  • 1. Vniversity-Colledge
  • 2. S. Maries Colledge
  • 3. Queenes Colledge
  • 4. All Soules Colledge
  • 5. Oriall Colledge
  • 6 Brasen nose Colledge
  • 7 Lincolne Colledge
  • 8 Exeter Colledge
  • 9 Divinitie Schole
  • 10 Vniversity Scholes
  • 11 Iesus Colledge.
  • 12 Bailioll Colledge
  • 13 Trinitie Colledge
  • 14. S. t Iohns Colledge.
  • 15. Waddam or newe Colledge
  • 16. Corpus Christi Colledge.
  • 17. Merton Colledge
  • 18. Christ Church Colledge
  • 19. Pembroke Colledge
  • 20. Magdalene Colledge
  • 21. S. t Maries Church.
  • 22. All Hallowes
  • 23 Christs Church
  • 24. S. t Aldates Church.
  • 25. S. t Ebbes
  • 26. S t Peters in the Baily
  • 27. S t Peters in the Easte.
  • 28 S t Michaelis
  • 29 S t Magdalene.
  • 30 S. t Giles.
  • 31. S. t Clemens
  • 32 S. t Thomas
  • 33 Ladies Chapell
  • 34 somtime Osney Abbey.
  • 35 White Friens
  • 36 Glocester Hall.
  • 37. Highe Bridge.
  • 38. Highe Streate.
  • 39 South Streate
  • 40 North Streate
  • 41 Corne market
  • 42 Great Baily.
  • 43. Quater Voys.
  • 44. Castle Streate.
  • 45 Catte Streate.
  • 46 S t Iohns Streate
  • 47 Bridewell.
  • 48. Christ Church Almes houses
[inset map of surrounding land]

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