Confidence Dismounted. OR A LETTER TO M r Richard Resburie of Oundle in North-Hamptonshire, upon occasion, partly of a Title Page prefixed before a small Treatise of his concerning ELECTION & REPROBATION, Consisting of six Sermons preached by him about three years since, and lately published; the said Title Page bearing in front these words, Some stop to the Gangrene of Arminianism, lately promoted by M r John Goodwin, in his book intituled Redemption Redeemed; Partly also, of a short Preface or Epistle prefixed by the said M r Resbury to that his Treatise. By the said JOHN GOODVVIN, Minister of the Gospel.

Desiring to be teachers of the Law, understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm,
1 Tim. 1. 7.
Nonnulli intelligentes citiùs volunt exagitare quod non intelligunt, quàm, quaerere ut intelligant, & non fiunt humiles inquisitores, sed superbi Ca­lumniatores.
Aug. de Temp. Serm. 72.
Nusquam lego, quid erras, quid delinquis, Pulvis? sed lego, quid superbis terra & cinis?
Musculus in Esa. 64.
Chrisost. Hom. 7. ad Philip.

LONDON, Printed by John Macock, for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes head Alley. 1651.

Confidence Dismounted; OR A Letter to M r Richard Resbury.


MEeting lately with a little Book published under the Name of one Mr Richard Resbury (a Gentleman, whose face, to my best remembrance, I never saw, whose name I never heard of, until now,) in the Frontispiece whereof, and more especially in the Epistle to the Reader prefixed to it, I found many hard and unchristian sayings uttered, not onely against me (which had been more venial,) but against those most blessed and important Truths of God, for the vindication whereof against the contrary Errors (being of most pernicious consequence, as I have demonstratively proved, & which is indeed a thing in it self sufficiently manifest,) he was graciously pleased to stir up and arm my spirit, I judged my self so far a a debtor to the honor of those truths (asserted by me) and to mine own innocency, yea and to the interest of your comfort and peace also, as to declare briefly unto you, and to the World with you, how inconsiderately (that I say not, unworthily) you have vented your self both against a person, who never did you, nor meant you, the least harm, as likewise against those manifest Truths of God, which stand ready prest to bless you, if you re­ject not their blessing. And first I cannot but with bowels of [Page 4] compassion over you, take knowledg of that sad and most un­christian misdemeanor in you (which I finde also in the generality of those, whose Judgments are entangled and polluted with the same erroneous conceits of God, his counsels and ways, with you.) As the blinde and bloody persecuting Heathen of old, were wont to put the Christians into Wolves and Bears skins, and then to set Mastive dogs and other wilde beasts upon them, to tear in pieces and devour them; so do you clothe with, and present the great Truths of God, under reproachful names, as of Armini­anism, Pelagianism, and such like clamorous and scandalous im­putations (of Satanical device) and then encourage your selves, and embolden your Consciences, to storm, and rage, and rail your pleasures against them. But if that be a Gangrene of Arminian­ism, which you charge me to have lately promoted, I marvel un­der the shadow of what conceit, or notion of hope, you stile your piece, Some Stop to it. If you expect your Book should work after the manner of a charm, or spell, (as I confess many such pieces do upon persons of weak and light apprehensions) you have the same ground to honor your Book with such a title, which you have for such an expectation. But if you look that it should ope­rate upon the Judgments and Consciences of men onely by that evidence and demonstration of the Spirit, which shall appear in it, doubtless you had very slender grounds to think, that it should give any stop to the Gangrene you speak of. I beleeve I have far better grounds to judg that it will occasion a further spreading of this Gangrene, and give no stop at all to it. They that are armed with Will and preoccupation, against the Doctrines asserted in my Book of Redemption, who are the onely persons with whom your Book is like to finde approbation and applause, are far from the happy danger of being infected with the said Gangrene: and therefore your Book is no ways medicinal unto them. The whole need not the Physician. A Gangrene cannot be stop'd, where it never comes. As for those, who have conscientiously enquired into, and diligently weighed the grounds of those Doctrines, which you think to blast with an angry puff of Arminianism, and have throughly tasted the spirit and life which reign in the Doctrines themselvs, they are far enough out of the reach of your unhallowed Notions, or from being taken in those snares of your ridiculous pre­tending to magnifie God, and his Grace; which you spread in the [Page 5] way of the simple. And for such persons, who possibly may be at pre­sent unsatisfied whether the Truth be on your side of the way, or on mine, but withall are seriously engaged (as becometh those, who are resolved not to lose their Souls for want of looking to, in such a posture) [...], to follow, and, if it be possible, to finde out the truth, your Sermons are much more like to bring the gan­grene you speak of, into their Judgments, then any ways to stop or prevent it. For doubtless such monstrous Principles, such un­couth, hard, and horrid Notions and thoughts concerning God and his Grace, which are the pillars of your Tenents and Dis­course, are not like to sway the Judgments or Consciences of con­scientious Enquirers, unless it be the contrary way. Nor can I give any account unto my self, why you should (in your Title page) pretend any thing soveraign in your Book against the danger of infection from me, or what hath been written by me, unless it be this; viz. That this Book of yours having for some years (as you acknowledg, if not