See, hèer, Malignants Foolerie
Retorted on them properly
The Sound-Head, Round-Head, Rattle-Head
Well plae'd, where best is merited.
This Foolish World is full of foule mistakes,
Calls Virtue, Vice, & Goodnes Badnes makes [...]
The Orthodox, Sound & Religious Man,
Atheists call Round-Head (late) a Puritan:
Because Hee, (roundly) Rattle-Heads, Truths foes,
Plainly depaints, As this next figure showes
See, heer, the Rattle-Heads most Rotten-Heart,
Acting the Atheists or Arminians part;
Ʋnder One Cater-cap a Ianus-face,
Rejecting Truth, a Crucifixe t'embrace:
Thus Linsey-Wolsie, Priestly-Prelates vile,
With Romish-rubbish did mens Soules beguile
But heer's a Round-Head to the purpose shown,
A Romish-Rounded-Shavling, too well known;
A Balld-pate Fryen a Round-Head indeed,
Which doth (almost) Rotunditie exceed:
Since These Round-Heads, with Rattle-Heads so 'gree,
Romish Malignants Round-Heads (right) may be.

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