them, and was assistant to them; then other work, of another, and far different, Nature appeared, unto which this Spirit that had acted so strenu­ously, and successfully all this while, did bear no proportion, which yet was the end that God had, and still hath in his eye, as the Crowne and advantage of all that Preparatory dispensation, which was frequently in the mouths of many, and they called it building work. How often was the late Protector (while General) heard to say, If ye have any more rough and breaking work for us to do, [Page 20]We are ready; but how to build or to lay one stone aright, we have no knowledge.

Now was the time for faith to have been brought into exercise, and to have looked up for another Spirit, to take the work into its own hands, to have resigned and given up to Him: which Spirit was amongst us, and not improbably was discerned to be growing upon us: but men were afraid of it, and could not trust themselves with it, God ordering things so, that it appeared in much weaknesse and unlikelinesse of the flesh, and so was despised and rejected by the Builders. Many stumbling blocks also of strange Spirits and principles, being permitted to come forth with it: so that then had been the time for men to have thought seriously of that Commonition of our Saviour, Blessed is he that is not offended in me.

This work was the work of God, which he hath been carrying on through all ages even the setting up his Son upon his holy hill of Sion; This was that which God did but justly expect at our hands, That he having subdued all our enemies for us, and broken and put down all powers that stood in the way, we should according to our many foregoing seeming promises and professions, have ac­knowledged these Nations to be his, and have given them up to be ruled and governed by him; and this Rule must have been given forth, and (when ever it appears, it shall proceed) out of Sion from the Lords own Spirit, in his poor broken Crucified ones, whose earthly wisdom is brought into subjection by the Crosse of Christ, to the Heavenly wisdom which is foolishness with the world, whose weapons are not carnal but spiritual, mighty through God. The wisdom that is from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gen­tle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisie.

But the Master-builders reject this corner-stone, and thinking scorn to deliver up the work to this Spirit, and to be out at any thing, though never so hard and difficult, having had the Ʋan all this while, they could not fall in the Rear; having had the guardi­anship of the Heir, they were loath to part with it, and to set up their younger Brother. Must our sheaves bow to His? Therefore they take up a Manly resolution, & having some convictions upon them, of the right that Christ hath to the Kingdom's of this World, [Page 21]they could not down right deny him; and therefore in part ad­mitting his title they are only sollicitous to have as great a share with him as may be; and therefore they will blunder upon the work as well as they may, and they will square and model out the Government of Christ for him: and so they call a number of Per­sons together of all sorts of judgments and interests, which they chose (with as much discretion as they had) of such as were most likely to be friendly to this Mongrel Idea of a Kingdom, partly Christs and partly this Worlds. This so far as man can guels, was the very Constitution of the thoughts, and designs of the late Pro­tector, in Calling the little Assembly, after the dissolution of the Long Parliament, wherein he was upon this advantage, with many honest people: That he undertook this business not till such time as the forementioned Spirit, and interest of Christ had been very much rejected, and hardly intreated by the Builders in Parlia­ment; who had troubled some honest men, and threatned a fur­ther storm upon tender Consciences.

What claim the Lord Jesus did then lay to the Government of these Nations, in the very heart, and conscience of the then Prote­ctor His Speech to that Assembly (some passages whereof have been since quoted by others) may testifie; and how it was entertained, the sequel will shew.

For though this Heterogeneous mixt Assembly, were not found of wisdom, and moderation sufficient to manage things, according to the Platform in the head of the Designers; yet they served to give the Protector a colourable ground, and advantage to reject the thoughts of the Kingdom of Christ, or the Rule of Saints, having now tryed them, and found such an improportionateness in them to such a work; which, some say, was that which was sought and designed by him in the beginning. We need not be so uncharita­ble to surmize that, it is enough and too much, that there was that ready and at hand, to lay hold on this advantage, to put Christ by the Throne as unfit to sit there.