complain, in your Preface, or Epistle to your Reader) layn upon your hands as a drug, or dead com­modity, you thought by setting such a face or gloss upon it, to make it vendible. For as Erasmus sometimes said of Luther, that poor Lu­ther made many rich; meaning, by occasion of his writing against the Pope, and such Doctrines, which were the pillars of his Throne and Kingdom, which whosoever would undertake to oppose or confute, had great matters of preferment cast upon them; so I perceive that my poor Writings are like occasionally to enrich ma­ny with credit, approbation, and applause from men: and that as Caleb promised his daughter Achsah to wife, to whosoever should smite Kiriath-Sepher, and take it; so doth that Spirit that is a­broad amongst those that are called Ministers of the Gospel a­mongst us (though they preach another Gospel, in effect, and not that of Christ Jesus) promise honor, name, and applause unto any man, that shal but offer to smite either my person, or writing with his tongue, or pen, though they speak or write, neither truth, nor any thing to purpose, against either. And Mr Resbury (it seems) hath harkened unto the encouragement of this Spirit, and by his Title-page hath tempted the World to beleeve, that he hath done some worthy thing against me in my Book of Redemption, whereas it cannot reasonably be thought by any thing in his Book, that ever he look'd any argument, or line of mine, in the face. So [Page 6] far is he from answering any thing argued or asserted by me, either [...], or [...]. Yet not content with the sound of his own Trumpet (in the Frontispiece of his Book) by which he would give the world to hope that he was preparing to battel against me, he, or some factor of his about the City, have purchased the lowder blasts of two Trumpets more to make the same sound, and have bought of two of our common Diurnalists their respective Out­cries, or Proclamarees, to call the world together to be Specta­tors of his learned valour against me, and my Book. Indeed in his Preface he supplies in most untrue and unchristian revilings of my person, that which in his Discourse is want­ing in weight and substance of matter for answer to my Book. But the Spirit I spake of, suggested (it seems) this unto him; If thou beest not able to grapple with his Writings, lay on load of re­proach upon his person: thou shalt have a good reward for thy labor as well in the one kind, as in the other: they shall prosper both alike in thy hand. But Sir, I beseech you by the love you either bear, or pretend to bear unto the Lord Christ, with what goodness of Conscience, or face of ingenuity, can you say, that the main Truths of God concerning his Electing and Redeeming Grace (as­serted, as you say, by you, in your Sermons) have been by the daring hand of that unhappy man Mr John Goodwin, in his wretched Treatise, by him called (but miscalled) Redemption Re­deemed, been so highly assaulted; when as you neither have shew­ed, much less proved, nor (I have very sufficient ground to believe) are able to prove, that so much as any one, no not the least of these Truths, have been in the lightest manner assaulted by me in this Treatise? Sir, I trust you will suffer this word of Christian Ad­monition from him, who God knoweth, and your own Conscience may know, is no enemy unto you, nor to your peace, nor to your honour or reputation; that such causless, groundless, and wretch­ed aspersions and reproaches cast upon your Christian Brethren, as these, will never make your face to shine with any true or perma­ment lustre, nor abound to your account in the great day. In term­ing me, an unhappy man, you speak truth enough in one sence, and little enough in another. It is my unhappiness, in point of honour and respects with men, not to be believed, when I speak the truth; and much more, that my speaking the truth should prove a stum­bling stone unto so many, and occasion their falling into the great [Page 7] and dangerous sins of hard speaking, reviling, persecuting with the tongue, hating, opposing, calumniating the Truth manifested unto them. In all this I am (I confess) an unhappy man. But the Lord Jesus Christ himself was in all such respects as these, an unhappy man also, being set as well for the falling, as for the rising of many in Israel. But that he was a sweet savour unto God, as well in those who perish, as in those that are saved by him, as well in those who fall by occasion of him, as in those who rise, he was a person thrice happy and blessed. And I should deny the signal grace and goodness of God towards me, if I should not judg my self happy in those (not a few) who have been built up by my hand in the know­ledg of God, in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the peace and joy of their Souls; yea and in the reproaches, hard sayings, and evil entreaties which I meet with from Mr Resbury and others, in as much as these also work for me so much a better resurrection, and a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory. In what sence you call my Treatise of Redemption, wretched, I do not well under­stand. If you mean it, wretched, in respect of the sad doom that hath befallen it, by falling into the hands of such hard-spirited men as you and some others are, who by unjust clamours and reviling, set your selves to render the condition of it as calamitous and mise­rable, as you can, I confess your epithete of wretched may stand: I think it is one of the wretchedest Treatises in the world (in this sence.) But if you call it wretched, in respect of the matter, or na­tive tendency and import of the Doctrine contained therein, as if this tended, or had any thing in it likely to make any person under Heaven wretched, or miserable, your Epithete it self is wretched (in this sence,) because it directly tends to make men miserable and wretched, by dividing their judgments and affections from such Truths, which would make them happy, were they received and submitted unto by them.

