The Age of VVonders OR MIRACLES are not CEASED.

BEING A true but strange Relation of a Child born at Burslem in Stafford-Shire, who, before it was three quarters old, spake and prophesied strange and wonderful things touching the King, three nights together, contained in this ensuing Relation, as it was affirmed in a Letter by Mr. Colclough, Justice of the Peace, to Colonel Pury; and attested upon Oath by Elizabeth Locket and her Husband, the Childs Nurse.

With divers other remarkable Predictions, Signes and Wonders, in relation to Monarchy, and the Child born with three Crowns.

PSAL. 8.2.

Out of the mouth of Babes and Sucklings hast thou Or­dained strength because of thine enemies.

⟨March. 23. 1659⟩ London, Printed for Nehemiah Chamberlain, and are to be sold at the East end of St. Pauls, 1660.

The Age of Wonders.

IT is an ungratious quality of our English Islanders, ra­ther then not to be babling, to belie, deprave and scan­dalize one another, whereas the condoling our own mi­series and glorifying God for the wonders which hee daily revealeth, and the deliverances which we continually finde, are subjects more becoming our Meditations.

God will never shorten the evidence of his own Essence and omnipotence, were it onely to the confutation and con­demnation of Athiests, the holy Ghost is not confined to the rules of Nature, but doth declare his wonderful and secret de­terminations oft-times by supernatural means, and not sel­dom by crossing the course of Nature.

Not to ravel out the Scriptures which are full of such presi­dents, we need go no higher then the present times wherein we live, which may not unjustly be called The Age of Wonders; Where are our Histories Sacred and prophane which can pro­duce the paralel to the late years wherein we have lived for ad­mirations.

Not to mix ink with the Sacred Royal blood, so unnatural­ly, Sacriligiously and inhumanely drawn, which yet seems to sleep (a Wonder in comparison of Gods Revenge for Murther, which hath never been known to fail, even to the most incon­siderable instance) we shall do well to take some Doctrines from Infants as well as from irrational and sometimes from inanimate Creatures, all of them naturally incapable by speech to utter any thing to our understanding, and first for Infants; To omit those serene and innocent Martyrs of Pharaoh and Herod, who (notwithstanding their incapacity of speech) confessed and shewed forth the praise and glory of God, not in speaking but in dying, let us go no higher then a dozen years, within which time we shall make evident, that three cra­dle Infants have made audible & wonderful revelations in or­der to the restoring of Monarchy into this wretched Kingdom. [Page 4]One, a Boy, about the coming in of the present King Charles born a Sudbury, at eleven weeks old, was plainly heard as well by his Parents as others, to speak, before his Majesties march to Worcester, and say A King, which he often repeated, a truth generally known to the inhabitants of those parts.

A second, is another Boy, as yet under two years old and living, was born with Teeth in his mouth, with two tongues in his mouth, and three Crowns upon his head where others have but one, he walked in his Mothers hand at six moneths old, and from his birth spoke, and ever in his speech named A King, which to this day he not only continues with other ex­pressions, but if any one in his presence do but name the word King, the boy seems to be over-joyed; how he behaved him­self sometime since in the Commons House of Parliament, where, in his deportment and expressions, he fore-told their declining, is better to be taken from their own Officers.

A third, which is a Female Child, we have certified from Burslem in Stafford-Shire, which Child is nursed by Eliza­beth Locket the Wife of John Locket in the said Parish of Bur­slem, who are people of very honest conversation; The said nurse about a Moneth or five weeks since undressing the Child at eight of the Clock in the evening, the said Girl Infant (be­ing much under three quarters of a year old) was heard plain­ly to say A King, which she repeated seven times after each other, and did the same three nights together, about the same hour in the evening, which child never spake before, nor since. This Relation was sent in a Letter to Colonel Pury, and is offered to be deposed upon oath by John Colclough Esquire, one of the Justices of Peace in the said County of Stafford, and this the said John and Elizabeth Locket dwelling in Burslem a­foresaid.

In this Miraculous Predection of an Infant, more things are observable then may be slightly passed over; First for an Infant to speak is so wonderful, as we have not seen the like Recorded, no not of the Son of God himself, who did fully accomplish all manner of his Relations to Humanity, sin onely excepted, be­fore he is mentioned to speak, but in these Infants the growth of Teeth, and strength to other Organs of speech seemed to be perfected, onely for declaring a Miracle; The two first Children [Page 5]were born with Teeth, of which the last had onely three a long while, the number of the first, or the relation of any born with the last, is not yet brought to our knowledge, therefore we will observe something upon the Number Three.

Number is an Art, it is no Natural gift, for the Indians who want the use of Letters, have not the gift of Numbering, fur­ther then by their fingers they can prompt their memory, and even at that help, few of them can arrive at the number of a hundred, and by our own Children we find, that though we bring them early to the comprehension of Letters, yet they can retain no great number, till age have strengthened their memories.

The Heathen Philosopher saith, That the first part of Wisdom, is well to Number, and the Divine Royal Prophet, makes it a chief of his Prayers to Number his dayes, that he may apply his heart unto Wisdom; Whereby it is evident that a princi­pal part of Wisdom rests upon the Art of Arithmatick; in short it is the strongest link in the Chain of Assotiation, nor Govern­ment, nor Laws, nor Trade can subsist or continue without numeration.