And now, having taken this offence without any remorse or re­gret of mind, that generation of men turn their backs upon the the Kingdom of Christ, and usurp the Grant of a longer Lease [Page 22]for a Kingdom of this World: The Heir is an Idiot and He must have a Guardian, a Protector. Here was the first stone of Jericho laid again; Now did they set themselves from that very day to build again the things they had destroyed: How far and how fast the World recovered again after this, in the space of five years, I think can hardly be paralell'd by the Declensions of any time though some were to the last so Of which number the Author con­fesseth him­self to be one. foolish as to hope the Protector did but put on a Disguise in all these Complyances with worldly Interest, and that he would (when he saw his opportunity) throw off this Mantle and come forth in his own true Spirit, which was hoped was to exalt Jesus Christ in the head of all.

If therefore it be demanded why we did not lift up our voice soon­er, and restify against this Apostacy in the life-time of his late High­nes? The Answer is ready, That with great longsuffering we did wait, hoping better things, looking ever when the Scene would change, especially in every Crisis of Affairs, the Lord hiding these dark Counsels from many, untill the event and issue declared them of what sort they were. But now God hath made them so manifest, that he that runs may read, and it is that which is due to his works to take notice of them, and to sanctifie his Name (which is holy) in them.

Object. But if the Kingdome of Christ was indeed at the door, and come to the birth, it should not have gone back again. For when God will work, who can lett? therefore sure that was not the time, and therefore we are guilty of no such A postacy as you charge us, nor his late Highnesse of turrning his back upon the De­signs of Heaven.

Ans. The Kingdom of God was not onely at the Door and come to the Birth, but it is born into the World, and is among us though as a Kingdome of Patience: Know ye not what our Savi­our said of himself and of his Kingdom? Luk. 17.25. It shall indeed come as irresistably as the light and as generally, and it shall be as evident and conspicuous as the light, but first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this Generation. It is no Argument that the time is not, because men reject the Kingdom: The King­dom hath its time to suffer as well as triumph, to suffer before it [Page 23]triumph: The Son of Man must be betrayed before he be inthro­ned, but woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed, though it be the fulfilling of the Counsell of God: So the King­dom must be rejected of this Generation, What Generation? why mark who put the Question unto our Saviour, vers. 20. The Pha­risees, the strictest Sect of Religious persons among the Jews, the Generation we have been describing in the foregoing Dis­course.

The Kingdom of God could not be rejected, if it did not make its appearance: All men court Christ at a distance, and court the Kingdom of God in the Notion, in the Prophecy of it, they do not reject it there; but when it comes, not coming in their way, with observation and outward shew, they reject: it coming, not in the wise, in the mighty, in the noble, in the learned; but Christ riding on an Asse, coming in Fishermen, in the people that knew not the Law, this was the Offence, and is the Offence at this day. I have heard with my ears, in the time of the little Assembly, some of that Assembly say (into whose hands perhaps this may come, I pray the Lord they may consider it and repent, for they are now of another mind); That if they did not think and believe there were some better and greater thing at the bottom, in the design of Pro­vidence calling them together, then meerly to go upon an outward settlement, they would not continue at that work a day longer; such convictions and awakenings of the Kingdom of God, its being at hand, were upon some Spirits that do now steer another Course.

But to return: To what uncomfortable and dangerous waies and policies this disobedience did subject his late Highnesse, is la­mentable to consider, sometimes to court this party, sometimes that; now with the Cavaliers, then with the Presbyterians: Then, when they galled him, turn to his old friends, and speak kindly to tender consciences, living upon the wrack all his daies, which made him, in all probability, seek his peace in forreign designs, with the noise and reputation thereof to drown the noise of Conscience at home, which was still gnawing at the Root: Then Anti-Christ must be conquered, and the Spanish power that upholds him. Until at last these continuall strivings and fightings within, brought him down into his Grave. The Lord knows, I mention not this to [Page 24]bring up a blot upon his Memory, nor to insult over his Ashes; He that shall do so considers not that He was set forth unto us as a Mirrour of humane frailty: (Therefore be not high minded, but fear) and that it was not his personall ambition, or other Evils, but our sins, in association together, that both gave him up to that temptation, and us to that subjection, wherein certainly he was e­qually unhappy with us, to be the Person that should take away that liberty that He had been imployed to purchase for us, and to have all this ruine befall us under his hand. As for his sin, it is to God, but the use of these things is to us, and upon no other ac­count do I repeat them.