Whereas you seem desirous to pick a quarrel against my hand, by terming it, during; I confess my hand, and heart too, are very daring, venturous, and bold in assaulting Error, how strongly so­ever fortified by the judgments, affections, interests, preoccupati­ons, Authorities, credits, writings of men. That clear, satisfying, and convincing light of the knowledg of the Truth, which God hath graciously shined into my heart, teacheth my hand to war, and my fingers to fight, against all that is lesser and lower then God in [Page 8] the quarrel and cause of the Truth. And if you count it a blemish, or disparagement unto my hand, to be daring (in this kind,) it is a sign that your own hand hath little courage for the Truth, nor that it dares lift up it self in the defence of it, unless it hath a proud arm of flesh to stand by it, and second it in the engagement. But I perceive that Mr Resburies hand it self is daring enough, whe­ther in the cause of Error, or of Truth, when he thinks he hath hands enough with him to bring him off with honour, though he be foyled.

Whether in calling my Treatise, Redemption Redeemed, I mis­call it, or no, will in due time be judged by a streighter Rule then Mr Resburies sence or notion in the case, and by a far more compe­tent Judg, then He. In the mean time, you will give me leave (I trust) to marvel a little, that you, professing your self so devoted an enemy to that, which you call Arminianism (though I have cause in abundance to judg that you little know what Armini­anism indeed meaneth,) should notwithstanding practise that, which you call (though you miscall it) the Arminian mode so fre­quently, as you do, in spreading a table of Imperial Dictates, in stead of Arguments, before your Reader. This is more like to be the mode of those, who deny the lawfulness of the interposure or use of reason in matters of Religion, then theirs, who profess to hold nothing, to believe nothing in such things, but only what they see or apprehend sufficient reason to evince the truth in. But I fear Mr Resbury was conscious of this nakedness in himself, and fellows, (I mean, of dictating like Emperors, in stead of arguing like Teachers,) and hoped to cover it, with a covering made of a bold imputation of it to his adversaries. For what Argument, or proof, or colour of either, doth he bring, or can he bring, to evince Truth in that charge against me, that in calling the Treatise he speaks of, Redemption Redeemed, I miscall it?

Your subtile insinuation, to have your self notioned like unto Mi­chael the Arch-angel, and me unto the Devil, in this imprecatory prayer against me, The Lord rebuke him, I perfectly resent. But Sir, you should have done well to have considered, whether in case the Arch-angel had had to do with a man, as you have (though as vile and sinful as you apprehend the man of your con­test to be) and not with the Devil, whether (I say) it be not pro­bable, that he would have prayed for him, The Lord forgive thee, [Page 9] and not, the Lord rebuke thee, until his obstinacy had appeared. However, if I have so deeply finned, as you deem and doom me to have done, in judging me worthy to drink of the Devils cup after him, I shall joyn issue with you in the words of your prayer against me, and pray with you, The Lord rebuke me, only with Davids addition, not in his anger. Mr Resbury (I fear) is impatient of all rebuke, for his Errors, either from God, or man, though admini­stred with never so much love and sweetness, by the one and the other. The ground of my fear in this kind, is, because I find that the bare pleading of the Truth, which contradicteth his Error, though without any reflexion in the least upon him, as holding any Error, becomes matter of very high and haynous provocation to him.