At this time we shall have occasion to touch and onely to touch three of the said numbers, that is to say, one, Three and Seven; by that number, or rather beginning of numbers one, we are lead to the serious consideration of the Word KING, which was the subject, and the whole Subject of all the three Childrens miraculous speech, like the one Prophet amongst the Lyons, or like the three children in the fiery Furnace, whose discourse was of one God in Three Persons, as this is of KING Monarchal by three Children.

One is a number uncomposed, and not numerable because it cannot be divided, neverthelesse it createth and produceth innumerable accounts, and being again repeated, it maketh two, and so runs ad infinitum, and indeed one and two are the Number of God who is Infinite, one relating to the God-head which is indivisible, and one and two, making three (which is Infinite) to the personal Description of the Sacred Trinity; God therefore willing to make a wonderful Revelation of his Essential and Personal presence with Kings, who are his Cho­sen and Annointed Servants, hath given Supernatural Power [Page 6]to Babes and Sucklings, to reveal this Mistery to them who are Babes in Grace, that they may become Babes of Grace by their obedience to his Ordination, for though the Powers that are indifinitely the ordained Powers of God, yet some are of wrath, as those seem to be which are composed, and others of Mercy which best suits with Monarchy, judgement being within the Office of Magistrates, but Mercy onely within the the Power of Kings.

It is therefore an evidence of Gods great Mercy intimated to these distracted Nations, in conveying to the people by these innocent Mouths the Name of King, who is the Image and Earthly Angel of God, by whom he hath given more delive­rance to his Church in all Ages, then by any multiplyed Ma­gistrates; his Israel was never so much under slavery, as when they had no King, for because every man did what was good in his own eyes, no man did what was right or acceptable in Gods eyes, which are single, pure, and can behold do compo­sitions which are not of his own Creation.

The next number we are to consider is Three, which we ap­ply as well to the Infants speaking, as to the repetition of the Word KING; The number it self is a most Sacred Number, denoting the Holy, Blessed and Sacred Triniry in Unity, which God delineated to man-kind by Kings, who in their Government have no lesse then a Divine Trinity, themselves are the Fountain of Mercy, their Divine Counsellors are the Sanctum Sanctorum of Wisdome, and their politick Magistra­cy are the Conduits by whom Justice flows to their people.

In this number of Three, all things are confirmed, there are Three which bear witnesse in Heaven to the Eternal God-head, and there are Three which in earth do witnesse the Truth of this; There are Three Dominions under a King Monarchal in his God-like Power over his people, Aristocratical in his con­stant Counsel of Nobles, and Democratical in his Legal Conti­stutions by Parliaments, and in the mouth of these Three wit­ness all Peace, Vnity and Amity is composed between a King and his people,; These are like three Angels which appeared to Abraham, which foretold the blessed Events which should come to pass, which we have heard with our ears from Anti­quity, and do see with our eyes performed in their Unity, and [Page 7]must therefore (unless we be Athenists and Infidels) believe, with our hearts shall be confirmed to all Eternity; Therefore this still and secret Revelation by three Babes, is a great and indubitable confirmation to us, that God is in their peaceable infallible Voice.

Our little Female Prophetess is not without her Mystical Excellencies and Numbers, the Holy Scripture hath recorded to the end of time the prophesies of divers Women, some in the Birth of their Children have given them names fore­telling their dispositions; Holy Huldah in the old Testament, & St. Anna in the new, were Prophetesses most famous though of great age and experience, but that an Infant of about seven moneths old should articularly and audibly become the pro­phetical bringer of such happy Tydings to a distracted people, that the God of mercies after such Gyantick provocations as these sinful Nations have produced, should renew his mercies and again become their King, and in earnest of this unmeasu­rable Blessing give them his Deputy anointed by his own ap­pointment, and in all Sacred accomplishments made the Image of his own Son, and declared all this out of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings in whom he hath ordained supernatural strength, what is it but that he may still and pacifie his and his Annointed, and his chosen peoples enemies.

And further in this his mighty, though small Champion, he hath shewed his Visible Power, by Testimony of his Sacred Number of Seven; For this Infant continued naming the Word KING seven times, and did so every night, for three nights and no more, both which numbers were exactly ob­served by such as heard the Infant deliver this wonderful Truth.

This number of Seven is accounted the most excellent of numbers, and hath been the Conduit to convegh divers of Gods great blessings to us; the first Consecration of it, was to his own rest, after the Creation in the next place he used it to number our dayes into weeks; Again he made it the Messen­ger of Jubile and Deliverance to his People from their hard-hearted Oppressors and Pursuers, he made it the Measure of his Gracious Plenty and Provision in Aegypt, which he had prepared to be a Store-house, Tryal and Advancing of his [Page 8]Chosen Israel; and Finally he made it the Accomplisher of that distance between his Mighty Resurrection and Glorious Ascension.

These and many other great Mysteries hath he most Gra­ciously coushed under this his Sacred Gift of Numeration, which when they are become such Miraculous Convey­ances of his Sacred and Secret Mercies to Man-kind, who is he that shall dare to resist them when his power and Justice and mercy so evidently appear in them, and not be found to fight against God himself.

Let our Brethren therefore take Gamaliels counsel, and seeing they have desparately tryed and sadly found that these late Rebel­lions against Gods holy institution of Monarchy, are not of him, they having been so far from prevailing, as not only their Inventions and Inventors are alike confounded and come to nought, but that the abused people also whom they made their unhappy and now most miserable Instruments, are brought into calamities irrecoverable, as to themselves and their own power; Let them we say return least they be found fighters against God, who will assuredly go on in his punishments upon all them who do not honour and obey, and say,



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