CHAP. VI. A farther and more full Character of that Spirit, in many great Pretenders, that knew not our Cause, nor indeed served it, but serv'd themselvs of it. And a witnesse against them.

BUt why do I speak of the Cause of God, when most of us are ig­norant of it, and far from righteousnesse, as the Prophet speaks. The Cause of God is a divine thing, and, as the day of God, Who may abide it? Is it our ease, our peace, our liberty, our promotion, our pleasures, our Interests? Nothing lesse; The Cause of God is that which searches, and tryes, and burns up all these, is an enemy to all these in that carnall and dark way of understanding, possessing and injoying of them, which men imagine.

The Cause of God is that indeed which hath health, pleasure, deliverance, and salvation in it for every Creature, rightly under­stood, and truly advanced and subjected unto; but of all that we have done, God may justly say, Did ye it at all to Me? Did ye take away the Bishops at all to me? No: ye did it to your selves, and ye have feasted your selves with their flesh, their lands, their reve­nues; Yea, their power and Jurisdiction (so far as for shame ye may) ye do joyfully exercise over your Brethren: When ye took off the King's head, did ye do it at all to me? No: It was to your selves, that ye might be absolute and supream your selves. And [Page 25]hath not the Event shewed it? When ye abolished the House of Lords, did ye it at all to me? Are ye not mad to set it up again? So that, why do we inquire after particulars wherein we have gone a­stray? when we have gone astray from the womb, from our first birth and setting forth in this Cause, we have acted from a gentile principle, from self preservation, for self ends and advantages, from stomach and revenge, because we suffered and were eclipsed by the former powers: Now, the Wrath of man works not the Righte­ousnesse of God (the Apostle tels us), we were never subjected to God in those Rods that were upon us; we could not lay down our lives and take them up again as Christ; we fullfil'd our own lust, and were set to save our own lives in all we did. This is far from the righteousnesse of God: And this may be infer'd, not only from the State we wrought in, which was dark, and legal, and flesh­ly, (as that of old Israel); but from those Characters of wavering uneavennesse, and uncertainty which accompanied all our Actings. Hence we were for the King, and against the King; for treating, and then for breaking off; for carrying on the Cause, and now for carrying it back: thus bringing upon our selves all the blood that hath bin shed in the Land, both on the one side and one the other: whereas the righteousnesse of God is a steady thing, is not yea and nay, puls not down to set up the same again. The righteousness of God judges things in their root and principle, be they in whom­soever, not in person or appearance, disliking the same thing in this person, and countenancing it in another. If ye desire to see your sin, This is thy sin O England! All our thoughts, all our wayes, all our motions, all our imaginations have bin, are, will be found before the Righteous God in this Day of his clear Judgment, that is coming upon thee, evil, onely evil, and that continually: thou canst not turn thee to any one of them, to find the least comfort and satisfaction of a good and righteous working and operation in them, for How can an evil tree bring forth good fruit, or a bitter fountain send forth sweet water? Thy fountain is bitter, thy root is rottennesse; This I must testifie against thee, from the Lord.