And Sir, give me leave to doubt whether you had the consent of your Conscience, or no, in drawing up this charge against me, that for the present I so seriously despise, and so boldly bid defiance unto the peculiar Grace of God. Michael the Archangel durst not bring any railing, much less any forged or false, accusation against Satan himself, when he contended with him. If he had done this, he had fought against him with no better weapons, then those which Satan himself useth in his battels: he had plain­ly diabolized. It is a thing of most deplorable consideration unto me, that those who call themselves Ministers of the Gospel, and are so reputed by others, should so far harden themselves from the fear of the Lord, as to speak and spread abroad at pleasure, words of an infamous and disparaging import against their Brethren, (who never gave them the least cause of offence, whatsoever was taken by them,) and this without so much as any colour­able pretence of truth in them. For Sir, I beseech you, what sentence, clause, word, sillable, letter, tittle, can you, or any other for you, find either in my Book of Redemption, or any other of my Writings, wherein I make the least semblance, or give the lightest intimation that can be imagined, that I at all, much less so seriously (as your charge advanceth) despise the peculiar Grace of God? And yet the unchristian rage of your pen riseth much higher, and proclaims, that I also boldly bid defiance to it. Well might the Apostle James complain, that the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. I, especially in my Treatise of Redemption, am so far from despising the peculiar Grace of God, or from any [Page 10] bold bidding defiance to it, that I magnifie it upon all occasions with all my might; and demonstrate the peculiarity, i. e. the sig­nal excellency and glory of it, to consist in this, that it encompass­eth the whole world about, and particularly visiteth and address­eth it self to every creature of mankind (until it be rejected,) and this in order to their Salvation. So that I make the Grace of God, which is saving in the nature and tendency of it, never the less, but rather the more peculiar, by commending the rich diffusiveness of it to particular men. As for that Grace of God, or rather that degree, or that operation of this Grace, which is actually and even­tually saving unto men, I peculiarize it every whit as much, and (for ought I yet know to the contrary) upon the same terms, which Mr Resbury himself, and men of his Judgment generally do. For my sence and Judgment clearly is, that no person is actually saved, but by such an assistance or operation of the Grace of God, which no other person whatsoever partaketh of, or which is vouchsafed unto no other person, but only unto those, who are actually saved also. Only herein I may (I conceive) possibly dis­sent from them: They hold, that this peculiar actually-saving grace of God is upon such terms decreed by God, or intended to to be given by God, unto those that come to be saved by it, that there was, or is, an absolute necessity for them to embrace it, and so to be saved by it; whereas my sence is, that such grace is no otherwise decreed by God unto those, who in time come to re­ceive it, and in fine to be actually saved by it, then it is unto o­thers, who never come to receive it; and that these might have received it, or come to be partakers of it, in the same way, and by the same means, by which those others, who are in conclusion saved by it, came to have part and fellowship in it. But this differ­ence between Mr Resbury and me, about the peculiar Grace of God, doth no whit more prove me to be a serious despiser of it, or a bold bidder of defiance to it, then himself. Therefore his charge against me in this point is meerly clamorous and aspersive, and such as a tender Conscience would have trembled so much as to demur upon; and how much more to have published?

Of a like staring and broad-fac'd untruth is that charge also, that I challenge an whole Ʋniversity. His ingenuous and modest words are these: Neither hath he, for ought I can (and without partiality) discern (I know not how you should, in case you never [Page 11] read my Book, whereof I have more grounds then one, to be jea­lous) at all repaired their loss, (which is none at all, that either I, or you, know of,) only concealing it from vulgar eyes, (it seems you honor your own, as super- vulgar,) he treads with confidence in their steps, (if all be true, that you say,) and that nothing may want to set IT off bravely, [It? What? what Noun shall we find for a match to this Pronoun? My Masters loss, of which you spake last, is but an untoward one for the relation,] challen­geth an whole Ʋniversity to remove him. Sir, I desire fairly and friendly between you and me, to understand from you, what either word, or carriage of mine, tempted or provoked you to cast this mire in my face, that I challenge an whole Ʋniversity to remove me? I confess I dedicated my Book of Redemption, not to an whole University (much less challenged an whole Ʋniversity, as you asperse,) but to the Vice-chancellor of the Ʋniversity of Cambridg (my worthy Friend and acquaintance,) together with the rest of the Heads of Colledges, and Students in Divinity in that Ʋniversity. And they who shall please to peruse my Dedi­catory Epistle before the said Book, will find, that I am so far from challenging those to whom I make the said Dedication, that I set my self to put all terms of honour and respect upon them, as far as is Christian, and meet to be done. Nor is there any one line throughout this whole Epistle, that, as far as I can imagine, hath so much as the softest ayr, or gentlest breathing of a challenge in it. And yet you not content to have traduced me, as a Challenger of an whole Ʋniversity, add drunkenness to thirst, ironically, and with the open breach of all the Laws of Ingenuity, (that I say not of Piety it self,) insult over me (that I say not over the Spirit of Truth indeed,) in these words (immediately subjoyned,) Doubt­less such modesty and ingenuity must needs be the Character of the Spirit of Truth in him. Sir, the worst I wish you (and there is no harm, I am certain, in the wish) is, that some better and more pregnant character of the Spirit of Truth were discernable in you, then appears either in your Stop, or in your Epistle prefixed to it. Upon this occasion, I shall crave leave to inform you, that other manner of characters of the Spirit of Truth, and of a far more gracious import, were found (and this in the Judgment, and by the Confession of some of his Enemies) in my Great Master Ar­minius (as you, who, it seems, claim your tongue, and pen, for your [Page 12] own, are pleased to stile him, though, as the saying is, you neither know why, nor wherefore,) then the Consciences of your best Friends (I fear) have found in you; though far be it from me to disparage you. You have one who disparageth you (I am unfeign­edly sorry to see it) even your self.

Towards the close of your Epistle, the remainder of your wrath, instead of refraining, you pour out in words seasoned with no better salt, then this: And here I now thank Mr Goodwin, whose darkness, I doubt not, will occasion more light, his boldness (confident I am) will excite modesty; I will not say what an edg his sometimes imperial Dictates, in stead of Arguments (as is the Arminian mode,) sometimes his monstrous Conclusions, sometimes his wrested Quotations, sometimes his uncouth Phi­losophy, sometimes his Consequential Blasphemy, will put upon the spirits of some, whom the Lord shall honour to rescue his truth out of his hands, &c. Sir, I fear that in speaking these things you fall into the condemnation of the English Proverb, which saith, that many talk of Robin Hood, who never shot in his Bow. I cannot judg you a man of so little, either Conscience, or Under­standing, as to think that such causless and groundless imputations as these could have been taken up by you into your pen, in case you had read that Book, the report whereof (it seems) hath put the edg you speak of, not upon your modesty, but your confidence: though (I confess) it argueth not much, either of the one, or the other (Conscience, I mean, or Understanding) in any man, to speak evil of the things, which he knoweth not, (Jude v. 10.) For how can I reasonably conceive, that you intending to publish a Dis­course for the stopping of an erroneous Doctrine (erroneously so called) maintained in a printed Book, should not so much as draw blood of this evil beast with one pointed Argument, in case you had come within the reach or sight of it; though you had left the other Huntsmen you speak of to have followed the chase, and done the plenary execution? Upon which account likewise I cannot praise your saying, that though your Treatise be no Answer di­rected [...] to my Book, yet, &c. For doth not such an ex­pression as this import, that though you have not shaped an An­swer to every particular Argument, or passage, in my Book, yet you have grappled with the most, and most material of them? When as the truth is, you have not in all your Discourse done so [Page 13] much as Canis ad Nilum, or toucht the lightest Argument there­in with the least of your fingers. Is it fair for you to say, that you never indeed read over all Chrysostoms works, when as you never read so much as one line of them?

But whereas you say, I now thank Mr Goodwin, whose dark­ness, &c. it seems you trade much in ironies, and jeers, having a little before informed your Reader (in the same figure) that my modesty and ingenuity must needs be the character of the Spirit of Truth in me. Mr Resbury, as our Saviour admonisheth men not to judg, lest they be judged: so I fear you will first or last meet with those, that will execute legem talionis upon you, that will [...] with you, and pay you home in your own coyn. But if my darkness will (as you doubt not) occasion more light, it is (doubtless) of a much better genius then yours: for your dark­ness occasioneth (or, which is worse, directly causeth) more dark­ness dayly in the world, and leadeth poor people they know not whither. However, I count the imputation of darkness, no dis­paragement unto me, [...], i. e. but that which every man lieth under, as well as I: and if Mr Resbury counteth it no robbery to make himself equal with him, in whom there is no dark­ness at all, that consequential Blastphemy, which without so much as any colour or pretext of ground he layeth to my charge, will be real and apparant guilt upon his own head. I dare not number my self amongst men of any higher attainments in knowledg, then those, who acknowledg, that at present they know but in part: and if those spots of ignorance, which are upon the face of my un­derstanding, may occasion a further clearness and brightness in the understandings of other men, it will help to ballance the sorrow of the inconvenience and loss I sustain by them. Nevertheless as the Apostle speaks of science, or knowledg, falsly so called (by men in his times,) so I make no question but there is darkness falsly so called by men in our days: and I fear Mr Resbury speaketh this dialect too familiarly.

Whereas you say, my boldness (confident you are) will excite modesty; I am sorry it hath had so little of this happy influence upon you. Your own pen falls upon you with the confession of confidence: and your neighbors pen should not much wrong you, in stead of confidence, to write, impudence. But your supposed Antithesis between boldness, and modesty, is no praise to your [Page 14] learning, or understanding. The Apostle Paul was a man of singu­lar modesty, far from all unseemly self-assuming, conversing with fear and trembling amongst men, devesting himself from place to place of the honour and praise of all those worthy accomplish­ments, that were in him, and of all those great things that had been done and suffered by him, for the Gospel: and yet was he [...], a man as bold as a Lion, not fearing the fiercest counte­nance of man in the world, nor reproof from any man touching the truth of those things which he held and taught. Ʋprightness (as the common Motto hath it) hath boldness.