Not but that thou hast done Gods work, and fullfil'd and exe­cuted his pleasure upon Kings, Nobles, Bishops, and all the slain and poyled of the Land: Thou hast dressed the Lord's sacrifice but thou hast done it in thine own spirit, and so art no better then Jero­boam, then John, then Nebuchadnezar, and art accountable for all that thou hast done: And God hath now taken thee in the snare of thy own heart, and hath spread thy filthynesse (thy unrighte­ousnesse, thy ambition, thy partiality, thy hypocrisie) in the sight of the Sun. Thou art returned with the Dog to the vomit, and with the Sow to the wallowing in the mire; Thou hast corrupted thy self, and art become abominable, Judah hath justified Sama­ria. Thy sins are as Scarlet, they are of a double dye to the sins of the former generation which God hath cast out before thy face: Thou sawest the Judgments of God on them, for the wayes of pride, unjustice, oppression, which thou walkest in, and wast the Rod in his hand, the Instrument of his vengeance upon them, shalt thou therefore escape?

O! I dread to think what a sad reckoning this Generation hath to make! I can see no glimpse of Comfort for us in any promise; or prophecy, or example, or record in Scripture: (unlesse God powre out a spirit of grace and supplication, a spirit of deep con­trition and humiliation upon us) but our Carcases must fall in the wildernesse as Israel's did. Loruhamah and Loammi must be na­med upon us, Israel shall be as Ethiopia and the bringing up of the Phlistins from Caphtor, and the Assyrians from Kir shall be of as sacred memory, as our Victories and successes; the successes of the great Turk, as holy things, as all our deliverances. I say, un­lesse God make us ashamed not onely of our sins, but of our selves, and of the spirit and root we have growen upon, and acted from in all this? I speak not now to natural men, I know God judges every one by the light and law that they are under, but I speak to the Saints of England, that would be thought and call'd so, many moral men have done bravely and faithfully, and those that have corrupted in those principles, having profest no higher, shall be judged no deeper. But you that say, Ye see, you that have discern'd and cryed up a Cause of God, not civil liberties onely as men, but a Cause of God in civil liberties all for God, for the glory of God, for the Kingdome of God; I say, you shall be judged out of your [Page 27]own mouths. Is this the Cause of God? Is this the Kingdome of God? You in the Council, you in the Army; Is this the Cause of God, now your turn is served? Moral men shall onely be judged for their work, not prosecuting the Cause, but letting it fall, but you shall be judged for no better a spirit unless you judge your selves, I say, there is no hope for you, unlesse a spirit of judgment and burning arise up within you, and cleanse your blood and filthy­nesse from you. And ye shall pay not onely for your spirit, but for that guilt also wherein ye are in Common with others for not prosecuting, but letting fall this Cause, when so far carryed on though darkly and blindly by you, and in the letter. For the same evil made you desist, namely self-Interest, that made you manage it in unrighteousnesse.

For be it known unto you, The Cause of God is amongst us, and shall go on, and is carrying on through all these dark Meanders and Intricacies, whilst you sleep on your down Pillows, and stretch your selves upon your beds of Ivory, and the next advance of it will be the routing of you; Except God awaken you to meet him by speedy Repentance, God will glorifie himself in his Judgments on you, as upon the Cavaleirs before you. Therefore trust not in vain Visions, and cry not, The Temple of the Lord. Is there any truth, mercy, and justice, in the Land? Are not the necessities of the poor as great as ever? are not the oppressions as many? is not pride, luxury, and profannesse, as rife? are not the Courts of Justice as corrupt? Is not the spirit of God restrained and persecured? Is Christ in the Throne? Will ye call this a Reformation that ye are made Kings and Princes? No! the Lord will not own it: This is your work, and your Cause, it is none of his; and God will make you know one day ye had power to have reformed these things, but used it not, forsooth, because you would have offended this great man, and tother useful Interest; ye must have broak with a broken shatter'd World, which will not be able to afford you the least shelter in the day when God shall visit you.