But amongst all your undue aspersions, you should have be­friended your reputation in forbearing that of Imperial Dictates in stead of Arguments. If you had judged it safe to have follow­ed me in my Book with your Answers [...], you would have met with Arguments, in stead of Dictates (whether consular, or Imperial,) and not Dictates, in stead of Arguments. They that are acquainted, either with my Preaching, or Writings, will (I doubt not) be my Compurgators in the scandal of being wanting, or sparing, in Arguments, or of obtruding things without ground or proof, upon the judgments of men. And if to use imperial Dic­tates, in stead of Arguments, be the Arminian mode, it seems the Arminians are Presbyterians, these being the men, who in their Synods and Assemblies are wont to bind what burthens of Faith they please upon the necks of men, without giving any why, or wherefore, but their own Authority. My frequent and free advice to all my Friends and Hearers, is known to be this: Not to believe any thing, whether from me, or any other man, but what they see sufficient ground and reason why they should beleeve. He that should satyrize the Town of Newcastle for want of Coals, might comfort Mr Resbury in his Indictment against me for want of Ar­guments.

What you mean by monstrous Conolusions, I confess I under­stand not: I wish you well understand your self. There are no conclusions I know of, or am able to call to mind, in that Book of mine, which so much offends you, but what are the genuine and natural issue of your own Principles and Tenents: yea and are frequently delivered and asserted by your own Prophets, and Great Founders of your Faith in the Points of Election, Reproba­tion, &c. Calvin, Musculus, Bullinger, Peter Martyr, &c. So [Page 15] that in calling my conclusions, monstrous, you fall foul upon your own Tenents and Opinions also, and put these to rebuke. But it may be your maxim is: Pereant amici, dummodò & inimici unà pereant: i. e.

Let dearest Friends destroyed be,
So Foes may bear them company.

However, you should have provided for your credit somewhat better at this point, in case you had brought forth (at least) one of the monsters you speak of, that so your Reader might the bet­ter have understood what you call, monstrous, and likewise have had some ground for his belief of your honesty, in charging me with monstrous conclusions. For (as the saying is) Si accusâsse sufficiet, quis erit innocens?

If it sufficeth to accuse,
Who shall be innocent, I muse?

Concerning your charge of wrested quotations, I must crave leave to tell you, that wrested quotations are as far beneath me, as I perceive speaking truth to be above you. If you wrested the Scriptures no more, then I do Authors, your notions about the Counsels and Dispensations of God would be much streighter then they are. I am all thoughts made that the Truth maintained by me is able to stand upon her own proper base, against all op­position, and hath no need at all to be supported by the rotten props of wrested quotations, no nor yet by the credit or repute of any Author, or Authors whatsoever, though never so pertinent­ly or candidly quoted to her assistance. Nor do I mention or make use of Authors upon any such account, as if the Doctrine I teach, were not able, without having any thing at all added unto it by men, to commend it self with sufficient evidence and power unto the Judgments and Consciences of all considering men, and truly desirous of the knowledg of the Truth: but partly to re­move that stone, or straw rather, of offence, (at which people of effeminate and weak apprehensions are so apt to stumble,) viz. That the said Doctrine wanteth an arm of flesh to stand by it, was never held by orthodox or pious men: partly also to demon­strate that the greatest Opposers of this Doctrine were not so con­sistent with themselves in their opposition to it, but that ever and anon they fluctuated in their Judgments about it, yea and some­times pulled down with one hand, what they had built up with [Page 16] the other. This is a thing so manifest to those, that with judg­ment and observation are any thing conversant in their writings, that to deny it, is (in effect) to deny that the Sun is up at noon day. Therefore for him to wrest quotations, or pervert the sayings of men, who hath no more need either of men, or their sayings, then I, or the Doctrine asserted by me have, is to sacrifice both his precious Name, and more precious Conscience, upon the service a nut-shell, or thing of nought. There was more wisdom then so, though not much honesty, in that saying of the Heathen: Si jus violandum est, regnandi gratia violandum est: i. e.

Justice too sacred is to harm,
Unless a Kingdom be the charm.

Nor am I at all edified by your reproof for my uncouth Philo­sophy. I make little use of any kinde of Philosophy in the Book you wote of: nor can I imagine unto what passage throughout the whole Book this stigm relateth. My whole Estate in Philoso­phy is not (I confess) very great. That modicum which I have, is generally of the ordinary and best-known stamp: nor have I, to my knowledg, so much as any one uncouth, affectate, or sequestred notion in my whole Systeme. If you were as chaste from the pollutions of uncouth Divinity, as I am of uncouth Philosophy, the Lord Christ would take more pleasure in you, then now (I fear) he doth. But (it seems) you wanted two words to make a new slander: and he that stood invisibly at your right hand, and of whom you were not sufficiently aware, bad you put in, un­couth Philosophy.

I perceive you do not think that you have yet layd on a suffici­ent load of calumny and reproach; and therefore you resolve to adventure onesheaf more of the same grain upon your cart, heavier then all the rest. You arraign me for a misdemeanor, which you call, Consequential Blasphemy. I want your heifer to plough with, to finde out your riddle of consequential Blasphemy. What may we call the opposite species of Blasphemy, contradistinguish­ed to that which you term, Consequential? Or by charging me with consequential Blasphemy, do you mean, that I hold or reach such Positions or Doctrines, the direct consequences whereof are blasphemous? This is the fairest and best sence that (as far as my short understanding is able to reach) your words will bear. But Sir, if the Doctrine or Principle it self be not blasphemous, un­possible [Page 17] it is that any legitimate Consequ [...]e, or Position dedu­cible from it, should be such. If the first fruit be holy (saith the Apostle) the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And your Logique Maxim is:

Ex veris possit nil, nisi vera, sequi: i. e.
From Truth, nothing, but truths themselves, will follow.

Therefore if there be any thing blasphemous in my Book, you should rather have charged it upon my Principles, or fundamental Doctrines, then upon any thing consequentially deducible from them. Or if by the consequential Blasphemies you speak of, you mean your own spurious consequences begotten rape-wise, either by your ignorance, or passion, or some worse spirit then either, upon my innocent premisses, and call these blasphemous, it is a clear case, that the bastards are yours, and only layd by you (after the manner of those that are loath to own, or keep their own chil­dren) at my door. Onely you should have done well to have given your Reader a tast of that which you call consequential blasphemy, out of the book it self, that so he might have understood your mea­ning in this particular of your Charge. But as Potiphars wife out of a spirit of Anger and Revenge, accused her chaste and loyal ser­vant Joseph of incontinency unto his Lord, because he rejected and abhorred her unchaste and disloyal motions: so (I fear) you accuse me of Blasphemy (whether consequential, or by what name or title soever called or distinguished) unto the world, out of a spirit of indignation, because I will not say a confederacy, where you, and men of your Principles, say a confederacy, against the honor, mercy, goodness, justice, truth, and other the glorious Attributes of God, but have set my self, and endevored with all loyalty and faithfulness unto my God (whom with my whole heart and Soul I love, reverence, and honor) to detect those Doctrines and Te­nents of Blasphemy, wherewith the Judgments and Consciences of so many thousands have been bewitched and abused; as the [...]ghter sort of the Jews were with those garnished or painted Sepulchres of the Prophets and righteous men (thus garnished and painted by the Scribes and Pharisees, Matt. 23. 29.) which within were full of nothing but rottenness and dead mens bones. I had a full taste of this spirit in a man of your, Judgment (a Mi­nister in this City) at a publique Disputation about these Contro­version (now above a year since) who when I argued, and clearly [Page 18] evinced that Doctrine of Reprobation maintained by him, and his party (which is the same with yours) to contain this Blasphemy in it, viz. that God should Reprobate himself, he replyed unto me (in the hearing of thousands there present) Sir, I pray speak more reverently of God. By which words he sought to insinuate into the Auditory, that I had spoke irreverently or blasphemously of God, when as I onely detected and brought to light before the people that horrid Blasphemy, which was bound up in a bundle at the heart of his and your Opinion, against which I then disputed.

Sir, you say (though untruly, as is before proved) I challenge an whole Ʋniversity to remove me: I will not challenge you, but modestly and humbly entreat and desire you (and if you please, you may take ten Universities to your assistance) that you will please to shew me (onely I desire withall that you will not shew me darkness in stead of a vision, or that which is not, under the name of that which is) but that you will please to shew me, any one spot of my darkness, any one strain, either of any unseemly boldness, or of any uncouth Philosophy, or of any Blasphemy (whether consequential, or of what kinde soever) any one in­stance, either of my imperial dictating in stead of arguing, or of any monstrous Conclusion, or of a wrested quotation, through­out my whole Book. If you be able, and shall please christianly and friendly to shew me any of these, it will be an excellent oyl, that shall not break my head; you shall finde me [...], easie to be entreated, tractable both to matter of acknowledgment, and amendment of what is amiss. But if you be not able to make good, upon a fair and reasonable account, all, or any the particu­lars, wherein you have rendered me to the world a man of guilt, and much unworthiness, I trust you will make haste to the golden Altar of Repentance, and lay hold upon the horns hereof for the safety both of your conscience and reputation: and will not count it any great thing to repair, what you have demolished and pull­ed down.

One thing (before I cloze) I desire calmly to know of you: why, or upon what account, you term the Doctrine, maintained by me in my Treatise of Redemption, by the name of Armini­anism. If it be simply because the said Doctrine was (as you suppose) held and maintained by Arminius, 1. I must crave leave to inform you, that unless the good figure Synecdoche makes peace [Page 19] between such your supposition, and the Truth, they will never a­gree: For the Doctrine here taught by me was onely in part held by Arminius: the main foundations on which I build, you will not finde layd by him. 2. Were it granted, that what I teach in that Book, was (for substance of matter) nothing but what is to be found in his Writings; yet what reason is there why that which I teach in common with Arminius, should be termed, Arminianism, when you teach twenty times more upon the same, terms (I mean, in common with Arminius) and yet would be judged the freest man in the World from Arminianism?