God will carry on his own Cause, if we had never a tongue in the Parliament to plead it, nor never a pen in the Nation to con­tend for is, but what will become of you I know not? How God will do it I know not, but by his own appearing, It is the day of His Power, the day of the Spirit, that is to have its turn next, [Page 28]not Man's day but God's, not Man's spirit but God's, and whom He will use as his Instruments I know not: if any of this Gene­ration, it must be by a Regeneration of them, new moulding, new framing, new spiriting, new principling of them. The new wine must have new bottles, but I see little towards any such thing in any of you. Yet I believe God hath a remnant among you, whom He will lead on to farther things, but it will be with weeping and sup­plications, with great brokennesse of heart, and poverty of spirit, with self-judging and self-abhorring, and then what revenge will ye take of your selves? what restitution will ye make to the Nation? what right will ye do to all men, even to your enemies? Then will ye throw away your Idols of Gold and Silver to the Moles and to the Bats. Then the lofty looks shall be humbled, and the haughti­nesse of man shall be laid low, and the Lord alone exalted in that day.

Till the Spirit be thus powred forth from on high, I look for no salvation to be wrought, but the people shall labour in the fire for very vanity: If it be not in this spirit, in vain is all the tugging of our friends in Parliament, though I would not discourage any honest and righteous spirit to be holding up the bucklers against oppressi­on and slavery upon an honest account. Yet I fear me; nay, I see, and I see with joy, that the day is gone down upon the head of man in his highest Activity wherein he boasts himself. The Princes of Zoan are become fools through our laying too much stresse on them. It is another spirit that must bring salvation, a spirit that is true indeed, that was never false, a spirit that cannot lye nor deceive, that cannot be corrupted. A spirit that hath overcome the World. And I hope this spirit is taking the work into his own hand in this day.

CHAP. VII. Containing a brief Recapitulation of some principal Heads, and the Conclusion of the whole.

TO sum up all briefly, and clear up more distinctly what hath bin in general hinted; Whosoever is able rightly to discern past affaires, will see there was a double Cause set on foot amongst us, viz. the Cause of God, and the Cause of these Nati­ons, which most have had some notion of, but few have adequate­ly described or rightly distinguished them, only have admitted the Interest of Spiritual as well as Civil liberties. But certainly, the Cause of God must needs be higher & larger, of nearer concerr, & of greater consequence than the Cause of the Nation, though that be great; as the Soul is more noble than the body, and the Crea­tor to be preferred before the Creature. The Cause of God, like the Heavens, waters with its dew, cherishes with its influence, embraces in its Arms and bosome, the Natural Rights and Liber­ties of men as its Earth and Spouse, in a subserviency and useful­ness, to the illustration of its own bounty and glory. The Hea­vens are independent on the Earth, not so the Earth on the Hea­vens; The Cause of God needs not us, but we receive all our vi­gor and blessing from it.

2. As there were two Causes, so there were two people or sorts of men, that were drawn forth to serve them: some upon a Natural and Civil account, only having a just resentment of the langui­shing state, of their Civil and Natural Rights and Liberties: and others upon a higher account, as being sensible of the sad condi­dition we were in, as to spirituall affairs, by the Ecclesiastical Taskmasters.

3. These 2 Causes and their Adherents went hand in hand toge­ther, in a joynt & socious way: the cause of God & the cause of the [Page 30]Nation. The People of God were concerned in both Causes, and contributed to both: not only their lives and fortunes, as we call them in common, with the Nation; but, besides and above them, their Faith, their Prayers their Comforts, their Experiences, all their Interest in God, and in the Promises, for the promoting of both; and this not only out of love to themselves, and their own parti­cular concerns; but in love to the Nation, and in duty and faith­fulness to God; whereby the Cause of the Nation in some sense became to them the Cause of God, though always the distinction and subordination preserved.

The Cause of God consists of two parts the one outward and vi­sible, such as is the object of the Natural Man's discerning, viz. Freedom from outward violence and persecution, in the externall exercise of Religion, and the worship and service of God: which because of things that relate to God, may in a large sense be called the Cause of God; but in respect of the Subjects of these Liberties, which are all Men, or every Nation of men, they are but Natural Rights, such as every sort of Men and Religions, whether true or false do challenge and expect; for every Nation will walk in the Name of their God. This part of the Cause of God, is but as the outward Court, which the Gentiles may come into and tread down, and is such an Interest as may be playd fast or loose withall by the Owners, if they hold it only on the tearms of a Natural Right, according as its makes with, or against their Ruling worldly Interest, or Concerns: whether it be profit or honour, as hath been too too manifest in these days: which hath made so many go back from those Principles in this kind, which once they abetted and conten­ded for.

The other part of the Cause of God is wholly spiritual, and so invisible to that Eye that is only natural, though ever so enlight­ned, even in the Letter of the Scripture it self, and is exprest by the Apostle to consist in the deliverance of the whole Creation, from the bondage of Corruption, into the glorious liberty of the Children of God. It is the delivering up all to God, the subjecting of all to him, which is the true liberty of the creature; and this delivering up to God, is not to Him as the head of the first Creation, exercising his Rule by natural Light or Principles: but as [Page 31]the Head of the New Creation by Christ risen from the dead, exer­cising a far higher and better Rule in the New Creature; which though it have for its Subject Matter, the same things that are found in the Rule of the Natural or Moral Conscience, viz. All External righteousness, Religion, and worship; yet it hath them up­on another account, that is, on other grounds, and to other ends; and over and besides them, it subjects the Mind in all its operati­ons in these, to the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Je­sus whereby the Creature is brought forth in newness of operation with Christ: not seeking its own glory, but the glory of its Head: as Christ seeks the glory of his Father. And this true spiritual and glorious liberty, where it is brought forth in any soul, is such an interest as cannot be disposed of, or parted with by its possessor, or made to serve, but disposes of all things in that soul to the ser­vice of the Lord; seeking alwaies to do the things that please Him, not being able to do any thing against the Truth, but for the Truth. Thus those whom the Son makes free, are free indeed, and abide in the house for ever, and never prove false nor turn their backs upon God, or that that is his interest and glory; Every other Spirit is corruptible, and the Rule and Law of its walking is uncer­tain and variable, may be turned this way or that way, as worldly Interest or advantage swayes; but though every man be a lyar, yet God is true and cannot deny himself: and so are they true that are thus born of him, and become one Spirit with him, by the spiritual slaying and crucifying of that life in them, which is subject to chax­ges, and may be corrupted, bribed, and bought off from its Alle­giance.

Had all that took upon them the defence of our Cause been of this Spirit, we should never have had cause to have complained of the betraying and deserting of it.

But that there were some of this Spirit under all the several de­grees of light and discerning in this Cause; I do verily believe, who were therefore accepted of God, and blessed in their Deed and in Christ, were the blessing of the whole, and are many of them at rest, whither they arrived, some sayling through the Sea of their own blood spilt in the High places of the field: others spent and wore out themselves in Counsels leaving the Remnant of their despised [Page 32]and afflicted Brethren, to suffer the indignation of an Apostate world, and to be sad spectators of the havock and shipwrack of a blessed Cause, ready to enter the Haven of its publick obtaining and triumph. While this Spirit was up in our Counsels and Ar­mies, God never withdrew from them; for God was the Father of it, and it is his own Child, and he cannot deny himself to this Spirit which is become a fool in it self, and seeks all its wisdom and dirction from him: therefore he cannot, he may not be wan­ting to it, When in the management of the most outward Affairs viz. our Martial Affairs, the Army or those that had the conduct thereof, own'd this Spirit; they never were without Counsel nor without Signal ownings, and testimonys of acceptance from God. When they said, They knew not their way but from step to step, when they had done one thing they knew not what was next: ne­ve: were they guided in so safe and successful a path, the Promise being to the bliud, that have thus made themselves blind for the Kingdom of Heavens sake, (that have resigned their way and the leading of them to the Lord) that The will lead the blind by a way that they knew not: He will make darkness light, crooked waies streight, and not forsake them.