If you charge me with Arminianism, because the Doctrine which I maintain, was held by Arminius with opposition or con­trariety to the Truth; 1. Whether this be a truth, or no, adhuc sub judice lis est, is a case yet depending in the Court of Equity: and I beleeve before many years shall have passed over the head of the world, all competent Judges will pass sentence against you in the Point. 2. In case it were true, that Arminius did indeed main­tain that Doctrine in opposition to the Truth, about which I make one in Judgment with him, yet why should my Doctrine be ra­ther termed Arminianism, then either Calvinism, Musculism, Martyrism, or the like, considering that Calvin, Musculus, and others (reputed Orthodox) did assert over and over, and this in terms every whit as significant and express, as any found in Armi­nius, the very self-same Doctrine, as I fully, and above all contro­versie and contradiction, prove by many Testimonies cited from the Writings of these men, in my said Treatise of Redemption. If you here plead, that these Authors elsewhere in their Writings, de­clare their Judgments in opposition to this Doctrine; 1. I make little question but that this may with as much truth be said con­cerning Arminius himself. 2. If those other Authors declare sometimes for the said Doctrine, and otherwhile against it, why should he, who teacheth contrary to what they deliver in one place, be traduced as an Opposer of their Doctrine, rather then he, who teacheth contrary to what they teach and deliver in another? Sir, I fear that when the Lord Jesus Christ (both yours, and mine) shall come to umpire between you, and me, your aspersing his Truth with infamous and ignominious terms will turn to no good account unto you.

Concerning your Treatise, or Sermons, if there be any thing in [Page 20] them more material or weighty, then what your Great Makers at the Synod of Dort have upon the same account, which you stand up to justifie, afforded us in their Synodical Writings, it shall (God willing) be taken into consideration in due time. But I beleeve that when the Oaks of Bashan shall be hewn down and fall, the shrubs and under-wood will be broken and beaten down to the ground under them: and that when the horsemen are put to rout, the infantry will throw down their arms, and quit the field. As for your Decree of Absolute Reprobation, when you seek for it in the nineth to the Romans, you dig in a wrong field to find any such treasure: and the truth is, that you will, or may, as soon discover the Element of fire at the bottom of the Sea, as such a Reprobation as you dream of, in that Chapter, or indeed in any other quarter or passage of the Scriptures. Yea your self in this very Epistle, making your Elect ones, through weakness of Judgment, and unskilfulness in the mystery of Christ, liable to be seduced by a Spirit of Error, do little less (if not every whit as much) then shake the foundations of your Absolute Reprobation. If you speak of such a liableness to seduction, which endangereth not the Salvation of the seduced, your zealous solicitousness for the suppression of Error, is to little purpose, at least in reference to such persons. For men, whether Elect (in your notion) or not Elect, will be always liable to be thus far (at least) seduced, were all the Errors at present on foot in the world, never so throughly suppressed. Besides, according to your principles, all the sins which your Elect shall at any time commit, or fall into, shall work for good unto them, and not only be forgiven immediately upon the Commission. Therefore your care of preventing their seduce­ment, being truly interpreted, is only a care to keep them from that, which would turn to a certain benefit or advantage unto them, in case they were not kept from it. If you speak of a liable­ness to such a seduction, which may possibly end in the destruction of the seduced, then you clearly suppose a possibility of the perish­ing of your Elect ones: and if your Election staggers, or waves, how can your Reprobation stand fast? How impertinently you cite, and apply to your purpose, those words of the Apostle, The foundation of God stands sure, but that I am unworthy to teach, you might have learned from the 359. and 360. Pages of my Book of Redemption. But I shall (I trust) ere long, interruptory occa­sions [Page 21] not too numerously or importunely thronging me, vindicate the innocency of that nineth Chapter to the Romans, from the scandalous imputation of holding correspondency with so mon­strous and horrid a Doctrine, as that which Mr Resbury, with ma­ny others, (led aside out of the way of Truth by the same spirit of Error and delusion,) teach under the notion and name of, Abso­lute Reprobation. In the mean time, hoping that for the future you will be more Christianly tender of the Names and Reputations of your Brethren, at least until you know more evil by them, and this upon better terms, then (I am certain) you yet know, or can know, any by me, or (I trust) ever shall know, I take my leave, be­seeching the God of all Grace, with all fervency and effectualness of prayer and supplication, that he will vouchsafe to make both your anointing and mine, with the Spirit of Revelation, much more rich and full, then hitherto it hath been, that we may be more able to give the light of the knowledg of God in the face of Jesus Christ, unto men.

Your assured Friend in Christ, above, and against, all unkindnesses, or evil intreaties, John Goodwin.

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