But when some thought they had been children and fools long enough, and had a lust to be wise, and saw, that unless they were so, God did not make hast enough to give them that which it may be he would have given, nay, certainly will give his people in his own time (Rule and headship over the world, and that with a clear evidence and demonstration in the Conscience of the world it self, of the indubitablenesse of their right and title thereunto, and their fitness alone, separate from all other men to exercise this domini­on). But I say, they would have it in their own time, and by their own way would ravish and usurp the blessing: and I could wish it were but so as Jacob did, and that no worse might come of it, though that was bad enough; He got the blessing with a present curse, and a great deal of sorrow; But here is the very splitting and loosing of our Cause (so far as in them was to expose it) but that indeed it cannot be lost, being the Cause of God and the whole world is his, and the Earth and all things must give up their dead; Whosoever and whatsoever hath swallowed it up, must ren­der [Page 33]it again: That's the comfort of it, which therefore incoura­ges me, to hope it may not be in vain to close with a word of Ex­hortation to all that are faithful, whether in Parliament or Army, or abroad in the Nation, or in any of these three Nations, where­soever these may find them, That they would not give up their hope, that they would not despond concerning our good Cause, Joseph is yet alive, the Cause lives still, though under many gashes and stabs; yet it is alive, being of an eternal nature, it cannot dye. The Cause of God, the right of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ cannot be extinguished: Therefore I beseech you, prepare your selves to serve it, contend vigorously for it: It will shew it self to you, and that shortly I am perswaded, and that not to suffer any more. Maintain it a while, it will be able to maintain you. I say, All you that are born of it, and born into it, that have suckt its milk, that are Natural to this Cause, and it natural to you, Go on to seek the peace and welfare of it, It will reward you all. Perhaps you may discern it, some of you in one light, some in another gra­dually differing, as you may read before, is allowed; Let that make no difference at all, among you. Some it may be are exercised in the rights of men, others in the rights of Christians, some more in the Letter, others more in the Spirit: The more outward not oppo­sing that to the inward work and Kingdom, God accepts of the one as well as of the other. All did not bring the same offering to the Tabernacle; but some Badgers skins, while others brought silk and gold, &c. The lower is in order to the higher, the outward to the inward, and is in some sense the preservation of the inward: Therefore I say, ye are all one womans children. Jerusalem that is above which is free, stand fast in your Liberties; If any of your Brethren be at present found in opposition, they will, they must be brought over to you, it cannot be avoided: and those that seemed sometime friends, but were not, but servants of Mammoni you have an ease and freedom by the removall of them: for they were but a clog unto you, and for them you have lost, you shall have double come forth to you, even from whence you least of all expected; yea, Nations shall flow in unto you. Be but true to God, you shall never want strength, if all the Armies in Heavou, and all the Interest of God in the Earth be able to carry [Page 33]you out, you shall not fall, nor shall your Cause fall. Only be sample, and be not too wise to look before hand, as those whose way is in themselves; but as he that was brought down to God's foot, (that righteous man) so be ye waiting truly upon him in a Resig­nedness of mind, following him as his Providence opens the way to you: designing nothing of your selves, and you shall see God will shew you what to do, yea how you shall recover this Cause again; for All things are possible to him, and it lives to him now: and he will make good what you do, and his glory shall be your rereward, when He goes before you, and who dares fall upon that Rear. And all this pittiful poor dark, worldly stuff which hath been built upon that precious foundation which God hath layd in this Nation, in the hearts of his people, and in the works of his providence, shall crumble and moulder away like dirt, and melt like wax before the fire of this righteous Appearing and arising of God in his poor broken Remnant, Amen, Halle­lujah.

Wherefore serve the Lord without sollicitousnesse, for your la­bovr shall not be in vain: Believe, so shall ye be established. The words are few, and the Counsel is short; but heed it well, and lay it to heart; It is of greater Moment then ye may be presently aware of. I will not say, Heaven and Earth shall passe away be­fore they shall be unfulfilled; but it may be, ye may find the Lord hath said so. I think I may say, It is the Counsel of God unto you for your good, which first or last must and shall take place and that ere long too,


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